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2009 Supplement to the American Indian Law Deskbook, Fourth Edition

by Conference of Western Attorneys General

Thorough, scholarly, and balanced, the American Indian Law Deskbook, Fourth Edition, published in February 2009, is an invaluable reference for a wide range of people working with Indian tribes, including attorneys, legal scholars, government officials, social workers, state and tribal jurists, and historians. The 2009 Supplement reviews cases issued as well as statutes and administrative rules adopted between July 2008 and June 2009. It additionally covers law review articles published between spring 2008 and spring 2009.

2009 International Plumbing Code Commentary

by International Code Council Staff

Staying true to the formula that has made the International Code Council's Code & Commentary series so successful, this book leads readers through the code's text, tables, and figures, and follows up each section with a detailed commentary. This commentary provides a unique opportunity to get an in-depth glimpse of the regulations in action; it covers the code's implications, effective applications, as well as the potential consequences that may arise if not followed properly. A valuable resource for people from a variety of professional backgrounds, from code officials and construction workers to building contractors and plumbers, it will take your knowledge of the 2009 IPC to the next level.

200 Contractual Problems and their Solutions

by J. Roger Knowles

This book examines 200 contractual problems which regularly arise on building and engineering projects and provides a detailed explanation of their solutions, citing standard contract conditions and key parts of legal judgements as authority. A succinct summary is provided at the end of each detailed solution. It covers problems together with their solutions in respect of: Procurement matters Tenders and bidding Design issues Letters of intent Contractor's programme Contractor's float Delays Concurrent Delays Extensions of time Liquidated/delay damages Unliquidated damages Variations Loss and expense/additional cost claims Acceleration Global claims Payment Damage to the works Exclusion clauses Retention of title Practical completion Defect correction Adjudication This book deals with a broad range of construction contracts including JCT Standard Form and Design and Build, New Engineering Contract NEC3, ICE and GC/Works/1. This book was first published under the title of One Hundred Contractual Problems and Their Solutions, with a second edition entitled One Hundred and Fifty Contractual Problems and their Solutions. This third edition adds 50 new problems and replaces 15 of those in the last edition. Of the remainder half have been the subject of revision. "Deserves a place on every site and in every office as the standard handbook on contractual problems"—Construction Law Digest

20 Prüfungssimulationen und Kurzvorträge für das mündliche Steuerberaterexamen

by Alexander Schneider Marc Philipp Müller

Das Buch gibt den Ablauf einer mündlichen Prüfung eines Steuerberaterexamens realitätsnah wieder. Im gesamten Bundesgebiet besteht die mündliche Prüfung aus sechs Prüfungsabschnitten und einem kurzen Vortrag. In diesem Buch werden die sechs Prüfungsabschnitte in der üblichen Reihenfolge nachgebildet. So werden jeweils zwei Prüfungsabschnitte den Vertretern des Berufsstandes und der Finanzverwaltung zugeordnet. Jeweils ein Prüfungsabschnitt ist vorgesehen für den Vertreter der Wirtschaft sowie für den Prüfungsvorsitzenden, der üblicherweise aus der Finanzverwaltung kommt. Das Buch berücksichtigt die erhöhte Bedeutung der Prüfungsgebiete Berufsrecht, Wirtschaftsrecht und allgemeines Recht sowie Fragestellungen zu aktuellen steuerlichen Entwicklungen und betriebswirtschaftliche Themen. Bei den Kurzvorträgen liegt ein Schwerpunkt bei Themen des Zivilrechts, die erfahrungsgemäß häufig eines der drei Vortragthemen darstellen. Das Buch umfasst den Rechtsstand bis April 2023. Alle aktuellen Änderungen im Steuerrecht sind berücksichtigt und teilweise als Fragen in den Prüfungsabschnitten enthalten.Der InhaltAblauf der mündlichen Prüfung des Steuerberaterexamens20 PrüfungssimulationenZwei Teilbereiche für den Berufsstand und der FinanzverwaltungEin Teilbereich für den Vertreter der Wirtschaft und dem Vorsitzendem des Prüfungsausschusses20 VortragsthemenDie AutorenAlexander Schneider ist promovierter Rechtsanwalt, Fachanwalt für Steuerrecht, Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer. Er lehrt als Professor auf den Gebieten des Steuerrechts. Zudem ist er als Partner im Bereich Steuern für die BDO AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft AG und ist an der Steuerberaterkammer München seit mehr als 20 Jahren als Prüfer für das mündliche Steuerberaterexamen bestellt.Marc Philipp Müller ist Master of Science und Steuerberater. Er ist als Manager im Bereich Tax & Legal für die BDO AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft AG in München tätig. Er hat die mündliche Steuerberaterprüfung im April 2022 erfolgreich abgelegt und konnte daher seine frisch gesammelten Eindrücke und Erfahrungen in das vorliegende Vorbereitungsbuch einfließen lassen.

