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El envío

by Sebastian Fitzek

Un nuevo magnífico thriller del autor de Terapia, El pasajero 23 y El proyecto Joshua. Desde que fue violada en una habitación de hotel, la joven psiquiatra Emma Stein ya no abandona su casa. Había sido la tercera víctima de un psicópata asesino y la única que escapó con vida, aunque sin verle la cara.Un día el cartero deja un paquete destinado a su vecino, a quien no conoce. Al aceptarlo no imagina que está a punto de comenzar su peor pesadilla...

Una familia no tan feliz

by Shari Lapena

El nuevo y adictivo thriller de la autora de La pareja de al lado. En esta familia todos guardan secretos... incluso los muertos. El tranquilo y lujoso barrio de Brecken Hill amanece conmocionado. Solo las grandes fortunas se pueden permitir una casa aquí y hay pocas fortunas mayores que la de Fred y Sheila Merton. Pero todo el dinero del mundo no puede protegerlos cuando la muerte llama a su puerta. Los Merton han aparecido brutalmente asesinados tras una tensa cena con sus tres hijos. Quienes, por supuesto, están devastados.¿O quizá no? A cada uno de ellos le espera ahora una herencia de millones de dólares. Nunca fueron una familia feliz por culpa de un padre vengativo y una madre distante, pero quizá uno de los hermanos es más inestable de lo que nadie imaginaba. ¿Puede que alguno reaccionara con violencia después de esa espantosa cena? ¿O fue otra persona quien apareció en la casa esa noche con la peor de las intenciones? Después de todo, si alguien de tu familia fuera capaz de una atrocidad así, lo sabrías.¿Verdad? «La reina de la novela de suspense moderna regresa con otra historia de asesinato... Intentarás adivinar el final hasta el último minuto».Sunday Express «Un cruce entre Big Little Lies y la señorita Marple».Woman's Weekly «Con su último y adictivo thriller, la autora se muestra de nuevo en su máximo esplendor. Lapena hace lo que mejor se le da, y lo hace tan bien que intentar abandonar este libro es inútil. Una vez que comiences a leer no vas a querer parar».USA Today La crítica ha dicho...«Una gratificante novela de suspense llena de drama y tensión».My Weekly «Con cada pista, cada mentira que se descubre y cada verdad que se revela, Lapena hace que el lector tenga que seguir adivinando hasta el mismísimo final. Y, de nuevo, se las arregla para dejarnos incluso con ganas de más».USA Today «En esta retorcida y vertiginosa historia familiar, Shari Lapena mantiene la intriga hasta la última página».Paula Hawkins, autora de La chica del tren «Con sus ágiles capítulos cortos y anzuelos a manos llenas, te engancharás a la novela con entusiasmo».Washington Post «Una novela de las que te mantienen al borde de la silla que me dejó sin aliento».Fiona Barton, autora de La viuda «¡Los fans del domestic thriller están de enhorabuena! Lapena regresa con otro libro que te hará cuestionarte todo lo que sabes».Book Riot

The Jake Adams Espionage Thrillers: Volume 2 (A Jake Adams International Espionage Thr)

by Trevor Scott

A Simon & Schuster eBook. Simon & Schuster has a great book for every reader.

Feast Day of Fools (Hackberry Holland)

