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Robinson's Crossing

by Jan Zwicky

The poems in this book arise from Robinson’s Crossing — the place where the railway ends and European settlers arriving in northern Alberta had to cross the Pembina River and advance by wagon or on foot. How have we crossed into this country, with what violence and what blind love? Robinson’s Crossing enacts the pause at the frontier, where we reflect on the realities of colonial experience, but also on the nature of living here — on historical dwelling itself. In long meditative narratives and shorter probing lyrics, Jan Zwicky shows us-as she has in her celebrated Lyric Philosophy and the Governor General’s award-winning Songs for Relinquishing the Earth — how music means and meaning is musical.

Songs for Relinquishing the Earth

by Jan Zwicky

Songs for Relinquishing the Earth contains many poems of praise and grief for the imperilled earth drawing frequently on Jan Zwicky’s experience as a musician and philosopher and on the landscapes of the prairies and rural Ontario.

The Cambridge Companion to John Dryden

by Steven N. Zwicker

John Dryden, Poet Laureate to Charles II and James II, was one of the great literary figures of the late seventeenth century. This Companion provides a fresh look at Dryden's tactics and triumphs in negotiating the extraordinary political and cultural revolutions of his time. The newly commissioned essays introduce readers to the full range of his work as a poet, as a writer of innovative plays and operas, as a purveyor of contemporary notions of empire, and most of all as a man intimate with the opportunities of aristocratic patronage as well as the emerging market for literary gossip, slander and polemic. Dryden's works are examined in the context of seventeenth-century politics, publishing and ideas of authorship. A valuable resource for students and scholars, the Companion includes a full chronology of Dryden's life and times and a detailed guide to further reading.

Heat Wake

by Jason Zuzga

Mixing science with humor, humanity, whimsy and love, Jason Zuzga's debut collection is a revelation. In Heat Wake, the reader encounter natures in myriad forms, all crafted from the unusual perspective of a poet astonished by the world and at work among the queerness of life, the odd sweetness of other people, the city, nature, love, and humanity. The poems unfold amid the presence of stubborn rocks, the vast ocean and its shores, the intimate details of a suburban New Jersey landscape. The book's exuberant poems take a journey through time itself: the limited time of humans versus time evolutionary and geological. The poems present in rollicking, playful language and joyful imagery, glancing at the infinite and at the future imagined from the desert in Arizona to Mars. "Charming, witty, and science-y smart, these debut collection poems pop with volleys of youthful and wise acts, tactics, maneuvers, catastrophes, scenes, and did I mention love poems overrunning! --Jane Miller


by Raul Zurita William Rowe Norma Cole

A harrowing meditation on tyranny, torture, and freedom by one of Chilé's most celebrated contemporary poets.In 2001, the president of Chile publicly acknowledged that many of the bodies of the people who had disappeared under the dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet would never be recovered. The victims had been flown up in planes and, after having their eyes gouged out, were ejected over the mountains and deserts of Chile or the Pacific Ocean. Raúl Zurita’s INRI (these are of course the letters nailed to the cross on which Jesus was crucified, identifying him as Jesus Christ, King of the Jews) is a visionary, prescient response to this atrocity, an agonized and deeply moving elegy for the dead in which the whole of Chile, with its snow-covered cordilleras, fields of wild flowers, empty spaces, and the sparkling sea beyond, is simultaneously transformed into the grave of its lost children and their living and risen body. This incantatory, prophetic work—prophetic in the same way that Jeremiah and Isaiah are prophetic, which is to say unapologetically political— is one of the great poems of our new century.

Purgatory (Bilingual English/Spanish Edition)

by Raul Zurita Anna Deeny

Zurita's Purgatory, a landmark in contemporary Latin American poetry, records the physical, cultural, and spiritual violence perpetrated against the Chilean people under Pinochet's military dictatorship (1973-1990) in the fiercely inventive voice of a postmodern master.


by Raúl Zurita

Versión definitiva de un libro fundamental de Raúl Zurita, una obra una cumbre de la poesía en lengua castellana. Cuando Anteparaíso se publicó originalmente en 1982 supuso el arribo a cimas y el descenso a abismos impensados para la poesía en lengua castellana. Esta edición, que al cabo de cuarenta años el autor presenta en su “versión final”, revela cómo toda su alucinada energía, su violencia y su belleza desgarradas siguen no solo intactas, sino multiplicadas en los paisajes y amores, en los sueños y cielos que pueblan sus páginas.

