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A Maldição da Noz-Moscada: Parábolas para um Planeta em Crise


Um livro polémico, uma crítica à cosmovisão do Ocidente por um dos mais conceituados romancistas da atualidade. Decorria o ano de 1621. A simples queda de um objeto, uma candeia, é o pretexto para o comandante das tropas holandesas aquarteladas numa das ilhas Banda, no território das Molucas, dar início ao massacre de toda a população local. Poucos habitantes sobreviveriam, e a sua língua e cultura perder-se-iam para sempre. A eliminação do povo Banda é um dos grandes genocídios esquecidos pela História. O motivo: o controlo por parte da Venerável Companhia das Índias Orientais do rentável comércio milenar da noz-moscada, uma especiaria muito apreciada na Europa pelos seus usos culinários e medicinais, de preço exorbitante, e cuja inteira produção mundial estava circunscrita até então a esse pequeno arquipélago do Índico. Em pleno século XXI, Amitav Ghosh, com mão de romancista, traz à luz este episódio negro, que serve de ponto de partida para relacionar o passado com o presente, o colonialismo com a atual crise climática, e explicar o mundo em que vivemos: da crise dos refugiados ao movimento Black Lives Matter, às cidades modernas ou mesmo às naturezas-mortas do período áureo da pintura holandesa. «Não deixem de ler este livro.» Naomi Klein «Urgente, maravilhoso e ambicioso… um livro de leitura obrigatória.» Times Literary Supplement «Ghosh recorre à literatura de viagens, à narrativa pessoal, à análise histórica e àsíntese de um vasto conhecimento académico para contar a história do nosso império ocidental e do extermínio do nosso mundo.» Los Angeles Review of Books «A Maldição da Noz-Moscada é, ao mesmo tempo, uma biografia não autorizada desta especiaria e um apelo a novas políticas que respeitem a ação ou “vitalidade” dos seres não humanos que nos rodeiam.»The White Review «Esclarecedor... Ghosh faz-nos pensar nas estruturas globais de poder que envolvem a subjugação física de povos e de territórios e, sobretudo, na ideia de conquista como um processo de extração.» The New Yorker«Um feito notável e um título atual, A Maldição da Noz-Moscada recorda-nos a razão pela qual a terra está a chorar.» Booklist «Ghosh escreveu uma obra que atinge o nosso cérebro e o nosso coração com uma clareza moral e analítica inesquecível.» Bloomberg

A Sexta Extinção

by Elizabeth Kolbert

Leitura recomendada por Yuval Noah Harari, Al Gore, Bill Gates e Barack Obama, A Sexta Extinção é considerado um dos livros de divulgação científica mais importantes dos últimos anos, tendo sido finalista do National Book Critics Award e vencedor do Prémio Pulitzer para obras de não-ficção. Nos últimos 500 milhões de anos, a Terra passou por cinco extinções em massa, nas quais a diversidade da vida no planeta se reduziu drástica e subitamente. Atualmente, e pela primeira vez na História, decorre um processo de extinção em massa provocado por uma única espécie: o Homem. Nos últimos dois séculos, provocámos danos irreparáveis no clima e ecossistema global; como consequência direta, mais de um quarto de todos os mamíferos da Terra está hoje em vias de extinção, tal como acontece com 40% dos anfíbios, um terço dos corais e dos tubarões, um quinto dos répteis e um sexto das aves. Considerado um dos livros de divulgação científica mais relevantes dos últimos anos, A Sexta Extinção é leitura recomendada por personalidades como YuvalNoah Harari, Al Gore, Bill Gates ou Barack Obama. Neste seu valioso trabalho, Elizabeth Kolbert combina os resultados de uma extensa investigação no terreno com a história das ideias e o trabalho de geólogos, botânicos e biólogos marinhos, produzindo um documento inédito e, mais do que isso, um apelo urgente para que, repensando o nosso papel no planeta, não deixemos como derradeiro legado uma sexta extinção. «Um livro maravilhoso e um aviso muito claro de que mudanças repentinas são possíveis de ocorrer. Já aconteceram no passado e podem vir a repetir-se.» Barack Obama «Um livro que altera de forma radical o nosso modo de ver o mundo.» The Seattle Times «As longas viagens que Elizabeth Kolbert realizou durante a pesquisa para este livro e o tratamento detalhado tanto dos factos históricos como dos científicos, fazem de A Sexta Extinção um contributo muito valioso para a compreensão das nossas circunstâncias atuais.» Al Gore, The New York Times Book Review «Kolbert mostra nestas páginas que é capaz de escrever poeticamente sobre os animais em vias de extinção, mas o verdadeiro poder deste livro reside nos factos científicos e no contexto histórico apresentados pela autora, ao documentar as perdas crescentes que o Homem está a provocar.» The New York Times

