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Gender, African Philosophies, and Concepts

by Musa W. Dube Telesia K. Musili Sylvia Owusu-Ansah

This volume sets out to explore, propose, and generate feminist theories based on African indigenous philosophies and concepts. It investigates specific philosophical and ethical concepts that emerge from African indigenous religions and considers their potential for providing feminist imagination for social justice-oriented earth communities. The contributions examine African indigenous concepts such as Ubuntu, ancestorhood, trickster discourse, Mupo, Akwaaba, Tukumbeng, Eziko, storytelling, and Ngozi . They look to deconstruct oppressive social categories of gender, class, ethnicity, race, colonialism, heteronormativity, and anthropocentricism. The book will be of interest to scholars of religion, philosophy, gender studies, and African studies.

Gemeinwohlorientierte Erzeugung von Lebensmitteln: Impulse für eine zukunftsfähige Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft

by Albert Sundrum

Lebensmittel sind Mittel zum Leben. Die Art und Weise ihrer Erzeugung betrifft uns alle. Weitgehend unbemerkt von der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung hat sich in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten ein System der Agrar- und Ernährungsindustrie entwickelt, das uns mit einer Fülle von Nahrungsmitteln mit zu niedrigen Preisen versorgt.Die unerwünschten Nebenwirkungen und externen Kosten dieses Systems wurden jedoch lange Zeit ausgeblendet. Enorme Umwelt- und Klimabelastungen, Verlust der Biodiversität, tierschutzrelevante Missstände und ein anhaltendes Hofsterben beschreiben nur unzulänglich das wahre Ausmaß an Schadwirkungen. Im Interesse des Gemeinwohls können diese nicht länger hingenommen werden. Allerdings stehen die Komplexität der Sachverhalte und vielfältige Partikularinteressen einfachen Lösungen entgegen.Dieses Fachbuch liefert eine umfassende systemische Analyse aus sehr unterschiedlichen Perspektiven und erläutert, wie es zu dieser Entwicklung hat kommen können. Es wird aufgezeigt, welche grundlegenden Veränderungen in allen Bereichen erforderlich sind, um über eine evidenzbasierte Qualitätserzeugung einen Ausweg aus dem zerstörerischen Streben nach Kostenminimierung zu finden. Fachkräfte der Agrar- und Ernährungsindustrie und der involvierten wissenschaftlichen Fachdisziplinen, einschließlich der Veterinärmedizin, sowie Entscheidungsträger in politischen Institutionen, Berufsverbänden und NGOs können dieses Wissen für eine zukunftsfähige Neugestaltung des Lebensmittelsektors nutzen.

Gemeinwohlorientiert, ökologisch, sozial: Aushandlungen um alternative Wirtschaftspraktiken in der Zivilgesellschaft (Bürgergesellschaft und Demokratie)

by Cornelia Kühn

Der Klimawandel gefährdet die Existenzgrundlage zukünftiger Generationen. Damit zukunftsfähige und klimaverträgliche Gesellschaften entstehen können, sind tiefgreifende Änderungen von Produktionsprozessen, aber auch von Konsummustern und Lebensstilen notwendig. In diesem Sammelband werden Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Ausweitung alternativer Wirtschafts- und Lebensformen erkundet. Dabei werden kleine Unternehmen und nachhaltige Bildungsinitiativen genauso betrachtet wie Regionen, Berufszweige und Großunternehmen auf ihrem Weg in eine nachhaltige Zukunft.

Geloof (Routledge filosofie)

by Slavoj Zizek

Hoe kunnen we nog geloven en regels hebben in dit postmoderne tijdperk waarin naar verluidt niets is om in te geloven en geen regels zijn. De beroemde filosoof en onstuitbaar cultuurcriticus Slavoj Zizek daagt iedereen uit in dit overtuigende en adembenemende nieuwe boek.In Geloof, dat van 'cyberspace-denken' tot de paradox van het 'westerse boeddhisme' gaat, legt Zizek de vooronderstellingen bloot achter de manier waarop we gewoonlijk over geloof denken, met name in judaïsme en christendom. Door de zogenaamde authenticiteit van het religieuze geloof tegen een kritisch licht te houden en te putten uit psychoanalyse, film en filosofie, laat hij op schokkende wijze zien dat de basis van onze fundamenteelste overtuigingen minder rotsvast is dan wij denken.

