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The Survivors: A Story of War, Inheritance, and Healing

by Adam P. Frankel

Chicago Tribune Notable Book of 2019A memoir of family, the Holocaust, trauma, and identity, in which Adam Frankel, a former Obama speechwriter, must come to terms with the legacy of his family’s painful past and discover who he is in the wake of a life-changing revelation about his own origins.“The Survivors is an astonishingly beautiful and profoundly moving book. Frankel’s haunting search to unravel the mysteries of his family is so compelling that it reads like a fine novel.” –Doris Kearns GoodwinAdam Frankel’s maternal grandparents survived the Holocaust and built new lives, with new names, in Connecticut. Though they tried to leave the horrors of their past behind, the pain they suffered crossed generational lines—a fact most apparent in the mental health of Adam’s mother. When Adam sat down with her to examine their family history in detail, he learned another shocking secret, this time one that unraveled Adam’s entire understanding of who he is. In the midst of piecing together a story of inherited familial trauma, Adam discovered he was only half of who he thought he was, knowledge that raised essential questions of identity. Who was he, if not his father’s son? If not part of a rich heritage of writers and public servants? Does it matter? What defines a family’s bonds? What will he pass on to his own children? To rewrite his story in truth and to build a life for his own young family, Adam had to navigate his pain to find answers and a way forward.Throughout this journey into the past, his family’s psyche, and his own understanding of identity, Adam comes to realize that while the nature of our families’ traumas may vary, each of us is faced with the same choice. We can turn away from what we’ve inherited—or, we can confront it, in the hopes of moving on and stopping that trauma from inflicting pain on future generations. The stories Adam shares with us in The Survivors are about the ways the past can haunt our future, the resilience that can be found on the other side of trauma, and the good that can come from things that are unspeakably bad.

Built to Belong: Discovering the Power of Community Over Competition

by Natalie Franke

This fresh, inspiring call to community and connection from an entrepreneur and leader is perfect for anyone feeling alone and ready to set off on a journey to true belonging.Many of us feel more alone than ever despite living in the most connected society in human history. We need to belong in the same way that we need oxygen–our physical bodies require it. We perform better and have greater successes as individuals when we are connected to the collective.Join author Natalie Franke as she shares her story of longing for connection in the chaos and lessons learned on her journey to true belonging. Together we&’ll uncover how to:Kick scroll-induced jealousy to the curb and transform the way that social media makes you feel about yourself and othersOvercome loneliness by finding your people and cultivating true community in your personal and professional worldStrike the balance between camaraderie and competition so that you can live a deeply fulfilled and joyful lifeHuman beings are not highlight reels—we&’re done fanning the flames of comparison, drowning in our insecurities, and being pitted against one another. We&’re saying no to the endless rat race of getting ahead and goodbye to the narratives that leave us feeling left out and alone.We are destined for something better. We&’re made for so much more. Because knit into the fabric of our DNA, we were Built to Belong.

Der Konsument: Homo Emoticus statt Homo Oeconomicus? (essentials)

by Marie-Kristin Franke

Konsumenten fokussieren bei der Auswahl und Bewertung eines hedonischen Produktes (z. B. Süßigkeiten, Hotelzimmer mit Meerblick) maßgeblich auf dessen emotionale Bedeutung. Es gilt vereinfacht: Dinge, die sich gut anfühlen, müssen begehrenswert sein und Nutzen stiften und vice versa. Somit orientieren sich Konsumenten im Kontext hedonisch geprägter Entscheidungen und Produktkategorien weniger an dem rationalen Nutzen im Sinne des ,,homo oeconomicus", sondern machen vielmehr ihre emotionale Reaktion auf das Produkt zur zentralen Grundlage der Bewertung. Zudem verändert sich die Evaluation ein und desselben Produktes im Zeitverlauf. Ein Verständnis von Nutzen als sich laufend änderndes Ergebnis eines emotionsbasierten, mehrphasigen Bewertungsprozesses kann helfen, dieEvaluation hedonischer Produkte durch das Marketing steuerbar zu machen.