As Oito Grandes Lições da Natureza: O Que a Natureza Nos Ensina Sobre Viver Bem no Mundo

by Gary Ferguson

O que a natureza nos ensina sobre viver bem no mundo Um manifesto poderoso sobre a interdependência de tudo o que existe na natureza e sobre como poderemos viver uma vida mais gratificantes e nos reconectarmos com o mundo natural. Durante demasiado tempo, vivemos separados da natureza, vendo-nos como superiores, distantes, independentes. Porém, ao fazê-lo, perdemos de vista tudo o que o mundo natural nos pode ensinar. Neste livro, Gary Ferguson revela-nos as surpreendentes complexidades que podemos encontrar na natureza, bem como a sabedoria que advém do mundo natural, da sua diversidade, dos seus mistérios e da sua capacidade de resiliência perante a mudança. Baseando-se em áreas que vão desde a ciência e a psicologia à filosofia e à história, Gary Ferguson desvenda a deslumbrante teia de conexões que temos com a natureza, enfatizando a necessidade de voltarmos a estabelecer uma ligação com o mundo natural para potenciarmos o nosso bem-estar físico, mental e espiritual e redescobrirmos a nossa humanidade. Porque, afinal, nós somos natureza. «Um livro que nos faz refletir e nos ensina a viver em harmonia e equilíbrio com o mundo em nosso redor.» Kirkus Reviews

O Livro da Esperança

by Jane Goodall Douglas Abrams

Um guia de sobrevivência para tempos difíceis. Este é um olhar raro e profundo sobre a natureza da esperança, mas também sobre o coração e o espírito de uma mulher que revolucionou a visão do mundo que nos rodeia. O livro-testemunho de uma das mulheres mais icónicas do nosso tempo. No mundo tão conturbado em que vivemos, como manter a esperança? Se considerarmos o agravamento da crise climática, uma pandemia, a perda da biodiversidade e a crescente instabilidade política, manter o otimismo pode ser um grande desafio. No entanto, a esperança nunca foi tão necessária. Neste livro imperioso, Jane Goodall eDouglas Abrams refletem, num diálogo estimulante e intimista, sobre um dos elementos da natureza humana mais desejado e menos compreendido. A lendária primatologista britânica explana, através do seu percurso de vida, os seus «quatro motivos de esperança»: O Maravilhoso Intelecto Humano, A Resiliência da Natureza, O Poder dos Jovens e o Indomável Espírito Humano.Com base nas experiências queinfluenciaram as suas descobertas e crenças, Jane Goodall conta-nos como se tornou uma mensageira da esperança e deixa uma reflexãosobre algumas questões vitais: Como manter a esperança quando a causa parece perdida? Como podemos cultivar a esperança nos nossosjovens? Qual é a relação entre a esperança e a ação? «O otimismo contagiante de Jane Goodall e o apelo estimulante à ação fazem deste livro uma leitura essencial para aqueles que se preocupam com o futuro do planeta.» — Publishers Weekly «Um diálogo envolvente e esclarecedor sobre esperança que amplifica o mantra de Jane Goodall: Juntos podemos! Juntos faremos!» Booklist «Não me parece que pudesse haver um momento mais oportuno para ese livro surgir nas nossas vidas... É o livro pelo qual ansiávamos.» Jay Shetty, autor de Pensa Como Um Monge «Uma mensagem poderosa de proteção dos direitos intrínsecos de todos os seres vivos.» Leonardo DiCaprio, ator e ativista ambiental