2,000 Mules: They Thought We'd Never Find Out. They Were Wrong.

by Dinesh D'Souza

At last, bestselling author Dinesh D'Souza exposes the powerful evidence of voting fraud that you were told didn't exist. Also, a major motion picture documentary.THE FIX WAS IN The 2020 presidential election was rife with fraud orchestrated by the Democratic Party. That&’s not just an accusation; it&’s now, thanks to bestselling author and investigative journalist Dinesh D&’Souza, an established fact. With eyewitness testimony and the pinpoint precision and analytic sophistication of the forensic technique of geotracking, D&’Souza demonstrates how an already corrupt system put in place by Democratic Party hacks and &“community organizers&” was taken over and supercharged by national-level operatives to jeopardize the integrity of the election. The key figure: the mule. A paid cut-out. A criminal deliveryman. The stooge found at the intersection where election cheating and double-dealing hit the road. The mule is the crook who physically takes a sack of ballots provided by shady NGOs and political machines—the &“community activist organizations&” made famous by former President Obama, for instance—and dumps those ballots in collection boxes throughout a voting district. Do enough of this, and you have planted voter fraud across a nation. Documentary filmmaker extraordinaire and bestselling author of America, Death of a Nation, and United States of Socialism, Dinesh D'Souza exposes powerful evidence of the colossal voting racketeering that you were told didn&’t exist. Here you will find the receipts—the transcripts and confirmatory details—for the facts establishing 2020 election fraud presented in D&’Souza&’s major motion picture documentary, 2,000 Mules. D&’Souza makes a powerful argument that 2020 was a stolen election. More important, D&’Souza proves it.

The 1st International Conference on Maritime Education and Development: ICMED

by Sanja Bauk Stojče Dimov Ilčev

This book presents the proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Maritime Education and Development. The conference exchanges knowledge, experiences and ideas in the domain of maritime education and development, with the ultimate goal of generating new knowledge and implementing smart strategies and actions. Topics include the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR); unmanned air/sea surface/underwater vehicles (UxV); the digital divide and Internet accessibility; digital infrastructure; IMO E-navigation strategy; smart-ship concept; automation and digitalization; cyber security; and maritime future. This proceedings pertains to researchers, academics, students, and professionals in the realm of maritime education and development.

The 19th Christmas (Women's Murder Club #19)

by James Patterson Maxine Paetro

If the Women's Murder Club can't be together this Christmas, a killer is to blame. <P><P>As the holidays approach, Detective Lindsay Boxer and her friends in the Women's Murder Club have much to celebrate. Crime is down. The medical examiner's office is quiet. Even the courts are showing some Christmas spirit. And the news cycle is so slow that journalist Cindy Thomas is on assignment to tell a story about the true meaning of the season for San Francisco. <P><P>Then a fearsome criminal known only as "Loman" seizes control of the headlines. He is planning a deadly surprise for Christmas morning. And he has commissioned dozens of criminal colleagues to take actions that will mask his plans. All that Lindsay and the SFPD can figure out is that Loman's greed -- for riches, for bloodshed, for attention -- is limitless. <P><P>Solving crimes never happens on schedule, but as this criminal mastermind unleashes credible threats by the hour, the month of December is upended for the Women's Murder Club. Avoiding tragedy is the only holiday miracle they seek. <P><P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

