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A Historical and Legal Comparison between Tianxia Wei Gong and Quod Omnes Tangit (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice #110)

by Yifan Shang

This book explores the historical and legal importance of two principles, Quod Omnes Tangit, and Tianxia Wei Gong, which have played significant roles in European and Chinese political and legal history. While Quod Omnes Tangit has been thoroughly researched, Tianxia Wei Gong has not been systematically examined. This thesis fills this void and connects these two principles for the first time. Quod Omnes Tangit was initially introduced in Justinian's Codex Civil, while Tianxia Wei Gong originated from Liji, one of the books in a key series of works by Confucius. Liji is comparable to the Thora in the Old Testament and is considered as important as law in Chinese legal history. Both principles have undergone comparable developmental processes, with scholars contributing to their reinterpretation. This book thoroughly examines the interpretations of individual scholars, with particular attention given to Liang Qichao, who is the only one to have mentioned both Tianxia Wei Gong and Quod Omnes Tangit. The book also provides an explanation for the original discrepancies in their concepts, particularly their methodologies in distributing and legitimizing rights. This research will be of interest to legal philosophers and historians in both the Western and Eastern worlds, legal practitioners and policymakers, and researchers seeking to explain current events and explore fundamental differences between the East and West.

The Historical and Institutional Context of Roman Law (Laws of the Nations Series)

by George Mousourakis

Roman law forms an important part of the intellectual background of many legal systems currently in force in continental Europe, Latin America and other parts of the world. This book traces the historical development of Roman law from the earliest period of Roman history up to and including Justinian's codification in the sixth century AD. It examines the nature of the sources of law, forms of legal procedure, the mechanisms by which legal judgments were put into effect, the development of legal science and the role of the jurists in shaping the law. The final chapter of the book outlines the history of Roman law during the Middle Ages and discusses the way in which Roman law furnished the basis of the civil law systems of continental Europe. The book combines the perspectives of legal history with those of social, political and economic history. Special attention is given to the political development of the Roman society and to the historical events and socio-economic factors that influenced the growth and progress of the law. Designed to provide a general introduction to the history of Roman law, this book will appeal to law students whose course of studies includes Roman law, legal history and comparative law. It will also prove of value to students and scholars interested in ancient history and classics.

Historic Achievement of a Common Standard: Pengchun Chang And The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights

by Pinghua Sun

The subject of this book is human rights law, focusing on historic achievement of a common standard viewed from a perspective of Pengchun Chang’s contributions to the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). This is an original research, integrating different research methods: inter-disciplinary approaches, historical and comparative methods, and documentary research and so on. The research findings can be described briefly as follows: Chinese wisdom has played an important role in achieving a common standard for the establishment of the international human rights system, which can be seen by exploring P. C. Chang’s contributions to the drafting of the UDHR. The target readers are global scholars and students in law, politics, philosophy, international relations, human rights law, legal history, religion and culture. This book will enable these potential readers to have a vivid picture of the Chinese contributions to the international human rights regime and to have a better understanding of the significance of the traditional Chinese culture and P. C. Chang’s human rights philosophy of pluralism.

Historias de amor en campos de guerra

by Vanessa De La Torre

Este libro reúne cinco historias que se entrelazan de mujeres que comparten un denominador común: la guerra. Vanessa De La Torre, una de las periodistas más destacadas del panorama actual, inició hace unos años una investigación que resultó en este libro. Historias de amor en campos de guerra reúne los testimonios de seis mujeres extraordinarias que por diversas razones terminaron siendo víctimas de un conflicto armado del que pensaron que nunca podrían librarse, y que, en medio de ese drama, vivieron intensas y memorables aventuras amorosas. De La Torre cuenta, por ejemplo, detalles de la vida de una mujer desplazada antes de llegar a convertirse en una de las cantantes de música popular más exitosas de los últimos tiempos; narra la apasionante aventura que vivió una joven junto al excomandante del M-19 Carlos Pizarro, y recrea los obstáculos que tuvo que enfrentar una exguerrillera que huyó del monte para seguir su corazón. En definitiva, todos los relatos aquí plasmados se entrelazan y, al tiempo que revelan un pasado marcado por la violencia, siembran la sensación de alivio y esperanza que dejan las verdaderas historias de amor. "Desde los más reconocidos protagonistas de nuestra barbarie hasta los más anónimos, el amor ha cruzado por la vida de estos personajes para dotarlos de una humanidad que parecía haber sido devorada por la violencia". Jorge Franco

