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The Lamplighters: A Novel

by Emma Stonex

"The Lamplighters is a whodunnit, horror novel, ghost story and fantastically gripping psychological investigation rolled into one. It is also a pitch-perfect piece of writing.&” --The Guardian (UK) &“Beautiful, absorbing and utterly riveting.&” --Rosie Walsh, author of Ghosted Inspired by a haunting true story, a gorgeous and atmospheric novel about the mysterious disappearance of three lighthouse keepers from a remote tower miles from the Cornish coast--and about the wives who were left behind.What strange fate befell these doomed men? The heavy sea whispers their names. Black rocks roll beneath the surface, drowning ghosts. And out of the swell like a finger of light, the salt-scratched tower stands lonely and magnificent.It's New Year's Eve, 1972, when a boat pulls up to the Maiden Rock lighthouse with relief for the keepers. But no one greets them. When the entrance door, locked from the inside, is battered down, rescuers find an empty tower. A table is laid for a meal not eaten. The Principal Keeper's weather log describes a storm raging round the tower, but the skies have been clear all week. And the clocks have all stopped at 8:45. Two decades later, the wives who were left behind are visited by a writer who is determined to find the truth about the men's disappearance. Moving between the women's stories and the men's last weeks together in the lighthouse, long-held secrets surface and truths twist into lies as we piece together what happened, why, and who to believe.In her riveting and suspenseful novel, Emma Stonex writes a story of isolation and obsession, of reality and illusion, and of what it takes to keep the light burning when all else is swallowed by dark.

The Lamplighter

by Anthony O'Neill

An atmospheric thriller set in nineteenth-century Edinburgh, Anthony O'Neill's elegant, darkly masterful novel is full of psychological suspense and first-rate horror. Evelyn is a clever orphan at the Fountainbridge Institute for Destitute Girls. Enchanted by a cheerful lamplighter who fires the streetlamp outside her window each evening, she mesmerizes the other girls with flights of fancy. In a time before Freudian awareness of sexuality and the subconscious mind, such tales are forbidden by the institute's governor, who warns Evelyn to cease her nocturnal storytelling. Evelyn defies him -- and is cast out of the orphanage and sacrificed to a shadowy figure claiming to be her long-lost father. Who is this man, and why does he lock Evelyn away in a hunting lodge?Years later, the mutilated body of a professor of ecclesiastical law turns up on one of Edinburgh's finest streets; the grave of a famous colonel is ravaged; a shady entrepreneur is slaughtered while dashing for a train; and a retired lighthouse keeper is ripped to shreds while walking his dog -- all this after Evelyn, now a young woman, has reappeared in the city. What connects the victims? And what of Evelyn, anguished and appealing, who repeatedly claims to have dreamed the murders in great detail -- each time blaming a mysterious "lamplighter"?Leading the official investigation is Carus Groves, a conceited yet effective police inspector desperate to cap his unremarkable career with a sensational case. Heading up the unofficial investigation is a disillusioned professor of logic and metaphysics, Thomas McKnight, and his assistant, Joseph Canavan, a strapping young gravedigger. Using reason, intuition, philosophy, and luck, these men race to solve the murders and unveil the source of Evelyn's torment, and in so doing penetrate the very gates of Hell.

The Lamp of the Wicked (Merrily Watkins Mysteries #5)

by Phil Rickman

In Merrily's fifth outing, a serial killer appears to be on the loose—and Merrily has her doubts about the detective in charge of the caseAfter half a century of decay, the village of Underhowle looked to be on the brink of a new prosperity. Now, instead, it seems destined for notoriety as the home of a psychotic serial killer. DI Francis Bliss, of Hereford CID, is convinced he knows where the bodies are buried. But Merrily Watkins, called in to conduct a controversial funeral, wonders if Bliss isn't blinkered by personal ambition. And are the Underhowle deaths really linked to perhaps the most sickening killings in British criminal history?