by James Lee Burke

A powerful and unforgettable thriller from 'one of the finest American writers' GUARDIANDanny Boy Lorca was used to having apocalyptic visions - the beatings he'd taken in jail and the booze he drank to forget them made sure of that. But what he saw and heard that night out in the desert was more terrifying than anything even his battered spirit could have conjured. A man tortured to death. Slowly and methodically and with inhuman cruelty.When Danny Boy tells his tale to Sheriff Hackberry Holland, Hack knows something evil has leaked over the border into his corner of South Texas. What he doesn't realize is that this brutal slaying is just the beginning of a twisted three-way manhunt that will pit a psychotic killer seeking release for the souls of his murdered children against a religious maniac in love with death, and a Russian gangster whose name is a byword for fear...Praise for one of the great American crime writers, James Lee Burke:'James Lee Burke is the heavyweight champ, a great American novelist whose work, taken individually or as a whole, is unsurpassed.' Michael Connelly'A gorgeous prose stylist.' Stephen King'Richly deserves to be described now as one of the finest crime writers America has ever produced.' Daily MailFans of Dennis Lehane, Michael Connelly and Don Winslow will love James Lee Burke: Hackberry Holland Series1. Lay Down My Sword and Shield 2. Rain Gods 3. Feast Day of Fools 4. House of the Rising Sun Dave Robicheaux Series1. The Neon Rain 2. Heaven's Prisoners 3. Black Cherry Blues 4. A Morning for Flamingos 5. A Stained White Radiance 6. In the Electric Mist with Confederate Dead 7. Dixie City Jam 8. Burning Angel 9. Cadillac Jukebox 10. Sunset Limited 11. Purple Cane Road 12. Jolie Blon's Bounce 13. Last Car to Elysian Fields 14. Crusader's Cross 15. Pegasus Descending 16. The Tin Roof Blowdown 17. Swan Peak 18. The Glass Rainbow 19. Creole Belle 20. Light of the World 21. Robicheaux Billy Bob Holland Series1. Cimarron Rose 2. Heartwood 3. Bitterroot 4. In The Moon of Red Ponies * Each James Lee Burke novel can be read as a standalone or in series order *

Feast Day of Fools (Hackberry Holland)

by James Lee Burke

A powerful and unforgettable thriller from 'one of the finest American writers' GUARDIANDanny Boy Lorca was used to having apocalyptic visions - the beatings he'd taken in jail and the booze he drank to forget them made sure of that. But what he saw and heard that night out in the desert was more terrifying than anything even his battered spirit could have conjured. A man tortured to death. Slowly and methodically and with inhuman cruelty.When Danny Boy tells his tale to Sheriff Hackberry Holland, Hack knows something evil has leaked over the border into his corner of South Texas. What he doesn't realize is that this brutal slaying is just the beginning of a twisted three-way manhunt that will pit a psychotic killer seeking release for the souls of his murdered children against a religious maniac in love with death, and a Russian gangster whose name is a byword for fear...Praise for one of the great American crime writers, James Lee Burke:'James Lee Burke is the heavyweight champ, a great American novelist whose work, taken individually or as a whole, is unsurpassed.' Michael Connelly'A gorgeous prose stylist.' Stephen King'Richly deserves to be described now as one of the finest crime writers America has ever produced.' Daily MailFans of Dennis Lehane, Michael Connelly and Don Winslow will love James Lee Burke: Hackberry Holland Series1. Lay Down My Sword and Shield 2. Rain Gods 3. Feast Day of Fools 4. House of the Rising Sun Dave Robicheaux Series1. The Neon Rain 2. Heaven's Prisoners 3. Black Cherry Blues 4. A Morning for Flamingos 5. A Stained White Radiance 6. In the Electric Mist with Confederate Dead 7. Dixie City Jam 8. Burning Angel 9. Cadillac Jukebox 10. Sunset Limited 11. Purple Cane Road 12. Jolie Blon's Bounce 13. Last Car to Elysian Fields 14. Crusader's Cross 15. Pegasus Descending 16. The Tin Roof Blowdown 17. Swan Peak 18. The Glass Rainbow 19. Creole Belle 20. Light of the World 21. Robicheaux Billy Bob Holland Series1. Cimarron Rose 2. Heartwood 3. Bitterroot 4. In The Moon of Red Ponies * Each James Lee Burke novel can be read as a standalone or in series order *

Divine Blood: A Novel of Science and Faith

by Martinez Hewlett

It is an astonishing discovery: a bloodstained burial shroud entombed in the crumbling walls of a historic French Monastery. Carbon dating concludes the fabric is from the time of Christ. A molecular biologist conducts a daring experiment: the cloning of genetic material recovered from the cloth. Now two men--Father Laurent Carriere and scientist Josh Francis--are plunged into the center of a worldwide religious and political power struggle. But even as Washington and the Vatican vie for control of the relic, members of a secret society take steps to reclaim the holy artifact they have sworn to protect--by any means necessary. Selected by the Literary Guild® and the Doubleday Book Club®.

