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Showing 81,101 through 81,125 of 81,408 results

Angel Hug

by Shelley J. Alongi

The Author describes how Jesus endured the night at Gethsemane before the Crucifixion in her own version of the well-known story.

Letter from Birmingham Jail

by Martin Luther King Jr.

During the struggle for civil rights in the 1960s, Martin Luther King emerged as the movement's most eloquent leader. The two selections here testify to the emotional and logical power of his arguments. In "Letter from Birmingham Jail," King explains why blacks can no longer be prisoners of inequality. His "I Have a Dream" speech, delivered to 250,000 civil rights marchers in 1963, is another moving appeal for equality.

Riding the Crossroads

by Herbie Shreve David Wimbish David Hazard

Herb and Herbie Shreve, and the members of the Christian Motorcyclists Association, are answering the cries of men and women who need the one true message of hope. A motorcycle can take you to places where many people need to hear the good news—to rallies, campouts, and bike shops. And being close to people is such an important part of sharing the message of Jesus Christ, who Himself came to be close to us all. Herbie shares here a rebellious and stormy relationship with his Christian Pastor and /evangelist father, his initial rejection of his family's Christian spiritual values, his dream of being an 'Outlaw Motorcyclist', the successful actions of his father to renew the father-son relationship and the path to the establishment of the 'Christian Motorcyclist Association', whichfather and son both became heavily

The Genius of Genesis

by Dennis G. Shulman

A profound and eloquent reading of the first chapter of the Bible.

Lady In Waiting: Developing Your Love Relationships

by Debby Jones Jackie Kendall

A Christian book for single women

The Peacemaker

by Ken Sande

This book is a practical guide for all Christians who seek to bring Christ's exhortation, "Blessed are the peacemakers," into their relationships. Attorney Ken Sande is executive director of Peacemaker Ministries. He regularly conciliates business, family employment, and church disputes and serves as a consultant to pastors and attorneys as they work to resolve conflicts outside the courtroom. Sande conducts seminars throughout the United States on biblical conflict resolution. Note: The indexes did not scan properly, and were therefore deleted.

The Language of Sycamores

by Lisa Wingate

From the book jacket: karen Sommerfield has been hiding from the big questions of life- immersing herself in a high-pressure job, ignoring the emotional distance in .her marriage, avoiding memories of a sudden miscarriage and a bout with cancer that stole her chance of ever having children. She's convinced herself that money, power, and success can give her the sense of purpose she yearns for...until the day the company downsizes her out of a job and the doctor tells her that the cancer may be back. It's a double blow that would send anyone reeling. It sends Karen on a search for herself in the last place she ever thought to look: Grandma Rose's old farm, where her sister has made a seemingly perfect life. As Karen's hectic schedule falls away, she opens up to the unexpected-a lonely child in need of nurturing and newly discovered family members with insights into the past. In the quiet of the Missouri Ozarks, she once again hears the call of the river and the whispers of the sycamore leaves. In their soft, secret language, she will discover answers, a forgotten purpose, and a joy to make her life complete.

Holy Smokies: The Real Centurions

by Al Palmquist Joyce Hovels

When a man of faith dares to stand in the streets of a large city where criminals lurk and lawlessness abounds, when he dares proclaim to those he encounters that Jesus Christ is the way of salvation for all men, miracles are going to happen. Police officer Al Palmquist is such a man who dares. In the midst of violence and crime, Al clothes himself with the armor of God, arms himself with the Word, and patrols his city as a true centurion. This is the story of the amazing way in which God revealed His plan to one police officer. This is a story of miracles ... of a "Christ-centered program so effective in rehabilitating devastated lives that law officers are beginning to catch the vision" and adopt different methods of dealing with crime in the streets. It is a dramatic story of changed lives.

Paul: A Man of Grit and Grace (Great Lives from God's Word, Volume #6)

by Charles R. Swindoll

A book about the Apostle Paul

A World Without Tyranny

by Dean C. Curry

A Christian faith based approach to international relations and global politics.

Basket of Secrets

by Diann Hunt

Christian romance


by Paul Gallico

A tender and inspirational story out of the simple fabric of life.

Hints on Child Training

by Henry Clay Trumbull

Henry Clay Trumbull is generally considered the founder of what we know today as Sunday school. He was also a father and a grandfather. His book is filled with timeless, practical guidance for parents, presented in concise chapters. Each chapter stands alone, so the material may be read in any order.

We Hear the Christmas Angels

by Evelyn Bence

A collection of personal stories about angels at Christmas time.

A Searching Heart (Prairie Legacy #2)

by Janette Oke

Virginia is torn between going off to college with Jamison and staying home to help her family and elderly neighbor.

Let My Heart Go

by Bev Huston

Historical Christian romance

The Letter (Christmas Box #3)

by Richard Paul Evans

From the book jacket The Letter, the final book of the Christmas Box collection, is, most simply stated, the love story of David and MaryAnne Parkin. But it is also everyone's love story, for it is about the storms that all relationships must face when the blissful state of romance vanishes into one of real-life challenges and difficulties. We often forget that it is in the hard times that we truly see what is best in love as well as in life. Though love may be temporarily darkened, true love never gives in, or up, but holds tight to noble ideas, which transcend this earth and all time. The Letter is also about our pasts and our individual quests to discover who we are. In The Letter, David Parkin sets out on a journey to find his mother, a woman who abandoned him when he was a child. In truth, however, David is searching for himself as he seeks to free himself from the pain of her rejection and his fear that he was somehow unworthy of her love. In a sense, David's search is the same journey we are all pursuing. We are all seeking love. My hope is that you will feel what I felt as I wrote this book-the divine nature of loyalty and the understanding of why we must share love whenever and wherever we can. One final note. I am saddened to finish the Christmas Box trilogy and to bid good-bye to the Parkin family. I do not know if I shall ever visit them again, but I am glad for this last story-a story which I think is a fitting sendoff for the characters I've grown to love. I hope that the message you find in their lives is meaningful to your own. And, most of all, that in reading the Christmas Box collection, you, and those with whom you share my books, will never be the same.


