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Zum Bild des tirailleur sénégalais im französischen Comic: Repräsentation einer kolonialen Figur in der Erinnerungskultur des 1. Weltkriegs

by Jérôme Serriere

Die Ausgangsfrage dieser Untersuchung ist, wie sich eine Gesellschaft an den 1. Weltkrieg erinnert und inwiefern sich diese Erinnerung mit der Zeit wandelt. Das Phänomen eines solchen „kollektiven Gedächtnisses“ und die verschiedenen Konzepte von Halbwachs, Nora („lieux de mémoire“), Jan Assmann („kulturelles Gedächtnis“) und Aleida Assmann („Funktions- und Speichergedächtnis“ des kulturellen Gedächtnisses) bilden den theoretischen Rahmen der Arbeit.Das Untersuchungsmedium zur Erforschung der französischen Erinnerungskultur zum 1. Weltkrieg bilden Comics („bande dessinées“), ein in Frankreich etabliertes und nachgefragtes Medium. Im Fokus der Betrachtung steht die Rolle der sogenannten „tirailleurs sénégalais“ in der Erinnerungskultur und wie sich die Kolonialzeit auf ihre Wahrnehmung in der französischen Gesellschaft auswirkte. Unterschieden wird dabei zwischen Tirailleurs als Kolonialsoldaten und der Figur des Tirailleurs als Konstrukt einer vergangenen Kolonialzeit. Den Kern der Arbeit bildet die Analyse zweier ausgewählter Comics. Nach festgelegten Kriterien (Deskription, Authentizität, Darstellung, Beitrag zur Erinnerungskultur) wird hier die Darstellung der Tirailleurs im Comic mit dem Bild der Tirailleurs in der Erinnerungskultur und in der Kolonialzeit verglichen. In den Comics werden aus erinnerungskulturellen Randfiguren und historischen Statisten Hauptfiguren des 1. Weltkriegs und selbstbestimmte Protagonisten postkolonialen Ausmaßes.

Zulu Heart: A Novel of Slavery and Freedom in an Alternate America

by Steven Barnes

Sequel to Lion's Blood, in which African nations colonized the New World. Egypt and Ethiopia are locked in a vicious power struggle in the vast land of Bilalistan.

Zulu Hart: (Zulu Hart 1)

by Saul David

'Gems like this are too rare. I was hooked in ten pages.' Conn IgguldenGEORGE HART just wants to serve his Queen and honour his family. It's not that simple.BASTARDHe doesn't know his father, only that he's a pillar of the Establishment. His beloved mother is half Irish, half Zulu.ZULU In a Victorian society rife with racism and prejudice, George's dark skin spells trouble to his regimental commander.WARRIORBut George has soldiering in his blood - the only question is what he's really fighting for: ancestry or Empire. In the heat of battle he must decide . . .

Zulu Hart: (Zulu Hart 1)

by Saul David Saul David Ltd

'Gems like this are too rare. I was hooked in ten pages.' Conn IgguldenGEORGE HART just wants to serve his Queen and honour his family. It's not that simple.BASTARDHe doesn't know his father, only that he's a pillar of the Establishment. His beloved mother is half Irish, half Zulu.ZULU In a Victorian society rife with racism and prejudice, George's dark skin spells trouble to his regimental commander.WARRIORBut George has soldiering in his blood - the only question is what he's really fighting for: ancestry or Empire. In the heat of battle he must decide . . .

Zulu Hart: (Zulu Hart 1)

by Saul David Saul David Ltd

GEORGE HART just wants to serve his Queen and honour his family. It's not that simple.BASTARDHe doesn't know his father, only that he's a pillar of the Establishment. His beloved mother is half Irish, half Zulu.ZULU In a Victorian society rife with racism and prejudice, George's dark skin spells trouble to his regimental commander.WARRIORBut George has soldiering in his blood - the only question is what he's really fighting for: ancestry or Empire. In the heat of battle he must decide . . .(P)2009 ISIS Publishing Ltd

Zulu Dog

by Anton Ferreira

In post-apartheid South Africa, a Zulu boy keeps secrets from his family as he cares for an injured dog and befriends the daughter of a white farmer.


