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Obstetricks: Mayo Clinic Tips and Tricks for Pregnancy, Birth and More

by Julie A. Lamppa Kerry Schwalbach

Giving birth can be — and should be — an exciting, positive experience. While every labor and delivery has unique challenges, you can help to make it the best possible experience through a combination of comfort techniques, education and an understanding of options. This concise guide to pregnancy and childbirth brings you the expertise of a certified nurse-midwife at Mayo Clinic and a certified doula. It&’s packed with information based on the most current evidence, yet rooted in long-trusted natural methods of caring for laboring women. With a unique spiral-bound flipbook format, the book&’s 100+ bite-sized topics can be perused one page at a time while lying in bed, eating breakfast or riding a stationary bike. The front pages offer the most important information for setting up a satisfying childbirth experience, while the back pages add more empowering details, tricks and medical information. Inside you&’ll find tips for: • Creating healthy habits during pregnancy • Recognizing what&’s normal as baby grows • Planning and preparing for the birth — mentally and practically • Managing labor pain, including natural techniques and medical options • Providing crucial support as a labor partner • Keeping focused on the ultimate goal: a healthy mom and baby You&’ll also get the messy truth of what to expect postpartum, advice for enjoying the early days with a newborn and more. Obstetricks equips parents with confidence and an expert toolkit as they prepare for the main event — welcoming baby to the world.

Obsolete: An Encyclopedia of Once-Common Things Passing Us By

by Anna Jane Grossman

A cultural catalog of everyday things rapidly turning into rarities—from landlines to laugh tracks. So many things have disappeared from our day-to-day world, or are on the verge of vanishing. Some we may already think of as ancient relics, like typewriters (and their accompanying bottles of correction fluid). Others seem like they were here just yesterday, like boom boxes and CDs. We may feel fond nostalgia for certain items of yore: encyclopedias, newspapers, lighthouses. Other items, like MSG, not so much. But as the pace of change keeps accelerating, it’s worth taking a moment to mark the passing of the objects of our lives, from passbooks and pay phones to secretaries and skate keys. And to reflect on certain endangered phenomena that may be worth trying to hold on to—like privacy, or cash. This thoughtful alphabetized compendium invites us to take a look at the many things, ideas, and behaviors that have gone the way of the subway token—and to reflect on what is ephemeral, and what is truly timeless.

The Observing Eye: The Sayings of Muriel Spark (Virago Modern Classics #781)

by Muriel Spark

The Observing Eye is a collection of Muriel Spark's brilliant asides, sayings, and aphorisms. No other writer can hold a candle to her wry, puckish observations:'Neurotics are awfully quick to notice other people's mentalities.''It is impossible to persuade a man who does not disagree, but smiles.''The sacrifice of pleasure is of course itself a pleasure.''Be on the alert to recognize your prime at whatever time in your life it may occur.''Ridicule is the only honourable weapon we have left.'Spark's striking insights are precise and unforgettable - they will make you laugh and nod in agreement, with a wicked smile on your face. Her wise words never fail to hit exactly the right note.

The Observing Eye: The Sayings of Muriel Spark

by Muriel Spark

The Observing Eye is a collection of Muriel Spark's brilliant asides, sayings, and aphorisms. No other writer can hold a candle to her wry, puckish observations:'Neurotics are awfully quick to notice other people's mentalities.''It is impossible to persuade a man who does not disagree, but smiles.''The sacrifice of pleasure is of course itself a pleasure.''Be on the alert to recognize your prime at whatever time in your life it may occur.''Ridicule is the only honourable weapon we have left.'Spark's striking insights are precise and unforgettable - they will make you laugh and nod in agreement, with a wicked smile on your face. Her wise words never fail to hit exactly the right note.

Observing Children in the Primary Classroom: All In A Day (Routledge Library Editions: Education)

by Richard Mills

In a sequence of observations of six children aged 5-11 in six different state schools this book offers a slice of classroom life, a microcosm of the educational scene. Since the book was first written there have been many changes in the curriculum, structure, governance and funding of British primary schools, as well as in the language used to describe these changes. But Observing Children in the Primary Classroom remains as valid now as earlier, as a lively and entertaining indicator of children’s daily school experience. We see the reception class of an infants’ school through the eyes of Mike, a lively five-year-old traveller boy. Six-year-old Rashda, a girl of Asian heritage, grapples with English as a Second Language at her multi-ethnic city school. Slow-learner David finds school life rather overpowering, despite receiving expert extra help. Lucy, eight, is a star in everything she does at her Roman Catholic school, while Lorraine, one year older, is cheerful but utterly bewildered. Finally, Peter, organises his work in an open-plan setting and makes some surprising choices.

