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1794: The Million Copy International Bestseller (Jean Mickel Cardell #2)

by Niklas Natt Dag

'Niklas Natt och Dag takes the contemporary Scandinavian crime story and gives it a startlingly gruesome historical twist' GuardianA year has passed. A lot has happened, but worse is to come.The year is 1794. A young nobleman, Eric Three Roses, languishes in hospital. Some think he would be just at home in the madhouse across the road. Ridden with guilt, he spends his nights writing down memories of his lost love who died on their wedding night. Her mother also mourns her and when no one listens to her suspicions, she begs the aid of the only person who will listen: Jean Mickel Cardell, the one-armed watchman.Cecil Winge is six months in the ground but when his younger brother Emil seeks out the watchman to retrieve his brother's missing pocket watch, Cardell enlists his help to discover what really happened at Three Roses' estate that night. But, unlike his dead brother, the younger Winge is an enigma, and Cardell soon realises that he may be more hindrance than help. And when they discover that a mysterious slave trader has been running Three Roses' affairs, it is a race against time to discover the truth before it's too late.In 1794, the second installment of Niklas Natt och Dag's historical noir trilogy, we are reunited with Mickel Cardell, Anna Stina Knapp, and the bustling world of late eighteenth century Stockholm. The city is about to see its darkest days yet as veneers crack and the splendour of old gives way to what is hiding in the city's nooks and crannies.(P) 2022 Hodder & Stoughton Ltd

1794: The Million Copy International Bestseller (Jean Mickel Cardell #2)

by Niklas Natt Dag

#1 bestseller in Sweden with over 1.5 million copies sold'Niklas Natt och Dag takes the contemporary Scandinavian crime story and gives it a startlingly gruesome historical twist' GuardianThe year is 1794. A young nobleman, Eric Three Roses, languishes in hospital. Some think he would be just at home in the madhouse across the road. Ridden with guilt, he spends his nights writing down memories of his lost love who died on their wedding night. Her mother also mourns her and when no one listens to her suspicions, she begs the aid of the only person who will listen: Jean Mickel Cardell, the one-armed watchman.Cecil Winge is six months in the ground but when his younger brother Emil seeks out the watchman to retrieve his brother's missing pocket watch, Cardell enlists his help to discover what really happened at Three Roses' estate that night. But, unlike his dead brother, the younger Winge is an enigma, and Cardell soon realises that he may be more hindrance than help. And when they discover that a mysterious slave trader has been running Three Roses' affairs, it is a race against time to discover the truth before it's too late.In 1794, the second installment of Niklas Natt och Dag's historical noir trilogy, we are reunited with Mickel Cardell, Anna Stina Knapp, and the bustling world of late eighteenth century Stockholm from The Wolf and the Watchman. The city is about to see its darkest days yet as veneers crack and the splendour of old gives way to what is hiding in the city's nooks and crannies.


