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Showing 51 through 75 of 7,326 results

Diversity of Family Farming Around the World: Existence, Transformations And Possible Futures Of Family Farms

by Pierre-Marie Bosc Jean-Michel Sourisseau Philippe Bonnal Pierre Gasselin Élodie Valette Jean-François Bélières

This book aims at explaining the nature and strength of the links between the families and their farms looking at their diversity throughout the world. To do so, it documents family farming diversity by using the sustainable rural livelihood (SRL) framework exploring their ability to adapt and transform to changing environments. In 18 case studies in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe, it shows how family farms resist under adverse conditions, seize new opportunities and permanently transform. Family farms, far from being backwards are potential solutions to face the current challenges and shape a new future for agriculture taking advantage of their local knowledge and capacity to cope with external constraints. Many coauthors of the book have both an empirical and theoretical experience of family farming in developed and developing countries and their related institutions. They specify «what makes and means family» in family farming and the diversity of their expertise draws a wide and original picture of this resilient way of farming throughout the world.

Identification and Control of Common Weeds: Volume 2

by Zhenghao Xu Meihua Deng

This book introduces readers to nearly 600 common weeds. In addition to essential information, each chapter includes photos for a specific type of weed to show its morphology in different growth periods, such as seedling, root, flower, fruit, and mature plant. The book also discusses control measures, including agricultural, chemical, physical, biological, and comprehensive methods. The Volume2 mainly focuses on fern and 216 species of weeds of magnoliids or dicotyledoneae. With the development of society and economics, weeds have become a recurring problem. In particular, the exotic, invasive, and quarantine weeds have spread dramatically and rapidly. On the other hand, many people, even those who are engaged in weed control, do not (or cannot) distinguish between weeds. Thus there is significant demand for illustrations of weed morphologies, as well as information on their control measures. This book offers a valuable, practical guide for all those working in the fields of crop cultivation, plant protection and quarantine management.

Identification and Control of Common Weeds: Volume 1

by Zhenghao Xu Guoning Zhou

This book introduces readers to nearly 600 common weeds. In addition to essential information, each chapter includes photos for a specific type of weed to show its morphology in different growth periods, such as seedling, root, flower, fruit, and mature plant. The book also discusses control measures, including agricultural, chemical, physical, biological, and comprehensive methods. The Volume1 mainly focuses on 126 species of grass weeds and 34 species of sedge weeds. With the development of society and economics, weeds have become a recurring problem. In particular, the exotic, invasive, and quarantine weeds have spread dramatically and rapidly. On the other hand, many people, even those who are engaged in weed control, do not (or cannot) distinguish between weeds. Thus there is significant demand for illustrations of weed morphologies, as well as information on their control measures. This book offers a valuable, practical guide for all those working in the fields of crop cultivation, plant protection and quarantine management.

Planning and Designing Sustainable and Resilient Landscapes

by Cerasella Crăciun Maria Bostenaru Dan

This book deals with planning issues in landscape architecture, which start at the evaluation of the existing fabric of society, its history and memory, approached and conserved through photography, film and scenographic installations, a way in which the archetypes can be investigated, be it industrial derelict sites or already green spaces and cultural landscapes. It provides approaches to intervention, through rehabilitation and upgrade, eventually in participative manner. To such evaluation and promotion a couple of disciplines can contribute such as history of art, geography and communication science and of course (landscape) architecture. The field of landscape architecture reunites points of view from such different disciplines with a view to an active approach a contemporary intervention or conservation. The book presents case studies from several European countries (Romania, Germany, Austria, Italy, Portugal) mostly for large landscape in the outskirts of the cities and in the parks.

Automation: The Future Of Weed Control In Cropping Systems

by Stephen L. Young Francis J. Pierce

Technology is rapidly advancing in all areas of society, including agriculture. In both conventional and organic systems, there is a need to apply technology beyond our current approach to improve the efficiency and economics of management. Weeds, in particular, have been part of cropping systems for centuries often being ranked as the number one production cost. Now, public demand for a sustainably grown product has created economic incentives for producers to improve their practices, yet the development of advanced weed control tools beyond biotech has lagged behind. An opportunity has been created for engineers and weed scientists to pool their knowledge and work together to 'fill the gap' in managing weeds in crops. Never before has there been such pressure to produce more with less in order to sustain our economies and environments. This book is the first to provide a radically new approach to weed management that could change cropping systems both now and in the future.