Historians as Expert Judicial Witnesses in Tobacco Litigation

by Ramses Delafontaine

Historian Ramses Delafontaine presents an engaging examination of a controversial legal practice: the historian as an expert judicial witness. This book focuses on tobacco litigation in the U. S. wherein 50 historians have witnessed in 314 court cases from 1986 to 2014. The author examines the use of historical arguments in court and investigates how a legal context influences historical narratives and discourse in forensic history. Delafontaine asserts that the courtroom is a performative and fact-making theatre. Nonetheless, he argues that the civic responsibility of the historian should not end at the threshold of the courtroom where history and truth hang in the balance. The book is divided into three parts featuring an impressive range of European and American case studies. The first part provides a theoretical framework on the issues which arise when history and law interact. The second part gives a comparative overview of European and American examples of forensic history. This part also reviews U. S. legal rules and case law on expert evidence, as well as extralegal challenges historians face as experts. The third part covers a series of tobacco-related trials. With remunerations as high as hundreds of thousands of dollars and no peer-reviewed publications or communication on the part of the historians hired by the tobacco companies the question arises whether some historians are willing to trade their reputation and that of their university for the benefit of an interested party. The book further provides 50 expert profiles of the historians active in tobacco litigation, lists detailing the manner of the expert's involvement, and West Law references to these cases. This book offers profound and thought-provoking insights on the post-war forensification of history from an interdisciplinary perspective. In this way, Delafontaine makes a stirring call for debate on the contemporary engagement of historians as expert judicial witnesses in U. S. tobacco litigation.

Historian in Chief: How Presidents Interpret the Past to Shape the Future

by John Milton Cooper Jr. Edward Countryman Kathleen Dalton Jonathan Earle James T. Kloppenberg Charlie Laderman Elvin T. Lim Jeffrey L. Pasley Rick Perlstein David Sehat David Waldstreicher

Presidents shape not only the course of history but also how Americans remember and retell that history. From the Oval Office they instruct us what to respect and what to reject in our past. They regale us with stories about who we are as a people, and tell us whom in the pantheon of greats we should revere and whom we should revile. The president of the United States, in short, is not just the nation’s chief legislator, the head of a political party, or the commander in chief of the armed forces, but also, crucially, the nation’s historian in chief.In this engaging and insightful volume, Seth Cotlar and Richard Ellis bring together top historians and political scientists to explore how eleven American presidents deployed their power to shape the nation’s collective memory and its political future. Contending that the nation’s historians in chief should be evaluated not only on the basis of how effective they are in persuading others, Historian in Chief argues they should also be judged on the veracity of the history they tell.

