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The Grace of Being Fallible in Philosophy, Theology, and Religion

by Thomas John Hastings Knut-Willy Sæther

Why is epistemic fallibilism a viable topic for Christian thought and cultural engagement today? Religious fundamentalists and scientific positivists tend to deal with reality in terms of “knockdown” arguments, and such binary approaches to lived reality have helped to underwrite the belligerence and polarization that mark this age of the social media echo chamber. For those who want to take both religion and science seriously, epistemic fallibilism offers a possible moderating stance that claims neither too much nor too little for either endeavor, nor forces a decision for one side over and against the other. This book uses this epistemological approach to fallibilism as a positive resource for conversations that arise at the intersection of philosophy, theology, and religion. The essays explore a range of openings into the interstices of these often siloed fields, with the aim of overcoming some of the impasses separating diverse ways of knowing.

Grace Notes (Faithgirlz / Blog On! #1)

by Dandi Daley Mackall

Gracie Doe, a keen observer of human nature, prefers to blog-keep an online journal on her anonymous website--about her classmates at Big Lake High, not befriend them. But when a new girl moves to town and discovers Gracie's Internet blog identity, Gracie is forced to discover God's purpose in belonging, and she recruits three very different girls for her "Blog Team. "

Grace Notes

by Philip Yancey

31 readings for the month of December

Grace Notes: Daily Readings with Philip Yancey

by Philip Yancey

" “There is no writer in the evangelical world that I admire and appreciate more.” - Billy Graham Philip Yancey’s words—captured in his many bestselling books—have influenced the lives of millions of readers by strengthening their faith, building their hope, sparking their creativity, and challenging their comfort zones. If you’re one of those readers, you know personally how his insights have affected your mind and heart. And if you’re new to Yancey, you’re in for a life-altering experience. These meditations—all drawn from the beloved and bestselling writings of the author—will take you through an entire year of Yancey’s insight and imagination, covering a broad range of topics: • How to rediscover God through the wonders of nature, music, and romantic love • Why grace means you can’t do anything to make God love you more or less • What happens when you cut through preconceptions to encounter the “real” Jesus • How to renew your understanding and practice of prayer • Where you can see God in unexpected people and places • How to cope when life crashes in around you Every day, experience the best from a beloved author who, with freshness, clarity, and energy, has so brilliantly articulated God’s wonderful but mysterious relationship with you. "

Grace, Not Perfection Study Guide: Embracing Simplicity, Celebrating Joy

by Emily Ley

As a busy wife, new mother, business owner, and designer, Emily Ley came to a point when she suddenly realized she couldn't do it all. She needed to simplify her life, organize her days, and prioritize the priorities. She realized that she had been holding herself to a standard of perfection, when what God was really calling her to do was step into his grace.In this four-session video-based study (DVD/digital video sold separately), Emily describes the journey that led to her pursuing a simpler life—one that allowed her to breathe, laugh, and grow—and provides ways for others to simplify their lives. She reminds each of us that God abundantly pours out grace on us, and because of this, we can surely extend grace to ourselves. This message is for everyone who has been trying to do it all... only to burn out.As Emily writes, "You don't have to be perfect to embrace grace. Grace is free—for imperfect and unworthy people like you and me. God wants us to love big and feel deeply alive, free from the traps of perfection and comparison. The truth is, if we take care of ourselves like we're nurturing everyone else, shower love on our people, and pursue the things that make us feel deeply alive, perfection won’t sound so necessary, and real-life joy will find us in the beautiful mess of it all."Sessions include:Let Go of the “Perfect Life”Surrender ControlBuild True CommunityLive in God’s GraceDesigned for use with Grace, Not Perfection Video Study (sold separately).