by Niklas Natt Och Dag

Finalista do Prémio Storytel para Melhor Romance (Suécia) Finalmente! Depois de 1793, a aguardada continuação do premiado autor e fenómeno editorial internacional. Niklas Natt och Dag criou um novo género que seduz os leitores e a crítica de todo o mundo. 1794, Estocolmo. Uma mãe chora a filha brutalmente assassinada na noite de núpcias. Desesperada, sem ninguém que atenda o seu pedido, acaba por bater à porta do vigia com um só braço e que chora amargamente a morte do amigo. No hospital de Danviken, nos arredores da cidade, um jovem nobre é atormentado pelo crime repugnante que cometeu. A investigação de Cardell leva-o de novo ao abismo de Estocolmo e à descoberta de que a cidade está mais perversa e perigosa do que nunca. Neste novo episódio, o leitor reúne-se com Mickel Cardell e Anna Stina Knapp no seu mundo barulhento e depravado, onde o que fica do esplendor gustaviano está prestes a entrar em colapso. Estocolmo verá os seus dias tornarem-se mais sombrios e o antigo esplendor dará lugar à escuridão escondida nos cantos e recantos da corrupta cidade. Os elogios da crítica: «Extremo e extremamente bom.»Dagens Nyheter «A prosa inigualável deste romance transportará o leitor para uma época completamente diferente, mas muito tangível. E a história, embora seja uma das mais vis que li, é totalmente irresistível.»Vi Läser «1794 é um retrato maravilhosamente misantropo sobre o sofrimento de uma Estocolmo violenta.»BJT «Niklas Natt och Dag encanta os leitores com a sua representação do século XVIII. O que faz o leitor continuar a ler é a história moral no mundo moralmente decadente que o autor retrata. No meio de toda aquela escuridão, resta uma trémula luz para o guiar.»Gefle Dagblad «Como aconteceu com o seu romance deestreia, em 1794, o leitor é imediatamente absorvido pelo enredo habilmente construído.»Göteborgs-Posten «Niklas Natt och Dag sabe bem como guiar os seus protagonistas no duro caminho que a vida lhes impôs. Existem bons motivos para aguardar por 1795.»Svenska Dagbladet «Não vai conseguir parar de ler. Pela trama, mas também pela bela prosa e a fantástica descrição do ambiente.»Dast Magazine «O maior valor do entretenimento nesta obra recai sobre a representação da época, quase documental ao nível do pormenor, já para não falar na prosa. Um contraponto à escuridão que enfrentam todas as personagens é a luz que brilha sob a forma de narrativa, próxima da poesia.»Södermanlands Nyheter


by Niklas Natt Och Dag

Engaño, corrupción y crimen en la Suecia del siglo XVIII. La esperada continuación de 1793. Segunda parte de la aclamada trilogía con tintes noir iniciada con 1793 —considerado Mejor Libro del Año en Suecia y elogiado por la crítica por renovar los cánones del thriller histórico—, 1794 presenta un ingenioso entramado de engaños, venganzas y crímenes inmisericordes sobre el telón de fondo de una bulliciosa Estocolmo inmersa en la vorágine generada por la Revolución francesa. Segundo hijo de la acaudalada familia Tres Rosas, Erik es enviado por su padre a la colonia de San Bartolomé, el mayor mercado de esclavos del mundo, en las Antillas, para separarlo de Linnea Charlotta, una chica de extracción humilde con la que se ha jurado amor eterno. Desterrado en la isla caribeña, el muchacho se encuentra enfrascado en adaptarse a un medio tan brutal cuando lassúbitas muertes de su padre y de su hermano primogénito precipitan su regreso a Suecia. Así pues, convertido de repente en heredero de una inmensa fortuna y libre para contraer matrimonio con su amada Linnea Charlotta, la felicidad parece sonreírle cuando otro cruel giro del destino lo arroja de nuevo a las tinieblas: acusado de un crimen horrendo ocurrido durante la misma noche de bodas, la vida de Erik queda en manos del inefable Mickel Cardell, el hosco veterano de guerra que, acompañado ahora por Emil Winge, hermano pequeño y álter ego del malogrado Cecil, se adentrará en los abismos más oscuros y violentos de la sociedad sueca para intentar descubrir la verdad y liberar a Erik de un futuro nefasto. Con una destreza excepcional para idear personajes de una asombrosa complejidad y recrear con todo lujo de detalles un momento histórico apasionante, Niklas Natt och Dag colma con creces las expectativas generadas con 1793 y promete mantener la tensión en vilo hasta eldesenlace de la trilogía. La crítica ha dicho... «Uno de los fenómenos literarios del año». Màrius Carol, La Vanguardia «La continuación de '1793', emocionante simbiosis entre novela histórica y novela negra y una de las mejores del género en 2020». El País «El sueco Niklas Natt och Dag alcanza una sublime fusión de narrativa criminal y recreación histórica detallada». Lilian Neuman, Cultura/s «Con el protagonista de la primera entrega fuera de juego, el autor sueco trenza nuevas alianzas entre sus personajes para arrojar un poco de luz a una época oscura y cruenta sobre la que sobrevuela también el fantasma de la esclavitud». ABC «Es terrorífico...terroríficamente bueno».Dagens Nyheter «Al igual que en su novela debut, el lector se ve inmediatamente atrapado por la prosa de 1794 de Niklas Natt Och Dag.[...] La trama ha sido construida por manos expertas,tal como la última vez».Göteborgs-Posten «1794 es un retrato maravilloso y misantrópico del sufrimiento que existió una vez en Estocolmo. También es terrorífico y emocionante».BTJ

