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Prediction and Change of Health Behavior: Applying the Reasoned Action Approach

by Dolores Albarracín Icek Ajzen Robert Hornik

Prediction and Change of Health Behavior honors the work of Martin Fishbein by illustrating the breadth and depth of the reasoned action approach. Focused on attitudes and their effects on health-related behavior, the book demonstrates the profound impact of Fishbein and Ajzen’s theories of reasoned action on attitude research and on the solu

Action and Inaction in a Social World: Predicting and Changing Attitudes and Behavior

by Dolores Albarracín

This book explains how actions and inactions arise and change in social contexts, including social media and face-to-face communication. Its multidisciplinary perspective covers research from psychology, communication, public health, business studies, and environmental sciences. The reader can use this cutting-edge approach to design and interpret effects of behavioral change interventions as well as replicate the materials and methods implemented to study them. The author provides an organized set of principles that take the reader from the formation of attitudes and goals, to the structure of action and inaction. It also reflects on how cognitive processes explain excesses of action while inaction persists elsewhere. This practical guide summarises the best practices persuasion and behavioral interventions to promote changes in health, consumer, and social behaviors.

Memory, Forgetting and the Moving Image

by Caterina Albano

Throughout this book we discover what our idea of memory would be without the moving image. This thought provoking analysis examines how the medium has informed modern and contemporary models of memory. The book examines the ways in which cinematic optic procedures inform an understanding of memory processes. Critical to the reciprocity of mind and screen is forgetting and the problematic that it inscribes into memory and its relation to contested histories. Through a consideration of artworks (film/video and sound installation) by artists whose practice has consistently engaged with issues surrounding memory, amnesia and trauma, the book brings to bear neuro-psychological insight and its implication with the moving image (as both image and sound) to a consideration of the global landscape of memory and the politics of memory that inform them. The artists featured include Kerry Tribe, Shona Illingworth, Bill Fontana, Lutz Becker, Yervant Gianikian and Angela Ricci Lucchi, Harun Faorcki, and Eyal Sivan.

Leer con niños

by Santiago Alba Rico

Un libro puede cambiar el mundo. Freud convenció a la tradición literaria occidental de que todos los niños quieren matar a sus padres cuando lo que en realidad nos cuenta la historia de Edipo -como varias decenas de mitos y relatos populares- es, al revés, que son los padres, o al menos los reyes, los que quieren matar, devorar o abandonar a sus hijos. Este libro, que cabalga entre el ensayo y la ficción, parte de una experiencia singular: la lectura compartida de la literatura sin etiquetas: Homero, Dickens, Canetti, Dante, Salinger... A partir de ahí plantea y responde a dos preguntas inseparables: «¿Para qué sirven los niños?» y «¿Para qué sirven los libros?». En una sociedad dominada por «solteros sin imaginación», en la que la infancia, exaltada en un escaparate, se ha vuelto más vulnerable que nunca y en la que la discontinuidad del niño y la continuidad del relato están radicalmente amenazadas, Santiago Alba Rico reivindica una especie de nuevo compromiso «materno» que una, como en la experiencia de Sherezade, los Cuentos y los Niños. De ello depende la educación, no de Edipo, sino de Layo; es decir, la educación de los asesinos. La crítica ha dicho...«Leer con niños va de niños y de libros, pero mucho más del niño que los adultos llevamos dentro, sin que falte el adulto que los niños llevan dentro.»El Mundo«Habla de la gente que defiende su tiempo para leer, de la vida en una época bárbara que pretende acabar con los relatos de carne y hueso, de las nuevas formas virtuales de dominación, de la pobreza, de las prisas crueles de un capitalismo que nos impone hábitos de solteros y de huérfanos.»Luís García Montero «Un libro cautivador y excitante, repleto de destellos: un libro valientemente interpelador en el que destacan las observaciones muy delicadas sobre los niños, fruto de una atención apasionada y amorosa.»Ignacio Echevarría, El Mercurio «Un libro delicado y brutal sobre para qué sirven los niños y, por lo tanto, para qué sirve la diferencia entre lo bueno y lo malo, lo horrible y lo maravilloso. Un libro necesario cuando esas diferencias parecen confusas a tantas personas.»Belén Gopegui «Tras muchos años de haber combatido la escuela y la familia como aparatos de reproducción ideológica, este libro vuelve a reivindicarlas desde la izquierda como espacios de resistencia.»Rebelió «Este ensayo sobre el papel de la literatura y la educación en la jungla salvaje del capitalismo contiene pistas impagables y preguntas inquietantes.»Javier Rodríguez Marcos, El País«Leer con niños [...] fluctúa entre el ensayo, la literatura, el periodismo y la autobiografía con una fluidez deslumbrante.»Darwin Palermo «Leer con niños es un tratado puro (y a veces duro) de ética y filosofía política, pero animado por un contagioso ritmo literario.»Alba Rico, Babelia, El País