Grace, Not Perfection for Young Readers: Believing You're Enough in a World of Impossible Expectations

by Emily Ley

As she grows up in a generation that is busier and more distracted than ever, your tween girl will love the fun vibe and practical ideas in Grace, Not Perfection for Young Readers by bestselling author, creator of the Simplified Planner, and organizational expert Emily Ley.Today's fast-paced, technology-driven society affects all ages, but it's taking its biggest toll on our kids. Does your middle grader feel compelled to participate in a ton of activities, be an excellent student, take a perfect photo for every occasion, and be friends with as many people as possible--only to end up exhausted and anxious? Help her adopt a new, life-giving perspective in Grace, Not Perfection for Young Readers.With a colorful interior, plenty of photos, and actionable tips and lists, this young readers' edition of Emily Ley's popular book reminds you and your daughter that God offers abundant grace every day. Emily's ideas include how to . . .Create significant moments rather than orchestrating a picture-perfect life.Pare down activities to what matters most--without FOMO.Simplify life by simplifying three major areas: your space, your time, and your mind.Create effective to-do lists and get through them one step at a time.Perfect for back-to-school, Christmas, birthdays, and coming-of-age celebrations, Grace, Not Perfection for Young Readers is completely reimagined for a younger audience but still includes Emily's signature aesthetic and message. It's a great book to enjoy with your daughter as you find your own new freedom in the adult edition.Timely and engaging, Grace, Not Perfection for Young Readers helps tween girls embrace the most important elements of life, trim off the superficial and superfluous, let go of unrealistic standards, and journey toward adulthood with the right outlook and tools to have a simpler, grace-filled, and happy life.

The Grace Message: Is the Gospel Really This Good?

by Andrew Farley

What Is God&’s Grace—and What Does It Mean for You? Grace. It&’s a word we&’ve heard since the very first step in our faith journey—but do we really believe in God&’s grace? Grace raises eyebrows. It begs questions. Grace turns everything upside down. The Grace Message invites you to discover the best flavor of Christianity and celebrate the good news of the Gospel to the fullest. Here, you&’ll learn: • how to abandon rule-based living and stop trying to measure up • why your new identity in Jesus matters more than you can imagine • how you can now enjoy God&’s New Covenant way of grace Bestselling author and radio host Andrew Farley&’s no-nonsense straight talk will awaken you to a revolutionary perspective every healthy Christian should have. Life is too short to miss out on God&’s best—and what you don&’t know can hinder you from experiencing Jesus in every area of your life. So if you&’ve been weighed down by ruthless religion, or you&’ve been searching for that high-octane version of the Gospel that you know must be out there somewhere, here it is. This thought-provoking book will challenge you to dismiss the lies you&’ve believed and to make up your own mind about how big God&’s grace really is. &“Andrew Farley shows why the good news is actually great news. This extraordinary, battle-tested message of hope and freedom has a proven track record of transforming lives. The Grace Message is bursting with truth. The love of God practically drips from its pages. Read it and see for yourself!&” —Bart Millard, singer/songwriter for MercyMe

The Grace Marriage: How the Gospel and Intentionality Transform Your Relationship

by Brad Rhoads Marilyn Rhoads

We live in a performance-based world—but happy and hope-filled marriages thrive on grace. Marriage was God&’s idea, so we know He designed it to be very, very good. But why do most marriages look disengaged, unappealing, or at best a bit stagnant? For Brad and Marilyn, &“the honeymoon was over before the honeymoon was even over.&” Both found themselves disillusioned and disappointed. In The Grace Marriage, the authors share how a revelation of God&’s grace and fresh conviction of the need for intentional investment transformed their hearts and relationship. What does a grace marriage look like? This book invites couples to explore:Grace and IdentityGrace in the Day-to-DayGrace in CrisisGrace and CommunicationGrace and SexGrace and Money . . . and more.Choosing to show your spouse the same grace Christ has showed you liberates you to walk in freedom and fullness of joy. If you want your marriage to reflect the vibrancy, creativity, and oneness God intends, you must show proactive, ongoing investment.This book is an essential resource for couples who desire to thrive—not just survive—and who want a marriage that showcases the grace of God to the watching world.

