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Acid Rock: Number 13 in Series (The Destroyer #13)

by Warren Murphy Richard Sapir

Vickie Stoner knows some things. Things that could put a number of very wealthy, very influential men in prison if she testifies. At least one of those wealthy, influential men would prefer that she does not, and has offered one million dollars to the first assassin to silence her. Vickie just wants to pop some pills, expand her mind and bed the lead singer of Maggot and the Dead Meat Lice. Which makes her a hard girl to keep safe. There's only one man for the job . . .Remo Williams is The Destroyer, an ex-cop who should be dead, but instead fights for the secret government law-enforcement organisation CURE. Trained in the esoteric martial art of Sinanju by his aged mentor, Chiun, Remo is America's last line of defence. Breathlessly action-packed and boasting a winning combination of thrills, humour and mysticism, the Destroyer is one of the bestselling series of all time.

Acid Rock (Destroyer, #13)

by Richard Sapir Warren Murphy

The music was loud but not loud enough to drown out the shots directed at the gorgeous redhead on the screaming chaos of the world's biggest rock festival ever. The girl liked to be near singers, the freakier and the more spaced-out the better. Some of them got too close and wound up permanently spaced-out. Reason? Someone wanted to kill the beautiful girl with the long red hair. She was under contract. A large contract - one million dollars. A big bounty, even for her beautiful head. She had to be killed. And quick. Remo and Chiun had other ideas. Their assignment from CURE said protect her at any costs - and thatg meant that someone was going to have to pay a very high price. The stage was set - for music, murder and mayhem.

Acid Bath (Elena Jarvis Ser.)

by Nancy Herndon

Elena Jarvis is an officer committed to her duty at the Los Santos, Texas, Department of Crimes Against Persons. Not that anyone is helping her there, not when her ex-husband is in the next room, her boss treats her like a little girl and her partner thinks women shouldn't leave the kitchen. Elena always knew there would be obstacles in her job; she just figured they would come from the criminals. When an erotic poet accuses his ex-wife, Sarah, of trying to murder him with an exploding escargot, Elena has doubts of the reality of the crime. But the more she learns about their nasty divorce, the more she begins to side with Sarah, until she finds the poet's body decaying in a bathtub filled with more than just water. Before the acid eats away all the evidence, Elena must put aside her sympathies for the victimized ex-wife and get down to the bare bones of this murder before someone else becomes the next victim.

Achtung, Aufnahme! (Brandt and Donnelly Capers #1)

by Alina Becker Xavier Mayne

Sein neuester Auftrag bringt den Kriminalbeamten Brandt in eine unangenehme Lage: Er soll Undercover bei einer Organisation vorsprechen, die Online-Sexfilme produziert und dafür muss er nackt vor der Kamera posieren. Glücklicherweise steht ihm sein Partner und bester Freund Donnelly immer treu zur Seite – ob es darum geht, in Schwulenboutiquen Reizwäsche zu shoppen oder ihn während seiner Recherchen auf Pornowebsites zu ermutigen und mit Jägermeister zu versorgen. Aller Demütigung zum Trotz liefert Brandt bei dem Vorsprechen seinen besten „Schuss“ ab – und wird über Nacht zur Sensation. Aber um den Mann hinter der Organisation zu treffen, muss er noch eine weitere Vorstellung geben – dieses Mal für den Höchstbietenden live vor der Webcam. Um seinen Partner zu schützen, gewinnt Donnelly die Auktion, aber ihr Plan hat einen Haken: Sie müssen die Nummer bis zum bitteren Ende durchziehen. Danach fühlt sich Brandt zutiefst erniedrigt. Er versucht, damit ins Reine zu kommen, was er für seinen Job tun musste und Ruhe in sein Gefühlschaos zu bringen. Aber auch für Donnelly war diese Ermittlung die reinste Entdeckungsreise. Plötzlich wird alles, was die beiden Männer über sich und den anderen zu wissen glaubten, über den Haufen geworfen. Dabei haben sie doch eigentlich noch einen Fall zu lösen – aber der sieht möglicherweise ganz anders aus, als sie dachten.

