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Showing 13,451 through 13,475 of 23,495 results

Holomorphy and Calculus in Normed SPates

by Soo Bong Chae

This book presents a systematic introduction to the theory of holomorphic mappings in normed spaces which has been scattered throughout the literature. It gives the necessary, elementary background for all branches of modern mathematics involving differential calculus in higher dimensional spaces.

Holomorphic Foliations with Singularities: Key Concepts and Modern Results (Latin American Mathematics Series)

by Bruno Scárdua

This concise textbook gathers together key concepts and modern results on the theory of holomorphic foliations with singularities, offering a compelling vision on how the notion of foliation, usually linked to real functions and manifolds, can have an important role in the holomorphic world, as shown by modern results from mathematicians as H. Cartan, K. Oka, T. Nishino, and M. Suzuki.The text starts with a gentle presentation of the classical notion of foliations, advancing to holomorphic foliations and then holomorphic foliations with singularities. The theory behind reduction of singularities is described in detail, as well the cases for dynamics of a local diffeomorphism and foliations on complex projective spaces. A final chapter brings recent questions in the field, as holomorphic flows on Stein spaces and transversely homogeneous holomorphic foliations, along with a list of open questions for further study and research. Selected exercises at the end of each chapter help the reader to grasp the theory.Graduate students in Mathematics with a special interest in the theory of foliations will especially benefit from this book, which can be used as supplementary reading in Singularity Theory courses, and as a resource for independent study on this vibrant field of research.

Holomorphic Curves in Low Dimensions: From Symplectic Ruled Surfaces to Planar Contact Manifolds (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #2216)

by Chris Wendl

This monograph provides an accessible introduction to the applications of pseudoholomorphic curves in symplectic and contact geometry, with emphasis on dimensions four and three. The first half of the book focuses on McDuff's characterization of symplectic rational and ruled surfaces, one of the classic early applications of holomorphic curve theory. The proof presented here uses the language of Lefschetz fibrations and pencils, thus it includes some background on these topics, in addition to a survey of the required analytical results on holomorphic curves. Emphasizing applications rather than technical results, the analytical survey mostly refers to other sources for proofs, while aiming to provide precise statements that are widely applicable, plus some informal discussion of the analytical ideas behind them. The second half of the book then extends this program in two complementary directions: (1) a gentle introduction to Gromov-Witten theory and complete proof of the classification of uniruled symplectic 4-manifolds; and (2) a survey of punctured holomorphic curves and their applications to questions from 3-dimensional contact topology, such as classifying the symplectic fillings of planar contact manifolds. This book will be particularly useful to graduate students and researchers who have basic literacy in symplectic geometry and algebraic topology, and would like to learn how to apply standard techniques from holomorphic curve theory without dwelling more than necessary on the analytical details. This book is also part of the Virtual Series on Symplectic Geometry

Holomorphic Curves and Global Questions in Contact Geometry (Birkhäuser Advanced Texts Basler Lehrbücher)

by Casim Abbas Helmut Hofer

This book explains the foundations of holomorphic curve theory in contact geometry. By using a particular geometric problem as a starting point the authors guide the reader into the subject. As such it ideally serves as preparation and as entry point for a deeper study of the analysis underlying symplectic field theory.An introductory chapter sets the stage explaining some of the basic notions of contact geometry and the role of holomorphic curves in the field. The authors proceed to the heart of the material providing a detailed exposition about finite energy planes and periodic orbits (chapter 4) to disk filling methods and applications (chapter 9).The material is self-contained. It includes a number of technical appendices giving the geometric analysis foundations for the main results, so that one may easily follow the discussion. Graduate students as well as researchers who want to learn the basics of this fast developing theory will highly appreciate this accessible approach taken by the authors.

Holography and Magnetically Induced Phenomena in QCD (SpringerBriefs in Physics)

by Umut Gürsoy

This book introduces the traditional and novel techniques required to study the thermodynamic and transport properties of quark–gluon plasma. In particular, it reviews the construction of improved holographic models for QCD-like confining gauge theories and their applications in the physics of quark–gluon plasma. It also discusses the recent advances in the development of hydrodynamic techniques, especially those incorporating the effects of external magnetic fields on transport. The book is primarily intended for researchers and graduate students with a background in quantum field theory and particle physics but who may not be familiar with the theory of strong interactions and holographic and hydrodynamic techniques required to study said interactions.

