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Amazon Don (Barefoot Beach #4)

by R. W. Clinger

When TV zoologist Donlito Estar, better known as “Amazon Don,” accidentally bumps his Hummer into insurance salesman Carlos Dasio’s truck, an instant connection occurs between the two men. Carlos has had a crush on the star for years. Carlos is invited to visit Donlito’s palatial residence, where he’s bitten by Donlito’s pet red coral snake. Donlito comes to the rescue with anti-venom and saves his life, which cements the men’s relationship.But Carlos is crushed when he thinks he witnesses Donlito having public sex with a variety of men at Club Heat in downtown Barefoot Beach. Brokenhearted, Carlos ditches Donlito, who claims it’s all a big misunderstanding. But despite his resolve, Carlos is unable to control the way his heart yearns for Donlito. Why and how has he so easily fallen in love with the sexy TV star?

Entering Autumn

by Wayne Mansfield

As Clayton stares mournfully into the full-length mirror, he sees a 48-year-old stranger reflected back, an aging man whose paunch and saggy skin make him hard to recognize as the toned, athletic man he once was. In the youth-obsessed gay world, the older, more unattractive, and more overweight you are, the more difficult it is to find love and companionship. The prospect of having to endure his twilight years alone terrifies Clayton.Then two events occur, both of which impact on his life.The first is the arrival of a new neighbor. Dean is a hot young man in his early thirties -- more than fifteen years Clayton’s junior. That doesn’t stop Clayton from fantasizing about something intimate, and even romantic, happening between them. But in his haste to make his fantasies real, he commits a terriblefaux pas.The second, and infinitely more devastating, event is the bombshell dropped by his oldest and best friend, Emmett. Neither he nor Emmett has any way of knowing the end result. But even in their wildest imaginations, they couldn’t come close to guessing the eventual, and wholly surprising, outcome.

Barefoot Storm (Barefoot Beach #2)

by R. W. Clinger

Twenty-four-year-old Storm Darlington, wealthy mogul of Darlington Securities, decides to remove himself from his heavy workload in New York City and spend a month in Barefoot Beach, Florida.In Barefoot Beach, Trent Long is happy with his lifeguarding duties. He enjoys the sun, taking photos, and saving lives. But his world is turned upside down when Storm enters it. Sparks ignite the moment their two worlds collide. The only fly in the sunscreen ointment is Storm’s best friend, and retired Wall Street stock broker, Barbara Mullen.Storm is forced to rethink his romantic feelings for the sexy lifeguard when Barbara reveals some of Trent’s secrets. But there’s very little time to think because Barefoot Beach is threatened by hurricane Edwin. Threats also come from Barbara, who insists she’ll end her friendship with Storm if he doesn’t dump Trent.During the hurricane’s fury, Storm questions his relationship with Barbara, his busy life of finances in New York City, and the secrets he’s learned about Trent. Can Storm come to terms with all three? Will he be able to navigate the stormy waters of love, loss, and a possible future in Barefoot Beach?

Cupid's Creams

by Logan Zachary

As Cupid’s arrow finds its mark,A true love will rise from the dark.Delicious goodness filled with sweet creams,Will deliver to you the man of your dreams.An excerpt from his family recipe book leads baker Michael Hartsell to make Cupid's Creams for a Valentine's Day special. Little does he know what power these delicious treats will hold when his high school crush, ex-quarterback Josh Davidson, walks in to buy some treats for his nephew Lucky to give to school teachers and friends for the holiday.Michael lets them both taste and Lucky decides on the new recipe. Josh orders some Cupid’s Creams and invites Michael for drinks and dinner that evening. What magic will these powerful little bursts of sugar contain? Will cupid's arrow find its mark?

Metal and Dust Book 2: Ty's Trick

by Eve Francis

Tycoon Wind has lived as a hacker on The Government's surveillance facility, Sector 17, since she was twelve years old. The entire time, stories have ruled her life. As The Government's librarian, she has been in charge of surveying what the people read and deleting the dangerous stories if necessary. But Ty has realized over the years that merely deleting something from the database does not fully make it disappear. Using her mother's recipe for ink, she has been writing down the stories she's been forced to delete, along with her personal stories about her mother, her life in the compound, and anything else she can remember late at night.Soon, Ty meets Mace, another young soldier forced to live and abide by The Government’s strict rules and constant surveillance. At night, they carry on a relationship that would make the love stories Ty writes out pale in comparison.For a long time, Ty believes her secret writing and smuggling of the stories outside of the compound is enough. But when another hacker, Riley Hurwitz, escapes without a trace, Ty begins to take back her own life and makes plans to escape. With the help of Mace, Ty finally writes the last line she has always wanted to see for herself: happily ever after.

