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The ABC of Relativity (Routledge Classics Ser.)

by Bertrand Russell

The Nobel Prize winner offers &“an ideal introduction to the theories of special and general relativity&” in clear, comprehensible language(Nature). A renowned mathematician and philosopher, and as well as recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature, Bertrand Russell was acclaimed for his ability to address complex subjects in accessible ways. In this classic reference book, Russell delves into physics and relativity, helping everyday readers grasp the genius and implications of Albert Einstein&’s theory. When originally published in 1925, The ABC of Relativity brought science to a more general audience—and it continues to do so in the twenty-first century. &“A mind of dazzling brilliance.&” —The New York Times

ABC of Impossibility

by Simon Critchley

How does one write an experimental ABC, an impossible theory that would deal with a series of phenomena, concepts, places, sensations, persons, and moods? A para-philosophy? Returning to a once-abandoned project of fragmented thoughts where the author's voice moves from the serious to the pathetic, to the absurd, to the cynical, Simon Critchley's ABC of Impossibility finds new life in the form of this small encyclopedic and aphoristic text where the reader bears witness to the slow emergence of an attempt at a poetic ontology. ABC of Impossibility is a unique undertaking that reexamines the poetic site of the fragment as thought. Following a heritage of fragmented, aphoristic thinkers including Pascal, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, and Pessoa, Critchley revitalizes a para-philosophical thinking that can only be uttered by way of another. As he declares in the opening pages, "In writing this, I promise to tell the truth, but not to be myself."

Abandoned to Ourselves

by Peter Alexander Meyers

In this extraordinary work, Peter Alexander Meyers shows how the centerpiece of the Enlightenment--society as the symbol of collective human life and as the fundamental domain of human practice--was primarily composed and animated by its most ambivalent figure: Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Displaying this new society as an evolving field of interdependence, Abandoned to Ourselves traces the emergence and moral significance of dependence itself within Rousseau's encounters with a variety of discourses of order, including theology, natural philosophy, and music. Underpinning this whole scene we discover a modernizing conception of the human Will, one that runs far deeper than Rousseau's most famous trope, the "general Will." As Abandoned to Ourselves weaves together historical acuity with theoretical insight, readers will find here elements for a reconstructed sociology inclusive of things and persons and, as a consequence, a new foundation for contemporary political theory.

„Ab heute bist du Ausbilder“: Eine qualitativ-empirische Studie zur Rekonstruktion des Übergangs in die Tätigkeit des hauptamtlichen Ausbildungspersonals (Theorie und Empirie Lebenslangen Lernens)

by Clarissa Pascoe

In diesem Buch wird der Übergang aus einer Tätigkeit als gewerblich-technische Fachkraft in die hauptamtliche Ausbildungsfunktion in einer betrieblichen Ausbildungswerkstatt untersucht. In einem fallrekonstruktiven Forschungsansatz wird das Erleben und Bewältigen von typischen Herausforderungen während und infolge dieses Übergangs nachgezeichnet. Hierzu wurden hauptamtliche Ausbilder*innen in den industriellen Metall- und Elektroberufen zu ihren Übergangserfahrungen befragt. Ergebnis ist eine empirisch fundierte Beschreibung von fünf typischen Entwicklungsaufgaben, mit denen Ausbilder*innen während und infolge des Übergangs konfrontiert werden und die sie in Abhängigkeit von subjektiven Ressourcen und Orientierungen unterschiedlich deuten und bearbeiten. Die Fallrekonstruktion führt zu vier Typen von Bewältigungsstrategien, die sich hinsichtlich ihres Umgangs mit Erfahrungswissen, ihrer pädagogischen Überzeugungen sowie ihres Reflexionswissens unterscheiden. Darauf aufbauend wird mit Hilfe des Sozialweltkonzeptes die Frage nach der Rolle und Funktion einer übergeordneten kollegialen Bezugsgemeinschaft als potentielle Wissens- und Kompetenzgrundlage der Akteure der beruflich-betrieblichen Bildung vor dem Hintergrund der strukturellen Rahmenbedingungen und Systemspezifika diskutiert.

