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A Garden of Prayer: A Family Treasury

by Jenna Bassin and Jane Lahr

An exquisitely illustrated collection of more than 100 beautiful prayers drawn from centuries of Christian faith across the globe. Chosen for their poetry as well as their enduring power to inspire, the prayers collected in this volume reflect the historical and cultural breadth of the Christian tradition. The selection includes prayers from four continents and many centuries—composed in the flower of youth and the fullness of maturity, uttered in sorrow, thanksgiving, doubt, and transcendence. A Garden of Prayer brings together the words of Saints, including Thomas Aquinas and Francis of Assisi, as well as authors ranging from Abraham Lincoln to Thomas Merton and from John Donne to Robert Louis Stevenson. It also features powerful, anonymous prayers from the Christian communities of Ghana, Ireland, and elsewhere. The prayers are arranged in five sections that correspond to the changing seasons—spring, summer, fall, winter, and returns to the transcendent spring. The beauty of the prayers is enhanced by illustrations throughout the book, including full-color illuminations that begin each section.

The Metamorphoses of Ovid

by Mary M. Innes

Ovid has gathered together a rich assortment of tales, which have one element in common: they all deal with transformations. He tells us of chaos changed into ordered harmony, of animals turned to stone, of men and women who become trees or animals, stones or stars.

My Grandmother's Glass Eye: A Look at Poetry

by Craig Raine

From critic and poet Craig Raine comes a fresh, bold examination of the meaning of poetry and some of the great poetical works of our time"By poetry we—we the masses—mean something vague, something untrue, something uplifting, something beautiful, something so eloquent it isn't for everyday. The word "poetry" is up there with "soul". And I am against it.'Craig Raine's new work of criticism deploys its considerable learning, its intelligent expertise, lightly, wittily, memorably. It is an exercise in demystification and clarity. If you want to know how poetry works on the page, here are sure-footed accounts of particular poems. There is something Johnsonian in Craig Raine's common sense—an elegant wrecking ball used with precision and delicacy to pick off the pretentious, the platitudinous, the over-promoted. Here, poetry is well read, attentively read, by a practitioner whose range runs from Bion to John Lennon, from Bishop to Balanchine.


by Mahadevi Verma

A collection of poems by one of the great poetesses of Hindi literature, Mahadevi Verma.

Only Bread, Only Light

by Stephen Kuusisto

With this, his first collection of poetry, Stephen Kuusisto (author of the memoir Planet of the Blind) explores blindness and curiosity, loneliness and the found instruments of continuation. Exploiting the seeming contradiction of poetry's reliance upon visual imagery with Kuusisto's own sightlessness, these poems cultivate a world of listening: to the natural world, to the voices of family and strangers, to music and the words of great writers and thinkers.Kuusisto has written elsewhere, "I see like a person who looks through a kaleidoscope; my impressions of the world at once beautiful and largely useless." So it is no surprise that in his poems mortal vision is uncertain, supported only by the ardor of imagination and the grace of lyric surprise. Sensually rich and detailed, Kuusisto's poems are humorous, complex, and intellectually engaged. This collection reveals a major new poetic talent."Only Bread, Only Light"At times the blind see light,And that moment is the Sistine ceiling,Grace among buildings--no one asksFor it, no one asks.After all, this is solitude,Daylight's finger,Blake's angelParting willow leaves.I should know better.Get with the businessOf walking the lovely, satisfied,Indifferent weather--Bread bakingOn Arthur AvenueThis first warm day of June.I stand on the cornerFor priceless seconds.Now everything to me falls shadowStephen Kuusisto's 1998 memoir Planet of the Blind received tremendous international attention, including appearances on Oprah, Dateline, and Talk of the Nation. The New York Times named it a "Notable Book of the Year" and praised it as "a book that makes the reader understand the terrifying experience of blindness, a book that stands on its own as the lyrical memoir of a poet." A spokesperson for Guiding Eyes for the Blind, Kuusisto teaches at Ohio State University.

La roca

by Wallace Stevens

Harold Bloom afirmó que algunos de los mejores poemas del siglo se encuentran en este libro. La roca es el último poemario de Wallace Stevens, la obra donde se condensa toda la sabiduría del gran poeta norteamericano, quizá el mejor de su tiempo. Cada una de estas composiciones está escrita en las fronteras del silencio y bajo la sombra de la muerte. Son poemas austeros, sobrecogedores, imbuidos de una serenidad y un conocimiento casi póstumos. Y gracias a la minuciosa y espléndida versión de Daniel Aguirre, este libro, por primera vez traducido íntegramente, conserva en castellano la dicción y la música originales.

