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Acid Test: How a Daring Group of Psychonauts Rediscovered the Power of LSD, MDMA, and Other Psychedelic Drugs to Heal Addiction, Depression, Anxiety, and Trauma

by Tom Shroder

It's no secret that psychedelic drugs have the ability to cast light on the miraculous reality hidden within our psyche. Almost immediately after the discovery of LSD less than a hundred years ago, psychedelics began to play a crucial role in the quest to understand the link between mind and matter. With an uncanny ability to reveal the mind's remote frontiers and the unmapped areas of human consciousness, LSD and MDMA (better known as Ecstasy) have proven extraordinarily effective in treating anxiety disorders such as PTSD--yet the drugs remain illegal for millions of people who might benefit from them. Anchoring Tom Shroder's Acid Test are the stories of Rick Doblin, the founder and executive director of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), who has been fighting government prohibition of psychedelics for more than thirty years; Michael Mithoefer, a former emergency room physician, now a psychiatrist at the forefront of psychedelic therapy research; and his patient Nicholas Blackston, a former Marine who has suffered unfathomable mental anguish from the effects of brutal combat experiences in Iraq. All three men are passionate, relatable people; each flawed, each resilient, and each eccentric, yet very familiar and very human. Acid Test covers the first heady years of experimentation in the fifties and sixties, through the backlash of the seventies and eighties, when the drug subculture exploded and uncontrolled use of street psychedelics led to a PR nightmare that created the drug stereotypes of the present day. Meticulously researched and astoundingly informative, this is at once a personal story of intertwining lives against an epic backdrop, and a compelling argument for the unprecedented healing properties of drugs that have for decades been characterized as dangerous, illicit substances.

Acid Dreams: The CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond

by Martin A. Lee Bruce Shlain

Martin Lee and Bruce Shlain's exhaustively researched and astonishing account -- part of it gleaned from secret government files -- tells how the CIA became obsessed with LSD as an espionage weapon during the early l950s and launched a massive covert research program, in which countless unwitting citizens were used as guinea pigs. Though the CIA was intent on keeping the drug to itself, it ultimately couldn't prevent it from spreading into the popular culture; here LSD had a profound impact and helped spawn a political and social upheaval that changed the face of America.

Achtsamkeitstraining im Sport: Das Übungsprogramm zur Förderung der sportlichen Leistungsfähigkeit

by Darko Jekauc Lea Mülberger Susanne Weyland

Der Kreislauf der Emotionen kann wie kaum ein anderes Phänomen unsere Leistungen im Sport stark beeinflussen. Aus diesem Grund setzt eine Vielzahl an Spitzensportlern auf das Achtsamkeitstraining als eine Form des Trainings der mentalen Stärke und Emotionsregulation. Prominente Beispiele sind Novak Djokovic im Tennis, Phil Jackson im Basketball oder Malaika Mihambo in der Leichtathletik. Seit einigen Jahren werden die Vorteile eines achtsamkeitsbasierten Trainings ebenfalls in der Wissenschaft diskutiert und erste Studien belegen die positiven Effekte aus der Praxis. Insgesamt kann die Schlussfolgerung gezogen werden, dass Achtsamkeitstraining ähnlich wie Krafttraining wirkt: Die Fähigkeiten, die Konzentration aufrechtzuerhalten und die eigenen Emotionen zu regulieren, lassen sich wie ein Muskel trainieren.Dieses Buch erläutert anhand anschaulicher Praxisbeispiele die Bedeutung von Emotionen im Sport, die Geschichte der Achtsamkeit im Sport und die Wirkmechanismen von Achtsamkeitstraining für Sporttreibende. Im Fokus steht ein wissenschaftlich evaluiertes Achtsamkeitsprogramm für Freizeit- und Leistungssportler, das allein oder in einer Gruppe durchgeführt werden kann. Die acht Einheiten des Programms beinhalten praktische Übungen und Informationen zu den Hintergründen und Wirkungen dieser. Werden Sie Ihr eigener Mentaltrainer, um Ihre sportliche Leistungsfähigkeit nachhaltig zu steigern.

