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Key Theories and Skills in Counselling Children and Young People: An Integrative Approach

by Rebecca Kirkbride

This book provides a highly accessible, skills focused entry point to the interventions, techniques, strategies, and core knowledge you need to work with children and young people. Divided into four parts, it covers: - Core Knowledge: Understanding Development from 0-18 years - Key Skills: The Therapeutic Process - Key Skills: Interventions, Techniques & Strategies - Key Considerations: Contexts & Client Groups Its bite sized entries include suggested additional resources to help you explore the topic further, and throughout the book you will find case studies and exercises to aid your understanding. This book is ideal for mental health and therapy trainees and practitioners who need a foundation in working with children and young people.

The Selling of DSM: The Rhetoric of Science in Psychiatry

by Stuart A. Kirk Herb Kutchins

In this book, Kirk and Kutchins challenge the general understanding about the research data and the process that led to the peer acceptance of Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders universally known as DSM-III.

Mad Science: Psychiatric Coercion, Diagnosis, and Drugs

by Stuart A. Kirk

*Winner of an honorable mention from theSociety for Social Work and ResearchforOutstanding Social Work Book AwardMad Science argues that the fundamental claims of modern American psychiatry are based on misconceived, flawed, and distorted science. The authors address multiple paradoxes in American mental health research, including the remaking of coercion into scientific psychiatric treatment, the adoption of an unscientific diagnostic system that controls the distribution of services, and how drug treatments have failed to improve the mental health outcome.When it comes to understanding and treating mental illness, distortions of research are not rare, misinterpretation of data is not isolated, and bogus claims of success are not voiced by isolated researchers seeking aggrandizement. This book's detailed analysis of coercion and community treatment, diagnosis, and psychopharmacology reveals that these characteristics are endemic, institutional, and protected in psychiatry. They are not just bad science, but mad science.This book provides an engaging and readable scientific and social critique of current mental health practices. The authors are scholars, researchers, and clinicians who have written extensively about community care, diagnosis, and psychoactive drugs. This paperback edition makes Mad Science accessible to all specialists in the field as well as to the informed public.

The Selling of DSM: The Rhetoric of Science in Psychiatry (Social Problems And Social Issues Ser.)

by Stuart A. Kirk

When it was first published in 1980, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Third Edition—univer-sally known as DSM-III—embodied a radical new method for identifying psychiatric illness. Kirk and Kutchins challenge the general understanding about the research data and the pro-cess that led to the peer acceptance of DSM-III. Their original and controversial reconstruction of that moment concen-trates on how a small group of researchers interpreted their findings about a specific problem—psychiatric reliability—to promote their beliefs about mental illness and to challenge the then-dominant Freudian paradigm.

Mindfulness OCD Workbook: Effective Mindfulness Strategies to Help You Manage Intrusive Thoughts

by Robin Taylor Kirk Sarah Fader

Managing OCD with mindfulness—break the cycle of intrusive thoughts and live more peacefully People living with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) struggle with unwanted intrusive thoughts and urges that cause anxiety and distress. This mindfulness workbook teaches techniques to help you acknowledge those thoughts and relate to the physical symptoms of anxiety in a new way. With this interactive mindfulness workbook, you'll find exercises to help ground yourself in the present moment, plan mindfulness-based exposure to your triggers, and explore more productive language to describe how you feel. You'll learn how to disengage from distressing thoughts—which can help calm the urge to engage in compulsive behavior. This mindfulness workbook features: 7 Pillars of mindfulness—Every chapter focuses on one of the pillars of mindfulness: Beginner's Mind, Non-judgment, Acceptance, Patience, Trust, Non-striving, and Letting Go—with specific exercises for working on each one. 10-20 Minutes per day—These mindfulness workbook exercises only take a short time, so it's easy and practical to build them into your life. Encouragement and guidance—With supportive words, helpful advice, and space for personal reflection, you'll gradually move through techniques for a variety of intrusive thoughts. Find relief from the intrusive thoughts and urges of OCD with a simple and effective mindfulness workbook.