19S: El día que cimbró México

by Yohali Reséndiz

Una mirada a las fallas estructurales del gobierno y la corrupción de las instituciones. La coincidencia con el temblor de 1985: el mismo día y mes, no podía ser menos macabra y triste; pero, ¿qué dejó a los mexicanos este fenómeno de la naturaleza? ¿Cómo reaccionaron los gobiernos estatales y federal? ¿Qué lecciones de vida nos dio, una vez más, la sociedad? Yohali Reséndiz, experta en el análisis de problemas sociales, ofrece en este libro una serie de testimonios relevantes sobre quienes salieron a la calle a ayudar a sus semejantes y enfrentaron el desastre. Nos habla de los héroes anónimos que interrumpieron su asombro y dolor para compartir en brigadas y donativos su solidaridad. El libro deja en claro verdades impactantes: con el derrumbe de varios edificios se puso de manifiesto la corrupción del negocio inmobiliario; algunos grupos políticos retuvieron lasdonaciones con fines electorales y se descubrieron severas omisiones en el reglamento de construcciones. El gobierno nunca estuvo preparado para enfrentar el desastre y además reaccionó tarde. ¿Por qué el TEC de Monterrey, en la Ciudad de México, cerró la posibilidad de ayuda de voluntarios y se preocupó más por limpiar el desastre que por la solidaridad? 19S: El día que cimbró México destaca la participación desinteresada de ciudadanos de todas las esferas sociales, revela el pésimo manejo de algunos medios de comunicación ante el suceso -la historia lamentable de la inexistente niña Frida Sofía- y demuestra cómo a pesar de sus gobiernos corruptos, México se levanta de nuevo para denunciar y exigir justicia.

The 1998–2000 Eritrea-Ethiopia War and Its Aftermath in International Legal Perspective: From the 2000 Algiers Agreements to the 2018 Peace Agreement

by Andrea De Guttry Harry H. G. Post Gabriella Venturini

This book centres on the war that raged between Eritrea and Ethiopia from 1998 to 2000, a war that caused great loss of life and tremendous devastation. It analyses the war in great detail from an international legal perspective: the nature and the state of the boundary conflict preceding the actual armed conflict, the military actions themselves, the role of the UN peace-keeping mission, the responsibility for the multitude of explosive remnants of the war left behind. Ample attention is paid to the decisions of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission and the Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission. This study is not limited to the war and the period immediately following it, it also examines its more extended aftermath prolonging the analysis as far as the more recent improvement in the relations between Eritrea and Ethiopia, away from a situation of ‘no war, no peace’ that prevailed after the armed conflict ended. The analysis of the war and its aftermath is not only in terms of international legal issues, it has been placed in a wider than strictly legal perspective. The book is a valuable work for academics and practitioners in international law, human rights and humanitarian law in particular, for political scientists, diplomats, civil servants, historians, and all those others seriously interested in the Horn of Africa. Andrea de Guttry is Full Professor of Public International Law at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa, Italy. Harry H.G. Post is Adjunct Professor in the Faculté Libre de Droit of the Université Catholique de Lille in Lille, France. Gabriella Venturini is Professor Emerita in the Dipartimento di Studi internazionali, giuridici e storico-politici of the Università degli Studi di Milano in Milan, Italy.

The 1913 McKinney Store Collapse (Disaster)

by Carol O'Keefe Wilson

A powerful vibration, a deafening noise and a swell of thick dust brought residents of McKinney pouring into the public square on the afternoon of January 23, 1913. What they saw was horrifying--an entire building had collapsed, demolishing two popular retailers, the Cheeves Mississippi Store and Tingle Implement Store. Their contents, including many shoppers and clerks, spilled out into the streets, where layer upon layer of debris settled into a massive, ragged pile. In spite of a herculean rescue effort, eight people perished. Carol Wilson sifts through the disaster and its aftermath, dredging up some troubling facts about how the tragedy might have been prevented.

19 edificios como 19 heridas: Por qué el sismo nos pegó tan fuerte

by Alejandro Sánchez

El 19 de septiembre de 2017 un terremoto azotó México. Murieron 369 personas. Pero no las mató el sismo. Los responsables fueron la corrupción, la impunidad, la dejadez, el olvido e incluso la falta de cultura cívica. A un año del desastre, esta obra investiga qué salió mal en 19 de los edificios más dañados por el temblor. ¿Por qué hubo tantos muertos 32 años después del terremoto de 1985? El libro, así, pinta cuáles son los problemas que resquebrajaron México... y alerta: si no se solucionan, volverá a ocurrir una tragedia similar. Reportajes de: Óscar Alarcón - Hugo Corzo Zanabria - Silvia Garduño Francisco Goldman - Édgar Ledesma Gasca - Albinson Linares Francisco Nieto - Ernesto Núñez Albarrán - Georgina Olson Jiménez Peniley Ramírez - Paris Alejandro Salazar - Nantzin Saldaña Neldy San Martín # Alejandro Sánchez - Laura Sánchez Ley Claudia Solera - Laura Toribio - Daniel Venegas. Las ganancias de este libro serán entregadas a los damnificados del Multifamiliar Tlalpan.

