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Kiss Me Goodnight

by Michele Zurlo

I'm Lacey Hallem, and I have a few secrets. These aren't them: I wash my hands a lot and lie when I'm stressed. Also, I have horrible taste in men. That's how I knew Dylan was trouble the first time I saw him... Life can be challenging for Lacey, especially when things don't come in sets of six, but she's smart and funny and able to keep her demons at bay--most of the time. She might have sensed trouble when she set eyes on Dylan, a delectable musician in a vintage T-shirt, but that doesn't stop her from thinking about him, or spending more and more time in his company. Enter Thomas. Wealthy, handsome, and completely adoring of Lacey (flaws and all), he's everything a man should be. So why can't she convince her heart to fall in love? Prepare to be swept up in Michele Zurlo's emotional and compelling story of learning to trust yourself, facing the past, and finding strength you never knew you had.

El viaje de los colibríes

by Sue Zurita

Acércate a la nueva edición del fenómeno de la autopublicación de México. Una novela para todos aquellos que no saben vivir en cautiverio. El viaje de los colibríes ocupa ya un lugar en los corazones de los lectores mexicanos, desde que Sue Zurita publicó una edición independiente hace ocho años con la que logró llegar a más de 70 mil personas. Esta nueva edición, revisada y actualizada, incluye un capítulo inédito: un nuevo final para Romina. ¿Qué fue de ella? ¿A dónde fue? ¿Qué experiencias vivió? Todo ello se cuenta en el nuevo desenlace de la novela. La vida de Romina representa la de todos aquellos que sueñan con irse lejos y abrazar un nuevo futuro, con la principal ex-pectativa del amor y del encuentro consigo mismos. El viaje de los colibríes es un vuelo sin final, en el que Romina decide hacer diferentes escalas. En ellas conoce amigos, abre jaulas extrañas, descubre alas inesperadas y conquista el cielo que lleva dentro... Si una vez decidiste escapar..., ¡no dejes que nadie te atrape!


by Raul Zurita William Rowe Norma Cole

A harrowing meditation on tyranny, torture, and freedom by one of Chilé's most celebrated contemporary poets.In 2001, the president of Chile publicly acknowledged that many of the bodies of the people who had disappeared under the dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet would never be recovered. The victims had been flown up in planes and, after having their eyes gouged out, were ejected over the mountains and deserts of Chile or the Pacific Ocean. Raúl Zurita’s INRI (these are of course the letters nailed to the cross on which Jesus was crucified, identifying him as Jesus Christ, King of the Jews) is a visionary, prescient response to this atrocity, an agonized and deeply moving elegy for the dead in which the whole of Chile, with its snow-covered cordilleras, fields of wild flowers, empty spaces, and the sparkling sea beyond, is simultaneously transformed into the grave of its lost children and their living and risen body. This incantatory, prophetic work—prophetic in the same way that Jeremiah and Isaiah are prophetic, which is to say unapologetically political— is one of the great poems of our new century.

Purgatory (Bilingual English/Spanish Edition)

by Raul Zurita Anna Deeny

Zurita's Purgatory, a landmark in contemporary Latin American poetry, records the physical, cultural, and spiritual violence perpetrated against the Chilean people under Pinochet's military dictatorship (1973-1990) in the fiercely inventive voice of a postmodern master.


by Raúl Zurita

Versión definitiva de un libro fundamental de Raúl Zurita, una obra una cumbre de la poesía en lengua castellana. Cuando Anteparaíso se publicó originalmente en 1982 supuso el arribo a cimas y el descenso a abismos impensados para la poesía en lengua castellana. Esta edición, que al cabo de cuarenta años el autor presenta en su “versión final”, revela cómo toda su alucinada energía, su violencia y su belleza desgarradas siguen no solo intactas, sino multiplicadas en los paisajes y amores, en los sueños y cielos que pueblan sus páginas.