Routledge Revivals: Laureate of Peace (Routledge Revivals)

by G. Wilson Knight

First published in 1955, this exegesis on the writings of Alexander Pope reveals the technical felicities of his poetry, and is the first to be devoted to the great meaning inherent in his work. One section, which has appeared before and did much to redirect the study of Pope, has been thoroughly revised. Of the other four chapters, one offers an original of The Temple of Fame, and, while discussing this neglected poem, makes several suggestions which may be said to constitute a significant advance in aesthetics. Another analyses Byron’s support of Pope, regarding it as a landmark in the history of English literary criticism and as necessary to the understanding of Pope and Byron alike. The last chapter discusses the relation of Pope’s thought to our own time. This book adds much to what is already known of Pope, and will go far in reviving an interest in the work and philosophy of the Laureate of Peace.

The Serpent's Teeth

by Ovid

In a world of gods and monsters, nothing is as it seems.When a deadly serpent's teeth are sown in the ground, warriors spring from the bloody soil. Only a great man can tame them and fulfil his destiny. Far away, Medusa, snakes writhing in her hair, meets her nemesis; the princess Andromeda is chained to a rock; people are transformed into owls, frogs, even mountains; a boy falls tragically in love with his own reflection.Enter a universe where love is cruel, men are destroyed by the gods and treachery is paid for in blood ...

El 5º evangelio: La proyección de Cristo en Federico García Lorca

by Eutimio Martín

Federico García Lorca trató de restablecer el mensaje evangélico y para ello se propuso ofrecer en su obra un quinto evangelio. Los escritos juveniles del poeta granadino proyectan sobre la totalidad de su obra un marcado relieve de heterodoxia sociorreligiosa encaminada a la propagación de un humanismo mesiánico. El escritor Federico García Lorca se ha impuesto la ineludible responsabilidad de ofrecer, implícito en su obra, un nuevo evangelio. Eutimio Martín, catedrático emérito de la Universidad de Aix en Provence, realiza un amplio y profundo recorrido por la obra del universal escritor. Basándose en una sólida documentación, literaria y gráfica (a menudo desconocida y a veces inédita), analiza y comenta magistralmente textos en extremo crípticos, rescata al autor del asfixiante folclorismo en que se ha visto encerrado por una crítica miope o malintencionada, desvela la decisiva influencia de Victor Hugo, la impronta cervantina, el impacto de Antonio Machado y la radical aspiración al reconocimiento de una vertiente sexual a la que en modo alguno estaba dispuesto a renunciar porque en ello le iba la pérdida de su identidad. La abultada dimensión crística de la obra de Federico García Lorca puesta en evidencia por Eutimio Martín no dejará de suscitar una enriquecedora controversia.

The Animal Etiquette Book of Rhymes

by Helen Cowles Lecron Maurice Day

"This is a charming book of poetry that serves many purposes for the classroom: art, language arts, and social studies. The illustrations are charming, the poetry is catchy and gets the point across, and the etiquette lessons are very clear. Young children will enjoy this as a read aloud, older children will find the humor in the poems as they read the book themselves." -- Mama-GraphySamuel Snail is always late: "Though Mother worries, Samuel never hurries!" Johnny Giraffe caught a cold because he refused to listen to his mama and keep his long neck covered with a muffler. Foolish Lulu Lambkin calls and bawls when she's left alone for only a moment, and rude Christopher Crocodile yawned in his grandma's face without covering his big mouth with his paw.These naughty creatures offer children examples of how not to behave, from Willie Wolf and his appalling table manners to Charlie Chipmunk and his tiresome chattering and Little Tony Tigerkin, who seldom wears a happy grin. Charming verses, accompanied by 24 full-page, black-and-white illustrations, recount the misdeeds of each wild rascal.

Complete Poems

by Marianne Moore

This definitive edition contains sixty years of Marianne Moore's poems, incorporating her text revisions and her own entertaining notes that reveal the inspiration for complete poems and individual lines.