Guárdame en ti

by Raúl Zurita

Llega a «Poesía Portátil» Raúl Zurita, uno de los poetas vivos más deslumbrantes de la lengua española. Zurita es un referente indiscutible de las letras chilenas y una de las más grandes voces de la poesía contemporánea. Esta selección a cargo de Ignacio Echevarría recorre los amores y los infiernos de la devastada biografía del poeta, así como la convulsionada y luego lánguida historia del Chile del último medio siglo, siempre a través de una escritura que aspira a moverse con la misma fuerza que la naturaleza. Los versos recogidos en esta antología provienen de los poemarios Tu vida rompiéndose y La vida nueva. «Entonces guárdame en tien los torrentes más secretos que tus ríos levantany cuando ya de nosotrossólo quede algo como una orillatenme también en tiguárdame en ti como la interrogación de las aguasque se marchanY luego, cuando las grandes aves se derrumbeny las nubes nos indiquenque se nos fue la vida entre los dedosguárdame todavía en titenme en ti, en la brizna de aire que aún ocupe tu vozdura y remotacomo los cauces glaciares en que la Primavera desciende.»

La vida nueva

by Raúl Zurita

La reaparición de La vida nueva supone un acontecimiento mayor en la poesía contemporánea de Occidente En 1983, tras haber publicado Purgatorio (1979) y Anteparaíso (1982), dos libros que cambiaron para siempre la poesía chilena y latinoamericana, Raúl Zurita se puso a escribir el libro con el que cerraría una trilogía poética de ambición inaudita y que también apelaría desde el título a la obra de Dante: La vida nueva. Lo escribió durante más de una década y recién en 1994 logró publicarlo, pero quedó disconforme pues debió cortar casi la mitad del libro, debido a que, por su extensión, nadie se lo publicaba. Han pasado 25 años desde esa primera y única edición que el poeta nunca autorizó reimprimir. En el intertanto, Zurita se vio obligado a vender los manuscritos. Hasta que hace un par de años los recuperó. Y lo que hoy presentamos será la edición definitiva de un libro clave en la trayectoria del poeta.

The Araucaniad

by Alonso De Zuniga

Now back in print! The first English translation of this epic masterpiece of Chilean poetry.


by Steven Zultanski

Agony is the first in a trilogy of long confessional poems. It uses semi-rigorous mathematical and logical constraints to view the author's life and body, telescopically, as little bits of time and space. Everything written here is as true as possible – that is to say, pretty true. It attempts autobiography as a refutation of autobiography, and an elevation of the self as self-effacement. Love pops up as a theme quite a bit. So does self-mutilation, etc. There are a lot of numbers, but don't worry, it's more about politics and fantasy than numbers, even though, as usual, they show up everywhere. Just like pieces of your body after you've cut them off and scattered them all over the world, and then go out looking for them again, for some reason.


by Steven Zultanski

The third book in a trilogy that explores the limits of individual expression, Honestly is an intimate, quiet, and unresolved little book about talking and listening.It begins with research into a forgotten relative who was kicked out of the author's family after he was jailed for conscientious objection to WWII, and who then moved to New York to become a composer. From there the poem swerves into a series of minor-key personal anecdotes, interlaced with conversations with friends about work and relationships. Throughout, communication is framed by the economics and psychology of the home. Dialogue takes place in close quarters—constrained by money, space, ego, and empathy.

Lyrische Autobiographien und Selbstporträts: Versuch einer kritischen Revision (Theorema. Literaturtheorie, Methodologie, Ästhetik #2)

