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Showing 38,626 through 38,650 of 39,619 results

Abnormal Psychology (Second Edition)

by James N. Butcher Susan Mineka Jill M. Hooley

The book presents the fundamentals of abnormal psychology and offers the most thoroughly researched and up-to-date explanation of psychopathology today.

Abnormal Psychology in a Changing World

by Jeffrey S. Nevid Spence A. Rathus Beverly S. Greene

Abnormal Psychology in a Changing World, 9/e uses first-person narratives from people struggling with psychological disorders as a pedagogical framework. Updated to reflect the revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5), the authors endeavor to bring research developments and advancements in abnormal psychology to students. Through illustrative case examples drawn from the authors' own experiences, they recognize there is a human dimension to the study of abnormal psychology.

Abnormal Psychology and Life: A Dimensional Approach

by Christopher A. Kearney Timothy J. Trull

Chris Kearney and Tim Trull's ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY AND LIFE: A DIMENSIONAL APPROACH provides students with a concise, contemporary, science-based view of psychopathology that emphasizes the individual first and the disorder second. Through consistent pedagogy featuring clinical cases and real first-person narratives, the text illuminates our understanding that abnormal behavior--rather than being either present or absent--exists in everyone to some degree on a continuum from normal to pathological. By highlighting this widely accepted dimensional view--which places the behavior of an individual at the forefront of clinical assessment, prevention, definition, and treatment--the text's goal is to encourage students to become intelligent consumers of mental health information. With its emphasis on assessment and treatment as well as prevention, the book gives students the tools necessary to understand the precursors of abnormal behavior, overcome the stigma associated with it, and identify the real people classified as exhibiting it.

Abnormal Psychology (7th Edition)

by Ronald J. Comer

Each new edition of Ronald Comer's Abnormal Psychology has offered a fresh, comprehensive, and exciting presentation of the field, with objective, balanced coverage of a wide range of theories, studies, disorders, and treatments and all major models. Each new edition has also integrated the latest in pedagogical tools and state-of-the-art media for students and instructors. But even by Comer's standards, the new edition of Abnormal Psychology is an exceptional revision that captures the way the field has changed, the world has changed, and students have changed. The beautifully redesigned new edition features more than 2,000 new references from the years 2006-2009; hundreds of new photos, tables, and figures; and expanded coverage of multicultural issues, cognitive theories and treatments, and neuroscience topics. There has never been a text for the course so well-attuned to both the field of abnormal psychology and the wide range of students exploring it.

Abnormal Psychology (6th Edition)

by Susan Nolen-Hoeksema

Now updated to reflect the DSM-5, Susan Nolen-Hoeksema's, Abnormal Psychology blends cutting-edge research in psychopathology with compassion for people who suffer from psychological disorders and captures the excitement of major advances in biological and psychosocial research and treatment alternatives. The new sixth edition continues to place an emphasis on an integrated approach to abnormal psychology, on making biological information clear to students, and on providing a strong focus on empirical research and diversity.

Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach (Seventh Edition)

by David H. Barlow V. Mark Durand

Balancing biological, psychological, social, and cultural approaches, David Barlow and V. Mark Durand's groundbreaking integrative approach is the most modern, scientifically valid method for studying abnormal psychology. In this Seventh Edition of their proven ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY: AN INTEGRATIVE APPROACH, Barlow and Durand successfully blend sophisticated research and an accessible writing style with the most widely recognized method of discussing psychopathology. Going beyond simply describing different schools of thought on psychological disorders, the authors explore the interactions of the various forces that contribute to psychopathology. A conversational writing style, consistent pedagogical elements, integrated case studies (95 percent from the authors' own files), video clips of clients, and additional study tools make this text the most complete learning resource available.

Abnormal Psychology: The Problem of Maladaptive Behavior (11th edition)

by Irwin G. Sarason Barbara R. Sarason

This classic textbook builds on the strengths of existing theoretical systems and clinical methods to provide students with a comprehensive and up-to-date real-world overview of the field of abnormal psychology. It focuses on maladaptive behavior as a product of the interaction between personal vulnerabilities and resiliencies.

Abnormal Psychology: Clinical Perspectives on Psychological Disorders

by Susan Krauss Whitbourne

Presenting the human side of Psychological Disorders. Susan Krauss Whitbourne's Abnormal Psychology: Clinical Perspectives on Psychological Disorders, shows students real-life portrayals of psychological disorders through an extensive use of clinical and online case studies, biographies, and first-person quotations.