The Aarhus Convention: Towards Environmental Solidarisation (Environmental Politics and Theory)

by Duncan Weaver

The Aarhus Convention on access to information, public participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters has been celebrated as a pioneering international environmental agreement. Given that a quarter-century has passed since Aarhus was opened for signature, now is an opportune moment to revisit it from a fresh perspective. Marking this anniversary, this book explores Aarhus from the vista of the English School of International Relations, an ethically-minded perspective used to gauge the prevalence of state-oriented and human-oriented progress from the Convention's rationales and realities. It firstly considers Aarhus' propagation, investigating the legal, diplomatic and geopolitical contexts enabling its emergence. It secondly investigates Aarhus' germination, with reference to its trinity of procedural rights. Thirdly, the book examines the Convention's growth, in terms of the development of its organisational infrastructure. The chief finding is that Aarhus demonstrates, in environmental contexts, the feasibility and benefit of fostering 'humankind' solidarist progress, rooted in moral cosmopolitanism, within the existing power arrangements of a sovereignty-based pluralism. Pluralist concerns for diversity and international order are found to be a precondition for more ethically ambitious solidarist endeavours. These observations reinforce the logic of solidarisation, an English School innovation that presents sovereignty as (a) being ethically matured by solidarism whilst (b) delimiting solidarism within the threshold of states' tolerance.

Aa is for Aesthetic: Essays on Creative and Aesthetic Education (Routledge Library Editions: Education)

by Peter Abbs

This volume reaffirms the indispensable place of the arts in any coherent curriculum. The author hopes that the specific arguments formulated in the book will advance the conservationist post-Modernist aesthetic.

The A Priori Without Magic (Elements in Epistemology)

by Jared Warren

The distinction between the a priori and the a posteriori is an old and influential one. But both the distinction itself and the crucial notion of a priori knowledge face powerful philosophical challenges. Many philosophers worry that accepting the a priori is tantamount to accepting epistemic magic. In contrast, this Element argues that the a priori can be formulated clearly, made respectable, and used to do important epistemological work. The author's conception of the a priori and its role falls short of what some historical proponents of the notion may have hoped for, but it allows us to accept and use the notion without abandoning either naturalism or empiricism, broadly understood. This Element argues that we can accept and use the a priori without magic.

The A Priori Method in the Social Sciences: A Multidisciplinary Approach

by Jean-Sylvestre Bergé

This edited volume takes a multidisciplinary look at the philosophical concept of a priori. Placing social sciences at the heart of the discussion, this book establishes a dialogue between various disciplines and the different postulates, presuppositions, prejudices, paradigms, beliefs, commonplaces, biases or emotions that forge their theoretical and practical constructs. The book is divided into three parts. Chapters in Part I lay the foundations of a new antecedent approach that revisits the classical approach to a priori and its relationships with law and philosophy. Chapters in Part II extend the analysis to economics and management, on such key topics as blockchain technology, labor, health insurance and innovation. Finally, chapters in Part III turn to anthropology and sociology, to reconsider the core methods of these different disciplines and to nourish reflection on the basis of new working hypotheses.

a levinasian ethics for education’s commonplaces: between calling and inspiration

by To John Nick

Joldersma applies Levinas's ethics systematically to the commonplaces of education - teaching, learning, curriculum, and institutions - and elucidates the role of justice and responsibility and the meaning of calling and inspiration in education.

A fin de cuentas: Nuevo cuaderno de la vejez

by Aurelio Arteta

Aurelio Arteta rescata la vejez del enjambre de prejuicios que suelen desfigurarla. «Solo desde el crepúsculo se adquiere una visión del día completo.» La vejez nos convierte en testigos privilegiados de la vida, por ser la posición idónea, afirma Aurelio Arteta, desde la que evaluar las demás edades. En A fin de cuentas, entabla con el lector una conversación a la que también están invitados Montaigne, Spinoza, Schopenhauer, Leopardi, Saint-Exupéry, De Beauvoir y Canetti, entre otros, al tiempo que rescata la vejez del enjambre de prejuicios que suelen desfigurarla. Este «diario disfrazado» compuesto de sabias meditaciones, citas memorables, recuerdos, escenas de la vida y retratos, puede leerse como un sutil tratado filosófico en fragmentos que nos invita a mirarnos bien adentro y a despojarnos de toda afectación y de la trivialidad en la que tendemos a hundirnos. Con ingenio, serenidad e ironía, capta las contrariedades, la dureza, los reveses, pero también las delicias y el humor de la vejez. Lo que brilla a través de estas páginas al tiempo graves y luminosas es un profundo amor a la vida, el rechazo de la muerte -también su acogida- y la enérgica juventud que caracteriza a algunos mayores. También, la nostalgia que tanta lucidez conlleva. La crítica ha dicho...«Uno diría que, de no ser por ese angustioso telón de fondo, en la sociedad actual la vejez ofrece razonables placeres y alegrías bien pautadas, dentro del plazo limitado.»Carlos García Gual, sobre A pesar de los pesares

