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Showing 45,301 through 45,325 of 100,000 results

No Stranger to Scandal

by Rachel Bailey

Decorum Vs. DestinyShe might be the stepdaughter of one of the most powerful media moguls in Washington, but Lucy Royall is no pampered princess-she's making her own way as a junior reporter. But when congressional investigator Hayden Black accuses her stepfather of criminal wrongdoing, she shows her family loyalty and takes Hayden on. Then, as things heat up, the sexy single dad takes her to bed! Talk about a conflict of interest. Will their illicit passion turn into something more lasting, even in the face of controversy so huge it rocks a nation?

No Straight Boys

by Cecil Wilde

Find out what happens when refusing to date straight boys means turning down the man of your dreams! No Straight Boys by Cecil Wilde is a heartwarming story about friendship, love, and finding yourself via late-night text messages.Not dating straight boys is a pretty good strategy for long-term relationships if you're a gay man, but what happens when one particular straight boy turns out to be the man of your dreams?Cute, funny, and sometimes borderline philosophical, No Straight Boys is about what happens when perfection isn't what you think it is, and love is best found via late-night text message.Content Notes: Hot, Anal Play, Anal Intercourse, Exhibitionism, Contemporary, GLBT, M/M

No Stopping Now

by Dawn Atkins

Where is the infamous Doctor Nite when she needs him? Sure, Brody Donegan acts the obnoxious cable show host when documentary maker Jillian James shines the camera on him. When the lights go off, however, it's the man behind the persona that has her libido working overtime. And once she's had a taste of the real Brody, there is no stopping this fling. But she's promised a network the exclusive on Doctor Nite in her film about bad-for-you bachelors. And the more time she spends in Brody's bed, the more she doubts how bad he is for her. Can she capture that footage. . . and keep the man?

No Stone Unturned

by Patricia Robins

When a body turns up drowned in the quiet English village of Ashwyck, reporter Bob Rudgely's attempt to the identify the man leads him to discover more about the sleepy village then her ever imagined. As the case unfolds, Bob's loving relationship with the art teacher Sandie White seems to unravel in almost parallel proportions. It looks as if Sandie will even turn to another man who's in love with her - golf pro Bill Wells - for consolation as Bob becomes more and more absorbed in the mystery of Ashwyck.

No Stone Unturned

by Patricia Robins

When a body turns up drowned in the quiet English village of Ashwyck, reporter Bob Rudgely's attempt to the identify the man leads him to discover more about the sleepy village then her ever imagined. As the case unfolds, Bob's loving relationship with the art teacher Sandie White seems to unravel in almost parallel proportions. It looks as if Sandie will even turn to another man who's in love with her - golf pro Bill Wells - for consolation as Bob becomes more and more absorbed in the mystery of Ashwyck.

No soy yo, eres tú (Tal para cual #Volumen 2)

by Ebony Clark

Una historia sobre corazones rotos, citas a ciegas y... ¡gatos y ratones! La segunda entrega de la bilogía «Tal para cual». ¡No te la pierdas! Daniela es abogada. Trabaja en un despacho especializado en divorcios. Después de la ruptura de sus padres, del que su madre la culpa, y enamorada de Lucas, compañero de trabajo y hombre perfecto, inaccesible y casado, Daniela decide pedir una excedencia en el trabajo y tomarse un respiro. Su compañera de piso, Mimi, tiene un proyecto. Mimi es pura energía positiva, el yan de Daniela, un terremoto andante llena de ideas e iniciativas. Mimi cree en el amor y se mueve como pez en el agua en las redes sociales. Con estos dos ingredientes ha puesto en marcha una aplicación de citas a ciegas, TalparaCual, que está resultando un éxito. Daniela siente mucha curiosidad. Le intrigan los motivos de la gente para iniciar lo que ella termina rompiendo en su profesión. ¿Qué hace que todas esas personas se empeñen en aventurarse en algo abocado al fracaso? ¿Existe el flechazo, existe realmente el amor? Alex es bombero. Su trabajo es su pasión. Sobre todo, ahora que Silvia, su novia de toda la vida, le ha dejado por un representante de perfumes y pretende quedarse con el piso de ambos. Alex se muda a un edificio de apartamentos cerca de la playa. A Alex le gusta entrenar cada mañana en su terraza, escuchando su música favorita. Solo hay un inconveniente, su vecina de enfrente. Una bruja con mala leche a la que no le gusta madrugar. Si el amor no existe. Si es una gran mentira. Si duele y saca de cada uno lo peor... ¿Cómo es que seguimos tentando la suerte?