To Kill a Tsar

by Andrew Williams

This tense, gripping novel set in 19C St Petersburg amid desperate revolutionaries bent on the overthrow of the Tsar 'confirms Andrew William's place in the front ranks of English thriller writers' (Daily Mail). Shortlisted for the CWA Ellis Peters and the Walter Scott Awards, To Kill a Tsar will appeal to readers of John le Carre, Robert Harris and Alan Furst.St Petersburg, 1879. A shot rings out in Palace Square. Cossack guards tackle the would-be assassin to the ground. In the mêlée no one notices a striking dark haired young woman in a heavy coat slip away from the scene. Russia is alive with revolutionaries. While Tsar Alexander II remains a virtual prisoner in his own palaces, his ruthless secret police will stop at nothing to unmask those who plot his assassination and the overthrow of the Imperial regime. For Dr Frederick Hadfield, whose medical practice is dependent on the Anglo-Russian gentry, these are dangerous times. Drawn into a desperate cat-and-mouse game of undercover assignations, plot and counter-plot, he risks all in a perilous double life.From glittering ballrooms to the cruel cells of the House of Preliminary Detention, from the grandeur of the British Embassy to the underground presses of the young revolutionaries, To Kill a Tsar is a gripping thriller set in a world of brutal contrasts in which treachery is everywhere and nothing is what it seems.


by César Pérez Gellida

Konets es el colofón final de una historia conformada por ocho novelas -las trilogías «Versos, canciones y trocitos de carne» y «Refranes, canciones y rastros de sangre», Khimera y la presente- protagonizadas por personajes inolvidables y cuyas tramas están al alcance de muy pocos escritores fuera y dentro de nuestras fronteras. El capítulo pendiente en la despiadada «Obra» de Augusto Ledesma Olek Opiozcenek no es únicamente un nombre más en el extenso listado de víctimas que conformaron la «Obra» de uno de los más crueles asesinos en serie de la historia. Aquel niño nacido de la perversa simiente de Augusto Ledesma ha crecido bajo los cuidados de sus abuelos maternos y con el respaldo económico de una peculiar hada madrina: Rusalka. Sin embargo, Olek está empeñado en desenterrar esos secretos del pasado exprimiendo sus habilidades como hacker; pero, en ocasiones, descubrir el punto de partida condiciona el itinerario y, consecuentemente, el destino. Konets («fin» en ruso) es un thriller frenético, un tratado sobre la maldad estructurado en cuatro movimientos y desarrollado en dos escenarios temporales: la adolescencia de Olek y su madurez, o, lo que es lo mismo, el antes y el después de los sucesos que se narran en Khimera. Ambas novelas conforman el engranaje conclusivo entre las dos aclamadas trilogías «Versos, canciones y trocitos de carne» y «Refranes, canciones y rastros de sangre» que han atrapado a miles de lectores en el inabarcable universo gellidista. «La luz y la oscuridad son dos conceptos que conforman una única idea. Dos fuerzas complementarias, pero opuestas. Si el mar es el yang: la absorción, lo pasivo, lo oscuro, y el río es el ying: la penetración, lo activo y la luz, ¿de cuál de las dos fuerzas te gustaría ser partícipe si tuvieras el privilegio de elegir sabiendo que ninguna se impone a la otra?»


by Michael Gandy

The Vice President’s daughter is granted time at Camp David to work on her doctoral dissertation. But her time out there is interrupted by an intrusion of a most deadly nature, the revelation of a military conspiracy against the presidency itself.