Achtsamkeit und Selbstmitgefühl: Anwendungen in der psychotherapeutischen Praxis (Psychotherapie: Praxis)

by Hinrich Bents Miriam Gschwendt Johannes Mander

Dieses Buch gibt einen Überblick über Konzepte und Praxis von Achtsamkeit und Selbstmitgefühl in der Psychotherapie, stellt störungsspezifische Anwendungen in der Erwachsenenpsychotherapie und in der Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie vor und skizziert Entwicklungen in unterschiedlichen Settings (von Paartherapie bis Onlinetherapie). Achtsamkeit und Selbstmitgefühl sind Prinzipien mit einer weit zurückreichenden Geschichte. Diese Traditionen erleben im psychosozialen Bereich eine Renaissance – vielleicht als sinnstiftendes Gegengewicht zu den unüberschaubar gewordenen komplexen Anforderungen einer multipel vernetzten Welt. Auch in die moderne, wissenschaftlich fundierte Psychotherapie haben Achtsamkeitskonzepte als theoretische Grundlage wie auch in praktischen Anwendungen Eingang gefunden. Geschrieben für … Psychologische und Ärztliche Psychotherapeuten, Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeuten, Psychiater, Ärzte aller Fachrichtungen, psychosoziale Berufe in Kliniken, Beratungsstellen und anderen komplementären Einrichtungen, Psychotherapeuten in der Ausbildung. Die Herausgeber: Dr. Hinrich Bents – Psychologischer Psychotherapeut, Geschäftsführender Direktor des Zentrums für Psychologische Psychotherapie der Universität Heidelberg (ZPP Heidelberg). Dr. Miriam Gschwendt – Psychologische Psychotherapeutin, Praxengemeinschaft Psychotherapie im Mathematikon, Heidelberg. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Johannes Mander – Psychologischer Psychotherapeut, stellvertretende Studienleitung und Psychotherapieforschung am ZPP Heidelberg.

Achtsamkeit in digitalen Zeiten: Ein persönlicher Wegweiser für mehr Ruhe in der Beschleunigung

by Lilian N. Güntsche

Dieses Buch eröffnet Ihnen einen ganz neuen Blick auf das brand-aktuelle und wichtige Thema Achtsamkeit: Erfolgreich arbeiten und always-on sein und gleichzeitig sorgsam mit sich umgehen - ist das überhaupt möglich? Ja, ist es! Die Autorin, selber achtsamer Workaholic mit kreativen Hobbies und überzeugte Großstädterin, erzählt in diesem Buch ihre persönliche Geschichte, begleitet von inspirierenden Interviews sowie handfesten Werkzeugen, wie Sie effizienter, erfolgreicher, gesünder und glücklicher werden. Ein Must-read über Menschlichkeit in der digitalen Welt, ein Plädoyer für Persönlichkeit in der flüchtigen Anonymität und eine bestechende Anleitung für Ruhe in der Beschleunigung. Mit diesem Buch lernen Sie Ihre eigene Stimme im Lärm des Alltags wieder zu hören! Aus dem Inhalt * Warum und wie Achtsamkeit mit leidenschaftlichem Arbeits-Spirit verbunden werden kann (und muss). * Wie Sie in der Beschleunigung entschleunigen. * Wie Sie eine gesunde Balance zwischen virtuellem und realem Leben finden und trotz der Fülle an Informationen fokussierter und zufriedener werden. Die Autorin Lilian Güntsche, CEO & Founder von Güntsche Concepts und The Dignified Self ist seit über zehn Jahren im Marketing- und Kommunikationsumfeld der Technologie- und Medienbranche aktiv. Sie unterstützt namhafte Industriekunden und Agenturen in der digitalen Strategieentwicklung, Projektsteuerung und im Marketing. Lilian Guntsche ist zudem Autorin und Sprecherin zum Thema Achtsamkeit sowie Jurymitglied in verschiedenen Branchengremien zu den Themen Mobile Health und Innovationen. Sie hat eine Leidenschaft fur Gesang, Meditation, Yoga und Reisen und lebt in Berlin.

