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Showing 7,476 through 7,500 of 21,276 results

Numbers: Journeying with God

by Katharine Doob Sakenfeld

Although little studied by most Christians, the book of Numbers offers a rich storehouse of material for reflection on the relationship between God and the human community. This excellent commentary highlights this theme in the context of interpreting the many strange and obscure stories and laws of Israel's wilderness journey.

Numbers (Picture This)

by Judith Nouvion

Numbers are everywhere in nature. From one tiny red-eyed frog to ten sweet and scruffy dogs, children will practice counting to ten all while finding out some fun facts about animals in our natural world. Vibrant photography and simple, fun read-aloud text make this board book a perfect first look at nonfiction for very new and curious learners! The Picture This series pairs learning concepts with extraordinary photographs of animals in their habitats. Check out all four books in the Picture This series: Colors, Homes, Numbers, and Shapes!

Numbers: Histories, Mysteries, Theories (Aurora: Dover Modern Math Originals)

by John J. Watkins Albrecht Beutelspacher Andrea Bruder Andrea Easterday

Posing the question "What exactly is a number?" a distinguished German mathematician presents this intriguing and accessible survey. Albrecht Beutelspacher ― founder of the renowned interactive mathematics museum, Mathematikum ― characterizes the wealth of experiences that numbers have to offer. In addition, he considers the many things that can be described by numbers and discusses which numbers possess special fascinations and pose lasting mysteries. Starting with natural numbers, the book examines representations of numbers, rational and irrational numbers, transcendental numbers, and imaginary and complex numbers. Readers will explore the history of numbers from Pythagoras to Fermat and discover such practical applications as cryptography and barcodes. A thoughtful and enlightening introduction to the past, present, and future of numbers, this volume will captivate mathematicians and nonmathematicians alike.

Numberpedia: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know (and a Few Things You Didn't) About Numbers

by Herb Reich

What does the number 67 mean to you? Do you associate it with a year? After all, 1967 was the year The Beatles released both Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and Magical Mystery Tour. It was also the year the first Super Bowl was held and in which Ernesto "Che" Guevara was executed. But maybe the year 1967 isn't the first thing that comes to your mind. Maybe when you think about the number 67, you think of the . . . Age of George Washington at the time of his death, on December 14, 1799. Atomic number of the chemical element holmium, symbol Ho. Number of counties in each of the states of Alabama, Florida, and Pennsylvania. Most doubles hit in a season in Major League Baseball history (Earl Webb, Boston Red Sox, 1931). Number worn by partners Jane Fonda and Michael Sarrazin in the dance marathon scene in the 1969 film They Shoot Horses, Don't They? Estimate number of miles, in millions, from Venus to the sun In Numberpedia, author Herb Reich examines all of the random, seemingly unrelated trivia related to numbers 1 to 100 in painstaking detail, revealing lore, myths, and every bizarre factoid you'd ever want to know about those numbers--except, of course, those concerning math.

The Number Pi

by Unknown

The number Pi.

Number Freak

by Derrick Niederman

Number fanatic Derrick Niederman has a mission - to bring numbers to life. In Number Freak he explores the unique properties of the most fascinating numbers from 1 to 200, wherever they may crop up: from mathematics to sport, from history to the natural world, from language to pop culture. Packed with illustrations, amusing facts, puzzles, brainteasers and anecdotes, Number Freak is an enthralling and thought-provoking numerical voyage through the history of mathematics, investigating problems of logic, geometry and arithmetic along the way. Entertaining and accessible, it is a must for trivia addicts, maths-lovers and arithmophiles.

El Nuevo Testamento interlineal griego-español

by Cesar Vidal

Por fin tres traducciones del Nuevo Testamento en una página.Esta fascinante edición de estudio le permite acercarse al griego original de la Biblia lo más que se puede. Todo el texto griego del Nuevo Testamento se encuentra al lado de dos traducciones en español, una que es palabra por palabra y una idiomática. La amada versión Reina Valera 1909 es el texto bíblico idiomático ubicado junto a la traducción palabra por palabra de César Vidal. El resultado de años de investigación exhaustiva, este innovador Nuevo Testamento interlineal acercará más que nunca a hispanohablantes al significado original de la Palabra de Dios.