Grace Jantzen: Redeeming the Present

by Elaine L. Graham

Grace Jantzen was an internationally-renowned feminist philosopher of religion whose work has transformed the way we think about the interactions between religion, culture and gender in Western culture. Jantzen's aim was to 'redeem the present' via a critique and reconstruction of staple concepts of the Western imaginary. This unique book brings together many of Grace Jantzen's colleagues and former students in a wide-ranging exploration of her enduring influence, ranging across philosophy of religion, to literature, psychoanalysis, theology, ethics and politics. Part I assesses the ramifications of Jantzen's affirmation that Western culture must 'choose life' in preference to a prevailing symbolic of violence and death. Part II explores some of the key voices which contributed to Jantzen's understanding of a culture of flourishing and natality: Quaker thought and practice, medieval mysticism and feminist spirituality. Further essays apply elements of Jantzen's work to the politics of disability, development and environmentalism, extending her range of influence into new and innovative areas.

Grace Is Not a Get Out of Hell Free Card: Setting the Record Straight About Freedom, Favor, and True Transformation

by Steve Foss

The power of grace for true transformation Grace is the most significant gift from God that mankind has ever received. It is at the core of our Christian faith, and without it we would still be without hope and without God. But grace isn’t what most people think it is. It is not just a “get out of hell free” card. The good news is that it’s better! Grace is the favor of God that gives to us access to His power for everything we need for life. Grace Is Not a Get Out of Hell Free Card takes you step-by-step through the amazing power of grace. Once and for all you can be free from the bondages of sin, strongholds, lack, and demonic oppression, and you can enter into the fullness of all Christ bought for us. Now is the time for your life to be transformed by the revelation knowledge of God’s grace. No more defeat, no more struggling, no more lack in any area. Now is your time! God is going to open the windows of heaven and reveal to you a place called grace, where everything you need is.

Grace Is Like Chocolate Without The Calories: Devotions About God's Goodness

by Loree Lough Trish Perry Sandra D. Bricker Cynthia Ruchti

These one-hundred devotions remind readers how fully God's grace covers every slip and stumble. Our best can never be good enough, but grace is greater than our largest shortcoming. Writing with humor and heart, four of America's best-loved inspirational writers share their own lives, inviting readers to find the blessings in the challenges. Whether you are facing deadlines, double-scheduled meetings, growing loads of laundry, or all that and more, if you begin your day with a reminder of God's love, your whole day will be all the sweeter.

Grace Is Greater: God's Plan To Overcome Your Past And Rewrite Your Story

by Kyle Idleman

The writer of the letter to the Hebrews said, "See to it that no one misses the grace of God." Over the centuries much ink has been spilled on the subject of grace. Yet perhaps nothing is as hard to explain as God's grace. It doesn't make sense. It's not fair. It can't possibly cover over what I've done. The best way--perhaps the only real way--to understand it is to experience it. But too often in our churches we're not getting grace across and grace is not experienced. Bestselling author and pastor Kyle Idleman wants everyone to experience the grace of God. Through the powerful medium of story, Grace Is Greater leads readers past their hang-ups toward an understanding of grace that is bigger than our mistakes, our failures, our desire for revenge, and our seemingly impossible situations. No sin is so great, no bitterness so deep that God's grace cannot transform the heart and rewrite the story. Perfect for individuals and also for small groups and church-wide studies, Grace Is Greater will help readers truly grasp God's grace, even if the Christians around them have failed to live it.

Grace is Enough: A 30-Day Christian Devotional to Help Women Turn Anxiety and Insecurity into Confidence

by Courtney Fidell

For days when you're feeling stressed, worried, or simply seeking inspiration, this beautifully written women's devotional will lift you up and help you find calm amid the chaos of life today.Grace Is Enough is a 30-day devotional for women who are seeking to build confidence and fight anxiety with the use of God's word. Through poignant personal essays and stories from the Bible, author Courtney Fidell shares inspiring messages to help you overcome your insecurities and find freedom and peace through the power of prayer.Grace Is Enough features: • 30 days of devotional passages featuring the author's personal essays and Bible stories to help you ease common anxieties and insecurities, like feeling unqualified, jealous, fearful, restless, or overwhelmed • Original prayers and personal reflections to help you process your own thoughts and feelings • Modern artwork and minimalist design