Avoid the Day: A New Nonfiction in Two Movements

by Jay Kirk

"Avoid the Day truly seems to me to push nonfiction memoir as far as it can go without it collapsing into a singularity and I am at a loss for words. You are just going to have to read it." –Helen Macdonald, author of H is for HawkA surreal, high-wire act of narrative nonfiction that redefines the genre, Avoid the Day is part detective story, part memoir, and part meditation on the meaning of life—all told with a dark pulse of existential horror. What emerges is an unforgettable study of mortality and the artist’s journey.Seeking to answer the mystery of a missing manuscript by Béla Bartók, and using the investigation to avoid his father’s deathbed, award-winning magazine writer Jay Kirk heads off to Transylvania, going to the same villages where the “Master,” like a vampire in search of fresh plasma, had found his new material in the folk music of the peasants. With these stolen songs, Bartók redefined music in the 20th Century. Kirk, who is also seeking to renew his writing, finds inspiration in the composer’s unorthodox methods, but begins to lose his tether as he sees himself in Bartók’s darkest and most personal work, the Cantata Profana, which revolves around the curse of fathers and sons. After a near-psychotic episode under the spell of Bartók, the author suddenly finds himself on a posh eco-tourist cruise in the Arctic. There, accompanied by an old friend, now a documentary filmmaker, the two decide to scrap the documentary and make a horror flick instead—shot under the noses of the unsuspecting passengers and crew. Playing one of the main characters who finds himself inexplicably trapped on a ship at the literal end of the world, alone, and under the influence of the midnight sun, Kirk gets lost in his own cerebral maze, struggling to answer his most plaguing question: can we find meaning in experience?

Restoring the Brain: Neurofeedback as an Integrative Approach to Health

by Hanno W. Kirk

This thoroughly updated second edition of Restoring the Brain is the definitive book on the theory and the practice of Infra-Low Frequency brain training. It provides a comprehensive look at the process of neurofeedback within the emerging field of neuromodulation and essential knowledge of functional neuroanatomy and neural dynamics to successfully restore brain function. Integrating the latest research, this thoroughly revised edition focuses on current innovations in mechanisms-based training that are scalable and can be deployed at any stage of human development. Included in this edition are new chapters on clinical data and case studies for new applications; using neurofeedback for early childhood developmental disorders; integrating neurofeedback with psychotherapy; the impact of low-frequency neurofeedback on depression; the issue of trauma from war or abuse; and physical damage to the brain. Practitioners and researchers in psychiatry, medicine, and behavioral health will gain a wealth of knowledge and tools for effectively using neurofeedback to recover and enhance the functional competence of the brain.

Adventure Revolution: The life-changing power of choosing challenge

by Belinda Kirk

For the past twenty-five years, Belinda Kirk's professional life has revolved around adventure. She's seen it change people first hand: turning the timid into the confident, the addicted into the recovering, and the lost into the intentionally wandering. As a force for change, adventure can be powerful like few others.This book is about this transformational power, and the first to explore why adventure is essential to our wellbeing. From managing anxiety and overcoming fear, to finding self-worth and building interpersonal connections, to being happier, healthier, and more playful, ADVENTURE REVOLUTION draws lessons from more than two decades of experience leading groups into the wilderness around the globe. Illuminated with Belinda's personal narrative, her own research with modern hunter-gatherers, and the latest findings in neuroscience and behaviour, ADVENTURE REVOLUTION presents a compelling case for ditching the living room in favour of a longer, happier, and more adventurous life.

