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366 modi per conoscere i tuoi personaggi: Libro degli esercizi di scrittura quotidiana per Una storia d’amore in un mese

by Rachelle Ayala

366 modi per conoscere i personaggi di Rachelle Ayala Libro degli esercizi di scrittura quotidiana per Una storia d’amore in un mese Se poni ai tuoi personaggi queste domande e non è scontato che tu sappia già cosa potrebbe saltare fuori. 366 modi per conoscere i personaggi Hai mai voluto... • Creare dei personaggi indimenticabili? Quelli dei quali le tue lettrici continuano a parlarne anche dopo aver finito il libro? • Che i tuoi personaggi saltino fuori dalla pagina e ti raccontino quello che amano e detestano? • Rendere i tuoi personaggi sfaccettati, complicati, più profondi ed eccezionali? • Creare peculiarità, difetti e conflitti interiori convincenti per differenziare i tuoi protagonisti? • Evitare che la tua storia diventi prevedibile grazie a un personaggio che sorprende non solo le tue lettrici, ma perfino te? • Sentire raccontare che chi ti legge ha seguito pagina dopo pagina i tuoi personaggi, vivendo, amando e provando ogni emozione proprio come i tuoi eroi? • Stabilire una relazione duratura con i tuoi personaggi in modo da poterli mantenere coerenti se hai intenzione di scrivere una serie? 366 modi per conoscere i personaggi è il manuale di lavoro giusto per te: che tu stia sviluppando il personaggio prima di metterlo per iscritto o che cerchi di comprenderlo mentre lo componi, rispondere a queste domande quotidiane può stimolarti a delinearlo in modo sorprendente, se non perfino sconvolgente. In questo modo anche tu potrai indirizzare la tua storia verso direzioni che non ti saresti mai attesa. Ciascuna domanda è pensata per farti calare sempre di più nella psiche dei tuoi eroi. Non importa che la risposta arrivi da sola o che tu debba scavare per tirarla fuori con fatica. In entrambi i modi acquis

366 maneras de conocer a tu personaje: Guía para escribir una historia de amor en solo 1 mes

by Rachelle Ayala

¿Has querido alguna vez… …crear personajes inolvidables, de los que hablan las lectoras después de acabar el libro? …que tus personajes salten de la página y te digan lo que les gusta y lo que no? ….construir unos personajes multidimensionales, complicados, profundos y eternos? …crear peculiaridades, defectos y conflictos internos convincentes para diferenciar a tus personajes? …evitar que tu historia sea predecible, haciendo que tu personaje te sorprenda? …escuchar a tus lectoras decir que fueron de la mano con tus personajes, que vivieron, amaron y sintieron cada una de las emociones que experimentó tu personaje? …mantener una relación perdurable con tus personajes de tal forma que puedas seguir con ellos en el caso de escribir una serie? 366 maneras para conocer a tu personaje es el manual que necesitas. No importa si estás desarrollando a tu personaje antes de ponerte a escribir, o si estás haciéndolo a medida que vas escribiendo, responder estas preguntas puede animar a tus personajes a que te sorprendan, además de llevar tu historia por caminos que ni siquiera habías imaginado. Cada pregunta está diseñada para que te adentres más en la psique de tu personaje. No pasa nada si te llega la respuesta rápidamente o si, por el contrario, te cuesta encontrarla. En cualquier caso, gracias a este proceso, tus personajes llegarán a sentir y actuar como gente de carne y hueso.