Hirndoping & Co.: Die optimierte Gesellschaft

by Andreas G. Franke

Leistungssteigerung per Pille oder kurz „Hirndoping“ ist zu einem regelrechten Trend geworden, der innerhalb weniger Jahre besorgniserregende Ausmaße angenommen hat. Doch wie kommt das?Das Buch beleuchtet das brisante Thema „Hirndoping" erstmals aus zahlreichen Blickwinkeln wie Soziologie, Medizin, Sport- und Rechtswissenschaften und vielen weiteren Disziplinen.Es zeichnet den Weg von der Agrargesellschaft, in der die Geschwindigkeit des Lebens von den natürlichen Gegebenheiten abhing, bis in die heutige Zeit nach. Eine Zeit, in der es durch Globalisierung und Digitalisierung vermeintlich keine Grenzen mehr gibt. Die letzte Grenze, die es zu überwinden gilt, scheint unser Geist. „Hirndoping“ bietet sich hier als Antwort aus den Regalen der Arzneimittelindustrie an. Eine Antwort, die aber nur begrenzt funktioniert und die gesundheitlich, juristisch und ethisch nicht frei von Risiken und Nebenwirkungen ist. Alternativlos ist „Hirndoping“ jedenfalls nicht.

Forced Migration in the History of 20th Century Neuroscience and Psychiatry: New Perspectives

by Frank W. Stahnisch and Guel A. Russell

The forced migration of neuroscientists, both during and after the Second World War, is of growing interest to international scholars. Of particular interest is how the long-term migration of scientists and physicians has affected both the academic migrants and their receiving environments. As well as the clash between two different traditions and systems, this migration forced scientists and physicians to confront foreign institutional, political, and cultural frameworks when trying to establish their own ways of knowledge generation, systems of logic, and cultural mentalities. The twentieth century has been called the century of war and forced-migration, since it witnessed two devastating world wars, prompting a massive exodus that included many neuroscientists and psychiatrists. Fascism in Italy and Spain beginning in the 1920s, Nazism in Germany and Austria between the 1930s and 1940s, and the impact of the Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe all forced more than two thousand researchers with prior education in neurology, psychiatry, and the basic brain research disciplines to leave their scientific and academic home institutions. This edited volume, comprising of thirteen chapters written by international specialists, reflects on the complex dimensions of intellectual migration in the neurosciences and illustrates them by using relevant case studies, biographies, and surveys. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of the History of the Neurosciences.

Determinism and Self-Organization of Human Perception and Performance (Springer Series in Synergetics)

by Till Frank

This book discusses human perception and performance within the framework of the theory of self-organizing systems. To that end, it presents a variety of phenomena and experimental findings in the research field, and provides an introduction to the theory of self-organization, with a focus on amplitude equations, order parameter and Lotka-Volterra equations. The book demonstrates that relating the experimental findings to the mathematical models provides an explicit account for the causal nature of human perception and performance. In particular, the notion of determinism versus free will is discussed in this context. The book is divided into four main parts, the first of which discusses the relationship between the concept of determinism and the fundamental laws of physics. The second part provides an introduction to using the self-organization approach from physics to understand human perception and performance, a strategy used throughout the remainder of the book to connect experimental findings and mathematical models. In turn, the third part of the book focuses on investigating performance guided by perception: climbing stairs and grasping tools are presented in detail. Perceptually relevant bifurcation parameters in the mathematical models are also identified, e.g. in the context of walk-to-run gait transitions. Chains of perceptions and actions together with their underlying mechanisms are then presented, and a number of experimental phenomena – such as selective attention, priming, child play, bistable perception, retrieval-induced forgetting, functional fixedness and memory effects exhibiting hysteresis with positive or negative sign – are discussed. Human judgment making, internal experiences such as dreaming and thinking, and Freud’s concept of consciousness are also addressed. The fourth and last part of the book explores several specific topics such as learning, social interactions between two people, life trajectories, and applications in clinical psychology. In particular, episodes of mania and depression under bipolar disorder, perception under schizophrenia, and obsessive-compulsive rituals are discussed. This book is intended for researchers and graduate students in psychology, physics, applied mathematics, kinesiology, and the sport sciences who want to learn about the foundations of the field. Written for a mixed audience, the experiments and concepts are presented using non-technical language throughout. In addition, each chapter includes more advanced sections for modelers in the fields of physics and applied mathematics.

