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The No-Nonsense Guide to Tourism

by Pamela Nowicka

This guide demystifies the often invisible impacts of global tourism, one of the biggest industries in the world, from labor conditions to development by stealth, to the role of elites and the cultural impacts on both the visitor and the visited.It also takes in themes such as the gap year and the role of travel and vacations in Western cultures, and examines the "happy smiling faces" syndrome and asks whether this is just a reworking of old colonial relationships. Pamela Nowicka is a journalist and consultant writing on numerous tourism and ethics subjects.

The No-Nonsense Guide to the United Nations

by Maggie Black

In the first book to distill the entire history of the United Nations into one accessible volume, Maggie Black explains how this complex organization works and explores its successes, failings, and current limitations. The book includes the creation of the UN and its early history, how it is structured, and whether it is well constituted in its functions. Black also considers possibilities for reform to make it more democratic, effective, and fit for its purpose.Maggie Black has written books for Oxford University Press, UNICEF, and Oxfam and articles for The Economist and BBC World Service. She has worked as a consultant for UNICEF and Anti-Slavery International.

No-Nonsense Guide to the Arms Trade

by Nicholas Gilby

One of the few up-to-date works on the whole of the arms trade, this book puts the global trade in weapons in the context of history and includes recent controversial deals, as well as case studies on Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Darfur. It exposes the cynicism, bribery, and insider deals that characterize the conventional trade and the hidden world of torture.Nicholas Gilby led the Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) in its efforts to expose the corruption at the heart of Britain's arms deals with Saudi Arabia over the past four decades. In 2008, he forced the disclosure of many documents concerning corruption in Britain's arms deals with Saudi Arabia.

The No-Nonsense Guide to Science

by Jerome Ravetz

Science is the great intellectual adventure, but can also be an instrument of profit, power, and privilege. Wrongly used, it might yet make the twenty-first century our last. To make sense of this, we need to let go of old ideas and assumptions.<P><P>This No-Nonsense Guide to Science introduces a new way of thinking about science, moving away from ideas of perfect certainty and objectivity. We must accept uncertainty and ignorance in the field, as well as the need for citizens' participation in the policies involving science.

The No-Nonsense Guide to Religion

by Symon Hill

Religion is a term that is often used in the media and public life without any clarification. However, it is a word that encompasses hundreds of different beliefs. It is a loaded word that has a different meaning for every person; religion can be seen as a source of war and peace, love and hate, dialogue and narrow-mindedness.Symon Hill's No-Nonsense Guide to Religion tries to explain what religion means, how we relate to it, how it was created, and how it affects us culturally, politically, and spiritually today.Drawing on a wide range of sources, The No-Nonsense Guide to Religion does not just concentrate on the popular and well-established traditions, which normally over-emphasize powerful figures. The guide also focuses on the diversity within religions as well as the similarities between them.The globalization of communications has made more people aware of religious conversion, with more people than ever before belonging to a different religious community from their parents. The No-Nonsense Guide to Religion considers how religion has shaped our culture as well as how our culture is shaping religion today.Symon Hill is a tutor in practical theology, a writer, a trainer, and an activist. He has written comment pieces for newspapers ranging from the Sunday Herald to The Daily Mail and contributes regularly to the Guardian's website, The Friend, and Ekklesia.