by Howard Curtis Caryl Ferey

As a child, Ali Neuman ran away from home to escape the Inkatha, a militant political party at war with the then-underground African National Congress. He and his mother are the only members of his family that survived the carnage of those years and the psychological scars remain. Today, Neuman is chief of the homicide branch of the Cape Town police, a job in which he must do battle with South Africa's two scourges: widespread violence and AIDS. When the mutilated corpse of a young white woman is found in the city's botanical gardens, Neuman's job gets even more difficult. He is chasing one false lead after another when a second corpse, again that of a white woman, is found. This time, the body bears signs of a Zulu ritual. A new evil has insinuated itself into this recently integrated city. And a new drug: traces of an unknown narcotic have been found in the blood of both victims. The investigation will take Neuman back to his homeland, where he will discover that the once bloody killing fields have become the ideal no-man's land for unscrupulous multinationals, and that the apparatchiks of apartheid still lurk in the shadows and the back rooms of a society struggling toward reconciliation. Soon to be a major motion picture.

Zulok the Winged Spirit: Series 20 Book 1

by Adam Blade

Battle Beasts and fight Evil with Tom and Elenna in the bestselling adventure series for boys and girls aged 7 and up!When supernatural events start to occur in Avantia it can only mean one thing - something is afoot in the terrifying Isle of Ghosts, and the Dark Wizard Malvel is to blame. Tom and Elenna must travel to the Isle and first face eagle Ghost Beast Zulok.There are FOUR thrilling adventures to collect in this series - don't miss out! Zulok the Winged Spirit; Skalix the Snapping Horror; Okira the Crusher and Rykar the Fire Hound

Zulok the Winged Spirit: Series 20 Book 1 (Beast Quest #103)

by Adam Blade

Battle fearsome beasts and fight evil with Tom and Elenna in the bestselling adventure series for boys and girls aged 7 and up.When supernatural events start to occur in Avantia it can only mean one thing - something is afoot in the terrifying Isle of Ghosts, and the Dark Wizard Malvel is to blame. Tom and Elenna must travel to the Isle and first face eagle Ghost Beast Zulok.There are FOUR thrilling adventures to collect in this series - don't miss out! Zulok the Winged Spirit; Skalix the Snapping Horror; Okira the Crusher and Rykar the Fire HoundIf you like Beast Quest, check out Adam Blade's other series: Team Hero, Sea Quest and Beast Quest: New Blood!

Zuleikha: A Novel

by Guzel Yakhina

WINNER OF THE BIG BOOK AWARD, THE LEO TOLSTOY YASNAYA POLYANA AWARD AND THE BEST PROSE WORK OF THE YEAR AWARD A sweeping, multi-award winning novel set in the aftermath of the Russian Revolution, as gangs of marauding soldiers terrorise and plunder the countryside. Zuleikha, the 'pitiful hen', is living in the home of her brutal husband and despotic mother-in-law in a small Tatar village. When her husband is executed by communist soldiers for hiding grain, she is arrested and sent into exile in Siberia. In the first gruelling winter, hundreds die of hunger, cold and exhaustion. Yet forced to survive in that harsh, desolate wilderness, she begins to build a new life for herself and discovers an inner strength she never knew she had. Exile is the making of Zuleikha.

Zuleika Dobson

by Max Beerbohm

Ere it had yet stopped, the door of one carriage flew open, and from it, in a white travelling dress, in a toque a-twinkle with fine diamonds, a lithe and radiant creature slipped nimbly down to the platform.

Zuleika Dobson: Or An Oxford Love Story (classic Reprint) (Barnes And Noble Digital Library)

by Max Beerbohm

This satirical novel of life and love at Oxford University is one of the Modern Library&’s 100 Best Novels Max Beerbohm&’s only novel is a comic masterpiece set in the privileged environs of Judas College, Oxford. When beautiful prestidigitator Zuleika Dobson gains admittance to the all-male campus, romance is suddenly in the air. But the smitten undergraduates are out of luck, because this femme fatale can only love a man unaffected by her charms. The snobbish and taciturn Duke of Dorset appears up to the challenge, but his wall of indifference crumbles when Zuleika falls for him. She immediately rejects him for reciprocating her feelings, of course, and the Duke is driven to despair. He resolves to kill himself to teach her a lesson, but one small problem remains: Zuleika thinks suicide is romantic—and every lovesick undergraduate at Oxford is dying to agree with her. This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.