Zig-Zag Boy: A Memoir of Madness and Motherhood

by Tanya Frank

“By turns an eloquent meditation on the power of nature and a terrifying exposé of…parenting a mentally ill child into adulthood.” —New York Times Book Review, Editors’ Choice A compassionate, heartrending memoir of a mother’s quest to accept her son’s journey through psychosis. One night in 2009, Tanya Frank finds her nineteen-year-old son, Zach—gentle and full of promise—in the grip of what the psychiatrists would label a psychotic break. Suddenly and inexplicably, Tanya is thrown into a parallel universe: Zach’s world, where the phones are bugged, his friends have joined the Mafia, and helicopters are spying on his family. In the years following Zach’s shifting psychiatric diagnoses, Tanya goes to war for her son, desperate to find the right answer, the right drug, the right doctor to bring him back to reality. She struggles to navigate archaic mental healthcare systems, first in California and then in her native London during lockdown. Meanwhile, the boy she raised—the chatty, precocious dog-lover, the teenager who spent summers surfing with his big brother, the UCLA student—suffers the effects of multiple hospitalizations, powerful drugs that blunt his emotions, therapies that don’t work, and torturous nights on the streets. Holding on to startling moments of hope and seeking solace in nature and community, Tanya learns how to abandon her fears for the future and accept the mysteries of her son’s altered states. With tenderness, lyricism, and generous candor, this compelling story conveys the power of a mother’s love. Zig-Zag Boy is both a moving lamentation for things lost and a brave testament to the people we become in difficult circumstances.

Contemporary Constructions of the Child: Essays in Honor of William Kessen (Psychology Revivals)

by Frank S. Kessel, Marc H. Bornstein and Arnold J. Sameroff

Originally published in 1991, this volume contains critical state-of-the-art essays on significant aspects of children's development and developmental inquiry. Among the topics examined: infant perception, action and social cognition; concept development and language; children's play; parent education; children with autism and Tourette’s Syndrome; pediatrics and child development; and science, practice, and gender roles in early child psychology. A distinctive unifying theme arises from the contributors’ discussions of substantive ideas in the context of their own impressive intellectual biographies. While providing a collective case-study in the recent history of ideas, the contributors honor the intellectual and personal influence of William Kessen.

The First Year and the Rest of Your Life: Movement, Development, and Psychotherapeutic Change

by Ruella Frank Frances La Barre

The movement repertoire that develops in the first year of life is a language in itself and conveys desires, intentions, and emotions. This early life in motion serves as the roots of ongoing nonverbal interaction and later verbal expression – in short, this language remains a key element in communication throughout life. In their path-breaking book, gestalt therapist Ruella Frank and psychoanalyst Frances La Barre give readers the tools to see and understand the logic of this nonverbal realm. They demonstrate how observations of fundamental movement interactions between babies and parents cue us to coconstructed experiences that underlie psychological development. Numerous clinical vignettes and detailed case studies show how movement observation opens the door to understanding problems that develop in infancy and also those that appear in the continuing nonverbal dimension of adult communication. Their user-friendly nonverbal lexicon – foundational movement analysis – enhances perception of emerging interactive patterns of parents and their babies, couples, and individual adults within psychotherapy. Clinicians in any setting will find this book to be a masterful application of infant research and movement theory that significantly augments clinical acumen and promotes greater understanding of the nonverbal basis of all relationships.

The Bodily Roots of Experience in Psychotherapy

by Ruella Frank

This book explores the significance of movement processes as they shape one’s experience through life. It provides a comprehensive, practical understanding of how we lose the wonder and curiosity we move with as children, and how we can reclaim that. A new paradigm is presented in the making of experience through a radical and thorough investigation into the basics of animated life. The book utilizes a precise phenomenological language for those subverbal interactions that form the foundation of lived experience. The centrality of those interactions to the therapeutic encounter is set forth through richly detailed therapy vignettes. The building of experience is meticulously explored via the bridging of infant-parent dyads and the functional similarity of those dyads to the unfolding patient-therapist relationship. Readers learn to acknowledge routine inhibitions developed in early life, appreciate their former usefulness, and discover how to restore the lively flow of moving-feeling responses. This book is essential for all psychotherapists who wish to integrate the dynamics of movement into their work; educators who work with babies and young children; and all those wishing to understand better their psychophysical selves.

Body of Awareness: A Somatic and Developmental Approach to Psychotherapy

by Ruella Frank

Merging scientific theory with a practical, clinical approach, Body of Awareness explores the formation of infant movement experience and its manifest influence upon the later adult. Most significantly, it shows how the organizing principles in early development are functionally equivalent to those of the adult. It demonstrates how movement plays a critical role in a developing self-awareness for the infant and in maintaining a healthy self throughout life. In addition, a variety of case studies illustrates how infant developmental movement patterns are part of the moment-to-moment processes of the adult client and how to bring these patterns to awareness within therapy. Body of Awareness is intended to help therapists, new or advanced, to enhance their skills of attunement. They can do this by heightening their observations of subtle movement patterns as they emerge within the client/therapist relationship, and by respective their own developing feelings within session as essential information to the therapy process. And as developmental patterns are central to psychological functioning, a background study of movement provides the therapist with critical insight into the unfolding psychodynamic field.

