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Hoax (Butch Karp and Marlene Ciampi #16)

by Robert K. Tanenbaum

District Attorney Butch Karp resolves the problems of New York City and, at the same time, the problems of his own complex family.

Hoax: A Novel (The Butch Karp-Marlene Ciampi Thrillers #16)

by Robert K. Tanenbaum

The shooting death of a rap mogul is the first link in a sinister chain ensnaring New York District Attorney Butch Karp. With his wife and daughter on a New Mexico retreat, Karp is left to fend for his teenaged sons and himself. Descending into the hip-hop underworld to prosecute a killer, Karp comes head-to-head wih Andrew Kane, a powerful would-be mayor whose corrupt web of influence leads Karp to unveil a shocking church sex-abuse scandal. In a world where secrets can be buried for an often-deadly price, Karp discovers there is no safe haven.

Ho-Ho-Homicide: A Lis Maccrimmon Mystery (A Liss MacCrimmon Mystery #8)

by Kaitlyn Dunnett

Business is booming at the Scottish Emporium in Moosetookalook, Maine, and Liss MacCrimmon Ruskin couldn't be happier--or busier. A romantic getaway at a rustic Christmas tree farm is just what she needs. But the property's mysterious past has her feeling less than merry. . .Liss is surprised when an old friend from high school asks her to spend a week at the Christmas tree farm she recently inherited from a great-uncle. Realizing it would be the perfect chance for her and her husband Dan to get away from work, Liss happily accepts the offer and packs her bags for the tiny town of New Boston. Upon their arrival, Liss and Dan are greeted by a ramshackle farmhouse and unfriendly townsfolk. It's hardly the idyllic vacation locale they'd hoped for, especially when needling neighbors start raising questions about the farm's dark history. Who was the man whose body was found neatly netted in a shipment of Scotch pine? Why did the owner vanish into thin air? And why are the trees growing so close together, forming a maze more twisted than a Celtic knot? The rumors pile up faster than snowdrifts in a blizzard, and as Liss starts un-wrapping the truth, she discovers something even more scandalous than murder hiding beneath the town's humdrum façade. When a series of "accidents" strikes the farm, she'll have to spring into action faster than a Highland Fling to find the killer who's been lurking among the pines--before she ends up in a pine box herself. . .

Hizo Explotar a Su Esposo

by Diego Hermosillo Hanon Taylor Storm

Un par de adolescentes regresan a casa después de clases, para encontrar a su padre amordazado. Su madre estaba ahí, explicándoles que acababa de discubrir la situacion, y que escaparan antes de que, quien sea que haya hecho esto, las viera; ella intentaría escapar con su padre. No obstante, después de que salieron, su madre salió corriendo fuera de la casa, mientras se formaba una gigantesca explosión detrás de ella. Después de la muerte de su padre, su madre les permitió una vida de lujos. Cuando las muchachas llegaron a la universidad, descubrieron que eran observadas. Un investigador privado, contratado por la familia del padre, quienes sospechaban de la situación, a pesar de que la policía lo había descartado. Creían que ellas tenían algo qué ver, notando su comportamiento altanero contra su padre cuando las cosas no salían como querían. Mientras más se desmarañaba la situación, todos entraron en choque al descubrir quién fue el asesino, y cuales eran sus motivaciones.

Hivern àrtic: Un cas de l'inspector Erlendur Sveinsson

by Arnaldur Indridason

A Hivern àrtic, Arnaldur Indridason, alhora que desplega la investigació policial, revela de mica en mica un gèlid paisatge físic i humà que atraparà de manera incondicional els seus seguidors, cada vegada més nombrosos. Al gener, l’implacable hivern islandès s’ha convertit en l’amo de l’illa. Però no és només la severitat del clima el que gela la sang a les venes: l’Elias, un nen de deu anys, l’han trobat a prop de casa apunyalat i en estat de congelació. És el fill d’una immigrant tailandesa que malda per mantenir la família des que el seu marit islandès els va abandonar. L’inspector Erlendur Sveinsson i els seus inseparables ajudants Sigurdur Oli i Elinborg són els encarregats de resoldre un assassinat per al qual no falten sospitosos. I, per trobar resposta a les incòmodes preguntes que el cas planteja, l’Erlendur i el seus companys es veuran obligats a aventurar-se en el passat de la família i en les profundes aigües de la societat islandesa.