A donde nos lleven los caminos: 45 años del dúo Larbanois & Carrero

by Martín Duarte

Una biografía exhaustiva que recorre los 45 años del dúo. Cuando Eduardo Larbanois vio por primera vez a Mario Carrero desconfió de él. Por su apariencia —llevaba un traje color habano, bigotes cortos y el pelo engominado— pensó que se trataba de un tira, un agente encubierto de la dictadura. Fue en un festival de folclore en Paysandú, en 1973. Después, los entretelones del espectáculo y el regreso en ómnibus a Montevideo, en el que, por casualidad, compartieron asiento, permitieron que los músicos conversaran en profundidad, reconocieran en el otro la misma sensibilidad artística, social, política, y entablaran una amistad que los impulsó a construir un camino musical juntos. Ese encuentro imprevisto es el primero de muchos hitos en la historia del dúo Larbanois & Carrero, emblema de la música popular uruguaya. En este libro, el periodista y músico Martín Duarte presenta una biografía exhaustiva que recorre los 45 años del dúo, desde la formación oficial en 1977 hasta la actualidad. El recorrido retrata episodios fundamentales de las infancias de Carrero y Larbanois, sus inicios artísticos, sus primeros recitales, sus peripecias en giras nacionales e internacionales, sus militancias políticas y sus intercambios con otros artistas como Alfredo Zitarrosa, Washington Benavides, Rubén Lena, Vera Sienra, Pepe Guerra, León Gieco y Emiliano Brancciari, entre tantos otros que dejaron huella en el repertorio del dúo.

A caballo entre milenios

by Fernando Savater

Un libro que admite múltiples lecturas: crónica deportiva, libro de viajes, relato de aventuras, reflexión sobre los gozos y las sombras en el cruce de dos siglos... Al hilo de la búsqueda apasionada de la carrera de caballos ideal, el autor recorre el mundo, desde Buenos Aires a Dubai, desde San Sebastián a Hong Kong y Tokio, sin olvidar los grandes hipódromos clásicos de Kentucky, Epsom o Longchamp. En esas travesías se cruza con la presencia y la memoria de los mejores caballos que han existido, con obras literarias y con películas, pero también con las preocupaciones de la actualidad política y social: el terrorismo, las drogas, la diversidad cultural, la democracia... Y siempre con las mil caras del amor a la vida y las mil amenazas de la muerte. Un diario singular del año dos mil para los lectores del siglo XXI.

A.C. Pigou and the ‘Marshallian’ Thought Style: A Study In The Philosophy And Mathematics Underlying Cambridge Economics (Palgrave Studies In The History Of Economic Thought)

by Karen Lovejoy Knight

This book provides a study of the forces underlying the development of economic thought at Cambridge University during the late nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century. The primary lens it uses to do so is an examination of how Arthur Cecil Pigou’s thinking, heavily influenced by his predecessor, Alfred Marshall, evolved. <p><p> Aspects of Pigou’s context, biography and philosophical grounding are reconstructed and then situated within the framework of Ludwik Fleck’s philosophy of scientific knowledge, most notably by drawing on the notions of ‘thought styles’ and ‘thought collectives’. In this way, Knight provides a novel contribution to the history of Pigou's economic thought.

99 Theses on the Revaluation of Value: A Postcapitalist Manifesto

by Brian Massumi

A speculative exploration of value, emphasizing practical experimentation in its future forms How can we begin to envision a postcapitalist economy without first engineering a radically new concept of value? And with a renewed sense of how and what we collectively value, what would the transition to new social forms look like? According to Brian Massumi, it is time to reclaim value from the capitalist market and the neoliberal reduction of life to “human capital.” It is time to occupy surplus-value for a postcapitalist future.99 Theses on the Revaluation of Value is both a theoretical and practical manifesto. Massumi reexamines ideas about money, exchange, and finance, with special attention to how what we value in experience for quality is economically translated into quantity. He proposes new conceptual tools for understanding value in directly qualitative terms, speculating on how this revaluation of value might practically form the basis of an alter-economy. A promising path, he suggests, might involve emerging blockchain technologies beyond bitcoin. But these must be uprooted from their libertarian origins and redesigned to serve not individual choice but collective creativity, not calculations of self-interest but collaborative speculations on the future to be shared. It is necessary to grasp the specificity of our contemporary neoliberal condition and the ultimately destructive forms of power it mobilizes to better resist their claim on the future.99 Theses on the Revaluation of Value is written to galvanize a radical redefinition of value for a livable postcapitalist future.