Grace in Thine Eyes (Lowlands of Scotland #4)

by Liz Curtis Higgs

Glen of Loch Trool. Spring 1808. Davina McKie is a bonny lass of seventeen, as clever as they come and a gifted musician. Unable to speak since childhood, she is doted on by her belligerent younger brothers, Will and Sandy, who vow to protect their silent sister.When the lads are forced to depart the glen, Jamie McKie intends to brighten his daughter's summer by escorting Davina to the Isle of Arran. Her cousins make her welcome at the manse, and the parish delights in hearing their talented fiddler.But when she catches the eye of a handsome young Highlander on Midsummer Eve, sheltered Davina is unprepared for the shocking events that follow.A timeless story of passion and revenge, of lost innocence and shattered dreams, Grace in Thine Eyes explores the sorrow of unspeakable shame and the gift of immeasurable grace."Just as Davina is a master of the fiddle, Liz Curtis Higgs is a master of the written word." -Teresa Medeiros, New York Times best-selling author "A phenomenal story that beautifully parallels its biblical counterpart." -Tracie Peterson, best-selling author of What She Left for Me"Absolutely wonderful. Higgs manages to turn history and imagery and language into an unforgettable work of art."-B. J. Hoff, author of A Distant MusicA Reader's Guide and Scottish Glossary Are IncludedFrom the Trade Paperback edition.

Grace in the Wilderness

by Brother Francis Wagner

You are not alone. This is the promise of God’s Word. God is prepared to meet us in the midst of life’s struggles, journey with us, and lead us through the wilderness. This is grace in the wilderness, as the prophet Jeremiah wrote to give hope to the exiled Israelites. Written by Benedictine monk Br. Francis Wagner, the scriptural reflections presented in Grace in the Wilderness simply retell this story. The hope is that this book will help enhance readers’ own reflections on Scripture and its relation to their life, so that they may experience grace in the wilderness—the very presence of God.

Grace in the Gray: A More Loving Way to Disagree

by Mike Donehey

By approaching disagreements in a more loving way and seeing the grace and good in those who hold differing viewpoints, you'll gain a deeper understanding of others, yourself, and God—from the bestselling author of Finding God's Life for My Will. &“Written with just the right amount of humor, reflection, and heart, Grace in the Gray shows us how to focus on the people we may disagree with more than focusing on the issue at hand.&”—Mac Powell, Grammy Award–winning singer and songwriterIn a culture where constant offense and polarization dominate so many interactions, here is good news about a more productive way to disagree: God desires for us to become better at loving others . . . not better at debating. Grace in the Gray helps us see the grace and good that&’s often hidden by our own limited perspectives and assumptions. Through a collection of personal stories and biblical insights, Mike Donehey reveals a four-stage process to help you1. subjectify those you&’ve objectified2. empathize with those you&’ve vilified3. humanize those you&’ve deified4. see why your posture is as essential as your positionIn relationships, professional settings, and social situations, discover how to focus on the person standing before you more than the argument set against you. Doing so gives you the rare ability to face any conflict with better questions, kindness, and the calming posture of curiosity.It all begins by learning to listen and lead with the most transformative substance the universe has ever known . . . God&’s love.

Grace in Practice: A Theology of Everyday Life

by Paul F. M. Zahl

Grace in Practice is a challenging call to live life under grace -- a concept most Christians secretly have trouble with. Paul Zahl pulls no punches, contending that no matter how often we talk about salvation by grace, in our "can-do" society we often cling instead to a righteousness of works. Asserting throughout that grace always trumps both law and church, Zahl illuminates an expansive view of grace in everything, extending the good news of grace to all creation. Conversationally written and filled with fascinating insights, Grace in Practice will reward any Christian who seeks to understand the full measure of God's grace and the total freedom it offers.

The Grace in Living: Recognize It, Trust It, Abide in It

by Kathleen Dowling Singh

Bestselling author Kathleen Dowling Singh (The Grace in Dying) presents an opportunity to view and reflect upon our lives in a new way--as an already unfolding awakening. Kathleen Dowling Singh invites us to enter into an awakened relationship with our lives by exploring our own spiritual biography. Her thoughtful reflections and exercises guide us through the process, step-by-step, of recognizing the ever-presence of grace in our lives and learning to trust it and live from it. This book also offers accounts from renowned teachers, including Rodney Smith, Cynthia Bourgeault, and Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, as well as other long-time practitioners. These intimate first-person accounts offer rare glimpses into early spiritual yearnings, struggles, and realizations--and serve as encouragement and inspiration for us to rediscover our own.

