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by Matthew J. Metzger

Sixteen-year-old Shane has finally settled into life in the country, with university ambitions, a steady relationship, and a grudging tolerance for dance that is entirely the fault of his boyfriend, Luke.Then Shane’s father gets his marching orders, and Shane’s time in this new life is put on a countdown. At sixteen, Shane could legally leave but has nowhere to go. And leaving the first real home he’s had in nearly twelve years doesn’t feel any better whether it’s for the wilds of Cornwall or the local housing association.But in order to stay, Shane is going to have to tell his very conservative, very military family his biggest secrets ... all three of them.

Seduced by a Legend

by Sharon Maria Bidwell

Ignatius is about to be seduced by a legend.During a time when even the most educated of folk believe in ghosts, Ignatius Swain arrives in the quiet town of Ville sur le Fleuve to act as pedagogue to the adult daughter of Gregoire Delacroix. There he encounters the enigmatic Jacques Bouchard, who appears to view him as a rival for Desiree Delacroix’s affection.Nothing could be more misconstrued. Even if Desiree’s gaze were not able to freeze water, Ignatius has set aside hopes of love hereabouts. He satisfies his desires with the helping hand of ghostly fables, tales of terror that walk shivery traces and fiery passion up his spine ... until one night when Jacques’s behaviour breeches barriers, and the pair encounter the most famous of resident spirits on the road.

All the Right Strings

by Nanisi Barrett D'Arnuk

Christine Anthony is a cellist who wants nothing more than to play with a major symphony orchestra. Until then, she works in a clothing boutique and spends her weekends playing with a string quartet at a museum.When a stylish, rich woman named Car Weldon asks Chris to deliver a purchase to her, Chris finds the world she knows thrown into a spin. Suddenly she’s doing things that would have scandalized her a few weeks previous. When Car takes her to St. Lucia on vacation, she meets new friends and a booking agent who offers her a job that changes her life.And when she draws the attention of a well-known gossip columnist and a handsome TV actor, Chris suddenly has a fame she isn’t ready for. With the right choices, her cello could take her more places than she ever imagined ... but what must she leave behind?

Kindred Spirit (Lovers and Liars #6)

by Paul Alan Fahey

In the summer of 1944, Leslie Atwater -- feeling abandoned by his lover Edward -- rushes to London to enlist in the armed services. After failing the physical, he retreats to the sanctuary of St. Michael’s rectory and to the love and support of his brother Robert.When a bomb explodes near St. Andrew’s Home for Boys, it unearths a skeleton of an adolescent. As Leslie, Edward, and Robert set about identifying the remains, the shocking discovery stirs up an old antagonism between the two brothers and brings to light a string of repressed memories for Leslie.With the truth obscured by the passage of years, can Leslie and Edward sift through the lies and subterfuge to track down the coldhearted killer of a kindred spirit?

Space, Man

by Sharon Maria Bidwell

Whoever said space was cold, never found love from the stars ...Some people never learn. This is the tune playing once again in Alex Beaumont’s head when he sees a vision in white attracting odd glances in the quiet little seaside resort of Padstow. He came to get away from it all, to bury himself in work, to forget every man he ever falls for eventually needs to get away ... from him.Adrift in the universe, Mani searches for a place to call home. The planet he finds is cold and inhospitable, not at all what he was expecting. He feels lost and alone, until a stranger’s smile warms him. And with that smile comes another kind of heat, one he’s never before experienced.Love is not what Alex ever imagined it to be. They say space is infinite, but the distance between what Alex wants and what he has experienced romantically seems to be growing ... until now. Like a shooting star, he’s about to fall long and hard. Will he crash and burn, or find the love he’s always dreamed of when looking at the night sky?

Heat Wave: Sunapee

by Nanisi Barrett D'Arnuk

Nicole never really came out as a lesbian to her friends, family, and colleagues, and now her relationship with Katie is on the rocks. Katie is tired of being a "dirty secret" and moves out of their shared apartment on a hot Friday in August. Devastated, Nicole goes to her grandmother's farm on the shores of Lake Sunapee, a safe place where she spent happy summer holidays as a child.Nicole hopes for a quiet weekend to reflect, but between her gran's new lodger, the sexy redhead Melissa, and Sally and Bud, two of Nicole's childhood friends, she is quickly roped into an evening's entertainment at the Lodge Saturday evening. Her well-meaning friends try to fix her up with a guy, and in the heat of the moment she blurts out she is a lesbian.Havoc ensues. But in a conversation with her grandmother, Nicole begins to understand her secret hasn't been hidden as well as she thought, and she learns she isn’t the first lesbian in her family.With the new sense of freedom that comes from being true to herself, she has only one thing to wish for, and that is to reach Katy and make amends. But is it too late?