No soy un gatito salvaje (Soy tu fan #Volumen 2)

by Karen Delorbe

Él anda en busca del amor. Ella está harta de los hombres. Su atracción es innegable, pero ¿podrán enamorarse? La divertida segunda parte de la bilogía «Soy tu fan». ¿Estás dispuesto a jugar al amor? Brian Savage, el baterista de una famosa banda de rock, parece tenerlo todo: dinero, fama y una sonrisa demoledora. Sin embargo, siente que algo falta en su vida: no ha vuelto a tener citas desde que rompí su corazón hace diez años. Como se siente solo, decido ayudarlo a conseguir una novia, y no dudo en recurrir a uno de mis mejores amigos, un especialista en las artes de la seducción al que suelo llamar «el experto». Juntos, iniciamos la búsqueda de una pareja para «GatitoSalvaje», como él se hace llamar en línea, y concertamos varias citas a ciegas para el galán. Muchas mujeres mueren por conocerlo, pero ninguna de ellas parece llenar sus altas expectativas. Ninguna, excepto la única mujer de la que todo el mundo le recomienda mantenerse alejado: la exesposa de su hermano. Fría como el hielo, lo que menos desea Bárbara es enamorarse. ¿Será Brian capaz de ganar su corazón? De lo único que estoy segura es de que haré todo lo posible para meterme donde no me llaman y actuar como una Celestina con tal de que él tenga su merecido final feliz.

No soy Lizzy Bennet

by J. de la Rosa

X Premio Vergara a la mejor novela romántica No soy Lizzy Bennet es una invitación a ser uno mismo, a sobreponerse ante las adversidades, y a aceptar que la vida, si se observa atentamente, siempre tiene algo de magia con que sorprendernos Llamarse Lizzy apellidándose Bennet fue una casualidad, pero esta anécdota ha marcado su vida desde niña, desde el momento en que decidió guiar su conducta por el código moral de la protagonista de Orgullo y prejuicio, la otra Lizzy Bennet: honor, libertad, coherencia. Pero algo tuvo que salir muy mal, porque con treinta años recién cumplidos, esos tres principios se han volatilizado: la prensa la considera un monstruo, la policía la persigue, y ella no cree en nada que no sea atravesar el país y llegar a San Cayetano, la capital del sur, donde debe llevar a cabo su última misión antes de acabar entre rejas. En medio de esta huida, un accidente de tráfico la hace coincidir con John, un tipo que le desagrada al instante, y a quien solo quiere quitarse de encima. Aunque esa tarea no será fácil. John está decidido a recuperar lo que es suyo, y para conseguirlo la perseguirá, si hace falta, hasta el final del mundo. Así, Lizzy se embarca en una travesía por carretera a lo largo de un país mágico, con la policía pisándoles los talones y unos extraños compañeros de viaje: Eve, enamorada de un hombre al que no conoce; Giacomo, que como cada año desde hace cincuenta y tres va en busca de su amada para pasar juntos una sola noche a la luz de la luna; y Ana, que ha decidido retomar su vida donde la dejó casi cuatro décadas atrás. Y por supuesto John, pues lo que empieza siendo una cuestión de orgullo, derriba todos sus prejuicios hasta hacerla comprender qué es de verdad el amor. Moteles de carretera, comunas nudistas, grupos de terapia, serrerías perdidas en el bosque y un destino incierto los aunará a todos bajo la magia de una canción, justo cuando sus vidas deben enfrentarse a su destino. .