18 Tiny Deaths: The Untold Story of Frances Glessner Lee and the Invention of Modern Forensics

by Bruce Goldfarb

For most of human history, sudden and unexpected deaths of a suspicious nature, when they were investigated at all, were examined by lay persons without any formal training. People often got away with murder. Modern forensic investigation originates with Frances Glessner Lee - a pivotal figure in police science.'Disturbing dioramas created by an American millionairess revolutionised the art of modern forensics.' DAILY TELEGRAPH Frances Glessner Lee (1878-1962), born a socialite to a wealthy and influential Chicago family, was never meant to have a career, let alone one steeped in death and depravity. Yet she became the mother of modern forensics and was instrumental in elevating homicide investigation to a scientific discipline. Frances Glessner Lee learned forensic science under the tutelage of pioneering medical examiner Magrath - he told her about his cases, gave her access to the autopsy room to observe post-mortems and taught her about poisons and patterns of injury. A voracious reader too, Lee acquired and read books on criminology and forensic science - eventually establishing the largest library of legal medicine. Lee went on to create The Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death - a series of dollhouse-sized crime scene dioramas depicting the facts of actual cases in exquisitely detailed miniature - and perhaps the thing she is most famous for. Celebrated by artists, miniaturists and scientists, the Nutshell Studies are a singularly unusual collection. They were first used as a teaching tool in homicide seminars at Harvard Medical School in the 1930s, and then in 1945 the homicide seminar for police detectives that is the longest-running and still the highest-regarded training of its kind in America. Both of which were established by the pioneering Lee.In 18 Tiny Deaths, Bruce Goldfarb weaves Lee's remarkable story with the advances in forensics made in her lifetime to tell the tale of the birth of modern forensics.

17 minutos: Entrevista con el dictador

by Jorge Ramos Ávalos

El libro sobre cómo el autor desenmascaró a Maduro ante las cámaras: con todo lo que ocurrió antes y después. El 25 de febrero de 2019, apoyado por su equipo de Univisión, Jorge Ramos realizó una entrevista al dictador de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro. Preparada minuciosamente, pasado el primer cuarto de hora, y luego de evidenciar su disgusto por el severo cuestionamiento del periodista (fiel a su compromiso de confrontar a los poderosos), el entrevistado la dio por terminada abruptamente. Se producía así un tremendo acto de censura que implicó confiscar el equipo de grabación, la detención del periodista y finalmente su deportación. Con un estilo directo y crítico, Jorge narra los recovecos de esta peligrosa experiencia periodística que tuvo repercusión mundial, incluyendo lo que hizo para no ser encarcelado, salvar a sus colaboradores y recuperar, tiempo después, la entrevista requisada.

16th WCEAM Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)

by Adolfo Crespo Márquez Juan Francisco Gómez Fernández Vicente González-Prida Díaz Joe Amadi-Echendu

This book gathers selected peer-reviewed papers from the 16th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM), held in Seville from 5–7 October 2022. This book covers a wide range of topics in Engineering Asset Management, including: Asset management and decision support system Industry 4.0 tools and its impact on asset management Monitoring, diagnostics and prognostics for smart maintenance Asset life cycle management Asset management in the industrial sector Human dimensions and asset management performance Infrastructure Asset management Asset condition, risk, resilience, and vulnerability assessments Asset operations and maintenance strategies Reliability and resilience engineering Applications of international and local guidelines and standards The breadth and depth of this state-of-the-art, comprehensive proceedings make it an excellent resource for asset management practitioners, researchers and academics, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students.