Ensayos reunidos

by Raúl Zurita

Una selección de los mejores ensayos del poeta Premio Nacional de Literatura. En esta recopilación de textos sobre poetas, novelistas, artistas y episodios dolorosos y notables sobre la vida nacional, Raúl Zurita pone a disposición de los lectores parte fundamental de su inspiración literaria. Desde Violeta Parra y Pablo de Rokha hasta Roberto Matta y Francis Bacon, pasando por Robert Desnos, Dante Alighieri, Pablo Neruda, Idea Vilariño, Fernando Pessoa, Europa del Este y los detenidos desaparecidos en el desierto de Atacama, Zurita lee e interpreta vidas y obras con delicadeza, llevando su inspiración a alturas insospechadas, ofreciendo al lector un poderoso conjunto de reflexiones y sensibilidades.

Guárdame en ti

by Raúl Zurita

Llega a «Poesía Portátil» Raúl Zurita, uno de los poetas vivos más deslumbrantes de la lengua española. Zurita es un referente indiscutible de las letras chilenas y una de las más grandes voces de la poesía contemporánea. Esta selección a cargo de Ignacio Echevarría recorre los amores y los infiernos de la devastada biografía del poeta, así como la convulsionada y luego lánguida historia del Chile del último medio siglo, siempre a través de una escritura que aspira a moverse con la misma fuerza que la naturaleza. Los versos recogidos en esta antología provienen de los poemarios Tu vida rompiéndose y La vida nueva. «Entonces guárdame en tien los torrentes más secretos que tus ríos levantany cuando ya de nosotrossólo quede algo como una orillatenme también en tiguárdame en ti como la interrogación de las aguasque se marchanY luego, cuando las grandes aves se derrumbeny las nubes nos indiquenque se nos fue la vida entre los dedosguárdame todavía en titenme en ti, en la brizna de aire que aún ocupe tu vozdura y remotacomo los cauces glaciares en que la Primavera desciende.»

Sobre la noche el cielo y al final el mar

by Raúl Zurita

Novela autobiográfica que narra los años del poeta en dictadura, cuando escribió sus libros señeros y formó parte del emblemático colectivo de Acciones de Arte, CADA. En la línea de El día más blanco, su celebrado relato autobiográfico de infancia y juventud, Raúl Zurita entrega en Sobre la noche el cielo y al final el mar una novela personal e intensa, llena de resonancias y alcances sentimentales, políticos y literarios. Mezclando sueños y recuerdos, imaginación e intimidad, prosa y poesía, Zurita da cuenta de los años más feroces de su carrera, aquellos en que escribió libros como Purgatorio y Anteparaíso, fue parte del Colectivo de Acciones de Arte, CADA, y estableció relaciones personales y artísticas de alta intensidad que acá relata con el tono que ha hecho reconocida su escritura a nivel mundial. El centro de esta novela es ese mundo artístico y esa cruzada personal por los años más oscuros de nuestro pasado reciente, años en que el autor vio disolverse ilusiones propias y ajenas y nacer sueños y esperanzas nuevas.

La vida nueva

by Raúl Zurita

La reaparición de La vida nueva supone un acontecimiento mayor en la poesía contemporánea de Occidente En 1983, tras haber publicado Purgatorio (1979) y Anteparaíso (1982), dos libros que cambiaron para siempre la poesía chilena y latinoamericana, Raúl Zurita se puso a escribir el libro con el que cerraría una trilogía poética de ambición inaudita y que también apelaría desde el título a la obra de Dante: La vida nueva. Lo escribió durante más de una década y recién en 1994 logró publicarlo, pero quedó disconforme pues debió cortar casi la mitad del libro, debido a que, por su extensión, nadie se lo publicaba. Han pasado 25 años desde esa primera y única edición que el poeta nunca autorizó reimprimir. En el intertanto, Zurita se vio obligado a vender los manuscritos. Hasta que hace un par de años los recuperó. Y lo que hoy presentamos será la edición definitiva de un libro clave en la trayectoria del poeta.