No somos gilipollas: Una radiografía de nuestro querido e imperfecto país

by Bruno Oro

No somos gilipollas es un ensayo luminoso que nos invita a emprender un viaje en que el humor, el desparpajo y la ironía nos guiarán hasta una gran carcajada. Catalanes, andaluces, gallegos, vascos, madrileños y todas las demás perlas del Estado son los protagonistas de esta radiografía divertidísima de nuestras costumbres, nuestra cultura y, por qué no, nuestros defectos, que a menudo se convierten en la mejor arma para salir adelante. Porque, aunque parezca que son muchas las diferencias que nos separan en este imperfecto país, Bruno Oro nos propone unirnos para hacer frente a un enemigo común: la crispación provocada por la ineptitud, la manipulación, la desvergüenza y la ambición de los políticos y los poderosos. «Aunque a veces tengamos la sensación de que se nos mean desde arriba, quisiera demostrar que la mayoría de los habitantes de este país surrealista que habitamos no somos gilipollas».

No Snarkasm in Love

by J. D. Walker

Nye Havers is in his forties and has given up on love. Life hasn’t done him any favors, and his acerbic nature has just gotten worse over time. He rides a bicycle to work, gets splashed by cars in the rain, and is constantly in trouble because he can’t resist being a smart mouth.He is the co-owner of a small courier service that has sadly become his life. But there is one surprisingly bright spot in his world, even if Nye feels he doesn’t have a chance in hell of getting the guy.The guy, Donal Soames, is a client. He and Nye encounter each other on occasion, but when Nye is his usual snappish self, he ruins everything. Nye has to learn to curb his snarky behavior and catch a clue, because the love he’s been looking for might just get away.

No Sleep till Doomsday (A Dru Jasper Novel #3)

by Laurence MacNaughton

An inexperienced sorceress must retrieve a priceless artifact from the enchantress who stole it, break the curse on her half-demon boyfriend, and stop her friends from turning on each other before the enchantress calls down doomsday.When a wicked enchantress steals a cursed doomsday amulet, crystal sorceress Dru Jasper has only twenty-four hours to get it back before the world will come to a fiery end. With this supernatural amulet in hand, the enchantress intends to break the sixth seal of the apocalypse scroll--making the seas boil, the stars fall from the sky, and the earth itself split apart. Overall, bad news. Dru must hit the road to get the amulet back. But she suspects her half-demon boyfriend, Greyson, and his demon-possessed muscle car, Hellbringer, are hiding a dark secret. Can she trust them to help her stop doomsday? Worse, tracking down the enchantress runs Dru smack up against a pack of killer shape-shifters, the grim mystery of a radioactive ghost town, and a dangerous speed demon even more powerful than Hellbringer. As the clock runs out, Dru is locked in a high-speed chase with the enchantress, fighting a fierce, magical duel she can never win alone. Can Dru and her sorcerer friends unravel Hellbringer's secrets, outwit the shape-shifters, and retrieve the stolen amulet before the dawn of doomsday?

No Sin Too Great

by Jasmine Cresswell

She'll do anything, lie, cheat, steal. Caroline Hogarth will do anything to get her three-year old son back. Her father-in-law will do anything to prevent it. Anything....which may explain why Caroline wakes up in bed with a dead man. Or why the headlines shout: Captain Of Industry Dies In Mistress's Bed. Publicly labeled a whore and an unfit mother, Caroline needs to help and she needs it yesterday, but there's no one in this city her father-in-law can't buy. Except, maybe, Jack Fletcher, a man Caroline is prepared to seduce. So what if he's a convicted murderer? So what if he doesn't trust Caroline? So what if he's a priest?