Children of Refugees: Torture, Human Rights, and Psychological Consequences

by Aida Alayarian

There is a wide gap between the psychological needs of the children of refugees and the services provided. Refugees' home countries, cultures, and social make-up are widely diversified, and their needs cannot be readily consolidated. This diversity of interest and need goes unacknowledged by the service-providers who may treat them as a single, homogenous group. Some refugees' needs are exaggerated, while others are ignored. This approach often ignores the justifiable and legitimate interest of refugees' psychological wellbeing. Many children of refugees may struggle with questions of race, ethnicity, language barriers, and other socio-political and economic issues that can influence their mental health and psychological wellbeing. Preoccupations of the child's emotions with those issues therefore have effects on child personality formations. Apart from having an overview of the relevant processes involved in therapeutic work and possible challenges therein, it is also important for the therapist to have an overview of the child's situation in the past and any current issues, which this book provides.

Consequences of Denial: The Armenian Genocide

by Aida Alayarian

"Consequences of Denial" seeks to provide some awareness and understanding of the horrendous tragedy of the Armenian genocide. This book illuminates the little known fact that over two million innocent Armenians died at the hands of the Ottoman Empire between 1894 and 1922; a genocide that has been, and continues to be, denied by successive Turkish governments. In this book, the author demonstrates the need not only for remembrance, but first and foremost for the acknowledgement of genocides, from government level downwards. Only by taking adequate steps at personal, group, national and international levels to acknowledge such massacres, and the trauma they create, can humankind attempt to prevent such atrocities from ever happening again. By documenting the psychological effects of the forgotten Armenian genocide and by linking these effects to crossgenerational trauma and processes of response and denial, this book aims to shed light from a psychoanalytic perspective on an insufficiently researched aspect of this genocide.

Group Analysis for Refugees Experiencing Trauma

by Aida Alayarian

In this prescient and sensitive volume, Aida Alayarian looks at how psychoanalysis in group settings can benefit refugees who have experienced trauma, with an express focus on transference and countertransference. Group Analysis for Refugees Experiencing Trauma offers a comprehensive overview of trauma from a psychoanalytic perspective, before delving into the nuance of trauma experienced by asylum seekers, refugees and those who have gone through forced migration. Through clinical vignettes, Alayarian highlights the importance of the resilience that can be brought about from group sessions and shared experience in helping to heal the wounds of trauma. She looks at the vital role of social injustice in this trauma and shows how this can be directly applied to work with other groups experiencing human rights violations, destitution, and loss. She shows how looking at relational patterns as a means of understanding conscious, unconscious, and subconscious thought processes can provide essential breakthroughs with patients, as well as the importance of paying close attention to countertransference to avoid a breakdown of the clinical relationship. Using psychoanalytic theories from intercultural perspectives to show the multidimensional nature of work with trauma patients, this book is essential reading for psychoanalysts, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health experts working with refugees and patients experiencing trauma.