Körpermagie (Triade #2)

by Stefanie Zurek Poppy Dennison

Die Fortsetzung zu Magie der GedankenBuch 2 in der Serie - Triade Ein Rudel ist nur so stark wie sein schwächstes Mitglied. Rocky Harris weiß, wie das System funktioniert. Er hat sein ganzes Leben am untersten Ende der Hierarchie verbracht. Doch als sein Alpha ihn damit betraut, das Sicherheitssystem des High Moon Rudels auf den neuesten Stand zu bringen, gerät Rockys Weltbild gefährlich ins Wanken. Seit die Welpen während seines Wachdienstes entführt wurden, hat Cade Montgomerys Selbstbewusstsein arg gelitten. Er würde alles tun, um seine Familie zu beschützen, selbst wenn das bedeutet, mit Rocky zusammenzuarbeiten. Cade traut Rocky nicht, aber er weiß auch, dass die kontroverse Entscheidung des Rudelalphas, einen Magier zum Gefährten zu wählen, noch für Ärger sorgen wird. Dann erklärt jemand den Gestaltenwandlern den Krieg und plötzlich ist das gesamte Rudel in Gefahr. Cade und Rocky werden die Stärke des anderen brauchen, wenn sie die drohende Schlacht--und ihre wachsenden Gefühle für einander--überleben wollen.

El techo del mundo

by David Zurdo Ángel Gutiérrez

En 1929, el crack de la bolsa de Nueva York siembra en todo el mundo el caos y el desconcierto. En medio de la desesperación y la pobreza, tres hermanos luchan por salir adelante a la sombra de la construcción del edificio más alto del mundo: el Empire State.Criados en una granja de la América profunda, Tom, Jay y Beth son tres hermanos cuyo futuro cambia drásticamente al estallar la Primera Guerra Mundial. Con sus sueños rotos, las vidas de los chicos toman caminos diferentes hasta confluir de nuevo en 1929 cuando se inicia la construcción de «el techo del mundo», el edificio más alto levantado hasta ese momento. Moviéndose en escenarios como los despachos de Wall Street, las bambalinas de Broadway, los callejones de Brooklyn o el inframundo del hampa, entrelazarán sus destinos con los de otros inolvidables personajes para formar un apasionante fresco de una ciudad, Nueva York, en unos años en los que comenzó a cambiar su historia. Y aprenderán que, incluso en las condiciones más adversas, la esperanza de una vida mejor está a la vuelta de la esquina...

Julia vino con la niebla

by Zurdo

Mi verdadero sentimiento. De hermosa planta jamás ningún pincel pudo copiar tan grande belleza. Aquí reflejo en este cuento el sentimiento hacia mi hija. Mi niña de la niebla.

The Last Weave

by Andrew Zurcher

The epic conclusion to Twelve Nights, where Kay and Ell's magical quest of imagination, adventure, and the power of storytelling comes to a thrilling, twisty close. Perfect for fans of The Golden Compass and A Wrinkle in Time.Kay's father is still missing--and worse, now nine-year-old Ell is too. More determined than ever, and with time running out as the twelve nights come to an end, Kay must puzzle out the riddles laid before her in this new land of Bithynia--and help restore the world to order--before her dad and sister are gone forever. Andrew Zurcher concludes his sweeping and magical tale of imagination, adventure, and the transportive power of storytelling in a world as captivating as Lyra's Oxford and Alice's Wonderland. A sprawling quest of a novel complete with black-and-white illustrations.

