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Dead Man's Gold and Other Stories

by Paul Yee

These ten original ghost stories dramatize the history of Chinese immigration to North America -- from the poor village men who first came searching for gold in the late 1850s to the new immigrants who arrived from Hong Kong in the wake of the Cultural Revolution. These stories describe the resilience and struggle of people trying to make new lives for themselves in a strange land. But these are also ghost stories, a popular narrative form in China. Though men and women seek their fortune in the New World, the links to China are strong. Wherever they go, the Chinese immigrants are reminded of their home country -- the curse of a friend betrayed, the ghost of a faithful spouse, the spirit of a dead parent. The tales describe the plights and dreams of men and women, rich and poor, greedy and good, young and old. Together, they tell the tumultuous story of 140 years of Chinese immigration to North America, creating a New World mythology of immigrant stories.

Los Intrusos Del Infierno

by Stuart G. Yates

Hay algo malo con Edwin, el chico nuevo de la escuela. Después de que Richard se hace amigo de él, empiezan a pasar cosas extrañas. Después de que el joven Edwin desaparece, Richard empieza a indagar en la historia de la familia, y descubre un secreto impactante. ¿Podrá Richard resolver el misterio a tiempo, o una fuerza oscura y asesina del pasado reclamará a todos sus seres queridos?

L'uomo dei Pegni: Una storia Horror

by Stuart G. Yates

Nelle strade strette e tortuose di questa città decadente del diciannovesimo secolo, due omicidi scuotono tutti. Con la povertà diffusa, la vita per molti è una battaglia per tenere via la fame e almeno sopravvivere giorno dopo giorno. In mezzo a questo pericolo e morte, l’Uomo dei Pegni esercita il suo mestiere. Un uomo di tempra diabolica, desidera ardentemente l'unica cosa che gli porterà quello che desidera. Oggi, due ragazzi adolescenti esplorano una casa abbandonata in stile Tudor. Mentre l’inquietante atmosfera li riempie con un senso di terrore, realizzano che qualcosa di sinistro è nell’aria. Mentre il passato raggiunge il presente, i ragazzi devono svelare il mistero della casa…E affrontare l’antico demone conosciuto solo come l’Uomo dei Pegni.

La Marea del Terror

by Stuart G. Yates

Este libro es un trabajo de ficción. Los nombres, lugares, personajes e incidentes son producto de la imaginación del autor o se usan de manera ficticia. Cualquier parecido con personas reales, vivas o muertas, eventos o locaciones es una coincidencia. Todos los derechos reservados. Ninguna parte de este libro puede reproducirse o transmitirse de ninguna forma ni por ningún medio, electrónico o mecánico, incluidas fotocopias, grabaciones o cualquier sistema de almacenamiento y recuperación de información, sin el permiso por escrito del autor.

O Penhorista

by Stuart G. Yates

Nas ruas estreitas e sinuosas desta decadente cidade do século 19, dois assassinatos chocam os habitantes locais. Com a pobreza abundante, a vida para muitos é uma batalha para manter a fome longe e pela sobrevivência. Em meio aos perigos e as mortes desse período, o penhorista movimenta o seu comércio. Um homem de mau temperamento, anseiando a única coisa que lhe trará a satisfação que deseja. Nos dias atuais, dois adolescentes exploram uma casa abandonada em estilo Tudor. Enquanto a atmosfera assustadora enche os garotos de medo, eles percebem que algo sinistro está no ar. Como no passado, os meninos devem descobrir o mistério da casa... E encarar o antigo mal, conhecido apenas como O Penhorista.

A Onda do Terror

by Stuart G. Yates

Depois de várias denúncias seguidas de animais feridos, a veterinária Jenny decide investigar o que pode estar causando as feridas. Mais tarde, na mesma noite, ela é despertada por estranhos sons e um frio perturbador no ar. Algo sobrenatural está espreitando nas sombras, fazendo seu estômago revirar de medo. Mas o que conecta os misteriosos ataques, as ruínas de um campo de concentração na ilha e o sombrio, grotesco vulto que aparece sempre nos sonhos de Jenny? Na pequena ilha, ela deve desvendar o mistério... Ou morrer tentando.

El Prestamista

by Stuart G. Yates

En las estrecha y envolventes calles de la decadencia del siglo 19, el asesinato de dos chicosconmociona a los locales. Con la rifa de la pobreza, la vida es para muchos una batalla de mantener el hambre lejos y simplemente sobrevivir día a día. En esta lucha de peligro y muerte, El Prestamista acumula sus intercambios. Un hombre de temperamento vil, ansía la única cosa que le traerá la realización que codicia. En el presente, dos niños adolescentesexploran una casa abandonada estilo Tudor. Mientras que la inquietante atmosfera llena a los niños con un sentimiento de peligro, se dan cuenta de que hay algo siniestro en el aire. Mientras que el pasado alcanza al presente, los chicos deben descubrir el misterio de la casa... y enfrentar el mal conocido como El Prestamista.

