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Showing 201 through 225 of 90,179 results

The Believer: A Novel

by Joakim Zander

An intricately plotted and brilliantly conceived stand-alone sequel to the international bestseller The Swimmer that turns the hottest political topics of our times into a complex, resonant thriller in the vein of John LeCarré.Yasmine Ajam has fled her past in the rough Stockholm borough Bergort, reinventing herself as a trendspotter in New York City. One day she receives a startling message: there are riots erupting on the streets of Stockholm and they appear to be connected with the disappearance of her brother, Fadi.Following rumors that Fadi was radicalized and died fighting for ISIS in Syria, Yasmine returns to Stockholm to discover what really happened to her brother. There she becomes entangled in a dangerous web of allegiances and violence that stretches far beyond the gangs on her childhood streets.Meanwhile, in London, Klara Walldéen has landed a job at a human rights research institute working on a report to predict the effects of privatizing police forces. When Klara travels to Stockholm to present her findings to European Union policymakers, her laptop is stolen and one of her colleagues is pushed in front of an oncoming subway train. As her path collides with Yasmine’s, Klara begins to realize that she may unwittingly be contributing to the sinister agendas of powerful interests who will stop at nothing to attain their goals.With The Believer, Joakim Zander delivers another "page-turning" (Entertainment Weekly) novel of suspense that is as sophisticated and timely as it is compelling.

The Friend: A Novel

by Joakim Zander

Joakim Zander delivers another "compelling, timely, and character-centered thriller" (Booklist) in this riveting story of international espionage.November 2015. Jacob Seger arrives in Lebanon eager to make the most of his internship at the Swedish embassy in Beirut. But when he meets the handsome and mysterious Yassim at a glamorous party his first night in the city, he is swept up into a passionate, obsessive affair that renders everything else in his life insignificant. When terrorist claims against Yassim are brought to light, Jacob must confront his role in a complicated game he is wholly unprepared to play. Unsure who to believe or trust, he knows only that he must flee Beirut—and fast. Meanwhile in Sweden Klara Walldeen returns to the Stockholm archipelago to bury her beloved grandfather, her best friend Gabriella by her side. What should be a trip of mourning and solitude quickly turns perilous, however, when Gabi is arrested under suspicion of terrorist activity. After finding notes in Gabi’s purse about a clandestine meeting with a young Swedish diplomat, Klara springs into action, determined to clear her friend’s name.Following Gabi’s trail, Klara comes face-to-face with Jacob, as well as with George Loow, a suave lobbyist from her past to whom she finds herself inexorably drawn. Now Klara, George, and Jacob set off on a race across Europe to stop a pending terrorist attack—and get to the bottom of Yassim’s true identity.

O crente

by Joakim Zander

Traição, Vingança, Redenção Para salvar o irmão, ela terá de enfrentar o seu passado. Do autor de O Nadador. O Crente, o seu segundo romance, foi nomeado para o prémio de melhor thriller sueco do ano. Yasmine Ajam trocou o seu passado num problemático bairro de Estocolmo por uma carreira ascendente em Nova Iorque. Até que recebe a notícia de que os motins que agitam os subúrbios da sua cidade natal podem estar relacionados com o desaparecimento do seu irmão Fadi, que foi dado como morto ao lutar ao lado do Estado Islâmico na Síria. Em Londres, Klara Walldéen trabalha na elaboração de um relatório para a União Europeia. Mas, depois do roubo do seu computador e da morte suspeita de um dos seus colegas, Klara começa a perceber que pode estar na mira de uma trama internacional muito perigosa. Os caminhos de Yasmine e Klara cruzam-se num sufocante mês de Agosto em Estocolmo, ao mesmo tempo que a imagem aterradora de uma sociedade sem consciência emerge, uma sociedade onde os poderosos estão dispostos a caminhar sobre cadáveres para atingirem os seus objectivos. Sobre O crente: «Depois de Stig Larsson, Hening Mankell e Jens Lapidus, surge uma fantástica nova voz no thriller nórdico: Joakim Zander.»Metro «Um thriller com rara ambição e amplitude.»Daily Mail «Muito actual e emocionante.»Literary Review «Zander é um novo talento na crescente corrente do crime nórdico.»Booklist

