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The Lesser Gods of the Sahara: Social Change and Indigenous Rights

by Jeremy Keenan

The northern Tuareg (the Tuareg of Algeria) - the nomadic, blue-veiled warlords of the Central Sahara - were finally defeated militarily by the French at the battle of Tit in 1902. Some sixty years later, following Algerian independence in 1962, they were visited by a young English anthropologist, Jeremy Keenan. During the course of seven years, Keenan studied their way of life, the social, political and economic changes that had taken place in their society since traditional, pre-colonial times, and their resistance and adaptation to the modernising forces of the new Algerian state. In 1999, following eight years during which Algeria's Tuareg were effectively isolated from the outside world as a result of Algeria's political crisis, Keenan returned to visit them once again. Following a further four years of study, he has written a series of eight essays that capture the key changes that have occurred amongst Algeria's Tuareg in the forty years since independence.

The Making of the President, 1960

by Theodore H. White

The greatest political story ever told—the epic clash between John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon, as captured in Theodore White's dramatic and groundbreaking chronicle<P><P> The Making of the President 1960 is the book that revolutionized—even created—modern political journalism. Granted intimate access to all parties involved, Theodore White crafted an almost mythic story of the battle that pitted Senator John F. Kennedy against Vice-President Richard M. Nixon—from the decisive primary battles to the history-making televised debates, the first of their kind. Magnificently detailed and exquisitely paced, The Making of the President 1960 imbues the nation's presidential election process with both grittiness and grandeur, and established a benchmark against which all new campaign reporters would measure their work. <P><P> Pulitzer Prize Winner

The Making of the President 1960

by Theodore H. White

A Harper Perennial Political Classic, The Making of the President 1960 is the groundbreaking national bestseller and Pulitzer Prize-winning account of the 1960 presidential campaign and the election of John F. Kennedy. With this narrative history of American politics in action, Theodore White revolutionized the way presidential campaigns are reported. Now back in print, freshly repackaged, and with a new foreword written by Robert Dallek, The Making of the President 1960 remains the most influential publication about the election of John F. Kennedy.

May Man Prevail?: An Inquiry into the Facts and Fictions of Foreign Policy (Paidos Studio Ser.)

by Erich Fromm

An engulfing study of the turmoil and uncertainty that pervaded the early 1960s, when the world was preoccupied with the threat of a nuclear holocaustThe early 1960s were a time of existential unease across the world. The constant threat of a nuclear bomb—and of mutually assured destruction—led to a palpable sense that nuclear holocaust could occur any day. It was in this Cold War environment that social psychologist Erich Fromm wrote May Man Prevail? By analyzing the enemy stereotypes and mutual projections that were prevalent in the foreign policies of the Soviet Union and the United States, Fromm pointed to the anxieties on both sides and illustrates how paranoid thinking in the political realm can be extremely dangerous. With his excellent psychological analysis of the mindsets of the major players of the time, Fromm helped us overcome the Cold War&’s ideologies and fictions. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Erich Fromm including rare images and never-before-seen documents from the author&’s estate.

New Dimensions in Foreign Policy (Routledge Revivals)

by Max Beloff

Originally published in 1961, this is an extremely valuable contribution to the understanding of contemporary international institutions and the working of the British system of government. It deals with the problems presented to British Government Departments by the emergence in the post-war world of a number of new international organisations which are concerned with European recovery and integration and with the development of the Atlantic Community of Nations. This book traces the British share in the creation of the Council of Europe, OEC, NATO, and WEU, and deals with the relations between Britain and the Coal and Steel Community, the Common Market and Euratom. Finally, the book assesses the impact of these activities upon the government at home and the extent to which the public appreciates the change in Britain's international status that has resulted from these developments.