Heat Wave: Burlington

by Lynn Townsend

Brandon Russo can't stand the sight of blood and the current heat wave makes doing almost anything outdoors unpleasant. So when an SUV sideswipes a bicycle right at the gate of the storage facility in Burlington, Vermont, where Brandon works for his aunt, he considers just locking himself in the office and calling 911. But he's rewarded for letting his good nature overcome his squeamishness when the man he rescues from the ditch turns out to be absolutely gorgeous.Scott Seay is a photographer on the trail of a legend. A strong lead has brought him to Vermont for the auction of a storage unit whose owner had been obsessed with Champy, the creature rumored to live in the depths of Lake Champlain. When Scott winds up in a ditch outside that very same storage facility, being rescued by a hot, chivalrous man who literally sweeps Scott into his arms ... well, Scott's always believed in fate.

The Suicidal Peanut

by Matthew J. Metzger

Life's not easy when your mum's nuts, your uncle is becoming your aunt, and one of your crushes could -- and probably would -- break your face if he found out how you felt about him.That's Tab's life, though, malevolent gods and all. His text-flirting with Demi, the brother of his best friend, is going nowhere: Demi already has a boyfriend and anyway, who dates their best friend's twin? But then, the pining after Nick is going nowhere either, because Nick probably likes gay-bashing on Friday nights for fun. He's gorgeous, but he's dangerous, and Tab knows better than that.So what's a bit of harmless flirting, when one is taken and the other is straight? It's just a bit of fun.That is until Demi is suddenly single, and Nick is not looking as straight and scary as he was before.

Heat Wave: Key West

by Eric Fahnestock

When John returns home to Key West after a vacation, he discovers a stranger living in his garden shed. There are clothes and toiletries, a sleeping roll, and a bike. John is flabbergasted but also intrigued, not in the least because the stranger is very handsome and swims naked in John's pool.John spends one hot afternoon prowling around town in an attempt to find out if his friends and neighbors have seen any new, gorgeous men around town. Everyone pleads ignorance. Yet the man returns to the shed every other day or so, while John, caught between anger and fascination, does nothing but watch from a hidden spot on the deck.One day he comes home to discover the encroaching stranger has upped the ante. His grill has been used to barbeque chicken, and a bottle of good wine and two glasses are waiting on his kitchen table. This is going too far, and he wonders if someone isn't playing a nasty prank on him.But when the truth comes out, it’s far more romantic than anything John anticipated.

Heat Wave: Grosse Ile

by Emery C. Walters

Who said you can't go home? When Peter promises his folks he’ll come back to Grosse Ile for his tenth high school reunion, he has second thoughts. Can he face his old bullies? He’s bigger and stronger now, true, but is his newfound confidence strong enough to overcome his old resentments?Then Peter’s sister's boyfriend Ned turns out to be not as straight as he first seemed to be. Now Peter has a better reason to go back home -- to show off the new man in his life.During a boat trip to Canadian waters, Peter rescues the pregnant wife of his high school nemesis at the same time his new love collapses with appendicitis. Can Peter surmount these crises and still make it to the reunion on time?

Always a Groomsman

by R. W. Clinger

Thirty-four year old Cannon Rake, a wedding photographer for the cyber company Wedding Peeks, is not getting along well with his boss Lori Banter. When she learns through the grapevine that he’s socializing with her nemesis Patrick from Always a Groomsman, Lori decides to terminate Cannon's employment.What isn’t there to like about Patrick Brogan? He’s handsome, Spartan-like, and runs his own wedding consultant company, which just happens to compete with Lori’s cyber startup. After Cannon dates the stud, he learns the truth behind Lori’s hatred for Patrick.When tempers become heated and kisses sinful, Cannon starts to fall for Patrick and his little brother Jesse, who suffers from autism. But will Cannon forever be a groomsman wanting to be the groom? Or is there a Mr. Right out there for him in a world full of so many Mr. Wrongs? And is that Mr. Right Patrick Brogan?

Linhart's Beautiful Beast

by Mel Bossa

The Great North, Quebec, 1934. Joe Vega, the Beast, has been locked up in Linhart Prison for three years. The brutish guards harass him because of his size, but Joe remains cool.Until Christophe Dubois, the disowned son of an affluent politician, is led into Joe's cell. From the moment Joe sees him, he suspects the ginger-head is trouble. Christophe is bold, curious, and feisty, and Joe can't resist the temptation of climbing into the man's bunk for long. However, the beautiful spoiled Christophe is a furnace to which both guards and convicts want to warm their hands, and Joe must fight to keep Christophe safe.Linhart Prison may be a cruel place, but when the two men are released from its walls, they find an even tougher world out there.Is the flame burning between Joe and Chris enough to keep them together?