366 Maneiras de Conhecer Seu Personagem: Livro de Exercícios Diários do Livro Romance Em Um Mês

by Rachelle Ayala

Você sempre quis... • Criar personagens inesquecíveis? Do tipo em que o leitor fala bem depois que termina de ler o livro? • Que seus personagens saltassem da página e dissessem do que gostam e do que não gostam? • Tornar seus personagens multidimensionais, complicados, mais profundos e maiores do que a vida? • Criar peculiaridades, falhas e conflitos internos atraentes para diferenciar seus personagens? • Evitar que sua história seja previsível, tendo seu personagem surpreendendo você e seu leitor? • Ouvir leitores dizerem que caminharam com seus personagens, viveram, amaram e sentiram cada emoção que seu personagem experimentou? • Ter um relacionamento contínuo com seus personagens para que você possa mantê-los consistentes ao escrever uma série? 366 Maneiras de Conhecer Seu Personagem é o livro de exercícios certo para você. Não importa se você está desenvolvendo seu personagem antes de começar a história ou desenvolvendo ele enquanto escreve, responder às perguntas diárias pode estimular seus personagens a surpreendê-lo e chocá-lo, bem como levar sua história em direções que você não esperava.   Cada pergunta é projetada para levá-lo mais fundo na psique de seu personagem. Não importa se a resposta salta em sua frente ou se você tenha que desenterrá-la dolorosamente. De qualquer forma, você ganhará novas descobertas sobre seus personagens até que eles se sintam e ajam como pessoas reais.   Responda às perguntas diárias e revolucione sua escrita com personagens vivos e vibrantes dos quais você e seus leitores se lembrarão muito depois de a poeira baixar com "O Fim".   Use este livro com o companheiro Romance Em Um Mês: Guia Para Escrever Um Romance Em 30 Dias.

366 façons de connaître votre personnage: Cahier d’exercices au quotidien pour accompagner Écrire une romance en un mois

by Rachelle Ayala

Avez-vous déjà souhaité... • créer des personnages inoubliables ? Le type de lectures dont on parle encore bien après la fin du livre ? • que vos personnages jaillissent de votre feuille et vous disent ce qu’ils aiment et n’aiment pas ? • rendre vos personnages multidimensionnels, compliqués, plus profonds et plus grands que nature ? • Créer des bizarreries, des défauts et des conflits internes convaincants pour différencier vos personnages ? • empêcher votre histoire d’être prévisible en faisant agir votre personnage de façon surprenante, pour vous et vos lecteurs ? • entendre les lecteurs vous dire qu’ils ont cheminé avec vos personnages, vécu, aimé et ressenti toutes les émotions que votre personnage a ressenties ? • avoir une relation continue avec vos personnages afin que vous puissiez les garder cohérents si vous écriviez une série ? 366 façons de connaître votre personnage est le bon outil pour vous. Que vous développiez votre personnage avant d’écrire ou que vous travailliez au fur et à mesure que vous écrivez, répondre aux questions quotidiennes peut inciter vos personnages à vous surprendre, à vous choquer et à mener votre histoire dans des directions auxquelles vous ne vous attendiez peut-être pas. Chaque question est conçue pour vous attirer plus profondément dans la psyché de votre personnage. Peu importe que la réponse vous saute aux yeux ou que vous deviez creuser douloureusement. Dans tous les cas, vous obtiendrez de nouvelles connaissances sur vos personnages jusqu’à ce qu’ils se sentent et agissent comme de vraies personnes. Répondez aux questions quotidiennes et révolutionnez votre écriture avec des personnages vivants et respirants dont vous et vos lecteurs vous souviendrez longtemps après que la poussière se soit installée sur le mot « fin ». Utilisez ce livre

365 Games & Puzzles to Keep Your Mind Sharp (Brain Workout)

by Kim Chamberlain

Short and Fun Activities Designed to Train and Maintain Your Brain Taking care of your brain is just as beneficial as taking care of the rest of your body--research has shown that training games help improve memory, concentration, problem-solving skills, processing speed, creativity, and reasoning. 365 Games & Puzzles to Keep Your Mind Sharp provides a year’s worth of challenging mental activities to keep your brain sharp and flexible. Chamberlain’s fresh new installment uses the same format as The Five-Minute Brain Workout: a variety of games and puzzles, each with ten examples that increase in difficulty as you work through the book. This collection includes some fan favorites along with many new and exciting puzzles that will further develop your skills. 365 Games & Puzzles to Keep Your Mind Sharp is perfect for lovers of word and language games and puzzles, providing enough short, sharp exercises for a year’s worth of fun and brain stretching.