99% feliz: 99 recetas de grandes pensadores para disfrutar de cada día

by Dorian Lucas

¿Cuál es el secreto de la felicidad? Los filósofos de Oriente y Occidente llevan miles de años buscando respuesta a las mismas cuestiones que nos preocupan hoy en día. ¿Cuál es el secreto de la felicidad? ¿Hay algún atajo hacia el éxito? ¿Cómo podemos distinguir el amor verdadero? ¿Qué hacer cuando todo se pone en contra nuestra? De Platón a Buda, pasando por Nietzsche, Simone de Beauvoir, Schopenhauer o Freud, este libro fresco y divertido, acompañado de cuidadas ilustraciones, reúne las mejores máximas de los grandes genios de la humanidad sobre felicidad, amor, libertad, amistad..., en forma de inteligentes ideas para afrontar, con filosofía, cualquier duda o desafío que te plantee el día a día.

935 Lies: The Future of Truth and the Decline of America's Moral Integrity

by Charles Lewis

Facts are and must be the coin of the realm in a democracy, for government OC of the people, by the people and for the people, OCO requires and assumes to some extent an informed citizenry. Unfortunately, for citizens in the United States and throughout the world, distinguishing between fact and fiction has always been a formidable challenge, often with real life and death consequences. But now it is more difficult and confusing than ever. The Internet Age makes comment indistinguishable from fact, and erodes authority. It is liberating but annihilating at the same time. For those wielding power, whether in the private or the public sector, the increasingly sophisticated control of information is regarded as utterly essential to achieving success. Internal information is severely limited, including calendars, memoranda, phone logs and emails. History is sculpted by its absence. Often those in power strictly control the flow of information, corroding and corrupting its content, of course, using newspapers, radio, television and other mass means of communication to carefully consolidate their authority and cover their crimes in a thick veneer of fervent racialism or nationalism. And always with the specter of some kind of imminent public threat, what Hannah Arendt called OCyobjective enemies. OCOOCO An epiphanic, public comment about the Bush OC war on terrorOCO years was made by an unidentified White House official revealing how information is managed and how the news media and the public itself are regarded by those in power: OC You journalists live] OC in what we call the reality-based community. But] thatOCOs not the way the world really works anymore. WeOCOre an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality . . . weOCOre historyOCOs actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do. OCO And yet, as aggressive as the Republican Bush administration was in attempting to define reality, the subsequent, Democratic Obama administration may be more so. Into the battle for truth steps Charles Lewis, a pioneer of journalistic objectivity. His book looks at the various ways in which truth can be manipulated and distorted by governments, corporations, even lone individuals. He shows how truth is often distorted or diminished by delay: truth "in time" can save terrible erroneous choices. In part a history of communication in America, a cri de coeur for the principles and practice of objective reporting, and a journey into several notably labyrinths of deception, "935 Lies" is a valorous search for honesty in an age of casual, sometimes malevolent distortion of the facts.

The 80/20 Principle and 92 Other Powerful Laws of Nature

by Richard Koch

In this follow-up to his best-selling The 80/20 Principle, the power law that helped hundreds of thousands achieve more by doing less, Richard Koch puts science to work, applying ninety-two other natural laws to promote the "science of success" within the ever-changing world of business. What does Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection prove about developing a niche product line? How can Isaac Newton's laws of motion and gravity help in a crowded marketplace? This is a must-have book for business leaders looking for clear, evidence-based reasoning that explains why some companies seem to find success everywhere they turn, while others don't make progress.