Fire Behavior and Fire Protection in Timber Buildings

by Roza Aseeva Boris Serkov Andrey Sivenkov

This volume describes fire behavior and fire protection of timbers in outdoors and indoors application mainly in construction industry. The Authors' novel approach considers the relationship between various species and age of timbers and its fire behavior at different thermal and fire loads. Quantitative data of ignition speed and flame propagation as well as generation of heat, smoke and toxic products are discussed. Analysis of fire resistance of various types of building materials based on timber of different species as well as the novel data on the effect of natural and accelerated aging of timbers on its fire behavior are discussed. The main practical methods of fire protection of new and ancient timber buildings and structures to increase its fire resistance are considered. The book should be useful for a wide range of readers: chemists, physicists, material scientists, architects, engineers, constructors and restorers.

City Project and Public Space (Urban and Landscape Perspectives #14)

by Silvia Serreli

The book aims at nurturing theoretic reflection on the city and the territory and working out and applying methods and techniques for improving our physical and social landscapes. The main issue is developed around the projectual dimension, with the objective of visualising both the city and the territory from a particular viewpoint, which singles out the territorial dimension as the city's space of communication and negotiation. Issues that characterise the dynamics of city development will be faced, such as the new, fresh relations between urban societies and physical space, the right to the city, urban equity, the project for the physical city as a means to reveal civitas, signs of new social cohesiveness, the sense of contemporary public space and the sustainability of urban development. Authors have been invited to explore topics that feature a pluralism of disciplinary contributions studying formal and informal practices on the project for the city and seeking conceptual and operative categories capable of understanding and facing the problems inherent in the profound transformations of contemporary urban landscapes.

Urban Planning as a Trading Zone

by Raine Mäntysalo Alessandro Balducci

'Trading zone' is a concept introduced by Peter Galison in his social scientific research on how scientists representing different sub-cultures and paradigms have been able to coordinate their interaction locally. In this book, Italian and Finnish planning researchers extend the use of the concept to different contexts of urban planning and management, where there is a need for new ideas and tools in managing the interaction of different stakeholders. The trading zone concept is approached as a tool in organizing local platforms and support systems for planning participation, knowledge production, decision making and local conflict management. In relation to the former theses of communicative planning theory that stress the ideals of consensus, mutual understanding and universal reason, the 'trading zone approach', outlined in this book, offers a different perspective. It focuses on the potentiality to coordinate locally the interaction of different stakeholders without requiring the deeper sharing of understandings, values and motives between them. Galison's commentary comes in the form of the book's final chapter.

Resilience in Ecology and Urban Design

by Brian Mcgrath M. L. Cadenasso S.T.A. Pickett

The contributors to this volume propose strategies of urgent and vital importance that aim to make today's urban environments more resilient. Resilience, the ability of complex systems to adapt to changing conditions, is a key frontier in ecological research and is especially relevant in creative urban design, as urban areas exemplify complex systems. With something approaching half of the world's population now residing in coastal urban zones, many of which are vulnerable both to floods originating inland and rising sea levels, making urban areas more robust in the face of environmental threats must be a policy ambition of the highest priority. The complexity of urban areas results from their spatial heterogeneity, their intertwined material and energy fluxes, and the integration of social and natural processes. All of these features can be altered by intentional planning and design. The complex, integrated suite of urban structures and processes together affect the adaptive resilience of urban systems, but also presupposes that planners can intervene in positive ways. As examples accumulate of linkage between sustainability and building/landscape design, such as the Shanghai Chemical Industrial Park and Toronto's Lower Don River area, this book unites the ideas, data, and insights of ecologists and related scientists with those of urban designers. It aims to integrate a formerly atomized dialog to help both disciplines promote urban resilience.