by Nora Zügel

Das Buch widmet sich der Erforschung von ‚lyrischen Selbstentwürfen‘, also lyrischen Texten, die Textmerkmale aufweisen, auf Grund derer LeserInnen mit guten Gründen annehmen können, dass diese eine literarische Selbstthematisierung ihres Verfassers oder ihrer Verfasserin darstellen. Verschiedene literaturwissenschaftliche Grundannahmen – insbesondere der konventionalisierte Anspruch, ‚lyrisches Ich‘ und AutorIn streng zu unterscheiden – haben eine umfängliche Auseinandersetzung mit ihnen bis in die Gegenwart erschwert. Ausgehend von Widersprüchen, Inkonsistenzen oder Leerstellen bisheriger Interpretationspraktiken und theoretischer Konzepte zielt die Studie darauf, eine Theorie des lyrischen Selbstentwurfs auszuarbeiten und hierdurch lyrische Werke, die eine Referenz auf ihren Autor oder ihre Autorin anbieten, stärker in das Bewusstsein der Literaturwissenschaft zu rücken und als eigene Textsorte klarer zu konturieren. Aus diesen Zielsetzungen folgt der zweiteilige Aufbau der Untersuchung: Teil I unterwirft etablierte Praktiken, Theorien und Begriffe einer kritischen Revision, Teil II schließt auf Basis der erfolgten Bestandsaufnahme ausgemachte konzeptuelle Lücken, entwickelt ergänzende Analysebegriffe, zeigt ihre Verwendungsmöglichkeiten an konkreten Beispielen auf und bindet die zunächst abstrakt bleibenden Ausführungen an konkrete Texte zurück, wodurch zugleich die Vielfalt der existierenden Erscheinungsformen der betrachteten Gattung veranschaulicht wird. Damit ist die Arbeit vor allem als literaturtheoretische Grundlagenforschung einzuordnen, liefert darüber hinaus aber auch Interpretationen exemplarischer Textbeispiele (u.a. von Oswald von Wolkenstein, Goethe, Droste-Hülshoff, Brecht, Rilke, Jandl, Mayröcker, Jan Wagner). Die kritischen, forschungsgeschichtlich und praxeologisch perspektivierten Fragen fokussieren sich unter anderem auf die Begriffe des „lyrischen Ichs“, des „Sprechers“, des „abstrakten Autors“, auf bisherige Versuche einer Positionsbestimmung der Lyrik zwischen Fiktionalität und Faktualität und auf die Marginalisierung der Lyrik innerhalb der Autobiographieforschung.

The Bad Wife Handbook (Wesleyan Poetry Series)

by Rachel Zucker

Rachel Zucker's third book of poems is a darkly comic collection that looks unsparingly at the difficulties and compromises of married life. Formally innovative and blazingly direct, The Bad Wife Handbook cross-examines marriage, motherhood, monogamy, and writing itself. Rachel Zucker's upending of grammatical and syntactic expectations lends these poems an urgent richness and aesthetic complexity that mirrors the puzzles of real life. Candid, subversive, and genuinely moving, The Bad Wife Handbook is an important portrait of contemporary marriage and the writing life, of emotional connection and disconnection, of togetherness and aloneness.

Eating in the Underworld (Wesleyan Poetry Series)

by Rachel Zucker

In Rachel Zucker’s re-imagining of the Greek myth, Persephone is a daughter struggling to become a woman. Unlike the classical portrait of a maiden kidnapped by a tyrant, Zucker’s Persephone chooses to travel to the Underworld and assume her role as Hades' queen. Caught between worlds—light and dark, innocence and power, a mother's protection and a lover's appeal—Persephone describes the strangeness of the Underworld and the problems of transformation and transgression. The arrangement of Zucker’s poems reflects Persephone’s travels between the Underworld and the Surface. Both spare and lyrical, they are written as entries in Persephone's diary and as letters between Persephone, Demeter, and Hades. The language—strange, urgent, direct—is pulled and changed as Persephone journeys from one world to another revealing the struggle of unmaking and remaking the self.

The First Book

by Jesse Zuba

"We have many poets of the First Book," the poet and critic Louis Simpson remarked in 1957, describing a sense that the debut poetry collection not only launched the contemporary poetic career but also had come to define it. Surveying American poetry over the past hundred years, The First Book explores the emergence of the poetic debut as a unique literary production with its own tradition, conventions, and dynamic role in the literary market. Through new readings of poets ranging from Wallace Stevens and Marianne Moore to John Ashbery and Louise Glück, Jesse Zuba illuminates the importance of the first book in twentieth-century American literary culture, which involved complex struggles for legitimacy on the part of poets, critics, and publishers alike. Zuba investigates poets' diverse responses to the question of how to launch a career in an increasingly professionalized literary scene that threatened the authenticity of the poetic calling. He shows how modernist debuts evoke markedly idiosyncratic paths, while postwar first books evoke trajectories that balance professional imperatives with traditional literary ideals. Debut titles ranging from Simpson's The Arrivistes to Ken Chen's Juvenilia stress the strikingly pervasive theme of beginning, accommodating a new demand for career development even as it distances the poets from that demand. Combining literary analysis with cultural history, The First Book will interest scholars and students of twentieth-century literature as well as readers and writers of poetry.

