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Bible Workbook Vol. 1 Old Testament: Volume 1 Old Testament

by Catherine B. Walker

NOW WITH UPDATED, FULL-COLOR MAPSThe Bible Workbooks are a systematic, individual study of the Bible, providing a thorough biblical understanding. The student learns by doing; information is given and questions are asked to test their understanding. Bible Workbook Volume 1 gives an overview and a book-by-book study of the Old Testament. Interesting, stimulating, and informative, Bible Workbooks provide an understandable and enjoyable means of personal Bible study.

Bible Workbook Vol. 2 New Testament

by Catherine B. Walker

NOW WITH UPDATED, FULL-COLOR MAPSThe Bible Workbooks are a systematic, individual study of the Bible. The student learns by doing; information is given and questions are asked to test their understanding. Bible Workbook Volume 2 gives an overview and a book-by-book study of the New Testament. Interesting, stimulating, informative- Bible Workbooks provide an understandable and enjoyable means of personal Bible study.

Bible Workbook Vol. 2 New Testament

by Catherine B. Walker

NOW WITH UPDATED, FULL-COLOR MAPSThe Bible Workbooks are a systematic, individual study of the Bible. The student learns by doing; information is given and questions are asked to test their understanding. Bible Workbook Volume 2 gives an overview and a book-by-book study of the New Testament. Interesting, stimulating, informative- Bible Workbooks provide an understandable and enjoyable means of personal Bible study.

Black Gods of the Metropolis

by Barbara Dianne Savage John Szwed Arthur Huff Fauset

Stemming from his anthropological field work among black religious groups in Philadelphia in the early 1940s, Arthur Huff Fauset believed it was possible to determine the likely direction that mainstream black religious leadership would take in the future, a direction that later indeed manifested itself in the civil rights movement. The American black church, according to Fauset and other contemporary researchers, provided the one place where blacks could experiment without hindrance in activities such as business, politics, social reform, and social expression. With detailed primary accounts of these early spiritual movements and their beliefs and practices, Black Gods of the Metropolis reveals the fascinating origins of such significant modern African American religious groups as the Nation of Islam as well as the role of lesser known and even forgotten churches in the history of the black community.In her new foreword, historian Barbara Dianne Savage discusses the relationship between black intellectuals and black religion, in particular the relationship between black social scientists and black religious practices during Fauset's time. She then explores the complexities of that relationship and its impact on the intellectual and political history of African American religion in general.

Death Comes in Yellow

by Felicja Karay

Death Comes in Yellow" presents the history of one slave labor camp in order to shed light on all aspects of the slave labor camps established in Poland under German occupation. Hasag-Skarzysko was one of hundreds of camps scattered throughout occupied Poland. They were distinguished by size, the nationality of the prisoners, their location, the date of their establishment, and the authority in charge. The large number of labor camps reflected the German policy of exploiting the work forces of the occupied countries. These camps were part of a Europe-wide system of forced labor.The first part of this volume reviews the external history of the camp. The second section, which studies the internal workings of the camp, is quite different in approach and includes an analysis of prisoner society and a moving description of the individual prisoner's struggle to survive.

The Elizabethan World Picture

by E. M. W. Tillyard

My object then is to extract and expound the most ordinary beliefs about the constitution of the world as pictured in the Elizabethan age and through this exposition to help the ordinary reader to understand and to enjoy the great writers of the age. In attempting this I have incidentally brought together a number of pieces of elementary lore which I have not found assembled elsewhere. This book may actually be a convenient factual aid to the bare construing of some of Spenser or Donne or Milton.

More Than Conqueror (Grace Livingston Hill Ser. #11)

by Grace Livingston Hill

When Charlie Montgomery, a handsome soldier, declares his love for Blythe Bonniwell, she realizes she should be offended. But she isn't--in fact, she's honored! Blythe returns Charlie's love, and promises to remain faithfull to him while he is at war. Though thrilled at Blythe's response, Charlie knows all too well that the special mission he has been assigned means facing almost-certain death. He can offer Blythe little hope for his return or their future happiness. Yet, in the midst of fear and peril, Charlie and Blythe find a source of strength and peace that will keep them united forever. Grace Livingston Hill is the beloved author of more than 100 books. Read and enjoyed by millions, her wholesome stories contain adventure, romance, and the heart-warming triumphs of people faced with the problems of life and love. She was a pioneerr in popularizing Christian Fiction. Bookshare's library contains over fifty of her books with new ones being added regularly. Here is a sampling of Books in this series. Look for: #1 Where Two Ways Met, #2 Bright Arrows, #3 A Girl To Come Home To, #5 Kerry, #6 All Through The Night, #7 The Best Man, #13 In Tune With Wedding Bells, #14 Stranger Within The Gates, #15 Marigold, #16 Rainbow Cottage, #17 Maris, #18 Brentwood, #19 Daphne Deane, #22 Rose Galbraith, #24 By Way of the Silverthorns, #26 The Seventh Hour, #30, Matched Pearls, #46 Through These Fires, #53 Job's Niece, #67 A Daily Rate, #71 Exit Betty, #84 Cloudy Jewel and #95 Mary Arden.

Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church

by Vladimir Lossky James Clarke

Through a combination of careful scholarship and the warmth of the deep personal devotion of the author, this book provides the authoritative English study of Eastern orthodox theology. Lossky's account makes clear the profound theological differences between East and West, as well as offering an important contribution to ecumenism and to the life of Christian devotion. The tradition of the Eastern Church is presented as a mystical theology with doctrine and experience mutually supporting each other. The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church was first published in Paris in 1944 as Essai sur la Theologie Mystique de l'Eglise d'Orient. It has been translated by a small group of members of the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius, which exists to promote understanding between Eastern and Western Christians.

Names of God

by Nathan Stone

A study of the twelve most common Hebrew names for God-and their significance and fulfillment in Christ.

Rebellion in the Backlands

by Samuel Putnam Euclides Da Cunha

Euclides da Cunha's classic account of the brutal campaigns against religious mystic Antonio Conselheiro has been called the Bible of Brazilian nationality. "Euclides da Cunha went on the campaigns [against Conselheiro] as a journalist and what he returned with and published in 1902 is still unsurpassed in Latin American literature. Cunha is a talent as grand, spacious, entangled with knowledge, curiosity, and bafflement as the country itself. ... On every page there is a heart of idea, speculation, dramatic observation that tells of a creative mission undertaken, the identity of the nation, and also the creation of a pure and eloquent prose style."--Elizabeth Hardwick, Bartleby in Manhattan

The Sabbath Anthology (The JPS Holiday Anthologies)

by Abraham E. Millgram

Back by popular demand, the classic JPS holiday anthologies remain essential and relevant in our digital age. Unequaled in-depth compilations of classic and contemporary writings, they have long guided rabbis, cantors, educators, and other readers seeking the origins, meanings, and varied celebrations of the Jewish festivals. The Sabbath Anthology delves into one of the earliest Jewish institutions—the holiday the prophet Isaiah characterized as “the day of delight”—elucidating its history, laws, customs and traditions, religious and ethical insights, and observances in different eras throughout the world. A wealth of Jewish creativity past and present—“The Sabbath in Judeo-Hellenistic Literature” by Flavius Josephus and Philo Judaeus; Talmud and midrashim; medieval Jewish literature by Judah Halevi, Abraham ibn Ezra, and Moses Maimonides; modern Jewish literature by Solomon Schechter, Mordecai Kaplan, Sholom Asch, Hayyim Nahman Bialik, and Ahad Ha’am; short stories by S. Y. Agnon, I. L. Peretz, Meyer Levin, and Martin Buber; ceremonial and decorative art; musical compilations and programming—will yield delight for many Sabbaths to come.

Time of the Singing of Birds (Grace Livingston Hill Series #23)

by Grace Livingston Hill

Young Lieutenant Vance returned home to find his old gang tainted with worldliness. Then one untarnished jewel of a girl sparkled his future with honesty and innocence, bringing him the priceless gift of love with [Christian] faith." In addition, Barney Vance is concerned about his war buddy, Stormy Applegate. Find out whether Stormy survives the war and finds happiness like Barney.

The Way of Life According to Lao Tzu

by Witter Bynner

The Way of Life is the way of poise, serenity and complete assurance. His gentle warnings on the futility of egoistic struggle made the Way of Life the basis of Taoism.

The Will of God (Festival Bks.)

by Leslie Weatherhead

The phrase "the will of God" is used loosely, says Leslie Weatherhead, and the consequence of that looseness to our peace of mind is serious. Weatherhead's recognition of this problem led him to write The Will of God, a classic that has helped more than a million grieving persons better understand the meaning of the phrase. It can help you as well. It was during the tumultuous era of World War II that Leslie Weatherhead preached five sermons on understanding the will of God for the congregation at City Temple in London. These sermons became the classic book The Will of God, which has helped hundreds of thousands of Christians explore how God's will is related to God's character and ultimate intentions for us. A six-week workbook study is also available that uses three case studies to illustrate the questions that arise in understanding the book #0687008409.