Achtsamkeit in Bildungsprozessen: Professionalisierung und Praxis

by Telse Iwers Carola Roloff

Zum Thema „Achtsamkeit in Bildungsprozessen“ werden in diesem Sammelband theoretische Aspekte zur grundlegenden Bedeutsamkeit von Achtsamkeit in der Pädagogik als auch konkrete Praxisbeispiele bis hin zu schulischen Curricula versammelt. Im Fokus stehen pädagogische Professionalisierungsprozesse und Konzeptionen zur Anwendung von Achtsamkeitsprogrammen in der Hochschulbildung und in schulischen Kontexten.Per App: einfach die SN More Media App kostenfrei herunterladen, ein Bild oder einen Link mit dem Play-Button scannen und sofort die Übungen auf Smartphone oder Tablet ausspielen.

Achtsamkeit im Sport: Theorie und Praxis zu achtsamkeitsbasierten Verfahren in Freizeit, Training, Wettkampf und Rehabilitation

by Petra Jansen Florian Seidl Stefanie Richter

In vielen Lebens- und Berufsbereichen spielt die Achtsamkeit eine große Rolle, wenn es um die Reduktion von Stress und die Fokussierung der Aufmerksamkeit geht. Auch im Sport gewinnt das Konzept der Achtsamkeit zur Leistungssteigerung zunehmend an Bedeutung. Gerade in Wettkampfsituationen gilt es, den Kopf frei zu bekommen, wobei Achtsamkeit helfen kann.Dieses Fachbuch stellt zum einen die theoretischen Grundlagen der Achtsamkeit, des Sports und der Leistung dar. Es macht darüber hinaus auf die Vielfältigkeit des Sportbegriffs und auf die bereits bestehenden achtsamkeitsbasierten Sportprogramme aufmerksam. Der anschließende Praxisteil greift die unterschiedlichen Facetten des Sportbegriffs auf und bietet somit auf den Kontext des Sports bezogene praktische Achtsamkeitsübungen, die in Training, Wettkampf, Rehabilitation und im Freizeitsport eingesetzt werden können.

ACHTSAMKEIT: Lektionen zum Lesen vor dem Schlafengehen

by Dr Costa P.

Ieses Buch zielt darauf ab, einfache Geschichten, kleine, zugängliche Fabeln anzubieten, die es ermöglichen, die Welt, die anderen und sich selbst mit Abstand zu betrachten. Dies ist eine erste wesentliche Erkenntnis, damit die positiven Auswirkungen dieses Buches auch wirklich eintreten: Werden Sie sich der Sorgen, der Anforderungen von allen Seiten, der Last des Alltags, die auf den Schultern unseres Unterbewusstseins lastet, bewusst. Da ist diese kleine innere Stimme, die uns nie in Ruhe lässt. Kurz gesagt, es sind tiefgreifende Mechanismen am Werk, die dazu beitragen, uns das Leben zu "verderben". Dr. COSTA, P., der Patienten mit Schlafstörungen betreut, gibt sein Fachwissen über den Schlaf an Sie weiter, indem er diese 69 kleinen Geschichten in sieben Themen gruppiert, die Ihnen beim Nachdenken und Einschlafen helfen, indem sie zu einem rechtzeitigen Loslassen im Moment des Schlafs beitragen: Nicht-Urteilen: Die Geschichten laden dazu ein, die Macht der Beobachtung zu betrachten, d. h. in der Lage zu sein, sich selbst zu beobachten, unsere eigenen Automatismen zu beobachten, um nach und nach deren Einfluss zu lösen. Geduld: Sie ist eine wesentliche Tugend, die es für denjenigen zu entwickeln gilt, der Wohlbefinden und innere Ruhe sucht. Neuer Geist: Wie man sich an die Situationen des Lebens anpasst und eine Geisteshaltung entwickelt, um alle Erfahrungen zu schätzen. Vertrauen: Vertrauen und Selbstwertgefühl sind der unerlässliche Nährboden, um seinen wahren inneren Wert jenseits von Konditionierungen und dem Blick der anderen wiederzufinden. Abwesenheit von Anstrengung und Erwartung: In unserem Alltag kämpfen wir ständig mit dem Leben und der Realität, so wie sie ist. Wir "wollen" und dieses Wollen wird unter Schmerzen und mit Gewalt erreicht. Gibt es nicht auch einen anderen Weg zur Zufriedenheit? Akzeptanz der Dinge: Unser Geist verdreht die Realität, um sie seinen Vorstellungen anzupassen. In der Tat akzeptieren w