The 8 Laws of Change: How to Be an Agent of Personal and Social Transformation

by Stephan A. Schwartz

Scientifically based strategies for enacting successful and enduring change on personal, societal, and global levels, no matter what your background • 2016 Nautilus Silver Award • Shares the stories of people who have changed history, such as Martin Luther King Jr., Ben Franklin, and Gandhi, detailing how they used the 8 laws of change • Based on more than 16 years of scientific and historical research as well as the author’s own experiences during the Civil Rights movement • Explores research in the fields of medicine, neuroscience, biology, and quantum physics to reveal the science of how the 8 laws of change work Inspired by his own powerful experiences during the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s and other social movements in the ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s, Stephan Schwartz spent 16 years researching successful social transformations, uncovering the science and the patterns behind them all. He found that there are three ways to create social change. The first is the advancement of technology and science. The second--change compelled by physical power--is almost always coercive and violent and, for those reasons, not long lasting. The third avenue of change he discovered--the most successful and enduring--is one brought about by something so subtle it is often not taken seriously: small individual choices based on integrity and shared intention. Revealing how the dynamics of change are learnable, Schwartz explains the 8 laws of individual and social behavior that can enable any person or small group--even ordinary people without great wealth, official position, or physical power--to bend the arc of history and create successful lasting transformation. He shares the stories of individuals who have actually changed history, such as Martin Luther King Jr., Benjamin Franklin, Mother Teresa, and Mahatma Gandhi, detailing how they implemented the strategies and tactics of the 8 laws to achieve their success. The author explores research in the fields of medicine, neuroscience, biology, and quantum physics to reveal the science of how these laws of change work. He explains why compassionate and life-affirming changes have the most enduring impact and shows how each of the 8 laws cultivates a sense of “beingness” in the individual, empowering your integrity and connecting you to something greater than yourself--the key to lasting change on the personal, societal, and global levels.

7000 años de Patriarcado: ... hasta la era radical (7000 Years #1)

by Ioana Petra

"7000 años..." es una selección de análisis feministas radicales originales, escritos de la manera más accesible posible, con la menor cantidad de referencias bibliográficas posibles. La sencillez de la exposición —un desafío para la autora que proviene del mundo académico científico— no debe tener nada que ver con la sencillez de las ideas y las conclusiones a las que llegan los análisis a partir de ideas biológicas originales. Este libro parte de un proyecto concebido como capaz de llevar el feminismo radical más lejos, no sólo planteando nuevas críticas al patriarcado (visto también desde otros ángulos), sino también nuevas reivindicaciones feministas radicales. Y, por último, pero no menos importante, quiere iniciar la fundación de una nueva cultura feminista centrada en las mujeres, en sus deseos, y lo más libre posible de la contaminación patriarcal. Quería hacer de este libro un ejercicio de creatividad, libre pensamiento, valentía. Espero que las cosas también sean iguales para las lectoras y lectores.

7 Ways of Looking at Religion: The Major Narratives

by Benjamin Schewel

An ambitious scholar&’s lucid analysis of religion&’s shifting place in the modern world.Western intellectuals have long theorized that religion would undergo a process of marginalization and decline as the forces of modernity advanced. Yet recent events have disrupted this seductively straightforward story. As a result, while religion has somehow evolved from its tribal beginnings up through modernity and into the current global age, there is no consensus about what kind of narrative of religious change we should alternatively tell.Seeking clarity, Benjamin Schewel organizes and evaluates the prevalent narratives of religious history that scholars have deployed over the past century and are advancing today. He argues that contemporary scholarly discourse on religion can be categorized according to seven central narratives: subtraction, renewal, transsecular, postnaturalist, construct, perennial, and developmental. Examining the basic logic, insights, and limitations of each of these narratives, Schewel ranges from Martin Heidegger to Muhammad Iqbal, from Daniel Dennett to Charles Taylor, to offer an incisive, broad, and original perspective on religion in the modern world.&“The book should be a widely read guide to the ideas that structure many of the debates scholars are having today about the meaning of postsecularism and future of religion.&” —Geoffrey Cameron, Review of Faith and International Affairs"What is the future of religion and how should we narrate its past? For all readers interested in these questions, this balanced and concise book is a must read.&” —Hans Joas, Humboldt University, Berlin, and University of Chicago