O nadador

by Joakim Zander

Culpa. Expiação. Vingança. O passado acaba sempre por te alcançar. Damasco. Uma noite quente no princípio dos anos 80. Um agente americano entrega a sua bebé a um destino incerto, uma traição que jamais se perdoará e que será o começo de uma fuga de si próprio. Até ao dia em que não pode continuar a esconder-se da verdade e se vê obrigado a tomar uma decisão crucial. Trinta anos depois, Klara Walldéen, uma jovem sueca que trabalha no Parlamento Europeu, vê-se envolvida numa trama de espionagem internacional na qual está implicado Mahmoud Shammosh, o seu antigo amante e ex-membro das forças especiais do Exército sueco. Klara e Mahmoud transformam-se no alvo de uma caçada através da Europa, um mundo onde as fronteiras entre países são tão ténues como a linha que separa um aliado de um inimigo, a verdade da mentira, o passado do presente. Umthriller viciante que não poderá parar de ler. Sobre O nadador: «O nadador vai buscar a sua força às personagens construídas na perfeição e à sua capacidade para fugir à previsibilidade típica deste género literário.» Skånska Dagbladet «Joakim Zander tem uma excelente história para contar, uma história que aborda questões morais como remorso e expiação, culpabilidade e vingança... Como obra de estreia, O nadador é admirável.» Borås Tidning «Este romance tem os ingredientes certos para fascinar o leitor. [...] As ligações entre as personagens criam uma dança explosiva e tocante, cuja precisão e uma linguagem completamente despida de clichés deixam claro que Joakim Zander sabe perfeitamente o que está a fazer.» Il Giornale «Com um argumento da máxima actualidade, Zander cria uma história com personagens de carne e osso.» Culturamas

O nadador

by Joakim Zander

Culpa. Expiação. Vingança.O passado acaba sempre por te alcançar.Damasco. Uma noite quente no princípio dos anos 80. Um agente americano entrega a sua bebé a um destino incerto, uma traição que jamais se perdoará e que será o começo de uma fuga de si próprio. Até ao dia em que não pode continuar a esconder-se da verdade e se vê obrigado a tomar uma decisão crucial.Trinta anos depois, Klara Walldéen, uma jovem sueca que trabalha no Parlamento Europeu, vê-se envolvida numa trama de espionagem internacional na qual está implicado Mahmoud Shammosh, o seu antigo amante e ex-membro das forças especiais do Exército sueco.Klara e Mahmoud transformam-se no alvo de uma caçada através da Europa, um mundo onde as fronteiras entre países são tão ténues como a linha que separa um aliado de um inimigo, a verdade da mentira, o passado do presente.Um thriller viciante que não poderá parar de ler. Sobre O nadador:«O nadador vai buscar a sua força às personagens construídas na perfeição e à sua capacidade para fugir à previsibilidade típica deste género literário.»Skånska Dagbladet«Joakim Zander tem uma excelente história para contar, uma história queaborda questões morais como remorso e expiação, culpabilidade e vingança... Como obra de estreia, O nadador é admirável.»Borås Tidning«Este romance tem os ingredientes certos para fascinar o leitor. [...] As ligações entre as personagens criam uma dança explosiva e tocante, cuja precisão e uma linguagem completamente despida de clichés deixam claro que Joakim Zander sabe perfeitamente o que está a fazer.»Il Giornale«Com um argumento da máxima actualidade, Zander cria uma história com personagens de carne e osso.»Culturamas

The Swimmer: A Novel

by Joakim Zander

A deep-cover CIA agent races across Europe to save the daughter he never knew in this electrifying debut thriller—an international sensation billed as “Homeland meets Stieg Larsson” that heralds the arrival of a new master sure to follow in the footsteps of Stieg Larsson, John Le Carré, and Graham Greene.In the end, you cannot hide who you are.Klara Walldéen was raised by her grandparents on a remote archipelago in the Baltic Sea, learning to fish and hunt and sail a boat through a storm. Now, as an EU Parliament aide in Brussels, she is learning how to navigate the treacherous currents of international politics: the lines between friend and enemy, truth and lies.But Klara has accidentally seen something she shouldn’t have: a laptop containing information so sensitive that someone will kill to keep hidden. Suddenly, she is thrown into a terrifying chase across Europe, with no idea who is hunting her or why.Meanwhile, in Virginia, an old spy hides from his past. Once, he was a man of action, an operative so dedicated that he abandoned his infant daughter to keep his cover. Now, he is the only man who can save Klara . . . and she is the only woman who can allow him to lay old ghosts to rest.