The No-Nonsense Guide to Menopause

by Barbara Seaman Laura Eldridge

For nearly as long as women have been around, they have been going through menopause. It is a bodily process as old as human birth, death, and of course, menstruation. Like many normal biological events, menopause was gradually medicalized, and with the rise of pharmaceutical medicine, women and their doctors were convinced that it was an "estrogen deficiency disease" that could be treated by supplementing the body's declining estrogen levels with hormones. By 2002 hormone treatment had been on the market for more than fifty years when doctors and women alike were shocked by the results of a massive clinical trial, the Women's Health Initiative: women taking hormones had more heart attacks, breast cancer, strokes, pulmonary embolisms, and blood clots than women who did not, and patients were left scrambling to find new and sometimes difficult answers to their menopause and midlife health questions. In The No-Nonsense Guide to Menopause, Barbara Seaman, a legendary figure in the women's health movement, and Laura Eldridge have written a comprehensive, easy-to-use resource that will give you all the information you need to make smart and informed decisions that will put you in control during this time of transition -- medically, psychologically, sexually, and even financially. With the latest research on everything from hormone replacement therapy to skin creams to preventing osteoporosis, The No-Nonsense Guide to Menopause is the definitive manual on this important subject. You'll find out which changes are expected and natural and which can be a cause for concern; how hormonal shifts can affect your heart, your sex life, and your mood; and what you can do to address these issues. Whether the authors are discussing the risk factors for heart disease, the benefits of lifting weights, or if you should consider a hysterectomy, they offer unbiased, straightforward information and advice with a signature blend of wisdom and sensitivity. Perhaps most important, you'll learn how to evaluate what you read in magazines, hear on the news, and are told by your doctor, so you can distinguish between solid facts and dubious claims. By learning how to read and evaluate scientific studies and becoming familiar with what goes on behind the scenes in research labs, at doctors' offices, and at pharmaceutical companies, you will be able to become your own advocate. The next time you go to the doctor's office, you will know how to make the most of your visit and leave feeling confident, informed, and in command. There is no one way to experience menopause and no single way to handle the challenges it can present, but as a no-nonsense patient, you will have the tools you need to make decisions that are right for you.

The No-Nonsense Guide to Islam

by Ziauddin Sardar Merryl Wyn Davies

This guide explains Islamic history, the Qur'an, sharia law, and Islam's relationship with the West. It analyzes the struggle within the faith for a more humane interpretation of the religion, issues surrounding women, democracy, and economic development, and the outlook post-9/11 and the Iraq war. Merryl Wyn Davies is a writer, anthropologist, and TV producer. The author of Knowing One Another: Shaping an Islamic Anthropology, she also co-authored the international bestseller Why Do People Hate America? Ziauddin Sardar is a writer, broadcaster, and cultural critic. His works include Postmodernism and the Other, Orientalism, and Why Do People Hate America?, written with Merryl Wyn Davies.

The No-Nonsense Guide to International Development

by Maggie Black

"Overseas aid" and "international development" are catch-all terms that cover a multitude of activities--and abuses. This guide explains what "development" actually is--and explores its political and economic roots. It shows what can happen in the name of development and argues for a more organic, social approach with those it seeks to serve as equal partners in the process. Maggie Black has written books for the Oxford University Press, UNICEF, and Oxfam. She has worked as a consultant for UNICEF, Anti-Slavery International, and WaterAid, among others, and has written for the Guardian, The Economist, and BBC World Service.

The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous People

by Lotte Hughes

This guide looks beyond the exotic images tracing the story of different indigenous people from their first contact with explorers and colonizers to the present day. Much of this story is told by the indigenous people themselves and they present the issues behind the challenge to give them their own space in their own lands.

The No-Nonsense Guide to Green Politics

by Derek Wall

Climate chaos and pollution, deforestation and consumerism: the crisis facing human civilization is clear enough. But the response of politicians to it has been cowardly and inadequate, while environmental activists have tended to favor single-issue campaigns rather than electoral politics.The No-Nonsense Guide to Green Politics measures the rising tide of eco-activism and awareness and explains why it heralds a new political era worldwide.Derek Wall is a former principal speaker of the British Green Party. He is the author of numerous books, including Babylon and Beyond: The Economics of Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Globalist and Radical Green Movements.

The No-Nonsense Guide to Globalization

by Wayne Ellwood

Globalization is all around us. From the richest country to the poorest, every aspect of life is affected by global economics and communications. We all benefit...or do we?This No-Nonsense Guide to Globalization distills the arguments into a clear, concise commentary. It examines the debt trap, the acceleration of neo-liberalism and the "free trade" model, competition for energy resources, and the links between the war on terror, the arms trade, and privatization. It looks at civil society alternatives to corporate globalization and the latest trade justice initiatives.