O que os números escondem: 10 regras para aprender a decifrar informação e compreender melhor o mundo

by Tim Harford

OS NÚMEROS, QUANDO USADOS PELAS PESSOAS CERTAS, TÊM O PODER DE MUDAR O MUNDO. NOVO LIVRO DO AUTOR DO BESTSELLER O ECONOMISTA DISFARÇADO, TIM HARFORD, O QUE OS NÚMEROS ESCONDEM 10 regras para aprender a decifrar informação e compreender melhor o mundo «Um livro brilhante que nos ensina a ser cépticos sem sermos cínicos.» Professor Hetan Shah British Academy E se alguém lhe dissesse que existe uma ferramenta que lhe permitiria ver o invisivel? Poderia usá-la quando lê as notícias, para distinguir o que é importante do que é acessório, servir-se dela para perceber o seu lugar no mundo e na História, entender de onde viemos e para onde poderemos estar a caminhar. Poderia até usá-la para ser um consumidor mais consciente, levar uma vida mais saudável, votar de forma mais crítica. Enfim, uma ferramenta que contribuísse para que fôssemos pessoas mais sábias e perspicazes. O mundo seria mais nítido, como se estivéssemos a usar um par de óculos com raios-X. E se alguém lhe dissesse que essa ferramenta é a estatística? As estatísticas são uma parte do nosso mundo e da nossa vida. Cruzamo-nos com elas nos jornais e nas redes sociais, usamo-las em conversas entre amigos e para argumentar uma posição sobre determinado tema. No entanto, nunca duvidámos da sua veracidade tanto quanto agora. A estatística não é nenhum jogo de espelhos ou uma ferramenta manipuladora e manipulável usada para nos atirar areia para os olhos acerca da realidade das coisas. Pelo contrário, ajuda-nos a ler a realidade com maior clareza. As estatísticas, as boas estatísticas, ajudam-nos a ver coisas acerca do mundo e de nós mesmos que não poderíamos ver de outra forma. Com o rigor e bom humor a que já nos habituou, Tim Harford entra sem medos no mundo dos números e traz para a narrativa as vidas de formidáveis personagens como o falsificador de arte que enganou os nazis, a stripper que se apaixonou pelo congressista mais famoso de Washington e outros detectives de dados famosos, como John Maynard Keynes, Daniel Kahneman e Florence Nightingale. Através de 10 simples regras, com uma regra de ouro adicional, O que os números escondem ajuda-nos a manter a necessária presença de espírito acerca de nós mesmos, um aguçado sentido crítico e um nível saudável de cepticismo acerca da forma como os números são produzidos e apresentados, pois só assim poderemos olhar à nossa volta e ver, com uma clareza inédita, como o mundo faz sentido. Os elogios da crítica: «Numa altura em que a verdade é posta em causa, este é um livro poderoso, convincente e indispensável.» Caroline Criado Perez «Só Tim Harford para fazer da estatística do quotidiano algo tão fascinante e divertido.» Bill Bryson «Uma leitura lúcida, perspicaz e fundamentada. Deveria ser leitura obrigatória para todos os políticos e jornalistas - embora todos retiremos deste livro enorme prazer pela forma como ilumina qualquer sombra de dúvida e dissipa a névoa da ilusão.» Stephen Fry «Sábio, humano e, acima de tudo, esclarecedor. Ninguém explica estatística e números tão bem quanto Tim Harford.» Matthew Syed «Um génio a contar histórias que iluminam o mundo em que vivemos.» Malcolm Gladwell «Num mundo onde nos preocupamos constantemente com informações falsas, Harford escreveu um livro brilhante que nos ensina a ser cépticos sem sermos cínicos e a compreender que as estatísticas não são assustadoras, antes um tesouro inestimável para compreender a nossa sociedade.» Professor Hetan Shah, director da British Academy