by Veronica Zana John Inman

Quando la vita di Tyler Powell crolla a pezzi a causa di un orribile crimine, il bisogno di vendicarsi prende il sopravvento. Trascorre ogni istante di ogni giorno a rimettere insieme i cocci della sua esistenza spezzata, concentrato su un unico pensiero: la vendetta. Si arrenderà alla rabbia e diventerà proprio ciò che odia di più al mondo, un assassino? Solo l’aiuto dell’ispettore della Squadra omicidi Christian Martin, il poliziotto incaricato del suo caso, fa intravedere a Tyler la possibilità di cominciare una nuova vita nell’incredibile abbraccio di un altro amore pronto ad accoglierlo. Un amore che non credeva più di poter avere. Ma Tyler saprà accettare quell’amore nella sua vita, oppure si è già perso per sempre? Per lui la vendetta è diventata più importante della sua stessa felicità? E della felicità dell’uomo che lo ama? Tyler è determinato a trovare un modo per avere giustizia senza sacrificare la speranza di un futuro con Christian, ma sarà difficile, se non impossibile. E alla fine sarà costretto a prendere una decisione drammatica.

The Never List

by Koethi Zan

An international bestseller from the most relentless, deeply disturbing thriller writer since Jeffery Deaver and Gillian Flynn For years, best friends Sarah and Jennifer kept what they called the "Never List”: a list of actions to be avoided, for safety’s sake, at all costs. But one night, against their best instincts, they accept a cab ride with grave, everlasting consequences. For the next three years, they are held captive with two other girls in a dungeon-like cellar by a connoisseur of sadism. Ten years later, at thirty-one, Sarah is still struggling to resume a normal life, living as a virtual recluse under a new name, unable to come to grips with the fact that Jennifer didn’t make it out of that cellar. Now, her abductor is up for parole and Sarah can no longer ignore the twisted letters he sends from jail. Finally, Sarah decides to confront her phobias and the other survivors-who hold their own deep grudges against her. When she goes on a cross-country chase that takes her into the perverse world of BDSM, secret cults, and the arcane study of torture, she begins unraveling a mystery more horrifying than even she could have imagined. A shocking, blazingly fast read, Koethi Zan’s debut is a must for fans of Karin Slaughter, Laura Lippman, and S. J. Watson. .

La elección

by Francesco Zampa Patricia García González

Roma, 6 de octubre de 1943. El joven sargento Flavio Cesari tiene una gran memoria, sabe escribir a máquina y, también por esto, se encarga del censo de los militares de raza judía en la Oficina Reservada del Ministerio de Guerra: Es de Trastevere y no podía desear nada más, mientras a su alrededor ruge la locura sangrienta. Como si no llegase, está enamorado secretamente de la joven judía Eva. Mientras vuelve a casa como siempre, asiste al asesinato de un graduado en el puente Garibaldi por parte de los alemanes, bajo la mirada de todos: su nueva vida acaba de empezar, pero él no lo sabe. Sorprendido, se une a un grupo de desbandados. Gracias a ellos descubre que el coronel Kappler ha ordenado la deportación a Alemania de miles de carabinieres romanos, culpables de no dar garantías a los alemanes de su secreto y horrible propósito. El terror lo invade proque, de tanto rellenar y actualizar listas, Flavio es el único que sabe con exactitud las direcciones de todos sus colegas. Y también lo saben las SS...

Doble Homicidio para el Inspector Maggio

by Francesco Zampa Marta Barajas Alonso

Una joven rubia es encontrada degollada en un descampado detrás de una famosa discoteca de Rimini. A su lado, con la cabeza destrozada, yace su asesino. Él la ha matado a ella, pero ¿quién lo ha matado a él? El Inspector Maggio, del cuartel de Viserba, tendrá como reto desmontar muchos lugares comunes, y solo gracias su instinto descubrirá unos tejemanejes impensables. Más testigo que protagonista, Maggio se mueve por una costa adriática ambigua y peligrosa, orientándose siempre según su conciencia. "No hay nada más engañoso que lo evidente", es la máxima de Maggio, y está completamente convencido. El delito desencadena la fantasía de los medios de comunicación, que intentan alimentar los deseos del público con la conmoción fácil en vez de cumplir su deber principal, es decir informar. Como consecuencia de esa presión, los órganos de la justicia se ven empujados a actuar para mostrar los resultados de sus acciones. Pero la presión mediática es tan inoportuna como inoportunas serán las consecuencias causadas. El Inspector Maggio, metódico y reflexivo, quiere vencer la hipocresía del acelerado mundo en que vivimos, construido sobre convencionalismos sociales difíciles de rasguñar. El personaje, protagonista de otros tres relatos, hizo su aparición en la colección de novela policíaca Giallo Mondadori nº 3061 (julio 2012), pero los lectores han tenido que esperar a esta historia para conocer su nombre. Es una novedad en el panorama policíaco italiano, plagado de jueces y policías, en los que el papel del inspector queda relegado a personaje coprotagonista o incluso paródico. Por primera vez, se presenta una versión adulta del inspector, un personaje con pleno derecho (en Italia, un inspector de los Carabineros es una figura importante especialmente en los pueblos: alguien que conoce todo y a todos, y al que todo el mundo acude, mientras que la Policía actúa en la ciudad).