1793: The latest Scandi sensation (Jean Mickel Cardell #1)

by Niklas Natt Dag

Best Debut, The Swedish Academy of Crime Writers' Award 2017'Thrilling, unnerving, clever and beautiful' Fredrik BackmanThe year is 1793, Stockholm. King Gustav of Sweden has been assassinated, years of foreign wars have emptied the treasuries, and the realm is governed by a self-interested elite, leaving its citizens to suffer. On the streets, malcontent and paranoia abound.A body is found in the city's swamp by a watchman, Mickel Cardell, and the case is handed over to investigator Cecil Winge, who is dying of consumption. Together, Winge and Cardell become embroiled in a brutal world of guttersnipes and thieves, mercenaries and madams, and one death will expose a city rotten with corruption beneath its powdered and painted veneer.The Wolf and the Watchman depicts the capacity for cruelty in the name of survival or greed - but also the capacity for love, friendship, and the desire for a better world.(P)2019 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

1793: O Lobo e o Vigia

by Niklas Nat Och Dag

Prémio Livro do Ano (Suécia) Prémio da Academia Sueca de Escritores de Crime (Suécia) Prémio para melhor romance Storytel Awards (Suécia) Prémio Crimetime Specsavers (Suécia) Finalista do CWA Ian Fleming Steel Dagger (Reino Unido) Finalista do Golden Bullet Award (Noruega) Finalista LiveLib Reader's choice Awards (Rússia) No seu romance de estreia, 1793, Niklas Natt och Dag pinta um retrato convincente do final do século XVIII em Estocolmo. Através dos olhos dos diferentes narradores, o verniz em pó e a pintura da época são retirados para revelar a realidade assustadora, mas fascinante, escondida além dos factos secos dos textos de História. Com um pé firmemente cravado na tradição literária e outro na literatura de suspense, Natt och Dag cria um género inteiramente novo de thriller histórico sugestivo e realista. 1793, Estocolmo. Quatro anos após da tomada da Bastilha e mais de um ano depois da morte de Gustavo III da Suécia, as guerras estrangeiras esvaziaram os tesouros e a nação é governada com mão de ferro pelo senhor do reino. Na esteira do falecimento do velho rei, a confiança transformou-se num bem escasso. A paranóia e as conspirações sussurradas abundam em todos os cantos. Uma promessa de violência estala no ar enquanto os cidadãos comuns se sentem cada vez mais vulneráveis aos caprichos dos que estão no poder. Quando Mickel Cardell, um ex-soldado aleijado e ex-guarda noturno, encontra um corpo mutilado flutuando no lago malcheiroso da cidade, sente-se compelido a dar ao homem não identificado um enterro condigno. Para Cecil Winge, um brilhante advogado que é também detetive consultor na Polícia de Estocolmo, um corpo sem braços, pernas ou olhos é um enigma formidável e uma última oportunidade de acertar as coisas antes de perder a sua batalha com a morte. Juntos, Winge e Cardell vasculham Estocolmo para descobrir a identidade do corpo, encontrando o lado sórdido da elite da cidade. 1793 retrata a capacidade de se ser cruel em nome da sobrevivência ou da ganância - mas também a capacidade para o amor, a amizade e o desejo de um mundo melhor. Os elogios da crítica:«Complexo e rico. Além dos personagens fascinantes, a maior força de Natt och Dag pode estar na selecção dos pormenores que usa para descrever uma cidade com dois séculos de história. Este é o primeiro romance publicado de Natt och Dag, mas parece demasiado habilidoso e seguro para ser a sua primeira obra.»New York Journal of Books «Um mistério histórico soberbamente pormenorizado.»Irish Times «O noir sueco não pode ficar mais obscuro.»The Herald «Niklas Natt och Dag pega na tradição do crime escandinavo contemporâneo e dá-lhe uma reviravolta histórica assustadoramente horrível# Natt não nos poupa a nada, detalhando horror após horror na sua prosa firme e robusta.»The Guardian «Um romance de estreia notável. A mais recente sensação escandinava.»Sunday Times «Este thriller histórico emocionante anuncia, certamente, a chegada de um novo e delicado talento europeu. Vívido e absorvente.»The Observer «Uma leitura emocionante e chocante.»The Times «No seu romance de estreia, Natt och Dag examina os efeitos de um assassinato brutal sobre aqueles que o investigam - e explora as causas psicológicas do crime... Arrepiante e instigante. Implacável, bem escrito, impossível de largar.»Kirkus «[Um] primeiro romance magistral... Natt och Dag usa a estrutura do livro, que inclui flashbacks e várias perspe