Elusive Pirates, Pervasive Smugglers

by Robert J. Antony

Piracy and smuggling remain as great a problem today as they were several hundreds of years ago, and just as vital to understanding maritime security, global trade and national sovereignty issues. As in the past, the greatest number of pirates and highest

Como sapiens: Correr, comer, amar y descansar a la manera de los humanos

by Lucas Llach

El conflicto entre nuestros instintos y cuerpo de Homo sapiens y la vida que llevamos es cada vez mayor. ¿Qué humanidad estamos construyendo? Nuestra especie no era la única ni la más prometedora de las varias versiones de humanos en el planeta hace 200.000 años. Pero lo conquistó. Salió de su cuna en África y ocupó todos los continentes. Seleccionó y rediseñó al puñado de animales y vegetales de los que se alimenta. Se multiplicó una y mil veces. Hizo pueblos, ciudades, imperios, guerras, transportes, fábricas e ideas, muchas ideas. El Homo sapiens de hoy es el mismo animal, pero se mueve menos, come peor, trabaja más y tiene menos sexo que sus tatarabuelos africanos. Padece ese desfasaje a cambio de mortalidad baja y pobreza en descenso. Sigue triunfando en su primacía sobre el resto de las especies, pero lo pueden desafiar seriamente una pandemia o una crisis ecológica, o los cambios en su propio cuerpo a medida que la medicina apaga la selección natural y la ingeniería genética imagina humanos de diseño. A prudente distancia de la corrección política y con una dosis importante de humor, este ensayo -que es también crónica- repasa los hallazgos de los últimos años sobre la evolución humana e invita a pensar cómo queremos vivir de ahora en adelante. "Que una especie intente desactivar los mecanismos de la selección natural que operan sobre sí misma, y lo logre casi por completo, es inédito, y ya está redefiniendo al Homo sapiens [...] El ser humano se va convirtiendo gradualmente en Homo medicus, una especie mucho más diversa, formada por descendientes de Homo sapiens que van acumulando variaciones genéticas, útiles o no. Gracias a la medicina, los Homo medicus pueden sobrevivir a los errores de copia, y a su vez necesitan cada vez más de la medicina para que emparche lo que ya no limpia de manera más eficaz y mucho más cruel la selección natural. [...] Pero también es cierto que podemos tratar de moderar esos desequilibrios entre lo que somos y la vida que llevamos. Vivir como sapiens no es volver a ningún tiempo ni lugar específicos. Es tratar de ser conscientes de que somos Homo sapiens (casi iguales, biológicamente, a los de hace cien siglos) nacidos en una cultura para la que el Homo sapiens no está preparado".

Quiero más verde

by Felipe Castro

El planeta quiere más verde y vos podés ser parte: ¡empezá tu propia huerta orgánica! En estas páginas encontrarás todos los pasos, tips y secretos para que puedas armarla, aunque tengas muy poquito espacio. Es hora de poner nuestro granito de arena para salvar a nuestro planeta, y qué mejor que hacerlo trabajando la tierra, aunque sea en un espacio muy chiquito, en unas pocas macetas. No hay nada más satisfactorio que llevar a tu mesa los vegetales que vos sembraste, cuidaste y viste crecer. Además, es una actividad muy relajante que te conecta con la naturaleza. En estas páginas encontrarás todos los datos, tips y secretos para iniciar tu huerta en casa.