Historia verdadera de la quema de la Embajada española

by Gustavo Adolfo Molina Sierra

Lo sucedido en la Embajada de España no puede ser tomado como una coincidencia o casualidad. Por el contrario, todo se integra como parte de un plan, eso sí, mal ejecutado, que al salirse de control falló aparatosamente y causó una tragedia. Aun así se trató de sacar provecho de esta desgracia. Estos intentos mantuvieron el caso activo, pero no existió la voluntad política para investigarlo judicialmente hasta el 2014. Guatemala, jueves 31 de enero de 1980. ¿Qué sucedió en aquel fatídico día? ¿Ingresó la policía a la sede diplomática sin permiso? ¿Quienes fueron los responsables de iniciar el fuego que provocó la muerte de 37 personas? ¿Cuál fue la responsalibidad del gobierno español y de su embajador en Guatemala, Máximo Cajal, en lo sucedido? ¿Utilizó el embajador Cajal a personas de la vida política y académica guatemalteca como señuelo? ________________________________________________________________ A lo largo de 40 años, desde aquella lejana fecha del jueves 31 de enero de 1980, Adolfo Sierra Molina ha recopilado cuanta información se ha publicado relacionada con la ocupación y quema de la Embajada de España. Se convirtió también en una de las voces que desde el inicio expuso, a través de numerosos artículos y dando su testimonio una y otra vez, la versión de hechos de los que él fue testigo y que ha ido completando con las pruebas de personas que estuvieron presentes. Su padre, Adolfo Molina Orantes, un destacado abogado, académico, humanista y exfuncionario, murió tragicamente junto a otras 36 personas, entre las que se encontraban Eduardo Cáceres Lehnhoff, funcionarios españoles, personal guatemalteco, así como los que tomaron la sede diplomática desde las primeras horas de la mañana. Uno de los invasores fue encontrado con vida por los bomberos cuando ingresaron al despacho del embajador Máximo Cajal López, quien, minutos antes, había salido caminando de la habitación en la que se habían atrincherado. Adolfo Molina Sierra revela y analiza lo sucedido poniendo los puntos sobre las ies y señalando sin tapujos a los responsables en una historia que no es solo suya, sino también de Guatemala.

La historia detrás del desastre: Crónica de una herencia envenenada

by Roberto Rock L.

El país se desmoronó día a día, durante seis años. Hoy pagamos las consecuencias. El sexenio pasado es recordado por su rastro de corruptelas, omisiones, opacidad y complicidades. Enrique Peña Nieto empezó su encargo como un salvador de México y lo terminó como uno de los presidentes peor valorados en la historia del país: como un símbolo de corrupción e insensibilidad. En esta obra -la más profunda que se haya hecho sobre el gobierno pasado- Roberto Rock emprende la crónica de ese desastre. Y son los propios protagonistas quienes admiten: el regreso del PRI al poder fue una calamidad. Esta investigación reconstruye los hitos y los personajes que marcaron la época que recién ha concluido. Quedan al desnudo las reformas estructurales, Elba Esther Gordillo, Ayotzinapa, Videgaray, Osorio Chong, La Casa Blanca, Meade, Anaya y López Obrador, entre otrosmuchos...

La historia detrás del desastre: Crónica de una herencia envenenada

by Roberto Rock L.

El país se desmoronó día a día, durante seis años. Hoy pagamos las consecuencias. El sexenio pasado es recordado por su rastro de corruptelas, omisiones, opacidad y complicidades. Enrique Peña Nieto empezó su encargo como un salvador de México y lo terminó como uno de los presidentes peor valorados en la historia del país: como un símbolo de corrupción e insensibilidad. En esta obra -la más profunda que se haya hecho sobre el gobierno pasado- Roberto Rock emprende la crónica de ese desastre. Y son los propios protagonistas quienes admiten: el regreso del PRI al poder fue una calamidad. Esta investigación reconstruye los hitos y los personajes que marcaron la época que recién ha concluido. Quedan al desnudo las reformas estructurales, Elba Esther Gordillo, Ayotzinapa, Videgaray, Osorio Chong, La Casa Blanca, Meade, Anaya y López Obrador, entre otrosmuchos...

Historia del contrabando en la Argentina: De la aduana del virreinato a la mafia de los contenedores

by Mauro Federico Fernando Ortega Zabala

Genealogía de una actividad ilegal millonaria, varias veces superior al producto bruto interno, que involucró a los más altos funcionarios desde los orígenes hasta la actualidad del país. La patria nació bajo el signo del contrabando. Moreno, Belgrano, Brown y Rivadavia fueron de los primeros en desarrollar en el Río del Plata esta práctica que busca burlarse de aduanas y fronteras. Desde aquel momento inaugural, el contrabando se fue haciendo cada vez más complejo y se extendió al narcotráfico, a la trata de personas y al lavado de dinero. Algo que terminó asociándolo con la violencia y el crimen organizado. La Argentina tiene una larga historia de comercio ilegal en el que se mezclan multimillonarios negocios privados con la corrupción del Estado. En Historia del contrabando en la Argentina, Mauro Federico y Fernando Ortega Zabala realizan una documentada reconstrucción de la trama de este delito -con datos desconocidos hasta ahora-, en el que estuvieron y están involucrados altos personajes del poder, desde Menem a Macri. Este libro pone en evidencia que la ilegalidad sigue siendo parte ineludible del paisaje nacional.

