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Showing 80,776 through 80,800 of 81,189 results

The Lankavatara Sutra

by D. T. Suzuki Dwight Goddard

Said to contain the words of the Buddha on the nature of ultimate wisdom, the Lankavatara was influential in the general doctrines of Mahayana Buddhism, in particular Zen. Translated by D.T Suzuki and edited by Dwight Goddard, this epitomized version was intended to make the sutra more widely accessible.

Personal Problems of Conduct and Religion (Psychology Revivals)

by J.G. McKenzie

Originally published in 1932, Professor McKenzie, author of ‘Souls in the Making’, had been deeply interested for years in helping those afflicted with nervous troubles, moral conflicts, or religious doubts. Each chapter of this book deals with some concrete problem which he had actually faced with one of his patients. He was convinced that many of the severer forms of neuroticism could be prevented if treated with understanding, and that many a parent could have been saved from making a fatal mistake in coping with a ‘difficult’ child, if they had only been taught to deal with such. The practical character of this book can best be judged by a glance at a few of the topics discussed: ‘An Adolescent Problem’, ‘The Problem of Growing Up’, ‘The Troubles of Old Age’, ‘Psychology of Sleeplessness’, ‘The Delinquent Child’, ‘Our Regrets and Our Fears’, ‘Psychology of Faith’.

Systematic Theology

by Louis Berkhof

An enduring theological classic now available in paperbackThis complete edition of Louis Berkhof&’s magnum opus includes both his Introductory Volume to Systematic Theology and his classic Systematic Theology. In his monumental treatment of the doctrines of the Reformed faith, Berkhof covers the full range of theology in traditional systematic fashion, examining the doctrines of God, anthropology, Christology, soteriology, ecclesiology, and eschatology. The result is a comprehensive work written in a scholarly yet simple style.The foreword by Richard A. Muller explains the relation and importance of Berkhof&’s prolegomena to the rest of his systematic theology, while complete indexes, thorough bibliographies, and questions for further study make this edition ideal for students. Since its original publication in 1939, Berkhof&’s Systematic Theology has remained the most influential twentieth-century compendium of Reformed theology.

Biblical Words and Their Meaning: An Introduction to Lexical Semantics

by Moisés Silva

When first published in 1983, Biblical Words and Their Meaning broke new ground by introducing to students of the Bible the principles of linguistics, in particular, on lexical semantics -- that branch that focuses on the meaning of individual words. Silva's structural approach provides the interpreter with an important lexical tool for more responsible understanding of the biblical text and more effective use of standard exegetical resources. This revised edition includes a bibliographical essay by Silva, "Recent Developments in Semantics," and an appendix by Karen H. Jobes, "Distinguishing the Meaning of Greek Verbs in the Semantic Domain for Worship," that provides the reader with a substantive example of lexical study.

The Big Idea: Focus the Message---Multiply the Impact (Leadership Network Innovation Series)

by Dave Ferguson Jon Ferguson Eric Bramlett

Nothing is more dangerous than a single compelling idea that is lived out and nothing is more harmless than lots of little ideas never applied. By creatively communicating one Big Idea every week your church will transform people into genuine Christ followers who live out the mission of Jesus. Less is more!

The Case for...Student Collection: A Journalist’s Personal Investigation of the Christian Faith

by Jane Vogel Lee Strobel

In this ebook bind-up of bestselling author Lee Strobel’s five books for students (The Case for Christ Student Edition, The Case for a Creator Student Edition, The Case for Faith Student Edition, The Case for the Real Jesus Student Edition, and The Case for Grace Student Edition), readers thirteen and up can explore the stories, facts, evidence and research behind elements of the Christian faith.

The Chance of a Lifetime (Grace Livingston Hill Series #58)

by Grace Livingston Hill

The Chance of a Lifetime is a "tender story of faith and love... of Alan and Sherrill, each offered the chance of a lifetime in a different part of the world, only to find that for them, true happiness means being together always." Through the characters, the author explored Christian themes.