A Holistic Approach to Ship Design: Volume 2: Application Case Studies

by Apostolos Papanikolaou

This book deals with modern Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software tools and platforms implemented in ship design, the integration of techno-economic databases, the use of optimisation and simulation software tools, which are integrated in these platforms, and the virtual modelling of ships and their operation by using a Virtual Vessel Framework (VVF). It contains a series of application case studies related to the developed holistic approach to ship design and operation. Nine case studies are described, referring to the design and operation of various ship types, namely RoPax, cruise ship, double-ended ferry, bulk carrier, containership, offshore support vessel, ocean surveillance ship and research vessel and one offshore structure. All case studies are driven by leading representatives of the European Maritime Industry. This book complements A Holistic Approach to Ship Design, volume 1, which covers methods and tools for the life cycle optimisation and assessment of ship design and operation.

Hohes Alter in Deutschland (Schriften zu Gesundheit und Gesellschaft - Studies on Health and Society #8)

by Roman Kaspar Julia Simonson Clemens Tesch-Römer Michael Wagner Susanne Zank

Dies ist ein Open-Access-Buch.Trotz des schnellen Wachstums des Anteils der Bevölkerung in einem Alter ab 80 Jahren an der Gesamtbevölkerung ist das Wissen über diese Bevölkerungsgruppe bislang gering. Zwar gibt es thematisch, methodisch und regional spezifische Studien, jedoch keine repräsentative Erfassung der Lebenssituation und Lebensqualität dieser Altersgruppe für den gesamtdeutschen Raum. Eine gute Datenlage ist jedoch notwendig: Zum einen, um den besonderen Unterstützungsbedarfen im hohen Alter zukünftig besser gerecht werden zu können. Zum anderen, um Lösungsansätze für sozialpolitische Herausforderungen wie der sozialen Sicherung im Alter sowie im Hinblick auf eine Generationengerechtigkeit entwickeln zu können. Schließlich, um negativen Altersbildern und Vorurteilen über die Lebensqualität im hohen Alter empirisch fundiert entgegenwirken zu können. Die Studie "Hohes Alter in Deutschland“ (D80+) ist eine bundesweit repräsentative Querschnittsbefragung der hochaltrigen Menschen in Privathaushalten und in Heimen. Sie wird vom Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ) gefördert und gemeinsam vom Cologne Center for Ethics, Rights, Economics, and Social Sciences of Health (ceres) und dem Deutschen Zentrum für Altersfragen (DZA) durchgeführt. Die Studie vereint Perspektiven der an den beteiligten Institutionen verorteten Disziplinen wie Soziologie, Psychologie, Versorgungswissenschaften, Gerontologie und Medizin. Im vorliegenden Band werden zentrale Befunde u.a. zu den Themenbereichen Soziale und Digitale Teilhabe, Gesundheit und Versorgung, sowie Werte und subjektives Wohlbefinden vorgestellt.

Höhere Mathematik kompakt: Was Sie für die Prüfung wissen müssen (essentials)

by Laura G. Keller

Dieses Buch enthält in kompakter Form all das, was an mathematischen Grundlagen für ein Studium der Natur- oder Ingenieurwissenschaften fundamental ist. Damit eignet sich das vorliegende Werk einerseits als Repetitorium und andererseits hervorragend als „Spickzettel“ für Prüfungen.