The Confucian Odes

by Confucius Ezra Pound

Collection of ancient Chinese poetry

The Divine Comedy

by Dante Alighieri John Ciardi

Dante Alighieri's poetic masterpiece, The Divine Comedy, is a moving human drama, an unforgettable visionary journey through the infinite torment of Hell, up the arduous slopes of Purgatory, and on to the glorious realm of Paradise--the sphere of universal harmony and eternal salvation. 10 illustrations


by Richard Kinney

A small book of poems written by Richard Kinney dedicated to "my friends" and copyrighted in 1954

Ideas de orden

by Wallace Stevens

Uno de los grandes poemarios de Wallace Stevens. Publicado en 1936, Ideas de orden es un libro fundamental en la poesía norteamericana del siglo XX, en el que Wallace Stevens conjugó las voces que eclosionaron con las turbulencias políticas y sociales que en aquella década sufrió el mundo. La dialéctica entre realidad e imaginación, central en la poética de Stevens, adquiere aquí una dimensión nueva, cifrada en el asombroso «La idea de orden en Cayo Hueso», uno de los grandes poemas del novecientos. La extraordinaria versión de Daniel Aguirre supone una nueva lectura de un clásico que parece hablar del siglo XXI.

The Inferno: A Verse Rendering for the Modern Reader

by Dante Alighieri John Ciardi

This single volume, blank verse translation of The Divine Comedy includes an introduction, maps of Dante's Italy, Hell, Purgatory, Geocentric Universe, and political panorama of the thirteenth and early fourteenth century, diagrams and notes providing the reader with invaluable guidance. Described as the "fifth gospel" because of its evangelical purpose, this spiritual autobiography creates a world in which reason and faith have transformed moral and social chaos into order. It is one of the most important works in the literature of Western Europe and is considered the greatest poem of the European Middle Ages. Subtitle on the front cover says "Dante's Immortal Drama of a Journey Through Hell.:

The Letters of Sara Hutchinson

by Kathleen Coburn Sara Hutchinson

Sarah Hutchinson has never been much more than a name, though a name connected with some of the greatest in English literature. The sister of Mrs. Wordsworth, and a member of the Wordsworth household for thirty years, Coleridge's beloved Asra to whom many of his poems were written, Southey's friend and Lamb's, and a guest of the Arnolds at Rugby, she was a member of an interesting circle. For her intimate relations to Wordsworth and Coleridge it has long been apparent that we should like to know her better. Now her letters to members of her family and to friends demonstrate how worthwhile it is to know her for herself as well.<P><P>The letters come from the family and from the Wordsworth collection at Dove Cottage and are here printed (almost in full) for the first time.<P>They show a lively and amusing woman, kind, forthright to the extent of bluntness, especially when she takes up the cudgels in the cause of what she considers truth or justice or human kindness. Coleridge describes her in one apt and characteristic sentence: <P>'If Sense, Sensibility, Sweetness of Temper, perfect simplicity and unpretending Nature, joined to shrewdness and entertainingness make a valuable Woman, Sara Hutchinson is so.'<P>Such qualities certainly make a delightful letter-writer.


by Nandkishore Naval

Manjeer is a collection of small poems written by Nand Kishore Aggarwal. The poet has expressed his anger in the poems in a simple and effective language.

Poesía reunida: Edición de Andreu Jaume

by Wallace Stevens

La edición definitiva de la obra de Wallace Stevens, uno de los mejores poetas del siglo XX cuya sensibilidad aún resuena en nuestros días. Wallace Stevens no es solo uno de los grandes poetas del siglo XX, sino el que más influencia ha ejercido en la literatura norteamericana de las últimas décadas, desde John Ashbery hasta Mark Strand o Anne Carson. Su obra, compleja, irreductible, llena de luz y aire, es una celebración de la existencia y la naturaleza, del clima, así como una meditación en torno al misterio de la imaginación humana y su relación con el lenguaje y la propia poesía. Siempre reticente e impersonal, solo al final de su vida, en sus poemas últimos, Stevens se muestra más transparente y cercano, expresando el estupor de la vejez con una claridad nunca igualadas en la poesía moderna. Este volumen, editado y prologado por Andreu Jaume, reúne el cuerpo esencial de la poesía de Stevens, desde su primer libro, Armonio, hasta sus poemas póstumos, además de incorporar el grueso de sus aforismos, una parte esencial y complementaria de su obra. A las excepcionales traducciones de Andrés Sánchez Robayna y Daniel Aguirre, ya clásicas, se le añaden ahora las versiones que para esta edición ha hecho Andreu Jaume de Notas para una ficción suprema y de Las auroras de otoño. El libro constituye así el compendio más amplio y riguroso que se ha hecho en castellano de este gran poeta.