No sin antes verla feliz

by Paula Alaimo

Una historia llena de esperanza y amor. Una nueva oportunidad y un precioso romance con un desenlace que sumirá al lector en una profunda emoción. Alejandra Barbirova ha sufrido una terrible tragedia en su familia, y a partir de aquel fatídico día, su vida se detuvo. Amigos, familia, todo aquel que la quiere y aprecia trata de ayudarla para que pueda superar lo sucedido, pero ella está empeñada y cegada por la tristeza y el dolor, y no cree tener derecho a rehacer su vida. Cinco años después de aquel terrible acontecimiento, nuevos cambios se producen en el el lugar donde tiene su tienda de flores, pues aparecerá un hombre que logrará desestabilizarla y provocará que despierte de ese aletargamiento en el que vive inmersa. Será entonces cuando Alejandra volverá a la vida luchando contra sus emociones, negándose como mujer, tratando sin éxito de alejar lo que sus sentimientos le gritan. Deberá dejar atrás ese miedo inmenso a vivir sin culpa ni dolor, perdonando, soltando antiguas e injustas historias, y aceptando finalmente que ella se merece una segunda y feliz oportunidad.

No Silver Spoon

by Katie Flynn

Set in Liverpool in the 1920s, this is a heartwarming tale of triumph over adversity, from the Sunday Times bestselling saga author, Katie Flynn.Dympna Byrnes lives a simple life with her family on the Connemara coast. She adores her father Micheál, and does her best to help her family by working hard and expecting little.But beneath the surface there are hidden secrets. Dympna’s mother idolises her clever eldest son, yet her attitude to Dympna is puzzling. So when her family find themselves in desperate need of money, it is Dympna who crosses the water to Liverpool to seek a better life. Immersed in the bustling streets of Liverpool, Dympna’s circumstances begin to improve. But it is a chance encounter with orphaned, half-starved Jimmy Ruddock that sets her on an extraordinary path she never could have predicted…

The No-Show

by Beth O'Leary

Three women who seemingly have nothing in common find that they're involved with the same man in this smart new rom-com by Beth O'Leary, bestselling author of The Flatshare. Siobhan is a quick-tempered life coach with way too much on her plate. Miranda is a tree surgeon used to being treated as just one of the guys on the job. Jane is a soft-spoken volunteer for the local charity shop with zero sense of self-worth. These three women are strangers who have only one thing in common: they&’ve all been stood up on the same day, the very worst day to be stood up—Valentine&’s Day. And, unbeknownst to them, they&’ve all been stood up by the same man. Once they've each forgiven him for standing them up, they are all in serious danger of falling in love with a man who may have not just one or two but three women on the go.... Is there more to him than meets the eye? Where was he on Valentine&’s Day? And will they each untangle the truth before they all get their hearts broken?

The No-Show: The utterly heart-warming new novel from the author of The Flatshare