Höhere Mathematik in Rezepten

by Christian Karpfinger

Dieses Buch bietet eine übersichtliche und gut verständliche Einführung in die Höhere Mathematik mit zahlreichen Beispielen. Der Autor zeigt, wie man typische Aufgaben rezeptartig lösen kann, und teilt den Stoff in kurze, gut verdauliche Lerneinheiten ein.Haben Sie schon einmal ein 3-Gänge-Menü anhnd eines Rezepts gekocht? Das klappt im Allgemeinen ganz gut, auch wenn man kein großer Koch ist. Was das mit Mathematik zu tun hat? Na ja, man kann auch viele mathematische Probleme rezeptartig lösen: Brauchen Sie die Lösung einer Riccati'schen Differenzialgleichung oder die Singulärwertzerlegung einer Matrix? Schlagen Sie in diesem Buch nach, hier finden Sie ein Rezept dazu. Rezepte gibt es zu Problemen aus derAnalysis in einer und mehreren Variablen,linearen Algebra,Vektoranalysis,Theorie zu Differenzialgleichungen, gewöhnlich und partiell,Theorie der Integraltransformationen,Funktionentheorie.Weitere Besonderheiten dieses Buches sind: Die Einteilung der Höheren Mathematik in ca. 100 etwa gleich lange Kapitel. Jedes Kapitel behandelt etwa den Stoff einer 90-minütigen Vorlesung.Viele Aufgaben, die Lösungen dazu findet man in dem dazu gehörigen Arbeitsbuch.Viele Probleme der Höheren Mathematik lassen sich mit dem Computer lösen. Wir geben stets an, wie es mit MATLAB® funktioniert.Für die vorliegende 3. Auflage wurde das Buch vollständig durchgesehen und um einen Abschnitt zur Lösung von Randwertproblemen bei gewöhnlichen Differenzialgleichungen, um das Thema Restgliedabschätzungen bei Taylorentwicklungen und um das Charakteristikenverfahren bei partiellen Differenzialgleichungen 1. Ordnung sowie um etliche zusätzliche Aufgaben ergänzt.

Höhere Mathematik im Alltag: Vom Regenbogen bis zur digitalen Bildkompression

by Rüdiger Seydel

MINT-Kompetenz (Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik) ist der Schlüssel zur Zukunft. Aber warum Mathematik? Dieses Buch gibt die Antwort anhand von Beispielen aus Alltag, Natur und Technik. Es präsentiert und diskutiert Fallstudien aus verschiedensten Bereichen mit Mitteln der Höheren Mathematik. Dabei zeigt sich die Macht der Mathematik beim Aufspüren verborgener Zusammenhänge und beweist, dass sogar einfache Modelle eine reiche Struktur besitzen. Die Beispiele sind gut durchdacht und führen verständlich an den mathematischen Stoff heran.Das Buch eignet sich bestens zum Selbststudium, für weiterführende Schulen, Arbeitsgemeinschaften und Seminare in MINT-relevanten Studienfächern.

Höhere Mathematik für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Thoralf Räsch

Physik ohne Mathematik, das ist unmöglich. Aber wenn Sie Ihre liebe Mühe mit Mathe haben, dann hilft Ihnen dieses Buch, ganz gleich aus welchem Grund Sie sich mit Physik beschäftigen müssen: als Studienanfänger der Physik, als Student der Ingenieurwissenschaften oder der Medizin. Dieses Buch erklärt Ihnen, was Sie über einfache, komplexe und mehrdimensionale Analysis, Differentialgleichungen und Lineare Algebra wissen sollten. Zahlreiche Beispiele machen die Erläuterungen noch anschaulicher.

Höhere Mathematik 1: Lineare Algebra

by Walter Strampp Dörthe Janssen

Das Buch schildert die wichtigsten Inhalte der Linearen Algebra. Durch zahlreiche Beispiele und ausführliche Übungen wird der Leser zur sicheren Beherrschung des Stoffs geführt. Gegenüber der Vorauflage "Höhere Mathematik mit MATHEMATICA -Band 1: Grundlagen, Lineare Algebra" wurden die Inhalte zugunsten eines größeren Übungsteils inklusive Lösungen gestrafft, das Buch ist damit besonders für die Bachelor-Studiengänge geeignet.

Hodge Theory and Complex Algebraic Geometry II

by Leila Schneps

The 2003 second volume of this account of Kaehlerian geometry and Hodge theory starts with the topology of families of algebraic varieties. Proofs of the Lefschetz theorem on hyperplane sections, the Picard–Lefschetz study of Lefschetz pencils, and Deligne theorems on the degeneration of the Leray spectral sequence and the global invariant cycles follow. The main results of the second part are the generalized Noether–Lefschetz theorems, the generic triviality of the Abel–Jacobi maps, and most importantly Nori's connectivity theorem, which generalizes the above. The last part of the book is devoted to the relationships between Hodge theory and algebraic cycles. The book concludes with the example of cycles on abelian varieties, where some results of Bloch and Beauville, for example, are expounded. The text is complemented by exercises giving useful results in complex algebraic geometry. It will be welcomed by researchers in both algebraic and differential geometry.

