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Showing 8,751 through 8,775 of 16,806 results

The Infernal Battalion

by Django Wexler

Military might and arcane power clash in Django Wexler’s thrilling new Shadow Campaigns novel. The Beast, the ancient demon imprisoned beneath the fortress-city of Elysium for a thousand years, has been loosed on the world. It absorbs mind after mind, spreading like a plague through the north. The fell army it has raised threatens the heart of Vordan, and it is under the command of the Beast’s greatest prize: legendary general Janus bet Vhalnich. As Queen Raesinia Orboan and soldiers Marcus D’Ivoire and Winter Ihernglass grapple with the aftermath of a hard-fought military campaign, they soon discover a betrayal they never could have foreseen. The news arrives like a thunderbolt: Janus has declared himself the rightful Emperor of Vordan. Chaos grips the city as officers and regiments are forced to declare for queen or emperor. Raesinia must struggle to keep her country under control and risks becoming everything she fought against. Marcus must take the field against his old commander, a man who has seemed an unbeatable strategist. And as Winter recovers from her injuries and mourns her losses, she knows the demon she carries inside her might be the only thing standing between the Beast and the destruction of everything in its path....

Infernal Angel

by Edward Lee

Hell is teeming with skyscrapers, just like many other cities. There is only one difference. In this city the people are all dead. But two living humans discover the greatest of all occult secrets ...


by Alex Zuchi

Matheus Mayer is a man tormented by past woes. Accused of killing his family, he's trying to prove his innocence and that his daughter is still alive. When he's sent to a new Psychiatric Hospital – built in an isolated region – Matheus finds only five other inmates. Each one has a completely distinctive personality and each seems to have their own goals. A special characteristic, however, seems to unite them. Dark enigmas start to echo inside the institution, specially after the arrival of a mysterious man by the name of Heitor Velasques and his team of researchers. Their goals are unknown. Matheus starts to feel the presence of supernatural beings that seem to inhabit the Institution. These beings bring about unique feelings, as if the divine and the profane were fighting for dominion. One by one, the inmates are called by the research team for an experiment. After it, they can’t be found anywhere, and some physical and sensory changes seem to transform the Psychiatric Hospital's facilities into something completely different. Now there's pain. nauseating smells, flames, and throbbing walls. With the help of the Hospital's own employees, Matheus Mayer starts to unveil Heitor's motivation and finds himself entangled in a dangerous and complex game, in which, due to neural interface devices and experimental drugs, the patient's minds are invaded in search of the key to the realm of gods. It's time to explore the depths of the unknown in a journey towards a reunion. How far would you go to save someone you love?

Inferis: L’oscurità pulsante prendeva forma

by Alex Zuchi

Matheus Mayer è un uomo tormentato dai dolori del passato. Accusato dell'omicidio della sua famiglia, deve provare la sua innocenza, e anche che sua figlia è ancora viva. Trasferito nell'ennesimo ospedale psichiatrico, costruito nel bel mezzo di una zona desolata, Matheus incontra altri cinque pazienti. Ciascuno ha una personalità completamente diversa dall'altro, e tutti sembrano perseguire obiettivi diversi. Tuttavia, paiono legati da abilità speciali. Enigmi arcani si disvelano all'interno dell'istituto, soprattutto in seguito all'arrivo di un uomo misterioso chiamato Heitor Velasques e della sua èquipe di ricercatori, le cui intenzioni sono ancora sconosciute. Matheus percepisce presenze soprannaturali nell'edificio. Queste manifestazioni risvegliano sensazioni contrastanti, come se il divino e il profano combattessero per il potere. I pazienti sono sottoposti uno per uno all'esperimento dall'èquipe di ricercatori. In seguito, i pazienti scompaiono, e trasformazioni fisiche e sensoriali sembrano trasformare le stanze dell'ospedale psichiatrico in un posto completamente diverso. Pieno di dolore, fiamme, odori nauseabondi e pareti palpitanti. Con l'aiuto dei dipendenti dell'ospedale, Matheus Mayer svela lo scopo di Heitor, e si ritrova prigioniero di un piano complesso e pericoloso tramite il quale, attraverso interfacce neurali e droghe psicotrope, le menti dei pazienti sono invase alla ricerca della chiave per il dominio degli dei. È giunto il tempo di esplorare le profondità dell'ignoto, in un viaggio di ritrovamento. Quanto lontano sei disposto a spingerti per salvare coloro che ami?