Hiroshima-75: Nuclear Issues in Global Contexts

by Marples David Fujiwara Aya

75 years after the United States dropped the world’s first atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a group of international scholars offers new perspectives on this event and the history, development, and portrayal of the utilization of atomic energy: in military and civilian industries, civil nuclear power, literature and film, and the contemporary world. What lessons have we learned since the end of the Second World War? Can we avoid disasters such as Chernobyl and Fukushima? Have we learned to live with man-made nuclear power in the 21st century?

Hippocratic Writings

by Hippocrates

This work is a sampling of the Hippocratic Corpus, a collection of ancient Greek medical works. At the beginning, and interspersed throughout, there are discussions on the philosophy of being a physician. There is a large section about how to treat limb fractures, and the section called The Nature of Man describes the physiological theories of the time. The book ends with a discussion of embryology and a brief anatomical description of the heart.

Hinduism and the Ethics of Warfare in South Asia

by Kaushik Roy

This book challenges the view, common among Western scholars, that precolonial India lacked a tradition of military philosophy. It traces the evolution of theories of warfare in India from the dawn of civilization, focusing on the debate between Dharmayuddha (Just War) and Kutayuddha (Unjust War) within Hindu philosophy. This debate centers around four questions: What is war? What justifies it? How should it be waged? And what are its potential repercussions? This body of literature provides evidence of the historical evolution of strategic thought in the Indian subcontinent that has heretofore been neglected by modern historians. Further, it provides a counterpoint to scholarship in political science that engages solely with Western theories in its analysis of independent India's philosophy of warfare. Ultimately, a better understanding of the legacy of ancient India's strategic theorizing will enable more accurate analysis of modern India's military and nuclear policies.

Hinduism and Law: An Introduction

by Timothy Lubin Jayanth K. Krishnan Donald R. Davis Jr.

Covering the earliest Sanskrit rulebooks through to the codification of 'Hindu law' in modern times, this interdisciplinary volume examines the interactions between Hinduism and the law. The authors present the major transformations to India's legal system in both the colonial and post colonial periods and their relation to recent changes in Hinduism. Thematic studies show how law and Hinduism relate and interact in areas such as ritual, logic, politics, and literature, offering a broad coverage of South Asia's contributions to religion and law at the intersection of society, politics and culture. In doing so, the authors build on previous treatments of Hindu law as a purely text-based tradition, and in the process, provide a fascinating account of an often neglected social and political history.

Hindu Women's Property Rights in Rural India: Law, Labour and Culture in Action

by Reena Patel

Hindu women in India have independent right of ownership to property under the Law of Succession (The Hindu Succession Act, 1956). However, during the last five decades of its operation not many women have exercised their rights under the enactment. This volume addresses the issue of Hindu peasant women's ability to effectuate the statutory rights to succession and assert ownership of their share in family land. The work combines a critical evaluation of law with economic analyses into allocation of resources within the family as a means of addressing gender relations and explaining resulting gender inequalities.

Hindu Divorce: A Legal Anthropology

by Livia Holden

This comparative study investigates the place of Hindu divorce in the Indian legal system and considers whether it offers a way out of a matrimonial crisis situation for women. Using the narratives of the social actors involved, it poses questions about the relationship between traditional jurisdictions located in rural areas and the larger legal culture of towns and cities in India, and also in the UK and USA. The multidisciplinary approach draws on research from the social sciences, feminist and legal studies and will be of interest to students and scholars of law, anthropology and sociology.