Possessing Gladys

by Cheryl Jimmerson

Cherie is twenty-four, and has been on her own since she was sixteen. Fearing emotional attachments, she lives for the fleeting encounters at the lesbian night club, The Grove. She makes a point of never leaving with the women she meets there, and ignores the curious straight women who drop in. But things change when she meets straight, fifty-two-year-old, divorced, Gladys. Cherie is quickly drawn to the older woman, and when Gladys invites her home, the two quickly find themselves in an obsessive relationship in which deep, emotional wounds are healed and sexual needs met. After months of living together, their bond seems unbreakable until Gladys’ handsome son Tommy comes home from college during summer break. Wanting to keep her relationship with Cherie a secret, Gladys forces her lover to act as a tenant during her son’s visit. Tommy is instantly attracted to Cherie and pursues her.The deception soon puts a strain on the couple. To punish Gladys for keeping their relationship in the closet, Cherie agrees to go out with Tommy, making her relationship with Gladys more unstable. What will happen when Tommy wants more from Cherie? Will Gladys be able to maintain her carefully concocted lie?

With These Wings

by Drew Hunt

It was just another routine flight from Hong Kong to Manchester for Flight attendant Nigel Grimond until he spied sexy bodybuilder Phil Wilson crammed in seat 12E. Upgrading Phil to business class, Nigel spent as much time as possible talking with the man as well as admiring his muscles and his eagle tattoo.As a thank you for the upgrade, Phil asks Nigel out to dinner at a village pub. Pessimistic at his chances of scoring with such a hunk, Nigel’s hopes are lifted by his psychic friend Tracy who is convinced this is Nigel’s big chance at finding love.Nigel waits at the pub for Phil, who is running late. Through a series of text messages, Phil assures Nigel he won’t be long. But after two hours of waiting, Nigel goes home alone.Phil begs for a second chance, so Nigel is back at the pub the next night, but the excellent food and friendly bar staff will be little consolation if Nigel is stood up a second time.What if Phil doesn’t show? Why is Tracy so insistent that all signs point to love? Shouldn’t Nigel just go home, get drunk, and forget all about strong muscles and tattooed eagle wings?

Peace of Mind

by Francis Gideon

Their relationship starts out slowly. Adam Bennett, a former police officer in Philadelphia, quit to take a teaching position at a local college when he gets into a car crash that leaves him using a cane. Just when he thinks no one will want him, Matthew, a stripper who also does odd repair jobs, meets Adam at his therapy group.After several awkward conversations around bad coffee, the two begin seeing one another. Adam finally allows himself to be happy and accept the fact that someone as attractive and sweet as Matthew wants someone ten years older and with a disability. A few dates turn into years together, with the men sharing Adam's small house in rural Pennsylvania with their dog, Piper.Everything seems perfect in their relationship, and Adam knows it is. But he still can't help tossing and turning some nights when Matthew is away at another gig. He waits up for his boyfriend to ease some stress ... and maybe to request an encore performance of Matthew’s famous show.


by Wayne Mansfield

Jacob is a photographer and artist. One day, as he is walking through the woods, he catches a glimpse of a fairy, a tiny, flying human-shaped creature.He knows no one will believe him, not even his lover Robert, so the following day Jacob ventures back into the woods whereupon he discovers more than he bargains for. An old oak lying across the rushing waters of a small river is the gateway to another world.Fairy Land is a place of wonders where he meets Kellen, a fairy soldier, Faena, a vain beauty, and King Utrin. Jacob is eager to return home to Robert, but the fairy king gives Jacob a task he must complete before they will show him the way back. He must break the energy barrier between Fairy Land and the Demon Realm for the fairy soldiers to pass through.In the realm of the Demons, Jacob meets Xavier, from whom he discovers what the fairies have been hiding from him -- time passes differently in these realms than on earth. Devastated, far away in both time and distance from his home and beloved Robert, what is the twist that returns the smile to Jacob’s face? The surprise that brings the joy back to his now miserable existence?

