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100 ideas: El Libro Para Pensar Y Discutir En El Cafe

by Mario Bunge

Un diccionario de sentido común y de lógica que se convierte en un librorevolucionario. Cien ideas parecen muchas antes de que uno se ponga a contarlas. Es loque hace Mario Bunge con paciencia, claridad y sencillez en este libro,tan bueno que hasta parecen pocas. La tarea le permite iluminarse (eiluminarnos) para que las ideas participen luego en nuestras charlas,para que encontremos en ellas temas y motivos que fortalezcan esa granpasión que nos precedía: la amistad.La sobriedad y la elegancia con las que cada una de estas ideas esexpuesta, y la concisión y el método que ameritan, aportan un deliciosoempeño: que las palabras sirvan para que podamos entendernos mejor.Nunca falta una idea cuando Mario Bunge escribe, y si parece que unasobra, se debe a la generosa actitud del autor, que nos la concede comoyapa.


by Diana Cohen Agrest

La tiranía del tiempo, el aburrimiento, la pereza, la felicidad, el autoengaño, la envidia, el morbo, el miedo, la verg enza, el perdón, la vejez, la muerte, la inmortalidad# Los trece ensayos aquí reunidos se consagran a examinar el material emocional que impulsa nuestras decisiones. Interrogarnos acerca de estas encrucijadas existenciales, cual estaciones de una travesía, nos ofrece la posibilidad de comprender los resortes con los que vamos perfilando nuestra propia vida. Entrelazando exquisitas contribuciones del psicoanálisis, la sociología, la antropología y la literatura en un fino entramado filosófico, la autora nos convoca a volvernos hacia nuestras fibras más personales, clausurando así el divorcio entre el pensar y el sentir. Diana Cohen Agrest nos acompaña en la elucidación de trece laberintos que nos conmueven en nuestra humana fragilidad. A través de un itinerario tan lúcido como provocativo, nos compromete íntimamente en una reflexión sin concesiones en torno de nosotros mismos y de nuestros vínculos con los otros.

Ni bestias ni dioses: Trece ensayos sobre la fragilidad humana

by Diana Cohen Agrest

Diana Cohen Agrest nos acompaña en la elucidación de trece laberintosque nos conmueven en nuestra humana fragilidad. A través de unitinerario tan lúcido como provocativo, nos compromete íntimamente enuna reflexión sin concesiones en torno de nosotros mismos y de nuestrosvínculos con los otros. La tiranía del tiempo, el aburrimiento, la pereza, la felicidad, elautoengaño, la envidia, el morbo, el miedo, la vergüenza, el perdón, lavejez, la muerte, la inmortalidad# Los trece ensayos aquí reunidos seconsagran a examinar el material emocional que impulsa nuestrasdecisiones. Interrogarnos acerca de estas encrucijadas existenciales,cual estaciones de una travesía, nos ofrece la posibilidad de comprenderlos resortes con los que vamos perfilando nuestra propia vida.Entrelazando exquisitas contribuciones del psicoanálisis, la sociología,la antropología y la literatura en un fino entramado filosófico, laautora nos convoca a volvernos hacia nuestras fibras más personales,clausurando así el divorcio entre el pensar y el sentir. Diana CohenAgrest nos acompaña en la elucidación de trece laberintos que nosconmueven en nuestra humana fragilidad. A través de un itinerario tanlúcido como provocativo, nos compromete íntimamente en una reflexión sinconcesiones en torno de nosotros mismos y de nuestros vínculos con losotros.