Greater Love Hath No Man

by Tinnean

James Trevalyan came from a long line of men who served the British Crown with their gift of a voice with compelling power, and kept that tradition going while he loved and lived with Jeremy Waters. When Jeremy died in his arms, James resolved to live without love. His family keeps him connected to life -- Jamie, his son from his brief marriage to an American, and Pamela, his beloved little sister, caught in a loveless marriage to a cold, cruel man.Then Tanner comes into his life, a clever and handsome agent who joins him in an ongoing undercover mission. How long will it take James to realize he and Tanner are meant for each other? And can Tanner survive the assignment that’s thrown him in with mobsters who want him dead simply because he knows too much?

Let the Song Last Forever (Wedding Bell Blues #4)

by J. D. Walker

Evan Harper has been sleeping with Chuck Whistler for five months. They've kept it light, just friends with benefits. Unfortunately, Evan knows his feelings run deeper than he’s let on, and he doesn't want to pressure Chuck for more. He cools things off between them and hopes for the best.Try as he might, however, Evan can't seem to put thoughts of the lead singer for Caesar’s Flame out of his mind, and things escalate when Chuck forces the issue. They have an argument, and Evan punches Chuck in the face.The real problem is Evan hasn’t quite gotten over being betrayed and outed in high school, something that has tainted any relationship he might have had with anyone. But how can he explain that to Chuck? Especially when the man professes his love, in spite of a broken nose?

Never Let Go of Hope

by Edward Kendrick

Well-known artist Ellis Williams is in a slump and feeling all his fifty-three years. He's lost the joy which used to permeate his painting and despairs of ever regaining it. It doesn't help when he runs into a young man who comes on to him to win a bet, thus destroying more of Ellis's confidence.Then, at a party, Ellis meets Martin Lovell, a man his age whose partner died soon after they adopted their son. Will these two middle-aged men learn they should never let go of hope? Or is it too late for men their age to open themselves to the possibility of love and being loved?

The Breakup Buddy

by R. W. Clinger

Why are Jax and his best buddy Auggie having so many problems with their unfaithful boyfriends? What are they doing wrong, and how do they keep men around without their lives going topsy-turvy?When Jax, a professional therapist, and Auggie, a high school English teacher, decide to dump their boyfriends, they become breakup buddies for each other. Who needs boyfriends or lovers when you have a breakup buddy, right? This is what they both believe until Jax meets Corky, a sexy locksmith, and Auggie crushes on his teaching intern, Tyler. What happens is a summer of fun-filled sexual adventures, deceit, and the dramatics of dating life.No longer breakup buddies, both men have a decision to make: to fall in love with their boyfriends, or stay single forever. Will they find happiness or heartache by summer’s end?

A Pebble in the Water

by Lisa Gray

Stephen’s lover Emmett accuses him of being boring and way too predictable. To prove him wrong, Stephen plans a surprise romantic getaway to a cabin on the river. But Emmett has plans of his own for romance -- ones that don’t include Stephen anymore.Depressed at yet another break-up, Stephen wonders if it isn’t time to give up hope. But finding that elusive man he longs for -- the one willing to risk everything to be with him -- would take a miracle.So Stephen travels alone to the cabin in search of a new perspective. Resolving to be more adventurous, he tries kayaking for the first time in his life. It’s great until he dozes off and wakes in the middle of a raging flood.Terrified, he fights for his life, nearly losing his battle with the river. On the edge of surrender, he’s rescued by an unusual stranger who might not really exist.Nothing makes any sense after that. Mystical explanations seem no less likely than rational ones. But does it matter? Because if Stephen wants an adventure, taking one last chance on love might turn out to be the best one of all.

Sentinel (Theosophi #1)

by T. A. Creech

A fireball burning up the sky leads farmer Jason Thomas to the strangest thing he's ever found in his pumpkin patch. A man with wings. And no, he doesn't think it's an angel, no matter what his brothers say.Taking the stranger into his home is hard. Keeping his heart from the stranger's hands? Harder. But everything in him calls to this being and Jason is so damned tired of only having his brothers at his back.Castiel has no idea what this angel thing is, but the evil that knocked him out of the sky did him a favor. He’d heard the tales of his kin and their missions on Earth with envy and now he has the chance to experience it himself. Better yet, his mate takes him home. One small problem. Castiel has a duty and needs to find a way back. Of course it isn’t going to be that easy.

