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Showing 16,776 through 16,800 of 16,858 results

The Ultimate Dracula

by Byron Preiss

In The Ultimate Dracula, some of the world's best-known authors of the fantastic and horror fiction explore the legend of Bram Stoker's classic monster.

Wizard for Hire

by Jim Butcher

A modern day wizzard helps protect Chicago against evil magicians, wherewolves, ghosts, and other assorted supernatural entities.

Barnabas, Quentin and the Frightened Bride (Dark Shadows by Marilyn Ross #22)

by Marilyn Ross

[from the back cover] "Ann and John Hayward's honeymoon at Collinwood slowly turns into a series of nightmares. Soon after their arrival, John, who is recovering from a war injury, falls victim to strange, violent spells. In a fit of irrational jealousy, he accuses his wife of falling in love with Barnabas Collins. Meanwhile, a series of attacks on her life frighten Ann into believing John is trying to kill her. Though tormented by doubts of John's sanity, she believes his warning that Barnabas is a vampire. Ann nevertheless accepts help from Barnabas--and unknowingly becomes the prey to the evil forces at Collinwood!" if you enjoyed this book or you enjoy gothic, somewhat romantic horror, or if you are a fan of the hugely popular Dark Shadows television series of the late 1960s and early 1970s, Look in the Bookshare library for many more books in the Dark Shadows Series by Marilyn Ross including: #3 Strangers At Collinwood, #5 The Curse of Collinwood, #8. The Demon of Barnabas Collins, #18. Barnabas Collins and the Nightmare Assassin, #20. Barnabas, Quentin and the Witch's Curse and #21. Barnabas, Quentin and the Haunted Cave, with more on the way.

The Messenger

by Mona Williams

They came to the island looking for an unspoiled paradise. What they discovered was something terrifyingly different.

Death Masks (The Dresden Files, Book #5)

by Jim Butcher

Harry Dresden is not having a good day. A vampire named Ortega is hunting the beleaguered wizard, intending to challenge him to a duel that, Ortega claims, will end the war between the vampires and the wizards. Harry has almost no hope of winning the duel, but soon he is preoccupied by another problem: Father Vincent, a priest, needs Harry's help in finding the Shroud of Turin, stolen by a trio of thieves. Harry traces two of the thieves to his hometown, Chicago, but when he finds them, he learns that he isn't the only one after them. A group of terrifying demons wants the shroud, and its leader is interested in Harry's soul, too. Harry must call on all of his friends, including three brave knights, his police-officer friend, and even his half-vampire ex-girlfriend, Susan. Butcher maintains a breakneck pace in Harry's exciting fifth adventure. This imaginative series continues to surprise and delight with its inventiveness and sympathetic hero.

Barnabas, Quentin and the Haunted Cave (Dark Shadows by Marilyn Ross #21)

by Marilyn Ross

Harriet Turnbridge asks Barnabas Collins for help after her husband, her brother-in-law, and father-in-law are found dead, their throats savagely ripped open. The police insist the killer is a mad beast. Harriet thinks that the phantom recently seen at Collinwood is responsible. Barnabas suspects that Quentin Collins, disguised as a wealthy hippie, is guilty. Where will they find the murderer? In the nightmare world of Harriet's dreams? In the haunted cave beneath the Collins' family cemetery? Or in another century--when witchcraft and demonology threatened Collinwood? Will the evil forces at Collinwood destroy Barnabas Collins, too? Harriet Turnbridge fears for her life as, one by one, the members of her family are brutally murdered. She turns to Barnabas Collins for help. Barnabas and Harriet are close on the trail of the killer when they are tricked into following him into a secret cave far beneath Collinwood. Almost immediately, the only entrance is sealed off, and Barnabas and Harriet are trapped in this grotesque world of ghost-like stalactites and treacherous, bottomless black pools. Will Harriet and Barnabas meet the phantom murderer in this horrible realm of the dead? Or will they escape to face an even deadlier enemy? More gothic horror based on the popular television series, Dark Shadows, await you in the Bookshare collection. Look for #3. Strangers at Collins House, #5. The Curse of Collinwood, #8. The Demon of Barnabas Collins, #18. Barnabas Collins and the Nightmare Assassin, #20. Barnabas, quentin and the Witch's Curse and #22. Barnabas, Quentin and the Frightened Bride, with more on the way.

Grave Peril (The Dresden Files, Book #3)

by Jim Butcher

From Publishers Weekly Wizard Harry Dresden stars in the third installment of the Dresden Files (following Fool Moon), a haunting, fantastical novel that begins almost as innocently as those of another famous literary wizard named Harry. In the opening scene, Dresden and his knight friend, Michael, battle the ghost of a woman who is terrorizing a local hospital's maternity ward. From there, the novel quickly evolves into an unorthodox tale spiced with sexual innuendo and subtle humor (Dresden carries his ghost-hunting gear in an old Scooby-Doo lunch box). Due to the weakened barrier between the spirit world which Butcher refers to as "the nevernever" and the actual world, obsessive and violent ghosts are on the loose in modern-day Chicago, and they seem to be targeting Dresden and Michael. Horny vampires and possessive demons join the mix as Dresden journeys into the spirit world to hunt down the villains who are terrorizing him and his friends. Butcher narrates Dresden's story in the first person, which limits the amount of detail he can inject into the lives of his secondary characters. Despite this narrow point of view, Butcher successfully lends human dimensions to vampires and spirits through his vivid descriptions and colloquial dialogue. (Sept.)Forecast: A vivid cover showing glowing barbed wire wrapped around a pair of cemetery gates is misleading as is a cover quote appealing to fans of Laurell K. Hamilton and Tanya Huff but it will catch the browser's eye. This over-the-top tale is more likely to entertain young adult readers than fans of the aforementioned authors.