Adventure Revolution: The life-changing power of choosing challenge

by Belinda Kirk

For the past twenty-five years, Belinda Kirk's professional life has revolved around adventure. She's seen it change people first hand: turning the timid into the confident, the addicted into the recovering, and the lost into the intentionally wandering. As a force for change, adventure can be powerful like few others.This book is about this transformational power, and the first to explore why adventure is essential to our wellbeing. From managing anxiety and overcoming fear, to finding self-worth and building interpersonal connections, to being happier, healthier, and more playful, ADVENTURE REVOLUTION draws lessons from more than two decades of experience leading groups into the wilderness around the globe. Illuminated with Belinda's personal narrative, her own research with modern hunter-gatherers, and the latest findings in neuroscience and behaviour, ADVENTURE REVOLUTION presents a compelling case for ditching the living room in favour of a longer, happier, and more adventurous life.

Adventure Revolution: The life-changing power of choosing challenge

by Belinda Kirk

For the past twenty-five years, Belinda Kirk's professional life has revolved around adventure. She's seen it change people first hand: turning the timid into the confident, the addicted into the recovering, and the lost into the intentionally wandering. As a force for change, adventure can be powerful like few others.This book is about this transformational power, and the first to explore why adventure is essential to our wellbeing. From managing anxiety and overcoming fear, to finding self-worth and building interpersonal connections, to being happier, healthier, and more playful, ADVENTURE REVOLUTION draws lessons from more than two decades of experience leading groups into the wilderness around the globe. Illuminated with Belinda's personal narrative, her own research with modern hunter-gatherers, and the latest findings in neuroscience and behaviour, ADVENTURE REVOLUTION presents a compelling case for ditching the living room in favour of a longer, happier, and more adventurous life.

Ace Notes: Tips and Tricks on Existing in an Allo World

by Michele Kirichanskaya

What is the ace lens?Is my relationship queerplatonic?Am I sex-favorable, sex-averse or sex-repulsed?As an ace or questioning person in an oh-so-allo world, you're probably in desperate need of a cheat sheet. Allow us to introduce your new asexual best friend, an essential resource serving up the life hacks you need to fully embrace the ace. Expect interviews with remarkable aces across the spectrum, advice on navigating different communities , and low-key ways to flaunt your ace identity.Covering everything from coming out, explaining asexuality and understanding different types of attraction, to marriage, relationships, sex, consent, gatekeeping, religion, ace culture and more, this is the ultimate arsenal for whatever the allo world throws at you.

How to Disappear and Live Off the Grid: A CIA Insider's Guide

by John Kiriakou

With an experienced CIA officer as your teacher, you&’ll gain the knowledge and necessary tools to protect yourself and the ones you love.No matter where we go, we leave tracks and clues of our existence without even knowing. Our electronic footprint becomes our invisible trail. In this day in age where the world seems to be at our fingertips and social media plays a huge role in our daily lives, it&’s hard not to leave part of our digital selves for others to find.Whether you&’re fascinated by the idea of disappearing, want to erase your digital footprint, or simply concerned about your safety and privacy, knowing how to become invisible is a survival skill that will come in handy.Through the easy-to-follow instructions, tips, tricks, and professional anecdotes in How to Disappear and Live off the Grid: A CIA Insider's Guide, you&’ll learn to vanish without a trace from John Kiriakou, a former CIA counterterrorism officer and senior investigator for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee responsible for the capture of Abu Zubaydah.

Goal Attainment Scaling: Applications, Theory, and Measurement

by Thomas J. Kiresuk Aaron Smith Joseph E. Cardillo

There is an extensive literature on Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS), but the publications are widely scattered and often inaccessible, covering several foreign countries and many professional disciplines and fields of application. This book provides both a user manual and a complete reference work on GAS, including a comprehensive account of what the method is, what its strengths and limitations are, how it can be used, and what it can offer. The book is designed to be of interest to service providers, program directors and administrators, service and business organizations, program evaluators, researchers, and students in a variety of fields. No previous account of GAS has provided an up-to-date, comprehensive description and explanation of the technique. The chapters include a basic "how to do it" handbook, step-by-step implementation instructions, frequently occurring problems and what should be done about them, methods for monitoring the quality of the goal setting process, and a discussion of policy and administration issues. There are many illustrations from actual applications including examples of goals scaled for the individual, the specific program, the agency, or the total system. Procedures for training and estimates of training costs are also provided.