Hodge Theory and Complex Algebraic Geometry I

by Claire Voisin

The first of two volumes offering a modern introduction to Kaehlerian geometry and Hodge structure. The book starts with basic material on complex variables, complex manifolds, holomorphic vector bundles, sheaves and cohomology theory, the latter being treated in a more theoretical way than is usual in geometry. The author then proves the Kaehler identities, which leads to the hard Lefschetz theorem and the Hodge index theorem. The book culminates with the Hodge decomposition theorem. The meanings of these results are investigated in several directions. Completely self-contained, the book is ideal for students, while its content gives an account of Hodge theory and complex algebraic geometry as has been developed by P. Griffiths and his school, by P. Deligne, and by S. Bloch. The text is complemented by exercises which provide useful results in complex algebraic geometry.

Hodge Theory: Proceedings, U. S. -spain Workshop Held In Sant Cugat (barcelona), Spain, June 24-30 1985 (Mathematical Notes #49)

by Eduardo Cattani Fouad El Zein Phillip A. Griffiths Lê Dũng Tráng

This book provides a comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to Hodge theory—one of the central and most vibrant areas of contemporary mathematics—from leading specialists on the subject. The topics range from the basic topology of algebraic varieties to the study of variations of mixed Hodge structure and the Hodge theory of maps. Of particular interest is the study of algebraic cycles, including the Hodge and Bloch-Beilinson Conjectures. Based on lectures delivered at the 2010 Summer School on Hodge Theory at the ICTP in Trieste, Italy, the book is intended for a broad group of students and researchers. The exposition is as accessible as possible and doesn't require a deep background. At the same time, the book presents some topics at the forefront of current research.The book is divided between introductory and advanced lectures. The introductory lectures address Kähler manifolds, variations of Hodge structure, mixed Hodge structures, the Hodge theory of maps, period domains and period mappings, algebraic cycles (up to and including the Bloch-Beilinson conjecture) and Chow groups, sheaf cohomology, and a new treatment of Grothendieck’s algebraic de Rham theorem. The advanced lectures address a Hodge-theoretic perspective on Shimura varieties, the spread philosophy in the study of algebraic cycles, absolute Hodge classes (including a new, self-contained proof of Deligne’s theorem on absolute Hodge cycles), and variation of mixed Hodge structures.The contributors include Patrick Brosnan, James Carlson, Eduardo Cattani, François Charles, Mark Andrea de Cataldo, Fouad El Zein, Mark L. Green, Phillip A. Griffiths, Matt Kerr, Lê Dũng Tráng, Luca Migliorini, Jacob P. Murre, Christian Schnell, and Loring W. Tu.

Hodder Education School Atlas for the Commonwealth of The Bahamas

by Professor Michael Morrissey

Ensure full coverage of the curriculum requirements with an atlas specially created to cover Social Studies, Tourism Education, Geography and History.- Encourage awareness of the region with a specially designed 18-page section of detailed maps of The Bahamas supplemented by up-to-date diagrams, graphs and photographs. Climate, environment, tourism, history, major cities, agriculture, transportation networks and the Family Islands all covered.- Engage students in topical issues with a 14-page Caribbean section that shows The Bahamas in the context of the CARICOM community, focusing on topics that impact all CARICOM citizens including hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes, climate, environment and tourism- Introduce a solid foundation in geographical knowledge with detailed maps and facts about all the major countries of the Caribbean.- Secure strong geographical knowledge with comprehensive maps of each of the world's continents plus a World Data section with facts, figures and flags of every country and features on the Solar System, the Seasons and World Organisations.- Ensure ease-of-use with a four-page easy-to-use index with guidance on how to locate places and an introduction to geographical skills showing how to use a map, the importance of scale and how to measure distances.

Hockey 123 (My First NHL Book)

by Christopher Jordan

What better way to introduce your child to the action-packed world of hockey than through a new series of books aimed at the youngest of hockey fans? Published with the NHL® and the NHLPA, this great series introduces essential early concepts through the fun and entertaining world of hockey. Count players, sticks, and Stanley Cups; explore the colours of the rainbow through team logos and sweaters; look for familiar shapes amongst pucks, scoreboards and nets, and work your way through an alphabet that includes everything, from Arenas to Zambonis®!