Blood Games (The Saint-Germain Cycle #3)

by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro

Since 1978, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro has produced about two dozen novels and numerous short stories detailing the life of a character first introduced to the reading world as Le Comte de Saint-Germain. We first meet him in Paris during the reign of Louis XV when he is, apparently, a wealthy, worldly, charismatic aristocrat, envied and desired by many but fully known to none. In fact, he is a vampire, born in the Carpathian Mountains in 2119 BCE, turned in his late thirties in 2080 BCE, and destined to roam the world forever, watching and participating in history and, through the author, giving us an amazing perspective on the time tapestry of human civilization. In Blood Games, beginning during the reign of Nero, Saint-Germain finds his way through the political turmoil of the time and becomes the lover of the incomparable Atta Olivia Clemens.

A Mortal Glamour

by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro

"One of the most perverse stories you have ever written, A Mortal Glamour is among the best revelations of the difference between good and evil in fiction," said Douglas Clegg to Chelsea Quinn Yarbro when the novel first came out. Set in southern France at the end of the three pandemics of Black Plague that ravaged Europe in the second half of the fourteenth century, the convent at Saunt-Vitre-lo-Sur shows in miniature the collapse of medieval society, and the chaos an incubus/succubus demon brings to nuns and courtiers alike.

Sins of Omission

by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro

A beautiful, mysterious woman possesses the power to bewitch and destroy in Grand Master Chelsea Quinn Yarbro's breathtaking novel of erotic obsession and creeping horror Her name is Fayre and she is a profound mystery, as inscrutable as she is beautiful. Every man who beholds her is lost, enslaved by desire and erotic fantasy. But Fayre's irresistible sexual magnetism is not her only capability, as her last "lover" discovered much too late. He wanted to own her--and now he is dead. From the moment the renowned brain surgeon Dr. Giles Todd first sets his eyes on Fayre, he is possessed. He must have this alluring, exquisite creature, body and soul, or he will surely go mad. Dr. Prentiss Fellkirk's attraction, however, takes a markedly different form. A researcher of psychic and paranormal phenomena, Fellkirk can sense Fayre's power and what lies within her perfect form--and he is determined to gain access to her most carefully protected secrets. An undeniable need drives both a man of rational science and a dedicated pioneer of the occult, making Todd and Fellkirk bitter and dangerous rivals as they are drawn toward the edge of an abyss. And in the chasm that looms before them waits an evil beyond imagination. . . .

Alien Invasion and Other Inconveniences

by Brian Yansky

When a race of aliens quietly takes over the earth, high schooler Jesse finds himself a slave to an inept alien leader--a situation that brightens as Jesse develops telepathic powers and attracts the attention of two beautiful girls.

La maldición del Wendigo (Monstrumólogo #Volumen 2)

by Rick Yancey

Existe un tipo de hambre que no puede saciarse. Ha llegado el devorador de toda la humanidad... Como aprendiz del doctor Warthrop, Will Henry ha dedicado su vida a la monstrumología, pero su existencia da un vuelco cuando el antiguo mentor de su maestro intenta demostrar la existencia del mítico Wendigo, una criatura que sigue hambrienta a pesar de atiborrarse de carne humana. Will y el doctor deberán recorrer los desolados páramos de Canadá. Durante el viaje, puede que descubran una verdad mucho más aterradora de lo que jamás hubieran imaginado.

El monstrumólogo: Serie el monstumólogo - Nº1 (Monstrumólogo #Volumen 1)

by Rick Yancey

Nuestro mundo no es lo que parece. Los monstruos están entre nosotros. Will Henry, un chico huérfano, es el aprendiz del doctor Warthrop, especializado en algo singular y macabro: el estudio de los monstruos. Una noche, el médico y su ayudante reciben dos cadáveres; el de una joven… y el de una criatura sin cabeza y de dientes afilados que se creía extinta en Nueva Inglaterra. Pronto, Will y el doctor tendrán que iniciar una carrera contrarreloj para evitar que estas bestias se extiendan y vuelvan a matar.