Nuevo comentario ilustrado de la Biblia

by Earl D. Radmacher

Con páginas llenas de la erudición más reciente y con relevantes aplicaciones de la Palabra de Dios para la vida, el Nuevo comentario bíblico ilustrado presenta todo esto en una forma visualmente interesante. Quien quiera entender más completamente el sentido de la Palabra de Dios y su trasfondo hallará aquí lo que necesita.

¿Un nuevo ciclo de la guerra en Colombia?

by Francisco Gutierrez Sanin

Despertamos muy pronto del sueño de pacificara Colombia. Si bien la firma del Acuerdo de Paz con las farc marcó un punto de inflexión en la inercia de la guerra contrainsurgente, su implementación hace agua por todas partes. Los hechos violentos y el registro de fenómenos asociados a ellos son cada vez más frecuentes y los medios empiezan a nombrar esa realidad política, aún confusa y dispersa, como la nueva violencia. ¿Estamos en un periodo de transición?, ¿entramos en una tercera fase de la guerra en Colombia? El libro de Francisco Gutiérrez Sanín, lúcido y consistente, propone salidas a estas preguntasde fondo y, con la esperanza de preservar lo que todavía se puede, presenta los peligros que enfrenta el país si persiste el incumplimientode lo acordado.

Nuevas crónicas palestinas: El fin del proceso de paz (1995-2002)

by Edward W. Said

Desde el corazón de las tinieblas del conflicto palestino se alza de nuevo la voz de Edward Said para mostrarnos la evolución de la situación en Palestina después del triunfo electoral de Sharon y de los atentados del 11 de septiembre. La victoria de Sharon en las elecciones israelíes de febrero de 2001 y los atentados del 11 de septiembre del mismo año han supuesto el fin del proceso de paz que se había iniciado en Oslo. Se cierra una etapa en el conflicto de Oriente Próximo y se abre una nueva, caracterizada por la incertidumbre, la dificultad de encontrar bases mínimas de acuerdo y la agudización de los antagonismos. Desde el corazón de las tinieblas del conflicto palestino se alza de nuevo la voz de Edward Said, tan lúcida en la denuncia -de la inconsecuencia, de la injusticia, de la brutalidad- como en la reclamación de una paz que no puede ser duradera si se sigue abordando desde la desigualdad y la imposición. En estas Nuevas crónicas palestinas se ha conservado una tercera parte de los artículos del primer libro para ayudar al lector a entender la evolución posterior de los acontecimientos, y se presentan veintitrés nuevos artículos de Edward Said escritos desde marzo de 2001 hasta la actualidad. El resultado es una edición nueva con voluntad de continuidad de una de las mayores tragedias de nuestro tiempo. Reseña:«El más grande intelectual de nuestro tiempo.»Bernardino León, El País

La nueva guía médica de remedios caseros: Soluciones sencillas, ideas ingeniosas y curas poco comunes para ayudarle a sent irse mejor rapidamenta

by The Editors of Prevention

¡Remedios Caseros para 116 Problemas de la Salud!¿Se siente decaído debido a un resfriado o a la gripe? ¿Quisiera tener más energía o dormir mejor? ¿Está preocupado por tener un nivel alto de azúcar en la sangre o de colesterol? Sin importar lo que lo aqueja, La nueva guía médica de remedios caseros es el recurso que le brindará toda una gama de soluciones seguras y efi caces que usted mismo podrá emplear al momento. Los editores de la revista Prevention--la máxima fuente de información sobre la salud en todos los EE.UU.--se han unido a un equipo estelar de doctores y profesionales médicos para brindarle los mejores consejos de autocuidado con el fi n de aliviarle los síntomas y ayudarle a recuperarse.Con instrucciones claras y precisas, así como pautas que le indicarán cuándo debe conseguir atención médica, La nueva guía médica de remedios caseros le ayudará a cuidarse a sí mismo sin preocupaciones ni conjeturas acerca de lo que debe hacer. ¡El alivio verdadero está a su alcance!

