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The Mona Lucy

by Peggy Webb

PLAYING CUPID WAS NEVER SO MUCH FUN....With a die-hard romantic mother bent on playing matchmaker, the results were bound to be explosive. Matt Coltrane's mother invited him home to O'Banyon Manor to spend some good old-fashioned Southern time with her. But once there, love-wary Matt couldn't help but notice how often he was left alone with his mother's guest, the captivating and beautiful Sandi Wentworth.Sandi had been burned a few times by love herself, yet she couldn't help but be attracted to the kindhearted man she found beneath Matt's brooding exterior. Matt and Sandi could not have had less in common...other than the intense passion that seemed to stir every time they were together!

Mona Lisa Three

by Sunny

Mona Lisa's growing powers allow her to care for the warriors who serve her in unexpectedly pleasurable ways.

Mona Lisa Eclipsing

by Sunny

The national bestselling author returns with a new passionate, erotically charged paranormal novel. Roberto, a jaguar-shifter of mixed Monère heritage, arrives in Cozumel to kill a rival. But he finds a more valuable prize in Mona Lisa, a Monère who's lost her memory and can be manipulated into believing anything-no matter how dark or dangerous.

Mona Lisa Darkening

by Sunny

On the vernal equinox, Mona Lisa is taken against her will to NetherHell, the cursed realm of the damned. In this place, she will be torn from both within and without by desire, love, and ecstasy. And when her first love crosses the boundaries of the world to rescue her, she must choose her own destiny?before others choose it for her.

Mona Lisa Craving

by Sunny

Dante, the warrior son of a healer, was cursed by a high priestess to endure a never-ending cycle of life and death. Someone shares one of his past lives. Back then, she was his victim. Today, she is his savior. Her name is Mona Lisa.

Mona Lisa Blossoming (Monere #2)

by Sunny

As Mona Lisa learns the erotic and savage customs of the Monère elite, some of her new subjects chafe at being ruled by one whose lineage is diluted with human blood.

Mona Lisa Awakening (Monere #1)

by Sunny

A smoldering debut novel.From the time she was a child, Mona Lisa knew she was different?but she never knew how different until a man of otherworldly beauty entered her life.

Mon véritable cow-boy

by Cassie Black B. G. Thomas

Bryan fantasme sur les cow-boys depuis toujours. Il porte même un costume que son colocataire surnomme son « piège à cow-boy » quand il va à son club préféré, dans l’espoir d’attirer l’attention d’un véritable rancher. Le jour où Curtis lui offre une bière, Bryan n’a aucun doute que ça y est, c’est le bon. Mais pourront-ils aller plus loin qu’une simple nuit de sexe incroyable une fois que Bryan aura avoué à Curtis que la seule fois où il est monté à cheval, c’était un poney à une fête d’anniversaire, quand il était gosse ?

Mon Sex Coach: Livres érotiques interactifs (Choisis ta propre aventure érotique #1)

by Tatum Lennox

Mon Sex Coach est le premier volume de la série Choisis ta propre aventure érotique. C'est un roman romantique, érotique dans lequel tu dois prendre des décisions pour la protagoniste, Ruth. C'est une femme dans la trentaine, et elle n'est pas du tout satisfaite: son travail, son petit ami, toute sa vie est un piège noir dont elle ne peut sortir. Elle a besoin de changement. Quelque chose ... ou quelqu'un. Elle connaîtra un mystérieux coach qui pourrait l'aider à se retrouver et à réussir dans la vie. Mais ses méthodes sont trop ... originales.

Mon penny chanceux (Noël en ville #3)

by Jill Barnett

Une charmante comédie romantique qui se déroule à la fin du 19e siècle à New York pendant la plus mémorable des saisons - Noël. De l’autrice à succès du New York Times, Jill Barnett. Lorsque le célèbre architecte, Edward Lowell devient soudainement le tuteur de sa nièce, une orpheline de 4 ans, la vie qu’il a connue est bouleversée. Sa nièce est en deuil et lorsqu’elle aperçoit une poupée dans une vitrine, il voit les premiers signes de bonheur dans ses yeux. Mais la poupée est vendue avant qu’Edward ne puisse l’acheter et il part à la recherche du fabricant de poupées dans l’espoir qu’elle puisse l’aider à trouver un moyen de guérir sa jeune nièce.