Abnehmen mit Darmreinigung: Die Geheimnisse zu einem gesünderen Leben!

by Kenneth Brown

Würdest du gerne dein Unwohlsein, Entzündungen im Körper, sowie Schmerzen loswerden? Da 80% unseres Immunsystem in unserem Darm sitzt, sind die Mehrheit unserer Beschwerden heutzutage eine Folge schlechter Darmgesundheit. Eine Darmreinigung unterstützt den Gewichtsverlust, hilft bei Entzündungen, stärkt das Immunsystem, steigert unsere Vitalität, Konzentrationsfähigkeit, allgemeines Wohlsein und vieles mehr! Dieser Ratgeber führt dich in die Geheimnisse zu einem gesünderen Leben! Mit einigen bewährten Strategien zeigt dieses Buch den schnellsten und effektivsten Weg den Darm zu reinigen, um innerhalb weniger Wochen das allgemeine Wohlbefinden zu verbessern. Darüber hinaus kann die Lebensqualität allumfassend gesteigert warden. Du willst wissen, wie Übergewicht, chronische Krankheiten, Konzentrationsschwierigkeiten und chronische Schmerzen ausgemerzt und durch ein allgemeines Wohlbefinden ersetzt werden können? Dieser Ratgeber vermittelt dir bewährte Methoden ohne kostenintensive Präparate oder Kurse. Inhalte: Was ist eine Darmreinigung? Methoden verschiedener Darmreinigungen 6-Tage-Plan zur Darmreinigung u.v.m. Wenn du Gewicht verlieren willst, Beschwerden heilen möchtest, gesünder und mit mir Konzentration leben möchtest, dann ist dieser Ratgeber genau das Richtige für dich. --> Scroll zum Anfang der Seite und erwirb diesen Ratgeber unverzüglich. Disclaimer: Dieser Autor und/oder Rechteinhaber übernimmt keine Ansprüche, Versprechungen oder Garantien in Bezug auf die Genauigkeit, Vollständigkeit oder Angemessenheit des Inhalts dieses Buches und lehnt ausdrücklich die Haftung für Fehler und Auslassungen in den Inhalten ab. Dieses Produkt ist nur als Referenz zu verwenden. Bitte konsultieren Sie einen Fachmann, bevor Sie Maßnahmen zu den darin enthaltenen Inhalten ergreifen.

Abhidhamma Studies

by Bhikkhu Bodhi Nyanaponika Thera

The Abhidhamma, the third great division of early Buddhist teaching, expounds a revolutionary system of philosophical psychology rooted in the twin Buddhist insights of selflessness and dependent origination. In keeping with the liberative thrust of early Buddhism, this system organizes the entire spectrum of human consciousness around the two poles of Buddhist doctrine - bondage and liberation, Samsara and Nirvana - the starting point and the final goal. It thereby maps out, with remarkable rigour and precision, the inner landscape of the mind to be crossed through the practical work of Buddhist meditation. In this book of groundbreaking essays, Venerable Nyanaponika Thera, one of our age's foremost exponents of Theravada Buddhism, attempts to penetrate beneath the formidable face of the Abhidhamma and to make its principles intelligible to the thoughtful reader of today. His point of focus is the Consciousness Chapter of the Dhammasangani, the first treatise of the Abhidhamma Pitaka. Basing his interpretation on the detailed list of mental factors that the Abhidhamma uses as a guide to psychological analysis, he launches into bold explorations in the multiple dimensions of conditionality, the nature of consciousness, the temporality of experience, and the psychological springs of spiritual transformation. Innovative and rich in insights, this book does not merely open up new avenues in the academic study of early Buddhism. By treating the Abhidhamma as a fountainhead of inspiration for philosophical and psychological inquiry, it demonstrates the continuing relevance of Buddhist thought to our most astute contemporary efforts to understand the elusive yet so intimate nature of the mind.

Abductions and Aliens: What's Really Going On

by Chris A. Rutkowski

We can’t escape them; aliens are everywhere. They sell us soft drinks and star in their own sitcoms. But to the many people who believe they have been abducted aboard strange crafts, aliens are a very serious reality. Stories of these encounters, taken from investigators’ files, have been vividly depicted in television specials and motion pictures. Despite their predominance as a cultural phenomenon, experts offer drastically conflicting opinions: aliens are harmless creatures whose aim is to better understand humans; aliens are angel-like entities here to enhance our spiritual awareness; aliens are conspiring with the government in a plot to enslave humans; and aliens are genetically breeding with humans to create a new race of hybrids. But, what is really going on? Are aliens abducting thousands of unsuspecting people each year? Are they then inserted with tracking devices and monitored? Based on his own investigative files and almost twenty-five years of research, science writer Chris Rutkowski asks hard questions, looking critically, yet compassionately, at the stories of abductees. He is an astronomer, educator and published commentator within the area of study known as "ufology." Rutowski presents case histories of many abductees, showing both their diversity and similarities, and examines how our understanding is shaped by media, by science, and by society itself.