La guerra menos pensada: Relatos y memorias de Malvinas

by Varios Autores

Un volumen con textos de diecisiete escritores y escritoras de diferentes generaciones que abordan un tema que se mantiene vigente desde hace cuarenta años: la guerra menos pensada, la guerra de Malvinas. Aunque ya han pasado cuarenta años, la guerra de Malvinas sigue siendo una herida abierta, un episodio que no se cierra. Se ha escrito mucho sobre el tema a lo largo de este tiempo pero no hay, que sepamos, ningún libro en el que se haya convocado a distintos escritores y escritoras, de diversas generaciones y estéticas a escribir sobre ella ahora, tantos años después. Este volumen reúne diecisiete textos muy diferentes entre sí, donde encontraremos memorias, crónicas, ficciones y autobiografías sobre el tema con la particularidad de que ninguno de los autores había escrito antes sobre la guerra menos pensada, la que nunca nadie imaginó y que, todavía hoy nos sigue doliendo porque Malvinas está, como suele decirse, en nuestro ADN, en la historia argentina. «Si el origen de la ficción nacional está marcado por la violencia, especialmente la violencia política, y si nuestra narrativa nunca despreció hacerse cargo de los hitos históricos, Malvinas se acomoda perfectamente dentro de esos parámetros. Porque Malvinas es mucho más que una guerra perdida, es la dictadura militar enviando a la muerte o a la mutilación (física, mental) a miles de soldados conscriptos, es un pueblo triunfalista, una muchedumbre que primero aplaudió y luego insultó, es una generación cuya banda de sonido se cantaba en castellano, es la negación en los años siguientes y es el tibio florecer de una consciencia social, de una causa común, de un dolor compartido en las últimas décadas».Del prólogo de Sergio Olguín

¡Tierra a la vista!: Hacia una filosofía para la sostenibilidad

by Máximo Mazzocco

Una de las voces más relevantes del ambientalismo joven argentino comparte su visión acerca de cómo transformar el mundo que habitamos y revertir la crisis planetaria. El mundo está cambiando (demasiado rápido). Lo sentimos, lo vemos, lo caminamos. "Somos lo último de lo viejo y lo primero de lo nuevo", cuenta el recuerdo del porvenir. "La jugada es ahora, no después", insiste la crisis climática y ecológica. ¿Qué dirán sobre esta época en el futuro? ¿La juzgarán como egoísta, individualista, genocida, ecocida, antropocentrista e incauta? ¿O podremos virar el barco hacia algo más romántico y esperanzador? ¿Será "el siglo donde la humanidad recapituló, puso al alma colectiva en puntas de pie y se despertó a tiempo"? ¿O será lo contrario? Buscamos materializar la ilusión de la sostenibilidad en un planeta que, con o sin nosotros, seguirá girando. Por un lado, no tenemos idea de qué hay detrás de ese horizonte, ya que está precedido por lo misterioso, incierto y desconocido. Por otro, sabemos que debemos ir en esa dirección, hacia el bien común. Si la meta es un mundo pacífico, justo, educado, sin pobreza, sin hambre, con igualdad de oportunidades y de género, lleno de vida submarina y ecosistemas terrestres sanos, solo nos queda armar el molde y colocar los ladrillos necesarios. Del otro lado nos están esperando.


by Felix Luna

Un libro imperdible para conocer la historia Argentina. Félix Luna entrevista a José Luis Romero, quien fue el historiador más importante de nuestro país, y revisa sus conceptualizaciones acerca de la historia Argentina. José Luis Romero (1909-1977) fue uno de los más grandes historiadores latinoamericanos y, por su modalidad intelectual, trascendió la condición habitual del historiador especializado. Fue el tipo, por demás infrecuente, del historiador humanista. Si algo lo caracterizó, sin pérdida alguna del rigor técnico, fue su amplitud: el dilatado alcance de sus proyectos de investigación y la variedad de épocas, campos y subdisciplinas históricas que cultivó. Sin descartar lo temperamental de esa inclinación, pudo influir en ella el clima de su formación: el temprano aprovechamiento del magisterio de Pedro Henríquez Ureña, la cercanía a Alejandro Korn y su grupo en la ciudad de La Plata y la estrecha relación con su hermano Francisco, el filósofo que fue su primer guía, factores todos que además de inducir a una ética del esfuerzo y a la profunda seriedad en el trabajo intelectual, tenían el toque de lo filosófico, con su tendencia a la mirada en profundidad y en amplitud.