The Achilles Project

by Jessica Starre

Former NYPD detective Meghan McCafferty is finished taking chances. Safety first, that’s her motto these days. But on a certain Wednesday in March, she happens to walk into the same coffee shop as Marcus Bixil, a man who closes deals for the powerful Kozlova Group. To her, Marcus is a charming man with quirks. He makes her forget the importance of staying safe.Oops.Only after a black-ops government agency tries to permanently retire her does Meghan realize that Marcus isn’t a charming man with quirks: he’s something else entirely. But what?Along with her friend Danny Yi, and against adversaries ranging from Marcus’s employer to a freelance operative whose allegiance shifts like sand, Meghan races to discover the secret of Marcus, knowing only that revealing it will protect her - but not knowing the price she’ll have to pay to learn it.Sensuality Level: Behind Closed Doors

Achilles: The Deep Sky Saga - Book One (The Deep Sky Saga #1)

by Greg Boose

Young colonists find themselves stranded on an unpopulated moon—and not as alone as they thought—in a series debut from the author of The Red Bishop. The year is 2221, and humans have colonized a planet called Thetis in the Silver Foot Galaxy. After a tragic accident kills dozens of teenage colonists, Thetis’s leaders are desperate to repopulate. So Earth sends the Mayflower 2—a state-of-the-art spaceship—across the universe to bring new homesteaders to the colony. For orphaned teen Jonah Lincoln, the move to Thetis is a chance to reinvent himself, to be strong and independent and brave, the way he could never be on Earth. But his dreams go up in smoke when their ship crash-lands, killing half the passengers and leaving the rest stranded—not on Thetis, but on its cruel and unpopulated moon, Achilles. Between its bloodthirsty alien life forms and its distance from their intended location, Achilles is a harrowing landing place. When all of the adult survivors suddenly disappear, leaving the teenage passengers to fend for themselves, Jonah doubts they’ll survive at all, much less reach Thetis—especially when it appears Achilles isn’t as uninhabited as they were led to believe. Praise for Greg Boose’s The Red Bishop: “Boose’s prose is quick, dark, exciting. He’s got the thriller element dialed. There are shades of Stephen King in the breathless horror of it all. This isn’t your everyday YA novel, there’s way more to it.” —Lauren Herstik,

Achecho en el aeropuerto: El juego de Jack

by Blair London Luis Mora

Jack Carl, hombre de negocios y empleado de la corporacion McShank, casado con una buena esposa, hijos que lo aman y hermosos nietos. Tiene un juego de habilidades muy especificas que son de vital importancia para su tipo de trabajo......

Achado Não É Roubado

by J. J. DiBenedetto Evelyn Torre

Achado Não É Roubado por JJ DiBenedetto 2250 quilômetros. 3 países. 2 homens em quem ela não pode confiar. O que poderia dar errado? Era para ser um trabalho simples. Tudo que a estudante de arqueologia Jane Barnaby precisava fazer era pegar uma caixa que seu professor queria e entregá-la no local de sua escavação, junto com o novo carro dele. Sim, seu escritório ficava em Oxfordshire, e a escavação na Espanha, uma viagem de 2250 quilômetros através de três países e duas extensões de água. Ainda assim, deveria ter sido simples. E foi, até que Jane descobriu que pegou a caixa errada por engano. Não estava com uma repleta de amostras de cerâmica entediantes, mas sim com uma contendo artefatos egípcios antigos inestimáveis. Caixa que uma equipe internacional de ladrões de arte estava atrás. Assim ela se vê perseguindo e sendo perseguida pelos ladrões. E ela arrumou dois passageiros que afirmam poder ajudá-la a enganá-los, pegar a cerâmica de seu professor de volta e devolver os artefatos ao seu legítimo dono. Se ela ao menos conseguisse descobrir qual deles está trabalhando com os ladrões e em qual deles pode confiar neste jogo de gato e rato de altos riscos.

Aces Wild (Elite Ops #1)

by Emmy Curtis

In the heat of the Nevada desert, the most elite military pilots in the world are about to engage in some friendly competition. Only this year, someone is changing all the rules...RAF pilot Dexter Stone has been through his fair share of sticky situations. After living through a crash in enemy territory where no one expected him to walk away, the Red Flag training exercises should be a piece of cake-assuming he can keep his mind on the mission and not on the smart mouth of his gorgeous American competition.As one of the few women in a sky full of hotshot flyboys, Maj. Eleanor Daniels has worked day and night to earn a coveted spot at Red Flag. And she's not about to let some cocky British bad boy distract her from winning. But when the games take a deadly turn, he may be her only hope for survival.

