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by J. Albert Mann

In this gritty, heart-wrenching mystery, prose and verse mix to explores themes of disability, pain, belonging, loss, addiction, and friendship.Everything was fine before. When Eve and Lidia could hide their physical differences inside goofy Burger Hut costumes. When Lidia shook Eve up and Eve made Lidia laugh. When Lidia was there. Everything is different now. Cut open . . . rearranged . . . stapled shut, Eve is left alone to recover in a world of pain and a body she no longer recognizes. Her only companions being a bottle of Roxanol and an infuriating (but cute) neighbor, Eve strikes up a relationship—and makes a pact—with the devil. Sacrificing pieces of a place she doesn't know to return to a place she does. What will she discover when she unravels her past? And is having Lidia back worth the price? In verse and prose, Fix paints a riveting picture of a teen struggling to find herself and move forward with her life in a sea of opioids, regret, grief, and hope.

Live Pain-free: Eliminate Chronic Pain without Drugs or Surgery

by Lee Albert

Don’t let chronic pain control you! Take charge of your health today with Live Pain Free: Eliminate Chronic Pain without Drugs or Surgery. In this book, you will quickly learn how to enjoy permanent pain relief in only a few minutes a day.Here Neuromuscular Therapist Lee Albert shares his Integrated Positional Therapy (IPT) techniques. They have already been used by thousands of people to successfully reduce or get rid of their chronic pain.Integrated Positional Therapy was designed to eliminate pain at its root cause and not to simply hide the symptoms. This system can help you to correct the muscle imbalances in your own body, right way, today.With easy-to-follow instructions and illustrative photos, Live Pain Free: Eliminate Chronic Pain without Drugs or Surgery, 2nd edition delivers simple, therapeutic self-care techniques that anyone can do. No previous experience or special equipment is necessary, and the practices are designed to fit your busy lifestyle. Many of the strengthening and stretching exercises can be done in the bed, on the couch or at the office.Live Pain Free: Eliminate Chronic Pain without Drugs or Surgery will teach you how to quickly identify the most common misalignments and get your body back into balance and back to health by using some simple techniques that you can do right now. What are you waiting for?

Wrecking Crew: The Really Bad News Griffith Park Pirates

by John Albert

"You never know what's going to save you. "After years of dingy nightclubs and drug addiction, John Albert and his hard-luck friends certainly never expected their salvation to arrive in the form of a pastime most often associated with Mom, God, and apple pie. Wrecking Crew -- a highly unusual chronicle of recovery and redemption -- documents the transformation of a group of musicians, struggling screenwriters, and wannabe actors into a competitive band of hardballers. For over a decade, it seemed to be enough: the narcotics, gambling, whores, and aimless rebellion. But as they stumbled into their thirties, the blithe pursuit of self-destruction had simply become exhausting to these battle-scarred denizens of the L. A. counterculture. The romantic squalor of being perpetually broken-down, periodically drug-addled, and irresponsible began to lose its charm. The idea of fielding a baseball team to compete in a hard-knocks amateur league seemed merely the latest in a string of half-hearted stabs at restoring order to their ragged lives. But this escapade was different. When these men donned their team uniforms, the old obsessions started to fade and something incredible began to happen. This is the unforgettable story of the Griffith Park Pirates.

Eating, Sleeping, and Sex: Perspectives in Behavioral Medicine (Perspectives on Behavioral Medicine Series)

by Albert J. Stunkard; Andrew Baum

The lack of balance and the failure of regulation in life has traditionally been recognized in such extreme symbolic acts as overconscientiousness or a criminal lack of conscience. This volume shows how the neurotic process affects biologic functions, distorting natural functioning. Three distinct functions and their respective extremes are discussed: eating (obesity, bulimia nervosa), sleeping (insomnia, excessive somnolence), and sex (hypersexuality including child molestation, hyposexuality including inhibited sexual desires).