Python for Water and Environment (Innovations in Sustainable Technologies and Computing)

by Anil Kumar Manabendra Saharia

This textbook delves into the practical applications of surface and groundwater hydrology, as well as the environment. The Part I, "Practical Python for a Water and Environment Professional," guides readers through setting up a scientific computing environment and conducting exploratory data analysis and visualization using reproducible workflows. The Part II, "Statistical Modeling in Hydrology," covers regression models, time series analysis, and common hypothesis testing. The Part III, "Surface and Subsurface Water," illustrates the use of Python in understanding key concepts related to seepage, groundwater, and surface water flows. Lastly, the Part IV, "Environmental Applications," demonstrates the application of Python in the study of various contaminant transport phenomena.

Textbook of Environment and Ecology

by Vir Singh

This textbook is focused on fundamentals of environment and ecology for undergraduate and graduate students. This is first of its kind book dealing with physical environment, ecosystems, biological diversity, environmental pollution, and environment-influenced natural resource ecology and management. This will cater to the needs of the students, examinees, trainees, and teachers. It consists of 23 chapters spread over 5 sections i.e., ecosystem analysis, natural resources, biodiversity, environmental disruptions, and environmental management. The textbook is well aligned with the syllabus of all central and state universities and offers the latest insights as well to the students of undergraduate and postgraduate courses of ecology and environmental sciences. Every chapter provides summary/points to remember and exercises. Each exercise includes 20 multiple-choice questions, 10 short-answer questions, and 5 long-answer questions. The textbook is a comprehensive coverage for basic and advanced courses in ecology and environmental sciences. Each topic is supported by illustrations, tables, and information boxes etc.

Science Education for Sustainable Development in Asia (Education Innovation Series)

by Hiroki Fujii Sun-Kyung Lee

This book presents an Asian perspective on transformative science education in the context of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The chapters are written by contributors who practiced science education for sustainability in a research project entitled “Teacher Education for ESD in the Asia-Pacific Region” from 2017 to 2019, supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, and the Japanese National Commission for UNESCO. The book showcases the contributors’ innovations in science education for sustainability, presenting case studies of science teaching and learning, science curriculum and assessment, science education in collaboration with local communities, and science teacher education. Embodying Asian sustainability education paradigms, policies, and practices, these case studies depict the diversity and uniqueness of natural, social, and cultural contexts in Asia, while demonstrating their commonalities. Through examining these case studies, this book aims to provide examples for praxis, and prospects, for new science classes, curricula, and teacher education in implementing education for sustainable development.

Navigating Complexity: Understanding Human Responses to Multifaceted Disasters

by Yibin Ao Homa Bahmani

This thought-provoking book unravels the intricate interplay between human behavior and disasters, weaving a rich narrative that transcends traditional boundaries. Embark on a captivating exploration of human responses to multifaceted disasters with this book. Unveiling the human psyche and the intricate web of emotions that intertwine with disaster events, this book offers a profound understanding of human responses to multifaceted disasters.Written with precision and meticulous research, this book captivates scholars, practitioners, and policymakers alike. Its multidimensional perspectives offer valuable insights for disaster management, urban planning, sociology, and public health, transcending disciplinary boundaries.