Deepen Your Faith: Three Essential Student Editions by Kyle Idleman, Mark and Parker Batterson, and Mark Hall

by Various Authors

This collection of inspirational titles for students includes three ebooks by some of today's most engaging voices. Not a Fan Student Edition, by bestselling author Kyle Idleman: Are you treating Jesus the same as the other people you admire? Kyle Idleman uses humor, personal stories, and biblical truth as he challenges you to look at what it means to call yourself a Christian and follow the radical call Jesus presents. The Circle Maker Student Edition, by New York Times bestselling authors Mark Batterson and Parker Batterson: How do you approach the maker of the world, and what exactly can you pray for? Mark Batterson uses the true legend of Honi the circle maker, a Jewish sage whose bold prayer saved a generation, to uncover the boldness God asks of us at times, and what powerful prayer can mean in your life. Thrive Student Edition, by Casting Crowns member Mark Hall: What does that phrase "live out your faith" really mean? And how do you really follow Jesus in today's world? Mark Hall explores exactly what it means when your faith and your life collide, and how you can take the next steps in making that faith real and evident to those around you.

Devotions to Make You Smarter (2:52)

by Ed Strauss

Written in the humorous, gross style of the 2:52 line, designed to ignite the interest of boys. Devotions to Make You Smarter focuses on the mental side of boys’ natures, helping them to grow wiser, the way Jesus did as described in Luke 2:52. In the humorous, cheeky, and sometimes gross style that makes the 2:52 series so engaging and fun, this ninetyday devotional guides boys ages eight to twelve in developing their minds. It explores many facets of the mental process, such as learning, making decisions, and thinking before acting and speaking. It also warns of the dangers of zoning out, being impulsive, and harboring a critical attitude. Combining important principles with practical messages, the book teaches lessons boys need to learn and helps them put this valuable knowledge into practice. Each devotion presents a Bible verse, explains it, and shows how it relates to boys’ lives, then offers tools to help boys cope with growing up, inspiring them to make choices that will ensure they grow up smart. ED STRAUSS By his early teen years, Ed Strauss was writing several novels at once. He had a dresser for his clothing, but Ed had different priorities. The bottom drawer held his comic books—mostly Spider-Man, Tarzan, and Turok. The middle drawer overflowed with his story notes, research, and maps. The top drawer was stuffed with clothing. On a nearby shelf was Ed’s favorite reading material, an encyclopedia set he had won on a nationwide kiddie show. Ed lives in Chilliwack, BC.

Dios está más cerca de lo que crees: Si Dios está siempre con nosotros, por qué es tan difícil encontrarlo

by John Ortberg

SI DIOS ESTÁ SIEMPRE CON NOSOTROS, POR QUÉ ES TAN DIFÍCIL ENCONTRARLO ALGUIEN QUE TE AMA ESTÁ ESPERANDO VERTE La Biblia está llena de ejemplos acerca de un Dios íntimo, un Dios profundamente interesado en estar en contacto con personas comunes y corrientes. Él promete estar con nosotros y dice que nos guiará personalmente. Sin embargo, de algún modo, la intimidad con Dios parece eludirnos. Capturados en la corriente principal de la vida, sabemos que estamos perdiéndonos de algo vital. Pero, ¿cómo lo obtenemos? DIOS ESTÁ MÁS CERCA DE LO QUE CREES Muestra la manera de lograr una relación vibrante y continua con tu Padre celestial. No se trata de un concepto teológico abstracto, sino de la pura verdad: conexión íntima con un Dios profundamente personal. El exitoso autor, JOHN ORTBERG, revela el rostro de Dios que espera ser descubierto en el complejo mosaico de tu vida. Muestra cómo es que la mano de Dios se extiende hacia ti; con ese don especial para la narrativa, Ortberg ilustra las formas en las que puedes responder a Dios y completar la conexión, lo cual da como resultado tu gozo y el de él: Encontrar a Dios en donde menos lo esperas Hacer de tu mente el lugar donde mora Dios Identificar para qué tipo de relación estás especialmente diseñado Acercarte a Dios aun cuando él parezca ausente