Achtsame Unternehmensführung: Plädoyer für ein sofortiges Umdenken im Management (essentials)

by Ronald Schnetzer

Keine andere Betätigung bietet so viele Chancen, unseren Mitmenschen zu Lernprozessen und innerem Wachstum zu verhelfen, wie eine ganzheitlich verstandene Achtsame Unternehmensführung. Ronald Schnetzer gibt kompakt und verständlich Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aus über 20 Jahren Beratung, Coaching und Training im Bereich Prozessmanagement weiter. Er zeigt, wie Unternehmensführung, Prozessmanagement, Selbsterkenntnis, Burnout-Prävention und Work-Life-Balance zusammenhängen. Anhand von nachvollziehbaren Schritten und Beispielen wird gezeigt, wie Achtsame Unternehmensführung insbesondere mittels Achtsamen Prozessmanagements in Unternehmen umgesetzt wird, um mit leistungsfähigeren und zufriedeneren Führungskräften und Mitarbeitendennachhaltigen Erfolg zu erzielen.

Achtsame Selbsterkenntnis: Work-Life-Balance kompakt und verständlich (essentials)

by Ronald Schnetzer

Immer mehr Menschen verbringen die besten Jahre ihres Lebens mit einem Job, den sie nicht mögen, um immer mehr Dinge zu kaufen, die sie nicht brauchen, um einen Lebensstil zu führen, den sie nicht genießen. Tatsachen, die bei manchen Zeitgenossen stilles Kopfnicken auslösen. Doch anstatt zu handeln, geht man zur Tagesordnung über und verschreibt sich dem Prinzip Hoffnung: ,,Irgendwann wird's schon besser. " Doch weit gefehlt! Ronald Schnetzer beleuchtet das Thema aus einem neuen Blickwinkel. Er zeigt, wie Selbsterkenntnis mit Work-Life-Balance zusammenhängt und sich privat und geschäftlich positiv auswirkt. Anhand von prägnanten Beispielen und eindrücklichen Erlebnisberichten zeigt er, wie man Achtsame Selbsterkenntnis umsetzt, um damit glücksfähiger zu werden.

Achilles in Vietnam: Combat Trauma and the Undoing of Character

by Jonathan Shay

In this strikingly original and groundbreaking book, Dr. Shay examines the psychological devastation of war by comparing the soldiers of Homer's Iliad with Vietnam veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Although the Iliad was written twenty-seven centuries ago it has much to teach about combat trauma, as do the more recent, compelling voices and experiences of Vietnam vets.

The Achilles Heel Reader: Men, Sexual Politics and Socialism (Routledge Revivals)

by Victor J. Seidler

First published in 1991, The Achilles Heel Reader brings together key articles from Achilles Heel, the path-breaking and influential magazine of men's sexual politics. It also includes an important introduction by the editor, setting the magazine in its intellectual and historical context. Achilles Heel, first published in 1978, was a magazine which explored positive conceptions of masculinity and the ways in which men can change in response to the challenge of feminism. It sought to persuade men to take responsibility for the power they share as men in relation to women - and to use this responsibility both in their personal relationships and in challenging the political and social institutions and practices that embody such power. This selection covers crucial issues in men's lives - work, sexuality, children, relationships, family, class, sharing the experience of different masculinities - and brilliantly catches the tensions and anxieties of men trying to cope with the interplay between their sexuality and their political commitments. By bringing the personal and the political together The Achilles Heel Reader reconsiders basic questions of socialist theory and practice. It will be of great value to students of sociology, women's studies, politics and cultural studies, as well as those interested in feminism as part of a process of reworking socialism.