Infectum (Parte III: Terrore)

by Cecilia Metta David Pardo

INFECTUM è il nuovo romanzo di David Pardo, autore del bestseller digitale DEGENERAZIONE che è stato tradotto in tre lingue (inglese, italiano e portoghese). SINOSSI: Anno 2020. La civiltà si consuma. Roger Mears è un giovane dell'alta società di Capital City che vede stroncata la sua carriera sportiva a seguito di un incidente. Qualche anno dopo e tormentato dagli incubi che lo perseguitano ogni notte, Roger sopravvive trasformato in un tossicodipendente che si nasconde nei sobborghi della città. Dopo un'overdose di eroina per la quale è sul punto di morire, Roger si affida alle cure di un medico famoso che gli assicura di poter sradicare le sue dipendenze attraverso un trattamento costoso e innovativo. Da quel momento inizierà un viaggio terrificante in cui le sue paure prenderanno vita e durante il quale affronterà faccia a faccia i suoi demoni. INFECTUM è un viaggio intenso attraverso la follia. Un incubo crudele e spietato in cui l'autore di DEGENERAZIONE ci spinge a cadere preda dell'orrore che si presenta sotto forma di incubi opprimenti e creature assetate di sangue e di morte. Sarete in grado di vincere la paura e di fuggire dalla Prigione? NR18 AVVISO: Questo romanzo contiene scene che possono urtare la sensibilità del lettore. Recensione: "È una montagna russa per l'inferno. L'azione va "in crescendo" e giunge a un finale delirante in cui la sorpresa, l'azione e le forze più selvagge vi obbligano a non lasciarlo. Se vi piace Resident Evil, questo è il vostro libro. Me lo sono gustato tutto!" -Octavi Segarra-.

Infectum (Parte II: Paura)

by Cecilia Metta David Pardo

INFECTUM è il nuovo romanzo di David Pardo, autore del bestseller digitale DEGENERAZIONE che è stato tradotto in tre lingue (inglese, italiano e portoghese). SINOSSI: Anno 2020. La civiltà si consuma. Roger Mears è un giovane dell'alta società di Capital City che vede stroncata la sua carriera sportiva a seguito di un incidente. Qualche anno dopo e tormentato dagli incubi che lo perseguitano ogni notte, Roger sopravvive trasformato in un tossicodipendente che si nasconde nei sobborghi della città. Dopo un'overdose di eroina per la quale è sul punto di morire, Roger si affida alle cure di un medico famoso che gli assicura di poter sradicare le sue dipendenze attraverso un trattamento costoso e innovativo. Da quel momento inizierà un viaggio terrificante in cui le sue paure prenderanno vita e durante il quale affronterà faccia a faccia i suoi demoni. INFECTUM è un viaggio intenso attraverso la follia. Un incubo crudele e spietato in cui l'autore di DEGENERAZIONE ci spinge a cadere preda dell'orrore che si presenta sotto forma di incubi opprimenti e creature assetate di sangue e di morte. Sarete in grado di vincere la paura e di fuggire dalla Prigione? NR18 AVVISO: Questo romanzo contiene scene che possono urtare la sensibilità del lettore. Recensione: "È una montagna russa per l'inferno. L'azione va "in crescendo" e giunge a un finale delirante in cui la sorpresa, l'azione e le forze più selvagge vi obbligano a non lasciarlo. Se vi piace Resident Evil, questo è il vostro libro. Me lo sono gustato tutto!" -Octavi Segarra-.

