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Play with Fire

by R. W. Clinger

Jobe Tucker is the hottest fireman in Templeton by Lake Erie. Hot, single, and a fireman, he’s caught the eye of Stuart Talbot, owner of a local convenience store. But if Talbot doesn’t stop prying in the fireman’s life, there might be hell to pay. He just can’t control his crush, though.Enter Talbot’s best friend, the straight Adam Lark, who balances Talbot when needed. Plus he owns a cabin away from the city where the two men occasionally spend weekends for downtime, relaxing. Unfortunately, Adam can’t stop Talbot from stalking Jobe.When Jobe flirts with him, Talbot’s obsession and liking for the fireman heightens. But he has a heated history of being burned in a long-term relationship. Can Talbot put his tragic past behind him and begin a new love affair with the fireman? Or will his heart go down in flames?

The Pool Boy

by R. W. Clinger

Because his pool is untended and filthy, romance author Robert Fine needs to hire a pool boy for the summertime position at his estate. So at the beginning of summer, he places an ad for a pool boy to hire.Enter Kent Tacoma, an ex-Navy stud, handsome, who lands an interview. Almost immediately Robert enjoys his company and himself, hiring Kent on the spot.As Tacoma tends the pool, Robert cannot keep his hungry eyes off the young man. All he can think about is his desire. Unfortunately, Tacoma starts to break Robert’s house rules with a local bad boy named Katz Strong, Tacoma’s opposite.Soon a jealous Robert is convinced Tacoma is under Katz’s bad influence. As Tacoma pulls away from Robert and grows closer to Katz. Robert finds his rage building. Can’t the three men just get along?As summer comes to a close, Tacoma becomes the center of everyone’s attention. Whose heart will survive the heated summer?

Private Nine

by R. W. Clinger

Alluring and sexy Private Maxim Nine is more than just an ex-military man. His day job is pushing papers across his desk at an insurance company. And in his spare time, he's a professional dancer.When middle-aged Ben Enger, a party planner by trade, hires Nine to strip at a private birthday celebration, he learns a few things about the sturdy military man. Private Nine is far too handsome to study, he's currently boyfriendless, and Nine might just be strongly attracted to him for some strange reason.As their friendly relationship grows, Ben falls hard for Nine. He can't push aside his heartfelt connection to the dancer. Is Nine a player, though, bouncing from one man to the next? Or can he become serious in a boyfriendhood relationship?


by R. W. Clinger

Tall, intelligent and handsome, Hatch Lye is works for Ravenous, a company that tests cookbook recipes for publishing houses. At thirty-five, he’s pretty much settled in his ways.Then unexpectedly, things change for him when he makes an afternoon coffee run. On the street corner, he meets a homeless man named Kevin Balk. They exchange smiles, a simple hello, and Hatch gives the man money. Without thinking through the consequences of his actions, Hatch invites Kevin back to his home for a meal, shower, and much-needed sleep.What transpires between the two men over shared meals and the next few weeks of autumn? Can their different lives come together as a romance begins, and secrets of Kevin’s mysterious life are revealed?

Rugged Mann

by R. W. Clinger

Jason Mann needs a vacation, badly. A psychologist, he feels like he works all the time and plays very little. Honestly, he just wants to go away with his ruggedly handsome boyfriend, policeman Dillon Snyder. He doesn’t care where, but hopefully soon.A vacation isn’t easy to plan in their lives, though. Jason has his string of patients he helps, and Dillon cleans up the streets as an officer of the law. Plus, their friend Gillian pulls them in different directions, always demanding. Something has to give, and quickly. Before Jason loses his mind over his job and friend, he desperately needs to get away.When Dillon has an opportunity to fly south for a vacation in Florida for eleven days, Jason’s on board. But with every treat in life comes a price. Will this adventure and a colony of nudists rip the two men apart, or will their days of fun in the sun only bring them closer together?


by R. W. Clinger

Feeling his age and somewhat blue about his singlehood and dull life as a finance advisor, Jesse Fitzpatrick is about to have his world turned upside down.Out of the blue, Jesse’s best friend Carr returns from the jungles of Ecuador for four days. It’s a very rare occasion, since Carr has been traveling the world for the last twenty years for Armistice Coalition, a group similar to the Peace Corps. Excited about Carr’s visit, Jesse has to face the bittersweet truth -- he’s always been smitten with Carr, although Carr only treats him as friend, nothing more.Carr’s visit takes an interesting turn when he slips into bed with Jesse. As secrets of Carr's life begin to quickly unfold, Jesse starts to hope the traveling man might be smitten with him. Do the two have a chance at romance, or will Carr take the next flight back to the jungle and out of Jesse’s life for good?