Peter Oliver's Origin and Progress of the American Rebellion: A Tory View

by Peter Oliver Douglass Adair John A. Schutz

One difficulty in writing a balanced history of the American Revolution arises in part from its success as a creator of our nation and our nationalistic sentiment. Unlike the Civil War, unlike the French Revolution, the American Revolution produced no lingering social trauma in the United States it is a historic event widely applauded by Americans today as both necessary and desirable. But one consequence of this happy unanimity is that the chief losers of the War of Independence the American Loyalists have fared badly at the hands of historians. This explains, in part, why the account of the Revolution recorded by self-professed Loyalist and Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Massachusetts, Peter Oliver, has heretofore been so routinely overlooked. <p> Oliver's manuscript, entitled "The Origins & Progress of the American Rebellion," written in 1781, challenges the motives of the founding fathers, and depicts the revolution as passion, plotting, and violence. His descriptions of the leaders of the patriot party, of their program and motives, are unforgiving, bitter, and inevitably partisan. But it records the impressions of one who had experienced these events, knew most of the combatants intimately, and saw the collapse of the society he had lived in. His history is a very important contemporary account of the origins of the revolution in Massachusetts, and is now presented here in it entirety for the first time.

The Political Philosophy of Jawaharlal Nehru (Routledge Revivals)

by M.N. Das

First published in 1961, The Political Philosophy of Jawaharlal Nehru is an attempt to coordinate Jawaharlal Nehru’s ideas which, in essence, reflect his political philosophy. Nehru distinguished himself as a philosopher-politician, thinking somewhat as a philosopher while working as a politician, steering his political ideas between idealism and realism. In an eventful life, his had been the many-sided role of a revolutionary and a nationalist, a democrat and a socialist, an internationalist and a pacifist, a head of the government and, above all, a lone individual and thinker. Nehru preserved his individuality through all external influences, including those of Gandhi and Marx, and it is this which remains the keynote of his thought. It has been the aim of the author to present in an objective way the ideas of the man in the light of his own words as available from a wide range of material. This book will be of interest to students of history, political science, and philosophy.

Principles of Government and Politics in the Middle Ages (Routledge Revivals: Walter Ullmann on Medieval Political Theory)

by Walter Ullmann

In many respects this book, first published in 1961, marked a somewhat radical departure from contemporary historical writings. It is neither a constitutional nor a political history, but a historical definition and explanation of the main features which characterised the three kinds of government which can be discerned in the Middle Ages – government by the Pope, the King, the People. The author’s enviable knowledge of the sources – clerical, secular, legal, constitutional, liturgical, literary – as well as of modern literature enables him to demonstrate the principles upon which the papal government, the royal government, and the government of the people rested. He shows how the traditional theocratic forms of government came to be supplanted by forms of government based on the will of the people. Although concerned with the Middle Ages, the book also contains much that is of topical interest to the discerning student of modern institutions. Medieval history is made understandable to modern man by modern methods.

Profiles in Courage

by John Fitzgerald Kennedy

"This is a book about that most admirable of human virtues--courage... and these are the stories of the pressures experienced by eight United States Senators and the grace with which they endured them--the risks to their careers, the unpopularity of their courses, the defamation of their characters, and sometimes, but sadly only sometimes, the vindication of their reputations and their principles." <P><P> During 1954-1955, John F. Kennedy, then a U.S. Senator, chose eight of his historical colleagues to profile for their acts of astounding integrity in the face of overwhelming opposition. These heroes include John Quincy Adams, Daniel Webster, Thomas Hart Benton, and Robert A. Taft. <P><P> Awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1957, Profiles in Courage resounds with timeless lessons on the most cherished of virtues and is a powerful reminder of the strength of the human spirit.

Proprieties and Vagaries: A Philosophical Thesis from Science, Horse Racing, Sexual Customs, Religion, and Politics

by Albert L Hammond

Originally published in 1961. A constant influence on human action is that of proprieties, personal and social. These attitudes and traditions defining what is proper are largely logical in origin, but chance has a way of upsetting them. Even theory, which is part of human action, is subject to this influence. Dr. Hammond takes a novel approach to this philosophical theme. His topics of discussion include perception, the role of symbols in poetry and science, the definition of good and good use in language, space and the motion of the earth, the psychology of love, attitudes toward gambling, and a defense of horse racing. This unorthodox approach results in an exceptionally imaginative and thought-provoking book as well as a strong defense of deontology.