Descubre tu coeficiente alimenticio y pierde peso: Libera el poder de la perdida de peso co

by Susan Albers

Susan Albers, doctora en psicología presenta un programa de tres pasos innovadores para conquistar el impulso del comer emocional– un enfoque práctico, prescriptivo, proactivo utilizando la inteligencia emocional que te ayudará a bajar de peso, comer saludablemente, con atención plena, y no agregar más kilos. Este libro va más allá de dietas tradicionales para explorar la relación entre las emociones y la alimentación, que revelan cómo, cuando aumentas tu inteligencia emocional, aumenta naturalmente tu capacidad para gestionar con éxito su peso. Al explicar el vínculo entre un alto coeficiente y una buena relación con la comida, la psicóloga clínica doctora Albers te guía a través de las barreras emocionales más comunes a la alimentación saludable y consciente, y ofrece 25 herramientas y técnicas que puede utilizar para adaptar el plan a sus necesidades individuales. Basado en docenas de estudios clínicos que asocian una baja inteligencia emocional con los malos hábitos alimenticios, incluyendo comer después de estar lleno, comer sus cosas favoritas cuando está enojado o aburrido, y comer en exceso alimentos. Este libro ofrece esperanza y ayuda que funciona para cualquier persona, no importa cuántas veces han tratado de manejar el comer emocional en el pasado.

Eat Q: Unlock the Weight-Loss Power of Emotional Intelligence

by Susan Albers

Susan Albers, Psy.D. presents a groundbreaking three-step program for conquering emotional eating—a practical, prescriptive, proactive approach using Emotional Intelligence that will help you slim down, eat healthfully and mindfully, and keep the pounds off.Introduced by the author of the bestselling The Hormone Cure, Sara Gottfried MD, Eat.Q. goes beyond traditional diet books to explore the link between emotions and eating, revealing how, when you increase your Emotional Intelligence, you naturally increase your ability to successfully manage your weight. Explaining the link between a high Eat.Q. and a good relationship with food, clinical psychologist Dr. Albers guides you through the most common emotional barriers to healthy and mindful eating, and offers 25 tools and techniques you can use to tailor the plan to your individual needs.Grounded in dozens of clinical studies that associate a low Emotional Intelligence with poor eating habits—including eating past fullness, eating when your angry or bored, and overeating favorite foods—Eat.Q. offers hope and help that works for anyone, no matter how many times they've tried to manage emotional eating in the past.

Hanger Management: Master Your Hunger and Improve Your Mood, Mind, and Relationships

by Susan Albers

The complete program for mastering your "hanger," from mindful-eating pioneer Dr. Susan Albers -- with 45 tips to turn hanger into happiness. It happens to all of us. One minute you're happily going about your day, and a few seconds later you're a snappy, illogical version of yourself. The culprit? Hanger. We're living busier lives than ever before, and when we forget to eat -- or accidentally overeat -- hunger can make us angry, unreasonable, and dull, with big impacts on our emotional and psychological well being. And hanger can become a cycle. When we get too hungry, we're more likely to make food decisions we regret, which sets us up for another hanger crash later on. The good news: when we make better decisions about food, we think more clearly, connect better in our relationships, and improve our performance. Hanger Management is the book that can help you break this cycle and create healthy habits that fuel and empower you.In Hanger Management, New York Times bestselling author and clinical psychologist Susan Albers sheds light on the causes of hanger, and shares 45 of her best tips for managing it well. By learning to stay on top of your hunger cues, cultivating a better understanding of your appetite, and creating a better overall relationship with food, you'll become happier -- and healthier -- for life.

Que el hambre no te devore

by Susan Albers

Domina tu apetito, mejora tu ánimo y tu relación con la comida. Es probable que alguna vez se te haya pasado la hora de comer, así que seguro reconoces esa sensación de estar primero en completa calma a luego convertirte, repentinamente, en una criatura ansiosa e irracional que sólo busca satisfacer, a como dé lugar, ese apetito feroz. Y esto se puede convertir en un círculo vicioso, porque estar hambrientos y enojados al mismo tiempo nos hace propensos a tomar decisiones alimenticias de las que nos arrepentimos enseguida, pues “llenamos la tripa” con lo primero que nos pasa enfrente. Que el hambre no te devore — escrito por la autora bestseller de The New York Times y doctora en Psicología, Susan Albers — es un libro que te ayudará a reconocer correcta y oportunamente tus señales del hambre, a cultivar un mejor entendimiento sobre tu apetito y a crear una relación con la comida mucho más saludable y consciente. Además, incluye45 consejos prácticos para mejorar tu estado de ánimo, recobrar energía y claridad mental, así como para ponerle punto final a ese ciclo tóxico que tanto afecta tu bienestar emocional y psicológico.