Infectum (Parte I: Dolore)

by Cecilia Metta David Pardo

INFECTUM è il nuovo romanzo di David Pardo, autore del bestseller digitale DEGENERAZIONE che è stato tradotto in tre lingue (inglese, italiano e portoghese). SINOSSI: Anno 2020. La civiltà si consuma. Roger Mears è un giovane dell'alta società di Capital City che vede stroncata la sua carriera sportiva a seguito di un incidente. Qualche anno dopo e tormentato dagli incubi che lo perseguitano ogni notte, Roger sopravvive trasformato in un tossicodipendente che si nasconde nei sobborghi della città. Dopo un'overdose di eroina per la quale è sul punto di morire, Roger si affida alle cure di un medico famoso che gli assicura di poter sradicare le sue dipendenze attraverso un trattamento costoso e innovativo. Da quel momento inizierà un viaggio terrificante in cui le sue paure prenderanno vita e durante il quale affronterà faccia a faccia i suoi demoni. INFECTUM è un viaggio intenso attraverso la follia. Un incubo crudele e spietato in cui l'autore di DEGENERAZIONE ci spinge a cadere preda dell'orrore che si presenta sotto forma di incubi opprimenti e creature assetate di sangue e di morte. Sarete in grado di vincere la paura e di fuggire dalla Prigione? NR18 AVVISO: Questo romanzo contiene scene che possono urtare la sensibilità del lettore. Recensione: "È una montagna russa per l'inferno. L'azione va "in crescendo" e giunge a un finale delirante in cui la sorpresa, l'azione e le forze più selvagge vi obbligano a non lasciarlo. Se vi piace Resident Evil, questo è il vostro libro. Me lo sono gustato tutto!" -Octavi Segarra-.

Infectum (Part III: Terror)

by Annie J. Garza David Pardo

Infectum is the new novel by David Pardo, author of the bestselling Degeneration which has been translated into three languages. (English, Italian, and Portuguese) Synopsis: Year 2020. Civilization is consuming itself. Roger Mears is a young man from Capital City high society that sees his athletic career cut short due to an accident. Years later and tortured by his nightmares his suffers each night Roger has become an addict that hides in the cities ghetto. After a heroin overdose almost ends his life Roger places himself in the hands of a prestigious doctor who assures Roger he can eradicate his addiction through an expensive innovative treatment. Starting from that moment Roger will begin a terrifying journey in which his fears will come to life and he will face his demons. Infectum is an intense journey through insanity, a cruel and ruthless nightmare in which the author of Degeneration imprisons us in a horror that is presented in the form of oppressive corridors and bloodthirsty creatures of blood and death. Will you be able to overcome fear and escape the prison? 18+ Warning: This novel contains bloody and violent scenes that could be disturbing to some readers. Review: It's a roller coaster ride straight into hell. The action grows until it reaches a crazy ending. Where the surprises, action, and gore don't let you stop reading. If you like Resident Evil, then this book is for you. I have enjoyed reading it.-Octavi Segarra-

Infectum (Part II: Fear)

by Annie J. Garza David Pardo

Infectum is the new novel by David Pardo, author of the bestselling Degeneration which has been translated into three languages. (English, Italian, and Portuguese) Synopsis: Year 2020. Civilization is consuming itself. Roger Mears is a young man from Capital City high society that sees his athletic career cut short due to an accident. Years later and tortured by his nightmares his suffers each night Roger has become an addict that hides in the cities ghetto. After a heroin overdose almost ends his life Roger places himself in the hands of a prestigious doctor who assures Roger he can eradicate his addiction through an expensive innovative treatment. Starting from that moment Roger will begin a terrifying journey in which his fears will come to life and he will face his demons. Infectum is an intense journey through insanity, a cruel and ruthless nightmare in which the author of Degeneration imprisons us in a horror that is presented in the form of oppressive corridors and bloodthirsty creatures of blood and death. Will you be able to overcome fear and escape the prison? 18+ Warning: This novel contains bloody and violent scenes that could be disturbing to some readers. Review: It's a roller coaster ride straight into hell. The action grows until it reaches a crazy ending. Where the surprises, action, and gore don't let you stop reading. If you like Resident Evil, then this book is for you. I have enjoyed reading it.-Octavi Segarra-