365 Days of Dad Jokes: Awfully Good Gags... All Year Round

by Jim Chumley

Perfect for dads and lovers of cheesy puns and one-liners, this pocket-sized collection offers a year's worth of mirth suitable for all agesThere's something very special about dad jokes - they're always enjoyably terrible, sometimes quite witty and occasionally downright hilarious. So if you're a dad looking to add to your collection of funnies, or you'd like to beat your old man at his own game, this is the book for you.Packed into these pages are pithy wisecracks, comically cringeworthy puns, silly one-liners and enough other types of joke to last an entire year. Among the hundreds of groan-worthy gags you'll find gems like: How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? Ten tickles. Why are balloons so expensive? Inflation. What do you call an elephant who doesn't matter? Irrelephant. How does the moon cut his hair? Eclipse it. Did you hear about the circus fire? It was in tents. Unapologetically themselves, just like dads, these are jokes to inflict with glee on all the family.

365 Days of Dad Jokes: Awfully Good Gags . . . All Year Round

by Jim Chumley

A Simon & Schuster eBook. Simon & Schuster has a great book for every reader.

365 Days / 365 Plays

by Suzan-Lori Parks

"Suzan-Lori Parks is one of the most important dramatists America has produced."-Tony Kushner "The plan was that no matter what I did, how busy I was, what other commitments I had, I would write a play a day, every single day for a year. It would be about being present and being committed to the artistic process every single day, regardless of the 'weather.' It became a daily meditation, a daily prayer celebrating the rich and strange process of a writing life."-Suzan-Lori Parks On November 13, 2002, the incomparable Suzan-Lori Parks got an idea to write a play every day for a year. She began that very day, finishing one year later. The result is an extraordinary testament to artistic commitment. This collection of 365 impeccably crafted pieces, each with its own distinctive characters and dramatic power, is a complete work by an artist responding to her world, each and every day. Parks is one of the American theater's most wily and innovative writers, and her "stark but poetic language and fiercely idiosyncratic images transform her work into something haunting and marvelous" (TIME).

33 Ways to Help with Reading: Supporting Children who Struggle with Basic Skills (Thirty Three Ways to Help with....)

by Raewyn Hickey

Thirty Three Ways to Help with Reading equips teachers and teaching assistants with a wide range of practical resources to help children who are having difficulties learning the basic skills of reading. By providing a range of activities and games which engage children and encourage motivation in the classroom, the book provides ready-to-use material that doesn’t need lengthy forward preparation. These practical and fun ideas incorporate a range of learning styles, using kinaesthetic and auditory techniques, which put the emphasis on ‘games’ rather than ‘work’. The activities are therefore ideal for use with children who do not benefit from a traditional approach to reading. The book works step-by-step through activities which cover the key stages in the process of learning to read: Learning letters Recalling frequently used words Hearing sounds in words Blending sounds Reading for meaning The ‘how to help’ approach of the book is ideal for teachers and teaching assistants wanting to give quality learning experiences for those children experiencing difficulties with reading. With all the resources needed for the games included, the book provides quick and easy to use ideas, which can be implemented instantly in the classroom. The Routledge ’33 ways…’ series of practical ‘how-to’ books is for teachers, teaching assistants and SENCOs who are in need of fresh ideas to teach pupils in their care who are struggling with basic skills. It provides them with the tools to make good provision for a range of children in their class, and are planned to be a resource from which they can extract ideas and materials without having to plough through chapters of theory and research. Raewyn Hickey is an experienced classroom teacher who has worked in both the Literacy Initiative for Teachers project in Westminster and as a consultant for the Primary Strategy.

313: Life in the Motor City

by John Carlisle

Since 2007, John Carlisle has fascinated readers with his untold stories of Detroit in his "Detroitblogger John" column for the Metro Times. His words and photographs shed light on the overlooked and forgotten while bringing life to neglected, far-flung neighborhoods. The Detroit chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists named Carlisle the 2011 Journalist of the Year for his work on the city. This collection features dozens of his previously unpublished photographs and forty-two of his most unforgettable stories, including a man who has a strip club in his living room, a bar in a ghost town, a coffee shop for the city's homeless, an art gallery in a mattress store and an old-fashioned debutante ball in the unlikeliest of places.