The No-Nonsense Guide to Global Terrorism

by Jonathan Barker

This is a highly accessible history of terrorism that looks at core examples from the Middle East, instances of state terrorism, and terrorist fringes of political movements. It covers the theories justifying and guiding terrorist acts and the battle of images that accompanies them.Jonathan Barker has taught political science at the universities of Toronto, Arizona, and Dar es Salam. He has researched local politics in Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, and India. His other books include Street-Level Democracy and Rural Communities under Stress.

The No-Nonsense Guide to Global Surveillance

by Robin Tudge

Spying, once the province of the KGB, CIA and MI5, has become part of everyday life. Governments routinely trawl our emails, CCTV cameras follow us on every street, while state databases of our DNA become larger all the time. This book shows the extent to which Big Brother is watching us all.

The No-Nonsense Guide to Global Media

by Peter Steven

Peter Steven explores the diversity of world media, from the corporate to the independent. He introduces readers to the political economy of the major media outlets, looking at the concentration of ownership and the convergence of technologies and media functions. In doing so, he encourages us to question how the media reflects society: are we passive recipients, or do we have a part in constructing the world?Peter Steven is a freelance writer based in Toronto, Canada. He has been a film columnist for New Internationalist and The Beaver magazines, and associate editor of Jump Cut magazine.

The No-Nonsense Guide to Global Finance

by Peter Stalker

An incisive introduction to global finance--where money comes from, the current mechanisms, and the need for control and reform. It traces the origins of money as a source of exchange and a store of value and the many weird forms it now takes--visible and invisible.The guide sets recent events into context, indicating how the flows of money directed by an unaccountable elite increasingly shape economic, political, and social activity.Peter Stalker is a former co-editor of the New Internationalist who now works as a consultant to a number of UN agencies. He is author of the No-Nonsense Guide to International Migration.

The No-Nonsense Guide to Fair Trade

by David Ransom

Meeting the people who grow our bananas and cocoa and make our clothes, this No-Nonsense Guide to Fair Trade tells the human story behind what we consume. <P><P>Examin-ing the global contest between "free" and "fair" trade, David Ransom argues that the key question is not whether trade should be regulated or deregulated, but whether it is to be the master or servant of the people.And as fair trade products are being turned into brands by large corporations, a new contest opens-it is no longer just a question of fair versus free, but what kind of fair trade.

The No-Nonsense Guide to Equality

by Danny Dorling Richard Wilkinson Kate Pickett

The No-Nonsense Guide to Equality discusses the positive effects that equality can have, using examples and case studies from across the globe, including many from the United States. It examines the lessons of history and covers race, gender and ethnicity, age, and wealth. Danny Dorling considers, realistically, just how equal it is possible to be, the challenges we face, and the factors that will lead to greater equality for all.Danny Dorling is professor of human geography at the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom, and one of the leading international experts on inequality. He has written extensively about the widening gap between rich and poor and his work regularly appears in the Guardian. He is author of several books, including Injustice: Why Social Inequality Persists and The Atlas of the Real World.

The No-Nonsense Guide to Democracy

by Richard Swift

Following the economic meltdown and the triumph of Barack Obama, have the chances of genuine democracy improved?In this updated edition of The No-Nonsense Guide to Democracy, Richard Swift explores how democracy has been constricted and deformed by economic power brokers and a self-serving political class from Birmingham to Bangalore. He considers the different tools people in power have used to manipulate democratic principles, such as freedom, to their advantage.The book includes chapter-length discussions of topics such as the economic meltdown, Barack Obama, eco-democracy, democratizing the economy, and democracy in the global south. It is also a guide to the rich diversity of forms of elected government, and it contains practical ideas for empowering today's voters around the world.Richard Swift was co-editor for the New Internationalist magazine from 1984 to 2007 and lives in Toronto. He has written and broadcast on questions of ecology and democracy for many years.