17 Stone Angels

by Stuart Archer Cohen

In Buenos Aires, a corrupt cop is assigned to investigate a murder he committedCommissioner Miguel Fortunato is nearing retirement after a long, dishonest career. Six months ago he was ordered to kidnap foreigner Robert Waterbury for reasons left unclear. The kidnapping turned to murder. Now the Americans are sending their own investigator, and Fortunato is assigned to support her.Fortunato is quickly drawn into the dazzling world of his victim, a failed novelist who came to Buenos Aires desparate to make a big score. As he uncovers the vast outlines of a global crime, Fortunato begins to unravel not only the murder, but the deeper mystery of his own career and the lies that have sustained it.

16th Seduction (Women's Murder Club #16)

by James Patterson Maxine Paetro

<P>Detective Lindsay Boxer faces a heart-stopping threat in the newest Women's Murder Club thriller. <P>Fifteen months ago, Detective Lindsay Boxer's life was perfect--she had a beautiful child and a doting husband, Joe, who helped her catch a criminal who'd brazenly detonated a bomb in downtown San Francisco, killing twenty-five people. <P>But Joe wasn't everything that Lindsay thought he was, and she's still reeling from his betrayal as a wave of mysterious, and possibly unnatural, heart attacks claims seemingly unrelated victims across San Francisco. <P>As if that weren't enough, the bomber she and Joe captured is about to go on trial, and his defense raises damning questions about Lindsay and Joe's investigation. <P>Not knowing whom to trust, and struggling to accept the truth about the man she thought she knew, Lindsay must connect the dots of a deadly conspiracy before a brilliant criminal puts her on trial. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

16 Souls

by John J. Nance

A pilot&’s emergency maneuver lands him in court in this thriller by a New York Times–bestselling author who &“knows how to keep his readers turning pages.&” —Booklist On takeoff from Denver during a winter blizzard, an airliner piloted by veteran Captain Marty Mitchell overruns a commuter plane from behind. Bizarrely, the fuselage of the smaller aircraft is tenuously wedged onto the wing of his Boeing 757, leading Mitchell to an impossible life-or-death choice. Mitchell&’s decision will land the former military pilot in the crosshairs of a viciously ambitious district attorney determined to send him to prison for doing his job. Despondent and deeply wounded by what he sees as betrayal by the system, Mitchell at first refuses to defend himself or even assist the corporate lawyer forced to represent him. Pitted against the prosecutorial prowess of a DA using Mitchell&’s case to audition for a political appointment is young defense attorney Judith Winston. Her lack of experience in criminal cases could mean the end of Mitchell&’s freedom, if he doesn&’t end his own life first. But like the pilot she represents, she will not give up in the face of devastating odds—and she&’s growing ever more determined to expose the corruption behind his personal nightmare . . . &“King of the modern-day aviation thriller.&” —Publishers Weekly &“In the air, or in a courtroom, nobody writes a better thriller than John J. Nance.&” —Steve Jackson, New York Times–bestselling author