El Dios pródigo, Guía de discusión: Encuentra tu lugar en la mesa

by Timothy Keller

Dos hijos, uno se sometió a las reglas religiosamente y el otro las rompió todas. Un padre que amaba a ambos hijos perdidos más allá de lo que ellos podían imaginar. Descubre la profundidad y el alcance de la gracia de Dios en El Dios prodigo. La Guía para discusión Dios prodigo, te ayudara a descubrir, personalizar y aplicar una perspectiva que cambiara tu vida del libro y DVD Dios prodigo. En seis sesiones cautivantes, el pastor y autor éxito de venta de la lista New York Times, Timonty Keller, abre tus ojos al poderoso mensaje de la parábola más conocida, y la menos entendida de Jesús. El Dios prodigo es una revelación del mismo corazón del evangelio: El amor radical de Dios por los pecadores de toda clase. Llevándote mas alládel enfoque tradicional del hijo prodigo, Keller te ayuda a comprender mejor cada uno de los protagonistas de la parábola de Jesús: El hijo menor profano, el hijo mayor moralista, y el padre quien derrocha su amor en ambos. Dentro de esta guía, investigaras preguntas para discusión en grupo y reflexión personal, y ejercicios que te ayudaran a experimentar las verdades de la parábola de Jesús en tu propia vida. El evangelio no es religión ni irreligión, más bien algo completamente diferente. Así seas un creyente devoto o un escéptico, el Dios prodigo te retara a ver el cristianismo de una manera completamente nueva. Los títulos de las sesiones incluyen los siguientes: La parábola La gente alrededor de Jesús Los dos hijos perdidos El hermano mayor El verdadero hermano mayor El banquete del padre Diseñado para uso con el libro y DVD Dios prodigo.

Eight Little Faces

by Kate Gosselin

Becoming the parents of eight children in less than four years has definitely presented both trials and blessings to Jon and Kate Gosselin. In this very personal close-up of their family life, Kate comments on the life lessons God has taught her. Featuring themes like trust, perseverance, joy, and encouragement, each two-page spread includes a photograph from the Gosselin family album, words from Kate, and topical Scripture verses. This book makes the perfect gift for any fan of the Gosselin’s television show Jon & Kate Plus 8, which is featured on TLC, as well as any mother struggling with the demands of small children.

En honor al Espíritu Santo: ¡No es un algo, es un alguien!

by Cash Luna

El Espíritu Santo fue enviado por Jesús y es tan real, que resulta vital mejorar nuestra relación con Él. El Espíritu Santo descendió como paloma sobre Jesús, pero no es una paloma. Apareció como llama sobre la cabeza de los discípulos, pero no es fuego. Embriaga como vino, pero no es vino; unge como aceite, pero no es aceite; se siente como un soplo, pero no es viento; y nos llena con ríos de vida, pero no es agua. El Espíritu Santo es una persona divina, parte de la Trinidad. Él habla, escucha y te anhela. Guía, enseña, recuerda e intercede por ti. Puede llegar a sentir gozo, celos, enojo o tristeza. Él desea intensamente que mejores tu relación con Él. Este libro no se trata de >, se trata de >.

The English Bible as Literature (Routledge Revivals)

by Charles Allen Dinsmore

The religious associations surrounding the Bible make it difficult for the general reader to appreciate, in its full purity, the value which the Scriptures bear as literature, and as an epic in no way inferior, in cultural worth, to the greatest works of Greece and Rome. Dealing as it does with elementary passions and principles, the English Bible is, in the author’s view, the greatest book of all the ages. This book, first published in 1931, will be of interest to students of literature and religious studies.