Twelve Nights (Twelve Nights Ser. #1)

by Andrew Zurcher

A magical tale of imagination, adventure, and the power of storytelling, perfect for fans of The Golden Compass and A Wrinkle in Time.Kay's father has gone missing on Christmas Eve! And when Kay and her sister Ell go to his office, everyone he works with claims never to have heard of him. So later that evening, when Kay wakes up to find two mysterious strangers outside her bedroom window, talking about her father and looking for the last remnants of his existence, she demands to know what's happened to her dad.The two strangers, Flip and Will, are wraiths, on a mission to bring Kay and Ell's father to their world--the world of woven stories and grand imagination that their father has spent his career studying. Only things in that world have gone very wrong, and the Bride of Bithynia, the only being who can set things right, is nowhere to be found. Can Kay and Ell find their father and join Flip and Will in a centuries-old battle to save the world?Debut author Andrew Zurcher has created a world as captivating as Lyra's Oxford and Alice's Wonderland in this spellbinding quest of a novel.Praise for Twelve Nights:* "Debut author Zurcher writes with surety and panache . . . a superb adventure." --Booklist, STARRED REVIEW"One for the bookshelf of any fantasy enthusiast." --Kirkus Reviews

Judith Man: Printed Writings 1500–1640: Series I, Part Three, Volume 2 (The Early Modern Englishwoman: A Facsimile Library of Essential Works & Printed Writings, 1500-1640: Series I, Part Three #Pt. 3)

by Amelia A. Zurcher

An Epitome of the History of Faire Argenis and Polyarchus is Judith Man's English translation of a 1623 French work by Nicolas Coeffeteau, Histoire de Poliarque et d'Argenis, which is itself an abridgement and translation of one of the most widely read fictional works of the seventeenth century, John Barclay's 1621 Latin romance Argenis. An extended political allegory of the rise to power of the French king Henri IV, Barclay's romance is peppered with numerous veiled anecdotes of politics at the English and other European courts and long disquisitions on statecraft and political ethics. It has been assumed that Barclay's work was strictly for a male audience, but Man's translation is evidence that women did in fact read Argenis, and might even suggest that allegorical romance offered women writers and readers an inroad into political discourse.

The Bowl Is Already Broken

by Mary Kay Zuravleff

A big, rewarding novel about art, politics, family, terrorism, courage, and happiness. Promise Whittaker, the diminutive but decisive acting director of the National Museum of Asian Art, is pregnant again--and that's just the beginning of her difficulties. Her mentor, the previous director, suddenly walked away from his job with no explanation, and now is on a dig somewhere in the Taklamakan desert. Her favorite curator has dropped their newest treasure, a bowl once owned by Thomas Jefferson, during the ceremony celebrating its acquisition. Another colleague, desperate for a son, has been embezzling from the museum to pay for her fertility treatments. And her far too handsome, far too elusive ancillary director is clearly up to no good. Confronting challenge after challenge at work and at home, Promise is one of the most offbeat, original, winning characters in recent fiction. The Bowl Is Already Broken is all brains, all soul, and all heart--brimming with ideas, provocative, and deeply satisfying.

Crushed (Happily Ever Afterlife #2)

by Orli Zuravicky

Lucy is ready for her next challenge at Limbo Central Middle School: joining a club. Or actually, forming one. Lucy and her best friend Cecily were awesome ballet dancers in life, so obviously they can start a Dance Club in the afterlife! Not according to Georgia Sinclaire. The head of the Cheerleading squad wants to forbid cheerleaders from even trying out for Lucy and Cecily's club. Who knew starting a Dance Club would be all about drama?

Ghostcoming! (Happily Ever Afterlife #1)

by Orli Zuravicky

Lucy has just joined the afterlife, and as a brand-new ghost she's mostly see-through, not able to stand or sit normally, stuck in the ballet clothes she was wearing before she crossed over...and stuck in middle school. Can't a ghost get a break? But then the cutest (ghost) boy she's ever seen turns out to be her very own guide to school, and things start looking brighter. Maybe she's not quite solid yet, but Lucy is definitely going to make this the best afterlife ever!

