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Heavy Metal Bicycle Blues (Heavy Metal Blues #2)

by J. D. Walker

Kenny Culpepper is a spin instructor at a local gym, but he used to be a bike courier, too. Truth is, he’s still recovering from the time his former roommate, Biff Tremonte, viciously attacked him and threw him out of their apartment for being gay. Only his close friends Damien and Les helped him survive and gave him a place to stay.Now that Damien has moved in with his boyfriend in the duplex upstairs, Kenny has more time to himself than he knows what to do with. Then he receives a letter that changes his life.Cypher Tremonte, Biff's younger brother, has contacted Kenny in the hopes of making things right. Turns out, he was also a victim of Biff's fists. The meeting between them is tentative and painful, but they find an unexpected connection that might even turn into love.

20 Days of Tuck

by R. W. Clinger

Fiction critic Micah Berk makes a point to spend as much time as possible with neighbor and pianist Tuck Martini. During twenty days of a particularly hot August on the shores of Lake Erie, the two men fall head over heels in love.A year later and life has unexpectedly changed for Micah. He meets and falls hard for Carl Bascoe, an irresistible and dark-haired carpenter. Carl is witty, romantic, and the sweetest guy along the lake.What happens when events from Micah’s past mix with those in his present? What will Micah do when various ties between his twenty days with Tuck and his current days with Carl begin to unravel? Will Micah finally experience the true meaning of endless love?

Jack in the Green

by Jl Merrow

Stranded in a remote country village in 1920s England when his car breaks down, shy young Arthur finds himself drawn to the rough mechanic who comes to his aid, Bob Goodman. Forced to stay until the May Day holiday is over, Arthur makes the best of it, enjoying the village procession and fete.But the villagers seem to know more about him than they should, and there’s a second, darker, May celebration that starts when the sun’s gone down. In the drunken revelry that follows, Arthur is whisked off in a wild dance by Goodman, who plays the part of Jack in the Green, the spirit of the greenwood.Dancing turns to loving, but is everything what it seems? And is one night all Arthur can have?

A Rare and Beautiful Thing

by Emery C. Walters

Miranda isn’t sure if she is transgendered or a lesbian. When Cal, a gay boy her age comes to stay next door for the summer, they become close. Even though they are opposites, they are both outsiders, and their friendship blossoms over the summer. Could there be romance despite their differences?Then twins Ada and Van move into the neighborhood, and Miranda finds herself torn between them. She can’t decide who she’s more attracted to -- Ada, who may be lesbian, or Van, who is transgendered. Will she find love with one of them instead?

The Golem Upstairs

by Hayden Thorne

Book 2 of the Cecilian Blue-Collar ChroniclesSheridan Diggins hasn’t had much luck in love. In fact, he hasn’t had much luck in anything, period. So when the prince of the underworld takes a sudden fancy to him, the future should look promising.Or shouldn’t it?Unfortunately, dating the youngest prince of the dead comes with a few complications. Yuli Soulweaver’s presence “upstairs” stirs up long-dormant magic, which adds to the baffling day-to-day experiences of Cecilia’s colonists. There’s also the danger of aliens and colonists discovering the existence of a magical universe, which could blow the lid wide open between two worlds that aren’t meant to come together.The worst part, of course, is the fact that someone from Yuli’s world appears to have discovered the lovers’ dirty little secret and has taken the step of sending a mindless monster to do away with Sheridan.Suddenly, paying the bills takes a backseat to Sheridan’s bizarre love life.

Cowboy Dreams

by Terry O'Reilly

Store clerk Chadwick Algood dreams of leaving his small New England town and becoming Chad Armstrong, a cowboy living a life of adventure in the Wild West. However, Chad is the sole support of his widowed mother and younger sister, so knows his cowboy dreams may never be realized.Chad’s life is turned upside down when Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show comes to town and Chad meets Bo Miller, a roustabout with hopes and dreams of his own. A relationship quickly develops which deepens the young store clerk’s longing for his dream for a new life.Eventually, news from England sends Chad’s mother and sister across the Atlantic. Chad decides to stay in the US. Traveling from town to town in search of Bo and the Wild West show, Chad meets ranch owner Leon Scruggs in a bathhouse and feels an instant connection with the hot cowboy.Which cowboy dream will Chad choose? Or will fate choose for him?