The Absence of Sparrows: A Novel

by Kurt Kirchmeier

Stranger Things meets Alfred Hitchcock in this haunting coming-of-age novel about a plague that brings the world to a halt, and one boy's belief that his town's missing sparrows can save his family. <P><P>In the small town of Griever's Mill, eleven-year-old Ben Cameron is expecting to finish off his summer of relaxing and bird-watching without a hitch. But everything goes wrong when dark clouds roll in. <P><P>Old Man Crandall is the first to change--human one minute and a glass statue the next. Soon it's happening across the world. Dark clouds fill the sky and, at random, people are turned into frozen versions of themselves. There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and no one knows how to stop it.With his mom on the verge of a breakdown, and his brother intent on following the dubious plans put forth by a nameless voice on the radio, Ben must hold out hope that his town's missing sparrows will return with everyone's souls before the glass plague takes them away forever.

Qualitative Forschungsmethoden: Anwendungsorientiert: vom Insider aus der Marktforschung lernen (Angewandte Psychologie Kompakt)

by Rolf Kirchmair

Endlich ein Buch über qualitative Forschungsmethoden, das Ihnen im Studium und in der Alltagspraxis einen umfassenden Überblick über qualitative Forschung bietet und qualitative Methoden durch konkrete Formulierungsbeispiele transparent macht.Dieses Lehrbuch beinhaltet alle wichtigen Verfahren wie:Qualitative InterviewsFocus GroupsKreativitätstechniken Methoden der indirekten Befragung und ihre Auswertungneueste Ansätze der qualitativen Onlineforschung, etc.Wissenschaftlich fundiert und dennoch angenehm lesbar hilft es durch den starken Praxisbezug, die Lerninhalte gut im Gedächtnis zu verankern. Durch den klaren didaktischen Aufbau mit Lernzielen, Anwendungsbeispielen, Schlüsselbegriffen, Prüfungsfragen und Zusammenfassungen sowie die eingebundenen Audioclips verhilft es im Studium zu nachhaltigem Lernerfolg. In der Alltagspraxis unterstützt es durch Formulierungsvorschläge den Einsatz qualitativer Methoden. Eine Begleitwebseite bereichert dieses Lehrbuch mit hilfreichen Zusatzmaterialien.Zusätzlich sind Fragen und Antworten zum Selbsttest und zur Prüfungsvorbereitung über die SN Flashcards Lern-App inkludiert. Der Zugangscode befindet sich im gedruckten Buch.Die ZielgruppenStudierende und Lehrende der Psychologie, Wirtschaftspsychologie und angrenzender Disziplinen, die Grundlegendes in kompakter, übersichtlicher und praxisnaher Form verstehen und anwenden wollen. Auch geeignet für Forscher und Professionals im Institut und Unternehmen.Zum AutorRolf Kirchmair ist Diplompsychologe, Institutsmarktforscher und Hochschuldozent mit jahrzehntelanger Praxiserfahrung in der qualitativen Forschung.

Psychologie in Zeiten der Krise: Eine wirtschaftspsychologische Analyse der Coronavirus-Pandemie (essentials)

by Erich Kirchler Julia Pitters Barbara Kastlunger

Als uns das Virus SARS-CoV-2 in Europa erreichte, gerieten wir in Panik. Das Leben wurde auf das Notwendigste heruntergefahren und zaghaft wieder gelockert. Dem Lockdown folgen gewaltige Veränderungen. Die Rückkehr in die bekannte Normalität ist nicht in Sicht. Wie erlebten wir die Bedrohung unserer Gesundheit und die Veränderungen der gewohnten Lebensrituale? Was folgte auf Schock und Angst? Wie gelang es, lang eingeübte Rituale abzulegen und die Herausforderungen anzunehmen? Wie werden wir nach dem Lockdown über die politischen Maßnahmen reden, woran werden wir uns erinnern und was werden wir aus der Krise gelernt haben? Dieses Essential bietet eine wirtschaftspsychologische Analyse über das komplexe Zusammenspiel zwischen Staat, Organisationen und Menschen vom Beginn der Krise bis zur Reparaturphase.