¿Qué piensan los que no piensan como yo?: Diez controversias éticas

by Diana Cohen Agrest

Una mirada inteligente, cauta y movilizadora sobre los temas máscontrovertidos. El matrimonio homosexual, la homoparentalidad, el aborto, la eutanasiavoluntaria y el suicidio asistido, la prostitución, la venta de órganos,el alquiler de vientre, la pena de muerte, la tenencia de drogas, elperfil genético de los delincuentes... todos estos temas son hoy elcentro de debates tan resonantes como inconclusos. Pues dudamos de todoaquello que puede ser hecho y, en un único gesto, de que debe ser hecho.En circunstancias imposibles de ser procesadas y asimiladas, inmersos ensituaciones límite sobre las cuales, tarde o temprano, deberemospronunciarnos.Deslizándose en los márgenes de lo "políticamente incorrecto", esteDiana Cohen Agrest nos acerca las razones esgrimidas en torno de estasprácticas polémicas que, de otro modo, suelen permanecer confinadas enlos círculos de los especialistas. La premisa básica queatraviesa esta obra es la necesidad de alentar el pluralismo, queimplica la coexistencia, en igualdad de condiciones, de diferentesperspectivas desde las cuales reflexionar sobre la realidad que nostoca. Lejos de adoptar una posición que clausure el debate, la autoraofrece los argumentos a favor y en contra de cada una de esascuestiones, desafiando al lector a tomar una decisión crítica propia.A todos nos gusta opinar fundando nuestras creencias en razonesvaliosas. Porque sentimos que así colaboramos en la construcción de unmundo un poco mejor. Si el don de la palabra instaura con el hombre eluniverso simbólico, podemos ser partícipes de la construcción deaquellos valores que, hoy como siempre, deberían sostener cualquierconducta humana. «¿Qué piensan los que no piensan como yo?» contribuye aeste fin con claridad, profundo conocimiento y valentía.

Contra Bush

by Carlos Fuentes

"La insolencia pierde a los hombres y a las naciones." Esta obra reúne reflexiones sobre la crisis política estadounidense y global provocada por la administración de George W. Bush y su círculo más próximo. En un planeta donde miles de millones de seres humanos reclaman por trabajo y salud, educación y techo, los Estados Unidos, única potencia mundial, imponen hoy intereses ajenos y opuestos a esas necesidades. Olvidando que todos somos descendientes de encuentros de civilizaciones, Bush y su equipo exaltan los fundamentalismos violentos en vez de promover, como incumbe al fuerte, políticas constructivas que eliminen los focos de tensión que atraen a insatisfechos y fanáticos. En Contra Bush, Carlos Fuentes formula un deseo que es a la vez convocatoria a los ciudadanos estadounidenses: que recuperen la voluntad de emplear la extraordinaria fuerza de su país para cooperar en favor de la legalidad internacional, el desarrollo económico y el respeto a las culturas. Sólo así el terrorismo podrá ser vencido.

Forschungsinstitute für Zahlentheorie in Indien: Im 20. Jahrhundert

by Purabi Mukherji

Dieses Buch versucht, die schrittweise Entwicklung der wichtigsten Forschungsinstitute zur Zahlentheorie in Südindien, Punjab, Mumbai, Bengalen und Bihar zu beschreiben, einschließlich der Gründung des Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) in Mumbai, einem bahnbrechenden Ereignis in der Geschichte der Zahlentheorie-Forschung in Indien. Die Forschung zur Zahlentheorie in Indien begann in der modernen Zeit mit dem Auftreten des ikonischen Genies Srinivasa Ramanujan, das Mathematiker auf der ganzen Welt inspirierte. Das Buch diskutiert die nationale und internationale Wirkung der Forschung indischer Zahlentheoretiker und enthält eine sorgfältig zusammengestellte, umfassende Bibliographie bedeutender indischer Zahlentheoretiker des 20. Jahrhunderts. Es ist wichtig für die historische Dokumentation und eine wertvolle Ressource für Forscher auf diesem Gebiet. Das Buch diskutiert auch kurz die Bedeutung der Zahlentheorie in der modernen Mathematik, einschließlich Anwendungen der Ergebnisse indigener Zahlentheoretiker in praktischen Bereichen. Da das Buch aus der Perspektive der Wissenschaftsgeschichte geschrieben ist, wurden technische Fachbegriffe und mathematische Ausdrücke so weit wie möglich vermieden.Die Übersetzung wurde mit Hilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz durchgeführt. Eine anschließende menschliche Überarbeitung erfolgte vor allem in Bezug auf den Inhalt.

Universities and Epistemic Justice in a Plural World: Knowing Better (Debating Higher Education: Philosophical Perspectives #12)

by Margaret Meredith

This book explains why universities, and academics within them, must engage with the diversity of knowledges and knowers that exist in the world. Through philosophical perspectives, theoretical frameworks and practical examples from around the world, the book searches for opportunities for renewal and inclusion in universities. It explains how higher education can better serve the purposes of social justice by re-evaluating the types of knowledge it promotes. Going beyond the identification and analysis of injustices in ways of knowing in academia, the book offers insights and examples of practices in teaching, research and work with the community which aim to move towards justice on an epistemic level. It argues that inclusion in the domain of knowledge can lead to the generation of knowledges and understandings that are more robust and better equipped to address the pressing needs of the plural worlds outside the university. Contributions are included from authors working in varied disciplinary and cultural contexts in universities, who describe and explicate their work towards identifying epistemic injustice and finding spaces to advance knowledge justice in theory and in practice. The book will be beneficial to academics and those with an interest in the role of universities in serving the public good.