The Abduction of Betty and Barney Hill: Alien Encounters, Civil Rights, and the New Age in America

by Matthew Bowman

A gripping account of an alien abduction and its connections to the breakdown of American society in the 1960s In the mid-1960s, Betty and Barney Hill became famous as the first Americans to claim that aliens had taken them aboard a spacecraft against their will. Their story—involving a lonely highway late at night, lost memories, and medical examinations by small gray creatures with large eyes—has become the template for nearly every encounter with aliens in American popular culture since. Historian Matthew Bowman examines the Hills&’ story not only as a foundational piece of UFO folklore but also as a microcosm of 1960s America. The Hills, an interracial couple who lived in New Hampshire, were civil rights activists, supporters of liberal politics, and Unitarians. But when their story of abduction was repeatedly ignored or discounted by authorities, they lost faith in the scientific establishment, the American government, and the success of the civil rights movement. Bowman tells the fascinating story of the Hills as an account of the shifting winds in American politics and culture in the second half of the twentieth century. He exposes the promise and fallout of the idealistic reforms of the 1960s and how the myth of political consensus has given way to the cynicism and conspiratorialism and the paranoia and illusion of American life today.

Abdominales con Balón: Aprovechando Pilates para construir Excelentes Abdominales

by Colleen Craig

Innovative abdominal exercises to help tone the abdomen, improve posture, and build a strong back using the Swiss exercise ball • Offers a 15-minute and 30-minute workout for all levels of fitness • Shows how the mobility of the ball targets underutilized muscles• Shows how traditional sit-ups and “ab” machines limit how much abdominal muscles can be trained and also aggravate lower back pain and neck tensionThe exercise ball has long been recommended by doctors, physical therapists, and Olympic coaches for people suffering from back pain. Now Colleen Craig, author of the bestselling book Pilates on the Ball, reveals why the exercise ball is unmatched as a tool for building superb abdominal strength. She presents a selection of over 100 innovative exercises, including some of the key powerhouse-builders from the Pilates Method, all of which she has adapted specifically to the ball.Craig shows how traditional sit-ups and "ab" machines actually limit the degree to which abdominal muscles can be trained and can even aggravate lower back pain and neck tension. In contrast, the very mobility of the ball targets underutilized muscles, recruiting both deep and superficial abdominal muscle fibers to enhance results. Abdominales con Balón includes exercises for all ability levels and a 15- and 30-minute workout designed not only to build the abdominal core, but also to strengthen and train deep muscles in the back and hip in order to soothe lower back pain and increase overall body strength, balance, and coordination.

The ABCs of REBT Revisited

by Windy Dryden

The cornerstone of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy is its ABC framework which helps therapists make sense of clients' problems. As it turns out, however, this model is often misunderstood by both clients and professionals. Research investigation on this misunderstanding forms the basis of this book. It addresses the doubts, reservations and objections clients had to the ABC framework in a research study of an REBT-based program in a psychiatric hospital. Additionally, errors and confusions on the part of those writing about the therapy is reviewed. Further, study was made on the accuracy of REBT therapists, themselves, in teaching this therapy to students. Also included is an analysis of how Albert Ellis, himself, has explicated the ABC's. This book is the first to systematically study how different groups conceptualise the ABCs of REBT and the errors that are commonly made in interpreting and putting them into practice. It will be of value to students and practitioners of REBT, and those teaching REBT in academic settings.