Snowed In: Bar and Joey (Snowed In)

by R. W. Clinger

A January blizzard causes havoc in the small town of Frozentoe, Pennsylvania. Best friends, Joey Redd and Kel Foxford, become stranded in the wicked storm and check in at the strangest bed and breakfast ever, The Foreboding Castle. Joey meets a diverse lot of guests at the castle: Vivian Vampe, a famous B-rated Hollywood actress; the bizarre Colonel MacCarmichael and his male pet, Dash Hound; and the sexy stud and adult entertainment star, Magnum Ride.When Kel takes a fancy to Magnum and the two vanish into a nearby bedroom to keep warm together, Joey is left to his own devices. In due time he learns of the castle's ghosts and secret passageways. He also begins to melt for the castle's owner, the handsome and alluring Bar Moore.But Joey’s attraction and heated feelings for Bar come on far too strong and quick. Will these strong emotions leave him with a broken heart? Or will he give his heart to Bar? Can their sudden relationship survive the terrorizing blizzard?


by R. W. Clinger

Thirty-four-year-old thrift store owner Avery Gauge isn’t looking for love. So imagine his surprise when he’s attracted to Judd Maxx, who enters his thrift store searching for a special gift to give to his Aunt Sophie. And Judd is just as interested in Avery.Adorable, fun, and sexually frisky, the two men enjoy a string of winter dates together. As the small town of Templeton is taken over by a blizzard, Avery has never been more happy in his life, feeling as if he has fallen under what Judd calls asnowspell.But things with Judd aren't perfect, and what they hoped would be a happy ever after begins to fall apart when Avery learns of a few wintry tempests in Judd's life. Can the two men battle the cold and chilly storms of everyday life and end up together? Or will a snowspell keep them apart forever?

Something Purple This Way Comes

by R. W. Clinger

Strange things are happening in the countryside near Lake Erie. Creepy and ominous and ... purple things.On May 25, the sky turns a rich purple hue and another weird crop circle appears in Teddy Rockenmoff’s wheat field. Then an alien is heard upstairs in his farmhouse, which freaks him out. Panicked, Teddy calls his husband Nick in Chicago, and begs him to come home from a business trip. Nick says he’ll catch the first flight, but will Teddy be alive when he gets there?A few miles away, farm boy Calvin Meeder has fallen in love with Ben Gregorian, the star of the hit reality show Single Gay Man. The two men met and dated when Calvin was a contestant on the show. Unfortunately, they aren’t together these days. Ben lives too far away from Calvin. This distance is just a small problem to deal with, though. The bigger problem he has is locked in a dog cage beneath the basement that comes from a distant planet and makes a disturbing sound.Then there’s Clint Hilly, who can only think of sex, sex, and more sex with his new boyfriend Dean Catherwood. Meeting at the hidden meadow for a good time is all he wants to do, but his world’s about to turn upside down. There’s something massive in the sky, spinning, metal-like, and purple.Will these three men and their lovers live through the night to share their strange tales of terror? Maybe. Maybe not. Only daylight will bring answers after the purple night of alien terror.

Stockton County Cowboys Book 1: Chasing Cowboys (Stockton County Cowboys #1)

by R. W. Clinger

Rugged and sexy Cord Darringer finds himself leaving Stockton County, Oklahoma, for three days when a business meeting for his belt buckle company sends him to Florida. While there, he meets adorable Bradley Hull, a no-nonsense businessman with a fondness for cowboys. Before Cord returns to Oklahoma, he agrees to have a date with Bradley. Unexpectedly the country boy falls for the city boy, and vice versa.Cute and charming Bradley always ends up getting burned. Chasing Cord feels safe to him, though. Not only does Bradley’s clothes come off for Cord, but his heart begins to open up to the wealthy cowboy, and he wonders if he has finally met Mr. Right. Is loving Cord a risk worth taking?Following his visit, Cord returns to Stockton County alone, but Bradley soon chases after him. But when Bradley arrives, a raging tornado sweeps through the county, destroying everything in its path. Will the two men survive the storm and live happily ever after? Or will the miles that separate them, and the tornado’s fury, keep them apart forever?