Nudging Choices Through Media: Ethical and philosophical implications for humanity

by James Katz Katie Schiepers Juliet Floyd

This book addresses the growing use of computerized systems to influence people’s decisions without their awareness, a significant but underappreciated sea-change in the way the world works. To assess these systems, this volume’s contributors explore the philosophical and ethical dimensions of algorithms that guide people’s behavior by nudging them toward choices preferred by systems architects. Particularly in an era of heightened awareness of bias and discrimination, these systems raise profound concerns about the morality of such activities. This volume brings together a diverse array of thinkers to critically examine these nudging systems. Not only are high-level perspectives presented, but so too are of those who use them on a day-to-day basis. While algorithmic nudging can produce benefits for users there are also many less-obvious costs to using such systems, costs that require examination and deliberation. This book is a major step towards delineating these concerns and suggesting ways to provide a sounder basis for future policies for algorithms. It should be of interest to system designers, public policymakers, scholars, and those who wonder more deeply about the nudges they receive from various websites and on their phones.

Nuclear War Survival Skills: Lifesaving Nuclear Facts and Self-Help Instructions

by Cresson H. Kearny

A field-tested guide to surviving a nuclear attack, written by a revered civil defense expert. This edition of Cresson H. Kearny’s iconic Nuclear War Survival Skills (originally published in 1979), updated by Kearny himself in 1987 and again in 2001, offers expert advice for ensuring your family’s safety should the worst come to pass. Chock-full of practical instructions and preventative measures, Nuclear War Survival Skills is based on years of meticulous scientific research conducted by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Featuring a new introduction by ex-Navy SEAL Don Mann, this book also includes: instructions for six different fallout shelters, myths and facts about the dangers of nuclear weapons, tips for maintaining an adequate food and water supply, a foreword by “the father of the hydrogen bomb,” physicist Dr. Edward Teller, and an “About the Author” note by Eugene P. Wigner, physicist and Nobel Laureate. Written at a time when global tensions were at their peak, Nuclear War Survival Skills remains relevant in the dangerous age in which we now live.

NRSVue, Holy Bible with Apocrypha

by Zondervan

A Beautiful Bible for a Beautiful Faith.This edition of the NRSVue Holy Bible with Apocrypha invites you to explore the depth and beauty of Scripture. Continuing the legacy of the NRSV, the NRSVue aims to faithfully serve the church in personal spiritual formation, in the liturgy, and in the academy. With revisions based on new textual evidence, historical insights, and linguistic precision, this updated edition delivers a translation of Scripture based on meticulous care for accuracy and readability.The Apocrypha is placed between Old and New Testaments, a nearly four-hundred-year-old tradition originating with the 1534 German Luther Bible. This practice separates the Apocrypha from the 66-book canon while allowing readers to benefit from its spiritual wisdom, exemplary piety, and historical insight. Features:The text of the New Revised Standard Version, Updated Edition, vetted by an ecumenical group of Christian scholarsApocrypha placed between Old and New Testaments

NRSVue, Holy Bible

by Zondervan

A Beautiful Bible for a Beautiful Faith.This edition of the NRSVue Holy Bible invites you to explore the depth and beauty of Scripture. Continuing the legacy of the NRSV, the NRSVue aims to faithfully serve the church in personal spiritual formation, in the liturgy, and in the academy. With revisions based on new textual evidence, historical insights, and linguistic precision, this updated edition delivers a translation of Scripture based on meticulous care for accuracy and readability.Features:The text of the New Revised Standard Version, Updated Edition (66-book Protestant canon), vetted by an ecumenical group of Christian scholars

NRSVCE, Great Quotes Catholic Bible: Holy Bible

by Catholic Bible Press

THE BIBLE THAT FEELS LIKE HOME. THE BIBLE THAT LOOKS LIKE ART.The Great Quotes Catholic Bible features a stunning design that will inspire you to spend more time with the Word of God. This edition includes an array of beautiful quotes from saints, artists, popes, and other figures of Church history—all designed in stained glass-inspired motifs. It&’s a Bible that feels like home—and looks like art! The text of this beautiful edition is presented in two columns on each page for easy reading.Features include:Complete Catholic Bible with the official imprimatur of the Roman Catholic Church120 beautiful, artistically rendered quotation pages from popular figures in the Church's historyAnglicized textClear and readable 10-point print sizeExclusive Catholic Comfort Print®