Gelehrte Frauen der Frühaufklärung: Einsame ‚Wunderthiere‘ oder vernetzte Akteurinnen? (Frauen in Philosophie und Wissenschaft. Women Philosophers and Scientists)

by Corinna Dziudzia Sonja Klimek

Dieser Band versammelt die Beiträge einer Tagung, die im Februar 2019 mit Unterstützung des Forschungsverbunds Marbach Weimar Wolfenbüttel und der Dr. phil. Fritz Wiedemann Stiftung in der Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel stattfand. Ziel der interdisziplinären Veranstaltung war es, die Frühaufklärung als eine Zeitspanne sichtbar werden zu lassen, in der sich für Frauen, wenngleich teilweise nur vorübergehend, zahlreiche Tätigkeitsfelder eröffneten, sei dies als Ärztinnen, Malerinnen, Kupferstecherinnen oder Dichterinnen. Frauen führten in dieser Zeit europaweit gesellige, gelehrte und/oder musikalische Salons und betätigten sich als Mäzeninnen oder selbst als hochgeschätzte Musikerinnen und Komponistinnen. Universitäten, Akademien und Gesellschaften verliehen den gelehrten Frauen im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert Preise und sogar Doktorwürden. Darüber hinaus wurden Frauen in der Frühaufklärung als malende, kämpfende, rechnende, experimentierende, übersetzende und heilende Frauen aktiv.

Geist And Zeitgeist: The Spirit In An Unspiritual Age

by Hermann Broch John Hargraves

Hermann Broch achieved international recognition for his brilliant use of innovative literary techniques to present the entire range of human experience, from the biological to the metaphysical. Concerned with the problem of ethical responsibility in a world with no unified system of values, he turned to literature as the appropriate form for considering those human problems not subject to rational treatment. <p><p> Late in life, Broch began questioning his artistic pursuits and turned from literature to devote himself to political theory. While he is well known and highly regarded throughout the world as a novelist, he was equally accomplished as an essayist. These six essays give us a fascinating glimpse into the mind of one of the twentieth century's most original thinkers.

Gehirne unter Spannung: Kognition, Emotion und Identität im digitalen Zeitalter

by Claudia Gorr Michael C. Bauer

Gehirne unter Spannung Die fortschreitende Digitalisierung verändert unsere Kommunikation, unsere Bildung, unser Sozialleben, nicht zuletzt unsere Wahrnehmung von uns selbst. Wie wirken sich diese Veränderungen inzwischen und zukünftig auf Gesellschaft, Familie und den Einzelnen aus? In welcher Weise beeinflussen WhatsApp, Facebook & Co. den Umgang mit Partnern, Freunden, aber auch uns fremden Netzwerk-Usern? Beschneiden soziale Medien und Algorithmen unsere Autonomie und Mündigkeit; wenn ja - wie können wir uns schützen? Auch im Bereich der Entwicklung künstlicher Intelligenz machen sich bahnbrechende Innovationen bemerkbar. Kann ein intelligentes System eigentlich Gefühle haben und was lernen wir vor allem daraus über uns selbst? Fragen wie diese stehen im Mittelpunkt dieses Buches, in dem renommierte Experten verschiedener Fachgebiete die Herausforderungen des digitalen Wandels für den Menschen beleuchten.

Gehirn, Psyche und Gesellschaft: Schlaglichter aus den Wissenschaften vom Menschen