Death in Shangri-La (A Dotan Naor Thriller #1)

by Yigal Zur

Perfect for fans of Nelson DeMille and Daniel SilvaEx-Israeli operative turned private investigator, Dotan Naor—to settle a bet—agrees to locate the missing son of former acquaintance, now ruthless Israeli arms merchant, Willy Mizrachi. Willy, who does not hesitate to sell killing machines to the most heinous players in the world, is desperate to find his only son, Itiel, who has headed to an ashram in the Himalayas. The Himalayas are also host to groups of young Israelis who have completed their mandatory military service—a sort of rite of passage. Now, those innocent kids are being hunted down by violent terrorists. India and the disputed Kashmir region between India and Pakistan is familiar territory to Dotan, as he searches for Itiel and for the source of these heinous attacks on Israeli youth. Unwilling to leave this quest in the hands of Dotan, Willy also travels to India, where he is murdered in Delhi, triggering international repercussions capable of ripping the world apart at one of its most dangerous flashpoints. Nothing is as it seems in this region of the world. Betrayal reigns everywhere. But love, in its purest form, does manage to shine through in this story of brutal international corruption.

Passport to Death (A Dotan Naor Thriller #2)

by Yigal Zur

Perfect for fans of Daniel Silva and Nelson DeMille.Dotan Naor, an Israeli private investigator, ousted from Shin Bet—Israel's internal security service—goes to Thailand to find Sigal Bardon, a beautiful young girl from a wealthy Israeli family. Sigal has disappeared in Bangkok—completely. Dotan has connections in Thailand and he's familiar with Bangkok's dark side—the narrow alleys with bars and hookers, trenches of stagnant water, hotel rooms with illicit activity. This is where he intends to start his search. But when the passport of the missing Israeli girl ends up in his hands during his first taxi ride in the city, he's suspicious that someone is playing him. But who? And why? As Dotan searches for Sigal, police corruption blocks his every path. Every lead he pursues draws him closer and closer to a black hole in his "own" past—one intertwined with his pursuit of Sigal—one that leads him to Reuven—and the haunting failure that led to the dismissal of both of them from Shin Bet. The wound between Dotan and Reuven is raw and deep, but Dotan realizes it must be healed in order to save Sigal.

The Castle of Truth and Other Revolutionary Tales (Oddly Modern Fairy Tales #23)

by Hermynia Zur Mühlen

A collection of radical political fairy tales—some in English for the first time—from one of the great female practitioners of the genreHermynia Zur Mühlen (1883–1951), one of the twentieth century’s great political writers, was not seemingly destined for a revolutionary, unconventional literary career. Born in Vienna to an aristocratic Catholic family, Zur Mühlen married an Estonian count. But she rebelled, leaving her upper-class life to be with the Hungarian writer and Communist Stefan Klein, and supporting herself through translations and publications. Altogether, Zur Mühlen wrote thirty novels, mysteries, and story collections, and translated around 150 works, including those of Upton Sinclair, John Galsworthy, and Edna Ferber. A wonderful new addition to the Oddly Modern Fairy Tales series, The Castle of Truth and Other Revolutionary Tales presents English readers with a selection of Zur Mühlen’s best political fairy tales, some translated from German for the first time.In contrast to the classical tales of the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen, Zur Mühlen’s candid, forthright stories focus on social justice and the plight of the working class, with innovative plots intended to raise the political consciousness of readers young and old. For example, in “The Glasses,” readers are encouraged to rip off the glasses that deceive them, while in “The Carriage Horse,” horses organize a union to resist their working and living conditions. In “The Broom,” a young worker learns how to sweep away injustice.With an informative introduction by Jack Zipes and period illustrations by George Grosz, John Heartfield, Heinrich Vogeler, and Karl Holtz, The Castle of Truth and Other Revolutionary Tales revives the legacy of a notable female artist whose literary and political work remains relevant in our own time.