Doing Chinese Philosophy: A Focus on Philosophical Methodology

by Shaoming Chen

This book focuses on "doing Chinese philosophy", the concept of which is a derivative form of Ludwig Wittgenstein's expression "doing philosophy". On the one hand, its approach differs from the traditional philosophical study method, which tends to discuss rather than do; on the other, it focuses on the unique features of Chinese philosophy. The concept of "Chinese philosophy" combines classical philosophy and contemporary philosophy. Whether classical Chinese philosophy still holds power depends on its ability to compete with contemporary philosophies (from the West, or ideology). At the very least, it has to convincingly show that classical thought has a unique role in interpreting and shaping the function of modern spiritual culture. Providing insights into China's excellent philosophical ideas, this book will appeal to all readers who have a basic understanding of philosophy and are interested in Chinese philosophical thought. It not only explains the author's proposal for studying Chinese philosophy in terms of methodology, but also answers the question of how classic Chinese works should influence other cultures.

Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications: 1st International Conference on Frontiers of AI, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications (FAIEMA), Greece, 2023 (Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Multidisciplinary Applications)

by Mina Farmanbar Maria Tzamtzi Ajit Kumar Verma Antorweep Chakravorty

This groundbreaking proceedings volume explores the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) across key domains—healthcare, finance, education, robotics, industrial and other engineering applications —unveiling its transformative potential and practical implications. With a multidisciplinary lens, it transcends technical aspects, fostering a comprehensive understanding while bridging theory and practice. Approaching the subject matter with depth, the book combines theoretical foundations with real-world case studies, empowering researchers, professionals, and enthusiasts with the knowledge and tools to effectively harness AI. Encompassing diverse AI topics—machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, data analytics and supervisory control — the volume showcases state-of-the-art techniques propelling AI advancements. Structured into four parts: Part 1: Artificial Intelligence (AI), explores evolving deep neural networks, reinforcement learning, and explainable AI, providing a deep dive into the technical foundations of AI advancements. Part 2: Robotics and Control Systems, delves into the integration of AI in robotics and automatic control, addressing supervisory control, automated robotic movement coordination, anomaly detection, dynamic programming, and fault tolerance, offering insights into the evolving landscape of intelligent automation. Part 3: AI and Society, examines the societal impact of AI through chapters on ethical considerations, economic growth, environmental engagements, and hazard management, providing a holistic perspective on AI's role in shaping society. Part 4: PhD Symposium, presents the future of AI through cutting-edge research, covering legal and ethical dimensions, privacy considerations, and computationally efficient solutions, offering a glimpse into the next generation of AI advancements. Catering to a diverse audience—from industry leaders to students—the volume consolidates the expertise of renowned professionals, serving as a comprehensive resource for navigating the ever-evolving AI landscape. An essential reference for those staying at the forefront of AI developments.

“‘Faith’ is a fine invention”: Dickinson’s Performance of Doubt and Belief

by Regina Yoong

This book covers nineteenth-century American poet Emily Dickinson who captured the multifaceted nature of life in all of its uncertainties. Studies on her exploration of faith are ample, but in this book, the author uncovers Dickinson’s playful role-play in enacting solemn themes of religion, death, and the unknown. Dickinson’s creativity encompasses not only her use of language but also her poetic personae and self-created poetic stages inviting readers to question, contemplate deeply or even poke fun at life's absurdities. By using performative roles such as the rejected outcast, passive supplicant, and playful warrior, Dickinson unveils--through a paradoxical framework of belief and unbelief-- a line of inquiry that is multifocal and erratic to “tell all the truth and tell it slant.”

Values and Valuing in Mathematics Education: Moving Forward into Practice

by Yüksel Dede Gosia Marschall Philip Clarkson

This book is a follow-up to 'Values and Valuing in Mathematics Education: Scanning and Scoping the Territory' (2019, Springer). This book adds a critical emphasis on practice and fosters thinking concerning positive mathematical well-being, engagement, teacher noticing, and values alignment among a range of critical notions that intersect with values and valuing. Values and valuing play a key role in many aspects of education, such as assessment, planning, classroom interactions, choosing tasks, and general well-being. What one values and finds important in the learning and teaching of mathematics operates within the intersection of all social, cognitive, and affective aspects of school pedagogy, making values a significant holistic factor in education. The chapters explore potential teaching strategies that enhance the understanding of the central place of values in mathematics itself as a subject, as well as how values impact how mathematics is used withinsociety. This book includes examples of strategies for facilitating students’ meaningful engagement with, and conscious learning of, values when engaging in mathematical thinking and doing.