Stockton County Cowboys Book 2: Riding Cowboys (Stockton County Cowboys #2)

by R. W. Clinger

Cal Hoke, an onsite pretty boy veterinarian at Riding Ranch in Stockton County, Oklahoma, has a secret he will never share with his ranch hand coworkers: he happens to be in love with the ranch owner, Pax Raulton.Straight and sexy Pax is a chiseled, handsome, aggressive businessman at Riding Ranch. For years he has raised and sold thoroughbred Palominos. Pax is a private man who minds his own business on the ranch. When he suffers a head injury caused by one of his prized horses, he spends days in recovery due to amnesia. Pax cannot remember a single detail from his past.Under Cal’s personal care and tender touch, Pax is provided with the help he needs to overcome his amnesia. As this healing process takes place, Cal learns Pax has a secret of his own, a secret that will change the two men forever.But something lurks in Pax’s history that he has forgotten, a dangerous and charmless someone with the potential to shred Pax’s world with ease. Is the bond between Pax and Cal strong enough to keep them together when the dark secret is exposed? Or will the two cowboys be forced to end their romantic ride together?

Stockton County Cowboys Book 3: Roping Cowboys (Stockton County Cowboys #3)

by R. W. Clinger

Artist and former actor turned Midwestern country boy, Dixon Pierce, has fallen head over heels in love with cowboy Gray McKeever at Glock Ranch in Stockton County. The two cowboys plan to get married, with an extraordinary wedding service and reception to follow.While Dixon works on art, Gray runs a hot sauce company called Roping Cowboys in downtown Tulsa. Both are occupied with their careers, but always come together in the evening hours for some heavy-duty, cowboy romp-time between the sheets.But trouble lurks in their relationship when Dixon learns that Gray’s ex-boyfriends Toby wants to steal back the hot sauce creating cowboy. Then Dixon catches Gray and Toby in a compromising position, and all hell breaks loose.Dixon pulls himself away from his art and upcoming art show to try to rein in his cowboy and future husband. But Toby is not about to lose Gray a second time.Gray is torn between the two men. He loves Dixon, but seeing Toby again reignited the flame he once held. Will he be able to choose one cowboy over the other before Dixon and Toby come to blows over him?

Stockton County Cowboys Book 4: Branding Cowboys (Stockton County Cowboys #4)

by R. W. Clinger

Which eccentric cowboy in Stockton County branded Evan Sting on Shotner Hill, murdering the young man? This is what private eye Joe Boxford asks himself when he's hired by Evan's father Benny to find the murderer.Joe needs some help, and enlists the services of Tal Linear, owner of The Linear Bar. But sparks begin to fly between the two. As romance heats up between them, they attempt to solve the branding crime.As the suspects start to pile up and weird relationships unfold in West Stockton, Joe and Tal begin to unravel a heinous crime. That is, until Tal vanishes and Joe thinks his sleuth buddy is going to be the killer's next victim.Does Joe have the skills needed to be a hero and save Tal from the killer's secret agenda and solve the crime? Or will Joe fall flat on his face and lose his reputation as a private investigator as well as his new lover, Tal Linear?

Stockton County Cowboys Book 5: Saddling Cowboys (Stockton County Cowboys #5)

by R. W. Clinger

Sparks fly when Chip Cutter, the owner of a vacationing spot for rowdy cowboys, enters Dan Fargo’s Saddling Cowboys store, a retail shop that sells the finest saddles in Stockton County.As the heat of the Oklahoma summer rises, so does the passion between Chip and Fargo. However, their budding relationship is threatened when fires break out in downtown Blue Coyote. Fargo’s abusive ex-lover Brent Trigger returns, determined to protect Fargo from the arsonist.Fargo takes a personal interest in the fires and sets out to learn the identity of the arsonist. In the process, he begins to unravel other crimes happening in town. Rowdy gangs and nosy reporters push Fargo to the edge, challenging his sanity. Even when the arsonist is behind bars, Brent Trigger remains at large. Can Fargo and Chip put aside their differences, saddle up, and ride off into life’s wide blue yonder together?