Psychology in Times of Crisis: An economic psychological analysis of the coronavirus pandemic (essentials)

by Erich Kirchler Julia Pitters Barbara Kastlunger

When the SARS-CoV-2 virus reached us in Europe, we panicked. Life was scaled down to the bare essentials and tentatively loosened up again. The lockdown is followed by huge changes. There is no return to familiar normality in sight. How did we experience the threat to our health and the changes to the familiar rituals of life? What followed shock and fear? How did we manage to discard long-rehearsed rituals and accept the challenges? How will we talk about the policies after the lockdown, what will we remember and what will we have learned from the crisis? This Essential offers an economic psychological analysis of the complex interplay between state, organisations and people from the beginning of the crisis to the repair phase.

Conflict and Decision Making in Close Relationships: Love, Money and Daily Routines (European Monographs in Social Psychology)

by Erich Kirchler Christa Rodler Erik Holzl Katja Meier

Love and money are important aspects of the everyday lives of couples. This book focuses on the daily routines of disagreement, conflict and joint decisions on these, and other issues such as work, leisure and children, create in the household.Central to the authors' research is a unique diary study of forty couples, who kept a daily record of their joint decisions over the course of a year. The diaries show how challenging, varied and complex the conflicts and decision making of normal everyday life can be and reveal that goals frequently change during the decision-making process with the result that the final outcome often achieves a goal distinct from the original intention. Furthermore, the dynamics of decision making differ according to the problem at stake, the decision-making history of the couple, and the quality of the partnership. The results of the diary study are discussed within the overall context of current research in the field as a whole, including discussion of joint decision-making case studies, close relationships, decision-making research in general and special research methods. Numerous results of psychological, sociological, economic and consumer behaviour studies are summarised and integrated into a model of household decision-making. This book will be primarily of interest to students and researchers in social psychology and economic psychology, but its interdisciplinary and applied nature will also make it of relevance to professionals working in the fields of family therapy and consumer behaviour.

Pocket Guide Psychotherapie

by Tilo Kircher

Der Band bietet einen raschen und präzisen Überblick über psychotherapeutische Interventionen bei psychischen Erkrankungen. Nicht nur die Frage, welches Psychotherapieverfahren bei welcher Störung anzuwenden ist, wird beantwortet, der knappe Leitfaden liefert auch Handlungsanweisungen, Tipps und Tricks für die Durchführung von psychotherapeutischen Gesprächen.

Hurrah for Gin: A book for the perpetually overwhelmed (Hurrah for Gin #3)

by Katie Kirby

Perpetually overwhelmed? Welcome to the new book from Katie Kirby, creator of the bestselling Hurrah for GinDo you overthink everything? Do you struggle to say no to people? Are you paying membership for a gym you never go to? Do group chat politics make you want to throw your phone under a bus? Are you overjoyed when people cancel plans so that you can sit at home in your pyjama bottoms eating Coco pops for dinner? If so then this book is for you!We spend our childhoods wanting to a be adults and, when we get there, find ourselves lost under a pile of life admin, half completed to do lists and anti-ageing face creams that promise to make you look as good as Natalie Imbruglia. In her new book, Hurrah for Gin pinpoints with painful precision just how overwhelming life can be when you're all grown up. From the worry spiral that keeps you up at 3AM, to maintaining a professional aura when you can't stand other people - this is for everyone struggling to stay afloat. Honest, relatable, funny and containing no useful advice whatsoever, take comfort in the knowledge that it's not just you, we're all as f*cked as each other.

