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The Stranger in the Mirror: Dissociation—The Hidden Epidemic

by Marlene Steinberg Maxine Schnall

Discover groundbreaking findings on a hidden epidemic -- and why it so often is misdiagnosed.You peer into the mirror and have trouble recognizing yourself. You feel as if you're going through the motions of life or you're watching a movie of yourself.These are all symptoms of dissociation -- a debilitating psychological condition involving feelings of disconnection that affects 30 million people in North America and often goes untreated. The Stranger in the Mirror offers unique guidelines for identifying and recovering from dissociative symptoms based on Dr. Marlene Steinberg's breakthrough diagnostic test. Filled with fascinating case histories of people with multiple personalities, this book provides enlightening insights into how all of us respond to trauma and overcome it. Her innovative method of treatment will benefit anyone in search of a healthier sense of self and a heightened capacity for joy.

Coming of Age on Zoloft

by Katherine Sharpe

When Katherine Sharpe arrived at her college health center with an age-old complaint, a bad case of homesickness, she received a thoroughly modern response: a twenty-minute appointment and a prescription for Zoloft--a drug she would take for the next ten years. This outcome, once unlikely, is now alarmingly common. Twenty-five years after Prozac entered the marketplace, 10 percent of Americans over the age of six use an SSRI antidepressant. In Coming of Age on Zoloft, Sharpe blends deeply personal writing, thoughtful interviews, and historical context to achieve an unprecedented portrait of the antidepressant generation. She explores questions of identity that arise for people who start medication before they have an adult sense of self. She asks why some individuals find a diagnosis of depression reassuring, while others are threatened by it. She presents, in young people's own words, their intimate and complicated relationships with their medication. And she weighs the cultural implications of America's biomedical approach to moods.

Stations of the Mind

by William Glasser

Stations of the Mind is a logical and necessary expansion of William Glasser's basic Reality Therapy ideas, an expansion which began with Positive Addiction about meditation, running, and other "good" addictions. In clear, nontechnical language, this book tells how our brains function in living-specifically what we do, think, and feel. Any reader can use it to make a major impact on the social sciences, medicine, and the growing field of meditation. Dr. Glasser's thesis, based on the Control System Psychology of William Powers, a student of cybernetics and consultant on this book, is that we, like all living creatures, are internally motivated. All of us are driven by powerful internal forces that push us not only to survive, but toward belonging, worthwhileness, fun, and freedom. From these and perhaps our other basic needs, we construct a complex, unique a personal world. Our brain then acts as the control system that deals with the real world to try and control it so that it comes as close as possible to our personal world. Glasser points out that what happens outside us in the real world is of little or no significance unless it relates to what is already inside us in our personal world. This new, human, internally motivated psychology contrasts sharply with the standard, external, mechanical, stimulus-response behavior psychology currently so popular. Glasser strips away much of the mystery that has surrounded the workings of our mind. Those who read the book carefully need never again be puzzled as to how we behave or about many of the whys of our behavior. It explains the common psychological upsets-from acting out to depression, from nonmedical pain and disability to psychoses. Dr. Glasser sets forth a new usable explanation of how addictive drugs work in the brain and why we use them. He also explains how our brain malfunctions and causes us to suffer psychosomatic illnesses. Finally, as we understand how our brain struggles to fulfill our needs, we will gain valuable insight into our most pressing social problem-how to get along with each other; that must come through negotiation and compromise. Our brain is not built to do otherwise. Here is a carefully developed thesis, a clear explanation of complex ideas, and a wide variety of ways that we can use them in our lives and our work.

Cosmic Ordering: How to Make Your Dreams Come True

by Jonathan Cainer

Cosmic Ordering is about wishing, about asking, and about making the impossible, possible. You can fill your life with more of what you want—and less of what you don’t. However big or small, your wishes are attainable. But how do you know what you really want? From order to delivery, Jonathan Cainer, the internationally famous astrologer for the The Daily Mail, will lead you through all the steps of the creed that has become a worldwide phenomenon.Learn how to decide what you really want, announce to the universe your intention to get it, and get it delivered. Call on the cosmos to change your life and realize your dreams with Cosmic Ordering!

Reality Therapy

by William Glasser

Glasser's classic bestseller, with more than 500,000 copies sold, examines his alternative to Freudian psychoanalytic procedures, explains the procedure, contrasts it to conventional treatment, and describes different individual cases in which it was successful.