NRSV Catholic Edition Bible Anglicized--Old Testament

by Harper Bibles

The New Revised Standard Version is the "standard" translation used by mainline Protestant churches, Orthodox churches, and by many Catholics. The NRSV debuted in 1989 and is owned by the National Council of Churches, which is the leading force for ecumenical cooperation among Christians in the United States representing thirty-five denominations with forty-five million members in more than 100,000 churches across the country. They have chosen HarperCollins to be the exclusive licensor of the translation for the world (nonexclusively in the UK). The New Revised Standard Version is recognized in scholarly circles as the most accurate translation into English of the original Hebrew and Greek texts. In the tradition of its predecessors, the King James Version and the Revised Standard Version, the NRSV was designed to be the "standard" version for English-speaking people across all denominations, which in many ways it has become. None of the new, more sectarian translations have approached its standards of elegance and accuracy. This unique one-column setting allows people to read the Bible as work of literature. Each book is introduced with an original wood-cut. Overall, this special easy-to-read setting makes the Bible a wonderful reading experience. It also includes a concordance index to help people find key passages.

NRSV Catholic Edition Bible Anglicized--New Testament

by Harper Bibles

The New Revised Standard Version is the "standard" translation used by mainline Protestant churches, Orthodox churches, and by many Catholics. The NRSV debuted in 1989 and is owned by the National Council of Churches, which is the leading force for ecumenical cooperation among Christians in the United States representing thirty-five denominations with forty-five million members in more than 100,000 churches across the country. They have chosen HarperCollins to be the exclusive licensor of the translation for the world (nonexclusively in the UK). The New Revised Standard Version is recognized in scholarly circles as the most accurate translation into English of the original Hebrew and Greek texts. In the tradition of its predecessors, the King James Version and the Revised Standard Version, the NRSV was designed to be the "standard" version for English-speaking people across all denominations, which in many ways it has become. None of the new, more sectarian translations have approached its standards of elegance and accuracy. This unique one-column setting allows people to read the Bible as work of literature. Each book is introduced with an original wood-cut. Overall, this special easy-to-read setting makes the Bible a wonderful reading experience. It also includes a concordance index to help people find key passages. This special Catholic edition includes all 23 books of the Catholic canon, a presentation page, and a ribbon.

NRSV Catholic Edition Bible: Holy Bible

by Harper Bibles

The New Revised Standard Version is the "standard" translation used by mainline Protestant churches, Orthodox churches, and by many Catholics. The NRSV debuted in 1989 and is owned by the National Council of Churches, which is the leading force for ecumenical cooperation among Christians in the United States representing thirty-five denominations with forty-five million members in more than 100,000 churches across the country. They have chosen HarperCollins to be the exclusive licensor of the translation for the world (nonexclusively in the UK). The New Revised Standard Version is recognized in scholarly circles as the most accurate translation into English of the original Hebrew and Greek texts. In the tradition of its predecessors, the King James Version and the Revised Standard Version, the NRSV was designed to be the "standard" version for English-speaking people across all denominations, which in many ways it has become. None of the new, more sectarian translations have approached its standards of elegance and accuracy. This unique one-column setting allows people to read the Bible as work of literature. Each book is introduced with an original wood-cut. Overall, this special easy-to-read setting makes the Bible a wonderful reading experience. It also includes a concordance index to help people find key passages.

NRSV Bible with the Apocrypha

by Harper Bibles

The New Revised Standard Version is the "standard" translation used by mainline Protestant churches, Orthodox churches, and by many Catholics. The NRSV debuted in 1989 and is owned by the National Council of Churches, which is the leading force for ecumenical cooperation among Christians in the United States representing thirty-five denominations with forty-five million members in more than 100,000 churches across the country. They have chosen HarperCollins to be the exclusive licensor of the translation for the world (nonexclusively in the UK). The New Revised Standard Version is recognized in scholarly circles as the most accurate translation into English of the original Hebrew and Greek texts. In the tradition of its predecessors, the King James Version and the Revised Standard Version, the NRSV was designed to be the "standard" version for English-speaking people across all denominations, which in many ways it has become. None of the new, more sectarian translations have approached its standards of elegance and accuracy. This unique one-column setting allows people to read the Bible as work of literature. Each book is introduced with an original wood-cut. Overall, this special easy-to-read setting makes the Bible a wonderful reading experience. It also includes a concordance index to help people find key passages.

NRSV Bible

by Harper Bibles

The Holy Bible New Revised Standard Version The NRSV Standard Bible utilizes a unique blend of text formats that are designed for ease of reading and greater reader comprehension of the various literary forms embodied in the scriptures. This resource features a single column text in the prose sections and double columns in the poetic sections (Psalms, Proverbs, wisdom books, and Minor Prophets). The NRSV is the most trusted, most accepted, and most accurate English translation of the Bible available today.