The Lamp from the Warlock's Tomb (Anthony Monday)

by John Bellairs

A murderous surprise comes to light in this thrilling mystery featuring teenager Anthony Monday, from the author of The Dark Secret of Weatherend. Ever since librarian Myra Eells bought an antique oil lamp, weird things have started to happen in Hoosac—including the murder of a high school maintenance man. Anthony Monday is convinced it&’s haunted, but Miss Eells thinks he&’s just being silly—until she sees a terrifying vision. When they call in Miss Eells&’s brother for help, they learn that the lamp has been stolen from the strange tomb of a Wisconsin lawyer who was involved with the occult. Convinced that evil forces exist inside the lamp, the trio plans to return it to the underground vault. But someone else will do whatever it takes to steal the lamp—and unleash a dark and ancient power upon the world . . . &“Half-mockingly using the colloquial style made familiar in such series books as the Nancy Drew stories, Bellairs keeps the action moving right along.&” —Kirkus Reviews

The Lamp

by Agatha Christie

Previously published in the print anthology The Golden Ball and Other Stories. Thirty years ago, a house was inhabited by a man and his young son. One day the man traveled to London, was recognized as a criminal, and shot himself. What ever happened to the boy?

L’amour et la peur sur le Chemin de Compostelle

by Gonçalo Jn Dias

Un polar psychologique Un livre à vous couper le souffle ! Un jeune homme décide de faire le Chemin de Compostelle en solitaire. C’est là qu’il rencontre Valeria, une jeune Brésilienne qui, à la suite d’une mauvaise rupture, est prête à recommencer une nouvelle vie. Les deux se rencontrent, marchent ensemble et finissent par tomber amoureux. Comme ils commencent à planifier leur avenir, quelque chose d’incroyable va toutefois se produire au milieu du Chemin où ils devront se battre, non pas seulement pour leur relation, mais aussi pour leurs propres vies.

L'amour en prime (Amour)

by Scotty Cade Cyrielle Todd

La nuit avant son mariage, Zander Walsh, ses parents, et son futur mari se font tirer dessus en interrompant un mystérieux cambriolage alors qu'ils rentrent chez eux. Après trois semaines dans le coma, Zander se réveille pour apprendre qu'il est le seul survivant, et que sa vie parfaite s'est effondrée en un instant. Le bel agent du FBI Jake Elliot enquête sur l'affaire, et il appréhende le tueur - , qui s'échappe rapidement. Après six mois de recherche, Zander et Jake réalisent que le FBI leur fait obstruction... et qu'ils ont lentement tissé un lien indissoluble qui commence à prendre encore davantage d'importance. Une fois qu'ils s'embarquent dans une quête afin d'appréhender le tueur pour la seconde fois, ils découvrent que cette nuit épouvantable était bien plus qu'un simple cambriolage. Les grosses entreprises et les politiciens peuvent-ils cacher la vérité, ou les recherches de Zander et Jake pour découvrir ce qu'il s'est passé marqueront-elles la fin de leur nouvel amour et de leur vie ?

The Lamorna Wink

by Martha Grimes

While Richard Jury is on a dead-end chase in Ireland, Melrose Plant heads for Cornwall to take up residence in an old Cornish manor. Bletchley Village is dominated by a stately home turned hospice, thanks to American fast-food billionaire Morris Bletchley whose two small grandchildren died mysteriously at Bletchley House years before. When Melrose hears of a local woman's disappearance, he calls in Brian Macalvie, commander of the Devon and Cornwall police. Macalvie's past, Plant's past, and the tragic history of the Bletchleys converge in the end, when Richard Jury comes to set things right.


by Barbara Parutto Kostas Kinas

Molte vite si intrecciano in una storia di violenze e tradimenti che minacciano di travolgerle tutte. Nonostante sia sposata con Barnabas, Nepheli si innamora perdutamente dell’affascinante Grigoris. Ma il loro amore resta irrealizzato e all’improvviso lui sparisce, lasciandola afflitta e sofferente. Ma non tutto è come sembra e gli eventi più inattesi sono dietro l’angolo, pronti a emergere dall’ombra per perseguitarli. E quando la passione affiora straripante in superficie, i risultati possono essere tragici. In amore non si sa mai chi sia la vittima e chi il carnefice. L'AMORE PUÒ UCCIDERTI è il romanzo d’esordio di Kostas Kinas.