Artificial Intelligence Governance and the Blockchain Revolution (Artificial Intelligence and the Rule of Law)

by Qiqi Gao Jiteng Zhang

This is the first professional academic work in China to discuss artificial intelligence and blockchain together. Artificial intelligence is a productivity revolution, and its development has a significant and profound impact on global changes. However, at the same time, its development also brings a series of challenges to human society, such as privacy, security, and fairness issues. Therefore, the significance of blockchain is even more prominent. Blockchain is a revolution in production relations, which will propose important solutions to the challenges of privacy, security, and fairness that arise after the development of artificial intelligence. The book not only discusses the problems currently faced by the development of artificial intelligence, as well as the new opportunities and challenges that artificial intelligence brings to future global governance, but also explains the further development direction of the intelligent revolution from the perspective of blockchain.

Universities with a Social Purpose: Intentions, Achievements and Challenges (Sustainable Development Goals Series)

by Kerry Shephard V. Santhakumar

This book is a narrative of conversations between two professors, with different backgrounds, academic disciplines, life experiences, and from different continents. It shows how their discourse has brought them to a single destination defined by a mutual interest in the social purposes of universities, and a hope in common that their academic efforts will somehow do good in the world. The seventeen internationally-agreed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide focus for aspirations and plans regarding sustainability, but notably, the SDGs’ targets and indicators rarely provide detailed accounts of who is expected to enact change. This book addresses the role of higher education in this context and explores the social purposes of universities and their relation to the Sustainable Development Goals. It presents an academic analysis of this complex situation, based on insights from published literature on higher education, and the personal but very different experiences of two professors with this shared interest.

The Spirit of Traditional Chinese Aesthetics

by Zhixiang Qi

This book differentiates between and analyzes the Confucian, Taoist and Buddhist spirit in traditional Chinese aesthetics, explains the core characteristics and methods of traditional Chinese aesthetics, and conveys the author’s overall thinking on the spirit of traditional Chinese aesthetics. Given its scope, the book is of great value in terms of understanding and promoting China’s unique traditional culture.

Multidimensional Aspects of Occupational Segregation: Time Series and Cross-National Comparisons (Behaviormetrics: Quantitative Approaches to Human Behavior #18)

by Keiko Nakao

One of the strengths of this book is that it expresses occupational segregation from multidimensional viewpoints using correspondence analysis. Through a quantitative approach, the book examines occupational segregation by education and gender in response to industrial transformation in Japan and other countries. The transformation of industrial structure, such as post-industrialization, demands a reconsideration of traditional perspectives in sociology, especially in social stratification. In other words, it is a shift from the attribute to the achievement principle. Higher technological innovations will create higher levels of industries, and those industries will require jobs that need greater human capital. In short, the meritocracy will be promoted. Meritocracy is certainly considered persuasive. In fact, previous researchers have looked primarily at a person’s occupation as a measure of social status. In Japan, jobs are normally acquired after completing education; thus, one’s educational achievement plays an important role. Especially in recent years, however, education alone has not been enough to explain social status. This book, therefore, focuses on occupational segregation by gender in addition to education in post-industrial society. Can occupational segregation by gender be weakened in the highly educated group? Is this a universal story in modern society? Because post-industrialization is part of the larger story of modernization, international perspectives are needed to examine the linkage between education and gender occupational segregation. This book explores occupational segregation by gender in response to industrial transformation in Japan and other countries.

Women Scholars in Hong Kong: In Pursuit of Intellectual Leadership

by Nian Ruan

This book depicts the diverse approaches of established women professors in perceiving and developing intellectual leadership in Hong Kong. It analyzes the combined influences of various disciplines, different higher education institutions, and gender on the careers of female scholars in the East Asian region. The complexity and interaction of academic careers for women, disciplinary contexts, higher education systems, and socio-cultural environments may present a relatively holistic landscape for readers interested in academic life and leadership. Scholars, administrators, managers, and policymakers in higher education-related fields may gain comprehensive ideas to facilitate faculty and institutional development through a cultural and sociological lens. This may empower female academics and students, while also providing benefits for doctoral students and early-career researchers seeking insights into the evolving advantages and disadvantages in women's academic careers. Audiences interested in gender issues may find it intriguing to compare women scholars with women in other professions and in different cultural contexts.