Mon odieux petit ami (Island Classifieds #1)

by Laura Brohan Ta Moore

Sa mère. Son meilleur ami. Le barman du pub local. Tout le monde a pour objectif de trouver un petit ami à Nathan Moffatt, même si c’est la dernière chose qu’il souhaite. Après avoir passé ses journées à s’assurer que ses clients ne connaissent rien d’autre que la magie du romantisme, le soir, l’organisateur de mariages du Granshire Hotel n’a qu’une envie : rentrer chez lui, regarder plusieurs épisodes de séries criminelles et manger une pizza en sous-vêtement. Malheureusement, personne ne le croit et il doit subir les leçons de morale lui disant qu’il mourra seul. Mais un jour, il a une illumination. Il faudrait que ses proches comprennent qu’il vaut mieux qu’il reste célibataire. Il doit trouver un petit ami odieux. Un seul homme peut tenir ce rôle. Flynn Delaney est habitué à ce que l’île de Ceremony ne pense que du mal de lui, mais il préférerait ne pas avoir l’honneur d’occuper la place de « pire petit ami de l’île ». D’un autre côté, s’il accepte, il aura l’opportunité de sortir avec un homme sublime et de contrarier les propriétaires du Granshire Hotel. Ils seraient tous les deux gagnants. Il n'y a qu'un un seul problème : comme Flynn se révèle être un bon petit ami, Nathan finit par se demander si quitter son canapé de temps en temps serait vraiment une si mauvaise idée.

Mon dragon, mon chevalier

by John Inman

Danny Sims est perdu, déchiré entre son amant abusif, Joshua, et Jay Holtsclaw, le barman du bout de la rue, qui lui offre l&’unique chose qu&’il n&’a pas chez lui : la compréhension.Lorsque Joshua menace de se débarrasser du chien de Danny, celui-ci sait qu&’il doit agir et vite. Effrayé par ce que Joshua pourrait faire à son chien et par ce qu&’il pourrait lui faire à lui s&’il essayait de partir, Danny n&’a plus qu&’une seule solution.Fuir.Mais il n&’est pas totalement fou, il a suffisamment de bon sens pour se réfugier dans les bras de l&’homme qui se soucie de lui, celui en qui il commence à avoir confiance.Alors que leur vie ensemble commence à se mettre en place, Danny et Jay vont découvrir à quel point Joshua est rancunier.Et dangereux.

Mon coloc est un sportif ? Achevez-moi ! (The JOCK Series #1)

by Wade Kelly

Il est facile de devenir cynique quand la vie ne va pas comme on veut. Cole Reid mène une vie de reclus depuis ses quinze ans, âge auquel son homosexualité a été révélée au grand jour par son équipe de baseball. Depuis, son comportement obsessionnel compulsif et sa nature sarcastique ont fait fuir une bonne partie de la population. Quant aux autres, ils le détestent parce qu’il est homosexuel. Selon lui, il est voué à faire fuir n’importe quel ami potentiel – ne parlons même pas d’un petit ami –, alors à quoi bon faire des efforts ? Quand Cole entre à l’université, il est devenu un homme solitaire et maniaque. Cela ne lui cause aucun problème jusqu’au jour où son colocataire décroche son diplôme et que le service des logements annonce à Ellis Montgomery qu’il peut prendre sa place. Ellis est bordélique, magnifique, hétérosexuel et encore pire : un sportif ! Pendant une année universitaire où se côtoient les amis bruyants, les mésaventures en camping et les parents intrusifs, Cole et Ellis développent un lien amical qui change la vision de Cole sur la vie. Ellis est bien plus qu’un sportif qui aime s’amuser – et l’attirance que Cole ressent pour lui ravive son espoir de trouver chaussure à son pied.

Mon cœur n’appartient qu’à toi L’arc de cupidon, La première génération, Livre 2

by Maisy Melissa Storm

Chaque jour Rip combat sa culpabilité - la culpabilité d'être toujours vivant de la guerre alors que son ami ne l'est pas - et la commotion cérébrale. Toutes les deux l'empêchant de retourner à une vie civile normale. Quand il rencontre une magnifique jeune femme dans son voisinage, il combat ses sentiments pour elle également. Après tout, il ne mérite pas d'être heureux alors que c'est de sa faute si son meilleur ami est mort. Deborah Walker a donné son cœur à un homme qui est disparu en Corée déchiré par la guerre. Alors qu'elle désire garder sa promesse de l'attendre, elle n'a aucune idée s'il a survécu la bataille qui la rendu porté disparu. Quand un beau vétéran emménage dans son voisinage, elle dénie son attraction grandissante pour lui, surtout que sa seule présence lui faire remémorer l'homme qu'elle a déjà perdu. Est-ce que Rip et Deborah peuvent trouver une façon de se guérir ensemble, ou est-ce qu'ils sont destinés à vivre une série sans fin de chagrins ?