The Secret Life of the Dyslexic Child: How She Thinks. How He Feels. How They Can Succeed

by Robert Frank Kathryn E. Livingston

from the book jacket Dr. Robert Frank, whose own dyslexia didn’t stop him from becoming an educator, psychologist, and author, takes you inside the emotions and frustrations of children with learning disorders. In Part One, you’ll discover what your child never told you about: How your child’s mind works What your child is feeling The separate worlds of “Us” and “Them” In Part Two, you'll walk in your child’s shoes to see for yourself: * What it’s like to think like a dyslexic * What it feels like to be different * The emotions that can disrupt your child’s progress * How to bridge the gap between your child and others In Part Three, you’ll get a clear picture of: * The diagnosis of learning disorders * How your reaction affects your child In Part Four, you’ll receive expert advice to: * Establish goals for your child * Create a game plan for success, * Work better with teachers * Boost self-esteem * Find success at school, at home, in life Your child isn’t dumb. Your child isn’t lazy. Your child is dyslexic, and needs your help. Your child may need help reading and writing, but more than that, he needs you" to understand him. Now you can, as you. go inside the emotional life of children with learning differences. In The Secret Life of the Dyslexic Child, you’ll finally discover what your child goes through every day You will come to under-1 stand his struggles with things you take for granted, such as reading, writing, memory, and following directions. What’s more, you will learn, step by step, the best ways to help him reach his true potential.

Under the Influence: Putting Peer Pressure to Work

by Robert H. Frank

From New York Times bestselling author and economics columnist Robert Frank, bold new ideas for creating environments that promise a brighter futurePsychologists have long understood that social environments profoundly shape our behavior, sometimes for the better, often for the worse. But social influence is a two-way street—our environments are themselves products of our behavior. Under the Influence explains how to unlock the latent power of social context. It reveals how our environments encourage smoking, bullying, tax cheating, sexual predation, problem drinking, and wasteful energy use. We are building bigger houses, driving heavier cars, and engaging in a host of other activities that threaten the planet—mainly because that's what friends and neighbors do.In the wake of the hottest years on record, only robust measures to curb greenhouse gases promise relief from more frequent and intense storms, droughts, flooding, wildfires, and famines. Robert Frank describes how the strongest predictor of our willingness to support climate-friendly policies, install solar panels, or buy an electric car is the number of people we know who have already done so. In the face of stakes that could not be higher, the book explains how we could redirect trillions of dollars annually in support of carbon-free energy sources, all without requiring painful sacrifices from anyone.Most of us would agree that we need to take responsibility for our own choices, but with more supportive social environments, each of us is more likely to make choices that benefit everyone. Under the Influence shows how.

Under the Influence: Putting Peer Pressure to Work

by Robert H. Frank

From New York Times bestselling author and economics columnist Robert Frank, bold new ideas for creating environments that promise a brighter futurePsychologists have long understood that social environments profoundly shape our behavior, sometimes for the better, often for the worse. But social influence is a two-way street—our environments are themselves products of our behavior. Under the Influence explains how to unlock the latent power of social context. It reveals how our environments encourage smoking, bullying, tax cheating, sexual predation, problem drinking, and wasteful energy use. We are building bigger houses, driving heavier cars, and engaging in a host of other activities that threaten the planet—mainly because that's what friends and neighbors do.In the wake of the hottest years on record, only robust measures to curb greenhouse gases promise relief from more frequent and intense storms, droughts, flooding, wildfires, and famines. Robert Frank describes how the strongest predictor of our willingness to support climate-friendly policies, install solar panels, or buy an electric car is the number of people we know who have already done so. In the face of stakes that could not be higher, the book explains how we could redirect trillions of dollars annually in support of carbon-free energy sources, all without requiring painful sacrifices from anyone.Most of us would agree that we need to take responsibility for our own choices, but with more supportive social environments, each of us is more likely to make choices that benefit everyone. Under the Influence shows how.