Post-Colonial Approaches in Kazakhstan and Beyond: Politics, Culture and Literature (The Steppe and Beyond: Studies on Central Asia)

by Dina Sharipova Alima Bissenova Aziz Burkhanov

This book explores the postcolonial discourse and decolonization processes in modern Kazakhstan and beyond. It pays particular attention to such areas as national and religious identity, language, literature, and historical narratives. Despite the fact that the post-colonial theory initially emerged in other regions of the world, it has increasingly been applied in the scholarship on Central Asia. Exploring recent debates on post-coloniality in Kazakhstan, this book is an attempt to bring together two bodies of scholarly literature: scholarship on culture and society in post-Soviet Central Asia and research on post-colonial theory. This volume will be of interest to scholars of Eurasian studies as well as researchers and students of post-colonialism in various contexts beyond Eurasia.

Artificial Intelligence Logic and Applications: The 3rd International Conference, AILA 2023, Changchun, China, August 5–6, 2023, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1917)

by Songmao Zhang Yonggang Zhang

This book constitutes the proceedings of the Third International Conference, AILA 2023, held in Changchun, China, during August 5–6, 2023. The 26 full papers and the 10 short papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 56 submissions. This volume aims to provide novel ideas, original research achievements, and practical experiences in a broad range of artificial intelligence logic and applications.

Arab-Israel Normalisation of Ties: Global Perspectives

by Najimdeen Bakare

This book focuses on rapprochement and normalisation between Israel and some Arab countries within the context of global and regional geopolitics, bringing together broader perspectives on transformations resulting from this. The analysis is rooted in a historical and cultural construction of the region as an Islamic sphere viewing Israel as a perpetuation of the Western colonial project in the region. It analyses how this normalisation must not be treated as a novel phenomenon, but as a reconstruction of the past and continuity in tradition geared at regional stability, signifying a wider shift in the structure of the global international system. The first section addresses the international perspectives of the changing dynamics through the lens of US domestic politics, disengagement plans, China’s increasing understanding of the geopolitics of the Abrahamic world. It equally pays enough attention to the attendant implications of this normalisation. The second section of the book explores the reflections of regional (state and non-state) actors, such as Turkey, Iran, Syria, Pakistan, and Hezbollah, and the catalysing effects of this normalisation within and beyond the region. The book is a rich resource for scholars of regional and international relations, in particular Middle East studies. It provides useful reading material for both undergraduate and graduate students of Political Science, think tanks, diplomats, and IR experts and policy analysts, who are desirous of having rich theoretical and empirical underpinnings of unfolding realities in the larger Middle East.

From Digital Divide to Digital Inclusion: Challenges, Perspectives and Trends in the Development of Digital Competences (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology)

by Łukasz Tomczyk Francisco D. Guillén-Gámez Julio Ruiz-Palmero Akhmad Habibi

This book offers an expert perspective on two key phenomena in the development of the information society, namely digital inclusion and digital exclusion. Despite the intensive digitalization of various areas in human activity, the lack of proper information and communications technology (ICT) literacy, the lack of access to high-speed Internet, and the still unsatisfactory level of e-services are a reality in many regions and countries. This edited book presents a unique overview of research related to the dynamics of digital exclusion and the development of digital competences, as well as an analysis of the most effective educational solutions to foster the digital inclusion of disadvantaged groups. This book is particularly useful for educators dealing with the topic of digital exclusion and inclusion and who are looking for knowledge on enhancing digital competences in disadvantaged groups. It is also helpful for social policy makers involved in designing solutions to minimize various forms of digital exclusion. Finally, this book serves as a reference for academics and students from the disciplines of pedagogy, social policy, new media psychology, media sociology, and cultural anthropology.