Shock I

by Richard Matheson

Collection of offbeat horror and science fiction tales


by Clive Barker

THE NIGHTMARE HAD BEGUN... Boone now knew for sure there was no place on this earth for him, no happiness here, not even with Lori. He would let Hell claim him, let Death take him there. But Death itself seemed to shrink from him. No wonder, if he had indeed been the monster who had shattered and violated and shredded so many others' lives. And Decker had shown him the proof the hellish photographs where the victims were forever stilled, splayed in the last obscene moment of their torture. Boone's only refuge now was Midian that awful, legendary place which gathered to itself in its monstrous embrace the half-dead.

Barnabas, Quentin and the Nightmare Assassin (Dark Shadows by Marilyn Ross #18)

by Marilyn Ross

[from the back cover] "Carolyn Stoddard is knocked unconscious when the sports car she and Barnabas are riding in skids on a patch of ice. She regains consciousness in Collinwood with Barnabas and Quentin Collins at her side--but the year is 1870! And Collinwood is being terrorized by a savage killer. Carolyn likes Quentin and refuses to believe that even in werewolf form he could be the murderer. But even Quentin is convinced of his own guilt. The old family lawyer hires someone to kill him. Several days later, before he can reveal the assassin's name, the lawyer dies. Quentin has signed his own death sentence, marked for death by an unknown killer. BARNABAS, QUENTIN AND THE NIGHTMARE ASSASSIN is the eighteenth in a series of thrilling novels based on ABC-TV's popular suspense drama, DARK SHADOWS. To spend more time in the gothic atmosphere of Collinwood with characters like Barnabas, quentin, Carolyn, Victoria, Maggie and more, all with their supernatural curses and ill fated romances, read more from Marilyn Ross's Dark Shadows in the Bookshare Library including: #3. Strangers at Collins House , #5. The Curse of Collinwood, #8. The Demon of Barnabas Collins and #20. Barnabas, quentin and the Witch's Curse

Barnabas, Quentin and the Witch's Curse (Dark Shadows by Marilyn Ross #20)

by Marilyn Ross

[from the back cover] Will a desire for revenge lead Anita into a trap from which she cannot escape? Against her will, Anita Burgess accompanies her brother Jeffrey to Collinwood. He is determined to get revenge against Quentin Collins who he believes is responsible for his best friend's death. Pretending friendship toward Quentin, Anita and Jeffrey learn he has established a Black Magic center at Collinwood and has several young women completely under his power. Jeffrey enlists Barnabas's aid in his struggle to destroy Quentin-both to avenge his friend's death and to free the young women. But he does not realize that by destroying Quentin, he risks destroying Anita as well." Can Barnabas stop Quentin from bringing his coven to Collinwood? Quentin Collins' coven of witches, centered in the Castle Asariana in Venice, was the scandal of the city. Reports of the bizarre practices of the Devil worshippers, all of whom were beautiful girls, circulated widely, and invitations to the parties that Quentin sometimes held to attract new members to his cult, were greedily coveted. Then two Americans died while spending an evening at the castle, but before the authorities could investigate, Quentin and his entire group vanished. Soon after, Quentin showed up at Collinwood, with the intent of establishing his cult there. Barnabas knew it was up to him to stop Quentin before Collinwood was turned into a center of Black Magic and Satan worship. But who wielded the stronger power--Barnabas, or the Devil himself? You can get lost in the frightening gothic Dark shadows series you'll find in the Bookshare Library including: Barnabas, Quentin and the Crystal Coffin, Barnabas, Quentin and the Nightmare Assassin, Barnabas, Quentin and the Avenging Ghost, Barnabas, Quentin and the Mummy's Curse, Barnabas, Quentin and the Gypsy Witch, Barnabas Collins and Quentin's Demon, Barnabas Collins and the Mysterious Ghost, The Peril of Barnabas Collins, Barnabas Collins Versus the Warlock, THE Phantom and Barnabas Collins, The Foe of Barnabas Collins, The Secret of Barnabas Collins, THE Demon of Barnabas Collins, The Curse of Collinwood, The Mystery of Collinwood, Strangers at Collins HouseVictoria Winters, Dark Shadows and Barnabas Collins.