Infectum (Part 1: Pain)

by Annie J. Garza David Pardo

Infectum is the new novel by David Pardo, author of the bestselling novella Degeneration which has been translated into three languages. (English, Italian, and Portuguese) Synopsis: Year 2020. Civilization is consuming itself. Roger Mears is a young man from Capital City high society that sees his athletic career cut short due to an accident. Years later and tortured by his nightmares his suffers each night Roger has become an addict that hides in the cities ghetto. After a heroin overdose almost ends his life Roger places himself in the hands of a prestigious doctor who assures Roger he can eradicate his addiction through an expensive innovative treatment. Starting from that moment Roger will begin a terrifying journey in which his fears will come to life and he will face his demons. Infectum is an intense journey through insanity, a cruel and ruthless nightmare in which the author of Degeneration imprisons us in a horror that is presented in the form of oppressive corridors and bloodthirsty creatures of blood and death. Will you be able to overcome fear and escape the prison? 18+ Warning: This novel contains bloody and violent scenes that could be disturbing to some readers. Review: It's a roller coaster ride straight into hell. The action grows until it reaches a crazy ending. Where the surprises, action, and gore don't let you stop reading. If you like Resident Evil, then this book is for you. I have enjoyed reading it.-Octavi Segarra-

INFECTUM - Muito além do medo

by David Pardo J. R. Maramaldo

O livro de terror que atingiu mais de 25000 downloads apenas em 2016, agora em nova e primorosa tradução! INFECTUM é o novo livro de David Pardo, autor do best-seller digital DEGENERAÇÃO, já traduzido para três idiomas (inglês, italiano e português). Com prólogo do escritor Juan de Dios Garduño (autor de Apesar de tudo..., livro que serviu de base para o filme EXTINCTION). SINOPSE: Ano de 2020. A civilização está se acabando. Roger Mears, jovem da alta sociedade de Capital City, vê sua carreira interrompida depois de um acidente. Anos mais tarde e atormentado por pesadelos todas as noites, Roger se transformou em um viciado em drogas que perambula anônimo pelos subúrbios da cidade. Depois de uma overdose de heroína que quase acaba com sua vida, Roger cai nas mãos de um médico famoso que garante que ele poderá erradicar seu vício e, mais importante, acabar com seus pesadelos, se passar por um tratamento caríssimo e revolucionário. A partir deste momento, terá início uma viagem aterradora onde ele terá que enfrentar seus demônios e enfrentará uma luta de vida e morte contra seus piores medos. INFECTUM é uma viagem intensa através da loucura. Um pesadelo cruel e sem piedade onde o autor de DEGENERAÇÃO nos empurra até cairmos presos em um horror que surge na forma de corredores opressores e criaturas sedentas de sangue e morte. Será que conseguirá de vencer o medo e escapar da Prisão? AVISO: DESACONSELHÁVEL PARA MENORES DE 18 ANOS. Este livro contém cenas que podem ferir a sensibilidade do leitor. Não contém DRM. Avaliação: "É uma montanha russa ao inferno. A ação vai num crescendo e chega até um final delirante onde as surpresas, a ação e o gore mais selvagem nos obrigam a não parar. Se você gosta de Resident Evil, este livro é para você. Gostei muito!" -Octavi Segarra-.