The Glass-House Murder (Rainbow Connection #2)

by T. Neilson

Meet Lord Henry Carlisle: gentleman, wastrel, and mystery-novel lover.When his mother telephones him on a May evening to tell him they've just discovered a body in the glass-house, Hal does what he loves to do: he goes to investigate. As it happens, the local constabulary, headed by an unusually well-spoken, well-educated fellow named Sayers, is already on the case, and Sayers is a bit of a mystery all on his own.When the constabulary finally identifies the victim in the glass-house, Hal realizes this is not just an academic exercise in logic and justice; it's a personal and family matter.

Dog Days

by Emery C. Walters

Aiden is sent to Hawaii to stay with his father, whom he has never met. But when he arrives there he discovers there is no one to meet him. He has no money, and his mother and stepfather do not want him back.Devastated at their betrayal, hungry and heartsore, he walks away from the airport in a random direction, only to be beaten up and have his belongings stolen by vagrants. But Aiden is a fighter. The next morning he determines to find help, and on his way he sees three children being attacked by dogs. He jumps in to save them, and the consequences of this act of bravery leads him down a brand new path.Aiden soon learns that he can choose his own family, and that his past need not always define his future.

Wading in Neptune's Pool

by J. D. Walker

Summer is the start of the busy season for Neptune's Pool Service, owned by Pete Crawford. A new client, Corey Brennerman, captures Pete’s interest, if only because he seems attached to his cell phone 24/7. Corey is a serious workaholic. Pete remembers when he used to be like that, and he wishes he could do something about it.Pete comes to Corey’s aid in a grocery store parking lot one evening and helps him catch the punk who tries to steal his cell phone. As a result, their relationship moves from that of client/hired help to cautious friends. When a Fourth of July party leads to a tryst, Pete is running scared because he thinks Corey is too stressed and vulnerable to handle anything serious right now. But Corey confronts him, and they work things out -- in the pool, naturally.A death in the family brings them even closer together. Can Corey make some positive changes in his life? Could the relationship they’ve begun to build become something that might last forever?

Hell, Look at Me

by Edward Kendrick

Scene designer Charlie Cox is in a clandestine relationship with the theater's lead actor, Ricky Moore. Charlie knows it will never be more than that because Ricky is too egotistical to want to be seen in public with a man who has deep burn scars on one arm. Not that Charlie blames him, since he's certain he’s a freak in almost everyone's eyes.Jace Parish, the scene shop boss, is in love with Charlie but will never let him know. Jace thinks he’s uninteresting because he’s thirty and starting to bald, which makes him look middle-aged. He also has never admitted to anyone he works with that he’s gay.Liam Dolan owns the gym where Jace comes to work out his anger and frustration. Liam has been drawn to Jace from the beginning but believes Jace is straight, so has never revealed his feelings to Jace.Ricky Moore knows he is using Charlie for his own selfish ends. What Ricky can't figure out is why, when he can and does have anyone he wants in his bed, he keeps coming back to Charlie.These four men have preconceived ideas about themselves and each other. What will it take for them to realize love is possible, if they will only give it a chance?

My Beagle, the Yenta

by Terry O'Reilly

Bryan Jacobson has thrown his cheating boyfriend out. Gracie, Bryan’s little beagle dog is glad. She never liked Rob much as he was mean to her. Good Riddance as far as she’s concerned. She’s happy now it’s just the two of them. However, Gracie soon discovers her Bryan is not content.Even though Rob was a jerk, it seems Bryan needs more than the love of a little dog to feel complete. So, Gracie maneuvers Bryan into taking her to the dog park where she’s sure she’ll find Bryan a new man to make him happy again.The dog park is full of dogs and their humans. But which human goes with which dog? And even if she figures that out, how will she get Bryan to meet the right human for him? She does her best to find her Bryan the man of his dreams. But can a little beagle dog really be a successful matchmaker?

Playing the Field: Getting Wet (Playing the Field #8)

by J. M. Snyder

Rory Holt is the best swimmer on the team at State U. and he knows it. Swimming is his life, and if Rory hopes to attain his dreams of Olympic gold one day, he can’t let anything distract him. Every morning finds him practicing at the campus fitness center, and every afternoon he blows his teammates away with his speed and finesse in the water.The new semester brings with it new tryouts, including the bright, up-and-coming Chase Cohen. Chase is sexy and sure of himself, both in and out of the pool, and seems determined to catch Rory’s eye.Rory doesn’t want to share the podium with anyone else, and he doesn’t like hearing his coach say Chase might even be better than he is when he already knows he’s the best. Chase’s attentions are annoying at first, but the more he persists, the harder Rory finds it to ignore him. Soon Rory can’t deny the growing attraction he feels towards his new teammate.But when that attraction costs him his top spot on the leaderboard, Rory is pissed. Is Chase after Rory’s position on the team, or Rory himself?