A Hive of Homicides (A Henny Penny Farmette Mystery #3)

by Meera Lester

A honey of a crime. . . When Abigail Mackenzie left the police force to become a farmer and beekeeper in beautiful Las Flores, California, she thought her days of criminal investigation were behind her . . . Her present life is mostly filled with hard work and happy occasions, including the upcoming event with her friend Paola, a truffle maker, who's renewing her vows with her husband Jake, owner of the Country Schoolhouse Winery. Abby is delighted to provide her trademark lavender honey for the occasion. But after the ceremony, the guests of honor are nowhere to be found. When Abby goes looking for them, she hears a gunshot and discovers Jake dead in his car and Paola injured beside him. Who was the intended target? Jake had a reputation as a busy bee with the ladies. Is it possible that one of his flings, stung by rejection, took revenge? Or could it be sour grapes with one of his colleagues at the winery? If Paola was meant to be the victim, Abby needs to protect her as she searches for the shooter. When a second murder occurs, it's up to Abby to crush the clues—before the killer gets her over a barrel . . . Includes farming tips and delicious recipes!

A Hive of Glass (Murder Room #19)

by P. M. Hubbard

Johnnie Slade harbours an obsessive love for fine glass objects, so his interest is piqued when he sees photographs of the fabulous Verzelini tazza in a magazine. He follows its trail and finds that someone may already have committed murder to get their hands on it. If, indeed, it ever existed. And what is the relevance of the entry in the dead man's diary that reads 'Dunstreet'?Johnnie finds out what it means - and he also finds Claudia. But his pursuit of both the tazza and the girl are complicated not only by Claudia's blind and autocratic Aunt Elizabeth, but also by the dawning realisation that he is not alone in his quest. And death, of course, is just around the corner.

A Hive of Glass

by P. M. Hubbard

Johnnie Slade harbours an obsessive love for fine glass objects, so his interest is piqued when he sees photographs of the fabulous Verzelini tazza in a magazine. He follows its trail and finds that someone may already have committed murder to get their hands on it. If, indeed, it ever existed. And what is the relevance of the entry in the dead man's diary that reads 'Dunstreet'?Johnnie finds out what it means - and he also finds Claudia. But his pursuit of both the tazza and the girl are complicated not only by Claudia's blind and autocratic Aunt Elizabeth, but also by the dawning realisation that he is not alone in his quest. And death, of course, is just around the corner.

The Hive Construct

by Alexander Maskill

Situated deep in the Sahara Desert, New Cairo is a city built on technology – from the huge, life-giving solar panels that keep it functioning in a radically changed, resource-scarce world to the artificial implants that have become the answer to all and any of mankind's medical problems. But it is also a divided city, dominated by a handful of omnipotent corporate dynasties. And when a devastating new computer virus begins to spread through the poorest districts, shutting down the life-giving implants that enable so many to survive, the city begins to slide into the anarchy of violent class struggle. Hiding amidst the chaos is Zala Ulora. A gifted hacker and fugitive from justice, she believes she might be able to earn her life back by tracing the virus to its source and destroying it before it destroys the city. Or before the city destroys itself . . .With its vivid characters, bold ideas and explosive action, The Hive is science fiction at its most exciting, inventive and accessible.

Hitz pozoituak - Edebé Saria Haur Literatura

by Julen Gabiria Lara Maite Carranza i Gil Dolz del Castellar

Zer gertatu zitzaion Barbara Molinari? Bere gorpua ez zen sekula aurkitu, eta errudunen bat atxilotzeko frogarik ere ez zen lortu. Telefono mugikor batera egindako dei batek hankaz gora jarriko ditu pertsona askoren bizitzak: jubilatzeko puntuan dagoen polizia baten bizitza, desagertutako alaba aurkitzeko esperantza galdu duen amaren bizitza, eta lagunik onena traizionatu zuen neskaren bizitza. Hitz pozoituak erlojuaren kontra bizitako egun izugarri baten kronika da. Barbara Molina hamabost urte zituela desagertu zen, modu misteriotsu eta bortitzean; hain zuzen ere, bere hurbileko hiru pertsona dira istorioko protagonista nagusiak. Barbararen desagerpenaren enigmak lau urte daramatza argi-izpirik gabe, baina gako berriak agertuko dira, eta dena aldatuko da goitik behera. Batzuetan, egia ezkutuan geratzen da, ilunpean; eta leiho bat irekitzean, dena argitzen da. Gezurrez, sekretuz, engainuz eta itxura faltsuz betetako istorioa, mito ukaezinak zalantzan jartzen dituena. Gizarte modernoaren hipokrisia disekzionatzen duen kontakizun ikaragarria. Liburu ausart honek haurren sexu-abusuak eta horrek dituen ondorio suntsitzaileak salatzen ditu, eta, modu horretan, agerian uzten du sexu-abusuak zeinen ikusezinak diren, beti ondo pentsatzera ohituta dagoen mundu honetan.