by Stephan Schleim

Dieses Buch enthält eine Zusammenstellung von Artikeln zu aktuellen Fragen der Wissenschaften vom Menschen. Es spannt einen Bogen von der Philosophie und Psychologie bis hin zur Biologie, Hirnforschung und Medizin. Der Autor forscht und lehrt nicht nur in diesen Gebieten, sondern schreibt darüber seit über 15 Jahren für ein breites Publikum. Eine Auswahl der 33 wichtigsten Beiträge aus seinem erfolgreichen Blog MENSCHEN-BILDER (Spektrum der Wissenschaft) sind hier in überarbeiteter Form neu zusammengestellt und mit Einführungen und Ausblicken versehen. In sechs Abschnitten behandelt er Grundfragen von Neurophilosophie und -Theologie, Neuroethik, psychischen Störungen, Lebensphilosophie und sexueller Orientierung. Die Bedeutung der wissenschaftlichen Funde für Mensch und Gesellschaft steht dabei an zentraler Stelle.Für den Autor ergänzen sich die drei Sichtweisen „Gehirn, Psyche und Gesellschaft“, sodass der Mensch und sein Handeln nicht bloß als die Summe seiner neuronalen Schaltkreise verstanden werden kann. Das Buch schlägt damit auch eine Brücke zwischen Geistes-, Sozial- und Naturwissenschaften, die einander befruchten. Anhand von philosophischen Problemen und Alltagserfahrung wird deutlich, wie diese Perspektiven zusammengehören.

Gegenrede digital: Neue und alte Herausforderungen interkultureller Bildungsarbeit in Zeiten der Digitalisierung (Interkulturelle Studien)

by Julian Ernst Michalina Trompeta Hans-Joachim Roth

Die Hoffnung, in Zeiten der Digitalisierung könnten gesellschaftliche Ungleichheitsverhältnisse und Ausgrenzungsprozesse abgebaut werden, scheint sich (bisher) nicht einzulösen: Rassistische und antidemokratische Akteur*innen propagieren ihre ideologisch durchformten Weltbilder mittels Videos mehr denn je, sogenannte Social Bots füllen und polarisieren automatisiert die Kommentarspalten in sozialen Netzwerken und Aktivist*innen wie gesellschaftlich benachteiligte Gruppen werden mittels Memes stereotypisiert, verhöhnt und angefeindet. Auf der anderen Seite bieten digitale Medien kreative und innovative Möglichkeiten der Selbstorganisation, Selbstrepräsentation und Partizipation mit dem Ziel auch der visuellen Emanzipation unterschiedlichster Communities und der Begegnung von Hate Speech: Gegenrede digital. Diskutiert werden im Band neben Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen digitaler Medien für die Artikulation von Gegenrede auch grundlegende Fragen politisch-interkultureller Bildungsarbeit, die sich im Kontext digitaler Gegenrede stellen.

Gefährlich Leben - Gefährlich Denken: Eine Untersuchung von Nietzsches Philosophie

by Natalie Schulte

Nietzsche gilt als faszinierender Philosoph, der das Denken zu einer gefährlichen Sache, zu einem Abenteuer erklärt und der den/die Leser*in verlockt, sich auf das Wagnis seines Denkens einzulassen. Philosophie erscheint nicht als abstrakte Angelegenheit, sondern als eine zutiefst persönliche Auseinandersetzung, die das Leben des/der Einzelnen verwandeln soll, selbst um den Preis seiner möglichen Zerstörung. Welche Bedeutung aber hat das gefährliche Moment innerhalb von Nietzsches Philosophie für den/die Einzelne*n – und welche für die Gesellschaft? Und wie weit darf man in Selbst- und Fremdgefährdung gehen? Diesen Fragen geht die vorliegende Arbeit nach, wobei die Interpretation von Nietzsches Denken eingerahmt wird von zwei rezeptionsgeschichtlichen Untersuchungen: Von Beginn seiner Wirkung bis heute wurde Nietzsche als der gefährliche Philosoph par excellence verstanden. Inwieweit er glorifiziert, vereinnahmt oder verurteilt wird, sagt aber nicht zuletzt einiges über die Rezipierenden selbst aus und gibt Antwort auf die Frage, wieviel gefährliches Denken wir in einer Gesellschaft für zumutbar halten. Ein Einblick in die frühe und späte Nietzscherezeption zeigt dem/der Leser*in die Bandbreite an Reaktionen von Verherrlichung bis Verdammung, die Nietzsches Philosophie bis heute provoziert.