Achieving Sustainable Workplace Wellbeing (Aligning Perspectives On Health, Safety And Well-being Ser.)

by Kevin Daniels Olga Tregaskis Rachel Nayani David Watson

In this groundbreaking interdisciplinary work, the authors focus on organizational analysis to understand workplace wellbeing, deviating from previous research that mostly looks at the individual worker or intervention. In addressing the question of why workplace health and wellbeing practices initiatives fall short of delivering sustained improvements in worker wellbeing, this book moves beyond localized explanations of the failure of specific interventions. Instead, it creates theoretical frameworks that explain how wellbeing at work can be improved and sustained. The authors use evidence from systematic and comprehensive surveys of the literature as well as new empirical research, and present an explanatory framework of the processes through which organizations change to implement and accommodate workplace health and wellbeing practices. Learning, adaptation and continuation explain successful implementation of workplace health and wellbeing practices, while Gestalting, fracturing and grafting explain how organizations resolve or negotiate conflict between health and wellbeing practices and existing organizational procedures, systems and practices. In addition, the authors reflect on the implications for research of reframing the unit of analysis as the organization and how studies on workplace wellbeing practices can provide a conceptual platform for thinking about the way organizations can create social value in a broader sense. This book, authored by experts in their field, is a great resource for academics and professionals of organizational studies and of worker wellbeing across the social sciences, behavioural sciences, business and management courses, wellbeing research, and labour studies.

Achieving Quality of Life at Work: Transforming Spaces to Improve Well-Being

by Suhana Mohezar Noor Ismawati Jaafar Waqar Akbar

This book provides an understanding and imaging of how a stress-free workplace might be designed and implemented in the context of the ‘new normal.’ Statistics show that more and more people are experiencing an increase in work-related stress, and its impact on individual psychology and well-being as well as organizational performance can be devastating. Globally, the most recent data on work-related illnesses account for 2.4 million deaths. Against this backdrop, and taking stock of how the pandemic is affecting the workplace and employee well-being, this book proposes transformations in work spaces, from implementing effective “greening” features, to more efficient technology-supported spaces. It establishes links between workplace design and creativity, happiness and productivity, confronting related issues such as generation gaps, digital interruptions, collaborative work environments and sustainability, and their respective connections with workspace environment and well-being. The book situates this discussion within a broader discussion on work and quality of life. Furthermore, the book demonstrates how several sustainable development goals might be achieved through transformed work spaces. Through an intersection between organizational psychology, well-being and quality of life studies, sociology, human resources, and ergonomics, this book is a timely examination of work-related stress in relation to work spaces that require rethinking and transformation in the throes, and wake, of the pandemic.

Achieving Peak Performance in Music: Psychological Strategies for Optimal Flow

by Sarah Sinnamon

Achieving Peak Performance in Music: Psychological Strategies for Optimal Flow is a unique and comprehensive exploration of flow in music performance. It describes the optimal performance experiences of great musicians and outlines ten psychological steps that can be implemented to facilitate and enhance optimal experience. Achieving Peak Performance in Music reveals strategies used by experts to prepare themselves emotionally, cognitively, and physically for performance. Combining this information with research carried out amongst professional performers and knowledge gained from decades of study and research by psychologists on how to achieve a positive experience, the book guides readers on a pathway towards optimal performance. Using everyday language, it presents invaluable practical guidance and a toolbox of strategies to help with all aspects of performance, including memorisation, visualisation, focus, performance anxiety, thought management, motivation, and pre-performance routines. Based on psychological research, the book shares practical knowledge invaluable to music students, parents, and amateur and professional musicians. The strategies on performance provided are applicable to every type of performance, from a student exam to a gig or a concert, making Achieving Peak Performance in Music a significant resource for anyone looking to achieve peak performance.