Quit Comfort Eating: Lose weight by managing your emotions

by Dr Susan Albers PsyD

Why can't so many smart people lose weight? The answer: low emotional intelligence can lock you into a vicious cycle of dieting failure. Dr Susan Albers, accomplished expert in emotional eating and weight loss, has created an accessible three-step plan that will teach you how to combat the most common emotional barriers to weight loss. Her EAT plan tackles comfort eating, the pressure of social eating so common in offices, stress-triggered eating, eating to avoid emotional problems and using food to numb trauma.Drawing on mindfulness, Dr Albers provides 25 tools and techniques readers can use to tailor their eating to the demands of their own lives, their preferences and moods. Reverse a lifetime of overeating and comfort bingeing with Quit Comfort Eating.

Courageously Expecting: 30 Days of Encouragement for Pregnancy After Loss

by Jenny Albers

Using Scripture and personal narrative, Courageously Expecting empathizes with and empowers women to face a pregnancy after loss with faith and courage, despite inevitable feelings of grief and fear that accompany life after losing a baby.Pregnancy is widely regarded as the most joyful time in a woman's life, but for the mother who has experienced pregnancy loss, a subsequent pregnancy can feel like she's holding her breath and hoping for what she can't control. In Courageously Expecting, Jenny Albers meets women in this difficult season as someone who has also experienced the worst and cautiously hoped for the best. Through the telling of her own story, Scripture, and heartfelt prayer, she encourages readers to cling to faith in the face of fear and guides them tocultivate hope when doubt weighs heavy;realize that the past does not dictate the present or the future and that God creates a way in the wilderness of grief and loss;flip the script on the what-if, worst-case-scenario narrative in their minds and learn to take their thoughts captive; andfind the courage to humble themselves and ask for and accept help from others. Regardless of where readers are on their pregnancy after loss journey, Courageously Expecting is a companion to help them through the days when fear overshadows hope.

Dieta Vegan: 25+ Receitas De Dieta Vegan Com Receitas De Pequeno Almoço Vegan

by Chef Albers

Imagine como seria a vida se você fosse capaz de atingir seus objetivos de perda de peso. E, melhor ainda, imagine como seria ser capaz de alcançá-lo simplesmente alterando seu estilo de vida, em vez de seguir outra tendência da dieta da moda que é apenas com base em resultados de curto prazo! Dar às pessoas essa possibilidade é a razão exata pela qual eu criei este e-book! Depois de receber inúmeras perguntas sobre dieta, culinária, exercícios e perda de peso saudável, senti-me obrigado a criar um roteiro para ajudar! Este e-book foi criado para fornecer ferramentas, dicas e truques para ensiná-lo a controlar o seu peso vivendo um estilo de vida vegano / baseado em plantas.   Neste livro, reunimos receitas deliciosas, saudáveis ​​e fáceis de seguir que combinam ingredientes naturais com algumas das menores quantidades de carboidratos e maiores quantidades de gordura. Muitas receitas usam sementes, tofu ou tempeh para fornecer um bom equilíbrio de proteínas também. Os carboidratos não são totalmente eliminados em todas as receitas, mas representam uma porcentagem muito pequena da sua refeição quando são incluídos. As receitas são divididas em dez seções diferentes, para facilitar a navegação. O que você está esperando? Não espere mais! Role para cima e clique no botão comprar agora para começar a jornada para a vida dos seus sonhos!

Dieta Vegana: 25+ Ricette Dietetiche Vegane Con Ricette Vegane Per La Colazione

by Chef Albers

Immagina come sarebbe la vita se riuscissi a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi di perdita di peso. E ancora meglio, immagina come sarebbe se riuscissi a farlo semplicemente modificando il tuo stile di vita invece di provare diverse diete alla moda che si basano solo su risultati a breve termine! Dare alle persone questa possibilità è esattamente il motivo per cui ho creato questo e-book! Dopo aver ricevuto numerose domande su dieta, cucina, esercizio fisico e perdita di peso, ho deciso di fornire delle indicazioni che potessero essere d’aiuto! Questo e-book è stato creato per dare strumenti, suggerimenti e trucchi per insegnare ad avere il controllo del proprio peso attraverso lo stile di vita vegano. In questo libro, abbiamo preparato ricette deliziose, salutari e facili da seguire che combinano ingredienti naturali con basse quantità di carboidrati e quantità elevate di grassi. Molte ricette usano semi, tofu o tempeh per fornire un buon equilibrio proteico. I carboidrati non sono completamente eliminati da queste ricette, ma rappresentano una percentuale molto piccola. Le ricette sono suddivise in dieci sezioni diverse, per rendere più facile la navigazione. Allora, cosa aspetti? Non aspettare ancora! Scorri verso l'alto e fai clic sul pulsante ‘Acquista ora’ per iniziare il viaggio verso la vita dei tuoi sogni!