by Beth O'Leary

'Ingenious, heartwarming and romantic' Sophie Kinsella'Surprising and deeply satisfying' Emily Henry'The kind of book that leaves an impression on your heart' Holly MillerThe funny, heart-breaking and uplifting new novel from the bestselling author of The FlatshareThree women. Three dates. One missing man...8.52 a.m. Siobhan is looking forward to her breakfast date with Joseph. She was surprised when he suggested it - she normally sees him late at night in her hotel room. Breakfast on Valentine's Day surely means something ... so where is he?2.43 p.m. Miranda's hoping that a Valentine's Day lunch with Carter will be the perfect way to celebrate her new job. It's a fresh start and a sign that her life is falling into place: she's been dating Carter for five months now and things are getting serious. But why hasn't he shown up?6.30 p.m. Joseph Carter agreed to be Jane's fake boyfriend at an engagement party. They've not known each other long but their friendship is fast becoming the brightest part of her new life in Winchester. Joseph promised to save Jane tonight. But he's not here...Meet Joseph Carter. That is, if you can find him.The No-Show is the brilliantly funny, heart-breaking and joyful new novel from Beth O'Leary about dating, and waiting, and the ways love can find us. An utterly extraordinary tearjerker of a book, this is O'Leary's most ambitious novel yet.'The kind of book you want all your friends to read so that you can talk about it non-stop' Lizzie Damilola Blackburn'A brilliant, multilayered, romantic stunner' Lauren Ho'Sweepingly romantic, bursting with character, and so, so clever' Gillian McAllister'Perfect escapism: romantic and uplifting with a twist you won't see coming' Lucy Diamond'Charming and delightful!' Laura Williams'It will break your heart in a million different ways' Louise O'Neill'A truly brilliant book' Lucy Vine'Fresh and surprising yet still so distinctly Beth O'Leary' Caroline Hulse'This book will stop-start your heart with plenty of tears and plenty of laughter' Lia Louis'Fresh, clever, superbly plotted . . . A triumph' Mike Gayle'Beth O'Leary at her very best' Lindsey Kelk'Achingly clever, another fabulous read from Beth O'Leary' Sophie Cousens

The No-Show: The instant Sunday Times bestseller, the utterly heart-warming new novel from the author of The Flatshare

by Beth O'Leary

'The No-Show is an ingenious, heartwarming and romantic story with great depths amid the humour and lightness' Sophie Kinsella'Beth O'Leary is that rare, one-in-a-million talent who can make you laugh, swoon, cry and ache all in the same book . . . surprising and deeply satisfying' Emily Henry'The kind of book that leaves an impression on your heart' Holly Miller'Perfect escapism: romantic and uplifting with a twist you won't see coming' Lucy DiamondThe funny, heart-breaking and uplifting new novel from the bestselling author of The FlatshareThree women. Three dates. One missing man...8.52 a.m. Siobhan is looking forward to her breakfast date with Joseph. She was surprised when he suggested it - she normally sees him late at night in her hotel room. Breakfast on Valentine's Day surely means something ... so where is he?2.43 p.m. Miranda's hoping that a Valentine's Day lunch with Carter will be the perfect way to celebrate her new job. It's a fresh start and a sign that her life is falling into place: she's been dating Carter for five months now and things are getting serious. But why hasn't he shown up?6.30 p.m. Joseph Carter agreed to be Jane's fake boyfriend at an engagement party. They've not known each other long but their friendship is fast becoming the brightest part of her new life in Winchester. Joseph promised to save Jane tonight. But he's not here...Meet Joseph Carter. That is, if you can find him.The No-Show is the brilliantly funny, heart-breaking and joyful new novel from Beth O'Leary about dating, and waiting, and the ways love can find us. An utterly extraordinary tearjerker of a book, this is O'Leary's most ambitious novel yet.This audiobook includes an exclusive interview between Beth O'Leary and Evanna Lynch. 'The kind of book you want all your friends to read so that you can talk about it non-stop' Lizzie Damilola Blackburn'A brilliant, multilayered, romantic stunner' Lauren Ho'Sweepingly romantic, bursting with character, and so, so clever' Gillian McAllister'Charming and delightful!' Laura Williams'It will break your heart in a million different ways' Louise O'Neill'A truly brilliant book' Lucy Vine'Fresh and surprising yet still so distinctly Beth O'Leary' Caroline Hulse'This book will stop-start your heart with plenty of tears and plenty of laughter' Lia Louis'Fresh, clever, superbly plotted . . . A triumph' Mike Gayle'Beth O'Leary at her very best' Lindsey Kelk'Achingly clever, another fabulous read from Beth O'Leary' Sophie Cousens(P)2022 Quercus Editions Limited