O melhor Guia para Aprender Qualquer Idioma Rápido e Facilmente

by Sophia Soarez

Um guia detalhado para aprender qualquer idioma de forma fácil e rápida Este guia irá ajudá-lo a aprender um novo idioma em uma semana. Ele vai te ensinar dicas e truques para se tornar um falante nativo do novo idioma.  Baseado em fatos científicos, este livro lhe dirá como: -  É a maneira mais fácil de aprender uma nova língua - Usar o tempo de forma eficaz - Se tornar um falante nativo - Aprender a pronúncia correta de um novo idioma - Posicionar a boca para ter a pronúncia correta - Memorizar palavras de um novo idioma - Se manter motivado - Melhorar o sotaque Se você quer aprender um novo idioma em uma semana e se tornar um falante nativo, então este livro é para você. --> Role até o topo da página e clique em adicionar ao carrinho para comprar instantaneamente Informações Legais:   Esta autora e ou detentor(es) dos direitos não faz nenhuma reivindicação, promessas ou garantias em relação à exatidão, completude ou adequação do conteúdo deste livro, e se isenta expressamente de responsabilidade por erros e omissões no conteúdo. Este produto é apenas para uso de referência. Consulte um profissional antes de tomar medidas sobre qualquer um dos conteúdos encontrados no livro. 

O Livro da Esperança

by Jane Goodall Douglas Abrams

Um guia de sobrevivência para tempos difíceis. Este é um olhar raro e profundo sobre a natureza da esperança, mas também sobre o coração e o espírito de uma mulher que revolucionou a visão do mundo que nos rodeia. O livro-testemunho de uma das mulheres mais icónicas do nosso tempo. No mundo tão conturbado em que vivemos, como manter a esperança? Se considerarmos o agravamento da crise climática, uma pandemia, a perda da biodiversidade e a crescente instabilidade política, manter o otimismo pode ser um grande desafio. No entanto, a esperança nunca foi tão necessária. Neste livro imperioso, Jane Goodall eDouglas Abrams refletem, num diálogo estimulante e intimista, sobre um dos elementos da natureza humana mais desejado e menos compreendido. A lendária primatologista britânica explana, através do seu percurso de vida, os seus «quatro motivos de esperança»: O Maravilhoso Intelecto Humano, A Resiliência da Natureza, O Poder dos Jovens e o Indomável Espírito Humano.Com base nas experiências queinfluenciaram as suas descobertas e crenças, Jane Goodall conta-nos como se tornou uma mensageira da esperança e deixa uma reflexãosobre algumas questões vitais: Como manter a esperança quando a causa parece perdida? Como podemos cultivar a esperança nos nossosjovens? Qual é a relação entre a esperança e a ação? «O otimismo contagiante de Jane Goodall e o apelo estimulante à ação fazem deste livro uma leitura essencial para aqueles que se preocupam com o futuro do planeta.» — Publishers Weekly «Um diálogo envolvente e esclarecedor sobre esperança que amplifica o mantra de Jane Goodall: Juntos podemos! Juntos faremos!» Booklist «Não me parece que pudesse haver um momento mais oportuno para ese livro surgir nas nossas vidas... É o livro pelo qual ansiávamos.» Jay Shetty, autor de Pensa Como Um Monge «Uma mensagem poderosa de proteção dos direitos intrínsecos de todos os seres vivos.» Leonardo DiCaprio, ator e ativista ambiental

The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing

by Michael Harvey

OUT OF PRINT EDITION - 2nd Edition now available "With concision and wit, Harvey shows college students how to write papers that are clear, cogent--and also stylish." --James Miller, Editor, Dædalus

The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing

by Michael Harvey

This "worthy successor to Strunk and White" now features an expanded style guide covering a wider range of citation cases, complete with up-to-date formats for Chicago, MLA, and APA styles.

The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing

by Michael Harvey

Updated for the needs of today's students—and with handy citation style guides adapted from The Chicago Manual of Style, Seventeenth Edition, the MLA Handbook, Eighth Edition, and the Publication Manual of the APA , Seventh Edition—the third edition of The Nuts and Bolt of College Writing offers essential guidance for college writers at all levels.Praise for previous editions: "This wonderful little book has helped improve the level of writing in all the courses I teach. No one should graduate from college without having used it." —Gonzalo Munevar, Lawrence Technological University "With concision and wit, Harvey shows college students how to write papers that are clear, cogent, and also stylish." —James Miller, editor, Dædalus "Simply the best guide to clear and effective writing since Strunk and White. Indispensable for students—and for their teachers." —Terry Nardin, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee

The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing

by Michael Harvey

Engagingly written and filled with judicious examples, this short, practical, inexpensive handbook combines advice on writing clearly and plainly, structuring a piece of argumentative writing, and avoiding grammatical and other common mechanical errors -- including those in quoting and citing.