Grace in Galatia: A Commentary on Paul's Letter to the Galatians

by Ben Witherington III

Grace in Galatia is an innovative socio-rhetorical study of Paul's most polemical letter. Ben Witherington breaks new ground by analyzing the whole of Galatians as a deliberative discourse meant to forestall the Galatians from submitting to circumcision and the Jewish law. The commentary features the latest discussion of major problems in Pauline studies, including Paul's view of the law and the relationship between the historical data in Galatians and in Acts. Yet the narrative character of Witherington's work allows it to remain exceedingly accessible. The volume also includes sections following the major divisions of the commentary that point to the relevance of the text for believers today, making Grace in Galatia of special value to pastors and general readers as well as students and scholars.

The Grace in Dying: A Message of Hope, Comfort and Spiritual Transformation

by Kathleen Dowling Singh

In this brilliantly conceived and beautifully written book, Kathleen Dowling Singh illuminates the profound psychological and spiritual transformations experiences by the dying as the natural process of death reconnects them with the source of their being. Examining the end of life in the light of current psychological understanding, religious wisdom, and compassionate medical science, The Grace of Dying offers a fresh, deeply comforting message of hope and courage as we contemplate the meaning of our mortality.While the prevailing Western medical tradition has seen death as an enemy to be fought and overcome, Singh offers a richer and more rewarding path of understanding. Combining extensive training and education in developmental psychology with profound spiritual insight, she balances expert analysis with moving accounts drawn from her experiences working with hundreds of dying patients at a large hospice.Singh moves beyond the five stages of dying revealed in Kübler-Ross's classic On Death and Dying, and finds in the "nearing death experience" even more significant and forming stages of surrender and transcendence. These stages involve the qualities of grace: letting go, radiance, focusing inward, silence, a sense of the sacred, wisdom, intensity, and, in the end, a merging with Spirit. Through this intense process, we come to experience at last the reality of our true self, which transcends our finite ego and bodily existence, and our merging with the source of being from which we originated. Dying is safe.In clear, nontechnical language, Singh reveals the transformations that come with dying, using the vocabulary of growing Western, as well as Eastern, wisdom.Written for those aware that their life is coming to an end, those who care for the dying, and, ultimately, for all of us who inevitably face our owndeath and the deaths of the people we love, The Grace in Dying reveals that dying is the most transforming, powerful, and spiritually rich of life's experiences.

The Grace in Aging

by Kathleen Dowling Singh

Learn to use your later years for awakening and spiritual growth.Encouraging, inspiring, and practical, The Grace in Aging invites all those who have ever experienced spiritual longing to awaken in their twilight years. Since aging, in and of itself, does not lead to spiritual maturity, The Grace in Aging suggests and explores causes and conditions that we can create in our lives, just as we are living them, to allow awakening to unfold -- transforming the predictable sufferings of aging into profound opportunities for growth in clarity, love, compassion, and peace. Kathleen Dowling Singh streamlines vast and complex teachings into skillful means and wise views. Straightforward language and piercing questions bring Singh's teachings into the sharp focus of our own lives; the contemplative nature of each chapter allows for an uncommon depth of inquiry. Examples from our lives and from the chatter in our own minds touch the reader personally, offering the chance to absorb the implications deeply and do the work of freeing his or her own mind. Ecumenical in spirit, tone, and language, Singh offers wisdom from teachers from a variety of spiritual backgrounds: Thich Nhat Hanh, the Apostles, Annie Dillard, and more. Lessening our attachments, decreasing our aversions, unbinding what binds us, we bear witness to the possibility of awakening for all beings. The Grace in Aging offers guidelines for older individuals of any wisdom tradition who wish to awaken before they die; no need for caves or seven-year retreats. This is spiritual practice for the lives we live.