Hockey 123 (My First NHL Book)

by Christopher Jordan

What better way to introduce your child to the entertaining, action-packed world of hockey than through a new series of books aimed at the youngest of hockey fans? Published through the combined efforts of the NHL, the NHLPA and Fenn/Tundra, My First NHL Books introduce preschool readers to the essential early concepts of learning through the fun and entertaining themes of hockey. Count players, sticks and Stanley cups, explore the colours of the rainbow through team logos and sweaters; look for familiar shapes amongst pucks, scoreboards and nets, and work your way through an alphabet that includes everything from A is for Arena to Z is for Zamboni, and everything hockey in between.

HMH Math (Grade 4): Standards, Actions, Processes

by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

NIMAC-sourced textbook

HMH Math [Grade 3]: Standards, Actions, Processes

by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

NIMAC-sourced textbook

HMH Math [Grade 1]: Standards, Actions, Processes

by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

NIMAC-sourced textbook

HMH GoMath!: Student Edition (StA) Volume 2 Grade 4 2016

by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

*This textbook has been transcribed in UEB, formatted according to Braille textbook formats, proofread and corrected. <P><P>

HMH GoMath!: Student Edition (StA) Volume 1 Grade 4 2016

by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

*This textbook has been transcribed in UEB, formatted according to Braille textbook formats, proofread and corrected. <P><P>

HIV/AIDS in South Africa 25 Years On

by Seth C. Kalichman Poul Rohleder E. Cameron Leslie Swartz Leickness Chisamu Simbayi

Much has happened since the first appearance of AIDS in 1981: it has been identified, studied, and occasionally denied. The virus has shifted host populations and spread globally. Medicine, the social sciences, and world governments have joined forces to combat and prevent the disease. And South Africa has emerged as ground zero for the pandemic. The editors of HIV/AIDS in South Africa 25 Years On present the South African crisis as a template for addressing the myriad issues surrounding the epidemic worldwide, as the book brings together a widely scattered body of literature, analyzes psychosocial and sexual aspects contributing to HIV transmission and prevention, and delves into complex intersections of race, gender, class, and politics. Including largely overlooked populations and issues (e.g., prisoners, persons with disabilities, stigma), as well as challenges shaping future research and policy, the contributors approach their topics with rare depth, meticulous research, carefully drawn conclusions, and profound compassion. Among the topics covered: The relationship between HIV and poverty, starting from the question, "Which is the determinant and which is the consequence?"Epidemiology of HIV among women and men: concepts of femininity and masculinity, and gender inequities as they affect HIV risk; gender-specific prevention and intervention strategies. The impact of AIDS on infants and young children: risk and protective factors; care of children by HIV-positive mothers; HIV-infected children.Current prevention and treatment projects, including local-level responses, community-based work, and VCT (voluntary counseling and testing) programs.New directions: promoting circumcision, vaccine trials, "positive prevention."South Africa's history of AIDS denialism.The urgent lessons in this book apply both globally and locally, making HIV/AIDS in South Africa 25 Years On uniquely instructive and useful for professionals working in HIV/AIDS and global public health.

History of Virtual Work Laws

by Danilo Capecchi

The book presents a history of classical mechanics by focusing on issues of equilibrium. The historical point of view adopted here restricts attention to cases where the effectiveness of forces is assessed on the basis of the virtual motion of their points of application. For completeness, hints of the alternative approach are also referred, the Archimedean for ancient mechanics and the Newtonian for modern mechanics. The laws resulting from consideration of virtual motions are named laws of virtual work. The modern formulations of the principle of virtual work are only a particular form of them. The book begins with the first documented formulations of laws of virtual work in the IV century BC in Greece and proceeds to the end of the XIX century AD in Europe. A significant space is devoted to Arabic and Latin mechanics of Middle Ages. With the Renaissance it began to appear slightly different wordings of the laws, which were often proposed as unique principles of statics. The process reached its apex with Bernoulli and Lagrange in the XVIII century. The book ends with some chapters dealing with the discussions that took place in the French school on the role of the Lagrangian version of the law of virtual work and its applications to continuum mechanics.

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