Does the Feeling Go Both Ways? (Cameron Andrews Mysteries)

by A. R. Moler

Deep cover DEA agent Landon Cross can’t seem to escape his past. First, his cover is blown by a guy he’d busted in another operation. Then, his rescuer is medic Trey Jernigan, his best childhood friend, first love, and a person Landon betrayed as a teenager.Now Landon’s life is a mess and so is he, physically and emotionally. Incredibly, Trey forgives Landon and allows his former friend back into his life in all kinds of ways Landon would never have thought possible.But a crucial decision Landon made while undercover comes back to haunt him. Trey also has to deal with very tangible pieces of his own past. Will Trey and Landon be able to solve their problems and build a life together?


by Shane Allison

Claude invites Shane to join him on an early morning newspaper run, but clearly wants more from Shane than just help with deliveries. Shane has had a long time crush on Claude, who is mostly straight. They had something going in the past, but now Claude has a girl.As they deliver the papers they talk about their lives, relationships, and the possibility of Shane delivering newspapers for a second job. After the run is complete they have a bit of fun in Claude's SUV. Though it is not the ideal situation for Shane, he can't deny his attraction to Claude. Sometimes you are simply sprung by love.

Muscle Lust

by Shane Allison

Derrick and his boyfriend Kwame decide to start exercising to get into shape because they both carry some extra pounds. At the gym, they meet Deante, a delicious personal trainer. His gorgeous body definitely inspires them ... in more ways than one.But when Derrick and Kwame invite Deante over for dinner, they have an ulterior motive. The dessert they have in mind is definitely fat free, and works well with their exercise routine. Will Deante be interested in helping them achieve their physical goals beyond the gym, too?

Hat Trick 2: Playing the Rebound

by Jeff Adams

The events from two years ago are still fresh in Simon Robert’s mind as he and Alex Miller begin their sophomore year at the University of Michigan. Nightmares are a routine occurrence as Simon relives the crimes his father and brother committed. Now, with his father ill and asking to see him, Simon must decide if he should see the man who tried to send him away to be fixed. And then there's Zach. Simon's conflicted about making peace with his older brother who tormented him as they grew up and caused him to be outed to his parents, friends and teammates.Alex wants Simon to find closure, but Alex is furious at the thought of forgiving Zack. With no clear direction, Simon finds guidance from an unexpected, but very welcome, source.At the same time, the University’s student body is faced with an anti-gay attacker among them. When he witnesses an attack first hand, memories threaten to overwhelm Simon. At the same time, he’s also emboldened to take action, which might turn him into a target.Despite the distractions, Simon works towards his future as he begins working with teens at the local LGBT community center. He has the opportunity to use his story as a teaching tool to help others come out. While he’s never enjoyed telling his story, he looks for the courage to speak his truth to an audience.Luckily, not everything is chaos. Simon and Alex mark their anniversary in epic fashion, continue to play hockey and hang out with good friends. But with many demands on them, can Simon and Alex set up the rebound necessary to create the scoring opportunity for their future?

Ya Like That?

by Iyana Jenna

Evan Foster is left with nothing after his father screwed up their family company. Evan's father ended up in jail, his mother in a mental institution, and they lost all their possession to the bank. Evan dropped out of college and he still has to pay for his mother's treatment. He has a job at a diner but it isn’t nearly enough.Brian Donaghue is a millionaire with a multinational company but isn’t lucky in love. When he sees the picture Evan sends in with a resume, he’s immediately interested. But the way he ropes Evan into his company is far from conventional. Brian makes Evan an offer he can’t refuse.Or can he?