The Lammas Wild (An Aelf Fen Mystery #10)

by Alys Clare

It is the summer of 1100, and after seven long years away in Spain, Lassair is finally going home. Back to her beloved mentor Gurdyman. Back to her family. And back to young lawman Jack Chevestrier, who Lassair hopes still carries the same deep feelings for her as she does for him. Before she can reunite with her loved ones, however, Lassair has a long-overdue task to perform. Old flame—and king's spy—Rollo Guiscard left her a chest before he died, and it is finally time for her to collect it. But the chest contains more than gold, and soon Lassair is caught up in a web of danger and deception that threatens not just her own life, but the lives of everyone she holds dear. And this is not the only peril Lassair must face. For although she's left the south behind her forever, the south is not done with her yet...

Lammas Night

by Katherine Kurtz

An ingenious melding of espionage and the occult based in part on a true event in the secret history of the Battle of Britain during World War II. The year is 1940, and Great Britain's forces struggle against the invincible Nazi war machine. France has fallen easily to Adolf Hitler's army and England is next in his sights. A British secret agent pays the ultimate price to deliver early warning of the Führer's secret plan to harness the awesome power of the occult to conquer Great Britain by launching a supernatural assault that no defending military force could possibly deflect. British Intelligence operative Col. John "Gray" Graham of MI6 is not only a valuable player in the great game of wartime espionage, he is also a practitioner of the ancient occult arts. In this life--and other lives before--Gray's destiny has been firmly intertwined with that of his close friend Prince William of the British royal family. Now, with the future of Britain at stake, these two men, the spy and the royal, must rally the hidden adherents of the Old Religion, hoping to unite the British covens in defense of their endangered island homeland. But it will take more than combined Wiccan sorcery to repel the Reich's black magic on Lammas Night--and the sacrifice required might be greater than imagined and truly terrible to endure. Lammas Night is a spectacular feat of creative imagination from the author of the acclaimed Deryni fantasy series. Smart, affecting, and brilliantly conceived, it is an enthralling combination of historical fiction, war novel, and the occult that will appeal to fans of all fantastic literature.

The Lammas Feast (Roger the Chapman #11)

by Kate Sedley

It's July 1478, and business is good for Bristol's bakers during the lead up to Lammastide--'Loaf-mass', the ancient harvest festival. But the shady Jasper Fairbrother's baking days are over when he's found face down with a knife in his back. Suspicion immediately falls on the mysterious Breton who'd arrived that day and had been seen having an argument with Fairbrother. But when it emerges that the Breton is also a suspected Lancastrian spy, Roger the Chapman wonders if suspicion of murder is merely a convenient pretext for the authorities to hunt down the man.

Lammas: 1588: A Calendar of Crime, Book Three

by Shirley McKay

A serving girl vanishes in this mystery story set in sixteenth-century Scotland . . . Elspet, a serving girl at the harbor inn, has been told for years by the inn&’s owner, Walter Bone, that she is ugly and that no man will ever want her. Then, after years of being shut away from the world, she unexpectedly catches the attention of a young laborer and realizes she has been lied to all these years. She meets her lover in secret at the Lammas day fair, but her dalliances do not go unnoticed . . . Now Hew Cullan finds himself retained by a man with a mind for murder. Walter Bone makes clear his intent to kill Elspet&’s lover, and seeks Hew&’s help to ensure his will is upheld when he is inevitably hanged for the act. But his jealousy has unexpected consequences. When Elspet disappears without a trace, several innocent fair-goers and patrons are dragged into a web of suspicion, rumor, and accusation. It falls to Hew to unravel the twisted threads and figure out the truth of the matter. &“McKay is to be congratulated for the continued quality and inventiveness of her tales.&” —The National