Haikus imposibles

by Amaia Santana Zorrilla

Coge tus vísceras. Rocíalas con ginebra. Échales sal. A eso sabe un haiku imposible. Haikus Imposibles no es un libro de poesía, tampoco es una narración fantasiosa basada en hechos reales, sino más bien una aberración literaria, una patada en la boca, un exabrupto del corazón. Una llamada al desorden.Una invitación a trasnochar.Un antimanual de autoyuda.

Bear Picks a Pumpkin

by Zondervan

Snuggle up in the cool fall weather with a cozy blanket, a pumpkin spice latte, and your little one as you follow the whimsical, rhyming quest of Bear on his way to find the perfect pumpkin.Will he choose a tall one? A tiny one? One with stripes? Or perhaps a pumpkin white as snow?Read along and find out which pumpkin Bear (and his friends) will choose!Here&’s a silly pumpkin! It&’s bumpy and unique. But there are still more pumpkins, So let&’s go and take a peek. Here&’s another pumpkin, Bear! It&’s perfect, don&’t you say? It&’s round and smooth and not too big— Just right for you! Hooray!Bear Picks a Pumpkin:Is perfect for little readersBlends the warmth and joy of autumn with a powerful message of friendshipIs written in soothing, rhyming text, fun to read for parents and kids alike

The Bedtime Book (A\fiona The Hippo Book Ser.)

by Zondervan

New York Times bestselling author Mary Engelbreit presents The Bedtime Book, a beautifully illustrated picture book that pairs sleepy time text with Mary&’s beloved, timeless art. From endearing poems and snuggly stories to sweet blessings and precious prayers, each page features different ways for you to read your little one to sleep, making this a book you can turn to night after night.Mama comes to tuck you in, Pulls the covers to your chin, Squeezes fingers, squeezes toes, Lays a kiss upon your nose.From bedtime prayers, poems, and sleepy-time rhymes to short, illustrated stories, The Bedtime Book gives you and your child a soothing bedtime world to explore as they prepare to drift off to sleep. Each reading selection is paired with Mary Engelbreit&’s iconic and inimitable artwork, creating a book of readings and calming illustrations that can be enjoyed by children, adults, and caretakers alike.The Bedtime Book:contains twelve unique reading experiences that can be read straight through or broken up and combined for a different bedtime adventure every night, entries that range from short prayers to stories spanning several spreadsfeatures several unique stories you won&’t find anywhere elseis a great collectors&’ item for fans of Mary Engelbreit&’s art

The Blessings of Friendship Treasury

by Zondervan

The Blessings of Friendship, created by New York Times bestselling author and artist Mary Engelbreit, is a playful and poignant treasury of poetry, Bible verses, and quotes that celebrate the joy of friendship. Children will learn from timeless sayings and poems what it means to be a friend—helping, encouraging, listening, sharing with, and loving one another. Colorful and whimsical illustrations bring these words to life, as children learn the value of friendship. Verses from the Bible give us instruction on putting others above ourselves, loving each other, and being kind to one another. This book will make you smile with each turn of the page, remembering old friends and new friends alike.

Israel (Let's Go Explore)

by Zondervan

In this full-color picture book, Israel (part of the Let&’s Go Explore series), young readers travel to the holy land of Israel. Complete with photographs, maps, vocabulary call-outs, fun facts, and more, this is the perfect resource for the young explorer. Read about the Biblical significance and history of Israel as well as current and curious information about foods, clothes, places of interest, and other pertinent facts of interest.