Handbook of Working with Children, Trauma, and Resilience: An Intercultural Psychoanalytic View (The\united Kingdom Council For Psychotherapy Ser.)

by Aida Alayarian

This book is a psychoanalytic discussion of the effects of trauma and torture on children, with a specific focus on how professionals can use an approach focused on resiliency rather than vulnerability to help the child reach wellbeing.Aida Alayarian argues that in a world where the torture, maltreatment, and neglect of children shamefully persist, it is incumbent upon all of us to intervene appropriately to put a stop to it. Whether in conference rooms developing a more comprehensive policy to hold perpetrators accountable, or working in clinics where traumatised children and their families seek help, the question of how we act to improve the opportunity for recovery in children and young people subjected to such inhumane treatment should be our primary concern. Handbook of Working with Children, Trauma, and Resilience discusses this salient issue, drawing on psychoanalytic perspectives of the effects of trauma on children, and looking specifically at the case of refugee children and families. Understanding challenging behaviour in traumatised children and the effects of refugee experience on families can help all concerned to offer more appropriate and effective support.

Resilience, Suffering and Creativity: The Work of the Refugee Therapy Centre

by Aida Alayarian

The trauma of refugee status is particularly corrosive. It does the usual harm of devastating our own self-image and sense of permanence in the world, but it does more. It is a dislocation from our familiar domestic geography and culture, and that must wrench from our grasp all the external markers by which we know ourselves and our worth. The threat of persecution, torture, and death is aimed at a complete destabilization. The result is a complex of anxieties that add up to far more than simple suffering. If therapy is primarily aimed at the gentle exposure of one's worst fears, then what purchase can it have on this most ungentle process of becoming a refugee?

Trauma, Torture and Dissociation: A Psychoanalytic View

by Aida Alayarian

Theoretical material is presented in close conjunction with clinical data in the form of vignettes and case studies to illustrate the key points outlined in this book, which focuses on the multidimensional approach to the understanding of childhood trauma. It examines the contributions of psychoanalysis, emphasising the act of 'dissociation' (healthy and unhealthy). Specific attention is given to the internalisation of the m/other/object as the 'listening other', and the dissociated part/s that may results in an over idealised yet feared object. The final discussion focuses on how patients in therapy become able to transform fears into 'psychic space' and to break away from vulnerability, by developing a better 'sense of self', as the result of having the therapist as the 'listening other'.

Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: An E-mental Health Approach to Depression and Anxiety

by Nazanin Alavi Mohsen Omrani

This book aims to provide the clinicians with details of online cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to facilitate care delivery for patients struggle with depression and anxiety. Chapters cover some of the most fundamental concepts for successful treatment, including experiments, action plans evidence, and the guidelines for managing, thoughts, feelings, and other key concerns. Designed to be a reader-friendly guide, each chapter opens with a summary of the content and a recap of concepts covered in previous sections, making this highly functional for individual chapter or whole book use. Each chapter also includes recommended tables and chart to facilitate the documentation of each recommended session, making this highly practical resource a vital tool for those who treat patients suffering from these particular mental health concerns.

Emotional Bullshit: The Hidden Plague that Is Threatening to Destroy Your Relationships-and How to S top It