Geddy Lee's Big Beautiful Book of Bass

by Geddy Lee

Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Famer and Rush bassist Geddy Lee celebrates rock music’s thunderous, rumbly bottom end—the bass—in this unique, lavishly illustrated, full-color compendium showcasing over two hundred rare, iconic, beautiful, and sometimes eccentric bass guitars from his extensive collection. <P><P>In this luxurious keepsake volume, Geddy Lee chronicles the fascinating history of one of rock music’s foundation instruments, the bass guitar. Written with arts journalist Daniel Richler, gorgeously photographed by Richard Sibbals, and with insight from Geddy’s trusted bass tech and curator, John "Skully" McIntosh, Geddy Lee’s Big Beautiful Book of Bass profiles over two hundred classic basses from Geddy’s extensive collection. <P><P>The book combines knowledge and observations gleaned from Geddy’s long, successful career with new and behind-the-scenes photos, ranging from his earliest days to Rush’s sold-out 40th anniversary tour in 2015, plus personal interviews with some of the world’s top bassists and collectors. <P><P>A musician and guitar freak, Geddy has acquired the magnificent bass models that have been the backbone of the world’s greatest popular music, from greats such as Paul McCartney, John Entwistle, and Jack Bruce. <P><P>The book features vintage basses from 1950 through the mid-1970s—the golden age of guitar making. <P><P>Suffused with Geddy’s intelligence, taste, and disarming wit, Geddy Lee’s Big Beautiful Book of Bass is also an entertaining look at a legend’s career on stage, in the studio, and at home. Geddy shares his views of the role of the bass guitar in his life and in the lives of the great players who’ve influenced him, revealing his passions and motivations, and ultimately broadening fans’ appreciation of his beloved instrument.

GDR Literature in German Curricula and Textbooks: Exploring the Legacy of GDR Authors, 1985-2015 (Palgrave Studies in Educational Media)

by Elizabeth Priester Steding

This book analyzes the changing portrayal of GDR literature in German Gymnasium textbooks 1985-2015. Addressing the need for textbook research to broaden its focus from GDR history to GDR literature, the author presents case studies of well-known GDR authors (Bertolt Brecht, Johannes R. Becher, Anna Seghers, Wolf Biermann, and Christa Wolf), each examining a particular aspect of the societal discourse about GDR literature and the tension between (literary) text and (historical) context. Taken together, the case studies reveal the frequently underestimated power of ideology in literature textbooks. They also show how attempts to package these authors into simplified categories ultimately reveal the profound complexities of the GDR literary legacy. By examining the clear tension between literature and politics in textbooks and curricula, the author demonstrates how ideological messages are transmitted in all textbooks, as well as the importance of attending to overt and covert ideology.

The GDR: Moscow's German Ally (Routledge Library Editions: German Politics)

by David Childs

Widely praised in its first edition, the second edition of The GDR was updated to cover events through the spring of 1988, examining in particular the impact of new leadership in both Bonn and Moscow and of the changing world economy on the prospects of the GDR.

The GCHQ Puzzle Book II


Train your brain with these fiendishly difficult puzzles, the perfect companion for anyone wanting to keep their mind busy'Fiendishly tricky' Daily MailWith their first bestselling book, The GCHQ Puzzle Book, the UK's intelligence and security experts tested us with puzzles, codes and real-life entrance tests from their archives.Now, they are back with a NEW collection of head-scratching, mind-boggling and brain-bending puzzles that will leave you pondering for hours.For those who often found themselves stumped with the first book, The GCHQ Puzzle Book 2 offers even more starter puzzles to get those brains warmed up. Puzzle aficionados needn't worry though, as there is also an 'Even Harder' section to test everyone to their limits . . .Not only that, but in celebration of GCHQ's centenary, the puzzles in this new book sit alongside stories, facts and photos from the organisation's first 100 years at the heart of the nation's security. From the Government Code & Cipher School, to Bletchley Park, through to protecting against cyberattacks, the security of our country is in the hands of GCHQ. With this book, you get exclusive snapshots into the organisation that keeps us all safe.Train your brain to compete with the smartest in the country with this stimulating book of puzzles. If you haven't yet tested yourself with the first instalment of The GCHQ Puzzle Book, check it out now!'This is the perfect gift to fuel his ludicrous presumption that he could have definitely been a spy - even better if he's already dog-eared the first version' Huffington Post