Built Environment and Walking & Cycling Around Metro Stations (Urban Sustainability)

by Yanan Liu

This book explores the relationship between pedestrians/cyclists’ mode and route choice to/from metro/railway stations and the micro-level (street-scale) built environment in a second-tier city in China. More specifically, it investigates how the street-scale built environment influences pedestrians/cyclists’ mode choice and route choice behavior and examines user preferences for the micro-level built environment around metro stations. The focus on a second-tier city is motivated primarily to expand the set of Chinese cities where the effects of the built environment on pedestrian/cyclist mode and route choice have been studied. Results demonstrate the effects of the street-scale built environment on pedestrian flows. The effects are higher for the main road, which is directly connected with the metro station. The findings of this book are expected to support the design of preferred walking/biking built environments around a metro station. This book appeals to urbanists, planners, engineers, policy makers, and those interested in a wide-ranging overview of slow/green transportation and built environment promotion. These methods not only help to understand the quantitative relationship between built environment design and travel behavior but also support the evaluation and assessment of built environment design in urban planning projects. It reduces the gap in our understanding of the quantitative relationship between the micro-level built environment and pedestrians/cyclists’ transportation mode and route choice around the metro station. Both stated choice data and revealed choice data were used. An extended set of micro-level built environment attributes was developed. Besides the widely studied transportation-related factors, street-level built environment factors were studied using quantitative methods.

Bridging Peace and Sustainability Amidst Global Transformations (World Sustainability Series)

by Ayyoob Sharifi Dahlia Simangan Shinji Kaneko

This book is the sequel to a well-received book titled ‘Integrated Approaches to Peace and Sustainability’ that aims to further advance the understanding of the dynamic interactions between various components of peace and sustainability. How are peace and sustainability linked to each other, and what are the key parameters that define the nexus between them? This book addresses those questions through a combination of theoretical studies and empirical research that contextualize peace and sustainability issues amid global transformations. The conceptual and empirical linkages between peace and sustainability are widely recognized in academic and policy circles. The adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development confirms this recognition. However, many of the initiatives on peace and sustainability operate in silos, undermining the positive and mutually reinforcing relationship between them. Enhanced integration of peace and sustainability components is imperative for addressing complex challenges that come with global transformations that are manifested environmentally, socially, politically, and economically across levels. It is, therefore, crucial to identify the pathways that enhance the peace-promoting potential of sustainability and the sustainability-promoting potential of peace. The contributions in this edited book elaborate on such pathways by offering insights related to different social, economic, and environmental aspects of the peace-sustainability nexus. Given its inter- and trans-disciplinary focus, the book is of interest to policymakers and researchers working in different areas of peace and sustainability. It contributes to ongoing academic and policy discussions surrounding the outcomes of and challenges to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 16 on peace, justice and strong institutions.

Tropical Peatland Eco-evaluation

by Mitsuru Osaki Nobuyuki Tsuji Tsuyoshi Kato Albertus Sulaiman

This book focuses on eco-evaluation system monitoring and sensing, carbon-water modeling, mapping, and disaster prediction. It is the 3rd book on tropical peatland issues, following 1st "Tropical Peatland Ecosystem" and 2nd "Tropical Peatland Eco-management" publications. Tropical peatland is also a wetland, mangrove, and rainforest. With this nature, two major key elements of tropical peatland are water and forest. This book introduces the relationship and interaction among water, oxygen, and nutrients as well as aspects of the forest as the driving force of carbon stock and the carbon cycle. Eco-evaluation system is key to conserving, managing, and restoring tropical peatlands, however comprehensive system for Eco-evaluation in the Tropics is not yet established. This book reviews and proposes Eco-evaluation methods in the Tropics Ecosystem, focusing mainly on the peatland ecosystem and others, covering Social Capital such as Credit, Bonds, National Accounting, etc.