Swarming Landscapes

by Rob Roggema

This book advocates a fresh approach to planning that anticipates, rather than reacts to, the changes in climate currently in process. Today's spatial planning procedures rely on historical evidence instead of preparing for factors that by definition lie in the future, yet which are relatively uncontroversial: shortages of water, sea level rise and rises in average temperatures being but three examples. Arguing for more flexibility, the contributors view 'complexity' as the key to transforming the way we plan in order to better equip us to face uncertainties about our future environment.


by Ben A. Lepage

The science of wetlands and our understanding of these complex ecosystems have improved considerably. The emergence of multidisciplinary strategies is providing new opportunities and innovative approaches to address issues such as climate change and coastal protection. This book, with contributions from 19 specialists from academia, government, and industry, provides a trans-disciplinary approach to the understanding wetlands science, drawing together a wide range of expertise. Topics covered include the physical aspects that shape different wetlands around the world, as well as wetlands ecology, regulation, policy, and related social and economic issues. Featuring contributions from some of the world's leading wetlands researchers and practitioners, this book provides an invaluable resource for undergraduate and post-graduate training in all aspects of wetlands management, conservation, and construction. It is also a useful auxiliary text for researchers working across disciplines in fields such as wetlands science, law, landscape architecture, environmental engineering, conservation ecology, and related disciplines.

Adventure Stories

by BPI India Pvt Ltd

"Adventure Stories" is collection of short stories, The book is design to reading out to kids or encouraging them to read stories and develop children's oral skills.

Daadu Tell Me a Story

by BPI India Pvt Ltd

A Collection of short stories.

Akbar Birbal Tales

by BPI India Pvt Ltd

Akbar-Birbal tales are passed on mainly by oral tradition. They focus on how Birbal manages to outsmart the envious courtiers who try to trap and portray him in poor light in front of Emperor Akbar, often in a humorous manner with him shown giving sharp and intelligent responses.

Tenali Raam Ne Diya Choron Ko Chakama

by BPI India Pvt Ltd

तेनाली राम की कहानियाँ

Tenali Raam Ne Chakhe Svaadisht Baingan

by BPI India Pvt Ltd

तेनाली राम की कहानियाँ

Best Ghost Stories

by BPI India Pvt Ltd

"BEST GHOST STORIES" is collection of Creepy stories about darkness and supernatural elements! by various Authors.

Historia de las hierbas mágicas y medicinales (Investigación Abierta)

by Mar Rey Bueno

Descubre las virtudes, propiedades medicinales y terapéuticas que convirtieron a las plantas en malditas, prohibidas o sagradas. Una apasionante aventura que recorre los misteriosos mundos ocultos donde florecieron y germinaron plantas secretas cuyo verdadero significado fue conocido sólo por unos cuantos iniciados.

El paraíso es tu casa: Un manual para ser feliz de puertas adentro

by Diana Quan

No hay nada como el hogar. De nosotros depende que sea como queremos. Y si bien es cierto que inevitablemente acaba siendo una manifestación de nuestra personalidad, también lo es que con una preparación adecuada, una estrategia relativa a los objetivos claros, tenacidad, rigor y buena voluntad, podemos cambiar el estilo del lugar donde vivimos. Y, al mismo tiempo, nos cambiaremos también un poco a nosotros mismos. De hecho, no hay ninguna transformación que introduzcamos en nuestro entorno que no nos afecte de manera directa, así como a nuestras actividades cotidianas. Este libro habla precisamente de todo esto y de mucho más. Concebido como una guía, encontraremos en él información para saber qué dice de nosotros nuestro hogar; orientación sobre los cambios que podemos hacer para transformarlo a fin de obtener el mayor bienestar; las características de cada estancia para saber cuáles generan vitalidad, relax o concentración e inspiración; consejos para sanar o mejorar nuestro estado de ánimo a través del sitio en que vivimos, con elementos tan sencillos como la luz, las plantas y los colores; técnicas para conseguir llenar de positividad nuestra vivienda; detalles prácticos sobre los mejores materiales para crear un hogar saludable; ideas para conseguir que en él reinen siempre la armonía y la tranquilidad.