Hitting the Books (A Library Lover's Mystery #9)

by Jenn McKinlay

It's murder by the book in the latest hit Library Lover's mystery from the New York Times bestselling author of Death in the Stacks.When a stack of library materials is found at the scene of a hit and run, library director Lindsey Norris finds herself dragged into the investigation as the police try to link the driver of the stolen car to the person who borrowed the books. Before Lindsey can delve into the library's records, the victim of the hit and run, Theresa Houston, suffers another "accident" and the investigation shifts from driver negligence to attempted homicide.A clue surfaces in the confiscated library materials that could crack open the case and it is up to Lindsey to piece it all together. But things are not as they seem in the sleepy town of Briar Creek and when the driver of the stolen car turns up dead, Lindsey, her staff and her library friends have to hit the books before the murderer gets the last word...

Hits and Misses (Nancy Drew & Hardy Boys SuperMystery #16)

by Carolyn Keene Franklin W. Dixon

AMERICA'S TOP TEEN DETECTIVES TEAM UP TO REVEAL A ROCK N' ROLL RIP-OFF. When Bess lands a shot at stardom on a nationally televised talent show, NANCY DREW lands in the middle of a mystery as big as Manhattan. She agrees to take the case of an amnesia victim--a young woman known only as Jane Doe. In trying to piece Jane's life together, Nancy has but two clues to her identity: the music in her blood... and the danger in her past. A single event is etched in Jane's memory: staring down the barrel of an assailant's gun. Meanwhile... FRANK and JOE HARDY have hooked up with Angelique, the hot new recording star who lately has been singing the blues. Someone's cutting in on her action to the tune of $2 million in cash, and it's clearly an inside job. In pursuit of the missing money, the Hardys will have to bare the facts behind the business of rock 'n' roll. And Nancy Drew may provide the biggest break of all: the shocking, potentially fatal truth about the connection between Angelique and Jane Doe...

Hitmen Triumph (Orca Sports)

by Sigmund Brouwer

Left winger Nolan Andrews thinks it's great that he can play hockey in Calgary, where his older brother, Nathan, is a star center for the Hitmen. When Nolan finds out that a lot of things about Nate's new life in Calgary don't make sense—or might not even be legal—Nolan has to make some difficult choices that will affect him and his brother for the rest of their lives.

The Hitman Who Loved Me (McCoy's Boys #3)

by Shady Grace

“Humorous and explosive . . . a thrilling and exciting tale.” -RT Book Reviews, 4 StarsIs that a gun in his pocket or…? Jamie Fields can hardly refuse a free vacation. Jobless and broke, the struggling single gal is in need of serious stress relief. Sure, the set up is suspicious—no one gives away a trip to exotic Cuba—complete with 50,000 dollars cash—just for delivering a package. But once Jamie’s enjoying sunny beach days and exhilarating tropical nights, she’s too happy to care. Especially when she finds herself hotly pursued by a sexy stranger… The McCoy empire is under siege, and Sam Hayes has been tapped to take care of the culprit. Sam knows better than to get involved with his target, but there’s something about Jamie that keeps him from simply finishing the job and moving on. Maybe the hard-bodied hitman just can’t wrap his mind around the fact that the first woman to set his soul on fire is a common criminal. The only thing Sam can do is keep her close. An easy enough task—if Sam doesn’t do something stupid. Like fall in love with the bombshell he was sent to kill….

Hitman: Damnation

by Raymond Benson

Agent 47 might be the best assassin the Agency has ever had, but he'll need all of his skill, cunning, and ruthlessness if he is to survive his toughest assignment yet. Since the devastating conclusion of Hitman: Blood Money, Agent 47 has been MIA. Now fans awaiting the return of the blockbuster video-game and film phenomenon can pinpoint the location of the world's most brutal and effective killer-for-hire before he re-emerges in Hitman: Absolution. When the Agency lures him back with a mission that will require every last ounce of his stealth, strength, and undercover tactics, they grossly underestimate the silent assassin's own agenda. Because this time, Agent 47 isn't just going to bite the hand that feeds him ... he's going to tear it off and annihilate anyone who stands in his way.