Aces Wild: A Heist

by Amanda DeWitt

What happens in Vegas when an all-asexual online friend group attempts to break into a high-stakes gambling club? Shenanigans ensue."A fast-paced, thrilling diversion."—Kirkus ReviewsSome people join chess club, some people play football. Jack Shannon runs a secret blackjack ring in his private school&’s basement. What else is the son of a Las Vegas casino mogul supposed to do?Everything starts falling apart when Jack&’s mom is arrested for their family&’s ties to organized crime. His sister Beth thinks this is the Shannon family&’s chance to finally go straight, but Jack knows that something&’s not right. His mom was sold out, and he knows by who. Peter Carlevaro: rival casino owner and jilted lover. Gross.Jack hatches a plan to find out what Carlevaro&’s holding over his mom&’s head, but he can&’t do it alone. He recruits his closest friends—the asexual support group he met through fandom forums. Now all he has to do is infiltrate a high-stakes gambling club and dodge dark family secrets, while hopelessly navigating what it means to be in love while asexual. Easy, right?A wild romp told in a can't-look-away-from voice, Aces Wild is packed with internet friend hijinks and ace representation galore!

Aces High

by Kay Hooper

New York Times bestselling author Kay Hooper weaves a tale of betrayal and second chances as two lovers torn apart by deception team up for one last mission. Recruited as a spy out of college, Katrina Keller learned to use every asset at her disposal to ferret out sensitive information for the Americans. But after her cover was partially blown, the love of her life--another federal agent--left under the impression that she had betrayed their country. In response, Katrina buried her pain and sought refuge in a low-key operation run out of an amusement park. Then, just as Katrina thinks she's really moved on, Skye Prescott crosses her path once again. Skye never recovered from Katrina's betrayal. Hiding in the shadows, he turned himself into a reckless, ruthless force of nature. But when his supposedly piece-of-cake mission thrusts Katrina back into his life, he quickly realizes he made a terrible mistake by leaving her without digging for the truth first. Skye's nature demands swift action. Nothing gets in his way when he decides what he wants. And now not even Katrina's protests will stop him from winning her back. Includes a special message from the editor, as well as an excerpt from another Loveswept title.

Acero quebrantado

by T. J. Loveless

Después de un periodo sanguinolento en Irak, Karen Barnes solo desea una vida simple rodeada de caballos y de las montañas de Wyoming. Sin embargo, cuando un desconocido trata de alojar a un caballo famoso valorado en millones de dólares en su cuadra, Karen sospecha que el caballo ha sido robado. Cuando sus peores temores se ven confirmados, y su vida amenazada, aparece su instinto de supervivencia. No obstante, las cosas son mucho peores de lo que se habría podido imaginar cuando descubre que ese robo es solamente una treta para encubrir el espionaje. Con las vidas de las personas que quiere en juego, ¿puede encontrar el coraje para luchar en una batalla más, o la violencia y matanza van a hacerla pedazos?

Acerca Del Para Siempre

by Lexy Timms

Llega un momento, incluso en la relación más sexy de la historia, cuando ya es suficiente. Pero cortar al magnífico y hermoso chico malo Sasha Petrov es como cortarse un brazo; Kallie Margolis simplemente no puede hacerlo. No son las lujosas casas y sus atenciones lo que no puede dejar atrás… es él. Su encanto peligroso y su pasión única en la vida. Si alguien le hubiera dicho antes de irse de la ciudad, que Sasha no era adecuado para ella, ni siquiera podría imaginarlo. Pero una vez más, Kallie se encuentra despertando frente a una rústica playa, indagando y tratando de darle sentido a todo. Salir a arreglarlo no es una opción, porque Sasha siempre está detrás de ella. La atrae hacia sus poderosos brazos solo estando cerca. Él trata de ser frío e insensible para darle una lección por haberse ido, pero no puede estar más enojado con ella más de lo que ella puede romper con él. Cuando todo parece indicar que las cosas toman su curso para ambos, Sasha, el tipo listo jamás capturado, es arrestado, esta vez por un crimen bastante serio. Es un empresario auto–empleado que, sin arrepentimiento, se ocupa de cosas que no son del todo legales. ¿Serán las consecuencias de sus oscuras actividades el final del amor más dulce que Kallie cree que alguna vez encontrará? ¿O Sasha contra toda probabilidad volverá a la cama de Kallie, y a su corazón para siempre?