350 Plantas de interior en color

by Rob Herwig

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La arquitectura de la felicidad

by Alain de Botton

Alternando ideas y anécdotas sabrosas, Alain de Botton nos ofrece un libro que habla de arquitectura, pero habla sobre todo de lo que nos falta y a menudo nos sobra para llegar a la auténtica felicidad. Si es verdad que somos lo que comemos, también es cierto que somos lo que habitamos, y basta con entrar en una casa para saber no solo qué posee, sino qué esconde y qué desea su dueño. La felicidad depende de la idea que tenemos de nosotros mismos, de la capacidad de casar lo que es con lo que debería ser, y eso se refleja en los objetos que nos rodean. Así es desde tiempos inmemoriales, y Alain de Botton nos lleva de la mano para que revisemos bajo esta óptica un tanto insólita los edificios que han marcado la historia de la arquitectura, desde la Villa Rotonda de Palladio hasta las casas funcionales de Le Corbusier y los rascacielos de Jean Nouvel. Stendhal dijo que la belleza es una promesa de felicidad, y cada cual tiene una idea de belleza de acuerdo con la época y las circunstancias en que le ha tocado vivir. Por eso lo que fue hermoso un tiempo, ahora no puede reproducirse tal cual sin que nos parezca inadecuado. Cierta innovación se impone, pero hay elementos arquitectónicos que se repiten a lo largo de los siglos porque responden a las necesidades hondas de los humanos, y el camino de la felicidad se apoya en ellos: en la simetría, por ejemplo, o en las curvas de ciertos objetos. Donde esté la disposición adecuada de líneas y trazos, estará nuestro hábitat ideal, ese lugar al que nos gusta volver porque ahí reencontramos lo mejor de nosotros mismos. Reseña:«Para Botton, la arquitectura y el diseño son algo intensamente personal. Los edificios tienen carácter, vicios y virtudes, miran al mundo con una cara casi humana.»William Grietes, The New York Times «De Botton tiene una maravillosa habilidad para abordar temas de peso desde puntos de vista amenos y excéntricos.»The Seattle Times «Un libro elegante e [...] inusual, lleno de grandes ideas. [...] Rara vez ha habido un matrimonio más delicado de palabras e imágenes.»The New York Sun «Con originalidad, brío e ingenio, De Botton explica cómo encontramos reflejos de nuestros propios valores en los edificios que construimos.»San Francisco Chronicle «De Botton mantiene la arquitectura a una escala humana.»Los Angeles Times «Alain de Botton ha devuelto a la filosofía su propósito más importante: ayudarnos a vivir mejor».Christina Hardyment, The Independent

Diario de un carpintero: El método noruego de hacer las cosas bien

by Ole Thorstensen

Tras el éxito de El libro de la madera, llega un nuevo descubrimiento nórdico; aclamado y publicado por Karl Ove Knausgård: «Un tributo poético y enriquecedor al trabajo manual.» Traducido en 16 países. Diario de un carpintero es una historia sencilla y cautivadora a la vez sobre la rehabilitación de un loft, desde el momento en el que el maestro carpintero Ole Thorstensen entrega un presupuesto hasta que la casa está lista para ser ocupada. A medida que el proyecto evoluciona, vemos el proceso de construcción a través de los ojos de Thorstensen: los meticulosos detalles, el proceso de solucionar problemas, la paciencia y el trabajo en equipo necesario para llevarlo todo a cabo y, sobre todo, el complejo y fructífero diálogo con los clientes que le encomendaron el trabajo. Thorstensen aborda mucho más que los delicados aspectos prácticos de su oficio. Su pasión y experiencia de treinta años lo llevan hasta profundas reflexiones sobre la naturaleza del trabajo manual, los oficios y la vida misma. Diario de un carpintero es una fuente de inspiración para todo tipo de reformas y proyectos, una oda al trabajo bien hecho que transmite la felicidad de ver cómo va tomando forma. La crítica ha dicho...«Un tributo poético y enriquecedor al trabajo manual y al arte que este contiene. Ole Thorstensen escribe sobre los valores que el trabajo artesanal aporta a nuestra sociedad, y su Diario de un carpintero es un oportuno recordatorio de que no podemos consentir perderlos.»Karl Ove Knausgård «Un autor novel que lleva casi treinta años trabajando de carpintero y cuyas manos son su currículum vitae. Sus memorias, Diario de un carpintero, son una oda a todo lo que han hecho.»The Economist «Un humilde pero noble tributo al valor del trabajo honesto, un relato auténtico y absorbente de un maestro carpintero noruego sobre su oficio lleno de verdades puras sobre cómo seguir su propio camino.»Booklist «Un libro absolutamente adorable.»Asahi Newspaper (Japón) «Una agradable incursión en el mundo del artesano llena de una poesía y una dignidad muy verdaderas.»Berlingske «Revelador. [...] El resultado es una buena mezcla de sociología y filosofía, por no hablar de la ética.»Klassekampen «Un libro sólido como el oficio que describe.»Dagbladet «Ole Thorstensen escribe de una forma convincente acerca del trabajo duro como algo honorable, sin caer en ideas románticas.»Bokmagasinet