Reality Therapy

by William Glasser

Glasser's classic bestseller, with more than 500,000 copies sold, examines his alternative to Freudian psychoanalytic procedures, explains the procedure, contrasts it to conventional treatment, and describes different individual cases in which it was successful.


by William Glasser

The author of Reality Therapy and Take Effective Control of Your Life shows readers how to gain strength and self-esteem through positive behavior.

The Family Crucible: The Intense Experience Of Family Therapy

by Augustus Y. Napier

This extraordinary book presents scenarios of one family's therapy experience and explains what underlies each encounter. You will discover the general patterns that are common to all families-stress, polarization and escalation, scapegoating, triangulation, blaming, and the diffusion of identity--and you will gain a vivid understanding of the intriguing field of family therapy.

The Egoscue Method of Health Through Motion: A Revolutionary Program That Lets You Rediscover the Body's Power to Protect and Rejuvenate Itself

by Pete Egoscue Roger Gittines

No one is immune. For people from champion athletes to desk-bound white-collar professionals, many simple acts of life--a relaxing evening stroll through the neighborhood, an exhilarating run along a sandy beach, just bending down to tie a loose shoelace-are often acts of torture. The walking wounded suffer from torn rotator cuffs, tennis elbow, jogger's knees, bad backs, stiff necks, sore feet, and swollen ankles. It could, without exaggeration, be called a modem epidemic. In this brilliant book, renowned anatomical functionalist Pete Egoscue identifies the epidemic's causes and effects. By recognizing that the human body is dependent on adequate motion to maintain its full range of physical functions, he has revolutionized both the treatment of musculoskeletal pain and the techniques for training athletes to achieve peak performance levels. Brimming with common sense and practical advice, the heart of this important book consists of twenty-two easy-to-do, highly effective exercises that stretch, strengthen, and relax the body, allowing a return to proper alignment.

A Life Worth Living: The 9 Essentials

by Barrie Sanford Greiff

Inspirational and heartwarming, A Life Worth Living provides a insightful guide to living life meaningfully and well. In a time when everyday life is dominated by the pursuit of material wealth, Dr. Barrie Sanford Greiff has redefined "net worth" as a life not dominated by the financial bottom line. Weaving together memorable stories and insights gathered during his long tenure as a Harvard psychiatrist, Greiff highlights in this though-provoking book nine essentials that make true worth: Loving, Learning, Laboring, Laughing, Lamenting, Linking, Living, Leading and Leaving. By heightening our awareness of these essentials in our lives, he reasons, we can find the path to spiritual worth -- and learn that sharing life lessons is the best way to make our lives worthwhile. Both pragmatic and uplifting, A Life Worth Living offers an inspiring remedy for the spiritual myopia of our time.

Prisoners Of Hate: The Cognitive Basis of Anger, Hostility, and Violence

by Aaron T. Beck

"Prisoners of Hate offers a profound analysis of a most pressing human challenge: the causes—and prevention—of hatred. Of the many important books Aaron Beck has written, this may be his greatest gift to humanity." —Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional IntelligenceWorld-renowned psychiatrist Dr. Aaron T. Beck has always been at the forefront of cognitive therapy research, his approach being the most rapidly growing psychotherapy today. In his most important work to date, the widely hailed father of cognitive therapy presents a revolutionary look at destructive behavior—from domestic abuse to genocide to war—and provides a solid framework for remedying these crucial problems. In this book, Dr. Beck:Illustrates the specific psychological aberrations underlying anger, interpersonal hostility, ethnic conflict, genocide, and war;Clarifies why perpetrators of evil deeds are motivated by a belief that they are doing good;Explains how the offenders are locked into distorted belief systems that control their behavior and shows how the same distortions in thinking occur in a rampaging mob as in an enraged spouse;Provides a blueprint for correcting warped thinking and belief systems and, consequently, undercutting various forms of hostility; andDiscusses how the individual and society as a whole might use the tools of psychotherapy to block the psychological pathways to war, genocide, rape, and murder.

Emergenetics (R)

by Geil Browning

Who you are today is a result of certain characteristics that have emerged from your life experiences, plus the genetics with which you were born. This interplay between nature and nurture is the foundation of Emergenetics®, a brain-based approach to personality profiling that gives you the keys you need to discover not only your own natural strengths and talents, but also those of others. You will discover your thinking style (Conceptual, Social, Analytical, or Structural) and your behavioral set points (your degree of Expressiveness, Assertiveness, and Flexibility). These insights will help you recognize how you approach new situations, how you get things done, how others see you, how to enhance relationships, and how to communicate with people who are not like you. Applying Emergenetics® to the workplace will enable you to make optimal career decisions, boost your creativity and performance, increase profits, make better decisions, assemble "brain trust" teams, write effective performance reviews, make presentations that appeal to everyone, sell to all kinds of customers, and motivate all kinds of employees. Emergenetics® offers invaluable insights instantly, and paves the way to personal growth, satisfaction, and success.