Nutrition Scoreboard

by Michael Jacobson

This book provides information on eating right and staying healthy by rating various foods.

Nutrition & Health in the Bible

by Kathleen O'Bannon

Discover the World's Most Proven Health PlanYou want to be healthy, but all those diet fads have left you hungry for something more. There's one Plan for healthy living that's guaranteed to satisfy and that's God's plan!With The Smart Guide to the Bible: Nutrition and Health in the Bible you'll get all your needs met: mind, body, and soul. You'll be amazed at the complete information the Bible contains about nutrition, health, exercise, weight loss, food, cooking, fasting, and remedies. And, of course, it all aligns with the latest in scientific research. No surprise there; after all, God designed the human body and knows what's best to keep it healthy!Get started on the world's most proven health plan today!Be Smart About:Weight LossEating to Combat DiseaseExerciseFastingBiblical DietsBible-based Recipes & RemediesHealthy Living for Your FamilyAnd More!

Nutrition Guide for Clinicians (2nd edition)

by Neal D. Barnard Rick Weissinger

A detailed catalog of medical conditions and dietary recommendations.

Nutrition for Sport, Exercise and Performance: A practical guide for students, sports enthusiasts and professionals

by Regina Belski Adrienne Forsyth Evangeline Mantzioris

Nutrition before, during and after training or a sporting event can improve the comfort, energy and performance of athletes of all levels, from elite to recreational, as well as providing long-term health benefits. Nutrition for Sport, Exercise and Performance offers a clear, practical and accessible guide to the fundamentals of sport and exercise nutrition. The expert authors begin by explaining key principles, including understanding energy systems, exercise physiology and metabolism. They cover the basics of digestion, absorption and nutrition; examine the key macronutrients and micronutrients essential for performance; and discuss the process of dietary assessment. Part 2 goes on to explore in detail nutrition for pre- and post-training, hydration, the use of supplements and body composition, and provides guidance on developing plans for both individual athletes and teams. The final component examines specific nutrition issues and special needs, including working with elite athletes, strength-and-power athletes, young, older and disabled athletes, endurance sports, GI disturbances and rehabilitation issues. Cultural issues are also explored, including diets for vegan and vegetarian athletes, and religious perspectives and requirements. Featuring contributions from a range of sport and exercise nutrition professionals and including practical diet plans, diagrams and the latest research and evidence throughout, this is a core reference for undergraduates, nutritionists and trainers.

Nutrition for Sport, Exercise, and Performance: Science and Application

by Adrienne Forsyth Evangeline Mantzioris Regina Belski

Nutrition for Sport, Exercise, and Performance offers a clear, practical, and accessible guide to building a comprehensive understanding of sport and exercise nutrition from leading experts in nutrition and exercise science. Nutrition before, during, and after training or a sporting event can improve the comfort, energy, and performance of athletes of all levels, from elite to recreational, as well as providing long-term health benefits. As such, nutrition is a key element of an athlete’s health and performance strategy, whether competing recreationally or at an elite level.Split into three parts, this new and revised edition of Nutrition for Sport, Exercise, and Performance provides an evidence-based introduction to nutrition for sport, exercise, and performance. Part I focusses on nutrition and sport science by explaining key principles underpinning sports nutrition science, including energy systems, exercise physiology and metabolism, and the digestion and absorption of macronutrients and micronutrients essential for performance and discusses factors influencing dietary intake, energy availability, and the process of dietary assessment. Part II is focussed on nutrition for exercise, pre- and post-training, hydration, supplements, and body composition measurement and modification. The final part (Part III) focusses on applied sports nutrition for a range of sports and athletes. This second edition delivers new insights into working with female athletes, occupational athletes, and athletes in contemporary sports including sport climbing, surfing, skateboarding, and breaking.Featuring contributions from a range of sport and exercise nutrition professionals with practical sports nutrition strategies and the latest evidence and practice guidelines, this is a core reference for undergraduate students, sports professionals, and aspiring athletes alike.