Cuida tus plantas para que ellas cuiden de ti: Despierta tu instinto planternal

by Nena Von Flow

Un cuaderno ilustrado para cultivar nuestro bienestar a través del cuidado de las plantas. En entornos rurales o urbanos, en balcones, terrazas o jardines, el contacto con las plantas nos ayuda a dejar a un lado las rutinas y el estrés de cada día. Este libro ilustrado es una invitación a conectar con el mundo natural que nos rodea, a sentir su poder sanador y transformador. A través de consejos prácticos, proyectos creativos y reflexiones inspiradoras, Nena Von FLow nos anima a compartir con las plantas nuestro día a día y a descubrir los efectos positivos que tienen en nuestra salud. Cuida tus plantas para que ellas cuiden de ti celebra el potencial de la naturaleza para reparar, sanar y transformar nuestro estado de ánimo.

Visca la terra: La guia definitiva per cultivar, cuinar, gaudir i conèixer els productes de Catalunya

by Pau Clua Sarró Anna Roca Torrent Maria Nicolau Maria José Valiente

El gran llibre per cultivar, cuinar i gaudir dels productes de l'hort Un homenatge a la terra i a tots els qui la treballen. La guia 360 per a totes aquelles persones que tinguin interès a cultivar, cuinar o consumir productes de la terra de manera responsable; amb tota la informació pràctica relacionada amb cada mes de l'any.Mes a mes: els productes de temporada, què sembrar i què plantar; el calendari lunar a tenir en compte en els treballs de camp i d'hort urbà, i totes les fires locals de productes. Receptes per a cada temporada, elaborades per la cuinera i escriptora Maria Nicolau. Frases fetes i dites per a cada mes de l'any, seleccionades per l'autora Maria José Valiente.12 mesos, 12 productes i 12 productors, entrevistes fetes per Anna Roca en què es presenten les fortaleses del sector agrari i ramader del territori.

Plantas para ser feliz: Autocuidado y plantfulness para calmar la mente

by Eva Durán

Una invitación a descubrir el plantfulness®, una especie de «yoga mental» para desconectar de la vorágine del día a día y cuidarte mientras cuidas tus plantas y experimentas con ellas. «Las plantas nos dan paz y son refugio, nos conectan con la naturaleza, cuidan de nosotros, embellecen nuestra vida cotidiana y nos ayudan a olvidar los problemas y a relajarnos tras un día de trabajo... Todos los que tenemos plantas en casa hemos experimentado estos beneficios y esta sensación de bienestar». Nos gustan las plantas y nos encanta pasar tiempo con ellas, pero ¿por qué nos sentimos tan bien cuando nos rodeamos de naturaleza? En las páginas de este libro hablamos de la biofilia y de ese vínculo tan especial que tenemos con el medio natural, así como de los efectos que este tiene sobre nuestra salud física y mental. En este libro, fundamental para plantlovers, hay indicaciones sobre cuidados de plantas y también vamos a tocar mucha tierra, trasplantando con recetas de sustratos. Jugaremos con musgo y kokedamas, aprenderemos a propagar y a hacer miniinvernaderos y conoceremos algunas otras actividades plantásticas que podrás descubrir y hacer a diario, si tú también quieres practicar el plantfulness, esa práctica que está cautivando a miles de amantes de las plantas de interior.

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