House 23: A Thriller

by Eli Yance

A psychological thriller that pits a community against a man, and that man against himself.Joseph Lee lost his wife, the love of his life. She was slain in their home, right under his nose. As if the grief weren’t enough, Lee was also blamed for her murder. At the end of the day, the detectives didn’t have any proof that Lee was the murderer, but that didn’t stop the community from shunning him or his friends and family from cutting him out of their lives. They didn’t need proof, they said.Left to stew in his own self-loathing, a miserable existence of solitude and narcotics, Lee is alone with his regrets and his remorse. But his life is about to change-there is hope yet for this hopeless man. A beautiful woman who looks uncannily like his deceased wife moves into the vacant house across the road, sparking something in Joseph Lee that he thought was long dead.But after the light at the end of the tunnel, there is even more darkness for Lee. This beautiful lookalike, and the house she now calls home, are hiding terrible secrets that will unravel everything Lee thought he knew about himself, his neighbors, and his deceased wife.

All of Us Strangers [Movie Tie-in]: A Novel

by Taichi Yamada

Now a Major Motion Picture starring Andrew Scott, Paul Mescal, Claire Foy, and Jamie Bell.A man is drawn back to his childhood home and discovers his parents living just as they were on the day they died thirty years before…Screenwriter Harada is disconnected from the world. Lonely and jaded, he’s drifted apart from his son and is dismissive when approached with gestures of friendship, including from a lonely and mysterious tenant who lives in his mostly empty apartment building.One night, when Harada returns to the dilapidated downtown district of Tokyo where he grew up, he meets a man who looks exactly like his long-dead father. And so begins Harada’s ordeal, thrust into a reality where his parents appear to be alive at the exact age they had been when they died many years earlier. Deeply felt, searching, and profound, All of Us Strangers is a beautiful meditation on loss and the connection between familial love and romantic love.

Cenizas Quemadas

by Daniel Ricardo Yagolkowski Joseph Mulak

Deseche todo lo que usted creía que sabía sobre zombis. Todd, un guitarrista de poco más de treinta años de Aspen Falls, se topa con una nueva droga que tiene efectos avasalladores sobre la mente. Después de rechazar la oferta de un misterioso anciano, Todd rápidamente se entera de que el mundo está al borde de la destrucción. Efectos colaterales aterradores de la droga psicodélica “Ceniza” convierten a sus usuarios en muertos vivientes. Una peste está infectando con rapidez todo el mundo, lo que hace que Todd y su hermano Mitch, del que está distanciado, se alíen. ¿Podrán los dos hermanos hacer a un lado sus diferencias y sobrevivir el apocalipsis? Un relato diferente de apocalipsis zombi, Cenizas Quemadas es un enfoque original y profundo del popular género y una lectura que ha de deleitar a cualquier entusiasta del horror.

Cat's Eye

by Jennifer Yaeggy Gemma Herrero Virto

Dark forests, paranormal phenomena, a crime spree that shocks a small town and a stone that lets you connect to the other side. Are you brave enough to enter Erkiaga? Laura Ugalde, a young anthropology professor, decides to leave her old life behind and move to the town of Erkiaga to do the facial reconstruction of an unknown female, murdered 15 years ago. However, a series of strange events start to occur as soon as she arrives: episodes of sleepwalking where she destroys the previous day's work, paranormal phenomena, threats of what will happen if she doesn't abandon the case. In spite of all this, Laura decides to continue her work, but several men from the town begin to show up dead; murdered as she works on the reconstruction process. Is she committing these heinous crimes in her sleep? Is the dead girl's spirit gaining enough strength to enact her vengeance thanks to her reconstruction work? Or is there someone so interested in not having the crime solved that they're systematically eliminating all of the witnesses?

Adivinando lo Perdido

by Jennifer Yaeggy G M Cameron

La ex esposa de DC Frankie McCormack ha desaparecido y Frankie está enloqueciendo. En el segundo libro de la serie Andrómeda, nuevamente nos encontramos con el DI Mike Donnelly y con Annie, ambos usando sus muy diferentes métodos para ayudar Frankie a buscarla. Mientras que Donnelly trata de evitar que Frankie se involucre en la investigación, Frankie recurre a las habilidades especiales de Annie para determinar qué le sucedió a su ex esposa. Sin embargo, Annie está ocupada por el momento, defendiéndose de los ataques de un viejo enemigo, y tratando de evadir a un acosador violento. Una novela de crimen escocesa con humor y un toque de lo oculto.