Hillel: If Not Now, When?

by Joseph Telushkin

"What is hateful unto you, do not do unto your neighbor. That is the whole Torah, all the rest is commentary. Now, go and study." This is the most famous teaching of Hillel, one of the greatest rabbis of the Talmudic era. What makes it so extraordinary is that it was offered to a gentile seeking conversion. Joseph Telushkin feels that this Talmudic story has great relevance for us today. At a time when religiosity is equated with ritual observance alone, when few Jews seem concerned with bringing Jewish teachings into the world, and when more than 40 percent of Jews intermarry, Judaism is in need of more of the openness that Hillel possessed two thousand years ago. Hillel's teachings, stories, and legal rulings can be found throughout the Talmud; many of them share his emphasis on ethical and moral living as an essential element in Jewish religious practice, including his citing the concept of tikkun olam repairing the world) as a basis for modifying Jewish law. Perhaps the most prominent rabbi and teacher in the Land of Israel during the reign of Herod, Hillel may well have influenced Jesus, his junior by several decades. In a provocative analysis of both Judaism and Christianity, Telushkin reveals why Hillel's teachings about ethics as God's central demand and his willingness to encourage the process of conversion began to be ignored in favor of the stricter and less inclusive teachings of his rabbinic adversary, Shammai. Here is a bold new look at an iconic religious leader.

Hiking with Nietzsche: On Becoming Who You Are

by John Kaag

One of Lit Hub's 15 Books You Should Read in SeptemberA revelatory Alpine journey in the spirit of the great Romantic thinker Friedrich NietzscheHiking with Nietzsche: Becoming Who You Are is a tale of two philosophical journeys—one made by John Kaag as an introspective young man of nineteen, the other seventeen years later, in radically different circumstances: he is now a husband and father, and his wife and small child are in tow. Kaag sets off for the Swiss peaks above Sils Maria where Nietzsche wrote his landmark work Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Both of Kaag’s journeys are made in search of the wisdom at the core of Nietzsche’s philosophy, yet they deliver him to radically different interpretations and, more crucially, revelations about the human condition.Just as Kaag’s acclaimed debut, American Philosophy: A Love Story, seamlessly wove together his philosophical discoveries with his search for meaning, Hiking with Nietzsche is a fascinating exploration not only of Nietzsche’s ideals but of how his experience of living relates to us as individuals in the twenty-first century. Bold, intimate, and rich with insight, Hiking with Nietzsche is about defeating complacency, balancing sanity and madness, and coming to grips with the unobtainable. As Kaag hikes, alone or with his family, but always with Nietzsche, he recognizes that even slipping can be instructive. It is in the process of climbing, and through the inevitable missteps, that one has the chance, in Nietzsche’s words, to “become who you are."

Highs and Lows of European Integration: Sixty Years After The Treaty Of Rome

by Carlo Ruzza Luisa Antoniolli Luigi Bonatti

In light of Europe’s prolonged state of crisis, this book reassesses the challenges and prospects of the European integration process. Scholars from diverse disciplines reflect on various types of integration by analyzing political, economic and sociological variables, while also taking legal and cultural constraints into account. Readers will learn about the dilemmas and challenges of the European transformation process as well as political reforms to overcome these challenges. The book is divided into four parts, the first of which discusses the external dimension of the European Union, including a review of development aid policies and EU foreign policy. In turn, the second part focuses on institutional change and asymmetrical integration in the EU. The third part is devoted to the rise of populism and nationalism, including an analysis of the role of civil society organizations in the Brexit. In closing, the last part highlights the crisis of the Euro as a symbol of European integration and the emerging social and economic divide between countries of the North and South.

The Highest Tribute: Thurgood Marshall's Life, Leadership, and Legacy

by Kekla Magoon

A brilliant picture book biography about Thurgood Marshall, who fought for equality during the Civil Rights Movement and served as the first Black justice on the Supreme Court, from Coretta Scott King Honor winners Kekla Magoon and Laura Freeman.Growing up in Baltimore, Thurgood Marshall could see that things weren’t fair. The laws said that Black and white people couldn’t use the same schools, parks, or water fountains.When Thurgood had to read the Constitution as punishment for a prank at school, his eyes were opened. It was clear to him that Jim Crow laws were wrong, and he was willing to do whatever it took to change them.His determination to make sure all Americans were treated equally led him to law school and then the NAACP, where he argued cases like Brown v. Board of Education in front of the Supreme Court. But to become a Justice on the highest court in the land, Thurgood had to make space for himself every step of the way.Readers will be inspired by Kekla Magoon’s concise text and Laura Freeman’s luminous illustrations, which bring Thurgood Marshall’s incredible legacy and achievements to life.* An SLJ Best Book of the Year * A Bank Street Best Book of the Year * A Jane Addams Children's Book Award Finalist * A Texas Topaz Nonfiction Selection * Wisconsin State Reading Association’s 2022 Picture This Recommendation List * Indiana Authors Award Shortlist *