Zuleika Dobson

by Max Beerbohm

One woman's beauty fells the whole of Oxford in this sidesplitting classic campus novel.Nobody could predict the consequences when ravishing Zuleika Dobson arrives at Oxford, to visit her grandfather, the college warden. Formerly a governess, she has landed on the occupation of prestidigitator, and thanks to her overwhelming beauty--and to a lesser extent her professional talents--she takes the town by storm, gaining admittance to her grandfather's college. It is there, at the institution inspired by Beerbohm's own alma mater, that she falls in love the Duke of Dorset, who duly adores her in return. Ever aware of appearances, however, Zuleika breaks the Duke's heart when she decides that she must abandon the match. The epidemic of heartache that proceeds to overcome the academic town makes for some of the best comic writing in the history of English literature.

Zukunftswissen?: Potenziale prospektiver Erkenntnis am Beispiel der Energiewirtschaft (Abhandlungen zur Medien- und Kulturwissenschaft)

by Manuel Mackasare

Vorstellungen von der Zukunft bestimmen das menschliche Handeln. In energiewirtschaftlichen Fragen sind solche Antizipationen besonders relevant: Staaten beschließen Förderprogramme, Unternehmen errichten Kraftwerke, Privatpersonen füllen ihre Öltanks oder ersetzen sie durch Wärmepumpen – stets mit Blick auf ein Morgen, der mitunter trügerisch ist. Kontrovers diskutiert wird, ob es ein Wissen von der Zukunft überhaupt geben und inwieweit es Gegenstand der Wissenschaft sein kann. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes untersuchen Möglichkeit, Methoden und Geltung von Zukunftsentwürfen aus philosophischer, historischer, sozial-, literatur- und medienwissenschaftlicher Perspektive.

The Zukofsky Era: Modernity, Margins, and the Avant-Garde (Hopkins Studies in Modernism)

by Ruth Jennison

Zukofsky, Oppen, and Niedecker wrote with a diversity of formal strategies but a singularity of purpose: the crafting of an anticapitalist poetics.Inaugurated in 1931 by Louis Zukofsky, Objectivist poetry gave expression to the complex contours of culture and politics in America during the Great Depression. This study of Zukofsky and two others in the Objectivist constellation, George Oppen and Lorine Niedecker, elaborates the dialectic between the formal experimental features of their poetry and their progressive commitments to the radical potentials of modernity.Mixing textual analysis, archival research, and historiography, Ruth Jennison shows how Zukofsky, Oppen, and Niedecker braided their experiences as working-class Jews, political activists, and feminists into radical, canon-challenging poetic forms. Using the tools of critical geography, Jennison offers an account of the relationship between the uneven spatial landscapes of capitalism in crisis and the Objectivists’ paratactical textscapes. In a rethinking of the overall terms in which poetic modernism is described, she identifies and assesses the key characteristics of the Objectivist avant-garde, including its formal recognition of proliferating commodity cultures, its solidarity with global anticapitalist movements, and its imperative to develop poetics that nurtured revolutionary literacy. The resulting narrative is a historically sensitive, thorough, and innovative account of Objectivism’s Depression-era modernism.A rich analysis of American avant-garde poetic forms and politics, The Zukofsky Era convincingly situates Objectivist poetry as a politically radical movement comprising a crucial chapter in American literary history. Scholars and students of modernism will find much to discuss in Jennison’s theoretical study.