Stockton County Cowboys Box Set (Stockton County Cowboys)

by R. W. Clinger

All five books (and one short story) of R.W. Clinger’s best-selling contemporary western Stockton County Cowboys series combined into one box set for the first time! Contains the stories:Book 1: Chasing Cowboys: After one date during a business conference, sparks fly between Cord Darringer and Bradley Hull. When Cord returns home to Stockton County, Bradley chases after him. Is it meant to be? Or will the miles that separate them keep them apart?Book 2: Riding Cowboys: Cal Hoke has a secret: he’s in love with ranch owner, Pax Raulton. Straight and sexy Pax is a handsome businessman at Riding Ranch. When he suffers a head injury caused by one of his prized horses, he spends days in recovery due to amnesia. Under Cal’s care, Pax is provided with the help he needs to heal. Cal learns Pax has a secret of his own, a secret that will change the two forever.Book 3: Roping Cowboys: Dixon Pierce has fallen head over heels in love with Gray McKeever at Glock Ranch in Stockton County. The two plan to get married, but Gray is torn. He loves Dixon, but running into his ex Toby again reignited the flame he once held. Will he be able to choose one cowboy over the other before Dixon and Toby come to blows over him? Book 4: Branding Cowboys: Which cowboy murdered Evan Sting? This is what Joe Boxford is hired to find out. When Joe enlists the services of Tal Linear, sparks fly between the two. Romance heats up as they attempt to solve the branding crime. Then Tal vanishes, and Joe thinks his buddy is the killer's next victim. Can Joe solve the case and save his lover at the same time? Book 5: Saddling Cowboys: Sparks fly when entrepreneur Chip Cutter enters Dan Fargo’s saddle store. When Fargo is implicated in a couple of fires downtown, his abusive ex returns, determined to protect Fargo. Eventually the arsonist is caught, but Brent remains at large. Can Fargo and Chip put aside their problems, saddle up, and ride off into life’s wide blue yonder together?Taming Brooks: New ranch hand Randy Marke falls for sexy ranch owner, Dallas Brooks. Summer heat and a bath in the nearby creek draws the two cowboys together and their relationship turns intimate. Then Randy decides to tame Brooks the old-fashioned cowboy way, with relentless sex. Can love between the two last longer than a summer, though?

Sugaring Ben (Fireside Romance)

by R. W. Clinger

Thirty-four-year-old meteorologist Sandford “Sand” Oliver of Radar, Pennsylvania, is having a problem finding a husband. To warm up Sand’s dreary life, Kat Shaw, his best friend of forever, sets up brunch between Sand and the adorable, sexy, and famous pastry chef, Ben Cutter.Ben is not in Sand’s league, though. Not only has Ben written best-selling pastry cookbooks, but he just happens to have his own television baking show calledSugaring Ben.During their brunch, the two men hit it off rather well and find each other attractive. After a few more dates and a business trip with Ben to Pittsburgh, Sand realizes the pastry chef is perfect, and definitely a possible candidate as husband material.No one is perfect, though, including Ben Cutter. Somehow, in some way, the man is flawed. Sand doesn’t know what the flaw is, but when he finds out, will his happy world with Ben crumble? Or will a teaspoon of sugar be enough to make their relationship work?

Summer Cowboy

by R. W. Clinger

Professional book critic Parker Rexx leads a mundane life in Pittsburgh. The only excitement he really has these days is his faltering relationship with boyfriend Kasey Lowman. Lately Kasey hasn't been paying attention to Parker, beginning the end of their romance.Summer days are looking up for Parker ever since sexy cattle rancher Jobe Rider arrives. He’s staying through the end of August as he cares for his aged grandfather. Suddenly Parker’s life becomes very interesting.Truth is, Parker can't stop watching the summer cowboy. As his relationship with Kasey crumbles, a fresh one flourishes with Jobe. Soon the two become heated lovers. Unfortunately, August is coming to a quick end. Will Parker be able to keep Jobe, or will he be forced to give up his summer cowboy?