Game Master: Mansion Mystery

by Rebecca Zamolo Matt Slays

New York Times bestselling authors and creators of the mega-popular YouTube series Game Master Network Matt and Rebecca Zamolo return with a brand-new adventure about everyone’s favorite mystery-solving team. Rebecca Zamolo has managed to foil the Game Master’s plans before, but this time the Game Master has snake-napped Nacho, her good friend Miguel’s pet. No way is Becca going to let the Game Master get away with this dastardly plan. But when the clues lead Becca and her new friends in the direction of the one house in their entire neighborhood that none of them ever want to go near, they know they have no choice but to screw up their courage and dare to investigate, if they want to rescue Nacho.But the problem is that getting into the superspooky house is way easier than getting out. The Game Master is up to their old tricks, and Becca, Matt, Kylie, Frankie, and Miguel are going to have to face their fears and use all their smarts and strengths to solve the puzzles and games and save the day.Mansion Mystery is another action-packed adventure from New York Times bestselling authors and super-sleuthing team Rebecca and Matt Zamolo, stars of the hugely popular Game Master Network.Read the book and unlock special clues that will open exclusive content online!

Green Girl: A Novel

by Kate Zambreno

With the fierce emotional and intellectual power of such classics as Jean Rhys's Good Morning, Midnight, Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar, and Clarice Lispector's The Hour of the Star, Kate Zambreno's novel Green Girl is a provocative, sharply etched portrait of a young woman navigating the spectrum between anomie and epiphany.First published in 2011 in a small press edition, Green Girl was named one of the best books of the year by critics including Dennis Cooper and Roxane Gay. In Bookforum, James Greer called it "ambitious in a way few works of fiction are." This summer it is being republished in an all-new Harper Perennial trade paperback, significantly revised by the author, and including an extensive P.S. section including never before published outtakes, an interview with the author, and a new essay by Zambreno.Zambreno's heroine, Ruth, is a young American in London, kin to Jean Seberg gamines and contemporary celebutantes, by day spritzing perfume at the department store she calls Horrids, by night trying desperately to navigate a world colored by the unwanted gaze of others and the uncertainty of her own self-regard. Ruth, the green girl, joins the canon of young people existing in that important, frightening, and exhilarating period of drift and anxiety between youth and adulthood, and her story is told through the eyes of one of the most surprising and unforgettable narrators in recent fiction—a voice at once distanced and maternal, indulgent yet blackly funny. And the result is a piercing yet humane meditation on alienation, consumerism, the city, self-awareness, and desire, by a novelist who has been compared with Jean Rhys, Virginia Woolf, and Elfriede Jelinek.

The Doomsday Brunette (Nuclear Bombshell #2)

by John Zakour Lawrence Ganem

“A wild and crazy adventure that blends noir detective fiction and far-out future SF to create a tongue-in-cheek, thoroughly enjoyable story” (SF Site).In the deco-inspired, pop-culture-obsessed future, Zachary Nixon Johnson has made a name for himself as the last private eye on Earth. Now the wise-cracking PI and his supercomputer sidekick, HARV, are hired by Ona Thompson, one of four genetically-engineered super women known collectively as the Thompson Quads. Ona’s sister has been murdered, and she needs Zach to locate the killer.The list of suspects is long—including a butler, security experts, a giant monkey, and even Ona herself. And the list of motives is even longer. Vengeance, envy, wealth, and fun could all be at play. It isn’t long before Zach’s fedora is filled to the brim with danger and destruction in this thrilling follow-up to The Plutonium Blonde.