Nutrition: The Owner's Manual

by Pierce Howard

Cutting-edge, user-friendly, and comprehensive: the revolutionary guide to the brain, now fully revised and updatedAt birth each of us is given the most powerful and complex tool of all time: the human brain. And yet, as we well know, it doesn't come with an owner's manual--until now. In this unsurpassed resource, Dr. Pierce J. Howard and his team distill the very latest research and clearly explain the practical, real-world applications to our daily lives. Drawing from the frontiers of psychology, neurobiology, and cognitive science, yet organized and written for maximum usability, The Owner's Manual for the Brain, Fourth Edition, is your comprehensive guide to optimum mental performance and well-being. It should be on every thinking person's bookshelf. What are the ingredients of happiness? Which are the best remedies for headaches and migraines? How can we master creativity, focus, decision making, and willpower? What are the best brain foods? How is it possible to boost memory and intelligence? What is the secret to getting a good night's sleep? How can you positively manage depression, anxiety, addiction, and other disorders? What is the impact of nutrition, stress, and exercise on the brain? Is personality hard-wired or fluid? What are the best strategies when recovering from trauma and loss? How do moods and emotions interact? What is the ideal learning environment for children? How do love, humor, music, friendship, and nature contribute to well-being? Are there ways of reducing negative traits such as aggression, short-temperedness, or irritability? What is the recommended treatment for concussions? Can you delay or prevent Alzheimer's and dementia? What are the most important ingredients to a successful marriage and family? What do the world's most effective managers know about leadership, motivation, and persuasion? Plus 1,000s more topics!

Nursing2023 Drug Handbook

by Lippincott Williams Wilkins

THE #1 Drug Guide for nurses & other clinicians …always dependable, always up to date! Look for these outstanding features Completely updated nursing-focused drug monographs featuring 3,691 generic, brand-name, and combination drugs in an easy A-to-Z format NEW 27 brand-new FDA-approved drugs in this edition—tabbed and conveniently grouped in a handy “new drugs”section for easy retrieval NEW Thousands of clinical updates—new dosages and indications, Boxed warnings, genetic-related information, adverse reactions, nursing considerations, clinical alerts, and patient teaching information Special focus on U.S. and Canadian drug safety issues and concerns Photoguide insert with images of 431 commonly prescribed tablets and capsules

Nursing2020 Drug Handbook

by Lippincott

Still THE #1 Drug Guide for nurses and other clinicians, always dependable, always up to date! Look for these outstanding features: Completely updated nursing-focused drug monographs featuring over 3,700 generic, brand-name, and combination drugs in an easy A-to-Z format NEW 34 brand-new FDA-approved drugs in this edition, including 31 complete monographs—tabbed and conveniently grouped in a handy “new drugs” section for easy retrieval NEW More than 8,100 clinical updates —new dosages and indications, Black Box warnings, adverse reactions, nursing considerations, clinical alerts, and patient teaching information NEW ISMP-recommended tall-man lettering for lookalike–sound alike drugs Special focus on U.S. and Canadian drug safety issues and concerns Photoguide insert with images of 455 commonly prescribed tablets and capsules Plus FREE companion Toolkit available online through Monthly FDA updates featuring newly approved drugs, indications, and warnings Pharmacology videos, audio pronunciation guide, and English-Spanish translator Equianalgesic dosing guidelines for opioid drugs Mechanisms and sites of action graphics for selected drugs NCLEX® style questions, free CE tests, plus bonus discounts and more!

Nursing2019 Drug Handbook

by Lippincott

THE #1 Drug Guide for nurses & other clinicians…always dependable, always up to date! Look for these outstanding features Completely updated nursing-focused drug monographs featuring over 3,650 generic, brand-name, and combination drugs in an easy A-to-Z format 37 brand-new FDA-approved drugs in this edition, including 33 complete monographs—tabbed and conveniently grouped in a handy “new drugs” section for easy retrieval More than 8,000 clinical updates—new dosages and indications, Black Box warnings, adverse reactions, nursing considerations, clinical alerts, and patient teaching information NEW logos highlighting biosimilar drugs and drugs with genetic-related considerations NEW appendix—Ophthalmic drugs: Indications and dosages Special focus on U.S. and Canadian drug safety issues and concerns Photoguide insert with images of 462 commonly prescribed tablets and capsules Plus FREE companion Toolkit available online through Monthly FDA updates featuring newly approved drugs, indications, and warnings Pharmacology videos, audio pronunciation guide, and English-Spanish translator Equianalgesic dosing guidelines for opioid drugs Mechanisms and sites of action graphics for selected drugs NCLEX®-style questions, free CE tests, plus bonus discounts…and more!