31 Profesión: Soltera

by Claudia Aldana Salinas

Un libro imprescindible para los fans de la columna #Treinta y Uno#, donde disfrutarán de las más hilarantes historias escritas sobre los más variados y originales temas de solteras. La protagonista del libro, Consuelo Aldunate parece tenerlo todo: independencia financiera, un buen grupo de amigos, un trabajo entretenido, un guardarropas envidiable y un departamento top. Pero ella quiere más. Algo que para muchos puede sonar básico, pero que, para Consuelo, es el accesorio más complicado de conseguir, aunque parece estar en todas partes. Ella quiere un hombre. No cualquiera: uno propio, privatizado y a la vista de quien se le cruce por delante. Por eso, pone manos a la obra y sale en busca de un novio por todos los lugares en que podría haber hombres disponibles. Pero en la búsqueda pasará más de un mal rato. Entre copas y citas que fallan, irá descubriendo que ser soltera tiene su lado amargo. Que por muy de moda que se vea ser singleton, hay ratos en que ella daría lo que fuera por tener a alguien esperándola en casa.Con un oído que la crítica ha calificado como #fulminante# y #extraordinario#, la periodista Claudia Aldana va construyendo, semanalmente, un retrato descarnado e hilarante sobre la vida de las solteras santiaguinas. Éste, es un libro imperdible para los fans de la columna #Treinta y Uno#, ya que no es sólo una recopilación. Podrán leer las versiones originales de los textos y una selección de los mejores reportajes escritos por el personaje sobre los más variados y originales temas de solteras.

3001: Odisea final

by Arthur C. Clarke

Un desenlace sorprendente y estremecedor en la conclusión de esta célebre saga. Frank Poole, subcomandante de la nave Discovery que en el año que en el año 2001 partió en misión secreta hacia Júpiter, es encontrado vagando por el espacio mil años después, en estado de hibernación. Frank tendrá que adaptarse a los increíbles cambios acontecidos durante el milenio. El momento cumbre será su reencuentro con su viejo amigo Dave Bowman, que ha sufrido una extraña simbiosis con el ordenador HAL... La Gran Muralla comienza a dar signos de inquietante actividad y la odisea iniciada mil años atrás se precipita a un desenlace tan sorprendente como estremecedor, en la conclusión de esta célebre saga.

30 Great Myths about Shakespeare

by Emma Smith Laurie Maguire

Think you know Shakespeare? Think again . . . Was a real skull used in the first performance of Hamlet? Were Shakespeare's plays Elizabethan blockbusters? How much do we really know about the playwright's life? And what of his notorious relationship with his wife? Exploring and exploding 30 popular myths about the great playwright, this illuminating new book evaluates all the evidence to show how historical material--or its absence--can be interpreted and misinterpreted, and what this reveals about our own personal investment in the stories we tell.

30 Great Myths about Jane Austen

by Claudia L. Johnson Clara Tuite

A fascinating look into the myths that continue to shape our understanding and appreciation of Jane Austen. Was Jane Austen the best-selling novelist of her time? Are all her novels romances? Did they depict the traditional world of the aristocracy? Is Austen’s writing easy to understand? Well into the 21st century, Jane Austen continues to be one of the most compelling novelists in all English literature. Many of her ideas about class, family, history, intimacy, manners, love, desire, and society, have inspired “myths” that are often contradictory — she was a Tory who was also a liberal feminist, or, her novels are at once sharply satirical and unapologetically romantic. Myths, like Austen’s works, are dynamic, changing over time and impacting how we read and interpret literature. 30 Great Myths about Jane Austen examines the accepted beliefs — both true and untrue —that have most influenced our readings of Austen. Rather than simply de-bunking, or validating, commonly-held views about Austen, authors Claudia L. Johnson and Clara Tuite explore how these myths can be used to engage with the life, work, and reception of Jane Austen. Applying the most up-to-date scholarship to better understand how myths shape our appreciation of Jane Austen, this fascinating volume: Introduces readers to the history of Austen reception, both in academic scholarship and in the general public Examines Jane Austen’s life and letters, her historical contexts, her texts, and their afterlives Discusses Austen’s influence on the development of literary criticism as a discipline Explores each of Austen’s main novels, as well as relatively obscure texts such as Sanditon and The Watsons Offering engaging narrative and original insights, 30 Great Myths about Jane Austen is a must-read for scholars, instructors, and students of English and Romantic literature, as well as general readers with interest in the life and works of Jane Austen.