Higher-Order Evidence and Moral Epistemology (Routledge Studies in Epistemology)

by Michael Klenk

This book offers a systematic look at current challenges in moral epistemology through the lens of research on higher-order evidence. Fueled by recent advances in empirical research, higher-order evidence has generated a wealth of insights about the genealogy of moral beliefs. Higher-Order Evidence and Moral Epistemology explores how these insights have an impact on the epistemic status of moral beliefs. The essays are divided into four thematic sections. Part I addresses the normative significance of higher-order evidence for moral epistemology. Part II covers the sources of higher-order evidence in moral epistemology, such as disagreement and moral testimony, for both individuals and groups. The essays in Part III discuss permissible epistemic attitudes regarding a body of moral evidence, including the question of how to determine the permissibility of such attitudes. Finally, Part IV examines the relevance of higher-order evidence for phenomena of practical concern, such as fundamentalist views about moral matters. This volume is the first to explicitly address the implications of higher-order evidence in moral epistemology. It will be of interest to researchers and advanced graduate students working in epistemology and metaethics.

A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership

by James Comey

<P>In his book, former FBI director James Comey shares his never-before-told experiences from some of the highest-stakes situations of his career in the past two decades of American government, exploring what good, ethical leadership looks like, and how it drives sound decisions. His journey provides an unprecedented entry into the corridors of power, and a remarkable lesson in what makes an effective leader. <P>Mr. Comey served as director of the FBI from 2013 to 2017, appointed to the post by President Barack Obama. He previously served as U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, and the U.S. deputy attorney general in the administration of President George W. Bush. From prosecuting the Mafia and Martha Stewart to helping change the Bush administration's policies on torture and electronic surveillance, overseeing the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation as well as ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, Comey has been involved in some of the most consequential cases and policies of recent history.

Higher Hope (Tides of Truth, Book #2)

by Robert Whitlow

Tami Taylor faces impossible challenges in life, law, and love--until she discovers a higher hope. A libel case will require some legal maneuvering and the summoning of a greater hope than Tami has ever known.

Higher Education Law: Policy And Perspectives

by Klinton Alexander Kern Alexander

This fully revised and updated textbook weaves law into its historical, political, and sociological context, while providing clear explanation of the law as it applies to American colleges and universities. This text draws exclusively on federal and state cases emerging from campuses and includes helpful pedagogical elements--such as chapter outlines, questions for discussion, side bars, text boxes, research aids, and summation of law--to equip readers with the tools and knowledge to effectively respond in an environment of increasing litigation. Addressing a gap in the literature, this new edition provides a comprehensive and accessible understanding of the latest laws relevant to higher education and student affairs administrators.

Higher Education Law: The Faculty

by Steven G. Poskanzer

"Do we need to talk to our lawyers about this?" "What do the attorneys say?" "Why didn't you get the lawyers involved before now?"Just about every department chair and dean, certainly every provost and president, and an ever-increasing number of faculty find themselves asking—or being asked—such questions. Dealing with issues ranging from academic freedom to job security and faculty discipline, lawyers, legal requirements, and lawsuits has become an established part of the apparatus of American higher education. Higher Education Law was written to help faculty and administrators navigate critical legal issues and avoid potential legal pitfalls. Drawing on his experience as university counsel, administrator, and teacher at a number of institutions, Steven G. Poskanzer explains the law as it pertains to faculty activities both inside and outside the academy, including faculty roles as scholars, teachers, and members of institutional communities, as well as employees and public citizens. In each of these areas, he expands his discussion of cases and decisions to set out his own views both on the current status of the law and how it is likely to evolve.

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