Achieving Inner Balance in Anxious Times

by Barbara Killinger

Clinical psychologist Dr Barbara Killinger offers insights and a variety of techniques that she developed in working with her clients over the years. Through their stories, she illustrates the dynamics of workaholism, showing how it produces profound personality changes, negatively affects family interactions, and reduces effectiveness at work. She explains the dynamics of how workaholism can result in the loss of personal and professional integrity, and why ambitious, perfectionistic people typically become obsessive and increasingly narcissistic. Achieving Inner Balance in Anxious Times shows us how to become aware of the darker side of our personalities, and how to avoid conflict and power struggles by establishing clear ego boundaries that help build mutual trust and respect in our personal and professional lives. The achievement of inner balance makes work-life balance possible.

Achieving Inner Balance in Anxious Times

by Barbara Killinger

Clinical psychologist Dr Barbara Killinger offers insights and a variety of techniques that she developed in working with her clients over the years. Through their stories, she illustrates the dynamics of workaholism, showing how it produces profound personality changes, negatively affects family interactions, and reduces effectiveness at work. She explains the dynamics of how workaholism can result in the loss of personal and professional integrity, and why ambitious, perfectionistic people typically become obsessive and increasingly narcissistic. Achieving Inner Balance in Anxious Times shows us how to become aware of the darker side of our personalities, and how to avoid conflict and power struggles by establishing clear ego boundaries that help build mutual trust and respect in our personal and professional lives. The achievement of inner balance makes work-life balance possible.

Achieving Excellence in Your Coaching Practice: How to Run a Highly Successful Coaching Business (Essential Coaching Skills and Knowledge)

by Gladeana McMahon Stephen Palmer Christine Wilding

What are the essential skills needed to set up and run a successful coaching practice? Coaching is the new growth industry in the UK and coaching as a profession is increasingly becoming an attractive option for motivated professionals. Achieving Excellence in Your Coaching Practice provides a practical and accessible guide to the business skills needed to succeed as a self-employed coach. It focuses on every aspect of setting up and developing a professional and successful coaching practice, including discussion of how to market your business, manage your resources, assess risk, and promote a professional image. Assuming no prior knowledge or experience of running a business, this book provides an invaluable guide to the major financial, legal and practical issues involved in setting up a coaching practice. It will be welcomed by all coaches, whatever their level of experience.

Achieving Best Behavior for Children with Developmental Disabilities: A Step-By-Step Workbook for Parents and Carers

by Pamela Lewis

Achieving good behavior and social skills in a child with developmental disabilities can often be very difficult, and methods that improve behavior in other children are often unsuitable or ineffective. Achieving Best Behavior for Children with Developmental Disabilities is an accessible workbook designed specifically for parents of children with developmental disabilities. It offers practical, hands-on advice and step-by-step instructions for drawing up and implementing behavior plans that successfully address and improve challenging behaviors. The book is also full of interactive checklists and activities that help to monitor and assess behaviors and track a child's development. The author also explains the reasons for children's behaviors and gives a wealth of practical advice on how to deal with specific situations, from shopping trips and getting a haircut to dentist appointments and children's birthday parties. Primarily for parents and carers of children with developmental disabilities, this book will also be of use to teachers, school psychologists, occupational therapists, speech/language therapists, social workers and anyone working with children with developmental disabilities.

Achievement Relocked: Loss Aversion and Game Design (Playful Thinking)

by Geoffrey Engelstein

How game designers can use the psychological phenomenon of loss aversion to shape player experience.Getting something makes you feel good, and losing something makes you feel bad. But losing something makes you feel worse than getting the same thing makes you feel good. So finding $10 is a thrill; losing $10 is a tragedy. On an “intensity of feeling” scale, loss is more intense than gain. This is the core psychological concept of loss aversion, and in this book game creator Geoffrey Engelstein explains, with examples from both tabletop and video games, how it can be a tool in game design. Loss aversion is a profound aspect of human psychology, and directly relevant to game design; it is a tool the game designer can use to elicit particular emotions in players. Engelstein connects the psychology of loss aversion to a range of phenomena related to games, exploring, for example, the endowment effect—why, when an object is ours, it gains value over an equivalent object that is not ours—as seen in the Weighted Companion Cube in the game Portal; the framing of gains and losses to manipulate player emotions; Deal or No Deal's use of the utility theory; and regret and competence as motivations, seen in the context of legacy games. Finally, Engelstein examines the approach to Loss Aversion in three games by Uwe Rosenberg, charting the designer's increasing mastery.