Ace of Hearts

by Feral Sephrian

Blake couldn’t imagine a better job than the one he has with adult film company Wild Card Studios, although few people would imagine he’s truly asexual. Most intrigued by this anomaly is Felix, a pansexual man Blake meets at his cousin’s wedding.As a homoromantic, Blake is smitten with his new friend, but with his ten year high school reunion the day after the wedding, he has more pressing things on his mind than the obvious conflicting differences between them.The party starts well, but when an old bully returns with a startling new attitude, Blake is left in an awkward and unsettling position. Can Felix become a real-life film hero and rush to his rescue?

A Place to Call Their Own

by Dean Frech

Frank Greerson and Gregory Young have been discharged from the Army and are headed to their childhood homes. They both defied their parents in 1861 when they joined the Army. After battling southern rebels and preserving the Union of the United States of America, the two men set out to battle the Kansas Prairie and build a life together. Once they find their claim, they encounter common obstacles to life on the Kansas Prairie in 1866: Native Americans, tornadoes, wild animals, and weather.When a prairie fire destroys their crops and takes their neighbor’s lives, Frank and Gregory are instructed to find their young son’s aunt. Faced with leaving a destroyed claim, the railroad coming through their land, and dwindling funds, Frank and Gregory must decide whether to leave the place they have worked hard to make their own or fulfill their friends' dying wishes.

Djinn Book 1: What's in Your Box? (Djinn #1)

by A. R. Moler

Dale Edinger has just inherited a house from his aunt. It's a good thing too because traumatic shoulder damage and PTSD has forced the Marine lieutenant to retire. Fortunately, or unfortunately, Aunt Mildred's inheritance is more than an overfull and chaotic house. All kinds of surprises await Dale as he sorts through his aunt's hoard.Riadh is one of those surprises. He's a djinn, a being of magic from another culture -- and Dale is his new owner -- much to Dale's dismay. Riadh has his own history and a set of rules that make it impossible for him to be freed. It's not only Riadh that Dale has to contend with either. In fact, just finding the magickal objects that his aunt had squirreled away in her house will be a trick. When he finds them, what does he do with them? And what about Riadh?

The Courage to Heal

by Hunter Frost

Former U.S. Army Sergeant Wade Carter returned from Afghanistan a broken man. Permanently injured and weighed down with PTSD, his scars run deeper than flesh and bone. When his regular physical therapist is taken ill, the sexy replacement doctor has Wade wishing he'd touch much more of his body than his busted leg.Dr. Jesse Okenah isn't a beginner when it comes to working with veterans, but his new patient stirs up feelings that go beyond professional. It's Wade's wounded soul, more than his mangled leg, that needs TLC in order for him to live a healthy, fulfilling life again. Jesse just needs to figure out how to deliver that care to the stubborn vet without crossing a line -- and losing his heart.

Art Theft 101

by Edward Kendrick

Vampire Philip Archer and his team of successful art thieves -- black panther shifter Duff, ghost Rob, and Duff's human girlfriend Liddy -- are asked by the handsome Ian Croft, a potential client, to break with tradition and rescue a kidnapped child. When the caper turns out rather differently than expected, Philip is bitterly reminded why he has remained single for so long. Yet, surrounded as he is by loving friends, he is not desperate. This is why, when he meets the newly-made vampire Ephram, he suppresses his attraction and focuses on being a mentor to the Fledgling.Ephram was turned by Virgil Ionescu, an ancient vampire known for casting off his Children before they are ready. Living off the streets, Ephram's future is precarious until he meets Philip. Ephram is immediately attracted to Philip and only too happy to be taken under his wing and taught the skills of surviving in modern New Orleans.But Philip keeps secrets. Ephram can sense it, but he can't penetrate the thousand-year-old Philip's reserve. What will Ephram do when he discovers the big secret his new group of friends are keeping from him? Will his love for Philip trump all, or will he betray them? And, to complicate matters, Ionescu arrives unexpectedly in town, coming to check on his Child.