The Peach-Blonde Bomber: A Zach Johnson Mystery Short (Nuclear Bombshell)

by John Zakour Lawrence Ganem

A prequel novella in the “humorous retro sci-fi/noir detective series” that began with The Plutonium Blonde (TV Tropes).Zachary Nixon Johnson and his super-computer sidekick, HARV, are back in action in this rollicking Nuclear Bombshell mystery short from Zach’s early career.A mad bomber has begun destroying the wind-turbines of energy producer Big Blow Inc., and Zach is hired to track down this elusive eco-terrorist. Unfortunately, all the evidence points toward the bomber being the troubled granddaughter of the company’s owner. Zach’s never been much of an explosives expert or family therapist, but it’s now his job is to catch the culprit, save the company, heal a troubled family, and trickiest of all, keep himself alive.Praise for the Nuclear Bombshell mysteries“A wild and crazy adventure that blends noir detective fiction and far-out future SF to create a tongue-in-cheek, thoroughly enjoyable story.” —SF Site“Surprisingly clever . . . spoofs the genre and everything else in sight.” —Science Fiction Chronicle“Abbott and Costello meet a futuristic crime noir . . . readers will laugh until they cry.” —“A fun romp through cyberspace and the future Earth . . . I enjoyed this tongue-in-cheek look at the future of private investigation.” —

The Plutonium Blonde (Nuclear Bombshell #1)

by John Zakour Lawrence Ganem

A private detective searches for a plutonium-powered android in this “surprisingly clever” sci-fi noir that “spoofs the genre and everything else in sight” (Science Fiction Chronicle).Zachary Nixon Johnson is the last private eye on earth—and in the pop culture-crazed world of 2057, that makes him a bit of a celebrity. It also makes him a magnet for trouble. But when the famous BB Starr, a former exotic dancer who is now the CEO of the world’s largest corporation, hires him to find her illegal, plutonium-powered, psychotic android clone, Zach knows that his life is about to get even weirder.Once Zach starts investigating, his life is suddenly filled with unwanted publicity and unexplained assassination attempts. Not only is this case more trouble than it’s worth, but the mystery of the missing android is deeper than he thought. Together with his beautiful, kick-boxing surgeon girlfriend Electra, his genius inventor tech expert Randy, and his holographic, sentient super-computer sidekick HARV, Zach must find a way to unravel the mystery, find the missing android, and quite possibly save all humanity from total destruction.

The Radioactive Redhead: with The Peach-Blonde Bomber (Nuclear Bombshell #3)

by John Zakour Lawrence Ganem

Everyone’s favorite sci-fi PI is back on the beat in this third Nuclear Bombshell mystery. Includes the prequel novella, The Peach-Blonde Bomber!After a chance encounter at a Kabuki theater, Zach Johnson has reluctantly agreed to lend a hand to Sexy Sprockets, 2060’s most fabulously famous pop-singer. Sexy has received a slew of death threats from an obsessive fan intent on making sure her ascendant career is cut short. In the guise of Sexy’s bodyguard, Zach enters the dizzying world of showbiz to uncover Sexy’s stalker before he can make good on his threats.Together with his sentient super-computer, HARV, and his psionic assistant, Carol, Zach must use all his PI wisdom to ensnare the would-be killer. At the same time, world famous media mogul Rupert Roundtree has positioned Zach as the unwilling star of his next great reality series, entitled Let’s Kill Zach. Zach will need to stay one step ahead of the murderous mogul if he’s going to save the imperiled pop singer.Praise for the Nuclear Bombshell mysteries“A wild and crazy adventure that blends noir detective fiction and far-out future SF to create a tongue-in-cheek, thoroughly enjoyable story.” —SF Site“Surprisingly clever . . . spoofs the genre and everything else in sight.” —Science Fiction Chronicle“Abbott and Costello meet a futuristic crime noir . . . readers will laugh until they cry.” —“A fun romp through cyberspace and the future Earth . . . I enjoyed this tongue-in-cheek look at the future of private investigation.” —

Gemarakup (Super Sleuth #1)

by Miriam S. Zakon

Yisrael David Finkel is a sixth-grader whose friends call him Gemarakup (Talmudic mind) the police call him Sherlock Holmes because of his knack for solving mysteries using stories from our sages. Join him, and try to solve a few yourself!