Stop Pretending

by Sonya Sones

It happens just like that, in the blink of an eye. An older sister has a mental breakdown and has to be hospitalized. A younger sister is left behind to cope with a family torn apart by grief and friends who turn their backs on her. But worst of all is the loss of her big sister, her confidante, her best friend, who has gone someplace no one can reach.In the tradition of The Bell Jar, I Never Promised You a Rose Garden, and Lisa, Bright and Dark comes this haunting first book told in poems, and based on the true story of the author's life. 2000 Best Books for Young Adults (ALA) and 2000 Quick Picks for Young Adults (Recomm. Books for Reluctant Young Readers)

Lateral Thinking: Creativity Step by Step

by Edward de Bono

“This could be a very useful book for teachers and non-teachers alike. Dr. DeBono does not claim to be able to turn us all into Miltons, Davincis, and Einsteins…but his techniques provide an alternative to just sitting around waiting for the Muse to appear. The Muse never appears to most of us—hence the value of this book.”— David Cohen, Times Educational SupplementThe first practical explanation of how creativity works, this results-oriented bestseller trains listeners to move beyond a “vertical” mode of thought to tap the potential of lateral thinking“The underlying argument of the book is that there are two kinds of thinking—vertical and lateral. Most of us are educated to think vertically, to go from one logical step to the next, moving all the time towards the one correct solution of our problem. We are not usually educated to be creative, to generate idea after idea….“Dr. DeBono argues that the function of vertical, logical thinking is to argue what is wrong. It is a very useful way of thinking, but it is not the only useful way. To claim it is, is the sort of intellectual arrogance that makes creative thinking unlikely….

10-Minute Life Lessons for Kids: 52 Fun and Simple Games and Activities to Teach Your Children Honesty, Trust, Love, and Other Important Values

by Jamie C. Miller

52 playful and easy to understand activites to hhelp parents teach children moral lessons that they won't forget A child says, "I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand." 10-Minute Life Lessons for Kids is a book about seeing and doing--a book that gives parents the ability to teach the powerful principles of honesty, trust, generosity, love, and other values. Children will discover the objectives themselves as they actively participate in fun games and activities. The games can be done in any order, with very little planning and with very few supplies--just common objects most people have around the house like toothpicks, string, pennies, or an apple. Some can be done while riding in the car, and others can be expanded to fill a whole evening with family fun. The activities in 10-Minute Life Lessons for Kids will not only create cozy and enjoyable moments of family togetherness, they will have a lasting impact on your growing child.

Quality School RI

by William Glasser

"This should be required reading by every school administator, every teacher, every board member and all university faculty involved in the training of teachers. There is no doubt that we need to squeeze all blame, all coerion and all criticism out of any people-related business. Not until we realize that schools are in a people business will we ever be able to make meaningful changes."--Dr. Albert Mamary, former superintendent of schools, Johnson City, New York

Quality School RI

by William Glasser

"This should be required reading by every school administator, every teacher, every board member and all university faculty involved in the training of teachers. There is no doubt that we need to squeeze all blame, all coerion and all criticism out of any people-related business. Not until we realize that schools are in a people business will we ever be able to make meaningful changes."--Dr. Albert Mamary, former superintendent of schools, Johnson City, New York

Quality School Teacher RI

by William Glasser

This book is the follow-up to its immediate predecessor, The Quality School. Based on the work of W. Edwards Deming and on Dr. Glasser's own choice theory, it is written for teachers who are trying to abandon the old system of boss-managing, which is effective for less than half of all students. William Glasser, M.D., explains that only through lead-management can teachers create classrooms in which all students not only do competent work but begin to do quality work. These classrooms are the core of a quality school. The book begins by explaining that to persuade students to do quality schoolwork, teachers must first establish warm, totally noncoercive relationships with their students; teach only useful material, which means stressing skills rather than asking students to memorize information; and move from teacher evaluation to student self-evaluation. There are no generalities in this book: It provides the specifics that classroom teachers seek as they begin the move to quality schools.