The High-Beta Rich

by Robert Frank

high-beta rich (hi be'ta rich) 1. a newly discovered personality type of the America upper class prone to wild swings in wealth. 2. the winners (and occasional losers) in an economy that creates wealth from financial markets, asset bubbles and deals. 3. derived from the Wall Street term "high-beta," meaning highly volatile or prone to booms and busts. 4. an elite that's capable of wreaking havoc on communities, jobs, government finances, and the consumer economy. 5. a new Potemkin plutocracy that hides a mountain of debt behind the image of success, and is one crisis away from losing their mansions, private jets and yachts.The rich are not only getting richer, they are becoming more dangerous. Starting in the early 1980s the top one percent broke away from the rest of us to become the most unstable force in the economy. An elite that had once been the flat line on the American income charts - models of financial propriety - suddenly set off on a wild ride of economic binges. Not only do they control more than a third of the country's wealth, their increasing vulnerability to the booms and busts of the stock market wreak havoc on our consumer economy, financial markets, communities, employment opportunities, and government finances. Robert Frank's insightful analysis provides the disturbing big picture of high-beta wealth. His vivid storytelling brings you inside the mortgaged mansions, blown-up balance sheets, repossessed Bentleys and Gulfstreams, and wrecked lives and relationships:* How one couple frittered away a fortune trying to build America's biggest house --90,000 square feet with 23 full bathrooms, a 6,000 square foot master suite with a bed on a rotating platform--only to be forced to put it on the market because "we really need the money". * Repo men who are now the scavengers of the wealthy, picking up private jets, helicopters, yachts and racehorses - the shiny remains of a decade of conspicuous consumption financed with debt, asset bubbles, "liquidity events," and soaring stock prices. * How "big money ruins everything" for communities such as Aspen, Colorado whose over-reliance on the rich created a stratified social scene of velvet ropes and A-lists and crises in employment opportunities, housing, and tax revenues. * Why California's worst budget crisis in history is due in large part to reliance on the volatile incomes of the state's tech tycoons. * The bitter divorce of a couple who just a few years ago made the Forbes 400 list of the richest people, the firing of their enormous household staff of 110, and how one former spouse learned the marvels of shopping at Marshalls, filling your own gas tank, and flying commercial. Robert Frank's stories and analysis brilliantly show that the emergence of the high-beta rich is not just a high-class problem for the rich. High-beta wealth has national consequences: America's dependence on the rich + great volatility among the rich = a more volatile America. Cycles of wealth are now much faster and more extreme. The rich are a new "Potemkin Plutocracy" and the important lessons and consequences are brought to light of day in this engrossing book.From the Hardcover edition.

Better But Not Well: Mental Health Policy in the United States since 1950

by Richard G. Frank Sherry A. Glied

The past half-century has been marked by major changes in the treatment of mental illness: important advances in understanding mental illnesses, increases in spending on mental health care and support of people with mental illnesses, and the availability of new medications that are easier for the patient to tolerate. Although these changes have made things better for those who have mental illness, they are not quite enough. In Better But Not Well, Richard G. Frank and Sherry A. Glied examine the well-being of people with mental illness in the United States over the past fifty years, addressing issues such as economics, treatment, standards of living, rights, and stigma. Marshaling a range of new empirical evidence, they first argue that people with mental illness—severe and persistent disorders as well as less serious mental health conditions—are faring better today than in the past. Improvements have come about for unheralded and unexpected reasons. Rather than being a result of more effective mental health treatments, progress has come from the growth of private health insurance and of mainstream social programs—such as Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income, housing vouchers, and food stamps—and the development of new treatments that are easier for patients to tolerate and for physicians to manage. The authors remind us that, despite the progress that has been made, this disadvantaged group remains worse off than most others in society. The "mainstreaming" of persons with mental illness has left a policy void, where governmental institutions responsible for meeting the needs of mental health patients lack resources and programmatic authority. To fill this void, Frank and Glied suggest that institutional resources be applied systematically and routinely to examine and address how federal and state programs affect the well-being of people with mental illness.

Therapieziel Wohlbefinden: Ressourcen aktivieren in der Psychotherapie (Psychotherapie: Praxis)

by Renate Frank Christoph Flückiger

Dieses Buch stellt Psychotherapieansätze vor, die sich spezifisch auf Wohlbefinden, menschliche Stärken und seelische Gesundheit konzentrieren, u. a. ressourcenorientierte Psychotherapie, euthyme Therapie, Well-Being-Therapie, Mindfulness Based Therapy sowie narrative und Sinn fördernde Ansätze. Positive Psychologie und Wohlbefindensforschung finden immer mehr Beachtung: Was sind die Auswirkungen von Wohlbefinden, positiven Gefühlen, Zufriedenheit, konstruktiven Gedanken und eigenen Stärken? Wie begünstigen diese auch angesichts von Stress und Lebensbeeinträchtigungen ein erfülltes, produktives Leben? Und: Wie lässt sich Wohlbefinden im Rahmen einer Psychotherapie ganz direkt fördern? Geschrieben für ... Psychologische und Ärztliche Psychotherapeuten, Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeuten, Psychiater, Klinische Psychologen. Über die Herausgeber:innen: Dr. Renate Frank, promovierte Psychologin und Psychotherapeutin. Sie leitete die verhaltenstherapeutische Ambulanz der Universität Gießen; ihre Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkte: Wohlbefinden und Lebensqualität. Prof. Dr. phil. Christoph Flückiger, Psychotherapeut und Supervisor, Leiter der Spezialpraxis für Generalisierte Angststörungen Universität Zürich; seine Forschungs- und Lehrinteressen: Erforschung allgemeiner Wirkfaktoren in der Psychotherapie und in psychologischen Interventionen.