The Achievement Motive

by David C. McClelland

This book contains a summary of research on the achievement motive conducted mainly at Wesleyan University during the period January 1, 1947, to January 1, 1952, under the continuous moral and financial support of the Office of Naval Research. It provides a practicable method of measuring one of the most important human motives, a method, moreover, which in all probability can be applied to other motives with equal success. Secondly, the book contains what we believe to be an important contribution to psychological theory—at least to the theory of motivation. Finally, the book contains a great deal of information about the achievement motive and related variables.In personality theory there is inevitably a certain impatience—a desire to solve every problem at once so as to get the "whole" personality in focus. The authors have proceeded the other way. By concentrating on one problem, on one motive, they have found in the course of their study that they have learned not only a lot about the achievement motive but other areas of personality as well. So they feel that this book can be used as one basis for evaluating the degree to which a "piecemeal" approach to personality is profitable, an approach which proceeds to build up the total picture out of many small experiments by a slow process of going from fact to hypothesis and back to fact again.

Achievement And Addiction: A Guide To The Treatment Of Professionals

by Edgar P. Nace

Achievement and Addiction strives to answer those difficult questions, and, in so doing, to provide mental health professionals with the expertise necessary successfully to guide this unique population on their journey toward recovery

Achievement Addiction (Re: CONSIDERING)

by Justine Toh

Re:CONSIDERING invites you to look at what’s familiar from an unfamiliar angle. To consider how we consider things – and how to do it better.Are you an achievement addict? It’s hard not to be one given our collective obsession with success.Students fear that the ATAR will sum up not just their schooling career, but also their individual worth. Australians aren’t just mad for sporting victory – skyrocketing house prices show we’re equally hooked on owning property. Then there are the furious work habits of Silicon Valley CEOs, violin prodigies, and tiger mums.Why do we constantly strive for our significance – and could you quit the habit if you tried?

Achieve Your Potential with Positive Psychology: Teach Yourself

by Tim Lebon

Everybody wants to be happier and fulfil their potential, and for years many self-help books have claimed they know the answer. Only in the last two decades has Positive Psychology started to provide evidence-based ideas that have been scientifically shown to work. In this book psychotherapist, lecturer and life coach Tim LeBon shows you how you can use the tools coming from Positive Psychology to achieve your goals. You will discover how ideas from CBT, mindfulness and practical philosophy can produce a more balanced, wiser version of Positive Psychology. Learn how to: * flourish and be happier * maintain and sustain positive relationships * find more meaning in life and accomplish more * become wiser and more resilient * discover the real benefits that a genuine understanding of positive psychology can bring.

Achieve Your Potential with Positive Psychology: CBT, mindfulness and practical philosophy for finding lasting happiness

by Tim Lebon

Everybody wants to be happier and fulfil their potential, and for years many self-help books have claimed they know the answer. Only in the last two decades has Positive Psychology started to provide evidence-based ideas that have been scientifically shown to work.In this book psychotherapist, lecturer and life coach Tim LeBon shows you how you can use the tools of Positive Psychology to achieve your goals. You will discover how ideas from CBT, mindfulness and practical philosophy can produce a more balanced, wiser version of Positive Psychology. Learn how to:* flourish and be happier* maintain and sustain positive relationships* find more meaning in life and accomplish more* become wiser and more resilient* discover the real benefits that a genuine understanding of positive psychology can bring."This book has a wealth of information and fascinating case studies which will take you on a fulfilling journey through the relatively new perspective of positive psychology. Tim LeBon does not leave you to fend alone but encourages us to take responsibility for ourselves through guided action plans, diagnostic tests and key ideas leading to newer and fresher outlooks. I would encourage anyone interested in positive psychology to soak this book up and take a step towards a better life."Ilona Boniwell, Associate Professor at Ecole Centrale Paris and author of Positive Psychology in a Nutshell

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