Lamento por Darley Dene

by Cassia Pereira Stuart G. Yates

Baseado em fatos reais. Após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, o garoto Ben descobre uma história sinistra. Em 1941, num bombardeio, soldados morreram exatamente onde está o terreno que costuma jogar. Com os terríveis acontecimentos do passado e o seu lento desdobramento, Ben se envolve em uma série de estranhos, inexplicáveis incidentes, com velhos segredos e verdades ocultas lentamente sendo reveladas. Esta é uma história de autodescoberta e de superação do medo, pois aquilo que está sob o solo é verdadeiramente arrepiante. Ben está prestes a descobrir os segredos de sua família e terá de ajudar a sepultar o horror do que aconteceu em Darley Dene.

Lamento de los Nacidos de Probeta

by Conor H. Carton

La forma de vida artificial, Shakbout Mansard solo quería una vida tranquila, normal, con su familia. Como uno de los pocos seleccionados entre los Nacidos de Probetas que viven como ciudadanos libres, esta era una ambición razonable. Desafortunadamente, Shakbout posee un conocimiento peligroso sobre un complot para derrocar al gobierno de Mengchi, convirtiéndolo en un blanco tanto para los conspiradores como de las fuerzas de seguridad. Al mismo tiempo, el terrorista nacido de probeta más peligroso en los sistemas quiere que Shakbout cometa un crimen que detonará una guerra secreta a través de los sistemas entre facciones de los Naturales y los Nacidos de Probetas. Pero incluso estos problemas son pequeños comparados con el secreto que Shakbout ha estado ocultando por una década. Pronto, tendrá que tomar medidas desesperadas para salvar a aquellos que ama… y las vidas de todas las formas de vida nacidas de probetas a través de los sistemas.

El lamento de las sirenas (Detective privado Lincoln Perry, #2)

by Michael Koryta

El investigador Lincoln Perry se enfrenta a un caso difícil. Su mejor amigo, Ed Gradduk, ha sido acusado de matar a una mujer. EL propio Lincoln se siente responsable: la última vez que se vieron, Ed acabó en la cárcel por culpa suya. Pero ¿Ed, un asesino#? Lincoln decide encontrarlo y averiguar la verdad, pero Gradduk muere dejando tras de sí un nuevo enigma. Viejas rencillas, policías corruptos, políticos sin escrúpulos y una deuda de honor difícil de perdonar.

The Lamented

by Lawrence Light

Prepare for edge-of-your-seat suspense in this Thriller Short.Originally published in THRILLER 2 (2009),edited by #1 New York Times bestselling author Clive Cussler.In this enticing Thriller Short, bestselling author Lawrence Light shows that dead isn’t always dead. Brad Action has been dead a year. Gunned down on the doorstep of his palatial house in Haddonfield, New Jersey, by hired killer Joe Dogan. With Brad out of the way, high-level county official Robert Stagg has things going his way. Or so he thinks. Only dead isn’t dead…not when it’s Brad. He promised to clean up the drug-ridden, gang-run inner-city, and he always keeps a promise. Don’t miss any of these exciting stories from Thriller 2: The Weapon by Jeffery DeaverRemaking by Blake CrouchIced by Harry HunsickerJustice Served by Mariah StewartThe Circle by David HewsonRoomful of Witnesses by R.L. StineThe House on Pine Terrace by Phillip MargolinThe Desert Here and the Desert Far Away by Marcus SakeyOn the Run by Carla NeggersCan You Help Me Out Here? by Robert FerrignoCrossed Double by Joe HartlaubThe Lamented by Lawrence LightVintage Death by Lisa JacksonSuspension of Disbelief by Tim MaleenyA Calculated Risk by Sean ChercoverThe Fifth World by Javier SierraGhost Writer by Gary BraverThrough a Veil Darkly by Kathleen AntrimBedtime for Mr. Li by David J. MontgomeryProtecting the Innocent by Simon WoodWatch Out for My Girl by Joan JohnstonKilling Time by Jon LandBoldt’s Broken Angel by Ridley Pearson