Close to the Bone: Life-Threatening Illness as a Soul Journey

by Jean Shinoda Bolen

&“Myths, stories, prayer, touching, visualization, rituals, and especially love are some of the tools and wisdom that this extraordinary book gives us.&”—Isabel Allende Whether it&’s a personal health crisis or sickness a loved one is experiencing, none of us escape this life without encountering some form of illness or death. While we can try to ignore the reality, internationally known author and speaker Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen suggests we do the exact opposite: face it. By encountering the frightening world of serious illness and death, we can better uncover how it gives us purpose. While encountering sickness is inevitable, healing often seems harder to come by. We are left broken open when serious illness hits. While there is no single key to recovery, it is rare to find healing without first addressing the pain. This book serves as a guide to finding purpose in the pain. Through practicing self-compassion and empathy for others, and actively listening and learning, we set ourselves on a path to thoughtfully unravel the process of finding hope. Read Dr. Bolen&’s Close to the Bone and find . . . · An insightful book for anyone living with a life-threatening illness (or caring for a loved one who is ill) · Encouragement for facing the trials and trauma of illness by relying on the wisdom we all have within · A supplemental guide for those who want to form support circles &“A finely polished mirror for the healing heart and body. An important statement of theories and practices which have aided many in the course of their illness and recovery.&”—Stephen Levine, bestselling author of Unattended Sorrow

Con los pies en el cielo: El Tíbet en los años más duros de represión china: un paraíso que puede converti

by Jeanne M. Peterson

Tíbet, 1954. Un hombre llamado Dorje entra en su casa y se recuesta contra la puerta, mientras su corazón aporrea la madera. Las palabras de despedida del soldado chino todavía resuenan en sus oídos: «Sabemos que eres medio chino. Hemos venido a traer el comunismo a los tibetanos y tú nos vas a ayudar». Emma y Gerald Kittredge son dos cuáqueros que han atravesado el Himalaya a pie y que, imbuidos por la tradición del pacifismo cuáquero, deciden quedarse a vivir en una sociedad que lleva siglos abrazando la no violencia y se instalan al lado de la casa de Dorje. A pesar de que Dorje sabe que es peligroso acercarse a dos occidentales a quienes los chinos llaman «demonios extranjeros», su exotismo y su afabilidad despiertan su curiosidad y terminan entablando una profunda amistad. Con los pies en el cielo es un relato a tres voces sobre la dura represión a la que fueron sometidos los tibetanos por parte de Mao, pero también una historia que reflexiona sobre la amistad, la lucha, las decisiones y el valor de no renunciar a la libertad por el miedo. Opinión:«En este relato angustioso de extranjeros atrapados durante la ocupación china del Tíbet, Jeanne Peterson captura la amargura mientras conserva el contacto con una tristeza más espiritual y un pulso de esperanza. Los sentidos se inundan con los sabores, olores y sonidos que traen a la vida un mundo y una época lejanos».Jonathan Falle, autor de Blue poppies

Heavenly Destiny: The Life Story of Mrs. D. L. Moody

by Emma Moody Powell

This volume is the only biography of the life associate of the great evangelist, D. L. Moody. The sweet strength of Mrs. Moody&’s life is portrayed here by her granddaughter, whose access to letters and records of family and intimate friends gives the book its human interest.This book reveals Mrs. Moody&’s share in the destiny of her era, describing a period that &“belongs to any history of the social and religious life of the Western world.&”

Heavenly Destiny: The Life Story of Mrs. D. L. Moody

by Emma Moody Powell

This volume is the only biography of the life associate of the great evangelist, D. L. Moody. The sweet strength of Mrs. Moody&’s life is portrayed here by her granddaughter, whose access to letters and records of family and intimate friends gives the book its human interest.This book reveals Mrs. Moody&’s share in the destiny of her era, describing a period that &“belongs to any history of the social and religious life of the Western world.&”

Hinduism and Buddhism

by Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

The renowned Sri Lankan metaphysician presents his enlightening insight into the essential kinship between Hinduism and Buddhism.In this probing work, Ananda K. Coomaraswamy examines the foundational myths and spiritual underpinnings of Hinduism and Buddhism. Discarding the Western narrative of philosophical divergence, Coomaraswamy instead explores the essential unity between these two major religions. In his perspective, one is merely an outgrowth of the other. Dividing the book into two parts, Coomaraswamy begins each section with an overview of each religion&’s foundational myths. The section on Hinduism then covers concepts such as karma, maya, reincarnation, sacrifice, and caste. In the section on Buddhism, he demonstrates that Buddha never intended to start a new religion, but to deepen the spiritual understanding of the existing one.