Farraday Road

by Ace Collins

A quiet evening ends in murder on a muddy mountain road. Local attorney Lije Evans and his beautiful wife, Kaitlyn, are gunned down. But the killers don’t expect one of their victims to live. After burying Kaitlyn, Lije is on a mission to find her killer—and solve a mystery that has more twists and turns than an Ozark-mountain back road. When the trail of evidence goes cold, complicated by the disappearance of the deputy who found Kaitlyn’s body at the scene of the crime, Lije is driven to find out why he and his wife were hunted down and left for dead along Farraday Road. He begins his dangerous investigation with no clues and little help from the police. As he struggles to uncover evidence, will he learn the truth before the killers strike again?

A Friendly Dialogue Between an Atheist and a Christian

by Luis Palau Zhao Qizheng

A Friendly Dialogue Between an Atheist and a Christian is an exchange between Luis Palau and Zhao Qizheng presenting a composite of recorded dialogues held in China. Luis Palau is a well known Christian evangelist and Zhao Qizheng is the Vice Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee and former Minister of Information for China. A Friendly Dialogue represents a dialogue on philosophy, history, religion, the Bible, creation, atheism, Confucianism, politics, ethics, Chinese and Western cultures, and the relevance of Jesus Christ to society.

God and Mammon: The Relations of Religion and Economics (Routledge Revivals)

by J. A. Hobson

First published in 1931, this is an attempt by the great economist J. A. Hobson to analyse the relations between economics and religion. After considering the origins of the conflicts and compromises between God and Mammon in the life of primitive man, the author concerns himself primarily with medieval and modern Christianity and the business climate and ethos corresponding with these periods. In particular he focuses upon Catholicism and Protestantism, before considering the attitude of the church towards modern economic movements.

GrATTITUDE: Practicing Contagious Optimism for Positive Change

by Ace Collins

To most making it through tough times is never financially easy. Those who got through the periods of “Great Depression” did so with grit, determination, a can-do spirit and a lot of courage. Best of all, they came out stronger too! Those who survive those challenges and come out with a solid self-concept, a loving family and grounded faith ridded themselves of spiritual and mental baggage that would have otherwise destroyed them. They had a lean mind to go with a toned body. As we gaze at the hard days in front of us, it is time to look back on some time-tested examples of those who thrived in tough times as well as those whose mental baggage caused them to crash and burn. The lessons in this book involve not as much what each of us can add to insure survival, but what we can shed from our minds to keep out spirits high and our attitudes on an even keel. In trying times or even when things are great a fit, lean, positive mind is the key to being happy.

Hoy te amo más que ayer: Cómo los problemas diarios pueden fortalecer tu matrimonio

by Parrott Les

Cómo hacer para que las espinas de su matrimonio se conviertan en rosas Los conflictos y percances de su matrimonio son en realidad oportunidades para amarse más. Les y Leslie Parrott, autores reconocidos y con una amplia trayectoria en temas de relaciones personales, creen que las idiosincrasias y diferencias individuales –por dónde se aprieta la pasta de dientes, cómo se administra el dinero– pueden servir para unirlos, siempre que se encaren debidamente. Conviertan los asuntos espinosos de su matrimonio en oportunidades para amarse más, mientras aprenden cómo: • Edificar intimidad mientras se respeta el espacio personal. • Aprovechar el poder de una actitud positiva en el matrimonio. • Cambiar el aburrimiento por la diversión, la impaciencia por la paciencia, el estar muy ocupado por el tiempo juntos, la deuda por un abordaje en equipo a sus finanzas… y muchísimo más. Además, anímense a llegar al fondo de su matrimonio, para descubrir cómo el vínculo con Dios puede unirlos en una intimidad inimaginable.

Image and Imagination

by C. S. Lewis

Image and Imagination presents some of C.S. Lewis's finest literary criticism and religious exposition. This selection gathers together forty book reviews--never before reprinted--as well as four major essays which have been unavailable for many decades, and a fifth essay, "Image and Imagination," published for the first time. The essays and reviews substantiate Lewis's reputation as an eloquent and authoritative critic across a wide range of literature, and as a keen judge of contemporary scholarship, while his reviews of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings will be of additional interest to scholars and students of fantasy.