INFECTUM (Complete edition)

by Annie J. Garza David Pardo

Infectum is the new novel by David Pardo, author of the bestselling Degeneration which has been translated into three languages. (English, Italian, and Portuguese) Complete edition: contains all three parts of infectum. Part I: Pain Part II: Fear Part III: Terror Synopsis: Year 2020. Civilization is consuming itself. Roger Mears is a young man from Capital City high society that sees his athletic career cut short due to an accident. Years later and tortured by his nightmares his suffers each night Roger has become an addict that hides in the cities ghetto. After a heroin overdose almost ends his life Roger places himself in the hands of a prestigious doctor who assures Roger he can eradicate his addiction through an expensive innovative treatment. Starting from that moment Roger will begin a terrifying journey in which his fears will come to life and he will face his demons. Infectum is an intense journey through insanity, a cruel and ruthless nightmare in which the author of Degeneration imprisons us in a horror that is presented in the form of oppressive corridors and bloodthirsty creatures of blood and death. Will you be able to overcome fear and escape the prison? 18+ Warning: This novel contains bloody and violent scenes that could be disturbing to some readers. Review: It's a roller coaster ride straight into hell. The action grows until it reaches a crazy ending. Where the surprises, action, and gore don't let you stop reading. If you like Resident Evil, then this book is for you. I have enjoyed reading it.-Octavi Segarra-

Infection: Alaskan Undead Apocalypse (Alaskan Undead Apocalypse Series #1)

by Sean Schubert

When the undead scourge descends on Alaska, strangers band together in a desperate bid for survival in this zombie apocalypse series debut.On the edge of the Alaskan wilderness, Anchorage is the gateway to The Last Frontier. But when a terrifying plague strikes, it becomes a deadly trap. The only two land routes out of the city are cut, forcing people to fight or die as the infection spreads.Danny and Jules, just children, witness the beginning stages of the pestilence. Neil Jordan watches from his office cubicle as Midtown is ravaged. Dr. Caldwell attempts to flee the madness of Providence Hospital, the epicenter of the outbreak. In the aftermath of the onslaught, these strangers come together for the sake of survival. But even as they form bonds among each other, hope of an eventual rescue continues to slip away.

Infected Series Volume One Bundle (Infected #16)

by Andrea Speed

In a world where a werecat virus has changed society, Roan McKichan, a born infected and ex-cop, works as a private detective trying to solve crimes involving other infecteds... all while he deals with personal tragedy and new love and does his best to survive in a world that usually hates and fears their kind. The cases range from investigating an unidentifiable species of cat that appears to be showing an unusual level of intelligence, to finding and stopping murderers, and Roan is finding it harder and harder to see the line between justice and vigilantism.

Infected Empires: Decolonizing Zombies (Global Media and Race)

by Patricia Saldarriaga Emy Manini

Given the current moment--polarized populations, increasing climate fears, and decline of supranational institutions in favor of a rising tide of nationalisms-- it is easy to understand the proliferation of apocalyptic and dystopian elements in popular culture. Infected Empires examines one of the most popular figures in contemporary apocalyptic film: the zombie. This harbinger of apocalypse reveals bloody truths about the human condition, the wounds of history, and methods of contending with them. Infected Empires considers parallels in the zombie genre to historical and current events on different political, theological and philosophical levels, and proposes that the zombie can be read as a figure of decolonization and an allegory of resistance to oppressive structures that racialize, marginalize, disable, and dispose of bodies. Studying films from around the world, including Latin America, Asia, Africa, the US, and Europe, Infected Empires presents a vision of a global zombie that points toward a posthuman and feminist future.


by Claudio Hernandez

In the beginning, the amputated limbs of the deceased from the cemetery gave the first clue, when they began to move. Further, Father Martín was caught red-handed lifting a deceased person from his coffin who was coming to life, and the infection was unleashed like an electric current discharge in much of the city of Águilas. A whole maelstrom of zombies occupied several downtown streets while a group of tourists, led by two brothers-in-law who hated each other, are trapped in the castle, which hides a secret.