The Maw: A Novel

by Taylor Zajonc

For fans of Clive Cussler and Michael Crichton, a thrilling tale of an underground expedition to the deep . . . and the ultimate struggle for survival. Milo Luttrell never expected to step inside the mouth of an ancient cave in rural Tanzania. After all, he's a historian-not an archaeologist. Summoned under the guise of a mysterious life-changing opportunity, Milo suddenly finds himself in the midst of an expedition into the largest underground system in Africa, helmed by a brash billionaire-turned-exploration guru and his elite team of cavers. It's a once-in-a-lifetime chance to finally solve a century-old disappearance of the famed explorer Lord Riley DeWar, an enigmatic figure who both made-and nearly ruined-Milo's fledgling career. Determined to make the most of his second chance, Milo joins the team and begins a harrowing descent into one of Earth's last secrets: a dangerous, pitch-black realm of twisting passages and ancient fossils nearly two thousand feet underground. But when a storm hits the surface base camp, stranding the cavers and washing away supplies, all communication to the outside world is lost. As the remaining resources dwindle and members of the team begin to exhibit strange and terrifying abilities, Milo must brave the encroaching darkness to unearth the truth behind DeWar's fascination with the deep-and why he never left.

Red Sun Rogue (The Wrecking Crew Novels)

by Taylor Zajonc

As an unknown enemy wreaks havoc in the South China Sea, a renegade submarine captain untangles a deadly conspiracy rooted in lost WWII technology. Salvage diver–turned–submarine captain Jonah Blackwell and his crew are on a covert mission of mercy, spiriting refugees out of North Korea as a hundred-year winter ravages the Pacific. Hunted by the Japanese fleet and forced to surrender, Jonah and his crew must race against time in an adventure spanning the irradiated waters of Fukushima, flood-beset Tokyo, and the crumbling tropical remains of a secret research facility. At the center of it all is an enigmatic Japanese technology cult with roots in the clandestine weapons program of the Second World War—a cult that has waited seventy years to strike its final blow.

The Wrecking Crew (The Wrecking Crew Novels)

by Taylor Zajonc

&“Fans of action-packed thrillers with nautical settings will be more than satisfied with Zajonc&’s accomplished debut, which kicks off a promising series&” —Publishers Weekly, starred review). The pirate-plagued waters of Somalia have gotten even more deadly since a mysterious red tide began killing all marine life within its reach. When a research team attempting to study the phenomenon is shot out of the sky, extraordinary measures are required to investigate. In exchange for his freedom from a secret Moroccan prison, salvage diver Jonah Blackwell agrees to lead a covert search for the missing scientists. But when his expedition threatens the ambitions of billionaire industrialist Charles Bettencourt, Jonah must assemble an untested crew to discover the source of a terrifying plague while facing down Bettencourt&’s private army.

The Drama Teacher: A Novel

by Koren Zailckas

By the New York Times bestselling author of Mother, Mother and Smashed comes a propulsive new thriller: the story of a desperate and devious woman who will do anything to give her family a better life Gracie Mueller is a proud mother of two and devoted wife, living with her husband Randy in upstate New York. Her life is complicated by the usual tedium and stressors—young children, marriage, money—and she’s settled down comfortably enough. But when Randy’s failing career as a real estate agent makes finances tight, their home goes into foreclosure, and Gracie feels she has no choice but to return to the creatively illegal and high-stakes lifestyle of her past in order to keep all that she’s worked so hard to have. Gracie, underneath all that’s marked her life as average, has a lot to hide about where she’s from, who she is, and who she’s been. And when things inevitably begin to spin out of her control, more questions about the truth of her past are raised, including all the ones she never meant to, or even knew to, ask. Written with the style, energy, and penetrating insight that made her memoir Smashed a phenomenon, Koren Zailckas's next novel confirms her growing reputation as a psychological novelist that can stand up to the best of them.