Acerca del Amor

by Janette Trejo Lexy Timms

Tras perder su fortuna y a su prometido al mismo tiempo Kallie Margolis, la una vez dueña de un lucrativo negocio, desaparece de la alta sociedad. Necesita convertirse en algo — o alguien — humilde. Es contratada como mesera en un bar llamado Darkness. Se encuentra en una parte peligrosa de la ciudad, popularmente conocida por su población ruso-americana. Traicionada y humillada por su prometido quien utilizó su negocio como fachada para un servicio de acompañantes, Kallie quiere mantener su mundo pequeño y simple. Inesperadamente, su nueva vida involucra al erótico, misterioso e increíblemente encantador Sasha Petrov. Sasha es demasiado atractivo para ponerlo en palabras. La vida de Kallie se vuelve apasionada, intensa, erótica y emocionante — pero completamente alejada de lo simple. Aunque muchas señales le indican que Sasha está jugando sucio, Kallie decide que sería una tonta si se negara al placer que él le brinda. Su aventura se convierte en algo parecido un cuento de hadas y Kallie comienza a creer que Sasha es el amor que ella se merece después de todas las dificultades por las que ha pasado. Él la envuelve en opulencia y atiende cada una de sus necesidades como nadie jamás lo ha hecho. Cuando el pasado de Kallie inesperadamente vuelve a ella, se da cuenta de que tan pequeño es realmente el mundo. ¿Podrá un inesperado descubrimiento romper el corazón de Kallie definitivamente? O ¿Sasha se convertirá en el chico malo que se ha impuesto ser?

Acerca De La Verdad

by Lexy Timms Lilia Janette Trejo

¿Qué podría ser más sexy que un hombre ruso ardiente con la constitución de una casa de ladrillos? Uno que está tan perdido por ti... Perdida en una relación amorosa ardiente y romántica, la joven y bella Kallie Margolis tiene todo, casi. Ella tiene una hermosa casa, todo el dinero que necesita y la atención total del hombre más magnífico que pueda imaginar. Solo que ella no tiene que imaginarlo porque Sasha Petrov es maravilloso, más grande que nadie, increíble en la cama, y ​​muy real. Sasha es también el que inconscientemente ayudó a arruinar todo lo que Kallie una vez tuvo, y aun así ella se enamoró de él. Se gana la vida en los barrios bajos de Baltimore de una manera que Kallie no quiere saber. Ella vuelve la cabeza a pesar de que una vez fue víctima de sus fechorías. Pero la necesidad animal que tienen uno del otro les hace volar más allá de todo eso, y pasan el mejor momento de sus vidas, ya que Sasha lo hace todo por ella… Justo cuando el mundo no puede volverse más rosa, su pasión está más descontrolada, el fondo amenaza con desaparecer. ¿Sasha ha estado jugando a Kallie? ¿Él va a llevarla a dar otra vuelta? ¿O puede Kallie confiar en el chico malo y sensual cuando dice que es el amor por ella, no por una vida delictiva, lo que lo impulsa?

An Ace Up My Sleeve (Murder Room #52)

by James Hadley Chase

From the moment Helga Rolfe, the elegant wife of one of the richest tycoons, picks up a gum-chewing boy young enough to be her son, events jump back and skid through a series of 180-degree turns. Games of bluff and counter bluff quickly develop into a dangerous and deadly battle and as the action hots up, Chase weaves a fast-moving story of blackmail, intrigue and extortion with a hair-raising climax.

An Ace Up My Sleeve

by James Hadley Chase

From the moment Helga Rolfe, the elegant wife of one of the richest tycoons, picks up a gum-chewing boy young enough to be her son, events jump back and skid through a series of 180-degree turns. Games of bluff and counter bluff quickly develop into a dangerous and deadly battle and as the action hots up, Chase weaves a fast-moving story of blackmail, intrigue and extortion with a hair-raising climax.

Ace of Spades

by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé

Gossip Girl meets Get Out in Ace of Spades, a YA contemporary thriller by debut author Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé about two students, Devon & Chiamaka, and their struggles against an anonymous bully. All you need to know is . . . I’m here to divide and conquer. <P><P>Like all great tyrants do. —Aces When two Niveus Private Academy students, Devon Richards and Chiamaka Adebayo, are selected to be part of the elite school’s senior class prefects, it looks like their year is off to an amazing start. After all, not only does it look great on college applications, but it officially puts each of them in the running for valedictorian, too. <P><P>Shortly after the announcement is made, though, someone who goes by Aces begins using anonymous text messages to reveal secrets about the two of them that turn their lives upside down and threaten every aspect of their carefully planned futures. <P><P>As Aces shows no sign of stopping, what seemed like a sick prank quickly turns into a dangerous game, with all the cards stacked against them. Can Devon and Chiamaka stop Aces before things become incredibly deadly? <P><P>With heart-pounding suspense and relevant social commentary comes a high-octane thriller from debut author Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé. <P><P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

The Ace of Spades (A Lieutenant Luis Mendoza Mystery)

by Dell Shannon

'A Luis Mendoza story means superlative suspense' Los Angeles TimesLieutenant Luis Mendoza works with an outstanding team at the Los Angeles Police Department. They need to be. On their hands is a case of a vanished treasure of coins; drug dealers and a clutch of law-breaking brothers.As well as the cases, though, there's an inside view of a police department and the varied lives of the characters who work within it.