30 Great Myths about Chaucer

by Thomas A. Prendergast Stephanie Trigg

The facts and fictions that continue to shape our understanding of Chaucer and his place in literary tradition Is Chaucer the father of English literature? The first English poet? Was he a feminist? A political opportunist? A spy? Is Chaucer’s language too difficult for modern readers? 30 Great Myths about Chaucer explores the widely held ideas and opinions about the medieval poet, discussing how ‘myths’ have influenced Chaucer’s reception history and interpretations of his poetry through the centuries. This unique text offers original insights on the character of Chaucer, the nature of his works, the myths that inform our conceptions of Chaucer, and the underlying causes of these myths. Each accessible and engaging chapter focuses on a specific myth, including those surrounding Chaucer’s romantic life, political leanings, religious views, personal struggles, financial challenges, ideas about chivalry, representations of social class, and many others. More than simply correcting inaccurate facts or clarifying common misconceptions about Chaucer, the text delves deeper to address how the myths have shaped the critical interpretation and enduring literary legacy of Chaucer. This innovative volume: Explores how generations of readers continue to shape understanding of Chaucer Highlights the intersection of medievalism and Chaucer studies Helps readers detach myths about Chaucer from critical readings of his works Examines whether myths about Chaucer are based on historical fact or literary interpretation Discusses the history of reading Chaucer in contexts of biography, criticism, and popular culture 30 Great Myths about Chaucer is an indispensable resource for academics, researchers, graduate students, upper-level undergraduates, and general readers with interest in Chaucer and early English and Middle Ages literature.

30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary: The 500 Words You Need to Know to Transform Your Vocabulary and Your Life

by Dan Strutzel

A Bigger Vocabulary = A Brighter FutureWords. They're the foundation of nearly everything of value in our world. They have the power to create and the power to destroy. The power to inspire and to terrify. The power to enlighten and also to obscure. And, more specifically for you, they have the power to attract wealth and success and guarantee your brighter future. This is not hyperbole - it is based on rock-solid research.Studies show that those people with large vocabularies are smarter, wealthier, and happier than the average person - and substantially so. And here's the best news of all: a large vocabulary is not tied to your social status, your genes, or even your education level. It is a skill that can be learned - and it takes only 30 days.In this cutting-edge program, 30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary, personal development expert and English enthusiast Dan Strutzel will instruct, enlighten, and inspire you with a concentrated 30-day program that will teach you over 500 words. But, more than teaching you these words, the uniquely designed program will ensure that these words become a habit-knit part of your life - and with minimal effort on your part.Best of all, research shows that learning new words has an exponential effect on the size of your vocabulary - since learning one word naturally produces an association between two to three more words. In short, after reading and applying the system in this 30-day program, you will not only have a bigger vocabulary - you will have a brighter future!Here's just a sampling of what you'll learn: The 10 myths about building a dynamic vocabulary The secret behind the exponential effect of vocabulary building A 30-day program designed to maximize learning and comprehension of over 500 words The words you need to know about money and financial issues The words you need to know about persuading others The words you need to know about marriage, parenting, and other relationships The words you need to know about science The words you need to know to be a great conversationalist Why building a large, dynamic vocabulary is even more valuable in the digital age And much more!

30 cm.: La distancia por recorrer más importante de tu vida

by Tono Amoraga Calvó

La distancia por recorrer más importante de tu vida. Si eres feliz; si te sientes realizado contigo mismo; si encajas en la sociedad actual; si sientes que no necesitas nada más en esta vida, NO LEAS ESTE LIBRO.

The 3 Dimensions of Digitalised Archaeology: State-of-the-Art, Data Management and Current Challenges in Archaeological 3D-Documentation

by Marco Hostettler Anja Buhlke Clara Drummer Lea Emmenegger Johannes Reich Corinne Stäheli

This open access book aims to provide an overview of state-of-the-art approaches to 3D documentation from a practical perspective and formulate the most important areas for future developments. Bringing together a wide range of case studies, examples of best practice approaches, workflows, and first attempts to establish sustainable solutions to pressing problems, this book offers readers current practical advice on how to approach 3D archaeology and cultural heritage.Divided into five parts, this book begins with an overview of 3D archaeology in its present state. It goes on to give insights into the development of the technology and recent cutting-edge applications. The next section identifies current challenges in 3D archaeology and then presents approaches and solutions for data management of a large number of 3D objects and ways to ensure sustainable solutions for the archiving of the produced data. This book will be of interest to researchers working in the fields of archaeology, heritage management, and digital humanities in general.