Caught Inbetween

by Shawna Jeanne

When Lori Callahan meets Jack and Brandt at an auto care class they teach, she isn't sure which one of them is hitting on her more. They invite her out for drinks, and she's surprised to learn they're already a couple ... but they're looking for someone like her to complete them. Drinks turn into a date, which leads to much more.Jack Rowe and Peter Brandt have been together since high school, and fight like an old married couple. They don't agree on anything, it seems, except sex and how they both feel about Lori.But soon she finds herself caught inbetween the two. She doesn't want to take sides when her men fight -- she loves them both, and knows they love each other, even if they never say the words out loud.One evening Brandt pushes Jack too far. Will Lori be able to patch things up between them, or will their loving threesome fall apart for good?

Twice the Hands to Hold

by Louis Stevens

Twin brothers Brian and Matt Walker went to live with their mother’s brother after the death of their parents at an early age. Brian is still wracked with the guilt he carries around from a young age and sees the world through a distorted lens of self-loathing. When he meets a sexy and interested college-aged guy at the beginning of his senior year of high school, he may have finally found someone who can help him escape his mundane existence.Matt has his life all planned out -- he longs for a solid career in journalism after graduating college. But his tenuous hold on family life threatens his dreams of independence, as does the attentions of a closeted new transfer to their school.Can Matt pull away enough from his family to come into his own? And will Brian finally get to grips with his past and allow his twin to chase his own happiness?

Free Ride

by Jl Merrow

There’s no such thing as a free ride. Aidan may be only twenty, but he’s already learned that the hard way. Hitch-hiking up from London to Glasgow to keep a promise to a man he’ll never see again, Aidan’s fully prepared to offer payment in kind for his lifts. He’s not expecting a good-looking older bloke to pick him up in a Mercedes -- nor that he’ll find John such good company. After a few short hours together Aidan’s already starting to care what John thinks of him.When slow traffic forces them to get a room for the night, Aidan’s not sure what to do. Putting out as a thank you to a stranger is one thing, but can he really go through with it with the first person he’s come to care for since he made that promise?And what’s going to happen when they reach their destination?

Drowning in Neptune's Pool

by J. D. Walker

Jimmy Fassett’s band just broke up, but then he meets Landry Flannery, a truly gifted fiddle player. It doesn't hurt that Landry's a looker and has a bold pink stripe in his hair that drives Jimmy crazy. The two men jam together in the evenings -- banjo and fiddle -- and they hit it off.Soon, Jimmy wants to turn their budding friendship into something more, but Landry keeps putting obstacles in the way and inviting more and more people over to play. That’s not what Jimmy wants, so he walks away.Fate, however, isn't done with the two men. At the end of a festival where Landry's band was the headliner, Jimmy is forced to take Landry home because he's sloppy drunk. The two men argue the next morning, and Jimmy refuses anymore contact, until Landry forces the issue.Could things work out between the two men, after all?

Heat Wave: Salem

by Maya Anders

The long, hot days of August have always been the newspapers' silly season, and cub reporter Tara Trent gets the silliest assignments of all. This year it’s a festival of Spiritual Enlightenment in the ancient witch-town of Salem, Massachusetts.There's a twist, though. Anonymous text messages suggest a modern day witch-hunter is on the loose -- a crackpot determined to see the witches of Salem burn in hell. Tara isn't sure if it's a hoax or for real, but one thing's for certain: things are heating up in Salem.Her day gets even hotter when she meets Abigail Powers, a petite, hard-bodied FBI agent working on the same case. The two instantly fall for each other, enjoying a long lesson in erotic massage before turning to the burning question: Is the mad witch-hunter of Salem just a jerk who sends out misogynistic text messages, or a potential woman-killer?

Girl in the Middle

by Annie Dean

Angie Cross isn't particular about her bed partners. Male or female, it's all the same to her. But she has a hidden desire, a fantasy she's kept deep inside for years -- a longing to be with two men at once.One afternoon, Angie meets Charlie Dulcet, a man who somehow guesses her secret. Uncertain but still curious, Angie agrees to a date, and Charlie takes her home to meet his boyfriend, Justin. Both men offer Angie the experience of a lifetime: a chance to be loved by two men in any way she chooses. It's what she's always wanted, but the reality scares her, and she runs away.Undeterred, Charlie and Justin pursue Angie and show her there's nothing wrong with her desires. Now, all Angie has to do is agree to be the girl in the middle. The choice is up to her.

Love Found on Lindisfarne

by Jl Merrow

When single father Chris meets a Viking re-enactor on Lindisfarne, he thinks it’s the perfect recipe for a holiday fling -- and nothing more. Ian, or Ulf, as he’s known when in character as a Viking berserker, is a dreadlocked nomad who never stays in one place for long.Chris had a relationship with a free spirit like Ian before, and it didn’t end well for him or for his bright but troubled daughter Kelis. He’s determined not to risk the stability of her home environment for Ian, no matter how well she gets on with him -- and no matter how much Chris is drawn to the man.But Chris hasn’t reckoned with the Viking way of taking all you’re willing to give -- and coming back for more.

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