Spring Tide Love

by Emery C. Walters

All Trey’s father wants him to do is be nice to the homophobic class bully, his business partner's son. But that’s like trying to mix oil and gasoline: explosive. So Trey decides to run away, which is hard to do on a rainy, muddy, haunted night on the small island of Maui.Another kid in school, Chris, stood up for Trey against the bully and was badly beaten for his efforts. Which makes Trey wonder if Chris is gay, too, or just a brave ally. Trey doesn’t know, but there’s clearly something brewing between them.When Trey’s dad expects him to go to the bully’s birthday party, Trey sneaks off to go surfing instead. Hitchhiking to the beach, he meets up with an interesting old geezer, who just might be able to help him figure out what he’s going through.Will the forces on this fiery island break apart Trey and Chris? Or is there hope for something more than friendship between them buried under the Maui ash?

The Sun Seekers

by Emery C. Walters

Whit is different. Not only is she an outcast at school, but she has an alter ego, Dusty, who embodies the transgender side of who Whit really is inside.She finds an unlikely companion in Danny, also an outcast, who comes out to Whit as gay. However, there seems to be something more than friendship brewing between the two.Their art teacher Mr. Jay tries to help them come to terms with who they both are, but will their relationship be able to overcome the hurdles created by being themselves while at school? Everyone is looking for a place under the sun, but can Whit and Danny find their own sunshine amidst the coming storms?

Bachelor Auction: The Football Player

by Drew Hunt

The characters fromSurprise Giftsreturn for another kinky adventure. Former NFL defensive lineman Brad Williams only agrees to put on his old football uniform and take part in a charity bachelor auction when his boyfriend, Nick Dailey, promises to bid on him. But when the auction begins, Nick is nowhere to be found, and to make matters worse, an obese woman in the fourth row keeps topping everyone’s bid.Fortunately it turns out she’s bidding for Nick, who has been busy setting up a post-auction candlelit picnic. But Brad soon discovers the food is just the appetizer, and he’s the main course. Before long, his wrists are bound above his head and he’s teased with various sex toys until he gets his just desserts.Later, needing to reassert his macho pride, Brad puts his own plans for the evening into action. What can two horny former football players get up to in a deserted baseball stadium, not to mention an empty locker room?Warning: contains scenes of mild BDSM as well as unorthodox uses of soft fruit, chocolate sauce, and baseball bases.

Spy Games (Spy Games #1)

by J. D. Ryan

Cold War ... Hot Spies. It’s the 1960’s. Unbeknownst to the world, a secret international organization is working behind the scenes for world peace.Nikoloz, a Russian agent, has his doubts about his American partner, Vincent. The man is his exact opposite: hot-tempered, impulsive, and an incorrigible playboy. Will they form an effective team?Their latest mission: find and destroy a secret laboratory producing a new gas weapon. A small town has already been used as a testing site.Will Nikoloz and Vincent be able to locate the lab in time to protect more innocent lives? Can they get in and destroy the gas without getting caught? And can they resist the attraction they feel for one another?

Cowboy Roundup

by Michael Mcclelland Rebecca James J. D. Walker Rob Rosen Kassandra Lea Drew Hunt R. W. Clinger Feral Sephrian Bob Masters Dale Chase Georgina Li Hunter Frost J. D. Ryan Landon Dixon Lee Crittenden Salome Wilde