Mother, Mother: A Novel

by Koren Zailckas

From Koren Zailckas, author of the iconic memoir SMASHED: an electrifying debut novel about a family being torn apart by the woman who claims to love them most Josephine Hurst has her family under control. With two beautiful daughters, a brilliantly intelligent son, a tech-guru of a husband and a historical landmark home, her life is picture perfect. She has everything she wants; all she has to do is keep it that way. But living in this matriarch's determinedly cheerful, yet subtly controlling domain hasn't been easy for her family, and when her oldest daughter, Rose, runs off with a mysterious boyfriend, Josephine tightens her grip, gradually turning her flawless home into a darker sort of prison. Resentful of her sister's newfound freedom, Violet turns to eastern philosophy, hallucinogenic drugs, and extreme fasting, eventually landing herself in the psych ward. Meanwhile, her brother Will shrinks further into a world of self-doubt. Recently diagnosed with Aspergers and epilepsy, he's separated from the other kids around town and is homeschooled to ensure his safety. Their father, Douglas, finds resolve in the bottom of the bottle--an addict craving his own chance to escape. Josephine struggles to maintain the family's impeccable façade, but when a violent incident leads to a visit from child protective services, the truth about the Hursts might finally be revealed. Written with the style, dark wit and shrewd psychological insight that made SMASHED a bestseller, Zailckas's first novel is unforgettable. In the spirit of classic suspense novels by Shirley Jackson and Daphne DuMaurier, MOTHER, MOTHER is the terrifying and page-turning story of a mother's love gone too far, and the introduction of a commanding new voice in fiction.

A Black Sail (The Coleridge Taylor Mysteries #3)

by Rich Zahradnik

From an Independent Publishers Award–winner comes another “gritty and powerful crime novel” in the Coleridge Taylor series (Library Journal, starred review). On the eve of the US Bicentennial, newsman Coleridge Taylor is covering Operation Sail. While he enjoys watching New York Harbor teem with tall ships from all over the world, Taylor would still prefer to cover real stories, not fluff, and New York City still has plenty of those in July of 1976. Then one surfaces right in front of him. During the festivities, a housewife wearing bricks of heroin is fished out of the harbor. Convinced he’s stumbled upon a drug war between the Italian Mafia and a Chinese tong, Taylor is on fire once more. But as he blazes forward, flanked by his new girlfriend, ex-cop Samantha Callahan, his precious story grows ever more twisted and deadly. In his reckless search for the truth, he rattles Manhattan’s major drug cartels. Taylor must decide if uncovering the truth is worth the cost of being the next victim. In the third of the Coleridge Taylor mysteries, “Zahradnik ratchets up the action, which quickens the pace and keeps readers engaged . . . A truly enjoyable read” (RT Book Reviews).

Drop Dead Punk (The Coleridge Taylor Mysteries #2)

by Rich Zahradnik

Take a step back into 1970s New York City in a hard-edged murder mystery sequel to Last Words featuring “an appealingly single-minded hero” (Publishers Weekly). Intrepid reporter Coleridge Taylor is searching for his next scoop now that he’s back on the Messenger-Telegram police beat. Both the city and Coleridge are on the edge of financial ruin, but he finally catches a break when a source sends him down to Alphabet City where the punk rock ruffians hang out. There he finds two dead bodies after a mugging gone bad: one a punk, one a cop. But the story doesn’t add up. The punk was actually a good kid. And the cop’s female partner, Officer Samantha Callahan, is being blamed for his death. She insists she was called away, but the NYPD wants to throw her to the wolves. Immediately smitten, Coleridge decides to help the beauty in blue. But the more he falls for Samantha, the more dangerously close he gets to his story. Because Officer Callahan has just become a target—and Coleridge is standing between her and some awfully big guns.

Last Words (The Coleridge Taylor Mysteries #1)

by Rich Zahradnik

A tenacious reporter seeks redemption in this “fast-paced, deeply entertaining and engrossing novel” set in gritty 1970s Manhattan (ForeWordReviews). In March of 1975, as New York City hurtles toward bankruptcy and the Bronx burns, newsman Coleridge Taylor roams police precincts and ERs looking for the story that will deliver him from the obits department. Since he was demoted from the police beat for inventing sources, Taylor’s place of exile at the Messenger-Telegram has left him beaten down and desperate for a break. When he checks in on a body of a homeless teen picked up in the Meatpacking District, Taylor smells something fishy: the dead boy looks too clean, and he’s wearing a distinctive Army field jacket. A little digging reveals that the jacket belonged to a hobo named Mark Voichek and that the kid wearing it was in fact the son of a city official. As Taylor follows the thread of corruption straight to City Hall, he lands himself on the hit list of three goons paid to keep certain secrets under wraps. He’s got one ally in the newsroom, young and lovely reporter Laura Wheeler, and one chance to nail this story before he’s back on the obits page—this time, as a headline. The first book in the Coleridge Taylor mystery series, Last Words is “a fun return to the past and good crime fiction” (I Love a Mystery Newsletter).

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