Variability and Consistency in Early Language Learning: The Wordbank Project

by Michael C. Frank Mika Braginsky Daniel Yurovsky Virginia A. Marchman

A data-driven exploration of how children's language learning varies across different languages, providing both a theoretical framework and reference.The Wordbank Project examines variability and consistency in children's language learning across different languages and cultures, drawing on Wordbank, an open database with data from more than 75,000 children and twenty-nine languages or dialects. This big data approach makes the book the most comprehensive cross-linguistic analysis to date of early language learning. Moreover, its data-driven picture of which aspects of language learning are consistent across languages suggests constraints on the nature of children's language learning mechanisms. The book provides both a theoretical framework for scholars of language learning, language, and human cognition, and a resource for future research.

The Pleasure Shock: The Rise of Deep Brain Stimulation and Its Forgotten Inventor

by Lone Frank

The electrifying, forgotten history of Robert Heath's brain pacemaker, investigating the origins and ethics of one of today's most promising medical breakthroughs: deep brain stimulationThe technology invented by psychiatrist Robert G. Heath at Tulane University in the 1950s and '60s has been described as one of "the most controversial yet largely undocumented experiments in US history"--controversial to us because Heath's research subjects included incarcerated convicts and gay men who wished to be "cured" of their sexual preference; controversial in its day because his work was allegedly part of MKUltra, the CIA's notorious "mind control" project. As a result, Heath's cutting-edge research and legacy were put under lock and key, buried in Tulane's archives. The ethical issues raised by his work have also been buried: This very same experimental treatment is becoming mainstream practice in modern psychiatry for everything from schizophrenia, anorexia, and compulsive behavior to depression, aggression, anxiety, and even drug and alcohol addiction.In the first book to tell the full story, the award-winning science writer Lone Frank has uncovered lost documents and accounts of Heath's pioneering efforts. She has tracked down surviving colleagues and patients. And she has delved into the current embrace of deep brain stimulation by scientists and patients alike. What has changed? Why do we today unquestioningly embrace this technology as a cure? How do we decide what is a disease of the brain to be cured and what should be allowed to remain unprobed and unprodded? The Pleasure Shock weaves together biography, neuroscience, psychology, the history of science, and medical ethics to explore our views of the mind and the self. How do we decide whether changes to the brain are acceptable therapy or are simply bias and bigotry?

Psychoanalytic Participation: Action, Interaction, and Integration (Relational Perspectives Book Series #16)

by Kenneth A Frank

In Psychoanalytic Participation: Action, Interaction, and Integration, Kenneth Frank argues that the gulf between analysis and what he terms "action-oriented" or cognitive-behavioral techniques is anachronistic and has unnecessarily limited the repertoire of analytically oriented clinicians. In point of fact, action-oriented and even cognitive-behavioral techniques may be employed in ways that are consistent with the analytic goal of promoting profound personality change, and so may be profitably incorporated into analytic treatments. Anchoring his discussion in a contemporary two-person model of psychoanalysis, Frank clarifies and extends the shift toward analyst participation that has developed within recent relational theorizing. On the basis of this orientation, which calls attention to the therapeutic importance of the real qualities of the analyst and of the analytic relationship, Frank sets forth a pragmatic analytic approach that balances traditional "process" elements with patients' problem-solving and outside progress in realizing life goals. By letting themselves be known by their patients and by participating intensively and actively in their treatment, analysts as analysts can help patients shape new and adaptive behaviors in their daily lives. It is the participatory possibilities growing out of a contemporary relational perspective that provide the ground for a rapprochement between psychoanalysis and cognitive-behavior therapy. To this end, Frank presents numerous examples of how action-oriented, cognitive-behavioral principles and techniques can be used to potentiate and accelerate the analytic process. At once scholarly and exploratory, pragmatic and visionary, Psychoanalytic Participation helps shepherd psychoanalysis into the 21st century while making psychoanalytic wisdom - both traditional and contemporary - available to the broad community of psychotherapists appreciative of the usefulness of cognitive-behavioral treatment strategies.