The Procrastination Equation: How to Stop Putting Things Off and Start Getting Stuff Done

by Piers Steel

“The Procrastination Equation will teach you how to bust the excuses that are preventing you from doing your best work and living your best life….So don’t put it off any longer. Read this book. Today.” —Daniel H. Pink, author of Drive and A Whole New Mind“Illuminating….Piers Steel shows us the secrets of procrastination, how it affects us and how we will, one day, be able to prevail.”—Dan Ariely, author of The Upside of Irrationality and Predictably Irrational Using a mix of psychology, evolutionary biology, self-help, and more than a decade of research, Dr. Piers Steel, the world’s foremost authority on procrastination, offers a tried and true method helping us to identify, understand, and break free of our self-destructive bad habits and create more positive lives for ourselves.

Forgiving & Not Forgiving: Why Sometimes It's Better Not to Forgive

by Jeanne Safer

In our culture the belief that "To err is human, to forgive divine," is so prevalent that few of us question its wisdom. But do we ever completely forgive those who have betrayed us? Aren't some actions unforgivable? Can we achieve closure and healing without forgiving? Drawing on more than two decades of work as a practicing psychotherapist, more than fifty indepth interviews, and sterling research into the concept of forgiveness in our society, Dr. Jeanne Safer challenges popular opinion with her own searching answers to these and other questions. The result is a penetrating look at what is often a lonely, and perhaps unnecessary, struggle to forgive those who have hurt us the most and an illuminating examination of how to determine whether forgiveness is, indeed, the best path to take--and why, often, it is not.

Getting Together and Staying Together: Solving the Mystery of Marriage

by William Glasser Carleen Glasser

The facts are nothing short of startling--no matter how many people seem to walk down the aisle, the divorce rate in America is at a record high. What's the secret to getting into a happy marriage and, even more important, staying in one? Now world-renowed psychiatrist Dr. William Glasser and his wife, Carleen Glasser, update their classic guide to successful marriages, Staying Together, for couples young and old. As they examine the questions of why some marriages work and others fail, the Glassers advise readers on how to create loving and happy relationships by applying Dr. Glasser's trademark "choice theory." The result is a wealth of new information about who would make a compatible partner and how to improve any relationship.

The Language of Choice Theory

by William Glasser

In this companion volume to the bestselling Choice Theory, Dr. William Glasser and his wife, Carleen Glasser, have imagined typical conversations in real-life situations--between parent and child, two partners in a relationship, teacher and student, and boss and employee. On the left-hand page is a typical controlling order or threat, and on the right a more reasonable version, using choice theory, which is more likely to get a favorable response from the child, lover, student, or employee. Through these examples, the principles of choice theory come alive.

The Language of Choice Theory

by William Glasser

In this companion volume to the bestselling Choice Theory, Dr. William Glasser and his wife, Carleen Glasser, have imagined typical conversations in real-life situations--between parent and child, two partners in a relationship, teacher and student, and boss and employee. On the left-hand page is a typical controlling order or threat, and on the right a more reasonable version, using choice theory, which is more likely to get a favorable response from the child, lover, student, or employee. Through these examples, the principles of choice theory come alive.

Hare Brain, Tortoise Mind: How Intelligence Increases When You Think Less

by Guy Claxton

In these accelerated times, our decisive and businesslike ways of thinking are unprepared for ambiguity, paradox, and sleeping on it." We assume that the quick-thinking "hare brain" will beat out the slower Intuition of the "tortoise mind." However, now research in cognitive science is changing this understanding of the human mind. It suggests that patience and confusion--rather than rigor and certainty--are the essential precursors of wisdom.With a compelling argument that the mind works best when we trust our unconscious, or "undermind," psychologist Guy Claxton makes an appeal that we be less analytical and let our creativity have free rein. He also encourages reevaluation of society's obsession with results-oriented thinking and problem-solving under pressure. Packed with Interesting anecdotes, a dozen puzzles to test your reasoning, and the latest related research, Hare Brain, Tortoise Mind is an Illuminating, uplifting, stimulating read that focuses on a new kind of well-being and cognition.

Warning: Psychiatry Can Be Hazardous to Your Mental Health

by William Glasser

How psychopharmacology has usurped the role of psychotherapy in our society, to the great detriment of the patients involved. William Glasser describes in Warning: Psychiatry Can Be Hazardous to Your Mental Health the sea change that has taken place in the treatment of mental health in the last few years. Millions of patients are now routinely being given prescriptions for a wide range of drugs including Ritalin, Prosac, Zoloft and related drugs which can be harmful to the brain. A previous generation of patients would have had a course of psychotherapy without brain-damaging chemicals. Glasser explains the wide implications of this radical change in treatment and what can be done to counter it.

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