16 Souls

by John J. Nance

A pilot&’s emergency maneuver lands him in court in this thriller by a New York Times–bestselling author who &“knows how to keep his readers turning pages.&” —Booklist On takeoff from Denver during a winter blizzard, an airliner piloted by veteran Captain Marty Mitchell overruns a commuter plane from behind. Bizarrely, the fuselage of the smaller aircraft is tenuously wedged onto the wing of his Boeing 757, leading Mitchell to an impossible life-or-death choice. Mitchell&’s decision will land the former military pilot in the crosshairs of a viciously ambitious district attorney determined to send him to prison for doing his job. Despondent and deeply wounded by what he sees as betrayal by the system, Mitchell at first refuses to defend himself or even assist the corporate lawyer forced to represent him. Pitted against the prosecutorial prowess of a DA using Mitchell&’s case to audition for a political appointment is young defense attorney Judith Winston. Her lack of experience in criminal cases could mean the end of Mitchell&’s freedom, if he doesn&’t end his own life first. But like the pilot she represents, she will not give up in the face of devastating odds—and she&’s growing ever more determined to expose the corruption behind his personal nightmare . . . &“King of the modern-day aviation thriller.&” —Publishers Weekly &“In the air, or in a courtroom, nobody writes a better thriller than John J. Nance.&” —Steve Jackson, New York Times–bestselling author

15th WCEAM Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)

by João Onofre Pereira Pinto Marcio Luiz Magri Kimpara Renata Rezende Reis Turuna Seecharan Belle R. Upadhyaya Joe Amadi-Echendu

This book gathers selected peer-reviewed papers from the 15th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM), which was hosted by The Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul Campo Grande, Brazil, from 15–-18 August 2021This book covers a wide range of topics in engineering asset management, including: strategy and standards;sustainability and resiliency;servitisation and Industry 4.0 business models;asset information systems; andasset management decision-making. The breadth and depth of these state-of-the-art, comprehensive proceedings make them an excellent resource for asset management practitioners, researchers, and academics, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students.

150 Jahre Gesetzgebung in Deutschland: Entwicklungen des Gesetzgebungsverfahrens von der konstitutionellen Monarchie 1871 bis zur parlamentarischen Demokratie 2021

by Martin H. Möllers

Dieses Buch erläutert die verfassungsmäßige Ausgestaltung der Gesetzgebungsverfahren im Kaiserreich, in der Weimarer Republik und in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Zusammenhang. Dadurch wird nachvollziehbar, dass die Gesetzgebung der heutigen parlamentarischen Demokratie ihre Basis bereits in der konstitutionellen Monarchie des Deutschen Kaiserreichs vor 150 Jahren hat. Obwohl das Verfahren der Gesetzgebung im Kaiserreich vordemokratisch ausgestaltet war, sind ihre wesentlichen Merkmale bis heute unverändert. Welche Änderungen die Gesetzgebungsverfahren von Verfassung zu Verfassung im Einzelnen erfuhren, analysiert das Buch und stellt heraus, dass diese Änderungen vor allem das Bund-Länder-Verhältnis, die Volkssouveränität sowie den Einfluss der Grundrechte auf die Gesetzgebung betrafen. Dabei kommen auch Auffassungen der Staatsrechtslehre früherer Zeiten zur Rechtsstaatlichkeit zur Sprache, die immer noch zum derzeitigen Meinungsspektrum zählen, heute jedoch nicht mehr zu halten sind. Zudem dokumentiert das Buch, wer an den Gesetzgebungsverfahren offiziell und wer faktisch beteiligt war bzw. noch ist und welche politischen Einflussnahmen auf die Gesetzgebung im Lauf der Geschichte festzustellen sind. So wird u.a. dokumentiert, dass insbesondere der Mangel an Transparenz der Zusammenarbeit von Exekutive und Legislative mit Lobbyisten dazu führt, dass viele Gesetze einzelne Bevölkerungsgruppen oder Wirtschaftszweige bevorzugen.

14th WCEAM Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)

by Adolfo Crespo Márquez Dragan Komljenovic Joe Amadi-Echendu

This book gathers selected peer-reviewed papers from the 14th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM), which was held in Singapore on 28–31 July 2019, as well as papers presented during the 1st WCEAMOnline event which focused on the ramifications of Covid-19 on infrastructure systems.This book covers a wide range of topics in engineering asset management, including:asset management services provisioning;servitization;decision-making;asset management systems;industrial Internet of things; andvulnerability and resilience of infrastructure systems. The breadth and depth of these state-of-the-art, comprehensive proceedings make them an excellent resource for asset management practitioners, researchers and academics, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students.