The Lottery and Other Stories

by Shirley Jackson


The Curse of Collinwood (Dark Shadows series by Marilyn Ross #5)

by Marilyn Ross

[from the back cover] "Do Zombies Walk at Collinwood? Upset over the death of Ernest Collins, Victoria begins to believe that phantoms are haunting her. Are they figments of her imagination? As the threats to her life become very real, she is forced to accept the horrifying truth. The strange figures are not phantoms but the bodies of Derek and Esther Collins, murdered more than a century ago. They were unwittingly released from their coffins by a shaft of moonlight--and doomed to roam the earth as the "living dead." Victoria's life is threatened by a supernatural terror from beyond the grave! At first Victoria scoffs at the legend that Collinwood is haunted by zombies, members of the "living dead." She does not believe it possible that a shaft of moonlight striking their coffin can release two bodies buried for more than 100 years. Yet as Victoria continues to see the strange apparitions stalking the grounds of Collinwood, and as the threats to her life become more frequent, she is forced to admit that Collinwood--and her own life--are truly cursed! THE CURSE OF COLLINWOOD is the fifth Gothic novel in Paperback Library's series based on ABC's DARK SHADOWS, daytime TV's most popular show. There are many more eerie books by Marilyn Ross in the Dark Shadows series, the most popular supernatural daily series in television history, in the Bookshare library. They were written in the mid twentieth century. Look for: #1. Dark Shadows, #2. Victoria Winters, #3. Strangers at Collinwood, #4 The Mystery of Collinwood, #6. Barnabas Collins, #7 The Secret of Barnabas Collins, and Barnabas and Quentin and the Haunted Cave.

Strangers at Collins House (Dark Shadows series by Marilyn Ross #3)

by Marilyn Ross

Strangers at Collins House is the third Gothic novel in Paperback Library's new series based on DARK SHADOWS, ABC-TV's continuing suspense drama. Within the shadowy recesses of Collins House, Victoria Winters helps Elizabeth Stoddard open a secret room in preparation for the arrival of elderly Henry Collins. From the first meeting with the mysterious old man, Victoria senses that he holds a vital key to her past. When he makes her a secret present of the magnificent jewels which belonged to the woman he loved--a woman Victoria strongly resembles--she is sure she is on the verge of discovering her real identity at last. But as her life is threatened repeatedly by a hidden killer, Victoria wonders if she will live long enough to find out. [from the back cover] "Victoria Winters at last feels she has a clue to her own identity when she meets elderly Henry Collins. He secretly gives her the jewels which once belonged to his lost love--a woman Victoria strongly resembles. After receiving the gift, Victoria is suddenly terrified by attacks on her life which are masked as accidents. Surrounded by danger, Victoria wonders if she is to be the victim of ruthless thieves--or a hidden murderer desperate enough to keep her from learning about her past." There are many more eerie books by Marilyn Ross in the Dark Shadows series, the most popular supernatural daily series in television history in the Bookshare library. They were written in the mid twentieth century. Look for: Dark Shadows, Victoria Winters, The Mystery of Collinwood, The Curse of Collinwood, Barnabas, The Curse of Collinwood and Quentin and the Haunted Cave.

Duffy and the Devil

by Harve Zemach

If you remember the story of Rumpelstiltskin, there will be no surprises here. And, the first paragraph may illicit load graons from those who are blind. Caldecott Medal winner. " Squire Lovel of Trove had no wife. His housekeeper, Old Jone, did the cooking and the cleaning for him. But the sharpness had long since gone out of her eyesight, so she couldn't do fine chores any more, like spinning and sewing and knitting. After a time the squire's clothes got so rough and ragged that he thought he'd better go find a maid to be Jone's helper."


by Robert Bloch

After stealing from the bank where she works, Mary's plans for escape and a new life are ended when she has the misfortune to stop at a secluded motel.

American Gothic

by Robert Bloch

Gordon Gregg built a castle-like hotel for the Chicago Fair of 1893. His guests were women who always left mysteriously. A reporter's curiosity led her to investigate.

Cold Hand in Mine

by Robert Aickman

These eight stories draw the reader irresistibly into eight strange worlds-uncanny, enigmatic, unearthly. In each there is something chillingly wrong-a hint of diabolism or vampirism, of reincarnation or the living dead-all of which could be explained away as hallucination or hysteria. Or could it? The stories cover a wide variety of settings and situations. A young English girl falls into peaceful but oddly enervating love in a palazzo in Ravenna, a man traveling on business finds himself as night falls in an isolated, unnervingly Kafka-esque hotel, Prince Albrecht von Allendorf meets his mysterious end in a mountain lake in Bavaria. Robert Aickman's stories are the work of a master of the genre, subtle, written with consummate skill and command of detail. Their mystery lingers, tantalizes, never quite lets the reader go.

Bloch and Bradbury

by Robert Bloch Ray Bradbury

Ten dark fantasy stories from the early careers of two of the best writers. By Robert Bloch--The Shadow from the Steeple, The Grinning Ghoul, Mannikins of Horror, The Druidic Doom, A Question of Etiquette, The Man Who Cried Wolf!. By Ray Bradbury--The Watchers, Fever Dream, The Dead Man, The Handler

The Pack

by William Essex

Fueled by an insatiable hunger and driven by madness, the pack roams the countryside, chasing and devouring their prey with the icy, snarling efficiency of the perfect killing machine. <P><P>They were once pets, but now they're man's worst enemy--and their numbers are growing.

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