The Revolt of the Masses (Routledge Library Editions: Political Protest #21)

by José Ortega y Gasset

This book, first published in 1930 and reissued in 1961, examines the Western phenomenon of the rise of the ‘mass-man’. Analysing the state of society before the Second World War, acclaimed philosopher Ortega y Gasset lays bare the problems that faced the countries of Europe in a book that resonates today in the imposition of direct action over discussion.

Roots and Values in Canadian Lives

by Jean-Charles Falardeau

This thought-provoking volume, which represents a re-shaping of the Plaunt Lectures delivered at Carleton University, 1960, offers impressions of the art of living in Canada by one who has been deeply concerned with the relationships between our two cultures. The purpose of the author is to stimulate reflection on the genesis and the contemporary status of Canada as a bi-cultural nation. His own method in the book is also that of reflection, rather than didactic exposition. He takes up the manifestations of our two cultures in our two literatures, describes his own experience of living personally and professionally with members of both groups, and goes on to analyse what contribution Canadian universities might make to greater understanding of our biculturalism. It is in the university setting that the author sees hope of a new humanism, thanks particularly to the vision of the world offered by the social sciences; it, he feels, will enable us to see both aspects of our country fully and harmoniously and grasp its responsibility as a unified nation to the rest of the world. Canada, says the author, is not a datum but a construct; it is a becoming. It has been and remains the result of constant compromise. Patterns and objectives have to be constantly redefined and improvised, with both parties in our dualism collaborating to create a well-tempered, yet positive national life.

The Russian Revolution and Leninism or Marxism?

by Rosa Luxemburg

A controversial Marxist, Luxemburg here opposes the Bolsheviks' quest for power.

Science and Government

by C. P. Snow

Science and Government is a gripping account of one of the great scientific rivalries of the twentieth century. The antagonists are Sir Henry Tizard, a chemist from Imperial College, and Frederick Lindemann (Lord Cherwell), a physicist from the University of Oxford. The scientist-turned-novelist Charles Percy Snow tells a story of hatred and ambition at the top of British science, exposing how vital decisions were made in secret and sometimes with little regard to truth or the prevailing scientific consensus. Tizard, an adviser to a Labor government, believed the air war against Nazi Germany would be won by investing in the new science of radar. Lindemann favored bombing the homes of German citizens. Each man produced data to support his case, but in the end what mattered was politics. When Labor was in power, Tizard’s view prevailed. When the Conservatives returned, Lindemann, who was Winston Churchill’s personal adviser, became untouchable. Snow’s 1959 Two Cultures Rede Lecture propelled him to worldwide fame. Science and Government, originally the 1960 Godkin Lectures at Harvard, has been largely forgotten. Today the space occupied by scientists and politicians is much more contested than it was in Snow’s time, but there remains no better guide to it than Snow’s dramatic narrative.

South Africa (Routledge Library Editions: South Africa #4)

by Monica Cole

Originally published in 1961, this book was the first comprehensive work on South African geography that also presented a balanced account of all facets of the economic life. It was written to provide background information on South Africa – the nature of the country, its resources and deficiencies, its historic settlement by peoples of different races and of the progress made and the difficulties encountered in the major areas of economic activity: agriculture, mining, manufacturing and trade. In discussing these factors the book acknowledged that in South Africa the complexities of the relationships between peoples of different racial origins and widely differently economic and cultural standards are met in one country.