13 Ways of Looking at the Death Penalty

by Paul Elie Mario Marazziti

Nation states and communities throughout the world have reached certain decisions about capital punishment: It is the destruction of human life. It is ineffective as a deterrent for crime. It is an instrument the state uses to contain or eliminate its political adversaries. It is a tool of "justice" that disproportionality affects religious, social, and racial minorities. It is a sanction that cannot be fixed if unjustly applied. Yet the United States--along with countries notorious for human rights abuse--remains an advocate for the death penalty. In these thirteen pieces, Mario Marazziti exposes the profound inhumanity and irrationality of the death penalty in this country, and urges us to join virtually every other industrialized democracy in rendering capital punishment an abandoned practice belonging to a crueler time in human history. A polemical book, yes, yet one that brings together a wide range of stories to compel the heart as well the mind.From the Hardcover edition.

The 13 Key Performance Indicators for Highly Effective Teams

by Allam Ahmed George Siantonas Nicholas Siantonas

An organisation's most important asset is its people. And critical to an organisation's success is the extent to which its people interact effectively – both with each other as team members and with the wider organisation. This is why managing teams has become a key area for a growing number of organisations around the world. While many organisations are world-class at managing their materials and machinery, they fall short in managing the human side of their activities.This book outlines the challenges faced by both team leaders and team members in 21st-century workplaces. It proposes 13 key performance or "team health" indicators for highly effective teams based on research data collected from a large range of industry sectors, team sizes and organisations in the UK. It contributes to the understanding of the nature and functioning of team cohesiveness by describing teamwork as a multi-component variable and identifying the factors that impact on teams and the implications of teamwork for organisations.The book sets out to aid organisations by introducing a Team Performance Diagnostic (TPD) tool. The TPD enables organisations to gain an accurate and detailed insight into the real-time performance of their teams, helps team managers to understand the underlying 'people' issues within the team and how to reach higher levels of team performance quickly. The TPD has been widely used in major multinationals and the UK public sector to pinpoint hard-to-find opportunities to achieve rapid improvements.The research suggests that the use of TPD contributes to more free-flowing feedback both within the team and in the organisation as a whole, and that successful teams are indicative of a healthy organisational culture.This book is an essential guide for senior managers and policy-makers dealing with team effectiveness, and will be highly useful for students of business and management.

12 Who Don't Agree: The Battle for Freedom in Putin's Russia

by Valery Panyushkin

&“Portraits of a group of mostly young Muscovites . . . Some of [Panyushkin&’s] sketches are political fables of inspiring selflessness and courage&” (Star Tribune). In Twelve Who Don&’t Agree, journalist Valery Panyushkin profiles twelve Russians from across the country&’s social spectrum, including: a politician, a journalist, an army officer, an author, a bank manager, a laborer, and a university student. Despite varied backgrounds, they all have one thing in common: participation in 2007&’s historic March of the Dissidents. Though each of these men and women had personal reasons for joining the demonstration, they shared a belief that the government of Vladimir Putin was betraying the promise of Russia&’s future. Risking the threats and violent retaliation inflicted upon Russian journalists who dare to question the powers that be, Panyushkin boldly illuminates the lives and convictions of these twelve men and women. Their stories reveal how a growing commitment to human rights, equality, the principals of decency and fairness can transform one into a dissident in the eyes of a ruling class that does not value those same principles. And in today&’s Russia the dissidents&’ journey is one from which there is often no return. &“Panyushkin reveals a great deal about post-Soviet Russia and the kinds of constraints on freedom that most citizens still live with and try to work around. . . . [He] writes in vivid tableaux.&” —Los Angeles Times &“His compassionate yet candid outlook lends poignancy to individual portraits, with inflections of wisdom and occasional humor. Remaining defiant in the face of oppression, it is a testament to Panyushkin&’s talent that the plight of those involved is what ultimately resonates.&” —Publishers Weekly

12 Months to Live: Jane Smith has a year to live, unless they kill her first

by James Patterson Mike Lupica

&“Patterson and Lupica make a great team&” (Carl Hiaasen) who get &“deep into the lives of strong women&” (Louise Penny) and Jane Smith is their greatest creation—a badass lawyer with a year to live. &“Jane Smith is the best character we&’ve ever created. Bar none.&” —James Patterson and Mike Lupica Tough-as-nails criminal defense attorney Jane Smith is hip-deep in the murder trial of the century. Actually, her charmless client might&’ve committed several murders. She&’s also fallen in love with a wonderful guy. And an equally wonderful dog, a mutt. But Jane doesn&’t have much time. She&’s just received a terminal diagnosis giving her twelve months. Unless she&’s murdered before her expiration date.