15th Affair (Women's Murder Club Ser. #15)

by James Patterson Maxine Paetro

<P>Detective Lindsay Boxer chases an elusive suspect...her husband. <P>As she settles into motherhood and a happy marriage, Lindsay Boxer thinks she has found domestic bliss. But when a beautiful, alluring blonde woman with links to the CIA disappears from the scene of a brutal murder at a downtown luxury hotel, Lindsay's life begins to unravel. <P>Before she can track down the woman for questioning, a plane crash plunges San Francisco into chaos and Lindsay's husband Joe vanishes. The deeper she digs, the more Lindsay suspects that Joe shares a secret past with the mystery blonde. Thrown into a tailspin and questioning everything she thought she knew, Lindsay turns to the Women's Murder Club for help as she tries to uncover the truth. <P> Filled with pulse-pounding international intrigue, 15TH AFFAIR proves that all is fair in love, war, and espionage. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

1588: A Novel in Five Books (The\hew Cullan Mysteries Ser. #6)

by Shirley McKay

Stories starring a sleuthing Scottish lawyer: &“McKay&’s command of plot, place and character makes these 16th century St Andrews-set mysteries a delight.&” —The Scotsman A grisly murder. A vanishing corpse. A secret romance. A ghostly tale. An innocent accused. Set in the year of the Armada, 1588: A Calendar of Crime brings together five short stories featuring Hew Cullan. From the gruesome murder of a candlemaker to Spanish ghosts on Hallowmas, Shirley McKay delivers five gripping tales of mystery that will keep you reading long into the night. &“A fascinating evocation of the everyday life of ordinary Scots in the 1500s as well as series of first-rate stories. Her use of language is a delight, the sinewy and expressive Scots words aiding the creation of Cullen's very realistic world. McKay is to be congratulated for the continued quality and inventiveness of her tales.&” —The National


by Simone Kelly

Go on a suspenseful and mystical ride in this twist‑filled thriller about a father and daughter with supernaturalabilities...Daddy&’s little girl is not all she claims to be. Ty Carter is at the prime of his career, making millions in Atlanta real estate, and his Cuban‑Jamaican good looks and charmmake him a hit with the ladies. One would think he was on top of the world; however, things are not always what they seem. Recently divorced, he&’s taking care of his grandfather, who suffers from dementia, and he is also trying to keep his sexual addiction under wraps. Just when he thinks he&’s got things under control, Ty is knocked down by a surprise visit from his past. Journey Salazar, his 22‑year‑old daughter, is eager to learn about her family roots and build a relationship with her father. Ty and Journey realize they have a lot more in common than just looks. They both possess some unique supernatural traits. Their abilities of telepathy and astral projection help deepen a bond between them, but Ty will soon realize that Journey likes to get what she wants, sometimes abusing her gift if necessary. As Journey demands to weave herself into his life, Ty will see things rapidly unravel before his eyes. Journey soon shows him that she is the master of control and manipulation.

15 Seconds

by Andrew Gross

15 seconds can tear your life apart . . .Henry Steadman didn't know what was about to hit him when he pulled up to a red light. A successful Florida plastic surgeon, he is in town to deliver a keynote address at a conference when suddenly his life becomes an unrelenting chase to stay alive. Stopped by the police for a minor traffic violation, the situation escalates and he is pulled from his vehicle, handcuffed and told he is under arrest. Several other police cars arrive and the questioning turns scary, but just as Henry is released and about to move on, a blue sedan pulls up and the officer is suddenly killed. As the car speeds away, there is only one suspect left behind-Henry. In that moment, his idyllic life becomes a free fall into hell as he becomes the target of a police manhunt, as well as being pursued by a cunning, unnamed perpetrator bent on some kind of vengeance.When Henry turns to a close friend for help, and he, too, ends up dead, Henry realizes he's being elaborately framed. But in a chilling twist, the stakes grow even darker, and he is unable to go to the police to clear his name, without bringing on dire and deadly consequences. With breakneck pacing and nonstop action, 15 Seconds shows what can happen when even the best life is turned upside down in an instant. It is also the story of an innocent man, framed for murder, who has to save the person he loves the most, all while being drawn closer and closer to an inevitable face-to-face standoff with a man determined to destroy his life.