Lamentation: A Novel (The Jay Porter Series #1)

by Joe Clifford

Anthony Award nominee for Best Mystery NovelHow much should one brother sacrifice for another? In a frigid New Hampshire winter, Jay Porter is trying to eke out a living and maintain some semblance of a relationship with his former girlfriend and their two-year-old son. When he receives an urgent call that Chris, his drug-addicted and chronically drunk brother, is being questioned by the sheriff about his missing junkie business partner, Jay feels obliged to come to his rescue. After Jay negotiates his brother's release from the county jail, Chris disappears into the night. As Jay begins to search for him, he is plunged into a cauldron of ugly lies and long-kept secrets that could tear apart his small hometown and threaten the lives of Jay and all those he holds dear. Powerful forces come into play that will stop at nothing until Chris is dead and the information he harbors is destroyed.Perfect for fans of Gillian Flynn and Dennis Lehane While all of the novels in the Jay Porter Series stand on their own and can be read in any order, the publication sequence is:Lamentation December Boys Give Up the Dead Broken Ground Rag and Bone


by C. J. Sansom

The eagerly anticipated new Shardlake novel from the UK #1 bestselling author. Summer, 1546. King Henry VIII is slowly, painfully dying. His Protestant and Catholic councillors are engaged in a final and decisive power struggle; whoever wins will control the government of Henry's successor, 8-year-old Prince Edward. As heretics are hunted across London, and the radical Protestant Anne Askew is burned at the stake, the Catholic party focus their attack on Henry's 6th wife, Matthew Shardlake's old mentor, Queen Catherine Parr. Shardlake, still haunted by events aboard the warship Mary Rose the year before, is working on the Cotterstoke Will case, a savage dispute between rival siblings. Then, unexpectedly, he is summoned to Whitehall Palace and asked for help by his old patron, the now beleaguered and desperate Queen. For Catherine Parr has a secret. She has written a confessional book, Lamentation of a Sinner, so radically Protestant that if it came to the King's attention it could bring both her and her sympathizers crashing down. But, although the book was kept secret and hidden inside a locked chest in the Queen's private chamber, it has--inexplicably--vanished. Only one page has been found, clutched in the hand of a murdered London printer. Shardlake's investigations take him on a trail that begins among the backstreet printshops of London but leads him and Jack Barak into the dark and labyrinthine world of the politics of the royal court; a world he had sworn never to enter again. Loyalty to the Queen will drive him into a swirl of intrigue inside Whitehall Palace, where Catholic enemies and Protestant friends can be equally dangerous, and the political opportunists, who will follow the wind wherever it blows, more dangerous than either. The theft of Queen Catherine's book proves to be connected to the terrible death of Anne Askew, while his involvement with the Cotterstoke litigants threatens to bring Shardlake himself to the stake.

Lamentation: A Shardlake Novel (The Shardlake Series #6)

by C. J. Sansom

As Henry VIII lies on his deathbed, an incendiary manuscript threatens to tear his court apart. Summer, 1546. King Henry VIII is slowly, painfully dying. His Protestant and Catholic councilors are engaged in a final and decisive power struggle; whoever wins will control the government. As heretics are hunted across London, and radical Protestants are burned at the stake, the Catholic party focuses its attack on Henry's sixth wife--and Matthew Shardlake's old mentor--Queen Catherine Parr. Shardlake, still haunted by his narrow escape from death the year before, steps into action when the beleaguered and desperate Queen summons him to Whitehall Palace to help her recover a dangerous manuscript. The Queen has authored a confessional book, Lamentation of a Sinner, so radically Protestant that if it came to the King's attention it could bring both her and her sympathizers crashing down. Although the secret book was kept hidden inside a locked chest in the Queen's private chamber, it has inexplicably vanished. Only one page has been recovered--clutched in the hand of a murdered London printer. Shardlake's investigations take him on a trail that begins among the backstreet printshops of London, but leads him and his trusty assistant Jack Barak into the dark and labyrinthine world of court politics, a world Shardlake swore never to enter again. In this crucible of power and ambition, Protestant friends can be as dangerous as Catholic enemies, and those with shifting allegiances can be the most dangerous of all.