Empirical Research on Environmental Policies in China: China Towards Decarbonization and Recycle Economy

by Kiyoshi Fujikawa

This book presents an empirical study of the effects of environmental policies on China and its neighboring countries, with a focus on waste and climate policies in China. The two major carbon policies have to do with carbon markets and renewable energy. The authors first examine the effectiveness of the Asian carbon market. Because of the consumption of goods beyond provincial borders, nationwide carbon markets are rather difficult to operate; therefore, a desirable initial allocation in the carbon market is proposed in this book. As for renewable power, its sources have not been fully utilized owing to a regional mismatch of supply and demand, so optimal locations of renewable energy are shown. The book also contains an analysis of the environmental and economic impacts of changes in resource circulation in East Asia. Although motorization is advancing rapidly, the vein industry for recycling used cars has not progressed. The authors estimate the amount of materials from used cars including new energy vehicles (electric and fuel cell vehicles) and propose desirable policies for used vehicles. East Asia is interdependent with respect to carbon and waste as well as the economy. China has regulated the import of waste recently and has started recycling its own wastes, putting pressure on neigboring countries to recycle their waste domestically. The authors estimate the environmental and economic impacts of such policy changes.

Urban Dynamics, Environment and Health: An International Perspective

by Braj Raj Kumar Sinha

The comprehensive volume focuses on spatial, temporal, conceptual and empirical approaches to various elements of urban dynamics, environment and urban health. It demonstrates a multidisciplinary account of the significant dimensions of urbanization and urban life. Chapters by leading international experts are presented in sections on urban dynamics, Urban Environmental Issues, Urban Health Problems and Urban Development, Planning and Policies. Each chapter provides a breadth of information on conceptual and empirical studies of urban issues. It enables the readers to understand the interconnections of various vital elements of each urban-related topical issue locally, regionally and globally. Extensive maps, charts, diagrams and tables as cartographic tools facilitate the reader’s understanding. It also outlines an action plan for policy program change in both the developed and less developed countries toward sustainable urban development and environment for better health, prosperity and quality of life of the present and future urban population. It is an indispensable reference for students, research scholars of geography and environmental, medical, and social sciences at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Eel Science (Fisheries Science Series)

by Katsumi Tsukamoto Mari Kuroki Soichi Watanabe

This book is a compilation of eel research and fish migration studies for more than 40 years showing the research history and recent advances in eel studies. Dr. Katsumi Tsukamoto, the esteemed editor of this book, has been actively involved in eel research as one of the leading scientists in the world for a long time, and he and his team successfully collected the fertilized eggs and spawn-condition adult eels from the wild for the first time in the world. This book compiles the essentials of the scientific findings obtained by the editor and his colleagues and reviews the latest references of eel science. Knowledge and information in the book such as a spawning area survey, research on artificial production of glass eels, the discovery of a new species, etc. will attract the reader’s interest, as these are written based on the authors’ experiences. Readers can obtain a comprehensive understanding of eels from various aspects of eel science including the cultural and socio-economic importance of eels and valuable scientific information using state-of-the-art approaches. The book also endeavors to contribute to the conservation of eel species, some of which have been classified as endangered by the IUCN and to promoting harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.

The River Chief System and An Ecological Initiative for Public Participation in China

by Yaguang Hao Tingting Wan

This book provides an alternative agenda to deepening the understanding of the River Chief System as a distinctive responsibility approach to solve water pollution and associated governance dilemmas. Insightful analysis is performed through in-depth studies of the origins of China’s River Chief System, responsibility mechanisms, governmental and civil river chiefs, formal and informal water governing institutions, public participation, empowerment with accountability, and the environmental impact.