What’s better than a story about a sexy gay cowboy? How about a whole posse of them? Editor Drew Hunt has rounded up some of the finest authors in the M/M western genre to bring you this collection celebrating gay cowpokes!Meet real men who ride the trail or ride the rodeo, join a wild west show or douse their thirst at the local country western bar. Whether in the bygone Old West or on a modern cattle ranch, these rugged hunks know how to ride ‘em hard and put ‘em away wet. And the ride lasts a lot longer than eight seconds, so saddle up, pardner, and let them take you on a wild ride ... or for a quick roll in the hay.NOTE: Each of the stories in this collection is available as individual e-books for those readers who only want to pick and choose which they want to buy. Or do yourself a favor and rassle up all sixteen smoldering tales at once!Contains the stories:Roughshod by Dale Chase, Taming Brooks by R.W. Clinger, The Spring at Sloan Pond by Lee Crittenden, Rogayo by Landon Dixon, Cowboy Therapy by Hunter Frost, A Change of Pace by Drew Hunt, Firefly Ranch by Rebecca James, Wild Ride by Kassandra Lea, Guy Walks Into a Bar by Georgina Li, Nephi Takes a Husband by Bob Masters, Flyboys and Cowboys by Michael McClelland, Wild West Show by Rob Rosen, Riding for the Brand by J.D. Ryan, Daniel in Distress by Feral Sephrian, Save a Horse by J.D. Walker,andThe Good, the Bad, and the Ojete by Salome Wilde.

The Nephilim's Promise (Eternal #1)

by W. S. Long

Eli is immortal. Almost immortal, anyway. His father is an archangel he never knew, while his mother was a human. When another angel asks him to save a human male in Ancient Egypt, his life is forever changed.When Micha comes into his life, Eli is no longer alone, but Micha’s untimely death leads Eli to search for his eternal love through reincarnations of Micha over the centuries. Based on a medium’s tip, Eli finds Joshua Milbanks, eighteen years old and homeless, kicked out of his foster home because he is gay.When Eli saves Joshua from a bullet, Joshua doesn’t know what to think, but he cannot deny he is drawn to Eli. Is Joshua Micha reincarnated? Or will Eli continue to be lonely without his eternal love?

Renovated Heart

by J. T. Marie

Real estate agent Joanne McConnell has had her fair share of bad relationships. Her last girlfriend complained she spent too many long hours working and didn’t focus enough on them. Now single again, Joanne still keeps too busy a schedule to meet someone new.That all changes when she’s babysitting for her brother and meets Edie, the contractor he’s hired to fix up his home. There’s no denying the instant attraction between the two women, and Joanne is more than ready to take a chance on someone new.But Edie Davis, sole proprietor of Davis Contractors, was so badly burned by her last girlfriend that she’s sworn off dating altogether. Edie won’t let anything -- or anyone -- distract her from growing her business. She isn’t lonely, she isn’t, so she’s more than surprised when she finds herself falling for Joanne.Joanne’s offer of a business lunch turns into a date on Friday night, the first in months for either of them. Things seem to be going so well for both ladies. Can Edie let herself trust another again? Or will her past relationships screw up any chance of a future with Joanne?

Keys to His Heart (Wedding Bell Blues #3)

by J. D. Walker

Grady Tremone, keyboard player and backup singer for Hail The Dead Marys, feels like something is missing in his life. While trying to figure out what that could be, his mom asks for help with an upcoming show. Grady agrees, and on the day of rehearsal, he comes face to face with the man for whom he's in instant lust.Tim Hugo, the show’s choreographer, likes to flirt but wants more than a casual fling. Grady pushes the issue, and Tim shoots him down, cold. However, after sending white roses every day for a week as an apology, Grady convinces Tim to give them another go -- at Tim’s pace, this time.It takes a month, but when the men finally become intimate, Grady is convinced he’ll eventually walk down the aisle with Tim, the man who has the keys to his heart.

Just My Style

by J. M. Snyder

When hair stylist Jai Hathaway decided to open his own salon, he knew he would sacrifice some of his personal time to run the business. But long hours working late have him feeling lonely, and he just doesn't seem to connect with the few men he dates. His business partner Kiki suggests what he needs is to find a different type of guy, someone who isn't in the salon business, but not only does Jai not know how to find a guy like that, he isn't even sure where to look.On a particularly cold morning in January, the salon's hot water goes out and Jai scrambles to find a plumber on short notice. Enter Duane Schneider, sexy and confident, and interested in getting more than just Jai's hot water boiling. But he's so outside Jai's comfort zone that, at first, the stylist isn't sure how to react. When it becomes obvious Duane wants to continue things outside of business hours, though, Jai agrees to a date, if only to see where the evening might lead.Is Kiki right when she said Jai needed to find someone different? Or will Duane turn out to be just his style after all?