The No-Nonsense Guide to Conflict and Peace

by Sabina Lautensach Helen Ware Deanna Iribarnegaray Peter Greener

The twentieth century was the most bloody in history, and already conflict in this century has taken a heavy toll. Most wars are now within countries rather than between states, and often it is civilians that suffer most, especially women and children.This is an invaluable guide for students, peace groups, and activists. It examines the changing types of war, including the war on terror and ethnic conflict such as in Rwanda, the role of diplomacy and the UN, and what steps ordinary people are taking to rebuild communities. It offers ideas and inspiration for creating lasting peace.

The No-Nonsense Guide to Climate Change

by Danny Chivers

Just as the need for action on climate change becomes more urgent and overwhelming, the campaign to deny that humans are causing it has gained more traction. This completely new book meets the sceptics head on, offering a guide to the science, an insight into the politics of climate justice and a clear sense of the way forward.

The No-Nonsense Guide to Animal Rights

by Catharine Grant

Today animals need protecting more than ever: those bred for laboratories, zoos, and hunting, and also those reared intensively on farms. And out in the wild, animals are losing their habitats to environmental exploitation.<P><P>Dispelling the myth that the protection of animals' rights is a modern, Western concern, this No-Nonsense Guide to Animal Rights explains the key issues, charts the growth of the animal rights movement, and looks at the welfare and protection laws. And it includes a practical day-to-day guide to what individuals can do to minimize exploitation.

No Meat Athlete: A Plant-Based Nutrition and Training Guide for Every Fitness Level—Beginner to Beyond

by Matt Frazier Matthew Ruscigno

A vegan ultramarathoner “provides the roadmap to wellness and performance no matter where the journey takes you” (Scott Jurek, world-renowned Ultramarathon champion and New York Times–bestselling author).Veganism is taking off in the sports world. The lifestyle has been adopted by Olympians, body builders, and boxers, as well as top athletes in the NBA and NFL. Hollywood is on board, too. James Cameron (director of Avatar and Titanic) has produced a film on the topic called The Gamechangers, which follows vegan athletes, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, US Olympian Kendrick James Farris, and surfer Tia Blanco. In No Meat Athlete, author, blogger, and hundred-mile ultramarathoner Matt Frazier will show you the many benefits to embracing a plant-based athletic lifestyle, including: ·Weight loss, which often leads to increased speed ·Easier digestion and faster recovery after workouts ·Improved energy levels to help not only athletic performance, but your daily life ·Reduced impact on the planet In this revised and updated edition, you’ll also find new recipes, advice, and an all-new twelve-week strength training plan designed to improve your overall fitness. Section I of the book provides practical advice for transitioning to a plant-based lifestyle, while ensuring you are getting all the nutrition you need. In Section II, Matt delivers training manuals of his own design for runners of all ability levels and ambitions, including tips for creating healthy habits, improving performance, and avoiding injuries. No Meat Athlete is your road map to top-notch performance, the plant-based way!“Matt Frazier presents the tools and information . . . in a way that is downright approachable, leaving his readers energized with a sense of possibility.” —Brendan Brazier, Ultramarathon champion, professional Ironman triathlete, and author of Thrive

No Going Back: Buying Abroad

by Katy Pownall

Whether it is the idea of working for oneself, enjoying more sunshine or simply wishing to spend more time with one's family, millions of us dream about leaving our 9-5 jobs and moving abroad. This book will bring you closer to that reality. Packed with practical advice and inspiring stories from the families featured in the series, NO GOING BACK - BUYING ABROAD is your key to escaping the rat race. Drawing on the experience of the NO GOING BACK families, the book will explain what budget you will need to move to various countries, how to arrange mortgages and work permits, how to get your children in to schools and many other tips. Whether you wish to have an olive farm in Tuscany or a hotel in the Alps, this book will show you how.