No Shadows Fall (Archangel Chronicles Ser. #3)

by L. J. Labarthe

Sequel to No Surrender, No Retreat <P><P>Archangel Chronicles: Book Three <P><P>Newly bonded Archangels Michael and Gabriel are torn from their idyllic island retreat by the singing of hymns heralding stunning news: Gabriel's ancient foe, Semjaza, has escaped from his prison in the stars and now seeks revenge and utter conquest. <P><P>With the wisdom of Archangel Raziel to guide them and help coming from the most unlikely of quarters, Gabriel and Michael join with the Brotherhood of Archangels to hunt Semjaza down and finish him once and for all. Because Semjaza's return to Earth doesn't threaten just Gabriel and his loved ones—it threatens the whole of humanity. <P><P>But even more danger lurks in the shadows, threatening the Brotherhood from within. If Gabriel and Semjaza finally face each other in single combat, will Gabriel survive the contest, or will Michael lose his one true love?

No serás un extraño

by Laura Mercé

Una novela de corte señorial y drama romántico, donde las intrigas se conjugan con el amor y los inventos tecnológicos para pintar un cuadro vívido de Inglaterra y Francia a principios del siglo XX. Ronald Morrison es un ingeniero inventor lleno de deudas. Vive con Sara, su mujer, que se encuentra muy enferma, y su pequeña hija Diana. Ronald es estafado por Norman, su cuñado, y un banquero francés, Armand Leblanc amigo de este. Ambos le roban su invento. Al mismo tiempo muere su esposa y él se queda solo con la pequeña Diana. Norman, aprovechándose del lamentable estado de su cuñado paga todas sus deudas y lo obliga marcharse quedándose él con la niña y responsabilizándose de su educación. Años después, Diana, ya convertida en una bella joven, criada en la opulencia, se enamora de Eduardo Leblanc, el hijo del banquero, desconociendo que el padre de este contribuyó al destierro del suyo...

No Secrets in Spandex

by Toni Jones

Sexy bike racer Jacob Hunter is turning heads on the international cycling circuit . . . in more ways then one. Rumor has it the handsome daredevil owes his success to more than just muscle and willpower. Allegations of drug use have followed Jacob back to his home state of Colorado, where the stakes are higher than ever as he gears up for the biggest race of his career.Jacob knows he needs to stay focused on his training, but some hometown secrets are impossible to outpace, no matter how fast you go. When redheaded reporter Ariel Hays arrives on the scene to profile Jacob, he tries to keep the curvaceous beauty at arm's length.For a man with something to hide, a reporter is the last person to be trusted. But Ariel is ready to do anything to get her story . . . and Jacob finds he can't resist getting personal. The heat between them could melt the snow off the Rockies, but both Ariel and Jacob realize they're making an avalanche that threatens everything in its path. Because Ariel also has a secret. And it's hard to keep secrets when passion leaves you totally exposed. . . . Sensuality Level: Sensual

No Secrets in Spandex

by Toni Jones

Sexy bike racer Jacob Hunter is turning heads on the international cycling circuit . . . in more ways then one. Rumor has it the handsome daredevil owes his success to more than just muscle and willpower. Allegations of drug use have followed Jacob back to his home state of Colorado, where the stakes are higher than ever as he gears up for the biggest race of his career.Jacob knows he needs to stay focused on his training, but some hometown secrets are impossible to outpace, no matter how fast you go. When redheaded reporter Ariel Hays arrives on the scene to profile Jacob, he tries to keep the curvaceous beauty at arm’s length.For a man with something to hide, a reporter is the last person to be trusted. But Ariel is ready to do anything to get her story . . . and Jacob finds he can’t resist getting personal. The heat between them could melt the snow off the Rockies, but both Ariel and Jacob realize they’re making an avalanche that threatens everything in its path. Because Ariel also has a secret. And it’s hard to keep secrets when passion leaves you totally exposed. . . . Sensuality Level: Sensual