Haunting in Chinese-Australian Writing

by Xiao Xiong

This book examines haunting in terms of trauma, languaging, and the supernatural in works by Chinese Australian writers born in Australia, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore. It goes beyond the conventional focus on identity issues in the analysis of diasporic writing, considering how the memory of past trauma is triggered by abusive systems of power in the present. The author unpacks how trauma also brings past violence to haunt the present. This book considers how different Chinese diasporic communities present a dynamic and multiple state through partial erasure between different Chinese subcultures and other cultures.Showing the supernatural as a social and cultural product, this book elucidates how haunting as the supernatural refers to the coexistence of, and the competition between, different cultures and powers. It takes a wide-ranging view of different diasporic communities under the banner ‘Chinese’, a term that refers not only to Chinese nationals in terms of citizenship, but also to the Chinese diaspora in terms of ancestry, and Chinese culture more generally. In analysing haunting in texts, the author positions Chinese culture as in a constant state of flux. It is relevant to literary scholars and students with interests in Australian literature, Chinese and Southeast Asian migration writing, and those with an interest in the Gothic and postcolonial traditions.

Monkey Wrench (Were Menagerie)

by Xara X. Xanakas

A Were Menagerie StoryTwenty-year-old virgin Aaron Thorne has a lot of irons in the fire. He's on a career-making case investigating a new party drug that induces shifts in werecreatures, and his friend is the prime suspect. Outside of work, a literal silver fox has captured his attention. And just when life start going smoothly for Aaron, a tall, dark, scowly bobcat shifter named Iggy appears and sweeps him off his feet. After being attacked in the course of his investigation, Aaron starts to feel like he has something to prove. It's a good thing he's got all the energy of his shifter animal, the spider monkey. He's going to need it to solve the case, sort out his love life, and decide what kind of man he wants to be.

Snakeskin Boots (Were Menagerie)

by Xara X. Xanakas

A Were Menagerie StoryJeff Cordata has always known wolves can be dangerous. Not that his luck with snakes has been any better. It's not easy being a wereboa constrictor in a world that worships werewolves. When the customer he's been watching for months turns out to be an interested wolf, his first instinct is to flee, but his attraction to Brad Cannidy is undeniable despite the strained relations between their families. Then Jeff's anaconda ex-boyfriend re-enters his life as a pair of snakeskin boots, the hunt begins for the murderer who is turning weres into accessories, and Jeff will have to decide if a boa and a wolf can really mate for life.

Madam: A Novel

by Phoebe Wynne

"The simmering menace and mystery kept me absolutely gripped...a smoldering novel that I could not put down." ––Jennifer Saint, author of Ariadne"Rebecca meets The Secret History: gloriously dark, gloriously Gothic." ––Sara Collins, bestselling author of The Confessions of Fannie LangtonNamed a Best Book of 2021 by Goodreads • Parade • PopSugar • Brit+Co • Romper • Frolic • Crime Reads • • Women.comDiscover the secrets of Caldonbrae Hall in this riveting, modern gothic debut set at an all girls' boarding school perched on a craggy Scottish peninsula.For 150 years, high above rocky Scottish cliffs, Caldonbrae Hall has sat untouched, a beacon of excellence in an old ancestral castle. A boarding school for girls, it promises that the young women lucky enough to be admitted will emerge “resilient and ready to serve society.”Into its illustrious midst steps Rose Christie: a 26-year-old Classics teacher, Caldonbrae’s new head of the department, and the first hire for the school in over a decade. At first, Rose is overwhelmed to be invited into this institution, whose prestige is unrivaled. But she quickly discovers that behind the school’s elitist veneer lies an impenetrable, starkly traditional culture that she struggles to reconcile with her modernist beliefs--not to mention her commitment to educating “girls for the future.”It also doesn’t take long for Rose to suspect that there’s more to the secret circumstances surrounding the abrupt departure of her predecessor--a woman whose ghost lingers everywhere--than anyone is willing to let on. In her search for this mysterious former teacher, Rose instead uncovers the darkness that beats at the heart of Caldonbrae, forcing her to confront the true extent of the school’s nefarious purpose, and her own role in perpetuating it.A darkly feminist tale pitched against a haunting backdrop, and populated by an electrifying cast of heroines, Madam will keep readers engrossed until the breathtaking conclusion.They want our silence…They want our obedience…Let them see our fire burn