The Supreme Command, 1914-1918: Volume I (Routledge Revivals)

by Lord Hankey

Lord Hankey (1877-1963) was a British civil servant and the first Cabinet Secretary, a top aide to Prime Minister David Lloyd George and the War Cabinet that directed Britain in World War One. Mostly derived from the author’s diaries, which begin in March 1915, this study describes how Lord Hankey contributed to the development of the British system of Cabinet Government during the war years. First published in 1961, the two-volume collection is a history of the Supreme Command of the War; the conduct of the war, the development of the Supreme Command from Balfour to Lloyd George, and the emergence of the Cabinet Secretariat from the Secretariat of the War Cabinet. It contains intimate glimpses of the statesmen, sailors and soldiers who guided affairs towards 1918. This is a fascinating first-hand examination of the people who influenced the conduct of the war, and will be of particular value to students interested in its diplomatic history.

The Supreme Command, 1914-1918: Volume II (Routledge Revivals)

by Lord Hankey

Lord Hankey (1877-1963) was a British civil servant and the first Cabinet Secretary, a top aide to Prime Minister David Lloyd George and the War Cabinet that directed Britain in World War One. Mostly derived from the author’s diaries, which began in March 1915, this study describes how Lord Hankey contributed to the development of the British system of Cabinet Government during the war years. First published in 1961, the two-volume collection is a history of the Supreme Command of the War; the conduct of the war, the development of the Supreme Command from Balfour to Lloyd George, and the emergence of the Cabinet Secretariat from the Secretariat of the War Cabinet. It contains intimate glimpses of the statesmen, sailors and soldiers who guided affairs towards 1918. This is a fascinating first-hand examination of the people who influenced the conduct of the war, and will be of particular value to students interested in its diplomatic history.

TIME-LIFE JFK at 100: The Presidency and Beyond

by The Editors of TIME-LIFE

War hero. Political icon. Martyr. As the 35th president of the United States, John F. Kennedy is one of the most celebrated figures in American history. Born into wealth and power, Kennedy proved himself to the nation as a young man, then rose through the ranks of elected office, reaching the White House at just 42 years old. It was the dawn of the nuclear age, and in his short term as president, JFK balanced a Cold War steeliness with a commitment to public service to assert America's role as a global leader. Alongside his wife, Jackie, and their two young children, JFK represented the new face of a new generation, and the hope and optimism he expressed continues to reverberate today.

World Without War (Routledge Library Editions: Peace Studies)

by J.D. Bernal

J. D. Bernal was a scientist who helped to pioneer the use of x-ray crystallography and was a founder of the science of molecular biology. He was also well-known as a communist and closely associated with the peace movement. Originally published in 1958, revised in 1961, this title was written, in the author’s words, "to bring together the dark and the bright side of the new power that science has given to the mankind". At a time when politics was dominated by the hydrogen bomb and the rocket. People, for the first time in their history, were having to contemplate the potential destruction of civilization and even of life itself. While at the same time aware of the benefits of the opening stages of a new industrial revolution.

The Angry Ones: A Novel

by John A. Williams

The powerful and prophetic story of a talented young African American and his struggles to overcome deep-rooted racism and intolerance in post-World War II America Ambitious and well-educated, US Army officer Steve Hill leaves California for the East Coast and his slice of the American Dream when he takes a job as publicity director at a vanity press. But mid-twentieth-century New York City harbors its own particular brand of prejudice, more secretive but just as pervasive and destructive as the racism of the Jim Crow South. Even in the liberal, superficially hip circles of the publishing world, invisible boundaries and unspoken rules determine how high Hill can dare to reach--and whom he can love. Faced with bigotry, hypocrisy, and betrayal at every turn, this proud man struggles to maintain his principles and self-respect, knowing that at some point he's bound to reach his breaking point. Over the course of his long and extraordinary career, author John A. Williams wrote searing novels about the black experience in America, courageously exposing endemic racism at all levels of society. Based on his early years in Manhattan, The Angry Ones is the enthralling debut of one of the most provocative and influential voices in African American literature.

Awo: The Autobiography of Chief Obafemi Awolowo

by Obafemi Awolowo

Awolowo (1909-1987) was the leader of the Action Group party, former Premier of the Western Region of Nigeria, and Leader of the Opposition in the Federal Parliament of Nigeria.