No-Drama Discipline: The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind

by Daniel J. Siegel Tina Payne Bryson

The pioneering experts behind the bestselling The Whole-Brain Child--Tina Payne Bryson and Daniel J. Siegel, the New York Times bestselling author of Brainstorm--now explore the ultimate child-raising challenge: discipline. Highlighting the fascinating link between a child's neurological development and the way a parent reacts to misbehavior, No-Drama Discipline provides an effective, compassionate road map for dealing with tantrums, tensions, and tears--without causing a scene. Defining the true meaning of the "d" word (to instruct, not to shout or reprimand), the authors explain how to reach your child, redirect emotions, and turn a meltdown into an opportunity for growth. By doing so, the cycle of negative behavior (and punishment) is essentially brought to a halt, as problem solving becomes a win/win situation. Inside this sanity-saving guide you'll discover * strategies that help parents identify their own discipline philosophy--and master the best methods to communicate the lessons they are trying to impart * facts on child brain development--and what kind of discipline is most appropriate and constructive at all ages and stages * the way to calmly and lovingly connect with a child--no matter how extreme the behavior--while still setting clear and consistent limits * tips for navigating your children through a tantrum to achieve insight, empathy, and repair * twenty discipline mistakes even the best parents make--and how to stay focused on the principles of whole-brain parenting and discipline techniques Complete with candid stories and playful illustrations that bring the authors' suggestions to life, No-Drama Discipline shows you how to work with your child's developing mind, peacefully resolve conflicts, and inspire happiness and strengthen resilience in everyone in the family.Advance praise for No-Drama Discipline "Wow! This book grabbed me from the very first page and did not let go. Daniel Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson explain extremely well why punishment is a dead-end strategy. Then they describe what to do instead. By making the latest breakthroughs in brain science accessible to any parent, they show why empathy and connection are the royal road to cooperation, discipline, and family harmony."--Lawrence J. Cohen, Ph.D., author of The Opposite of Worry "Using simple and clear explanations, practical advice, and cartoons that make the how-to guidance come alive, this book is a rich resource for families trying to navigate meltdowns and misunderstandings. It explains how neurobiology drives children's infuriating and puzzling behavior and will help parents make their way through the trenches of a typical day with grace, mutual respect, and a good helping of delight."--Wendy Mogel, Ph.D., author of The Blessing of a Skinned Knee "What a relief! Siegel and Bryson take the difficulty out of discipline, for parents or anyone who has to help kids behave. No-Drama Discipline offers a research-based, commonsense approach that any grown-up will be happy to use, and any kid will benefit from."--Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional IntelligenceFrom the Hardcover edition.

No Dig: Nurture Your Soil EBK 22

by Charles Dowding

Work in partnership with nature to nurture your soil for healthy plants and bumper crops - without back-breaking effort!Have you ever wondered how to transform a weedy plot into a thriving vegetable garden? Well now you can! By following the simple steps set out in No Dig, in just a few short hours you can revolutionize your vegetable patch with plants already in the ground from day one!Charles Dowding is on a mission to teach that there is no need to dig over the soil, but by minimizing intervention you are actively boosting soil productivity. In fact, The less you dig, the more you preserve soil structure and nurture the fungal mycelium vital to the health of all plants.This is the essence of the No Dig system that Charles Dowding has perfected over a lifetime growing vegetables.So put your gardening gloves on and get ready to discover: - Guides and calendars of when to sow, grow, and harvest.- Inspiring information and first-hand guidance from the author- &“Delve deeper&” features look in-depth at the No Dig system and the facts and research that back it up.- The essential role of compost and how to make your own at home.- The importance of soil management, soil ecology, and soil health.Now one of the hottest topics in environmental science, this "wood-wide web" has informed Charles's practice for decades, and he's proven it isn't just trees that benefit - every gardener can harness the power of the wood-wide web. Featuring newly- commissioned step-by-step photography of all stages of growing vegetables and herbs, and all elements of No Dig growing, shot at Charles&’s beautiful market garden in Somerset, you too will be able to grow more veg with less time and effort, and in harmony with nature - so join the No Dig revolution today!A must-have volume for followers of Charles Dowding who fervently believe in his approach to low input, high yield gardening, as well as gardeners who want to garden more lightly on the earth, with environmentally friendly techniques like organic and No Dig.

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