Zuhaitz zaharrenaren heriotza

by Josu Galdos Kazabon

Eguzkiaren lehen izpiekin esnatu zen. Begiak ireki eta txundituta gelditu zen, hori zen hori edertasuna, zuhaitzak, zerua, haizea? Dena bizi-bizirik zegoen, lurraren indarra bere barruan sentitzen zuen, indar itzela. Denbora eta espazioa desagertu egin ziren, eta ikusten zuen oro ez zegoen ez kanpoan ez barruan, baina berak bere baitan sentitzen zuen. Bera ere indar izugarri haren erdian sentitzen zen, bizitzan guztiz murgilduta, eta inoiz baino esnatuago eta argiago.-Orain ulertzen dut -esan zuen neskak barre ttiki batekin.Erraiak harrotzeko bederatzi ipuin biltzen dira liburu honetan. Mendiaren misterioa, lurraren indarra eta basoaren magian murgilduko gara etorkizun handiko idazle gazte honen eskutik.

Zugzwang: A Novel

by Ronan Bennett

Un thriller ambientado en St. Petersburgo, donde se celebra un campeonato internacional de ajedrez y donde se están cometiendo una serie de misteriosos asesinatos. Zugzwang: [del alemán Zug («movimiento») y Zwang («exigencia, obligación»)]. En ajedrez se emplea para describir una posición en que uno de los jugadores queda reducido a un estado de total impotencia: está obligado a mover, pero cualquier movimiento solo empeora su situació San Petersburgo, 1914. El periodista O.V. Gulko es brutalmente asesinado al pie del puente Politseiski. Entonces, el psiquiatra Otto Spethmann recibe la visita de la policía. Un revolucionario relacionado con la muerte del periodista ha aparecido muerto, y entre sus ropas se ha hallado la tarjeta del doctor. De pronto, Otto Spethmann se ve implicado en un complot para asesinar al zar en el que están implicados miembros de su círculo más cercano. Desde ese momento, Spethmann estará en posición de Zugzwang. Una hermosa estudiante envuelta en actividades políticas radicales, una gran dama con un pasado doloroso y un presente sensual, un complejo detective de policía, un portentoso ajedrecista del shtetl, el líder de los bolcheviques, un siniestro plutócrata de derechas, agentes secretos y mafiosos bolcheviques compartirán el tablero. Reseña:«Zugzwang es un thriller de primera, con reminiscencias de la potencia narrativa de Joseph Conrad y la inteligencia de género de Graham Greene.»San Francisco Chronicle


by Ronan Bennett

Zugwang: [del alemán Zug («movimiento») y Zwang («exigencia, obligación»)]. En ajedrez se emplea para describir una posición en que uno de los jugadores queda reducido a un estado de total impotencia: está obligado a mover, pero cualquier movimiento solo empeora su situación.San Petersburgo, 1914. El periodista O.V. Gulko es brutalmente asesinado al pie del puente Politseiski. Entonces, el psiquiatra Otto Spethmann recibe la visita de la policía. Un revolucionario relacionado con la muerte del periodista ha aparecido muerto, y entre sus ropas se ha hallado la tarjeta del doctor. De pronto, Otto Spethmann se ve implicado en un complot para asesinar al zar en el que están implicados miembros de su círculo más cercano. Desde ese momento, Spethmann estará en posición de Zugzwang.Una hermosa estudiante envuelta en actividades políticas radicales, una gran dama con un pasado doloroso y un presente sensual, un complejo detective de policía, un portentoso ajedrecista del shtetl, el líder de los bolcheviques, un siniestro plutócrata de derechas, agentes secretos y mafiosos bolcheviques compartirán el tablero.«Zugzwang es un thriller de primera, con reminiscencias de la potencia narrativa de Joseph Conrad y la inteligencia de género de Graham Greene.»San Francisco Chronicle