by Alasko Carl Paul

An invisible disease is affecting every aspect of your life. Insidious and creeping, it shapes you everyday – from the bedroom to the boardroom, from your shopping splurge, to the extra helping at your holiday dinner, to the dangerous liaison at work. It’s called emotional bullshit, and it’s encroaching on your happiness. In Emotional Bullshit: The Hidden Plague That Is Threatening to Destroy Your Relationships – AND HOW TO STOP IT , Carl Alasko, Ph. D. sheds light on the stealth disease of Emotional BS: that is, the Toxic Trio of denial, delusion and blame that we fall back on when faced with difficult situations. These three dynamics work together to distort and manipulate truth, create a delusional reality, and shift blame when things fall apart. With the toxic trio in action, it’s all but impossible to get at the heart of the problem. The result, however, is obvious – no one can achieve happiness and fulfillment. And when used in the world of business, Emotional BS can lead to financial ruin. In his over twenty years working with individuals, couples and families as a psychotherapist, Dr. Alasko has come to recognize the same problem underlying all his patients’ unhappiness. When confronted with an unpleasant or inconvenient reality, they fall prey to the TOXIC TRIO: DENIAL: “My girlfriend enjoys a ‘good time’ at parties, sure. But she doesn’t have a drinking problem. ” Decoded: There is no problem. Everything is okay. You’re exaggerating See: the drinker, the overweight, the wallet full of maxed-out credit cards (pg 12) DELUSION: “Working late isn’t a problem. My family will understand when I get that big promotion. ” Decoded: I’ll tell you what’s true. Don’t believe what you see – believe me. See: the demanding boss, the neglected partner, the alienated friend (pgs 63, 138) BLAME: “She knew I hated sloppiness when she married me. Why can’t she pick up after herself?” Decoded: You’re the problem. I was forced to do it; I had no choice. See: the clean freak, sub-prime mortgages, Napoleon Bonaparte (pgs 45, 84) When the Toxic Trio works together, we become stuck in a cycle of emotional BS, preventing us from moving on or learning from our mistakes. Emotional bullshit’s pervasiveness in society can be found everywhere, from rising divorce rates, weight gain, and debt, to angry outbursts at work, loss of control over our children, and a lack of fulfillment in our lives. The solution is deceptively simple: You focus on your Core Needs, which is any behavior that advances your long-term best interest, and ask yourself the Master Question—“What do I need from this situation?”. Honestly addressing the larger issue – not just in the short term – cuts the BS in every relationship: between friends, co-workers, couples, in parenting and especially in business. Frank, concise and unapologetic, EMOTIONAL BULLSHIT sheds light on this hidden plague, and provides concrete advice to keep it from infiltrating your relationships. .

Beyond Blame

by Alasko Carl

The inspiring new book from the author of Emotional Bullshit reveals why no one is to blame-but everyone's accountable. For many, a rare day goes by in which the need to blame does not arise-be it to cover one's own errors or just to assign an unfortunate event some kind of name (i. e. , "If only X hadn't said X, we wouldn't be in this mess. ") And even for those who are somewhat better at keeping the impulse in check-it is still there. According to psychologist Carl Alasko, blame is such an intrinsic part of how we humans communicate that we rarely take a look at what we're actually doing-and how it can affect our relationships. In this book, Alasko reveals that the need to assign blame when something bad happens stems from a very deep desire we all share to "see justice done". Understandable when a grave crime has been committed, but it can become a dangerous habit if we begin to operate as though placing blame were somehow necessary if we want to change something or someone in our world. Yet this feeling that "someone has to pay" is seldom productive in initiating positive change. In Beyond Blame, Alasko teaches readers to recognize destruction that blame causes in their lives-oftentimes without their even being aware-and to put an end to it once and for all. The path to eliminating blame is not a quick or easy one but, as Carl Alasko demonstrates, it is a road that must be traveled if we hope to achieve true peace in our lives. .

Say This, Not That

by Carl Alasko

Do you words often crate the opposite effect of what you were hoping for―escalating tensions rather than solving problems? The author of Emotional Bullshit, Carl Alasko, believes that anyone can learn effective communication skills. In Say This, Not That, he provides simple instructions for what to say―and what not to say―in the moments when it really counts 9and not after the fact, when it doesn't). Accompanying each set of statements is a brief discussion about what makes one statement negative and destructive, and the other positive and effective. Guiding you in cultivating the ability to say what you really want to say in all areas of life―from dating and relationships to parenting and the workplace―Say This, Not That, is the ultimate resource for anyone who longs to consistently say the right thing at the right time. 'There's been a lot of conversation about holding better conversations, but in Say This, Not That, Carl Alasko takes you to a new level of practicality. With content your can apply immediately, you'll discover ways to enhance all of your relationships. ' John G. Miller, author of QBQ! The Question Behind the Question, Outstanding! and Parenting the QBQ Way'This straightforward, easy-to-use guide will help you find the right words to say in the trickiest of situations. ' Laurie Puhn, J. D. , author of Fight Less, Love More

Paths to Recovery: Al-Anon's Steps, Traditions and Concepts

by Al-Anon Family Groups

This comprehensive volume will guide Al-Anon members worldwide as they study the program's three legacies and put them to work in their lives.

Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Schizophrenic Psychoses: Past, Present and Future (The International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis Book Series)

by Yrjö O. Alanen

Highly Commended in the Psychiatry category at the 2010 BMA Medical Book Awards! Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Schizophrenic Psychoses brings together professionals from around the world to provide an extensive overview of the treatment of schizophrenia and psychosis. Divided into three parts – past, present and future – the book begins by examining the history of the treatment of schizophrenia and psychosis, with reference to Freud, Jung, Harry Stack Sullivan and Adolf Meyer, amongst others. Part two then takes a geographical look at treatment and its evolution in different parts of the world including the UK, USA, Northern Europe and Eastern Asia. Finally, part three covers the range of interventions, from pharmacological treatments to psychoanalytic psychotherapy to CBT, with the aim of helping to shape the future integration of treatment. With contributions from leading figures in the field, this book will provide a varied examination of treatment, and spark much-needed debate about its future. As such it will be essential reading for all mental health professionals, in particular those involved in psychiatry, psychology and psychotherapy.

Interactive Processes in Reading (Psychology Library Editions: Psychology of Reading #6)

by Alan M. Lesgold and Charles A. Perfetti

Originally published in 1981, this volume is the edited proceedings of a conference held at the Learning Research and Development Center of the University of Pittsburgh in September 1979. The 15 chapters share a number of common issues. These include the role of contextual influences on lexical access, specific models of lexical access and word pronunciation, speech and visual processes in reading, the role of knowledge in comprehension, and sources of skill difference and skill development.

Science and the Internet: Communicating Knowledge in a Digital Age

by Alan G. Gross and Jonathan Buehl

The essays in Science and the Internet address the timely topic of how digital tools are shaping science communication. Featuring chapters by leading scholars of the rhetoric of science and technology, the volume fills a much needed gap in contemporary rhetoric of science scholarship. Overall, the essays reveal how digital technologies may both fray the boundaries between experts and non-experts and enable more collaborative, democratic means of public engagement with science. --Lisa Keränen, PhD, Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies Department of Communication, University of Colorado Denver

Building Children’s Resilience in the Face of Parental Mental Illness: Conversations with Children, Parents and Professionals

by Alan Cooklin and Gill Gorell Barnes

Mental illness in a parent presents children with multiple challenges, including stigma, self-doubt and self-blame, ongoing anxiety and depression, that are rarely discussed in the public domain. This important new book, written by young people who have lived through these experiences, as well as professionals working alongside their families, highlights the relationships between children, parents and professionals, and the emotional issues they all face. A key focus of the book is the relationships in all combinations between the children, parents and professionals, as well as the responses to each other illustrated throughout. It will be ideal for all those working in the health, social and educational professions, as well as parents and children themselves.

Disparities in School Readiness: How Families Contribute to Transitions into School

by Alan Booth • Ann C. Crouter

Significant disparities exist in children's behavioral and learning capacities that support successful transitions into school. In this new volume, leading researchers from a variety of disciplines review the latest data on how families influence their children's transitions into school. The inequalities that exist in school readiness, the roots of

Todo sobre la adopción

by Eduard Solé Alamarja

Esta guía expone de forma clara y sencilla los procesos jurídicos, técnicos y de tramitación de solicitudes para llevara a cabo la adopción de menores, tanto en España como en otros países.