Circular Economy Adoption: Catalysing Decarbonisation Through Policy Instruments

by Sadhan Kumar Ghosh Sannidhya Kumar Ghosh

This edited book brings out a comprehensive collection of information on principle and policy of circular economy. It deals with the general principles, pathways of circular economic development in different countries, use of circular economy in achieving sustainable development goals. The book covers policy instruments that helps implementing resource efficient processes, strategies of implementing circular economy concepts, Decarbonisation, and developing business promoting circular economy principles. The circular economy has gained increasing prominence as a tool which presents solutions to some of the world’s most pressing sustainable development challenges. By addressing root causes, the concept of a circular economy, an economy in which waste and pollution do not exist by design, products and materials are kept in use, and natural systems are regenerated provides promise to achieving SDGs. This book is of interest and use to practitioners, capacity builders and policymakers, entrepreneurs, NGOs, general people, and valuable source of reference to the relevant researchers and students in global markets. As circular economy is gaining momentum and interest in general, the book serves as reading material for undergraduate and graduate students in any field specifically environmental science, waste management, medical science as well as environmental management at national and international level.

Bonobos and People at Wamba: 50 Years of Research

by Takeshi Furuichi Gen'Ichi Idani Daiji Kimura Hiroshi Ihobe Chie Hashimoto

This book reviews all the findings about bonobos and the local people of Wamba village in the Luo Scientific Reserve in the Democratic Republic of the Congo over the last 50 years. In 1973, Takayoshi Kano, a Japanese primatologist, traveled across a vast area of the Congo Basin with a bicycle and found Wamba village to be a promising site to start his first studies on wild bonobos. Since then, many researchers from Japan and all over the world have been working at Wamba, now the longest standing study site, to uncover various aspects of the ecology and behavior of this most recently identified great ape species. The researchers study bonobo behaviors and carry out various activities for the conservation of bonobos. They also conduct anthropological studies of local people who live with bonobos and believe them to be distant relatives from the same family, living in the forest. This book is published in commemoration of 2023 marking the 50th year of study. The main chapters are contributed by active researchers studying bonobos and the local people at Wamba. The book also includes contributions from various eminent researchers who have carried out short-term research or have supported research at Wamba, which helps place these studies of bonobos in a broader primatological or anthropological perspective. This book will be a useful resource for professional researchers in primatology and anthropology, as well as graduate or undergraduate students interested in these research fields.

EcoDesign for Sustainable Products, Services and Social Systems I

by Shinichi Fukushige Hideki Kobayashi Eiji Yamasue Keishiro Hara

This 2-volume book highlights cutting-edge ecodesign research and covers broad areas ranging from individual product and service design to social system design. It includes business and policy design, circular production, life cycle design and management, digitalization for sustainable manufacturing, user behavior and health, ecodesign of social infrastructure, sustainability education, sustainability indicators, and energy system design. Featuring selected papers presented at EcoDesign 2021: 12th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, it also includes diverse, interdisciplinary approaches to foster ecodesign research and activities. In the context of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), it addresses design innovations for sustainable value creation, considering technological developments, legislation, and consumer lifestyles. Further, the book discusses the concept of circular economy, which aims to develop circular business models for resource efficient society by taking advantage of digital technologies including artificial intelligence, internet of things, digital twin, data analysis and simulation. Written by experts from academia and industry, Volume 1 highlights sustainable design such as product and process design, collaborative design, sustainable innovation, digital technologies, design methodology for sustainability, and energy system design. The methods, tools, and practices described are useful for readers to facilitate value creation for sustainability.

ICSBE 2022: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #362)

by Ranjith Dissanayake Priyan Mendis Kolita Weerasekera Sudhira De Silva Shiromal Fernando Chaminda Konthesingha Pradeep Gajanayake

This book highlights the latest knowledge and innovations in the fields of civil engineering and construction industry striving for a sustainable built environment. It consists of high quality and innovative research findings selected from the proceedings of the 13th ICSBE 2022 under the themes of sustainable construction, urban green infrastructure and planning, rainwater harvesting and water conservation, high-performance concrete, indoor environmental quality and indoor plants, wind and hydro-power energy, waste and wastewater management for enhanced sustainability, impacts of climate change, carbon footprint, global climate model and landscaping, material flows and industrial ecology, sustainable materials, etc.

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