15 Minutes of Flame (Nantucket Candle Maker Mystery #3)

by Christin Brecher

As Stella Wright&’s Nantucket candle store thrives, her knack for solving mysteries burns equally bright—especially when a Halloween haunted house uncovers evidence of a centuries-old murder . . . When Stella&’s friend inherits a creaky, abandoned home in Nantucket, she knows it&’s the perfect setting for the town&’s annual Halloween fundraiser. A deserted, boarded-up building on the property—once used as a candle-making shop—adds to the creepy ambiance. But as Stella explores the shack&’s dilapidated walls, she discovers a terrible secret: the skeleton of a Quaker woman, wrapped in blood-soaked clothing and hidden deep within a stone hearth . . . While police investigate, Stella wastes no time asking for help from friends with long ties to Nantucket&’s intricate history. The key to the murder may lie within a scorching 18th century love triangle that pit two best friends against one another over a dubious man. But before the case is solved, another life will be claimed—leaving Stella to wonder who in Nantucket is friend, and who is foe . . . Praise for Murder&’s No Votive Confidence &“A charming mystery with believable, likeable characters. Check it out.&”—Suspense Magazine

15 Miles

by Rob Scott

Samuel 'Sailor' Doyle has transferred from Vice to Homicide in the Virginia State Police. He has a mistress, an alcohol problem, a prescription drug dependency, and a burgeoning self-loathing that alienates his wife and family.On Friday 3 July, the rookie investigator is assigned to a double homicide on a rural farm some 15 miles outside Richmond. One of the victims has been interred in a makeshift tomb, while the other is stuck half-in, half-out of a hope chest overflowing with cat litter. And the farm is covered with dead bodies: dozens of cats, sheep, goats, cows, and one dead horse. The mentally handicapped daughter of the victims, Carl and Claire Bruckner, is missing.Doyle soon discovers that Bruckner was a Marine captain who lost his leg in Vietnam thanks to the incompetence of his commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel Robert Lake - now retired General Robert Lake, and Republican Party presidential hopeful, who will be speaking in Richmond on July fourth - the following evening. What Doyle fails to realise as he follows the various clues is that wherever he goes, he is spreading disease - and not just any disease, but Yersinia pestis. The plague.Is the dead Marine planning revenge, even from beyond the grave?

15 Miles

by Rob Scott

Samuel 'Sailor' Doyle has transferred from Vice to Homicide in the Virginia State Police. He has a mistress, an alcohol problem, a prescription drug dependency, and a burgeoning self-loathing that alienates his wife and family.On Friday 3 July, the rookie investigator is assigned to a double homicide on a rural farm some 15 miles outside Richmond. One of the victims has been interred in a makeshift tomb, while the other is stuck half-in, half-out of a hope chest overflowing with cat litter. And the farm is covered with dead bodies: dozens of cats, sheep, goats, cows, and one dead horse. The mentally handicapped daughter of the victims, Carl and Claire Bruckner, is missing.Doyle soon discovers that Bruckner was a Marine captain who lost his leg in Vietnam thanks to the incompetence of his commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel Robert Lake - now retired General Robert Lake, and Republican Party presidential hopeful, who will be speaking in Richmond on July fourth - the following evening. What Doyle fails to realise as he follows the various clues is that wherever he goes, he is spreading disease - and not just any disease, but Yersinia pestis. The plague.Is the dead Marine planning revenge, even from beyond the grave?

14th Deadly Sin (Women's Murder Club Ser. #Bk. 14)

by James Patterson Maxine Paetro

With San Francisco under siege and every cop a suspect, the Women's Murder Club must risk their lives to save the city-and each other. With a beautiful baby daughter and a devoted husband, Detective Lindsay Boxer can safely say that her life has never been better. In fact (for a change), things seem to be going well for all the members of the Women's Murder Club as they gather to celebrate San Francisco Medical Examiner Claire Washburn's birthday. But the party is cut short when Lindsay is called to a gruesome crime scene, where a woman has been murdered in broad daylight. As Lindsay investigates, shocking video footage of another crime surfaces. A video so horrific that it shakes the city to its core. Their faces obscured by masks, the cold blooded criminals on the tape could be anyone-and now all of Lindsay's co-workers are suspects. As a rash of violence sweeps through San Francisco, and public fear and anger grows, Lindsay and her friends must risk their lives in the name of justice-before it's too late. With shocking twists and riveting suspense, 14TH DEADLY SIN, proves yet again that when it comes to suspense fiction, in the words of Jeffrey Deaver: "nobody does it better" than James Patterson.