Building nations from diversity: Canadian and American experience compared

by Garth Stevenson

Building Nations from Diversity explores the question of whether the Canadian "mosaic" has differed from the American "melting pot" and provides an informative comparison of both countries' historical and present-day similarities and differences. Garth Stevenson examines the origins of Canada and the United States and their past experiences with incorporating selected immigrant groups, particularly Irish, Chinese, and Jews. Establishing the foundational ways in which they placed new groups within their societies, Stevenson then outlines how the US and Canadian systems developed immigration policy and handled difference, detailing their treatment of "enemy aliens" during both world wars, their experience with minority languages, and recent Islamophobia. He also studies the introduction of multiculturalism into the lexicon and policy of the two countries and presents a nuanced analysis of how its meaning is understood differently on opposite sides of the border. An accessible and illuminating work, Building Nations from Diversity highlights the substantial differences between the US and Canada but ultimately concludes that they are more similar than most realize and are probably becoming more alike.

Canadians and Foreign Policy

by Frederick Alexander

Professor Fred Alexander, a distinguished historian and the first Australian to be awarded a Senior Research Fellowship of the Canada Council, makes in this book a frank and friendly attempt to examine the views on various aspects of Canada's external relations expressed to him by an occupational and regional cross-section of Canadians (many of whom are named in the text) during the course of his recent coast-to-coast investigation. Canadian-American relations loom large in the resultant analysis, whether the subject matter is economic or strategic, cultural or political. Other important questions discussed cover the extent to which Canadian nationalism is restricted by surviving provincial regionalism; the significance of spiritual and idealist influences; current internal political trends; and the increasing significance of Asia and the Pacific in the overall attitude of Canadians to the Commonwealth and the world at large. This book, which is being published simultaneously in Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom, has the general quality of highlighting through the eyes of an independent observer the important problems of Canadian attitudes to foreign policy and that special quality which is derived from the author's integrity and good-humoured detachment no less than the shrewdness and rare penetration of some of his judgments.

The Centurions

by Xan Fielding Robert D. Kaplan Jean Larteguy

The military cult classic with resonance to the wars in Iraq and Vietnam—now back in printWhen The Centurions was first published in 1960, readers were riveted by the thrilling account of soldiers fighting for survival in hostile environments. They were equally transfixed by the chilling moral question the novel posed: how to fight when the “age of heroics is over.” As relevant today as it was half a century ago, The Centurions is a gripping military adventure, an extended symposium on waging war in a new global order, and an essential investigation of the ethics of counterinsurgency. Featuring a foreword by renowned military expert Robert D. Kaplan, this important wartime novel will again spark debate about controversial tactics in hot spots around the world.For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. With more than 1,700 titles, Penguin Classics represents a global bookshelf of the best works throughout history and across genres and disciplines. Readers trust the series to provide authoritative texts enhanced by introductions and notes by distinguished scholars and contemporary authors, as well as up-to-date translations by award-winning translators.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Churches and Urban Government in Detroit and New York, 1895-1994: Churches And Urban Government In Detroit And New York, 1895-1994

by Ronald Brown Henry J. Pratt

Beginning in the 1890s, the social gospel movement and its secular counterpart, the Progressive movement, set the stage for powerful church and city governance connections. What followed during the next 100 years was the emergence of religious bodies as an important instrument for influencing City Hall on moral and social issues. Churches and Urban Government compares the governing styles of Detroit and New York City from 1895 to 1994 and looks at the steps city-wide religious bodies took to advance the interests of their communities and their local government during this chaotic period in urban history. Detroit and New York City make for a very interesting case study when casting the two cities' many similarities against their contrasting urban governance styles. What these cities share is a longstanding liberal political culture and comparable ethnic and racial diversity as well as large populations of Catholics and Protestants. Emphasizing the role of Black churches, Henry J. Pratt--with additional material from Ronald Brown--examines how immigration, the Great Depression, and the Civil Rights movement all nurtured this developing link between religion and politics, helping churches evolve into leadership roles within these metropolitan centers.

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