Fate: Lost (Fate #2)

by Laura Sánchez Herráez

Fate (2) by Laura Sánchez Herráez Lost Police story with touches of science fiction that begins in the streets of Barcelona and becomes an international case of possible of human trafficking with implicated police forces and governments around the world Fate (2) New disappearances of people in the international arena, very similar to those disappearances of fifteen years ago, make Joan and Carme investigate. England, Spain, Russia, Romania ... Their unit will have to dedicate itself thoroughly to this case if it is to finally solve it. But what no one imagines is that it is so deep that they will have to hide their investigation even from official bodies because many of its members are involved. Pulling on the thread of a human trafficking organization will mark her life and that of her entire environment, even that of her little daughter Adriana. New scenarios, new people involved, new situations bordering on the inexplicable. In the end, all of them will have one last question to resolve: Fate or coincidence?

The Last Days of Jack Sparks

by Jason Arnopp

Jack Sparks died while writing this book.It was no secret that journalist Jack Sparks had been researching the occult for his new book. No stranger to controversy, he'd already triggered a furious Twitter storm by mocking an exorcism he witnessed. Then there was that video: forty seconds of chilling footage that Jack repeatedly claimed was not of his making, yet was posted from his own YouTube account. Nobody knew what happened to Jack in the days that followed -- until now. "Wow. Seriously hard to put down." -- M.R. Carey, author of The Girl With All the Gifts

The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club: A Lord Peter Wimsey Mystery

by Dorothy L. Sayers

An ingenious tale of murder from one of the greatest mystery writers of the twentieth century, featuring her dashing amateur sleuth, Lord Peter WimseyNinety-year-old General Fentiman has been sitting very quietly all day long in his usual fireside armchair at the Bellona Club, oblivious to the hustle and bustle of Armistice Day celebrations, when a fellow member finally notices that he is a corpse. How long he has been in this condition is not at all clear, but the exact time of his death turns out to matter very much to the potential heirs of his substantial fortune. While attempting to resolve the rivals&’ competing claims, Lord Peter Wimsey realizes that the old general was murdered. Who did it is another matter, however, and it takes all of Wimsey&’s skills and considerable persistence to ferret out the surprising truth. A VINTAGE MYSTERY CLASSIC.

The #1 Lawyer

by James Patterson Nancy Allen

Biloxi’s best criminal defense attorney has never lost a case. Then his client’s beautiful wife is murdered, and America’s #1 lawyer suddenly becomes its #1 suspect. <p><p> Stafford Lee Penney is a small-town lawyer with a big-time reputation for winning every case he tries. In his sharp suits and polished Oxford shoes, Penney is Biloxi, Mississippi’s #1 Lawyer and top local celebrity. <p><p> Just as Penney notches his latest courtroom victory, his wife is scandalously killed. He spirals into a legal and personal losing streak, damaging his reputation and ruining his career. <p><p> That’s when Penney makes a bold decision. He stops trading on his power-lawyer identity and creates a new one: lawyer lifeguard. Moonlighting at the beach, showing up to court in flip-flops, mentoring a law student, the new Penney is at first unrecognizable. <p><p> It’s said that a lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client. But when Penney is accused of murder, the #1 Lawyer will find a way to triumph. <p> <b>New York Times Bestseller</b>

10 Hours to Go

by Keely Parrack

Lily wants to get home. Her friends want to get even. Lily needs a ride—a fire warning in Oregon has cancelled her train home to California. Her ex-best friend, Natasha, has offered to pick Lily up on her way back from Portland, though they're barely on speaking terms. As it turns out, Natasha's also giving a ride to Elke Azizi, the girl Lily got expelled from their school four years ago. Elke hasn't forgotten, and neither has Natasha.It's getting tense in the car, and it's not just about the past. There's smoke in the air, and with the wildfires nearby, staying on the road is becoming riskier by the hour. When Natasha and Elke decide to take a detour, Lily hopes it'll get them out of danger. She has no idea, though, what her former friends have planned for her.But as night comes, the plans change again when it becomes all too clear that leaving the main road was a mistake. Now the three of them are trapped in the woods under a burning sky, with no easy way out. To survive, Lily must depend on Elke and Natasha—but after all that's happened, can she trust them with her life?