Hitman Anders and the Meaning of It All

by Jonas Jonasson Rachel Willson-Broyles

From the author of the international bestseller The 100-Year-Old-Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared, a brilliant satirical novel set in modern Sweden—a story of idealism and fanaticism, gangsters and entrepreneurs, sensationalism and spirituality, that explores the values that matter in contemporary life.In a former brothel turned low-rent hotel, the lives of three unusual strangers—a former female priest, recently fired from her church; the ruined grandson of an ex-millionaire working as a receptionist; and Killer-Anders, a murderer newly released from prison—accidently collide with darkly hilarious results.Seeing a lucrative opportunity in Killer-Anders, the unlikely trio form an unusual new business. The Priest and The Receptionist will handle strategy and public relations, and coordinate Killer-Anders’ “missions.” Using the media’s obsessive need for sensational, headline-making stories to advertise their talent’s superb “skill,” they quickly build a clientele of rich Swedish gangsters. Suddenly, they’re making an altogether different kind of killing of their own.But when Killer-Anders begins asking deeper questions about purpose and meaning, his curiosity leads him to an unexpected discovery: he finds Jesus. Desperate to save the money machine they’ve built, The Priest and The Receptionist devise an audacious plan utilizing Killer-Anders’ newfound and decidedly fervent faith.Mischievous yet big-hearted, filled with Jonas Jonasson’s trenchant humor and delightful twists, Hitman Anders and the Meaning of It All is a delightful comic adventure that reminds us it’s never to late to start over—and to discover what truly matters.

Hitman: Damnation (Hitman #2)

by Raymond Benson

THE OFFICIAL, ALL-ORIGINAL, ALL-OUT THRILLING PREQUEL TO THE MUCH-ANTICIPATED NEW GAME HITMAN: ABSOLUTION Since the devastating conclusion of Hitman: Blood Money, Agent 47 has been MIA. Now fans awaiting the return of the blockbuster videogame and film phenomenon can pinpoint the location of the world's most brutal and effective killer-for-hire before he reemerges in Hitman: Absolution. When the Agency lures him back with a mission that will require every last ounce of his stealth, strength, and undercover tactics, they grossly underestimate the silent asssassin's own agenda. Because this time, Agent 47 isn't just going to bite the hand that feeds him. He's going tear it off and annihilate anyone who stands in his way.

Hitman™: Enemy Within

by William C. Dietz

The clone assassin has been played long enough-- now it's more than a game. Bred to kill, Agent 47 is The Agency's most valuable assassin. So when a competing murder-for-hire organization decides to destroy The Agency, the first person they target for elimination is Agent 47. Tasking someone to off the best hitman in the business is one thing; getting the job done is another. When the attempt falls short, Agent 47 is ordered to track down and kill the culprit who is feeding vital information about The Agency to its enemies. Agent 47 must follow a bloody trail halfway around the world, fight his way through the streets of Fez, Morocco, and battle slavers deep inside Chad. Then he will discover a shattering truth: If he fails at his mission, the price he'll pay will be far greater than his own life.


by Max Kinnings

A paranoid, reclusive old woman offers you a hundred grand to kill someone. Trouble is, you're no silent assasin and your target is a man endowed with enormous psychic powers. And yes...he quite clearly knows what you're up to. You have two options:1. Decline the offer. 2. Get a gun, get smashed out of your brain on every drug you can lay your hands on and hit the streets in your souped-up Beamer whilst your "hit" draws you deeper into his bizarre hallucinatory world. The choice is yours. Taking in the sights and sounds of modern London as seen through the bleary eyes of our (tragi-)comic (anti-)hero, HITMAN is inhabited by a cast of grotesque movers and shakers, casualties and misfits, all of them scattered from the corrosive underbelly of the showbiz dream.


by Max Kinnings

A paranoid, reclusive old woman offers you a hundred grand to kill someone. Trouble is, you're no silent assasin and your target is a man endowed with enormous psychic powers. And yes...he quite clearly knows what you're up to. You have two options:1. Decline the offer. 2. Get a gun, get smashed out of your brain on every drug you can lay your hands on and hit the streets in your souped-up Beamer whilst your "hit" draws you deeper into his bizarre hallucinatory world. The choice is yours. Taking in the sights and sounds of modern London as seen through the bleary eyes of our (tragi-)comic (anti-)hero, HITMAN is inhabited by a cast of grotesque movers and shakers, casualties and misfits, all of them scattered from the corrosive underbelly of the showbiz dream.