Nursing Today

by JoAnn Zerwekh Ashley Zerwekh Garneau

Make a smooth transition from nursing school into the practice setting with Nursing Today, 11th Edition! <p><p>With this book, you will gain a solid understanding of the issues and trends that affect the nursing profession. Not only will you graduate with patient care skills, but you will advance your career with insights into writing a resume, interviewing, finding a job, and obtaining specialty certifications. This edition takes a deeper look into topics such as workplace bullying, conflict management, cultural and spiritual awareness, and the new question types found on the Next Generation NCLEX® examination. Written by well-known nursing educators JoAnn Zerwekh and Ashley Zerwekh Garneau, this easy-to-read text prepares you for success on the NCLEX-RN® exam and in professional nursing practice. <p><p> Thorough coverage prepares you for a professional career with an introduction to historical and present-day nursing as well as legal, ethical, political, and workplace issues. Learning objectives, humorous cartoons, and a pithy quote introduce the content in each chapter. <p><p>Critical Thinking boxes ask you to apply your knowledge to the practice setting. Coverage of QSEN competencies addresses effective communication, team building, evidence-based practice, patient safety, and quality assurance. <p><p>Tips for transitioning into the workplace are included in chapters such as NCLEX-RN® Exam and the New Graduate, Employment Considerations: Opportunities, Resumes, and Interviewing; and Mentorship, Preceptorship, and Nurse Residency Programs. <p><p>Career advancement tools include time management, communication and delegation, how to write an effective resume, interviewing tips, guidelines for using social media, attaining certification in a nursing specialty, and self-care strategies. <p><p>Evidence-Based Practice boxes summarize practice Issues, implications for nursing practice, and the references for the evidence. <p><p>Research for Best Practice boxes highlight the research evidence that supports clinical practice.

Nursing Programs 2013

by Peterson's

Published in cooperation with the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN)-the only U.S. organization dedicated exclusively to advancing baccalaureate and graduate nursing education-Peterson's Nursing Programs 2013 is a comprehensive guide to undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral programs in the United States and Canada. Profiling more than 3,500 undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral options at more than 700 institutions in the United States and Canada, readers can evaluate the latest data on entrance requirements, costs, degrees offered, distance learning options, and more. A special section, "The Nursing School Adviser," includes in-depth articles about degree and career options, the admissions process, and specialized programs for professions such as nurse practitioner and clinical specialist. The Quick-Reference Chart offers readers at-a-glance school comparisons.

Nursing Entrance Exams (Test Easy)

by Maryanne Baudo Robin Kavanagh

Rest Easy with Test Easy!You're excited about your decision to pursue a career in nursing. And regardless of what type of nurse you plan to become--RN, LPN or LVN, CNS, nurse practitioner, or other specialization--you know that to get into the nursing program of your choice you'll have to do your absolute best on the entrance exams. Well, rest easy because Test Easy makes acing your exams a snap! In this book, you get:An overview of the NLN PAX, HESI, ATI TEAS, HOBET, and PSB Nursing School ExamsTips for boosting your grammar, vocabulary, and reading proficiency to pass the nursing exam verbal sectionMath essentials to get you comfortable with the arithmetic, algebra, and geometry nurses need to knowScience tutorials for boning up on the essentials of life science, anatomy & physiology, chemistry, and physicsPractice exams to test your progress, plus detailed answers to help you pass your exams with flying colors

Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-based Guide to Planning Care

by Betty J. Ackley Gail B. Ladwig Mary Beth Flynn Makic Marina Reyna Martinez-Kratz Melody Zanotti

This convenient handbook shows you how to correlate nursing diagnoses with known information about clients on the basis of assessment findings, established medical or psychiatric diagnoses, and the current treatment plan. Extensively revised and updated with the new 2018-2020 NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses, it integrates the NIC and NOC taxonomies, evidence-based nursing interventions, and adult, pediatric, geriatric, multicultural, home care, safety, and client/family teaching and discharge planning considerations to guide students in creating unique, individualized care plans.

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