Image and Imagination

by C. S. Lewis

Image and Imagination presents some of C.S. Lewis's finest literary criticism and religious exposition. This selection gathers together forty book reviews--never before reprinted--as well as four major essays which have been unavailable for many decades, and a fifth essay, "Image and Imagination," published for the first time. The essays and reviews substantiate Lewis's reputation as an eloquent and authoritative critic across a wide range of literature, and as a keen judge of contemporary scholarship, while his reviews of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings will be of additional interest to scholars and students of fantasy.

Image and Imagination

by C. S. Lewis

Image and Imagination presents some of C.S. Lewis's finest literary criticism and religious exposition. This selection gathers together forty book reviews--never before reprinted--as well as four major essays which have been unavailable for many decades, and a fifth essay, "Image and Imagination," published for the first time. The essays and reviews substantiate Lewis's reputation as an eloquent and authoritative critic across a wide range of literature, and as a keen judge of contemporary scholarship, while his reviews of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings will be of additional interest to scholars and students of fantasy.

Lectures to My Students: The 28 Lectures, Complete And Unabridged - A Spiritual Classic Of Christian Wisdom, Prayer And Preaching In The Ministry

by Charles H. Spurgeon

One contemporary scholar and authority on Spurgeon says of this work: "Next to Mr. Spurgeon's great literary work, The Treasury of David, we consider (these) Lectures to My Students his greatest single contribution to the Christian world. There is more practical wisdom, common sense and sage advice packed within these pages than with any other book of similar size, or content." This complete and unabridged edition of Spurgeon's great work will make it possible for today's generation to appreciate Spurgeon's combination of discerning wit and refreshingly practical advice. Included in the twenty-eight chapters of this classic volume are lectures such as: - The Call to Ministry - The Preacher's Private Prayer - On the Choice of a Text - On the Voice - The Holy Spirit in Connection with Our Ministry - The Blind Eye and the Deaf Ear - On Conversion as Our Aim - Illustrations in Preaching As were all of Spurgeon's messages to his people, each of these lectures is Scripture-saturated and Christ-honoring. They move swiftly and are fascinating in their content and sage counsel.

Liderazgo con propósito: Lecciones de liderazgo basadas en Nehemías

by Rick Warren

En estos doce capitulos acerca del liderazgo, el pastor Rick Warren examina la vida y el ministerio extraordinario de Nehemias. En su libro, Rick enboza importantes puntos de vistas y analogias acerca de lo que con lleva el tener un exito rotundo en la conduccion de las personas a traves de proyectos dificiles. estas lecciones y principis biblicos imperecederos podran adiestrar a los lideres para llegar a ser mas efectivos mientras mantienen un caracter integro y cimplen el proposito de dios para sus Vidas.

Many Dimensions: A Novel

by Charles Williams

An ancient stone possessing awesome and terrifying powers wreaks havoc in this intelligent and provocative literary excursion into the supernatural A remarkable object has fallen into the hands of the abominable scientist Sir Giles Tumulty. Once positioned at the center of the crown of King Solomon, it is a stone of astonishing and terrifying power, capable of good and evil alike. Anyone who touches it can move through time and space, perform miracles, and heal or kill. The stone can replicate itself, and does so during the course of Sir Giles&’s inhuman experiments, subsequently falling into numerous unworthy hands throughout England. There are those who will attempt to use the stone for personal gain, only to discover that it is they themselves being used by a power beyond their comprehension; some will find themselves trapped in eternally repeating nightmares from which there is no escape; still others will be freed from their earthly burdens. And so begins the battle between the forces of darkness and light for control of the most dangerous object in existence. A gripping metaphysical thriller by Charles Williams, who along with C. S. Lewis, Owen Barfield, and J. R. R. Tolkien was one of Oxford&’s famed Inklings, Many Dimensions is at once a gripping supernatural adventure and a thought-provoking exploration of the good and evil that dwell in the heart of every human being.

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