No Secrets in Spandex

by Toni Jones

Sexy bike racer Jacob Hunter is turning heads on the international cycling circuit . . . in more ways then one. Rumor has it the handsome daredevil owes his success to more than just muscle and willpower. Allegations of drug use have followed Jacob back to his home state of Colorado, where the stakes are higher than ever as he gears up for the biggest race of his career.Jacob knows he needs to stay focused on his training, but some hometown secrets are impossible to outpace, no matter how fast you go. When redheaded reporter Ariel Hays arrives on the scene to profile Jacob, he tries to keep the curvaceous beauty at arm’s length.For a man with something to hide, a reporter is the last person to be trusted. But Ariel is ready to do anything to get her story . . . and Jacob finds he can’t resist getting personal. The heat between them could melt the snow off the Rockies, but both Ariel and Jacob realize they’re making an avalanche that threatens everything in its path. Because Ariel also has a secret. And it’s hard to keep secrets when passion leaves you totally exposed. . . . Sensuality Level: Sensual

No Secrets in Spandex

by Toni Jones

Sexy bike racer Jacob Hunter is turning heads on the international cycling circuit . . . in more ways then one. Rumor has it the handsome daredevil owes his success to more than just muscle and willpower. Allegations of drug use have followed Jacob back to his home state of Colorado, where the stakes are higher than ever as he gears up for the biggest race of his career.Jacob knows he needs to stay focused on his training, but some hometown secrets are impossible to outpace, no matter how fast you go. When redheaded reporter Ariel Hays arrives on the scene to profile Jacob, he tries to keep the curvaceous beauty at arm's length.For a man with something to hide, a reporter is the last person to be trusted. But Ariel is ready to do anything to get her story . . . and Jacob finds he can't resist getting personal. The heat between them could melt the snow off the Rockies, but both Ariel and Jacob realize they're making an avalanche that threatens everything in its path. Because Ariel also has a secret. And it's hard to keep secrets when passion leaves you totally exposed. . . . Sensuality Level: Sensual

No Secrets

by Rae Morgan

Re-Release (Liquid Silver Books - Zodiac Pisces - 2006)When dark magick reveals the secrets of a woman hiding from her destiny, only the love of her fated mate will help her survive the coming battle of good versus evil. Rae Morgan presents No Secrets, Book 4 of her paranormal romance series Coven of the Wolf.Sheriff Debby Teague fled to Bear Hollow, Tennessee after saving the lives of Boris Petrov, her destined life partner, and his sister-in-law Selena Jones-Petrov (in Treading the Labyrinth). All she wants is her normal, mundane, non-magical life back, but Fate--and Boris Petrov--have other plans for her.Boris is not happy Debby ran from him, but he understands why she did. But enough is enough. Danger surrounds her in her "safe" little tourist town, and Debby will need him--and the magical ability she denies--to survive.Dark magick has come to Bear Hollow, and its followers don't intend to allow Debby to ignore them--or her own dark magick.Content Notes: Hot, Paranormal, Contemporary, Action, Suspense

No Secrets: A Young Lady's Search for Answers (The Thornton Trilogy #3)

by Mary Christian Payne

In this novel, twenty-two years after a horrific act befell her mother, a young woman embarks on a journey of justice and self-discovery.Elise Thornton has tried for twenty-two years to keep the truth from her daughter Chloe about how she was conceived when her mother was raped by three Nazi soldiers on the day of the Battle of Dunkirk in 1940. But finally, the truth comes out, and there are no more secrets to hide . . .Chloe is shocked at the revelation and vows to find the men who perpetrated the vile act. Teaming up with her dear friend’s grandson, Sterling Sheppard, they make plans to hunt down the wretched men and bring them to justice.During the course of their journey, Chloe learns the true meaning of words like “father” and “brother” and comes to understand that the world is not always black and white. For the first time in her life, Chloe opens her mind to the possibility of love and realizes that people grow and change as they mature.This is an engaging and heartwarming story, bringing to a conclusion the lives of the reader’s favorite residents of Thornton-on-Sea.

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