G-Strings and Sympathy: Strip Club Regulars and Male Desire

by Katherine Frank

Based on her experiences as a stripper in a city she calls Laurelton--a southeastern city renowned for its strip clubs--anthropologist Katherine Frank provides a fascinating insider's account of the personal and cultural fantasies motivating male heterosexual strip club "regulars. " Given that all of the clubs where she worked prohibited physical contact between the exotic dancers and their customers, in G-Strings and Sympathy Frank asks what--if not sex or even touching--the repeat customers were purchasing from the clubs and from the dancers. She finds that the clubs provide an intermediate space--not work, not home--where men can enjoyably experience their bodies and selves through conversation, fantasy, and ritualized voyeurism. At the same time, she shows how the dynamics of male pleasure and privilege in strip clubs are intertwined with ideas about what it means to be a man in contemporary America. Frank's ethnography draws on her work as an exotic dancer in five clubs, as well as on her interviews with over thirty regular customers--middle-class men in their late-twenties to mid-fifties. Reflecting on the customers' dual desires for intimacy and visibility, she explores their paradoxical longings for "authentic" interactions with the dancers, the ways these aspirations are expressed within the highly controlled and regulated strip clubs, and how they relate to beliefs and fantasies about social class and gender. She considers how regular visits to strip clubs are not necessarily antithetical to marriage or long-term heterosexual relationships, but are based on particular beliefs about marriage and monogamy that make these clubs desirable venues. Looking at the relative "classiness" of the clubs where she worked--ranging from the city's most prestigious clubs to some of its dive bars--she reveals how the clubs are differentiated by reputations, dress codes, cover charges, locations, and clientele, and describes how these distinctions become meaningful and erotic for the customers. Interspersed throughout the book are three fictional interludes that provide an intimate look at Frank's experiences as a stripper--from the outfits to the gestures, conversations, management, coworkers, and, of course, the customers. Focusing on the experiences of the male clients, rather than those of the female sex workers, G-Strings and Sympathy provides a nuanced, lively, and tantalizing account of the stigmatized world of strip clubs.

Trump on the Couch: Inside the Mind of the President

by Justin A. Frank

"A great public service--critical for our time."--Bandy X. Lee, M.D., M.Div., Yale psychiatrist, expert on violence, and editor of The Dangerous Case of Donald TrumpThe New York Times-bestselling author of Bush on the Couch shows that Donald Trump is mentally and emotionally unfit to execute the duties of President.No president in the history of the United States has inspired more alarm and confusion than Donald Trump. As questions and concerns about his decisions, behavior, and qualifications for office have multiplied, they point to one primary question: Does he pose a genuine threat to our country? The American Psychiatric Association's Goldwater Rule constrains psychiatrists from offering diagnoses on public figures who are not patients and who have not endorsed such statements. But in Trump on the Couch Clinical Professor of Psychiatry Justin A Frank invokes the moral responsibility that compels him to speak out and present a full portrait of a man who presents us with a clear and present danger.Using observations gained from a close study of Trump's patterns of thought, action, and communication, Dr. Frank uncovers a personality riddled with mental health issues. His analysis is filled with important revelations about our nation's leader, including disturbing insights into his childhood, his family, his business dealings, and his unusual relationship with alternative facts, including how * The absence of a strong maternal force during childhood has led to Trump's remarkable lack of empathy and disregard for women's boundaries; * His compulsion to polarize America has grown out of the way he perceives the world as full of deceitful and destructive persecutors; * His inability to tolerate the pain of frustration has triggered his belief that omnipotence will finally remove it; * His idiosyncratic use of language points to larger issues than even his tweets might suggest.With our country itself at stake, Dr. Frank calls attention to the underlying narcissism, misogyny, deception, and racism that drive the President who endangers it. A penetrating examination of how we as a nation got here and, more important, where we are going, Trump on the Couch sounds a call to action that we cannot ignore.