The 3 A.M. Epiphany: Uncommon Writing Exercises That Transform Your Fiction

by Brian Kiteley

It is a dark and stormy night. You have been staring at a blank screen for four hours. Nothing is passing from your head to your fingers, frozen in place on the keyboard. Suddenly that sixth cup of coffee kicks in and you are inspired to take up Kiteley's (creative writing, U. of Denver) book. There you find "God," which turns out to be the name of one of his 201 exercises. Along with the thought- provoking and inspirational exercises, which tend to rely on combining memoir with imagination, Kitely provides commentary about the act and art of writing and gives practical as well as creative ideas about getting that book done, critiquing your own and others' work and writing fresh fiction with less anxiety of the dark and stormy night variety. Annotation ©2005 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

3,000 Spanish Words and Phrases They Won't Teach You in School

by Eleanor Hamer Fernando Díez Urdanivia

No matter how much Spanish you study, it’s nearly impossible to fully convince the native-speakers that you’ve got it. Even those estudiantes perfectos who have seemingly mastered speaking a foreign language in a classroom run into problems in real-life situations. 3,000 Spanish Words and Phrases They Won’t Teach You in School goes beyond classroom Spanish by thoroughly explaining expressions, idioms, and quirks used daily by native speakers. This must-have manual also includes information on pronunciation, manners, abbreviations, and culture, making it much more than a phrase book! Learn within these pages everything you need to know to speak colloquial Spanish, including: Translation of common proverbs: like When in Rome, do as the Romans do.Slang: Like ¡Alivianate!— cheer up or get highDual words: like integro and entero—with the same meaning.False cognates: Words that are similar but have very different meanings in English and Spanish So next time you plan a trip or just want to impress your friends, pick up 3,000 Spanish Words and Phrases They Won’t Teach You in School and drop the stuffy high school phrase book!

2nd Grade at Home: A Parent's Guide with Lessons & Activities to Support Your Child's Learning (Math & Reading Skills) (Learn at Home)

by The Princeton Review

Learn at home with help from the education experts at The Princeton Review! 2ND GRADE AT HOME provides simple, guided lessons and activities that parents can use to help keep 2nd graders on track this year.Anxious about remote learning and hybrid schooling? Worried that the unique circumstances around coronavirus and education might keep your child from getting the help they need in class this year? Want to help support your child's schooling, but not sure where to start?You're not alone! 2ND GRADE AT HOME is a parent guide to supporting your child's learning, with help you can undertake from home. It provides: · Guided help for key 2nd grade reading and math topics· Skills broken into short, easy-to-accomplish lessons· Explanations for parents, plus independent question sets for kids· Fun at-home learning activities for each skill that use common household items· Parent tips, review sections, and challenge activities seeded throughout the bookThe perfect mix of parent guidance, practical lessons, and hands-on activities to keep kids engaged and up-to-date, 2ND GRADE AT HOME covers key grade-appropriate topics including:· early reading comprehension · context & understanding· event order· fiction & nonfiction· place value· addition and subtraction· multiplication· patterns and shapes· charts & graphs· likelihoood ... and more!