The Rock: Poems (Counterpoints #4)

by Wallace Stevens

An excellent introduction to “the best and most representative American poet” (Harold Bloom), this palm–sized, keepsake edition is the first separate publication of this remarkable collection of late poems.In 1955, shortly before his death, Wallace Stevens earned the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry and the National Book Award for The Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens. The collection gathered most of his life’s work, and featured 25 previously unpublished poems. Stevens imagined that those poems would stand alone as their own volume—The Rock. Featuring some of his most memorable poems, including “Not Ideas about the Thing but the Thing Itself,” The Rock is a sublime selection of works from one of American’s most brilliant, beloved modernist.“After the reader has admired certain lines because Shakespeare might have written them, he begins to admire them because only Stevens could.” —Robert Fitzgerald“One might as well argue with the Evening Star and find fault with so much wit and grace and intelligence . . . such an overwhelming and exquisite command both of the worlds and of the rhythms of our language; such charm and irony, such natural and philosophical breadth of sympathy, such dignity and magnanimity.” —Randall Jarrell

The Verbal Icon: Studies in the Meaning of Poetry

by W. K. Wimsatt Monroe C. Beardsley

The sixteen essays in this volume form a series of related focuses upon various levels and areas of literary criticism. W. K. Wimsatt's assumption is that practice and theory of both the past and the present are integrally related-that there is a continuity in the materials of criticism-that a person who studies poetry today has a critical concern, not merely a historical interest, in what Aristotle or Plato said about poetry. He regards the great perennial problems of criticism as arising not by the whim of a tolerantly pluralist choice, but from the nature of language and reality. With profound learning and insight, Wimsatt treats almost the whole range of literary criticism. The first group of essays deals with fallacies he believes are involved in prevalent approaches to the literary object. The next two groups face the responsibilities of the critic who defends literature as a form of knowledge; they treat various problems of structure and style. The last group undertakes to examine the relation of literature to other arts, the relation of evaluative criticism to historical studies, and the relation of literature not only to morals, but more broadly to the whole complex of the Christian religious tradition.

Winnie-the-Pooh The Honey Tree

by A. A. Milne

Winnie-The-Pooh cleverly attempts, with the use of a balloon, to reach the honey in a tree by floating upwards and pretending to be a cloud.

AnOther E.E. Cummings

by E. E. Cummings Richard Kostelanetz

<P>An eye-opening selection of Cumming's more avant-garde poetry and prose. <P>As a poet, Cummings was a pioneer not only in linguistic and typographic inventions, but also in sound and concrete poetry. But his prose is no less experimental; he wrote memoirs, essays, and fiction that are constantly provocative and often radically experimental. <P>To read the avant-garde Cummings is to read a writer who consistently broke with established norms, "never to rest and never to have: only to grow." To not read the avant-garde Cummings is to not read Cummings. <P>Adjusting type size may change line breaks. Landscape mode may help to preserve line breaks.

The Collected Poems of Freddy the Pig (Freddy the Pig #21)

by Walter R. Brooks

The weather, all animals (with special emphasis on the peculiar attributes of pigs), joy and sorrow, the utility of facial features, and a world of other subjects are poetically worked over by the world&’s most distinguished pig-of-letters, Freddy—the Bard of Bean Farm. Whether he&’s happy or sad Freddy is ever the poet, and his verse—both heavy and light—has created an international fuss among the less gifted pigs and poets. And if Freddy&’s poetry seems a bit hammy in spots, well . . .

Creative Intuition in Art and Poetry (The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts #1)

by Jacques Maritain

The classic work on the sublime interplay between the arts and poeticsThis book explores the rich and complex relationship between art and poetry, shedding invaluable light on what makes each art form unique yet wholly interdependent. Jacques Maritain insists on the part played by the intellect as well as the imagination, showing how poetry has its source in the preconceptual activity of the rational mind. As Maritain argues, intellect is not merely logical and conceptual reason. Rather, it carries on an exceedingly more profound and obscure life, one that is revealed to us as we seek to penetrate the hidden recesses of poetic and artistic activity. Incisive and authoritative, this illuminating book is the product of a lifelong reflection on the meaning of artistic expression in all its varied forms.

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