Mood Crystals: A Hands-on Guide to Managing your Emotional Wellbeing with Crystals

by Christel Alberez Nerissa Alberts

Organized by emotional states, this book will help you cultivate emotional intelligence as you develop greater awareness of your current mood and practice consciously with crystals. A thorough questionnaire allows you to assess what you’re feeling and decide which crystal or combination of crystals will be most beneficial to you.

Channelling: What it is and how to do it

by Lita De Alberdi

Lita de Alberdi is a gifted spiritual teacher who has taught hundreds of people to channel their guides. In this accessible and practical book, she explains how you too can learn to contact and channel your own spiritual guide. Full of easy-to-follow meditations and exercises based on her successful courses, Channelling will enable you to: * Shift your awareness to an expanded state of consciousness * Work with guides and angels * Use psychic protection effectively * Channel to receive help with health and past-life issues * Conduct channelled readings for others * Understand the changes happening on Earth today * Enhance your confidence and creativity. Throughout the book, Lita de Alberdi includes channelled material from her own guides and answers the many questions that people ask. If you want to learn to channel successfully and safely, this is the book for you.

Channelling: What it is and how to do it

by Lita de Alberdi

Lita de Alberdi is a gifted spiritual teacher who has taught hundreds of people to channel their guides. In this accessible and practical book, she explains how you too can learn to contact and channel your own spiritual guide. Full of easy-to-follow meditations and exercises based on her successful courses, Channelling will enable you to: * Shift your awareness to an expanded state of consciousness* Work with guides and angels * Use psychic protection effectively* Channel to receive help with health and past-life issues* Conduct channelled readings for others * Understand the changes happening on Earth today* Enhance your confidence and creativity. Throughout the book, Lita de Alberdi includes channelled material from her own guides and answers the many questions that people ask. If you want to learn to channel successfully and safely, this is the book for you.

Elmo Says Achoo! (Step into Reading)

by Sarah Albee Tom Brannon

Elmo's bringing a present to Oscar. But the mysterious wrapped gift has a curious effect--it's making Elmo sneeze! And every time Elmo sneezes, something funny happens. The youngest readers will love following along as Elmo's sneezes cause laundry to fall off a line and much more in this Early Step into ReadingTM story

Elmo Says Achoo! (Step into Reading)

by Sarah Albee

Elmo's bringing a present to Oscar in this silly story enhanced with audio narration by Bob McGrath from Sesame Street. But the mysterious wrapped gift has a curious effect—it's making Elmo sneeze! And every time Elmo sneezes, something funny happens. The youngest readers will love following along as Elmo's sneezes cause laundry to fall off a line and much more in this Early Step into Reading™ storyThis ebook includes Read & Listen audio narration.

The Honest Life: Living Naturally and True to You

by Jessica Alba

As a new mom, Jessica Alba wanted to create the safest, healthiest environment for her family. But she was frustrated by the lack of trustworthy information on how to live healthier and cleaner—delivered in a way that a busy mom could act on without going to extremes. In 2012, with serial entrepreneur Brian Lee and environmental advocate Christopher Gavigan, she launched The Honest Company, a brand where parents can find reliable information and products that are safe, stylish, and affordable. The Honest Life shares the insights and strategies she gathered along the way.The Honest Life recounts Alba's personal journey of discovery and reveals her tips for making healthy living fun, real, and stylish, while offering a candid look inside her home and daily life. She shares strategies for maintaining a clean diet (with favorite family-friendly recipes) and embraces nontoxic choices at home and provides eco-friendly decor tips to fit any budget. Alba also discusses cultivating a daily eco beauty routine, finding one's personal style without resorting to yoga pants, and engaging in fun, hands-on activities with kids. Her solutions are easy, chic, and down-to-earth: they're honest. And discovering everyday ways to live naturally and authentically—true to you—could be honestly life-changing.