Zuflucht im Käfig

by Feliz Faber Tempeste O'Riley

Kieferchirurg Kaden Thorn führt ein ruhiges Leben, jedoch ohne jede Hoffnung auf eine Liebe, wie er sie sich ersehnt. Seitdem er von Schwulenhassern brutal zusammengeschlagen wurde, kann er seine Beine nicht mehr gebrauchen und sitzt im Rollstuhl. Er hat die Hoffnung aufgegeben, je einen Dom oder auch nur einen "normalen" Partner zu finden, der ihn liebt. Als er praktisch unter Zwang eine Einladung zum Abendessen bei seiner besten Freundin annimmt, ist das letzte, womit er dort rechnet, ein starker Dom, der über seinen Rollstuhl hinwegsehen kann. Architekt Deacon James ist als Dom sehr anspruchsvoll, hat aber die letzten paar Jahre ohne Sub oder Partner zugebracht. Als einer seiner Angestellten ihn zu einer Dinnerparty einlädt, um ihm seine Lebensgefährtin vorzustellen, riecht Deacon ein abgekartetes Spiel, stimmt aber trotzdem zu. Er ist stolz auf seine ausgezeichnete Menschenkenntnis, und als er den jüngeren Zahnarzt kennenlernt, sieht er nicht den Rollstuhl, sondern einen liebenswerten, devoten Mann, der mehr als nur sein Interesse weckt. Kades Ängste und die Dämonen der Vergangenheit, die ihn heimsuchen, sind eine Herausforderung für Deacon; er braucht sein ganzes Können und seine ganze Erfahrung als Dom, um Kades Vertrauen und Hingabe zu gewinnen. Doch Deacon ist fest entschlossen, diese Schlacht erfolgreich zu schlagen, um Kade an seiner Seite und zu seinen Füßen zu haben.

Zuckerman Unbound

by Philip Roth

Now in his mid-thirties, Nathan Zuckerman, a would-be recluse despite his new-found fame as a bestselling author, ventures onto the streets of Manhattan in the final year of the turbulent sixties. Not only is he assumed by his fans to be his own fictional satyr, Gilbert Carnovsky ("Hey, you do all that stuff in that book?"), but he also finds himself the target of admonishers, advisers, and sidewalk literary critics. The recent murders of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr., lead an unsettled Zuckerman to wonder if "target" may be more than a figure of speech. Zuckerman retreats from his oldest friends, breaks his marriage to a virtuous woman, and damages, perhaps irreparably, his affectionate connection to his younger brother...and all because of his great good fortune!

Zuckerman Unbound (Vintage International)

by Philip Roth

Now in his mid-thirties, Nathan Zuckerman, a would-be recluse despite his newfound fame as a bestselling author, ventures onto the streets of Manhattan in the final year of the turbulent sixties. Not only is he assumed by his fans to be his own fictional satyr, Gilbert Carnovsky ("Hey, you do all that stuff in that book?"), but he also finds himself the target of admonishers, advisers, and sidewalk literary critics. The recent murders of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr., lead an unsettled Zuckerman to wonder if "target" may be more than a figure of speech.In Zuckerman Unbound—the second volume of the trilogy and epilogue Zuckerman Bound—the notorious novelist Nathan Zuckerman retreats from his oldest friends, breaks his marriage to a virtuous woman, and damages, perhaps irreparably, his affectionate connection to his younger brother...and all because of his great good fortune!

Zuckerman encadenado

by Philip Roth

Reunidas en un solo volumen las tres primeras novelas protagonizadas por Nathan Zuckerman y, como epílogo, una pieza genial: La orgía de Praga. Este volumen reúne las tres primeras novelas -y una nouvelle- protagonizadas por Nathan Zuckerman ­La visita al maestro (1979), Zuckerman desencadenado (1981) y La lección de anatomía (1983)­, el álter ego de Philip Roth. En La visita al maestro, un joven Zuckerman en los inicios de su carrera visita a su mentor en Nueva Inglaterra y se enamora de una mujer que cree identificar con la mismísima Ana Frank. Zuckerman desencadenado es una divertida parodia sobre los riesgos de la fama, mientras que La lección de anatomía cuenta la divertida y triste historia de un Zuckerman en plena crisis vital y creativa. Y al fin, en La orgía de Praga, viajamos con él a la ciudad ocupada por los soviéticos enbusca del manuscrito inédito de un misterioso escritor judío. Reseña:«El mejor Roth.»The New York Times Book Review

The Zucchini Warriors (Macdonald Hall #5)

by Gordon Korman

The story of a football team trying to get a winning season and their secret weapon is a girl.

Zucchini Out West

by Barbara Dana

Ten-year-old Billy suspects that his pet ferret Zucchini may be a black-footed ferret, one of the rarest mammals in the world, and takes him on a trip through the West to meet the handful of black-footed ferrets known to exist.

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