Enhancing the Quality of Learning

by John R. Kirby Michael J. Lawson

High quality learning is extensive, well integrated, deep, and supports the use of knowledge in new situations that require adaptation of what has been learned previously. This book reviews current research on the nature of high quality learning and the factors that facilitate or inhibit it. The book addresses relationships between quality of learning and learners' dispositions, teaching methods, cognitive strategies, assessment and technologies that can support learning. The chapters provide theoretical analyses, reports of classroom research, and suggestions for practical application for both teachers and learners. The book will be of value to teachers at all levels of education and provides guidance for students about how to approach classroom tasks in order to develop high quality learning.

Making an Impact on Mental Health: The Applications of Psychological Research (Routledge Psychological Impacts)

by James N. Kirby

Advancements in research in psychological science have afforded great insights into how our minds work. Making an Impact on Mental Health and Illness analyses contemporary, international research to examine a number of core themes in mental health, such as mindfulness and attachment, and provides an understanding of the sources of mentally ill health and strategies for remediation. The originality of this work is the embedding of psychological science in an evolutionary approach. Each chapter discusses the context of a specific research project, looking at the methodological and practical challenges, how the results have been interpreted and communicated, the impact and legacy of the research and the lessons learnt. As a whole, the book looks at how social environments shape who we are and how we form relationships with others, which can be detrimental, but equally a source of flourishing and well-being. Covering a range of themes conducive to understanding and facilitating improved mental health, Making an Impact on Mental Health and Illness is invaluable reading for advanced students in clinical psychology and professionals in the mental health field.

Thinking (4th Edition)

by Gary R. Kirby Jeffery R. Goodpaster

This book about thinking presents readers with a systematic, practical, and friendly approach that encompasses all fields of study and business. It explores a valuable skill that will inspire and enlarge people's ability to think through life. Chapter topics cover what thinking is, personal barriers, sensing, brain and memory, language, feeling, creative thinking, organizing, logical thinking, scientific thinking, persuasive thinking, problem solving, evaluating, decision and action, and the challenge to go on thinking. They draw ideas on thinking from every period of history–from the philosophers, poets, scientists, psychologists, linguists, and neuroscientists. For thinkers of the new millenium.

Parenting Stress

by Kirby D. Deater-Deckard

All parents experience stress as they attempt to meet the challenges of caring for their children. This comprehensive book examines the causes and consequences of parenting distress, drawing on a wide array of findings in current empirical research. Kirby Deater-Deckard explores normal and pathological parenting stress, the influences of parents on their children as well as children on their parents, and the effects of biological and environmental factors. Beginning with an overview of theories of stress and coping, Deater-Deckard goes on to describe how parenting stress is linked with problems in adult and child health (emotional problems, developmental disorders, illness); parental behaviors (warmth, harsh discipline); and factors outside the family (marital quality, work roles, cultural influences). The book concludes with a useful review of coping strategies and interventions that have been demonstrated to alleviate parenting stress.

The Addiction Solution: Unraveling the Mysteries of Addiction through Cutting-Edge Brain Science

by David Kipper Steven Whitney

A revolutionary and empowering paradigm in treating addiction based on groundbreaking new science.For decades addiction has been viewed and treated as a social and behavioral illness, afflicting people of "weak" character and "bad" moral fiber. However, recent breakthroughs in genetic technology have enabled doctors, for the first time, to correctly diagnose the disease and prove that addiction is an inherited, neuro-chemical disease originating in brain chemistry, determined by genetics, and triggered by stress.In their groundbreaking The Addiction Solution, David Kipper, MD, and Steven Whitney distill these exciting findings into a guide for the millions of adults who want to be free from the cycle of addiction, and for their loved ones who want to better understand it and to help. It draws on composite case histories to illustrate how the innovative Personal Recovery Program works by customizing treatment for a diverse group of addicts abusing a wide variety of different substances—from the first day of treatment to its successful resolution. The result is a complete guide to a world made brand-new by this enormous paradigm shift in the treatment of addiction.

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