Madam: The most chilling and darkly feminist book group novel you'll read in 2021

by Phoebe Wynne

'Rebecca meets The Secret History. Gloriously dark, gloriously gothic' Sara Collins, Costa First Novel Award-winning author of The Confessions of Frannie Langton For 150 years, Caldonbrae Hall has loomed high above the Scottish cliffs as a beacon of excellence in the ancestral castle of Lord William Hope. A boarding school for girls, it promises that its pupils will emerge 'resilient and ready to serve society'. Into its illustrious midst steps Rose Christie, a 26-year-old Classics teacher and new head of department. Rose is overwhelmed by the institution: its arcane traditions, unrivalled prestige, and terrifyingly cool, vindictive students. Her classroom becomes her haven, where the stories of fearless women from ancient Greek and Roman history ignite the curiosity of the girls she teaches and, unknowingly, the suspicions of the powers that be. But as Rose uncovers the darkness that beats at the very heart of Caldonbrae, the lines between myth and reality grow ever more blurred. It will be up to Rose - and the fierce young women she has come to love - to find a way to escape the fate the school has in store for them, before it is too late. Perfect for fans of Margaret Atwood and Madeline Miller, Madam is a darkly feminist tale with an electrifying cast of heroines you won't soon forget.______________________'Imagine if Donna Tartt and Margaret Atwood got together to write a creepy, suspenseful novel . . . Brooding and unsettling, Wynne paints a gorgeous picture that only serves to camouflage the dark secrets she's hidden within' - Chandler Baker, author of Whisper Network'The simmering menace and mystery kept me absolutely gripped . . . This was a smouldering slow burn of a novel that I could not put down' - Jennifer Saint, author of Ariadne'Strange, dark, and utterly consuming . . . I loved it' - Katie Lowe, author of The Furies'Chilling, eerie and very clever. I devoured it' - Polly Crosby, author of The Illustrated Child'A thrilling debut, reminiscent of Du Maurier. The narrative, written in precise prose with beautifully crafted characters, barrels along at pace, leaving us breathless at each twist and turn. A truly wonderful read' - Nydia Hetherington, author of A Girl Made Of Air'I ripped through it and thoroughly enjoyed the ride . . . A highly entertaining and atmospheric read' - Kate Sawyer, author of The Stranding'Full of fire and light, written with a passionate intensity . . . Madam is a book that shimmers . . . It's an extraordinary achievement' - Now and Fen blog


by Phoebe Wynne

'Rebecca meets The Secret History. Gloriously dark, gloriously gothic' SARA COLLINSLight a fire they can't put out...For 150 years, above the Scottish cliffs, Caldonbrae Hall has sat as a beacon of excellence in the ancestral castle of Lord William Hope. A boarding school for girls, it promises a future where its pupils will emerge 'resilient and ready to serve society'.Rose Christie, a 26-year-old Classics teacher, is the first new hire for the school in over a decade. At first, Rose feels overwhelmed in the face of this elite establishment, but soon after her arrival she begins to understand that she may have more to fear than her own ineptitude.When Rose stumbles across the secret circumstances surrounding the abrupt departure of her predecessor - a woman whose ghost lingers over everything and who no one will discuss - she realises that there is much more to this institution than she has been led to believe.As she uncovers the darkness that beats at the heart of Caldonbrae, Rose becomes embroiled in a battle that will threaten her sanity as well as her safety...A brooding, mesmeric novel with a feminist kick, perfect for fans of Naomi Alderman, Madeline Miller and Margaret Atwood.(P)2021 Quercus Editions Limited

The Ruins: A Novel

by Phoebe Wynne

A suspenseful, contemporary Gothic coming-of-age tale with shades of Patricia Highsmith and Atonement, pitched against the sun-soaked backdrop of the French Riviera.The most dazzling summer casts the darkest shadows.Welcome to the Chateau des Sètes, a jewel of the Cote d’Azur, where long summer days bring ease, glamour, and decadence to the holidaymakers who can afford it.Ruby Ashby adores her parents’ house in France, but this August, everything feels different. Unexpected guests have descended upon the chateau––friends of her parents, and their daughters—and they are keen to enjoy the hot, extravagant summer holiday to its fullest potential. Far from England, safe in their wealth and privilege, the adults revel in bad behavior without consequence, while the girls are treated as playthings or abandoned to their own devices. But despite languid days spent poolside and long nights spent drinking, a simmering tension is growing between the families, and the sanctuary that Ruby cherishes soon starts to feel like a gilded cage.Over two decades later the chateau is for sale, its days of splendor and luxury long gone, leaving behind a terrible history and an ugly legacy. A young widow has returned to France, wanting to purchase the chateau, despite her shocking memories of what transpired that fateful summer. But there is another person who is equally haunted by the chateau, and who also seeks to reclaim it. Who will set the chateau free––and who will become yet another of its victims?With riveting psychological complexity, The Ruins captures the tangled legacy of abuse, the glittering allure of the Mediterranean––and the dark shadows that wait beneath the surface of both.

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