2054: A Novel

by Elliot Ackerman Admiral James Stavridis

From the acclaimed authors of the runaway New York Times bestseller 2034 comes another explosive work of speculative fiction set twenty years further in the future, at a moment when a radical leap forward in artificial intelligence combines with America&’s violent partisan divide to create an existential threat to the country, and the worldIt is twenty years after the catastrophic war between the United States and China that brought down the old American political order. A new party has emerged in the US, one that&’s held power for over a decade. Efforts to cement its grip have resulted in mounting violent resistance. The American president has control of the media, but he is beginning to lose control of the streets. Many fear he&’ll stop at nothing to remain in the White House. Suddenly, he collapses in the middle of an address to the nation. After an initial flurry of misinformation, the administration reluctantly announces his death. A cover-up ensues, conspiracy theories abound, and the country descends into a new type of civil war.A handful of elite actors from the worlds of computer science, intelligence, and business have a fairly good idea what happened. All signs point to a profound breakthrough in AI, of which the remote assassination of an American president is hardly the most game-changing ramification. The trail leads to an outpost in the Amazon rainforest, the last known whereabouts of the tech visionary who predicted this breakthrough. As some of the world&’s great powers, old and new, state and nonstate alike, struggle to outmaneuver one another in this new Great Game of scientific discovery, the outcome becomes entangled with the fate of American democracy.Combining a deep understanding of AI, biotech, and the possibility of a coming Singularity, along with their signature geopolitical sophistication, Elliot Ackerman and Admiral James Stavridis have once again written a visionary work. 2054 is a novel that reads like a thriller even as it demands that we consider the trajectory of our society and its potentially calamitous destination.

The 24th Hour (Women's Murder Club Series #24)

by James Patterson Maxine Paetro

SFPD Sergeant Lindsay Boxer, Medical Examiner Claire Washburn, Assistant District Attorney Yuki Castellano, and crime writer Cindy Thomas gather at one of San Francisco’s finest restaurants to celebrate exciting news: Cindy is getting married. <P><P> Before they can raise their glasses, there’s a disturbance in the restaurant. A woman has been assaulted. <P><P> Claire examines the victim. Lindsay makes an arrest. Yuki takes the case. Cindy covers it. <P><P> The legal strategy is complicated by gaps in the plaintiff’s memory—and the shocking reason behind her ever-changing testimony. <P><P> As Yuki leads the prosecution, Lindsay chases down a high-society killer whose target practice may leave the Women’s Murder Club short a bridesmaid … or two. <p> <b>New York Times Bestseller</b>

8 Down (Alaskan Cyber Hunters)

by Kimberley Woodhouse

"An amazing, breath-stealing, knuckle-biting thrill of a ride!" --Lynette Eason, award-winning, best-selling suspense author 8 bodies down. 8 more lives at stake. Investigator Carrie Kintz is new blood with the Alaska Bureau of Investigation in Anchorage. But with a serial killer on the loose, there's no easing into the job. It's sink or swim. The only clues to help law enforcement stop this madman are the taunts he drops into crossword puzzles across the country--always in the same 8 DOWN position. Carrie is desperate to prove her worth to the force and the community by catching the killer. But when she discovers signs that these deaths are just the tip of the iceberg in a frighteningly elaborate cyberattack, it's time to admit she needs help. Calling in security specialist Scott Patteson for his expertise seems like the right move--until Carrie realizes that he may be a dangerous distraction for her heart. With her faith fading in the face of horror and uncertainty and her career in danger of ending, this is no time for flirtation. But with a killer who is determined to prove that he's smarter than everyone else, it may be impossible to fight both the madman and their feelings for each other . . . "Put on your parkas as we head into a cold world of cybercrime, and hang on for the ride! Kimberley Woodhouse once again takes us on a nail-biter of a ride, and you won't want to quit until you've read the last page!" --Jaime Jo Wright, author of The Lost Boys of Barlowe Theater