Las 7 máximas para la felicidad del alma: Cómo liberar tu felicidad interior

by Paul Rodney Turner

La felicidad es algo que todos buscamos, ya sea en la comida, el sexo, el entretenimiento, las relaciones, los niños, la carrera, los pasatiempos o el sueño. La felicidad nos impulsa, y de hecho define la calidad de nuestra vida. Uno puede tener una riqueza inmensa, pero si no son felices, entonces, en su mayoría, han fallado en la vida. Sin felicidad, la vida pierde su valor y, con la aparente disminución de la satisfacción, estamos viendo un aumento en el suicidio en todo el mundo. En un mundo donde los estímulos mentales y físicos abundan, parece inconcebible que alguien pueda ser infeliz. Seguramente, todos pueden encontrar alguna forma de felicidad, pero desgraciadamente, muchas, muchas personas fracasan y viven sus vidas tristes y exasperadas; o esperanza contra esperanza para que aparezca un poco de alegría en el horizonte de su destino. La felicidad es la naturaleza del espíritu, como se afirma en los Vedanta-sutras: anandamayo 'bhyāsāt - "el alma, por naturaleza, está llena de alegría". Sin embargo, debido a la identificación errónea de nuestro verdadero ser con la materia, perdemos el contacto con este estado natural de felicidad y nos identificamos con el dolor y el sufrimiento de una forma física. Cuando un alma es atrapada por un cuerpo material, se identifica de inmediato con las relaciones físicas y olvida su verdadera identidad como ser espiritual. Este ego falso, influenciado por los modos de la naturaleza material, atrapa aún más el alma en una red de acciones y reacciones kármicas. Mientras que la mente es el instrumento para sentir, la inteligencia tiene una función deliberativa y puede ayudarnos a navegar a través del fango del materialismo. La persona inteligente, por lo tanto, puede lograr liberarse de la ilusión de la existencia material mediante el uso adecuado de la inteligencia. La forma humana es ciertamente una bendición maravillosa, ya que sólo as

The 60-Second Philosopher: Expand your Mind on a Minute or So a Day!

by Andrew Pessin

Philosophy means "love of knowledge" in Greek. Unfortunately, as much as we all love knowledge, we don't all have the time to spend acquiring it! This fabulous little book provides the perfect antidote. Split into 60 one-minute chapters, Andrew Pessin offers you a snippet of philosophical wisdom everyday, giving you something to think about on your coffee break. From time travel and morality, to happiness and freedom, Pessin is bound to entertain you with his razor-sharp wit. The perfect way to hone your mental faculties ,The Sixty-Second Philosopher will delight aspiring thinkers everywhere! Andrew Pessin is Chair of Philosophy at Conneticut College. He is the author of Gray Matters: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind and has appeared several times on the David Letterman show as "The Genius".

The 5th Miracle: The Search for the Origin and Meaning of Life (Penguin Press Science Ser.)

by Paul Davies

ARE WE ALONE IN THE UNIVERSE?In his latest far-reaching book, The Fifth Miracle, internationally acclaimed physicist and writer Paul Davies confronts one of science's great outstanding mysteries -- the origin of life.Three and a half billion years ago, Mars resembled Earth. It was warm and wet and could have supported primitive organisms. If life once existed on Mars, might it have originated there and traveled to Earth inside meteorites blasted into space by cosmic impacts?Davies builds on the latest scientific discoveries and theories to address the larger question: What, exactly, is life? Is it the inevitable by-product of physical laws, as many scientists maintain, or an almost miraculous accident? Are we alone in the universe, or will life emerge on all Earth-like planets? And if there is life elsewhere in the universe, is it preordained to evolve toward greater complexity and intelligence?On the answers to these deep questions hinges the ultimate purpose of mankind -- who we are and what our place might be in the unfolding drama of the cosmos.

536 Puzzles and Curious Problems

by Martin Gardner Henry E. Dudeney

For two decades, self-taught mathematician Henry E. Dudeney wrote a puzzle page, "Perplexities," for The Strand Magazine. Martin Gardner, longtime editor of Scientific American's mathematical games column, hailed Dudeney as "England's greatest maker of puzzles," unsurpassed in the quantity and quality of his inventions. This compilation of Dudeney's long-inaccessible challenges attests to the puzzle-maker's gift for creating witty and compelling conundrums. This treasury of intriguing puzzles begins with a selection of arithmetical and algebraical problems, including challenges involving money, time, speed, and distance. Geometrical problems follow, along with combinatorial and topological problems that feature magic squares and stars, route and network puzzles, and map coloring puzzles. The collection concludes with a series of game, domino, match, and unclassified puzzles. Solutions for all 536 problems are included, and charming drawings enliven the book.

501 Practical Ways to Teach Your Children Values

by Bobbie Reed

How to teach your children values from a Biblical perspective

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