The Best Man for You

by J. D. Walker

Ben Maybry is dissatisfied with life. His best friends Royce and Rodney have been in wedded bliss for years, and Ben feels left behind. Taking some time off from work to get his head together, Ben housesits while his best buddies go on a second honeymoon to Mexico. While he’s there, his best friend’s ex Thad Zandershows up at the front door, and turns his life upside down.Ben isn’t sure who's more shocked at the encounter, but he finds himself strangely drawn to Thad, a recovering alcoholic who hit rock bottom and is trying to get his life back. But Thad doesn’t feel he’s dating material.In this follow-up story to J.D. Walker’s hugely popularThe Best Man for Me, it’s up to Ben to convince Thad he's paid his dues and is worthy of being loved.


by Tam Macneil

Jao is looking forward to a winter spent in Masahiro's comfortable house, warm and well-fed for once. Then he discovers Masahiro has gone to meet Takeshi, the old Kazematsuri, Jao's number one enemy.Takeshi has called in the one favour Masahiro owes him. It's odd though: the favour is that Masahiro has to go to Doshu, the capital city, and stay there for two weeks. And he has to take Hana along.It's all very suspicious, and Jao follows them. It's a three day journey on a fishing boat, in freezing weather, and he has to deal with a very angry, frightened, and above all, tight-lipped Hyan, Hana's brother, who seems to know something dire about his little sister.When Jao and Hyan arrive in Doshu, the situation worsens rapidly. Masahiro is drugged by Jao's old enemy Gosuke, Hana is abducted, and Jao has to team up with Takeshi to save her. Can he avert a political crisis in the process?

Outside In: A Cameron Andrews Mystery (A Cameron Andrew's Mystery Book #1)

by Nanisi Barrett D'Arnuk

Baltimore Police Detective Cameron Andrews knows her career as an undercover officer for the city's Drug Force is coming to the end of its effectiveness. The head of a federal drug team once gave her his card and offered to help with her career if she needed it. When she contacts him, she is offered a dangerous undercover position with the federal DEA that turns her life upside down.Her job: commit a crime and go inside a women's prison as a convicted felon to discover how cocaine is trafficked through the facility. While still in training, she meets a seductive female martial arts instructor who challenges her views on power and commitment and gives her a reason to get her job done and return safely to the outside.

The Recording Room

by Iyana Jenna

Lucian Salvatore returns to Clover East after his grandmother calls him home to take care of the family's recording studio. This is a welcome trip after the tragic loss of his boyfriend.Nate Lockwood is the man who practically runs the Salvatore studio. He suspects he’s going to be replaced once Lucian comes home to take over the business. But Nate doesn’t plan on leaving Clover East so soon, at least not before he solves the mystery that’s the real reason he came to the small town in the first place.Will Nate be able to discover what happened to his aunt who disappeared in Clover East so many years ago? What does her disappearance have to do with Lucian’s family ... and the haunted recording room in the studio where they both work?

First Flight Out (The Mile High Club #1)

by Michael P. Thomas

Jesse Cisneros and his best buddy Tanner fly for Mile High Airlines, which is every bit as classy as it sounds. When Dr. Willis rings his call light on a flight from New York to Denver, Jesse is so taken with the good doctor’s looks and charm, he forgets all about the inflight medical crisis that prompted him to call for a flight attendant in the first place. Willis is handsome. Willis is helpful. And wouldn’t you know it? Willis is someone else’s husband.Jesse can hardly believe his luck when their paths cross again on the patio of a popular gay bar. It’s been nine months, and Willis has been busy: now he’s single, he’s out, and he’sveryinterested in getting to know Jesse better. It all seems too good to be true! And you know what they say about that ...

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