The Accidental Joe: The Top-Secret Life of a Celebrity Chef

by Tom Straw

A maverick celebrity chef reluctantly agrees to let the CIA use his hugely popular international food, culture, and travel TV series as cover for a dangerous espionage mission.When the CIA approaches celebrity chef Sebastian Pike about using his award-winning food and culture travel show as cover for espionage, the outspoken bad-boy host says no. When they point out how roaming the globe interviewing foodies, heads of state, rock stars, journalists-in-exile, poets, subversives, supermodels—even the pope—gives him perfect cover, Pike smiles and says, &“F@#! no.&” They push. Promising it&’s only one mission. Vowing he won&’t be in danger. Calling him the MVB: Most Valuable Bystander. They&’d embed their top agent in his crew to do the spy work. It&’s still no. But when they hit him with the patriotism card, he weakens. And when romantic sparks crackle between him and the female agent, Pike&’s all in, kicking off a romantic spy thriller in which the globetrotting celebrity chef uses his TV series to help sneak Putin&’s accountant out of Russia before he&’s exposed as a mole for US intelligence. The high-stakes mission quickly puts Pike in harm&’s way. So much for MVB. There&’s danger, there&’s double dealing, there&’s torture, there&’s shooting with real bullets. Plus, a minefield of complications from the hot romance that grows between Pike and his gutsy CIA handler-producer, Cammie Nova. From Paris to Provence, this chef is no bystander. Beyond their attraction, Pike and Nova become an operational team, not only to survive the perils they face but to pull off an operation fraught with one twist after another, capped by a shocking, emotional climax.

The Act of Disappearing: A Novel

by Nathan Gower

"Hauntingly beautiful.&”—Fiona Davis, New York Times bestselling author of The Lions of Fifth Avenue&“A thrilling story, remarkably told.&”—Lara Prescott, New York Times bestselling author of The Secrets We KeptJulia White is struggling: her bartending job isn&’t cutting it and her first book has sold hardly any copies. She&’s broke, barely able to make ends meet while drowning in her late mother&’s medical bills and reeling after a one-night stand with her ex-boyfriend, who&’s now completely ghosted her. Enter Johnathan Aster, world-renowned photographer, with a proposal: he has a never-before-seen photograph of a woman falling from a train bridge, clutching what appears to be a baby. And he wants Julia to research the story.Alternating between present-day Brooklyn and Kentucky as it enters the 1960s, the story unfolds as Julia races to find answers: Who was the woman in the photograph? Why was she on the bridge? And what happened to the baby? Each detail is more propulsive than the last as Julia unravels the mystery surrounding the Fairchilds of Gray Station and discovers a story more staggering than anything she could have imagined.

The Actuality: A completely gripping and fast moving literary thriller

by Paul Braddon

Fear makes her human . . . &“The Actuality is smart, literary science fiction.&” —Infinite SpeculationShe belongs to me. Property rights will prevail . . . Evie is a near-perfect bioengineered human. In a broken-down future where her kind has been outlawed, her &‘husband&’, Matthew, keeps her safely hidden. But when Evie&’s existence is revealed, she must take her chances on the dark and hostile streets, where more than one predator is on the hunt . . . &“Written with flair and humanity . . . mesmerizing.&” —The Times (London) &“Exquisite. . . . Not since Philip K. Dick&’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? have I felt so strongly about where artificial intelligence might lead us. Highly recommended.&” —Christina Dalcher, author of Vox &“Engaging, fast-moving and surprising . . . gives familiar science fiction themes a fresh and compassionate look, and makes of them something new.&” —Ken MacLeod, BSFA Award–winning author of the Lightspeed Trilogy