by Lawrence Block

Sequel to Block's previous work, Hit Man, a gripping insight into the life of a paid assassin who finds his way on to someone else's hit list.Superficially, John Keller - the urban lonely guy of assassins - leads a normal life despite his profession. He has an office manager, the breezily efficient Dot, who organises his "jobs" and reassures his grumbling conscience. He is an obsessive stamp collector. In a blackly comic twist, he even gets called for jury service. Laid back, couldn't care less, morally distanced from his vocation, Keller is an intriguing character. A visit to an astrologer tells him, and us, that he is a gentle man who is simply surrounded by violence rather than being a perpetrator of it. His professional satisfaction, we learn, comes from "solving a problem". Taking lives causes him no real anxiety. And then Keller's jobs start to go wrong. Targets die before he can get to them. Gradually he realises that he is being stalked. Another hitman is trying to weed out the competition and kill him. Keller and Dot try to turn the tables but how many innocents will get caught in the crossfire before Keller is truly safe?

Hitler's Secret

by Will Osborne William Osborne

"An incredible adventure and a great page-turner!" -- Bear GryllsOtto and Leni thought they were safe: They escaped -- barely -- from war-torn Europe and are living as refugees in England. But now the Crown has recruited them: Great Britian wants them to go back. As spies!Dropped behind enemy lines, they embark on a top-secret operation. Code name: Wolfsangel. Their mission? Capture the one person who can defeat the ultimate evil of Nazism! Der Fuhrer has destroyed Otto's and Leni's families, but what if the tables were turned? What if Hitler's ultimate legacy was in their hands?Breathless pacing, nonstop action: By the screenwriter of Goldeneye, HITLER'S SECRET is a cinematic tale of revenge with an unexpected twist. A note by the author explains the truth behind the fiction and lets readers know what really became of history's greatest villains.

Hitler's Priest (Hitler's Priest Ser.)

by S.J. Tagliareni

A brilliant young atheist in Weimar Germany finds himself among Hitler&’s inner circle—as his moral conscience—in this debut historical thriller.Hans Keller was always highly intelligent—so much so that he learned to place little value in what the school or church tries to teach him. But after a chance meeting with the charismatic Josef Goebbels, a leader of the burgeoning Nazi Party, atheistic Hans is offered a key role in shaping the future of the new Germany: providing essential influence within the Catholic Church. As the nation prepares for war, Hans finds himself gaining power in a shadowy world of manipulation and deceit. He soon rises to a level of ultimate status—and ultimate compromise—as Hitler&’s personal priest. In this original thriller full of fascinating period detail, author and former priest S. J. Tagliareni offers a rare window into the psychological and moral conflicts raised by Nazi Germany and the Holocaust.

Hitler's Peace: gripping alternative history thriller from a global bestseller

by Philip Kerr

A gripping alternative history thriller set in the Second World War, from the internationally acclaimed and bestselling author of the Bernie Gunther novels.Autumn 1943. Hitler knows he cannot win the war: now he must find a way to make peace. FDR and Stalin are willing to negotiate; only Churchill refuses to listen. The upcoming Allied Tehran conference will be where the next steps - whatever they are - will be decided.Into this nest of double- and triple-dealing steps Willard Mayer, OSS agent and FDR's envoy to the conference. His job is to secure the peace that the USA and Hitler now crave. The stakes couldn't be higher.With his sure hand for pacing, his firm grasp of historical detail, and his explosively creative imagination about what might have been, Philip Kerr has fashioned a totally convincing thinking man's thriller in the great tradition of Eric Ambler and Graham Greene.

Hitler's Peace: gripping alternative history thriller from a global bestseller

by Philip Kerr

A gripping alternative history thriller set in the Second World War, from the internationally acclaimed and bestselling author of the Bernie Gunther novels.Autumn 1943. Hitler knows he cannot win the war: now he must find a way to make peace. FDR and Stalin are willing to negotiate; only Churchill refuses to listen. The upcoming Allied Tehran conference will be where the next steps - whatever they are - will be decided.Into this nest of double- and triple-dealing steps Willard Mayer, OSS agent and FDR's envoy to the conference. His job is to secure the peace that the USA and Hitler now crave. The stakes couldn't be higher.Showcasing Philip Kerr's brilliant research and masterful plotting at its best, Hitler's Peace has never before been published in the UK and is a fitting coda to the career of one of the masters of the historical thriller.(P) 2019 Quercus Editions Limited

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