Nursing Practice during COVID-19: Preparation, Education and Support

by Kainat Alam Shipra Daniel Abdulaziz Alzahrani Waleed Hassan Almalki

This book highlights the progresses achieved in the role of nurses in the hospital, critical care unit, community field, hospital, and at home for patient care management in SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), especially in the South Asia and the Middle East. Nurses and allied health care professionals play a significant role in preventing and treating the infectious disease pandemic and epidemic that is COVID-19 and, on the front lines of treatment, they suffer an inescapable health risk due to the fact that they must live with, encounter, and accept the hazard of dealing with developing respiratory illnesses. Nurses also endure significant stress, burden, and mental health concerns as a result of worldwide respiratory epidemics. Because of this, nurses require ongoing assistance and training in order to increase their crisis preparation and efficacy while also coping with psychological issues and ensuring their own well-being. This book reflects the experience of Indianand Saudian nurses, develops on COVID-19 stress and challenges and informs on the technologies employed. Nurses' experiences caring for patients with COVID-19 around the world are scarcely documented. The research that has been done so far have mostly focused on the physical and psychological effects of stress. This expands on the role of nurse managers and hospital administration with key stakeholders emphasizing the need of providing support for nurses in their role, especially considering that the positive leadership responsibilities of nurse managers are highly regarded by nurses.

Handbook of Imagination and Mental Simulation

by Et. Al. Keith D. Markman William M. P. Klein

Over the past thirty years, and particularly within the last ten years, researchers in the areas of social psychology, cognitive psychology, clinical psychology, and neuroscience have been examining fascinating questions regarding the nature of imagination and mental simulation – the imagination and generation of alternative realities. Some of these researchers have focused on the specific processes that occur in the brain when an individual is mentally simulating an action or forming a mental image, whereas others have focused on the consequences of mental simulation processes for affect, cognition, motivation, and behavior. This Handbook provides a novel and stimulating integration of work on imagination and mental simulation from a variety of perspectives. It is the first broad-based volume to integrate specific sub-areas such as mental imagery, imagination, thought flow, narrative transportation, fantasizing, and counterfactual thinking, which have, until now, been treated by researchers as disparate and orthogonal lines of inquiry. As such, the volume enlightens psychologists to the notion that a wide-range of mental simulation phenomena may actually share a commonality of underlying processes.

The Culture of Mental Illness and Psychiatric Practice in Africa

by Emmanuel Akyeampong Allan G. Hill Arthur Kleinman

In many African countries, mental health issues, including the burden of serious mental illness and trauma, have not been adequately addressed. These essays shed light on the treatment of common and chronic mental disorders, including mental illness and treatment in the current climate of economic and political instability, access to health care, access to medicines, and the impact of HIV-AIDS and other chronic illness on mental health. While problems are rampant and carry real and devastating consequences, this volume promotes an understanding of the African mental health landscape in service of reform.

Children's Language: Volume 11: Interactional Contributions To Language Development (Children's Language Ser.)

by Ayhan Aksu-Koç Keith E. Nelson Carolyn E. Johnson

These volumes present coherent sets of papers developed along two of the thematic lines that underscored the program of the meeting of the International Association for the Study of Child Language in Istanbul in the summer of 1996. Thoroughly reviewed and updated to reflect the state of child language research and theory--particularly in the domains of discourse and interaction--they convey not only the flavor of that meeting but some of the most exciting trends in the field today. Each contribution in Volume 10,Developing Narrative and Discourse Competence, focuses on the differential effects of discourse genres, elicitation techniques, communicative contexts, literacy and schooling, and the oft-cited variables of age, language, and culture. Issues concerning the interrelations between social, cognitive, and affective capacities and processes in discourse are addressed. Each chapter raises theoretical questions regarding how and when representations are constructed to support new complexities. Presenting data from a cross-cultural and cross-linguistic perspective, this volume highlights both the particulars and the universals of the processes involved. The chapters in Volume 11, Interactional Contributions to Language Development, address issues including scaffolding of processing and learning in particular interactional sequences; linkages among interpersonal functions or relations, cognitive development, and semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic devices or forms; and models of how interactions proceed, input is selected, and learning advances across multiple rounds of interaction. Each of these volumes will be a valuable addition to the libraries of all who study the development of language.

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