Off Season (Torso Tackle #2)

by R. W. Clinger

Two years after the death of football legend Thad Force, his lover Jay Falcon opens Holly Kill Cottage on Pennesco Island, Lake Erie. When the guests begin to arrive for the extended Fourth of July weekend to pay homage to Thad, trouble follows.Saul Mellow is an alcoholic and has anger management issues. He's also bitter over the ending of his football playing career. Tom Klayson, Saul's lover, is tender and weak, and a frequent victim of Saul’s rage. He fears he may not survive the weekend alive. Bernie Cavanaugh is writing Saul’s biography,Off Season. Bernie's adorable, sweet, and not at all like Thad. So why does Jay have a sexual attraction to the man? Ex-actress Gillian Shank is sassy and curt. Jay loathes her, but she was a loyal friend to Thad. Will they ever be able to put aside their differences and get along?The weekend is full of surprises -- a visitation from Thad’s ghost, a thunderstorm resulting in a power outage, the discovery of a secret cemetery, amateur football games played on the lawn, streaking, and an abundance of alcohol. Can Thad’s friends pay homage to his memory and celebrate his life without destroying their own relationships in the process?

Double Coverage (Torso Tackle #3)

by R. W. Clinger

Who is murdering the Eastern States Football League officials in Vanmer, Pennsylvania? And why is the killer using Vanmer Vipers’ helmets as murder weapons?Johnny Knight, photojournalist for the Independent, takes on one of the most dangerous jobs and responsibilities he has ever attempted. As he begins to unravel clues about the Helmet Killer murders, he uncovers a gambling ring involving numerous Viper players and a real estate mogul with a town full of secrets. And what about the missing money from the first victim, a whopping nine hundred thousand dollars? Is a Viper footballer paying off his steep gambling debts by murdering well-to-do officials?Along the way, Johnny falls in love with two very attractive and different men -- the sexy owner of McMuscles Gym, Matthew McDestin, and the jockish running back for the Vanmer Vipers, Beckley Roarke. Both have a piece of Johnny's heart, and both really don't want to share Johnny. So what's a detective to do when he's seeing two hotties at the same time?Can Johnny piece together the puzzle of murder and bring the Helmet Killer to justice, putting Vanmer at peace again?

Behind the Red Curtain

by Eve Francis

Cassandra Lightman grew up making trinkets and toys. She was on her way to inventing a "flying machine" when she was committed to a sanatorium for hysteria. That's where Dr. Timothy Brown found Sandra and saw her promising intelligence. After Sandra shows Dr. Brown how to cure hysteria in women, she begins to work under him in his medical practice. Since Sandra cannot practice medicine and has no support from her family, she must carry on her position in secret. She goes into Dr. Brown’s office through the back door, speaking to no one, and always covering her face.Sandra soon meets Bedelia Morten, one of her patients behind the red curtain. Bedelia Morten is an upper class wife with a banker husband and three children of her own. She suffers from insomnia and nightmares, which leads her to seek out Dr. Brown’s practice. Though Bedelia is initially skeptical of Sandra’s skill, she soon learns to appreciate Sandra’s talent and company.When their relationship becomes too close, Sandra is encouraged by Dr. Brown to invent a "stand-in" for herself. Sandra goes back to her experimental roots and visits her idol-inventor Marlin Manchester. Sandra works many long nights in hopes of creating the first steam-powered vibrator. When Sandra’s invention takes off, she is forced to reconsider her role both in and out of the examination room, her future, and who she wants by her side.

Heavy Metal Cowboy Blues (Heavy Metal Blues #1)

by J. D. Walker

Lester “Les” McCoy is a retired cowboy who now lives in the city, working days at the Ranch and Feed. Heloveshis country music. Not so his tenant, Damien Ridley, who lives downstairs in his duplex and works evenings at the gym.”Metal boy,” as Les likes to call him, prefers to listen to all things rock and metal at decibels that make his ears bleed. Damien is attracted to Les, which he makes abundantly clear with those translucent gray eyes and his hot, kissable mouth. Problem is, although Les is in lust with Damien, he's an old prairie bachelor and sees his metal boy as too young for a roll in the hay. He'd rather be put out to pasture.Enter a friend who's gay-bashed and a co-worker who kicks his head out of his ass, and Les reconsiders whether a heavy metal dude can help an old cowboy with the blues.

Sins of the Fathers

by Edward Kendrick

When ex-priest Mark Collins is suddenly catapulted to fame as a super-model he discovers there is more to it than he expected. With the help of Paul, his boss's assistant he manages to weather the promotional gigs. Then there is his blossoming involvement with Angelo, a police detective he met soon after arriving in the city.Everything is thrown into disarray when he finds out his boss may be trafficking with the Mafia. When he's attacked, his life soon becomes a game of who to trust. Will it be Angelo or the very appealing FBI agent who puts him into protective custody to keep him alive until he can testify?

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