The Ministry of Fear: An Entertainment (Penguin Twentieth Century Classics #Vol. 10)

by Graham Greene

In London during the Blitz, an amnesiac must outwit a twisted Nazi plot in this “master thriller” of espionage, murder, and deception (Time). On a peaceful Sunday afternoon, Arthur Rowe comes upon a charity fete in the gardens of a Cambridgeshire vicarage where he wins a game of chance. If only this were an ordinary day. Britain is under threat by Germany, and the air raid sirens that bring the bazaar to a halt expose Rowe as no ordinary man. Recently released from a psychiatric prison for the mercy killing of his wife, he is burdened by guilt, and now, in possession of a seemingly innocuous prize, on the run from a nest of Nazi spies who want him dead. Pursued on a dark odyssey through the bombed-out streets of London, he becomes enmeshed in a tangle of secrets that reach into the dark recesses of his own forgotten past. And there isn’t a soul he can trust, not even himself. Because Arthur Rowe doesn’t even know who he really is. “A storyteller of genius,” Graham Greene composed his serpentine mystery of authentic wartime espionage—and one the author’s personal favorites—while working for MI6 (Evelyn Waugh). But The Ministry of Fear “is more than a mere thriller . . . [it’s a] hypnotic moonstone of a novel” (The New York Times).

Perelandra (The Space Trilogy #2)

by C. S. Lewis

Just as readers have been transfixed by the stories, characters, and deeper meanings of Lewis's timeless tales in The Chronicles of Narnia, most find this same allure in his classic Space Trilogy.<P><P> In these fantasy stories for adults, we encounter, once again, magical creatures, a world of wonders, epic battles, and revelations of transcendent truths. <P> Perelandra, the second novel in Lewis's science fiction trilogy, tells of Dr. Ransom's voyage to the paradise planet of Perelandra, or Venus, which turns out to be a beautiful Eden-like world. He is horrified to find that his old enemy, Dr. Weston, has also arrived and is putting him in grave peril once more. As the mad Weston's body is taken over by the forces of evil, Ransom engages in a desperate struggle to save the innocence of Perelandra!

The Pilgrim's Regress

by C. S. Lewis

The first book written by C. S. Lewis after his conversion, The Pilgrim's Regress is, in a sense, the record of Lewis's own search for meaning and spiritual satisfaction -- a search that eventually led him to Christianity.<P> Here is the story of the pilgrim John and his odyssey to an enchanting island which has created in him an intense longing 7mdash; a mysterious, sweet desire. John's pursuit of this desire takes him through adventures with such people as Mr. Enlightenment, Media Halfways, Mr. Mammon, Mother Kirk, Mr. Sensible, and Mr. Humanist and through such cities as Thrill and Eschropolis as well as the Valley of Humiliation.<P> Though the dragons and giants here are different from those in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, Lewis's allegory performs the same function of enabling the author to say simply and through fantasy what would otherwise have demanded a full-length philosophy of religion.

Sound of the Trumpet (Grace Livingston Hill #90)

by Grace Livingston Hill

The first time beautiful, wealthy Lisle Kingsley sees John Sargent, she knows she loves him. But John is all too aware of the differences in their social standings. Besides, Lisle is practically engaged to wealthy Victor Vandingham, whose father is in charge of manufacturing a top secret weapon that supposedly will bring the war to a rapid and decisive end. Then John is approached by men who are scheming to steal the weapon and its blueprints.... men who know of John's growing friendship with Lisle.... men who will stop at nothing--even kidnapping Lisle--to get John to cooperate with them!

Wingspread: A. B. Simpson: A Study in Spiritual Altitude

by A. W. Tozer

Albert Benjamin Simpson was God's man. From inauspicious beginnings in Bayview, Prince Edward Island, Canada, he rose to prominence through Presbyterian pastorages in Hamilton, Ontario, Louisville, Kentucky, and New York City.But God had other plans for Simpson. He resigned from his comfortable pulpit to launch a ministry aimed at reaching the world's lost multitudes.Wingspread is Simpson's story—a story of one of God's chosen leaders, written by another man of God, A. W. Tozer. It will captivate and challenge you, inspiring you to rise up and attempt something great for God.

Wingspread: A. B. Simpson: A Study in Spiritual Altitude

by A. W. Tozer

Albert Benjamin Simpson was God's man. From inauspicious beginnings in Bayview, Prince Edward Island, Canada, he rose to prominence through Presbyterian pastorages in Hamilton, Ontario, Louisville, Kentucky, and New York City.But God had other plans for Simpson. He resigned from his comfortable pulpit to launch a ministry aimed at reaching the world's lost multitudes.Wingspread is Simpson's story—a story of one of God's chosen leaders, written by another man of God, A. W. Tozer. It will captivate and challenge you, inspiring you to rise up and attempt something great for God.

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