Problem-Based Learning in a Health Sciences Curriculum

by Christine Alavi

Problem-based learning places the student at the centre of a process which integrates what is learned in a lecture with what the student actually experiences in practice. The authors of this book use their experience of designing and implementing such a course to offer detailed examples of strategies that work, and show how the approach can be adapted to individual curriculum needs. Including key chapters on facilitation, clinical practice, assessment and evaluation, Problem-Based Learning in a Health Sciences Curriculum will be inspiring reading for all those who want to explore and extend their teaching methods and motivate their students to acquire real knowledge with enjoyment.

35 Great Recipes – Receitas Que Sua Mãe Deveria Conhecer

by Dan Alatorre Alice S. Ramalho

Deixe-me contar um segredo sobre os pratos feitos em casa com qualidade de restaurante: algumas comidas precisam ser apreciadas. Esqueça aquelas dietas extravagantes e lanches "saudáveis" por um segundo - afinal, amanhã com certeza surgirá outra. Venha conosco descobrir a pura alegria e o sabor inigualável das nossas receitas tradicionais de família.Está TUDO aqui, 35 dos melhores:==> Petiscos saborosos rápidos e fáceis de preparar.==> Pratos elaborados e requintados.==> Favoritos das culinárias Oriental, Francesa, Italiana, Mexicana e Latino-Americana.==> Cookies e bolos favoritos das crianças também!==> Você irá se apaixonar pela salsa simples e saudável, pelas almôndegas fantásticas, por uma pizza perfeita e por todos esses tesouros de família!Este é mais que um simples livro de receitas, aqui você encontrará dicas e conselhos valiosos de família passados a nós, e agora anotadas cuidadosamente neste livro para você."Use ingredientes frescos e siga a receita inteira na primeira vez que for prepará-la. Não se apresse. Na próxima vez adapte-as ao seu gosto, faça testes!Cozinhar pode ser simples, mas ainda assim nós sempre esquecemos alguma coisa. Nossas mães sempre sabiam de cor, elas sempre sabem, não é mesmo? Mas nós precisamos de receitas.Beba um vinho e coloque a mão na massa, curta sua família enquanto todos se reúnem na cozinha para jogar papo fora e se divertir como quando eram crianças. A razão para as nossas avós passarem o dia inteiro cozinhando era porque assim passariam o dia inteiro com a família toda!E a razão para amarmos tanto comer era: a comida era feita com amor - e este é o Segredo.

La Noche De La Colonoscopia - Una Historia De Terror (O Algo Así)

by Dan Alatorre Lourdes Osorio González

SINOPSIS¿Colonoscopia? Cumples los 50 y de repente te quieren meter una cámara de televisión por el trasero. Magnífico.Estas son las divertidas cavilaciones de un hombre que empieza a hacerse mayor y comienza a asimilarlo. Para ello intenta ver el lado bueno de la vida, mientras trata de dar ejemplo a su hija de tres años y de estar a la altura de sus propias expectativas, pero siempre con un tono de humor en su día a día.¿Que el camisón del hospital no se cierra por detrás? ¿Que la enfermera no me dijo todo lo que necesitaba saber sobre los laxantes?¿Un dentista que usa los pies como palanca mientras te extrae un diente? ¡Ver para creer!Sigue leyendo y diviértete con nosotros. Sumérgete en otra de nuestras historias familiares que nos enseñan lecciones de vida conforme transcurre La noche de la colonoscopia.

Tutto il meglio della cucina americana: ricette di famiglia e molto di più

by Dan Alatorre Sarah Ferrari

(Prezzo originale $2.99) Memorial Day, Quattro Luglio, Labor Day - la cucina all'aperto in estate è il pilastro di ogni famiglia americana! Alcuni dei momenti migliori che io abbia mai vissuto...sono stati quelli in cui la mia famiglia si riuniva a casa di qualcuno semplicemente per cucinare insieme. Hamburger, hot-dog, pollo fritto, pies - i migliori piatti americani! Questo libro raccoglie alcune tra le più DELIZIOSE e appetitose ricette collezionate dai membri della mia famiglia nel corso degli anni, oltre a molte altre di nuova invenzione che mia moglie ed io abbiamo creato a casa nostra. Sono TUTTE qui, 35 delle nostre MIGLIORI ricette: ==> semplice hummus genuino ==> squisite polpette alla salsiccia ==> pollo fritto nello stile del sud ==> torte perfette Vi divertirete a scoprire questi tesori di famiglia. Il cibo è fatto per essere apprezzato. Usate ingredienti freschi e non andate di fretta. Sorseggiate del vino e godetevi la vostra famiglia mentre tutti si radunano intorno al grill per chiacchierare e giocare come quando eravamo bambini. Il cibo era fantastico in quei raduni famigliari perché era preparato con amore - ecco l'ingrediente segreto. Divertitevi, perché siamo tutti amici in cucina, e cucinare in estate deve essere un divertimento. Quindi avanti, COMPRATE QUESTO LIBRO. Sarete in cucina in compagnia di amici. Godetevi gli hamburger, gli hot dog, le torte, i fuochi d'artificio, e sì, l'AMORE (include diverse ricette bonus!)