The GCHQ Puzzle Book: Perfect for anyone who likes a good headscratcher


Sharpen your mind to beat the smartest brains in Britain with the original official GCHQ puzzle bookWould GCHQ recruit you? Pit your wits against the people who cracked Enigma in the official puzzle book from Britain's top secret intelligence and security organisationOver the years, their codebreakers have helped keep our country safe, from the Bletchley Park breakthroughs of WWII to the modern-day threat of cyber attack. So it comes as no surprise that, even in their time off, the staff at GCHQ love a good puzzle.Whether they're recruiting new staff or challenging each other to the toughest Christmas quizzes and treasure hunts imaginable, puzzles are at the heart of what GCHQ does. Now they're opening up their archives of decades' worth of codes, puzzles and challenges for everyone to try.In this book you will find:- Tips on how to get into the mindset of a codebreaker- Puzzles ranging in difficulty from easy to brain-bending- A competition section where we search for Britain's smartest puzzlerWith hundreds of stimulating puzzles, The GCHQ Puzzle Book is the perfect companion and will keep you occupied as you attempt to beat the smartest brains in Britain.GOOD LUCK!'Fiendish . . . as frustrating, divisive and annoying as it is deeply fulfilling' Guardian'Ideal for the crossword enthusiast' Daily TelegraphLooking for more ways to test yourself? The GCHQ Puzzle Book 2, a new collection of head-scratching, mind-boggling and brain-bending puzzles is out now!

Gazing Through a Prism Darkly: Reflections on Merold Westphal's Hermeneutical Epistemology

by B. Keith Putt

Merold Westphal has been in the foremost ranks of philosophers who proclaim a new postsecular philosophy. By articulating an epistemology sensitive to the realities of cognitive finitude and moral weakness, he defends a wisdom that begins in both humility and commitment, one that always confesses that human beings can encounter meaning and truth only as human beings, never as gods. The present volume focuses on this wisdom of humility that characterizes Westphal's thought and explores how that wisdom, expressed through the redemptive dynamic of doubt, can contribute to developing a postsecular apologetic for faith. This book can function both as an accessible introduction to Westphal for those who have not read him extensively and also as an informed critical appreciation and extension of his work for those who are more experienced readers.

Gazes, Words, and Silences in Pragmatics (Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology #36)

by Paola Pennisi

This book describes the role of eye contact in human communication by investigating the relationship between the eye gaze and the development of language and pragmatic skills. The author reveals that although the need for eye contact is an innate human characteristic, neurodevelopmental disorders can have adverse outcomes and delays in language and pragmatic skills. A comparative approach compares childhood disorders that affect pragmatics in animal species that are phylogenetically related to humans with those species that are not. This text appeals to students and researchers working in pragmatics and the philosophy of language.

The Gay Science: With A Prelude In Rhymes And An Appendix Of Songs (Dover Thrift Editions)

by Friedrich Nietzsche

Although dour in appearance and formidable in reputation, Friedrich Nietzsche was an ardent practitioner of the art of poetry—known in twelfth-century Provençal as "the gay science." This extensive collection of prose and verse offers a sophisticated treatment of the philosophical themes and views central to his thinking, as well as the ideas that proved most influential to later philosophers. Dating from the era when Nietzsche was at the peak of his intellectual powers, most of this book was written just before Thus Spoke Zarathustra, and the rest of it five years later, after Beyond Good and Evil. Zarathustra makes his first appearance in these pages, along with the author's well-known proclamation of the death of God. Readers will find this volume a wellspring for some of Nietzsche's most sustained and thought-provoking discussions of art and morality, knowledge and truth, the intellectual conscience, and the origin of logic, as well as the largest collection of Nietzsche's published poetry.

The Gay Science

by Friedrich Nietzsche Et. Al.

"God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. . " This is the book in which Nietzsche put forth his boldest declaration. It is also his most personal, featuring some of the author's most important discussions of art, morality, knowledge, and, ultimately, truth.