Lament for Julie

by Robert Colby

Tormented by a satin-skinned package of dynamite who offered him ecstasy unfettered by convention . . . Bedeviled by another woman who wanted a master . . . Given 12 hours to get out of town - and then framed for murder.This was the grim situation faced by Todd Corwin shortly after he came to Longport seeking Julie Steadman's killer.If he cleared out of town he was sure of safety. If he stayed, nothing was certain except more trouble with the police and a deepening involvement with the Vollmer clan -Austin, who owned everything in town including the cops . . . Joy, Austin's wife, who took men where she found them . . . and Gail, the step-daughter, who would risk anything to take Todd away from Joy.

Lament for Julie

by Robert Colby

Tormented by a satin-skinned package of dynamite who offered him ecstasy unfettered by convention . . . Bedeviled by another woman who wanted a master . . . Given 12 hours to get out of town - and then framed for murder.This was the grim situation faced by Todd Corwin shortly after he came to Longport seeking Julie Steadman’s killer.If he cleared out of town he was sure of safety. If he stayed, nothing was certain except more trouble with the police and a deepening involvement with the Vollmer clan -Austin, who owned everything in town including the cops . . . Joy, Austin’s wife, who took men where she found them . . . and Gail, the step-daughter, who would risk anything to take Todd away from Joy.

Lament for a Maker (The Inspector Appleby Mysteries)

by Michael Innes

A London detective investigates when a troubled Scottish laird takes a fall in this classic British mystery by the author of Hamlet, Revenge!. Strange things are happening around the remote Castle Erchany, located in the Scottish Highlands. The miserly and reclusive laird, Ranald Guthrie, roams the castle&’s freezing halls, reciting an old poem over and over: Timor mortis conturbat me. Fear of death disturbs me . . . Then on a wild winter night, Guthrie plummets to his death from his castle&’s tower. Was it an accident? Was it suicide? Or was it murder? Suspicion falls on a local man, but when Insp. John Appleby arrives from the Met in London, he doubts this solution. To discover the truth, Appleby immerses himself in the dead man&’s final days in a gloomy, gothic castle. Of course, he must be on his guard, because there&’s no telling whether someone else might fall victim to another &“accident.&”&“The simple-seeming and single-seeming plot of Lament for a Maker holds about as many layers of complication as a first-class mystery story could well hold without bursting, and . . . Michael Innes manages this complication with the lucidity of a master.&” —The Observer &“Magnificently written.&” —The Times Literary Supplement &“A grand and ghastly tale with a surprising double climax.&” —The New Yorker

Lament for a Lounge Lizard: A Fiona Silk Mystery

by Mary Jane Maffini

As if it weren’t bad enough being a failed romance writer with no sex life, poor Fiona Silk has to cope with the spectacularly embarrassing demise of her old lover, the poet, Benedict Kelly. It’s exactly the sort of thing people notice in St. Aubaine, Quebec, a picturesque bilingual tourist town of two thousand. Now the police start getting nasty, the media vans stay parked on her lawn and the neighbours’ tongues keep wagging in both official languages. Worse, someone’s bumping off the other suspects. Can Fiona outwit a murderer in the mood for some serious mischief?

Lamb to the Slaughter

by Dorothy Eden

In this page-turning novel of unparalleled romantic suspense by master storyteller Dorothy Eden, a woman disappears and her best friend is plunged into mortal danger Alice Ashton arrives in the middle of a fierce downpour to visit a longtime friend. But when she arrives, there&’s no sign of Camilla. The cottage&’s only occupants are a black magpie who quotes Poe and a yellow cat.And the intruder who just crept out the back door.With no one to turn to, Alice is forced to rely on her former beau, Felix Dodsworth, who left her for Camilla. Then a man called Dundas Hill arrives. Could the widower and single father be the mysterious D in Camilla&’s daily calendar? Or is it Dalton Thorpe, with whom Camilla may have eloped? Now Alice is the target, as a cunning killer leads her to her doom.

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