Mon cœur entre tes mains

by Juani Hernández

Livre 1 de 4 PRIX « Tres Plumas » du meilleur roman romantique historique auto-publié en 2013 – II Édition Passion pour le Roman Romantique Quand la Princesse Gabrielle découvre qu'elle doit se marier au Roi Nicholas, un inconnu, afin de créer une alliance qui protégera son Royaume contre les attaques invasives du Roi Balkar, elle pense que sa vie vient de devenir un véritable enfer. Sa cousine, la Princesse Claire, décide de l'accompagner pour connaître son futur époux au Royaume des Lacs, où elle-même rencontrera le Prince Erick, le cousin du Roi, qui ne peut s'empêcher d'être intéressé par elle, sans savoir qu'un autre la convoite déjà. Mais les deux jeunes femmes ne réaliseront pas le voyage seules. Compte tenu de la menace qui pèse sur le Royaume d'Asbath, Jordan, le garde personnel de Gabrielle, les accompagnera pour les protéger. Toutefois, lui-même devra se protéger de la Princesse Agatha, la sœur du Roi Nicholas, car entre eux surgiront des sentiments à la fois contradictoires et interdits. Histoires d'amours bien différentes... mais tissées par le même patron : les inexorables diktats du cœur.

Mom's the Word

by Roz Denny Fox

She's all alone - and pregnant! Things have not gone well for Hayley Ryan. Her beloved grandfather is dead. Her no-good ex-husband not only abandoned her for another woman but stole Hayley's inheritance - and left her pregnant. All she has now is a piece of property to camp on - and a secret mine that may or might not produce. He's a rancher with strong family ties - and he's looking for a wife! Jake Cooper is part owner of the Tripple C Ranch in southern Arizona. Hayley Ryan's site is adjacent to the Tripple C. The first time Jake rides into her camp, she points a shotgun at his head - and without even knowing it, takes aim at his heart... Jake's determined to persuade Hayley to trust him and marry him. As for Hayley's baby-to-be - he'd love the chance to be a dad! reissued as Harlequin Heartwarming - Precious Gifts

Mom's the Word

by Marilynn Griffith

When her tall, dark, delicious husband joins their three kids in calling her "Mom," Karol Simons has an identity crisis. Sure she loves the pint-sized trio, but what's happened to her dreams of writing a novel? Determined to have it all, she turns to her neighbor for help. Dyanne Thornton is thrilled to stand in as Mom for three weeks so Karol can write. Bursting with baby fever, the career-woman trades her glamorous clothes and four-inch heels for the playground and potty training. She hopes to convince her reluctant husband they should start a family of their own, right away. Everyone's in for some big surprises. . . .

Moms Don't Have Time To: A Quarantine Anthology

by Zibby Owens

JOIN AWARD-WINNING PODCASTER ZIBBY OWENS OF MOMS DON&’T HAVE TIME TO READ BOOKS ON A JOURNEY FILLED WITH FOOD, EXERCISE, SEX, BOOKS, AND MORE. It&’s impossible to ignore how life has changed since COVID-19 spread across the world. People from all over quarantined and did their best to keep on going during the pandemic. Zibby Owens, host of the award-winning podcast MomsDon&’t Have Time to Read Books and a mother of four herself, wanted to do something to help people carry on and to give them something to focus on other than the horrors of their news feeds. So she launched an online magazine called We Found Time. Authors who had been on her podcast wrote original, brilliant essays for busy readers. Zibby organized these profound pieces into themes inspired by five things moms don&’t have time to do: eat, read, work out, breathe, and have sex. Now compiled as an anthology named Moms Don&’t Have Time To, these beautiful, original essays by dozens of bestselling and acclaimed authors speak to the ever-increasing demands on our time, especially during the quarantine, in a unique, literary way. Actress Evangeline Lilly writes about the importance and impact of film. Bestselling author Rene Denfeld focuses on her relationship with food after growing up homeless. Screenwriter and author Lea Carpenter and Suzanne Falter, author, speaker, and podcast host, focus on loss. New York Times bestselling authors Chris Bohjalian and Gretchen Rubin write about the importance of reading. Others write about working out, love and sex, eating and cooking, and more. Join Zibby on her journey through the winding road of quarantine and perhaps you, too, will find time.