Grace in Africa Bundle, Call of Zulina, Voyage of Promise & Triumph of Grace - eBook [ePub]

by Kay Marshall Strom

This bundle contains The Call of Zulina, The Voyage of Promise, and The Triumph of Grace. The Call of Zulina Set in 1787 in West Africa, The Call of Zulina opens as the scorching harmattan winds blow. Desperate to avoid marriage to an odious suitor, Grace escapes the family compound only to be caught up in a slave revolt at the fortress of Zulina. Soon, she begins to grasp the brutality and ferocity of the family business. Held for ransom, viciously maimed by a runaway slave, and threatened with death, Grace is finally jerked into reality and comes to sympathize with the plight of the captives. She admires their strength and courage and is genuinely moved by the African Cabeto's passion, determination, and willingness to sacrifice anything, including his own life, for his people's freedom. The Voyage of Promise Slavers burst into Grace Winslow's life with guns blazing and tear her family apart forever. She watches in anguish as her husband is led in chains aboard a tightly packed slave ship bound for America. An old enemy has a more sinister plan for Grace and prepares her for a different kind of servitude in London. But Grace will not be enslaved. And she will not give up on the man she loves. In her determination to be reunited with her husband, she finds God reaching out to her. The Triumph of Grace After learning that her husband, Cabeto, is on a South Carolina plantation, Grace dons a sailor's disguise and boards the only ship headed for America--a detestable slave ship. When her secret is discovered, Grace is locked up in the hold. In South Carolina, Grace is bought immediately, but soon sold to a man who is not a slave keeper. Moved by her story of perseverance and faith, John Hull makes Grace's mission his own. Grace now has a dear brother in Christ to help her, but a restored sense of hope does not mean the path to finding Cabeto will be clear... or free of trouble.

Grace, Hope, and Love: MyDaily Devotional

by Johnny Hunt

Grace, Hope, and Love is an inspirational weekly devotional that will encourage and instruct your heart in the ways of the Lord. Fifty-one Southern Baptist pastors and ministry leaders wrote these wise and insightful daily devotions on the timeless topics of the grace, hope, and love God offers His children. Reflect on each daily entry with Scripture passages, a devotion, and a prayer.The eighth annual MyDaily® devotional, compiled by Johnny Hunt, will be an excellent addition to your daily quiet time as you seek to draw near to the Lord. The unique viewpoints of 51 respected church leaders, including Dr. James Merritt, Dr. Ronnie Floyd, Dr. Grant Ethridge, Dr. Don Wilton, Dr. Ted Traylor, and Dr. Michael Cloer, offer you deep wisdom and insight into the heart of God toward His children.Designed with an attractive, luxury package, Grace, Hope, and Love will be a beautiful gift as well as a top choice for those looking for a biblically solid and practical yearlong devotional.

Grace Happens Here: You Are Standing Where Grace is Happening

by Max Lucado

A wonderful message about God's grace and how to apply it to every aspect of your life. Max Lucado looks at grace from all directions and reveals that no matter which way you look at it, God's grace is always there, ready to do wonders in your life. This beautiful gift book is filled with powerful quotes, Scripture, and stories that will transform your heart and mind with a deeper understanding of God's healing grace. The message gently and eloquently encourages you to accept completely His grace and forgiveness as well as extend the same blessing toward others. "When grace happens, generosity happens. Unsquashable, eye-popping big heartedness happens. Receiving grace today? Liberality is in the forecast for tomorrow. When you meet a bountiful person, you are standing where grace is happening."

The Grace Guide: Live Your One Beautiful Life

by Susie Davis

A guide for extending God’s grace to yourself and others. What would you like to say to your younger self? That God loves you. To love the woman you are becoming. To not be so hard on yourself and others. With The Grace Guide: Live Your One Beautiful Life, Susie Davis invites readers to experience the grace upon grace God has for their life. It is a spiritual guide for women to grow in the Lord by reflecting on memories both joyful and hurtful with challenges like writing a letter to your younger self, questions of self-examination, and prayers to consider how God showed up for them in special times. The Grace Guide shows readers how to love themselves like their good Father has always loved them and how to live their one beautiful life. Product Features: Includes a challenge to write a letter to your younger self. Offers spiritual guidance to learn to extend grace to yourself and others. Makes a great women’s gift.

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