112 vragen over de zorgverzekeringswet: Alles wat huisartsen moeten weten

by Christine Beerepoot Henriëtte van der Horst

Dit boek geeft antwoord op  de meest gestelde vragen rondom de zorgverzekeringswet in de huisartsenpraktijk. Het gaat in op de laatste ontwikkelingen in de wet- en regelgeving. De vragen over de zorgverzekering worden vaak in de huisartsenpraktijk gesteld. Ondanks de goede inburgering van de zorgverzekering in Nederland. Omdat de huisarts het eerste aanspreekpunt is voor vragen over gezondheid en ziekte. Vragen zoals: · Welke zorg valt onder het basispakket? · Wat gebeurt er als de nominale premie niet wordt betaald? · Wat is de hoogte van het verplicht eigen risico? · Valt huisartsenzorg of medisch specialistische zorg onder het verplicht eigen risico? Maar ook meer complexe vragen over geschillen en bevoegde instanties en de regeling voor gemoedsbezwaarden komen aan bod.   Jaarlijks vinden er aanpassingen en verbeteringen plaats in de zorgverzekering. Denk daarbij aan de wijzigingen in het basispakket of indexering van eigen betalingen of het eigen risico. In 2015 is de stelselwijziging van de langdurige zorg ingevoerd. Dit heeft geleid tot pakketwijzigingen in de zorgverzekering. De nieuwe Wet langdurige zorg is ingevoerd alsmede de Jeugdwet en de Wet maatschappelijke ondersteuning.   Ook wordt er uitgebreid stilgestaan bij de actuele ontwikkelingen in de huisartsenpraktijk. Zoals de intrede van de praktijkondersteuners somatiek en GGZ in de huisartsenpraktijk. Daarnaast wordt aandacht besteed aan de vergoedingenstructuur voor de huisarts die sinds 2015 grondig is herzien. Steeds meer  asielzoekers of illegalen bezoeken de huisarts. Welke vergoedingen zijn dan van toepassing?   112 Vragen over de Zorgverzekeringswet is een praktisch vraag- en antwoordboek voor de huisarts over de zorgverzekeringswet in de huisartsenpraktijk.  

110 Keywords Wirtschaftsethik

by Oliver Bendel Nick Lin-Hi Andreas Suchanek

Von Aktivist über Nachhaltigkeit bis zu Zensur: Im Kontext der Wirtschaftsethik gibt es unzählige Fachtermini und Abkürzungen. Das vorliegende Nachschlagewerk eignet sich für den ersten schnellen Überblick. In 110 übersichtlichen Schlüsselbegriffen werden die Grundlagen erläutert. Die Erklärungen sind kompakt und verständlich formuliert und bieten Basiswissen für alle, die einen schnellen Einstieg in das Thema Wirtschaftsethik suchen, einzelne Begriffe nachschlagen oder ihr vorhandenes Wissen auffrischen möchten.

101 Things I Learned® in Law School (101 Things I Learned)

by Matthew Frederick Vibeke Norgaard Martin

A provocative, accessible, and cleverly illustrated guide to legal principles and practice, by a law instructor and internationally experienced attorneyThis might be the most useful book law students ever read. Not because it contains the details of case law, but because it teaches them how to think like a lawyer. From the fundamentals of effective argument to the principles, structures, and assumptions underlying our legal system, 101 Things I Learned in Law School makes the impenetrable clear and the complex understandable. Illustrated lessons summarize landmark cases and illuminate a fascinating range of questions, including: * What is the difference between honesty and truthfulness? * Why is circumstantial evidence often better than direct evidence? * How does one find the proper sources to substantiate a legal argument? * Why do states deliberately pass unconstitutional laws? * How can testimony from a hostile witness be helpful?Written by an internationally experienced attorney and law instructor, 101 Things I Learned in Law School is a concise, highly readable resource for law students, graduates, professionals, and anyone else fascinated--or confused--by our legal system.

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