The Ace of Spades

by Dell Shannon

Lieutenant Luis Mendoza works with an outstanding team at the Los Angeles Police Department. They need to be. On their hands is a case of a vanished treasure of coins; drug dealers and a clutch of law-breaking brothers. As well as the cases, though, there's an inside view of a police department and the varied lives of the characters who work within it.

Ace Is Wild

by Penny Mccall

When beautiful clairvoyant Vivienne Foster starts having visions of the murder of hotshot U.S. Attorney Daniel ‘Ace’ Pierce, she can’t just sit back and do nothing. Which is how she winds up at a charity bachelor auction where he’s the top attraction, hoping a loaded .38 will make him see the light. Pierce assumes that the woman holding him at gunpoint is crazy. But when she later saves his life, even a skeptic like Daniel has to take notice—not that he could ever ignore a beauty like her.

Accustomed to the Dark

by Walter Satterthwait

Santa Fe private detectives Joshua Croft and Rita Mondragon have recently become much more than friends and business partners. When Rita is shot and wounded, perhaps mortally, by the same vicious psychopath who tried to kill her once before, Joshua sets out to find the man. His pursuit takes him from the mountains of New Mexico to a posh Denver suburb, from the bleak plains of Kansas to the sweltering depths of the Florida Everglades. Along the way, he meets a sleazy former prison inmate, an eighty-year-old computer expert, a brutal drug dealer, a somber homicide cop, and a hardened mercenary with a very peculiar hobby. As Joshua races across the length of the United States toward a final confrontation with a savage killer, he also travels back through his own past, to the beginning of his relationship with the woman who now lies near death.

Accustomed to the Dark: A Joshua Croft Mystery (The Joshua Croft Mysteries #5)

by Walter Satterthwait

The &“compelling&” conclusion of the Southwestern mystery series culminates in a showdown between the Santa Fe PI and the convict who shot the woman he loves (Booklist). Rita Mondragon is lying comatose and near death in a Santa Fe hospital, and her normally even-tempered partner and paramour, private detective Joshua Croft, is on a razor&’s edge. This is the second time Rita&’s been shot by Ernie Martinez—the first was years ago when he killed her husband and put Rita in a wheelchair—and now the recently escaped convict is on the run with his equally twisted cellmate Luiz Lucero. Despite a massive police manhunt, and warnings from the FBI and the DEA to back off, Croft sets out to capture the killers himself. As the crazed convicts leave a trail of murder and destruction behind them—from New Mexico to Las Vegas to Denver and across Kansas and Texas—one by one, their pursuers drop by the wayside. Suddenly a strange twist of fate has left only one man hunter remaining—Joshua Croft—in a breathtaking kill-or-be-killed climax in the Florida Everglades.

The Accusers

by Lindsey Davis

Fresh from his trip to Britain, Marcus Didius Falco needs to re-establish his presence in Rome. A minor role in the trial of a senator entangles him in the machinations of two real life lawyers at the top of their trade. The senator is convicted, but then dies, apparently by suicide. It may have been a legal move to protect his heirs, but Falco is hired to prove it was murder. As Falco shows off his talents in the role of advocate, he exposes himself to a tangle of upper-class secrets and powerful elements in Roman law that may have consequences he hadn't quite bargained for.

The Accused: The Accused The Betrayed The Reunion (Mystere Parish: Family Inheritance #1)

by Jana DeLeon

USA TODAY bestselling author Jana DeLeon has a new trilogy-Mystere Parish: Family Inheritance.After working as a cop in New Orleans, Carter Trahan is back in Mystere Parish, where his latest assignment seems like a joke: making sure Alaina LeBeau lives in her childhood home for two weeks to comply with her mother''s will. But soon the sexy sheriff isn''t laughing. Someone-or something-is stalking the beautiful defense lawyer, turning her once-grand mansion into a house of horrors. But as he searches for the truth, Carter must face ghosts of his own past lurking in the bayou. Most troubling of all is his unprofessional attraction to the woman he''s protecting, as Alaina''s allure haunts him as no specter ever could....

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