by Marcy Heidish

Authors Note This is a novel: by definition a work of fiction. It is based on historical fact, derived from plentiful primary and secondary source material. It is necessary to remember, however, that this is not biography. Because the responsibilities of novels and biographies differ substantially, it is important to distinguish between the two forms. It is also important to note that this novel's narrator is fictional, not based on any priest who sat on the tribunal investigating the cure of Ann O'Neill. However, the recollections and materials of the Most Reverend F. Joseph Gossman have been very helpful in recreating the narrator's setting. Bishop Gossman was notary to the O'Neill tribunal. ...

Making Faith Sense

by Robert L. Kinast

Thoughts on what Christianity is really about.

Traveling Light: Releasing the Burdens You Were Never Intended to Bear

by Max Lucado

Weary travelers. You've seen them- everything they own crammed into their luggage. Staggering through terminals and hotel lobbies with overstuffed suitcases, trunks, duffels and backpacks. Backs ache. Feet burn. Eyelids droop. We've all seen people like that. At times, we are people like that-if not with our physical luggage, then at least with our spiritual load. We all lug loads we were never intended to carry. Fear. Worry. Discontent. No wonder we get so weary. We're worn out from carrying that excess baggage. Wouldn't it be nice to lose some of those bags? That's the invitation of Max Lucado. With the twenty-third Psalm as our guide, let's release some of the burdens we were never intended to bear.

In Hitler's Shadow: An Israeli's Amazing Journey Inside Germany's Neo-Nazi Movement

by Yaron Svoray Nick Taylor

Svoray to be a sympathetic American and not realizing he was Jewish, introduced him to the semisecret world of German neo-Nazism. In a short time, Svoray contacted the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles and, with the center's backing, returned to Germany under the name of "Ron Furey," the American representative of a fictitious right-wing organization. So began a remarkable and shocking series of encounters between Svoray and members of Germany's neo-Nazi underground. Putting himself at great personal risk and constantly fearing that his identity would be discovered, Svoray met-and documented with hidden cameras and recording devices-a terrifying array of believers both young and old whose reach, he was shocked to find out, extends throughout Germany and beyond. He came across brutal young skinheads; paramilitary training camps that have sent neo-Nazi fighters to support Croatian soldiers in the former Yugoslavia; a network of committed neo-Nazis who are using their money and connections to establish political organizations; and politicians of the far right who cloak their connections to the movement in nationalist rhetoric. In Hitler's Shadow is a sobering report on the real threat that is posed by Germany's neo-Nazi movement, and a startling portrayal of the dangerous personalities behind it, told by a man of immense courage who has penetrated its heart of darkness. YARON SVORAY has been a paratrooper in the Israeli Defense Force and a detective in Israel's Central Police Command, and is currently an investigative journalist. He lives in Israel. NICK TAYLOR is the author of four previous works of nonfiction: Bass Wars, Sins of the Father, Ordinary Miraclesand A Necessary End. He lives in New York.

A Cup of Christmas Tea

by Tom Hegg

A nephew's visit to an elderly great aunt at Christmastime brings him memories of past holidays and the realization of how the human spirit can triumph over adversity.

Kavichakravarthy Kambar

by Mahavidwan Ra Raghava Iyengar

Kambar, a 12th centuary poet lived during the regime of King Rakendra Chola. In addition to the Ramayanam, Kambar has also authored other works like the Saraswathi Andathi and Kangai Puranam

Andal's Nachiyar Thirumozhi

by Andal

Andal was a 10th century Tamil poet who is revered as a saint in the southern parts of India. Infact, she is considered as one of the twelve Alvars (saints) and the only woman Alvar (saint) of Vaishnavism (a cult devoted to Lord Vishnu). After her first work known as Thiruppavai, this one, Nachiyar Thirumozhi is the second compilation by Andal consisting of 143 verses. Through this poem, she disclosed her passionate yearning for Lord Vishnu. These 143 verses are a part of the 4000 hyms of Nalayira Divya Prabandham and are organized in 14 segments, each one called a tirumozhi. The poems compiled by Andal in her teenage years, display a high level of literary and religious maturity.

The Teachings for Victory, Volume 3 (Learning from Nichiren's Writings)

by Daisaku Ikeda

Nichiren Daishonin’s writings provide a practical formula for enabling all people to achieve victory in every aspect of their lives and attain an unshakable state of happiness. This volume of Learning from Nichiren’s Writings: The Teachings for Victory contains SGI President Daisaku Ikeda’s lectures on nine of Nichiren’s letters: “On the Offering of a Mud Pie” “A Father Takes Faith” “How Those Initially Aspiring to the Way Can Attain Buddhahood through the Lotus Sutra” “Letter to the Lay Priest Nakaoki” “Letter to Konichi-bo” “The Good Medicine for All Ills” “The Four Debts of Gratitude” “On the Treasure Tower” “Letter from Teradomari” President Ikeda elucidates the importance of studying Nichiren’s writings as the foundation of Nichiren Buddhism as practiced by the Soka Gakkai International. His lectures bring Nichiren’s immense wisdom, compassion, and courage into focus for the present age. In reading and studying these lectures, we learn how to apply in daily life Nichiren’s profound philosophy for inner transformation and victory for both ourselves and others. The Teachings for Victory will empower you to develop the strength and wisdom to bring forth your inherent potential.

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