Mommy's Hometown Hero

by Merrillee Whren

His objective: marriage. His opponent: a stubborn single mom. After ten years, Rachel Charbonneau is finally back in South Dakota. But she intends to sell her family's farm and rush "home" to the city. Ex-solidier Matt Dalton won't let her go without a fight. Well, a secret fight. He can't let her know he's loved her since they were kids. Or that thoughts of her saved him through the worst of times. And Rachel seems scared to tell him the real reason she wants to leave. So, his strategy: arm himself with all the faith and love necessary to be her hometown hero.

Mommy's Angel

by Miasha

A compelling story of desperation and temptation from the bestselling author of Secret Society and Diary of a Mistress.After her big brother Curtis is gunned down in the streets of Brooklyn, Angel's family crumbles. Grief stricken, her mother turns to heroin to ease her pain. She doesn't notice that her son has no food or that her daughters' clothes are torn and dirty. Worst of all, she doesn't see what her boyfriend does to Angel behind closed doors. Desperate to support her younger brother and sister, Angel hits the streets looking for anything or anyone to help. But she's fifteen years old, so options for legal work are few. As a last resort, she turns to her brother's best friend, Antoine, who arranges for a job for her at a strip club. It's only supposed to be for a while, until she can get her working papers.Angel is convinced she won't fall victim to the streets like her mother. But the fast life has its temptations and a magical ability to make you forget.

Mommy, You Lie Again!: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Xiao DuZi

Pei Yu did not know whether it was luck or bad luck. After living for two lifetimes, he had not been able to live past the age of 20. Pei Yu looked at the pitiful glutinous rice ball and asked, "Tell me, am I your mother?" The little blob nodded. Pei Yu pointed at the shabby thatched cottage behind them and asked, "You're saying that this is our house?" The little blob curled his lips. "Mother, mother, why did you fall so far and become an idiot?" Pei Yu facepalmed and threw the Crown Prince who was following behind him, "Let me introduce you, this is your stupid father." The little blob cried out, "It's over! It's over! Mother really fell stupid! "

Mommy, You Lie Again!: Volume 3 (Volume 3 #3)

by Xiao DuZi

Pei Yu did not know whether it was luck or bad luck. After living for two lifetimes, he had not been able to live past the age of 20. Pei Yu looked at the pitiful glutinous rice ball and asked, "Tell me, am I your mother?" The little blob nodded. Pei Yu pointed at the shabby thatched cottage behind them and asked, "You're saying that this is our house?" The little blob curled his lips. "Mother, mother, why did you fall so far and become an idiot?" Pei Yu facepalmed and threw the Crown Prince who was following behind him, "Let me introduce you, this is your stupid father." The little blob cried out, "It's over! It's over! Mother really fell stupid! "

Mommy, You Lie Again!: Volume 4 (Volume 4 #4)

by Xiao DuZi

Pei Yu did not know whether it was luck or bad luck. After living for two lifetimes, he had not been able to live past the age of 20. Pei Yu looked at the pitiful glutinous rice ball and asked, "Tell me, am I your mother?" The little blob nodded. Pei Yu pointed at the shabby thatched cottage behind them and asked, "You're saying that this is our house?" The little blob curled his lips. "Mother, mother, why did you fall so far and become an idiot?" Pei Yu facepalmed and threw the Crown Prince who was following behind him, "Let me introduce you, this is your stupid father." The little blob cried out, "It's over! It's over! Mother really fell stupid! "

The Mommy Wish

by Pamela Browning

Molly McBryde is happy to captain a sailboat down the east coast of Florida, but playing Mommy to one of the crew? She'd be way out of her depth.

Mommy Wanted

by Renee Andrews

A Mother's Hope Three years ago, Kate Wydell made a big mistake: she ran away, leaving her baby daughter behind. Now Kate's back in the small Alabama town, desperate to make amends. But she's afraid to reveal who she is. Especially since her new boss, a widowed father of young girls, is the kind of parent, the kind of person, Kate hopes to be. Mitch Gillespie sings lullabies and teaches his daughters how to be their best. With every passing day, Kate falls harder for him. But once Mitch knows her secret, will she lose him-and her deepest wish-forever?

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