La cuisine américaine: 35 recettes de famille qui feront de vous une star

by Dan Alatorre Julie Boissy

Memorial Day, 4 juillet, fête du travail… les barbecues et pique-niques sont la base des étés de toute famille américaine ! Mes meilleurs souvenirs d’enfance sont lorsque ma famille entière se réunissait chez quelqu’un pour un barbecue. On y mangeait la meilleure nourriture américaine : hamburgers, hot dogs, poulet frit, tartes, etc. Voici un recueil des recettes les plus délicieuses et appétissantes héritées de ma famille, en plus de celles créées à la maison par ma femme et moi. Tout est dans ce livre, 35 de nos meilleures recettes, incluant : •un houmous simple mais sain •de succulentes boulettes de chair à saucisse •le poulet frit à la mode du Sud •de délicieuses tartes Certains plats sont faits pour être savourés. Utilisez des ingrédients frais et ne vous précipitez pas ! Sirotez un verre de vin et profitez de votre famille pendant que tout le monde se réunit autour du barbecue et joue comme nous le faisions étant petits. Ces plats étaient délicieux car ils étaient cuisinés avec amour. Le voici l’ingrédient secret ! Amusez-vous avec ces recettes parce que nous sommes tous amis dans la cuisine et cuisiner doit être amusant. Donc allez-y, achetez ce livre ! Je vous accompagnerai dans votre cuisine, comme un ami. Et savourez les hamburgers, les hot dogs, les tartes, les feux d’artifice et, bien sûr, l’AMOUR (quelques recettes bonus sont incluses).

35 Grandi Ricette Che Vorresti Avesse Preparato Tua Madre

by Dan Alatorre Valeria Beotti

Abbiamo riunito altre 35 delle nostre ricette preferite.Fantastiche ricette che avrebbero reso orgogliose le nostre mamme.Potete cucinare a casa con la qualita' di un ristorante sentendovi guidati da un amico!Il tempo trascorso in famiglia, come il buon cibo, deve essere goduto al meglio.Ci sono troppe diete complicate che cercano di rovinarci la vita.Rilassatevi, fate una pausa e coccolatevi.Fate un altro viaggio con noi e scoprite il divertimento e il gusto di queste vecchie ricette di famiglia.

35 Recettes Délicieuses Que Vous Auriez Aimé Que Votre Mère Vous Fasse

by Dan Alatorre

Voici certaines des recettes les plus délicieuses et appétissantes récupérées auprès des membres de ma famille au fil des années. Nous avons rassemblé ces 35 recettes de famille délicieuses pour les partager avec vous. Certains de ces plats délicieux sont rapides et facile, certains, plus élaborés, demandent un peu plus de temps, mais ils sont tous excellents. D'une simple sauce équilibrée aux boulettes de viande, en passant par la pizza parfaite, vous adorerez découvrir ces trésors de famille. Laissez-moi vous raconter un secret à propos des recettes de qualité restaurant : certaines nourritures sont faites pour être appréciées. Utilisez des ingrédients frais et suivez la recette complètement la première fois que vous la réalisez. Prenez votre temps. Sirotez un verre de vin et profitez de votre famille alors que tout le monde se rassemble aux alentours de la cuisine pour bavarder et jouer, comme dans vos souvenirs d'enfance. La raison pour laquelle les grands-mères passaient leur journée à cuisiner est que cela signifiait qu'elles allaient passer toute la journée avec leur famille ! La nourriture était faite avec amour : c'est le secret ! La deuxième fois que vous faites ces recettes, expérimentez ! Amusez-vous, car dans la cuisine, nous sommes tous amis, et cuisiner chez soi est sensé être amusant.

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