The Gay Science: With a Prelude in Rhymes and an Appendix of Songs

by Friedrich Nietzsche Walter Kaufmann

Nietzsche called The Gay Science "the most personal of all my books." It was here that he first proclaimed the death of God -- to which a large part of the book is devoted -- and his doctrine of the eternal recurrence.<P><P> Walter Kaufmann's commentary, with its many quotations from previously untranslated letters, brings to life Nietzsche as a human being and illuminates his philosophy. The book contains some of Nietzsche's most sustained discussions of art and morality, knowledge and truth, the intellectual conscience and the origin of logic.<P> Most of the book was written just before Thus Spoke Zarathustra, the last part five years later, after Beyond Good and Evil. We encounter Zarathustra in these pages as well as many of Nietzsche's most interesting philosophical ideas and the largest collection of his own poetry that he himself ever published.<P> Walter Kaufmann's English versions of Nietzsche represent one of the major translation enterprises of our time. He is the first philosopher to have translated Nietzsche's major works, and never before has a single translator given us so much of Nietzsche.

Gautama Buddha: Education for Wisdom

by Zane M. Diamond

This book examines some of the key elements of Buddhist education theory, in particular about educating for wisdom, the ultimate goal of Buddhist education. The teachings of Gautama Buddha have endured for thousands of years carried into the present era in schools, universities, temples, personal development courses, martial arts academies and an array of Buddhist philosophical societies across the globe. Philosophically, the ideas of the Buddha have held appeal across many cultures, but less is known about the underlying educational theories and practices that shape teaching and learning within Buddhist-inspired educational contexts. The chapters outline the development of the Buddha’s teachings, his broad approach to education and their relevance in the 21st century. Subsequently, the book reviews the history of the evolution of the various schools of Buddhist thought, their teaching and learning styles and the dissemination among Asia and later also the Western countries. The book discusses education theories and devices embedded within the Buddhist teachings, examining the works found in the Tipitaka, the Buddhist canon.

The Gathering of Intentions: A History of a Tibetan Tantra

by Jacob Dalton

The Gathering of Intentions reads a single Tibetan Buddhist ritual system through the movements of Tibetan history, revealing the social and material dimensions of an ostensibly timeless tradition. By subjecting tantric practice to historical analysis, the book offers new insight into the origins of Tibetan Buddhism, the formation of its canons, the emergence of new lineages and ceremonies, and modern efforts to revitalize the religion by returning to its mythic origins.The ritual system explored in this volume is based on the Gathering of Intentions Sutra, the fundamental "root tantra" of the Anuyoga class of teachings belonging to the Nyingma ("Ancient") school of Tibetan Buddhism. Proceeding chronologically from the ninth century to the present, each chapter features a Tibetan author negotiating a perceived gap between the original root text—the Gathering of Intentions—and the lived religious or political concerns of his day. These ongoing tensions underscore the significance of Tibet's elaborate esoteric ritual systems, which have persisted for centuries, evolving in response to historical conditions. Rather than overlook practice in favor of philosophical concerns, this volume prioritizes Tibetan Buddhism's ritual systems for a richer portrait of the tradition.

Gateway to Wisdom: Taoist and Buddhist Contemplative and Healing Yogas Adapted for Western Students of the Way (Routledge Library Editions: Yoga #1)

by John Blofeld

This book, first published in 1980, comprises separate sections on Taoist and Buddhist contemplative yogas, each divided into a theory part (summarising their fundamental principles and outlook) and a practice part (detailing their various practices).

Gateway to the Stoics: Marcus Aurelius's Meditations, Epictetus's Enchiridion, and Selections from Seneca's Letters

by Marcus Aurelius Epictetus Seneca

The one book you need to master stoic philosophy!This classic collection, newly revised and with a foreword by classicist Spencer Klavan, includes the famed original introduction by Russell Kirk, the full text of the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, the complete Enchiridion of Epictetus, and key selections from Seneca and Hierocles of Alexandria in one compact volume.

Gateway to Statesmanship: Selections from Xenophon to Churchill

by IV John A. Burtka

The study of statesmanship is not a subject for leaders in politics alone. It is the study of the whole human being in thought and action.The classics teach us of the difficult choices that must be made, an activity that guides lives and forms character. This collection of writings includes ancient, Medieval, Renaissance, and modern scholarship on statesmanship from Xenophon, Aristotle, Cicero, Augustine, Erasmus, Niccolo Machiavelli, George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and more, selected and with an introduction by the president of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, John A. Burtka.

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