Love Is: An Illustrated Exploration of God’s Greatest Gift (Based on 1 Corinthians 13:4-8)

by Zondervan

&“Love is patient, love is kind.&” These familiar words from the Bible begin one of its most beloved and recognized passages. Love Is brings the text of 1 Corinthians 13 to life through an illustrative exploration of God&’s greatest gift to us.Critically acclaimed artist Paola Escobar delivers beautiful, nature-filled illustrations , reminding us that love is a constant positive force in the lives of those touched by it–from beginning to end, through good times and tough times.This beautiful, jacketed hardcover:Will appeal to parents and grandparents of children ages 4-8Draws directly from the New International Reader&’s Version of the Holy BibleFeatures stunning illustrations by award-winning artist Paola EscobarIs perfect for gift-giving for Christmas, Valentine&’s Day and birthdaysIs especially giftable for anniversaries, engagements or weddingsLove Is shares imaginative, thought-provoking depictions of the concepts found in 1 Corinthians 13, presenting opportunities for thoughtful conversations about love, selflessness, service, humility, honor, self control, trust, hope and perseverance. Read this picture book aloud to someone you love ... over and over again.

The Rhyme Bible Storybook

by Zondervan

The Rhyme Bible Storybook brings classic Bible stories from the Old and New Testaments to life, retold in rhyme so that children are enthusiastic to read along, excited to read aloud, and, most importantly, eager to remember their favorite Scripture verses.Storybook Bibles are wonderful ways for young children to begin their journey into knowing and loving God&’s Word. The Rhyme Bible Storybook:Is ideal for children ages 4-8Features eye-catching art throughoutIncludes classic Bible stories from the Old and New Testaments told in read-aloud rhymeIs a popular a gift from parents and grandparents for birthdays, Christmas, Easter, and First CommunionsThe Rhyme Storybook Bible provides a unique and appealing way for children to hear God&’s truths, with its rhyming text and vibrant illustrations.

Ojo de agua: Antología

by Veronica Zondek

Primera antología que presenta lo esencial de los 35 años de trabajo poético de la chilena Verónica Zondek Esta antología busca abrir la circulación de una obra en cierto modo secreta y exponer esa «respiración de raíces », esa «estructura rigurosa y ósea» y esa «condición meditativa» que celebró tempranamente Humberto Díaz-Casanueva en la escritura de Verónica Zondek, donde, tal como se lee en uno de sus poemas, «algo hay de sin salida en su dar vueltas / en su sube y baja / y deambular». Ojo de agua reúne parte importante de la poesía que desde los años ochenta ha publicado Zondek. El libro incluye poemas largos y breves, antiguos y recientes, referidos a Santiago y Valdivia, a los partos, la respiración,la muerte, el poder, la usura y la escritura misma, quedando en primer plano la música de las palabras, su fuerza evocativa, su irreductible capacidad de imaginar, con el extrañamiento como horizonte primero y el encantamiento como deriva final.

Rom Com

by Daniel Zomparelli Dina Del Bucchia

At precisely the cultural moment you were hoping for, a dream team of smart, sexy, brunette, West Coast poets of Italian descent has passionately co-authored an intelligent collection of poetry that both celebrates and capsizes the romantic comedy.From the origin of the genre (It Happened One Night) to its contemporary expressions (Love Actually), the poems in Rom Com trace the attempt to deconstruct as well as engage in dialogue with romantic comedy films and the pop culture, celebrities, and tropes that have come to be associated with them. These irreverent, playful, weird, and comedic poems come in a variety of forms, fully engaging in pop culture, without a judgmental tone. They see your frumpy expectations and raise you issues of sexuality, consent, sexism, homophobia, race, and class. They explore the highs and lows of romantic relationships and the expectations and realities of love, tackling real emotional worlds through the lens of film.Two cool people wrote it. Dina Del Bucchia, the fashionable and voluptuous, is a woman on the go, brazenly hosting literary events and tweeting about otters and award shows. Daniel Zomparelli, the handsome and dashing, is a young, gay man-about-Vancouver who somehow also quietly edits (in chief) a semi-annual poetry journal. (Ship them all you want, fools.)How to tell if you are compatible with this book: Are you equally versed in literature and pop culture? Are you a film-savvy fan of contemporary poetry? Are you an academic with interest in literature and cultural studies? Are you in general a cool, sad person? This book might just be the sassy best friend you've wanted.

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