ABC of Sexually Transmitted Infections

by Karen E. Rogstad

With sexually transmitted infections (STIs) a major cause of morbidity and mortality throughout the world, the new edition of ABC of Sexually Transmitted Infections is a much-needed introduction and reference guide providing concise and practical information on a range of conditions.This sixth edition includes the latest guidance on the prevalence, prevention and treatment of STIs, screening programmes and new testing methods. It features new chapters on service modernisation and new care providers, high risk and special needs groups, the use of the internet for information and education, systemic manifestations and sexually transmitted infections in resource-poor settings. Contraception is also covered, reflecting the increasing integration of STI and contraceptive services.With an international authorship, the ABC of Sexually Transmitted Infections is an authoritative guide and reference for all practitioners, especially those providing community based STI diagnosis and management such as GPs, primary care physicians and contraceptive service providers. Junior doctors, medical students, and nurses working in community or specialist services will also find it a valuable resource as will those working in the fields of obstetrics and gynaecology and public health. This new edition also provides information useful for new STI care providers such as pharmacists, those in the voluntary sector and providers of STI services in resource-poor settings.

ABC of Sexual Health

by Kevan R. Wylie

ABC of Sexual Health provides a comprehensive overview of this important, but difficult subject and includes reading resources as well as information on professional societies, patient groups and online resources.Fully revised and expanded to cover a range of new content and topics including psychological, urological, gynaecological, endocrinological and psychiatric aspects of sexual health, the effects of medication, sexual dysfunction, sexual orientation, gender identity, paraphilias, forensic sexology, dermatoses, and psychosexual therapy and education.ABC of Sexual Health is a practical guide for all general practitioners, family physicians, trainees and medical students wanting to improve communicating, examining and managing patients with sexual health problems.

The ABC of Enlightenment

by Osho Osho International Foundation

The inner world needs its own vocabulary, and Osho is a master of creating a language to describe experiences of the inner world that is simple, unpretentious and clear. 'The ABC of Enlightenment' is not just a dictionary but a book on life itself. It contains concise quotes by Osho on a large variety of topics. For those who are unfamiliar with him, this is an easy introduction to his way of life and also an entertaining reference book. From 'Absolute' to 'Zen' Osho is never at lack of profoundness and both traditional and contemporary issues are redefined and reinterpreted for a contemporary understanding.

The ABC of CBT

by Helen Kennerley

The ABC of CBT introduces you to the basics of CBT, guiding you through how to apply the key principles, techniques and strategies across a range of disorders. Featuring case studies and worksheets, the book will support you to successfully incorporate CBT into your professional practice.

The ABC of CBT

by Helen Kennerley

The ABC of CBT introduces you to the basics of CBT, guiding you through how to apply the key principles, techniques and strategies across a range of disorders. Featuring case studies and worksheets, the book will support you to successfully incorporate CBT into your professional practice.

Abby's Asthma and the Big Race

by Margeaux Lucas Theresa Golding

Abby has asthma, but that doesn't stop her from wanting to run in the big race. Although she is pretty fast, sometimes she may cough or wheeze and have an asthma attack. Jason, a boy in her class, teases her about her asthma and suggests she enter the pie-eating contest instead. But Abby is determined not only to run in the race, but to win it as well. With her doctor's approval and recommendations, she exercises every day with her father, takes her medicine, and does her breathing exercises in anticipation of the big day. When that day arrives, Abby is ready. Will she beat Jason to the finish line? A note about exercising with asthma appears at the end of the book.

Abandonando o Padrão da Obesidade através da Constelação Sistêmica

by Marc Baco Fabiana Rodrigues Castelo Branco

Resumo Você está cansado de ser visto como preguiçoco e indisciplinado? Embora você tenha tentado tudo, o seu excesso de peso volta como um bumerangue? Você já desistiu e se resignou diante do fato de que nunca viverá o seu peso ideal? A Constelação Familiar Sistêmica pode ajudar quando as terapias, dietas, e mudanças de estilo de vida não foram capazes de dar resultados duradouros. Este livro foi escrito para todos aqueles afetados pelo excesso de peso, e para os facilitadores da Constelação Sistêmica que estão ajudando clientes com questões de peso. Ele não substitui a sessão da Constelação, mas lê-lo o prepara para participar da Constelação Familiar Sistêmica. Alguns capítulos têm exercícios para serem feitos em casa, que o ajudarão a alcançar as suas metas pessoais de perda de peso excessivo. Aprenda de outros que mudaram as suas vidas e conquistaram o seu peso corporal ideal com uma Constelação Sistêmica.