Alaskan Wilderness Rescue (K-9 Search and Rescue #11)

by Sarah Varland

A missing person rescue is now a K-9 manhunt for a killer… A missing person case sends search and rescue worker Elsie Montgomery and her K-9 to a remote Alaskan island…only to discover she&’s got a target on her back. Now she must partner with pilot Wyatt Chandler, the one man she doesn&’t trust, to stay alive while confronting her shadowy past. But can they capture a killer before their time together runs out for good?From Love Inspired Suspense: Courage. Danger. Faith.K-9 Search and Rescue Book 1: Desert Rescue by Lisa PhillipsBook 2: Trailing a Killer by Carol J. PostBook 3: Mountain Survival by Christy BarrittBook 4: Search and Defend by Heather WoodhavenBook 5: Following the Trail by Lynette EasonBook 6: Dangerous Mountain Rescue by Christy BarrittBook 7: Wilderness Hunt by Lisa PhillipsBook 8: Alaskan Mountain Search by Sarah VarlandBook 9: Alaskan Avalanche Escape by Darlene L. TurnerBook 10: Tracking Stolen Treasures by Lisa PhillipsBook 11: Alaskan Wilderness Rescue by Sarah VarlandBook 12: Lethal Mountain Pursuit by Christy Barritt

All the Rage: A Novel (DI Fawley series #4)

by Cara Hunter

“ favorite series ever!” --Shari Lapena, New York Times bestselling author of The Couple Next DoorFrom Cara Hunter, the New York Times bestselling author of Murder in the Family, comes the fourth novel in her DI Fawley detective series, one of Britain’s most enduringly popular and mega-selling crime series.After being abducted and assaulted, a teenage girl somehow managed to escape from her captor. She is traumatized and needs to heal, but the police need her help to catch her assailant—information she clearly knows, but is unwilling to give. Without the girl’s assistance, DI Adam Fawley’s investigation is at a dead end. When another girl vanishes under the same circumstances, he recognizes a disturbing pattern—and a link to something long buried in his past. . .

All Things Together: Christian Romantic Suspense (Acts of Valor #6)

by Rebecca Hartt

Discover a Tale of Faith, Courage, and Redemption in “All Things Together,” a Christian Romantic Suspense from Rebecca Hartt—Present Day, Virginia Beach, Virginia and Savannah, Georgia—In this last installment of the Acts of Valor Series, Emma Stuart’s world is turned upside down when her three beloved sons are abducted right before her eyes. With the police more focused on framing Emma than on finding her boys, she turns to the one man she’s been trying to resist—her landlord.Navy SEAL sniper, Ben Harmony considers himself “Mr. Fix-it” for a reason. Loath to let his favorite tenant and single mother suffer any more than she already has, Ben decides they should track down Emma’s boys themselves. While they’re at it, Ben will prove to Emma that her heart is safe with him, despite his reputation as a lady’s man.In their quest to track down Emma’s ex, the couple encounters a secret society so powerful, not even a Navy SEAL can bring it down. Indeed, it’s the society that seeks to bring Ben down. With Mr. Fix-it possibly dead and her boys still missing, Emma has to wonder: How, exactly, is God working all things together for her good?Publisher’s Note: With her masterful storytelling, Rebecca Hartt plunges into the depths of emotion, taking readers on a rollercoaster ride of suspense, hope, and ultimate triumph. Fans of Ronie Kendig, Lynnette Eason, Dee Henderson, as well as Marliss Melton, Susan May Warren, and Colleen Coble, will enjoy this enduring power of faith, the resilience of the human spirit, and the redemptive nature of love. The Acts of Valor SeriesReturning to EdenEvery Secret ThingCry in the WildernessRising From AshesBraving the ValleyAll Things TogetherRebecca Hartt is the nom de plume for an award-winning, best-selling author of a different name who, compelled by her faith, decided to spin suspenseful military romance where God plays a vital role in character motivation and plot.As a child, Rebecca lived in countries all over the world. She has been a military dependent for most of her life and knows first-hand the dedication and sacrifice required by those who serve.Living near the military community of Virginia Beach, Rebecca is constantly reminded of the peril and uncertainty faced by U.S. Navy SEALs, many of whom testify to a personal and profound connection with their Creator.Their loved ones, too, rely on God for strength and comfort. These men of courage and women of faith are the subjects of Rebecca Hartt’s enthusiastically received Acts of Valor romantic suspense series.