Infected: A Novel (The Infected #1)

by Scott Sigler

Across America a mysterious disease is turning ordinary people into raving, paranoid murderers who inflict brutal horrors on strangers, themselves, and even their own families. Working under the government's shroud of secrecy, CIA operative Dew Phillips crisscrosses the country trying in vain to capture a live victim. With only decomposing corpses for clues, CDC epidemiologist Margaret Montoya races to analyze the science behind this deadly contagion. She discovers that these killers all have one thing in common - they've been contaminated by a bioengineered parasite, shaped by a complexity far beyond the limits of known science. Meanwhile Perry Dawsey - a hulking former football star now resigned to life as a cubicle-bound desk jockey - awakens one morning to find several mysterious welts growing on his body. Soon Perry finds himself acting and thinking strangely, hearing voices . . . he is infected. The fate of the human race may well depend on the bloody war Perry must wage with his own body, because the parasites want something from him, something that goes beyond mere murder. Infectedis the first major print release from Internet phenom Scott Sigler, whose podcast-only audiobooks have drawn an immense cult following, with more than three million individual episodes downloaded. Now Sigler storms the bookstore shelves with this cinematic, relentlessly paced novel that mixes and matches genres, combining horror, technothriller, and suspense in a heady mix that is equal parts Chuck Palahniuk, Michael Crichton, and Stephen King. Infected will crawl beneath your skin and leave fresh blood on every page. From the Hardcover edition.

Infected: Holden (Mean Streets Ser. #1)

by Andrea Speed

Mean Streets: Book OneFrom the Infected UniverseWith his friend lion shifter Roan McKichan no longer in the picture, former sex worker Holden Krause is now working as a detective investigating cases in Seattle. When he receives a request to investigate a rather unusual case for Big Mike, a local drug dealer, he ignores the potential hazards in working for such a client and takes it on. But Holden hasn't given up his vigilante ways, occasionally seeking violent retribution for those ignored by the justice system. There's a man stalking the streets, assaulting anyone he perceives to be trans or gender-nonconforming in any way. When the brutality escalates, the case becomes personal for Holden. If he cannot juggle being both a detective and a vigilante, his taste for blood and danger might finally catch up with him.

Infected: Epitaph (Infected #8)

by Andrea Speed

Sequel to Infected: UndertowInfected: Book EightIn a world where a werecat virus has changed society, Roan McKichan, a born infected and ex-cop, works as a private detective solving crimes involving other infecteds. Tiger strain infections start showing up all over Seattle, much to Roan's dismay, and worse yet, they may have a personal connection. Meanwhile, Roan gets hired to look into the puzzling death of Dee's former lover. Then the FBI wants him to investigate a new apocalypse cult of infecteds pushing for a violent revolution against normals. All around Roan, events are spiraling out of control. Just when his singular abilities are needed most, Roan develops new symptoms that might signify dire consequences if he doesn't stop shifting at will. Roan finds himself at a crossroads and must make a difficult decision about his future.

Infected: Prey (Infected #2)

by Andrea Speed

2nd EditionInfected: Book OneIn a world where a werecat virus has changed society, Roan McKichan, a born infected and ex-cop, works as a private detective trying to solve crimes involving other infecteds. The murder of a former cop draws Roan into an odd case where an unidentifiable species of cat appears to be showing an unusual level of intelligence. He juggles that with trying to find a missing teenage boy, who, unbeknownst to his parents, was "cat" obsessed. And when someone is brutally murdering infecteds, Eli Winters, leader of the Church of the Divine Transformation, hires Roan to find the killer before he closes in on Eli. Working the crimes will lead Roan through a maze of hate, personal grudges, and mortal danger. With help from his tiger-strain infected partner, Paris Lehane, he does his best to survive in a world that hates and fears their kind... and occasionally worships them.First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, June 2010

Infected: Bloodlines (Infected #2)

by Andrea Speed

2nd EditionSequel to Infected: PreyInfected: Book TwoIn a world where a werecat virus has changed society, Roan McKichan, a born infected and ex-cop, works as a private detective trying to solve crimes involving other infecteds. The newly married Roan is struggling to balance his work with his home life as he grows increasingly distracted by his husband Paris's declining health. One case with strong emotions attached takes up most of his time: finding the murderer of a missing little rich girl. It's a family with secrets so toxic they'd rather no one investigate, and there's no shortage of suspects. But despite the dangers and obstructions involved, Roan won't stop... until he loses something infinitely precious as well.First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, December 2010.