The 14th Colony (Cotton Malone #11)

by Steve Berry

<P>What happens if both the president and vice-president-elect die before taking the oath of office? The answer is far from certain. In fact, what follows would be nothing short of total political chaos. Shot down over Siberia, ex-Justice Department agent Cotton Malone is forced into a fight for survival against Aleksandr Zorin, a man whose loyalty to the former Soviet Union has festered for decades into an intense hatred of the United States. <P> Before escaping, Malone learns that Zorin and another ex-KGB officer, this one a sleeper still embedded in the West, are headed overseas to Washington D. C. Noon on January 20th, "Inauguration Day" is only hours away. A flaw in the Constitution, and an even more flawed presidential succession act, have opened the door to disaster and Zorin intends to exploit both weaknesses to their fullest. <P>Armed with a weapon leftover from the Cold War, one long thought to be just a myth, Zorin plans to attack. He's aided by a shocking secret hidden in the archives of America's oldest fraternal organization, "the Society of Cincinnati," a group that once lent out its military savvy to presidents, including helping to formulate three invasion plans of what was intended to be America's "14th colony," Canada. <P>In a race against the clock that starts in the frozen extremes of Russia and ultimately ends at the White House itself, Malone must not only battle Zorin, he must also confront a crippling fear that he's long denied, but which now jeopardizes everything. Steve Berry's trademark mix of history and speculation is all here in this provocative new thriller. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

The 14th Colony: Book 11 (Cotton Malone #11)

by Steve Berry

The electrifying new Cotton Malone thriller by international bestseller Steve Berry.People say the Cold War is coming back.For some, it never went away.Shot down over Siberia in what was to be a simple meet-and-greet mission, ex-Justice Department agent Cotton Malone is forced into a fight for survival against Aleksandr Zorin, whose loyalty to the former Soviet Union has festered for decades into an intense hatred of the United States.Before escaping, Malone learns that Zorin is headed for North America to join another long-term sleeper embedded in the West. Armed with a Soviet weapon long thought to be just a myth, Zorin is aided by a shocking secret hidden in the archives of America's oldest fraternal organization, the Society of Cincinnati. Past presidents used this group's military offensive - including advice on the invasion of what was to be America's 14th Colony - Canada.Inauguration Day for a new President of the U.S.A. is only hours away. Zorin's deadly plan is timed to bring about political chaos.In a race against the clock from Russia to the White House itself, Malone must not only battle Zorin, he must also confront his deepest fear, a crippling weakness that he's long denied but one that now jeopardizes everything. Steve Berry's trademark mix of fact, fiction, history and speculation is all here in this fast-paced and utterly compelling new thriller.

The 14th Colony: Book 11 (Cotton Malone #11)

by Steve Berry

The explosive new Cotton Malone thriller by the international bestseller Steve Berry.People say the Cold War is coming back.For some, it never went away.Shot down over Siberia in what was to be a simple meet-and-greet mission, ex-Justice Department agent Cotton Malone is forced into a fight for survival against Aleksandr Zorin, whose loyalty to the former Soviet Union has festered for decades into an intense hatred of the United States.Before escaping, Malone learns that Zorin is headed for North America to join another long-term sleeper embedded in the West. Armed with a Soviet weapon long thought to be just a myth, Zorin is aided by a shocking secret hidden in the archives of America's oldest fraternal organization, the Society of Cincinnati. Past presidents used this group's military offensive - including advice on the invasion of what was to be America's 14th Colony - Canada.Inauguration Day for a new President of the U.S.A. is only hours away. Zorin's deadly plan is timed to bring about political chaos.In a race against the clock from Russia to the White House itself, Malone must not only battle Zorin, he must also confront his deepest fear, a crippling weakness that he's long denied but one that now jeopardizes everything. Steve Berry's trademark mix of fact, fiction, history and speculation is all here in this fast-paced and utterly compelling new thriller.(P)2016 Macmillan Audio