All Us Sinners: A beautifully written crime debut set in the shadow of the Yorkshire Ripper

by Katy Massey

'Powerful, provocative, beautiful and unforgettable. All Us Sinners is a chilling, moving, majestic debut' --- CHRIS WHITAKERLeeds, 1977. A chill lies over the city: sex workers are being murdered by a serial killer they are calling the 'Ripper', the streets creeping with fear.Tough, sharp, but tender, Maureen runs Rio's, a clean, discreet brothel in the city. She's a good boss who takes great care of her workers - especially her best girls, Bev and Anette. The Ripper may be terrifying girls who work the street, but at Rio's the girls seem safer.But when Bev's sweet-natured son is found beaten to death, a figure from Maureen's past, DS Mick Hunniford, shows up at her door. Does his arrival herald danger or salvation? And who can Maureen really trust?The impressive and moving debut crime novel from huge new talent Katy Massey opens up a world we have rarely seen, at a time of great danger and drama.'A masterful debut crime novel... Clever and compelling' --- WOMAN & HOME'I loved this. It takes a fresh and moving look at a series of crimes we all think we know well. The writing is terrific, conveying the fear and the grief of the women who lived through this with tender respect' --- EMMA FLINT'A gripping and important story imbued with suspense, giving voice to the forgotten women in the gruesome shadows of the Yorkshire Ripper' --- DIANA EVANS'A book about real women, vivid, complex and tender from a great new voice. You'll love it' --- KIT DE WAAL'Loved it. A gem!' --- BERNARDINE EVARISTO on Are We Home Yet?'Wonderful' --- LOUISE DOUGHTY on Are We Home Yet?

All Us Sinners: A beautifully written crime debut set in the shadow of the Yorkshire Ripper

by Katy Massey

'Powerful, provocative, beautiful and unforgettable. All Us Sinners is a chilling, moving, majestic debut' --- CHRIS WHITAKERLeeds, 1977. A chill lies over the city: sex workers are being murdered by a serial killer they are calling the 'Ripper', the streets creeping with fear.Tough, sharp, but tender, Maureen runs Rio's, a clean, discreet brothel in the city. She's a good boss who takes great care of her workers - especially her best girls, Bev and Anette. The Ripper may be terrifying girls who work the street, but at Rio's the girls seem safer.But when Bev's sweet-natured son is found beaten to death, a figure from Maureen's past, DS Mick Hunniford, shows up at her door. Does his arrival herald danger or salvation? And who can Maureen really trust?The impressive and moving debut crime novel from huge new talent Katy Massey opens up a world we have rarely seen, at a time of great danger and drama.'A masterful debut crime novel... Clever and compelling' --- WOMAN & HOME'I loved this. It takes a fresh and moving look at a series of crimes we all think we know well. The writing is terrific, conveying the fear and the grief of the women who lived through this with tender respect' --- EMMA FLINT'A gripping and important story imbued with suspense, giving voice to the forgotten women in the gruesome shadows of the Yorkshire Ripper' --- DIANA EVANS'A book about real women, vivid, complex and tender from a great new voice. You'll love it' --- KIT DE WAAL'Loved it. A gem!' --- BERNARDINE EVARISTO on Are We Home Yet?'Wonderful' --- LOUISE DOUGHTY on Are We Home Yet?

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