Exiting the Global Economic Superhighway: A Renaissance of Humanity

by Hideki Kato

This book tackles global economic and social issues from a perspective that may seem obvious but which no author has yet taken: that we humans are living beings. In today’s artificially globalized world, we have increasingly lost sight of our original humanity. Despite the serious environmental, social, and political problems we are facing, we cannot stop focusing on economic growth, efficiency, and liberalization. In doing so, we continue to make the world “slicker” and more unstable. This book identifies these conventional values and ways of thinking as the root cause underlying many of today’s challenges, and it offers the perspective of a “bumpier” and more organic human existence that provides a greater sense of traction and stability. The book begins with a discussion of global systems and structures, proposing a “world with two systems” to limit the effects of artificially constructed globalization. The second part examines the modern welfare state, outlining a process to revive democracy and social capital by making social issues the business of everyday citizens. The third and final part focuses on human well-being, emphasizing physicality and the Japanese concept of kata as keys to restoring our humanity. Rather than searching for specific solutions through specialized knowledge, this book makes use of the author’s broad perspective acquired through many years of public policy research and reform. It asserts that knowledge should be acquired through hands-on experience and in studies based on real-world situations, involving people at the forefront of society’s challenges, whether politicians, businesspeople, scientists, craftspeople, or farmers. In both its analysis of humanity’s problems and the solutions it offers, this book takes an entirely new yet utterly natural approach to steering humanity off the global economic superhighway.

The Contemporary Evolution and Reform of Utilitarianism (Interests Politics Series)

by Shuyang Liu

This book is a monograph on contemporary utilitarianism, focusing on its evolving path and logic. It describes the evolution of utilitarianism from the classical model to the contemporary model and then summarizes the characteristics of contemporary utilitarianism, revealing its advantages and disadvantages. This book points out that the best characteristic of contemporary utilitarianism is to give up traditional view of individualism and take balanced attitude to the relationship between individual and community. The change makes the goal of contemporary utilitarianism from the pursuit of maximizing the sum of individual utilities to optimal social utility. Therefore, the contemporary utilitarianism gradually evolves a public philosophy with multiple interests structure, which provides a new way to solve the contradiction between personal interest and public interest.Utilitarianism is still an important political philosophy in western society, but its existing defects actually make it difficult to have a transformative impact on western institutional structure and system. The target audience of this book are students and researchers majoring in politics and ethics.

The Theory of Practice Architectures: Researching Practices (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by Peter Grootenboer Christine Edwards-Groves

This book provides an overview of the Theory of Practice Architectures (TPA), and the associated Theory of Ecology of Practices, in a manner accessible for a broader audience. The authors are part of the authorial team that developed the Theory of Practice Architectures from a strong empirical base, with its initial publication in 'Changing Practices, Changing Education' (Kemmis et al., Springer, 2014). This book follows on from that publication with a singluar focus on the Theory of Practice Architectures, and shows how it can be used as a theoretical framework for a range of empirical research projects. It first outlines and describes both the Theory of Practice Architectures and the Theory of Ecology of Practices, illustrating them with a range of relevant practical examples. Then, it focuses explicitly on designing and undertaking empirical research, analyzing data and reporting findings using the Theory of Practice Architectures. In this way, this book shows specifically and overtly explicate ways that research can be designed, and how data can be collected and analyzed, drawing on the Theory of Practice Architectures as a foundational framework. It also showcases a range of specific examples to allow readers to see the ideas as they have been employed in practice.

Gongsheng Across Contexts: A Philosophy of Co-Becoming

by Bing Song Yiwen Zhan

This open access book sheds light on the term gongsheng/kyōsei, which is used in Chinese and Japanese to not only translate “symbiosis” in biology but also broadly deployed in philosophical, social and political contexts. It is a cross-contextual attempt to study the foundation of gongsheng/kyōsei as a philosophy of co-becoming, with exploration of its significance for thinking about the planetary challenges of our times.

Learning Inclusion in a Digital Age: Belonging and Finding a Voice with the Disadvantaged (Sustainable Development Goals Series)

by Stephen Dobson Brit Svoen Gabriella Agrusti Pip Hardy

This open access book considers how inclusive learning, wellbeing and active citizenship can be encouraged, taught, learnt, and supported in a digital world. The book poses and seeks to address three questions: How can governments and intergovernmental organisations support learning inclusion and active citizenship? How can the education sector and public/private enterprises support learning inclusion and active citizenship? How can professionals and communities work with vulnerable adults who are disadvantaged in a participatory, empowering manner? The Examples discussed in the book draw on the experiences of adult refugees and migrants, as well as people who may experience disadvantage and/or discrimination as a result of their social, economic, political, cultural, religious, physical, mental, age or gender-related status. One methodological pillar in this work is the development of skills in digital storytelling and digital stories creation for personal, community and professional purposes. Conceptually and of interest for researcher and policy makers at local, national and transnational levels, this book brings together a number of related concepts to generate innovative understanding and practices of applied relevance in the age of the pandemic and its aftermath.

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