by David Muñoz

You must make sure you want to read this book before getting on the plane. This is not just any book. If you decide not to read it, you will travel comfortably to your destination. On the other hand, if you decide to read it, get ready to live the most amazing adventure you have ever lived inside an airplane. Your flight will be anything but boring. Moreover, just one more recommendation. DO NOT SLEEP. Please listen to me and don't fall asleep, because you are about to get on this plane along with 147 other passengers. In addition, I assure you, from now on, nothing will be the same, neither is your life nor especially, in your flight. TIPS: - Follow the instructions of the crew. - Memorize who accompanies you by your side. - Watch out for the windows. - Try to find out who the mystery passenger is. - What would you tell me if I told you that there was a thief on the plane? - Do you see the woman with the girl? - By the way, have you seen the passenger in seat 1A? Moreover, remember ... don't ever fall asleep.

14 Ways To Die

by Vincent Ralph

A page-turning thriller for the social media age, perfect for fans of A Good Girl's Guide to Murder and One of Us Is Lying.Ten years ago Jess lost her mother to the Magpie Man, an infamous serial killer who is still at large and planning to kill again. She's going to use her new platform as the star of a YouTube reality series to catch him. That is, if he doesn't catch her first.Jess's online show means that everyone is talking about her mother's murder case. But fame comes with its downsides. The whole world is watching her every move. And it's hard to know who she can trust.Could the Magpie Man be lurking closer to her than she thought? Is he watching her right now?

14 Vicious Valentines

by Rosalind M. Greenberg Martin Greenberg Charles G. Waugh

[from the back cover] "Don't expect a dozen roses this Valentine's Day--just fourteen tales of crime and horror that will make February 14 memorable for lovers ... of chills and thrills. So beware of the deadly admirer who knows that sweets are the way to a lover's heart in "Fine Chocolates': Read at your own risk the bloodcurdling tale of the mad professor who asks the devil to play cupid in "Colt .24:" Discover the bizarre passion that drives a retired detective to solve a horrifying crime in "From Parts Unknown" ... and watch out for a date with a modern-day Dracula who's some kisser in "Valentine from a Vampire': Dip into these deliciously scary Valentine treats... and find out why love is simply a scream!" There is an introduction and fact-filled mini history of Valentines day by Isaac Asimov.

14 Degrees Below Zero

by Quinton Skinner

"Lewis Ingraham is cold. He's lost his wife, his executive career, his once sure grip on the world around him. All that he can hold on to is his beautiful daughter, Jay, a formerly brilliant student who now struggles as a single mother. But even Jay is starting to slip away from Lewis, favoring instead her self-important boyfriend, Stephen. This time Lewis is going to fight back." "But when Lewis takes out his fury on Stephen, he ignites a chain reaction of violence. Now, as winter bears down on Minnesota, desire, guilt, and rage swirl in the snow. And a heinous crime is about to lead three people down a steep and unforgiving slope - into a realm of cold, hard truth.

14 Days to Alaska: Two Brothers in a 57-Year-Old Airplane Fly the Ultimate Cross Country Flight Training Adventure

by Troy Hamon

Flying a small plane to Alaska is an adventure many pilots only dream of. In 2008, the author, a student pilot, and his brother, a flight instructor, embarked on this adventure in an airplane old enough to be their mother. On their journey, they examined how to fit twelve feet eight inches worth of grown men into one of the smallest cockpits on earth--for as many as eight hours a day. They visited places they had planned on going, to see friends and relatives, and made unintended stops in places they hadn't ever heard of. They waited out weather, waited on maintenance, and wrapped the whirlwind of learning to fly into one of the grandest cross-country trips imaginable. In the end, they covered in two weeks what takes commercial air carriers only a few hours to accomplish--but they had a lot more fun--and a much better view.

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