The NRA Step-by-Step Guide to Gun Safety: How to Care For, Use, and Store Your Firearms

by Rick Sapp National Rifle Association

Having shaped our nation since its birth, guns are an integral part of American life. As more and more Americans choose to own firearms, it becomes increasingly important to educate them on proper shooting and handling techniques.Drawing on the National Rifle Association’s more than two centuries of shooting experience, as well as the collected knowledge of more than 55,000 certified instructors, The NRA Step-by-Step Guide to Gun Safety offers key-and life-saving-advice on using, caring for, and storing handguns, rifles, and shotguns. Packed with essential information and resources, including details on how propellants burn in cartridges, shooting etiquette on and off the range, and where to find a certified NRA shooting instructor, The NRA Step-by-Step Guide to Gun Safety will help reinforce the importance of safe gun-handling habits. Included is information on: The safest and most effective way to store and transport pistols, rifles, and shotgunsThe anatomy of the many kinds of guns availableThe proper way to reload any firearmThe best way to clean your gunProper use of eye and ear protectionThe correct clothing to wear while huntingWhether you are an experienced shooter or haven’t shot a round in your life, The NRA Step-by-Step Guide to Gun Safety will provide new and enlightening information that will make you, and your family, safer gun owners.Skyhorse Publishing is proud to publish a broad range of books for hunters and firearms enthusiasts. We publish books about shotguns, rifles, handguns, target shooting, gun collecting, self-defense, archery, ammunition, knives, gunsmithing, gun repair, and wilderness survival. We publish books on deer hunting, big game hunting, small game hunting, wing shooting, turkey hunting, deer stands, duck blinds, bowhunting, wing shooting, hunting dogs, and more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to publishing books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked by other publishers and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

The NPR Guide to Building a Classical CD Collection (2nd edition)

by Ted Libbey

Berlioz. Vaughan Williams. Schubert and Schumann. Mozart after the Jupiter Symphony, Bach beyond the Brandenburg Concertos, opera after The Magic Flute. National Public Radio's Ted Libbey takes listeners by the hand through the classical repertory to build a music library. For the second edition, with five years of new performances to consider, five years of new releases to review, and five years of reissues to re-evaluate--the author has completely revised and updated the book. While sticking to the essential 300 works, there are now one-third new selections and reviews, and a 50% change in discography to keep all suggested CDs up to date.

Now You Know, Volume 4: The Book of Answers

by Doug Lennox

Building on the success of his previous bestsellers, Now You Know, Now You Know More, and Now You Know Almost Everything, this fourth volume is headed straight for the bestseller list! It is Doug Lennox at his best as he masterfully dispenses the answers to quirky questions, never losing sight of the joy of discovering the "why" of ordinary things. Discover the fascinating histories behind people, places, and words: WHY DO WE SAY THAT SOMEONE WHO HAS BEEN TREATED BADLY HAS BEEN "HUNG OUT TO DRY"? Discipline on early British sailing ships was necessary but often extreme. The cat-o'-nine-tails left sailors scarred for life, but keelhauling (tying a victim with a rope and pulling him under a ship) was feared most. If the prisoner survived, he was suspended from a yardarm where he was left hanging for a predetermined period of time. WHY IS A MILITARY DINING HALL CALLED A "MESS"? The term goes back to the Middle Ages, when British sailors began calling their meagre and often grub-infested meals a "mess." It evolved into meaning the general area where the sailors gathered to eat. Later it referred to a specific area where men gathered to eat, drink, and socialize.

Now You Know Soccer

by Doug Lennox

Known around the world as football, soccer is the world’s most watched and played sport. Now Doug Lennox, the striker of Q&A, scores with a pitch full of tidbits that delivers the goods on Pelé, Maradona, Beckham, Zidane, and other superstars, as well as the history, traditions, and rules of the game. Doug has compiled a World Cup of trivia about a truly universal phenomenon that has legions of passionate, and sadly sometimes violent, fans. How did soccer originate?, Who was the first soccer player to score a hat trick in a World Cup final? What was the largest attendance ever for a soccer match? What is the "technical area"? Where was the world’s first soccer club formed? What was the first movie ever made about soccer? Where was the first World Cup held? What are the Laws of the Game? What were the 10 worst losses of life in soccer history?

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