Figuring Korean Futures: Children’s Literature in Modern Korea

by Dafna Zur

This book is the story of the emergence and development of writing for children in modern Korea. Starting in the 1920s, a narrator-adult voice began to speak directly to a child-reader. This child audience was perceived as unique because of a new concept: the child-heart, the perception that the child's body and mind were transparent and knowable, and that they rested on the threshold of culture. This privileged location enabled writers and illustrators, educators and psychologists, intellectual elite and laypersons to envision the child as a powerful antidote to the present and as an uplifting metaphor of colonial Korea's future. Reading children's periodicals against the political, educational, and psychological discourses of their time, Dafna Zur argues that the figure of the child was particularly favorable to the project of modernity and nation-building, as well as to the colonial and postcolonial projects of socialization and nationalization. She demonstrates the ways in which Korean children's literature builds on a trajectory that begins with the child as an organic part of nature, and ends, in the post-colonial era, with the child as the primary agent of control of nature. Figuring Korean Futures reveals the complex ways in which the figure of the child became a driving force of nostalgia that stood in for future aspirations for the individual, family, class, and nation.

Let Them Rot: Antigone’s Parallax (Idiom: Inventing Writing Theory)

by Alenka Zupančič

A provocative, highly accessible journey to the heart of Sophocles’ Antigone elucidating why it keeps resurfacing as a central text of Western thought and Western culture.There is probably no classical text that has inspired more interpretation, critical attention, and creative response than Sophocles’ Antigone. The general perspective from which the book is written could be summarized with this simple question: What is it about the figure of Antigone that keeps haunting us? Why do all these readings and rewritings keep emerging? To what kind of always contemporary contradiction does the need, the urge to reread and reimagine Antigone—in all kinds of contexts and languages—correspond? As key anchor points of this general interrogation, three particular “obsessions” have driven the author’s thinking and writing about Antigone. First is the issue of violence. The violence in Antigone is the opposite of “graphic” as we have come to know it in movies and in the media; rather, it is sharp and piercing, it goes straight to the bone. It is the violence of language, the violence of principles, the violence of desire, the violence of subjectivity. Then there is the issue of funerary rites and their role in appeasing the specific “undeadness” that seems to be the other side of human life, its irreducible undercurrent that death alone cannot end and put to rest. This issue prompted the author to look at the relationship between language, sexuality, death, and “second death.” The third issue, which constitutes the focal point of the book, is Antigone’s statement that if it were her children or husband lying unburied out there, she would let them rot and not take it upon herself to defy the decree of the state. The author asks, how does this exclusivist, singularizing claim (she would do it only for Polyneices), which she uses to describe the “unwritten law” she follows, tally with Antigone’s universal appeal and compelling power? Attempting to answer this leads to the question of what this particular (Oedipal) family’s misfortune, of which Antigone chooses to be the guardian, shares with the general condition of humanity. Which in turn forces us to confront the seemingly self-evident question: “What is incest?”Let Them Rot is Alenka Zupančič’s absorbing and succinct guided tour of the philosophical and psychoanalytic issues arising from the Theban trilogy. Her original and surprising intervention into the broad and prominent field of study related to Sophocles’ Antigone illuminates the classical text’s ongoing relevance and invites a wide readership to become captivated by its themes.

Cultivate Again To Be Unparalleled: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Dao ZuoCangYe

a cultivator at the grand completion stage was ambushed while he was on his journey he accidentally reincarnated and coincidentally trained in the most basic energy of the universe but i swear he really didn't do it voluntarily are you good at long-range attacks well let's play melee are you good at hand-to-hand combat fine then stand there and wait to be killed by me brat don't be so unconvinced this year you're playing with a comprehensive character the dangerous revenge of the cultivation world the cunning of the immortal world the legendary experiences of the god realm everything was in the recultivating unparalleled

Cultivate Again To Be Unparalleled: Volume 2 (Volume 2 #2)

by Dao ZuoCangYe

a cultivator at the grand completion stage was ambushed while he was on his journey he accidentally reincarnated and coincidentally trained in the most basic energy of the universe but i swear he really didn't do it voluntarily are you good at long-range attacks well let's play melee are you good at hand-to-hand combat fine then stand there and wait to be killed by me brat don't be so unconvinced this year you're playing with a comprehensive character the dangerous revenge of the cultivation world the cunning of the immortal world the legendary experiences of the god realm everything was in the recultivating unparalleled

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