Infected: Life After Death (Infected #3)

by Andrea Speed

2nd EditionSequel to Infected: BloodlinesInfected: Book ThreeIn a world where a werecat virus has changed society, Roan McKichan, a born infected and ex-cop, works as a private detective trying to solve crimes involving other infecteds. But when your heart is gone, it's easy to fall into a black hole and never crawl out. Roan has been lost and alone for more than a year, and his best friends think a new case might be just the motivation he needs. Roan forces himself back into the game and discovers a dead man who might not be all that dead, a street hustler that wants to hustle him, and a dominatrix who is well prepared to take Roan's orders. As Roan claws his way out of the darkness by diving back into his work, he finds himself in a race against time in the adrenaline-pumping realization that nothing helps a person want to live like helping someone else survive.First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, May 2011

Infected: Freefall (Infected #4)

by Andrea Speed

2nd EditionSequel to Infected: Life After DeathInfected: Book FourIn a world where a werecat virus has changed society, Roan McKichan, a born infected and ex-cop, works as a private detective trying to solve crimes involving other infecteds. Conceived bearing the lion strain of the virus, Roan is the only fully functioning virus child in the country--maybe in the world. But that doesn't mean he's okay. He's still struggling with the death of his husband and the guilt of finding new love; his old enemy, the Church of the Divine Transformation, is becoming increasingly hostile; and he's taken on a tragic cold case involving a long-missing boy. As Roan fights to control the lion inside him, his world explodes with all kinds of trouble. The leader of the church is ramping up the violence against him, calling Roan out as a traitor to his kind. There's a loose infected terrorizing the city. And Holden, male prostitute and Roan's unofficial assistant, brings him a case involving the suspicious death of one of Holden's clients, which puts Roan far too close to a murderer for his state of mind....First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, November 2011

Infected: Shift (Infected #5)

by Andrea Speed

2nd EditionSequel to Infected: FreefallInfected: Book FiveIn a world where a werecat virus has changed society, Roan McKichan, a born infected and ex-cop, works as a private detective trying to solve crimes involving other infecteds. Between his mutating virus and his rocky relationship with his artist boyfriend, Dylan, Roan has enough problems to solve without taking on other people's, but that's the nature of his work. Someone has to look into the case of the murdered trans woman, and if the perp is the dirty cop Roan suspects it is, the police are not the right people for the job. But now Roan has a new obstacle to overcome: someone caught part of his transformation on video, and the media frenzy is making it hard to do his job. One case nets him a hockey team full of new friends. Another leads to an attempt on his life. And Roan's hustler sidekick drags him on a quest for revenge. With his world and his body both in turmoil, Roan is finding it harder and harder to see the line between justice and vigilantism.First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, May 2012

Infected: Lesser Evils (Infected #6)

by Andrea Speed

2nd EditionSequel to Infected: Shift Infected: Book SixIn a world where a werecat virus has changed society, Roan McKichan, a born infected and ex-cop, works as a private detective trying to solve crimes involving other infecteds. Until recently, Roan was ahead of the curve when it came to reining in the lion that lives inside him. Now his control is slipping at the worst possible times. A new drug has hit the streets--one that triggers unscheduled changes in infected users. Street hustler Holden Krause gets attacked by one of his clients, then is surprised to find himself involved in an unwanted, unexpected relationship. And a serial killer begins targeting infecteds in their cat form--something that's 100 percent legal. To stop the murders, Roan has to work outside the law. But his newfound thirst for violence makes him worry he might be more like the killer than he thought, and his reluctance to talk about it with his husband, Dylan, puts an extra strain on their relationship. So Roan isn't just fighting the killer and struggling with his mutating virus... he's trying to save himself.First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, October 2012.

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