27 Fiction Writing Blunders - And How Not To Make Them!

by James Scott Bell

Sell more books and build your career by kicking these blunders to the curb Ever wonder why some books shoot to the top of the bestseller lists? And others that you think should, don't? It's usually a matter of mistakes that could have been avoided #1 bestselling writing coach James Scott Bell has analyzed thousands of manuscripts over the years, by both new and experienced writers, and noticed certain errors that keep showing up to take readers out of the fictive dream. Now he's tackled the biggest offenders and shows you how to fix them. In 27 Fiction Writing Blunders you'll learn: - The biggest reason readers get stuck in your opening pages...and how to unstick them- How to avoid marshmallow dialogue - The simple solution for low stakes- The art of getting into and out of flashbacks- Getting rid of the kind of characters that readers never want to see in your novel- The biggest point-of-view gaffe and how to spot it- How to perform liposuction on flabby scenes- The best way to show what characters think and feel And much more Plus, Bell attacks some of the blunders writers can pull on their own careers, including fear, false competition, market ignorance, and the neglected brain. Don't let little mistakes keep you from big success. Eliminate these 27 blunders forever...and sell more books James Scott Bell is an award-winning, bestselling author of numerous thrillers and popular books on the writing craft. Visit his website at"James Scott Bell is my go-to writing teacher " - Terri Blackstock, New York Times Bestselling Author of Intervention and Vicious Cycle.

27 Essential Principles of Story: Master the Secrets of Great Storytelling, from Shakespeare to South Park

by Daniel Joshua Rubin

&“So often people ask me if there&’s a book on story I can recommend. This is the one. I can&’t recommend it highly enough.&”––Alexa Junge, writer/producer, Friends, Sex and the City, The West Wing A master class of 27 lessons, drawn from 27 diverse narratives, for novelists, storytellers, filmmakers, graphic designers, and more. Author Daniel Joshua Rubin unlocks the secrets of what makes a story work, and then shows how to understand and use these principles in your own writing. The result is &“an invaluable resource&” (Publishers Weekly, starred review), offering priceless advice like escalate risk, with an example from Pulp Fiction. Write characters to the top of their intelligence, from the Eminem song &“Stan.&” Earn transformations, from Alison Bechdel&’s Fun Home. Attack your theme, from The Brothers Karamazov. Insightful, encouraging, filled with attitude, and, as Booklist puts it, &“perfect for any writer looking to ensure their stories operate and resonate at the top of their potential,&” this book gives contemporary storytellers of all kinds a lifeline of inspiration and relatable instruction. &“[The] new bible of lessons and practices for creators.&”––Library Journal &“Not a &‘how-to,&’ thank God, but a &‘here&’s why.&’ Writers of all levels of experience will benefit from reading––and then rereading––this elegant exploration of the principles of storytelling.&”––Traci Letts, Pulitzer and Tony Award-winning playwright &“A godsend for storytellers in all media. It will help you decide what to write and then show you, step by step, how to tackle virtually any problem you face.&”––Anna D. Shapiro, Tony Award-winning director, August: Osage County

250 Essential Japanese Kanji Characters Volume 2 Revised

by Kanji Text University of Tokyo

Tackling kanji-the system of Japanese writing based on Chinese characters-is the most challenging aspect of learning the Japanese language. 250 Essential Japanese Kanji Characters Volume 1 and Volume 2 are time-tested books that have now been enhanced and revised using proven methods from the Kanji Text Research Group at the University of Tokyo.Together, these updated volumes incorporate all 410 kanji required for the AP exam, along with practice questions. Each lesson helps you master a new group of kanji, with either an etymology or a memory aid offered to give students a basis for understanding and memorizing the kanji systematically and correctly.

250 Essential Japanese Kanji Characters Volume 1 Revised

by Kanji Text University of Tokyo

"This is the best kanji book available today. Designed for beginners with a basic knowledge of Japanese to use in the classroom on for self-study."--Modern Language JournalEveryday tasks like finding a street address or buying a train ticket can be an ordeal in Japan if you don't read kanji-the system of Japanese writing based on Chinese characters. A group of teachers from the prestigious University of Tokyo have pooled their talents to create 250 Essential Japanese Kanji Characters in two volumes: a practical way to learn the kanji most frequently used in daily life in Japan. Each lesson helps you master a new group of kanji, using an extremely effective approach that focuses on you, the learner, taking an active part.Introductory Quizzes introduce everyday situations where you encounter kanji.Vocabulary sections help you understand the readings and meanings of the kanji.New Character Charts teach you new kanji systematically&#8212for each character you'll learn its meanings, its basic on-kun readings, its stroke order, common compounds, and derivations.Practice sections help you improve your skills in recognizing and using the kanji.Advanced Placement Exam Practice Questions for each lesson follow the format of the College Boards Japanese Language and Culture examination.

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