The ABA Complete and Easy Guide to Health Care Law

by American Bar Association

The ABA Complete and Easy Guide to Health Care Law is a comprehensive guide to understanding your rights as a patient and knowing how to move through the health care system. This guide allows you to understand issues about health care to the fullest. Among the issues covered are:Patients' Rights: Confidentiality, Privacy, and the Patient's Bill of Rights; Emergency Care; Informed Consent Paying for Medical Care: Insurance and Managed Care; COBRA Reproduction: Assisted Reproductive Technology; Wrongful Birth and Wrongful Pregnancy; Sterilization; Abortion People with Disabilities: Pregnancy; Confidentiality and Disclosure; Vaccinations; Mandatory Testing; Denoting Tort Liability; Quarantine Nursing Homes: Choosing a Nursing Home; Paying for Long-Term Care; Medicaid Planning; Alternative Care and Living Regulating Medical Professionals: Licensing of Doctors, Nurses, and Hospitals; Medical Malpractice; Research on Humans Death and Dying: Right to Refuse Life-Sustaining Treatment; Hospices; Donating Your Organs; Assisted SuicidFrom the Trade Paperback edition.

Ab Wheel Workouts: 50 Exercises to Stretch and Strengthen Your Abs, Core, Arms, Back and Legs

by Karl Knopf

SUPERCHARGE YOUR CORE WORKOUTFollow the program in this book and achieve the ripped, rock-hard abs you've always wanted. The highly effective exercises in Ab Wheel Workouts unleash the full potential of this simple, compact piece of equipment for intense muscle building and fast fat burning. With this book and an ab wheel, you'll rapidly develop a strong, lean physique, including:* Sculpted Abs* Improved Posture* Toned Upper Body* Greater AthleticismPacked with hundreds of step-by-step photos, clearly explained exercises and six progressive training programs, Ab Wheel Workouts will have you rolling your way to a six-pack in no time.

AARP Special Edition: for a Longer, Leaner, Healthier Life!: The fast, effective weight-loss plan to save you 10, 20, 30 pounds--or more!

by David Zinczenko Eat This

Lose 10, 20, 30 pounds or more, and put yourself back in control of your weight, your health, and your life! Don't diet, don't sacrifice, and don't waste money or time on expensive weight-loss foods. In fact, you can start dropping pounds today while eating all your favorite foods--from pizza and pasta to burgers, and even dessert. From the editors of the bestselling series Eat This, Not That! comes a unique diet program that strips away added sugars and melts fat--from your belly first. The trick: a series of simple swaps that will ensure you're eating the very best options from your favorite restaurants and grocery store brands. Discover how easy it is to indulge your way to a flat belly while protecting your brain and striking a blow against heart disease, diabetes, and more. Eat This, Not That! for a Longer, Leaner, Healthier Life is based on four easy-to-remember nutrition rules: * Use our simple guide to ensure you're always making the smartest, healthiest, leanest choice in any restaurant or grocery store. * Enjoy rich, creamy, healthy fats, so you never feel hungry or deprived, even while your metabolism is revving on high. * Reduce added sugars--without sacrificing flavor--with a series of simple tips that will help you enjoy your favorite desserts, without gaining an ounce! * Power up your day with 10 essential LONGER LIFE Superfoods for maximum health and rapid weight loss. Get ready to drop that extra weight faster than you've ever imagined--and enjoy every bite!

AARP Betty Crocker Cookbook, 11th Edition

by Betty Crocker

America's most trusted cookbook is better than ever! Representing its most thorough revision ever, the Betty Crocker Cookbook, 11th Edition includes hundreds of new recipes, three new chapters, and icons that showcase how we cook today—faster, healthier, and with many more flavors. New features celebrate the book's expertise and heritage with repertoire-building recipe lessons and fresh twists on American classics. With nearly 1,100 gorgeous new photos and 1,500 recipes, as well as invaluable cooking guidance, The Big Red Cookbook is better and more comprehensive than ever before. The book features: Exclusive content at for Big Red buyers, including 80 videos, 400 additional recipes, and more to complement and enhance the cookbook 1,500 recipes, 50 percent new to this edition Nearly 1,100 all-new full-color photos—more than three times the number in the previous edition—including 350 step-by-step photos Bold, contemporary, and colorful design Three new chapters on Breakfast and Brunch, Do It Yourself (including canning, preserving and pickling) and Entertaining (including cocktails and party treats) New feature: Learn to Make recipes giving visual lessons on preparing essential dishes like Roast Turkey and Apple Pie, with icons directing readers to bonus videos on New feature: Heirloom Recipe and New Twist showcase classic recipes paired with a fresh twist, with icons directing readers to bonus videos on "Mini" recipes giving quick bursts of inspiration in short paragraph form With 65 million copies sold and still going strong, the Betty Crocker Cookbook, 11th Edition is the one kitchen companion every home cook needs.

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