Obama on the Couch: Inside the Mind of a President

by Justin Frank

Even though he's three years into his term as President, many Americans feel like they don't know the "real" Barack Obama. From the idealistic campaigner who seemed to share our dreams, and who promised to fulfill our lofty expectations, to pragmatic politician who has repeatedly compromised on the promises of his campaign, it indeed seems as though there are two Obamas. What to make of this? How can the electorate get a better sense of its commander-in-chief, and how can the President more effectively lead a nation in a moment of turmoil and crisis? These questions are of great interest to most Americans, but the questions - and their potential answers - are especially intriguing for a psychiatrist eager to diagnose and help cure the ills that plague our country. Here, Justin Frank, M.D. ,a practicing psychoanalyst and the author of the New York Times bestseller Bush on the Couch - brings a new patient into his office, and the results of his sessions are not only fascinating, but they provide valuable insights that will help readers in their frustrating pursuit of the President's character. Obama's transformation over the course of his brief but incredibly well-examined political career has left some supporters disillusioned and has further frustrated opponents. To explore this change in behavior, and Obama's seeming inability to manage the response to his actions, Dr. Frank delves into his past, in particular, the President's turbulent childhood, to paint a portrait of a mixed-race child who experienced identity issues early in life, further complicated by his father's abandonment. As he addresses everything from Obama's approach to health care reform, his handling of the Gulf Oil spill, to his Middle East strategies, Dr. Frank argues that the President's decisions are motivated by inner forces - in particular, he focuses on Obama's overwhelming need to establish consensus, which can occasionally undermine his personal--and his party's--objectives. By examining the President's memoirs, his speeches, and his demeanor in public, Dr. Frank identifies the basis for some of his confusing or self-defeating behavior. Most significantly, he looks at the President's upbringing and explores the ways in which it has shaped him--and what this means for our nation and its future. Obama is a complex and mysterious figure who inspires many questions and great interest from Republicans, Democrats, and from the rabid 24-hour news cycle; this book provides what everyone's been looking for: an intriguing and provocative assessment of the President's strengths, weaknesses, and even what could be called his destructive tendencies, ultimately drawing connections that will enable readers to interpret recent history in revealing new ways. As Obama's first term comes to a close, speculation about the future will only grow more intense; Obama on the Couch will give average citizens and pundits alike a way to help all of us anticipate what the President will do next--and what the future of our country might hold. Dr. Justin Frank, a highly regarded national expert on psychoanalysis, is a clinical professor in the Department of Psychiatry at George Washington University Medical Center. He is a sought-after teacher and lecturer on psycho-political life in America. His numerous publications and media appearances range from articles in popular magazines to the New York Times-bestselling book, Bush on the Couch (HarperCollins 2004). Dr. Frank lives in Washington, DC with his wife and their two Portuguese Water Dogs, neither of which is related to Bo Obama.

Persuasion and Healing: A Comparative Study of Psychotherapy

by Jerome D. Frank Julia B. Frank

This popular study of "psychological healing"treats topics ranging from religious revivalism and magical healing to contemporary psychotherapies, from the role of the shaman in nonindustrialized societies to the traditional mental hospital. Jerome and Julia Frank (who are father and daughter) contend that these therapies share common elements that improve the "morale"of sufferers. And in combating the "demoralizing meaning"that people attach to their experiences, the authors argue, many therapies are surprisingly similar to rhetoric (the art of persuasion) and to hermeneutics (the study of meanings).Highly acclaimed in previous editions, Persuasion and Healing has been completely revised and expanded. In addition to a broadened exploration of the role of demoralization in illness, this latest edition offers updated information on topics including self-help, family therapy, psychopharmacology, psychotherapy for the mentally ill, and techniques such as primal therapy and bioenergetics. As they explore the power of "healing rhetoric"in these activities, the authors strengthen the ties among the various healing profession.

Mit neuer Autorität in Führung

by Frank H. Baumann-Habersack Arist Von Schlippe

Was ist das Geheimnis von Autorität – welche Form von Autorität benötigen Führungskräfte künftig? Diese Frage beantwortet Frank H. Baumann-Habersack fundiert, konkret, anschaulich, praxisbezogen. Dem Leser wird deutlich, was sich hinter dem Begriff „Neue Autorität“ verbirgt und warum Chefs, die erfolgreich führen wollen, sie benötigen. Der Autor ermutigt, einen Paradigmenwechsel in der Art des Führens zu vollziehen.Autoritäres Machtgehabe war gestern. Heute bedarf es transparenter, selbstkontrollierter, beharrlicher und vernetzter Führung. Frank H. Baumann-Habersack beschreibt als Pionier, wie Führen mit Neuer Autorität gelingt. Er skizziert die Möglichkeiten, wie der Wandel zu einer zeitgerechten Führungskultur gelingt. Führungskräfte lernen somit, ihre Wirksamkeit zu steigern – zum Wohle des Unternehmens, der Mitarbeiter und ihrer selbst.Mit einem Vorwort von Prof. Dr. Arist von Schlippe, dem Mitbegründer des Konzepts „Neue Autorität" in Deutschland.„Der Vergleich der beiden Arten alter zu neuer Autorität in der Führung ist sehr klar und überzeugend dargestellt.“ Prof. Haim Omer, Begründer des Konzepts „Neue Autorität“„Ein lesenswertes, praxisbezogenes Buch, das einen guten Überblick bietet.“ „Wirtschaft und Weiterbildung“, 3/2016

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