Taming Brooks

by R. W. Clinger

Not so innocent and somewhat rowdy, Randy Marke is a newly hired ranch hand at Copperhead Creek. After arriving at the ranch, he meets and falls for the sexy ranch owner, Dallas Brooks. Summer heat and a bath in the nearby creek draws the two cowboys together and their relationship turns intimate. Then Randy decides to tame Brooks the old-fashioned cowboy way, with relentless sex. Can love between the two last longer than a summer, though? Are these two ranchers meant to be together, or is their time together an insignificant fling?

Tell Me Who You Are

by R. W. Clinger

Welcome to Tim Titan’s dramatic life. At eighteen he commits a horrible crime at a party but gets off because of his affluent father. Although free, Tim carries this obscene crime through his life.Because of this, Tim ends up on Pittsburgh’s city streets and barely survives. Bookstore owner Poe Adams hires him and Tim begins to understand responsibility. He lives beneath the bookstore in a small apartment. While at work he meets Tarek Cole. The men become inseparable as friends, but only as friends. Tim begins to question if he wants more with Tarek; something he might never have.An older and wiser Tim is invited to take a weekend trip to New York City to visit an old friend and he invites Tarek to join him. On their long drive Tim wonders if it’s time to take their relationship to the next level. Should the two become lovers or stay friends?


by R. W. Clinger

English teacher Dwayne Jewel might be in quarantine due to COVID-19 for the next six weeks, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t going to ogle the German beefster, Benz Hartzig, across the hall in apartment 3-C.There’s just one problem, though -- Benz doesn’t even look at Dwayne. Not even for a second.But life changes when COVID-19 rules the world. Benz starts to take an interest in Dwayne, especially when he learns Dwayne’s a big mystery reader. Then Dwayne receives Tempted, a gay erotic tale Benz wants to borrow. Will Benz enjoy the read? If so, does Dwayne have a shot with the stud?

These Men

by R. W. Clinger

When mystery writer Joel Bass opens Chester House for men who have lost their bearings, he cannot comprehend the extraordinary friendships, dramas, and lovers he shares and experiences.Like the father figure he is, Joel takes Mason Abraham under his wing, welcoming the gay runaway to Chester House. Soon he learns Mason is quite the handful and seeks help from his best bud, Officer Buck Fields.While keeping an eye on Chester House, Officer Fields also sets his sights on journalist Zac Cramer, who knows all the town's heartfelt and strange stories and doesn't know the cop wants to give him more than a ticket.Also at Chester House is actor Andy Pass, attractive and alluring Scott Sebold, strange Fell Grind, and Stetson-wearing cowboy Manning Dawn. Who are all These Men, and how do their relationships pan out? Only time will tell.

Thirst Trap

by R. W. Clinger

When mischievous neighbors the Jardonis boys take out half of Joey Pollard’s house by an accidental fire, Joey is given the opportunity to use JD Lawson’s spare bedroom. The two have been friends for years and Joey feels comfortable with the arrangement.Working remotely for a dishware company, Joey spends a lot of time at JD’s house. Joey thinks the college coach is a nice guy and a total thirst trap. And he’d be fibbing if he didn’t admit to having a secret attraction to the man. But Joey knows the sexy man is straight and only a friend. This doesn’t mean Joey can’t still have a hardcore crush on his roommate.Things become comfortable between the two men until JD throws a small gathering for a few friends. Unfortunately he runs late for his own event and Joey has to play host for a few hours. During these minimal hours Joey learns JD’s dating and sexual history and ...Wait a minute! Is JD straight or queer? Are the guests at the evening party drunk and telling true stories or lies? Does Joey have romantic chance with JD?


by R. W. Clinger

Professional nature photographer Shayne Law has made a few mistakes in his life, like any other middle-aged gay man. One of those mistakes occurred eight months before on a photography shoot: breaking sexy and alluring Timber Skenandoa's heart, a bear shifter living among the Skenandoa Clan.When Shayne is given a photography job in Skenandoa Deep again, near Lake Erie, he may have a second chance at love with the Iroquois Indian, Timber. As Halloween nears, the two men learn each other's ins and outs, and the specifics of why Shayne broke Timber's heart the previous winter. Also, Shayne sees Timber as the Alpha bear shifter he is, and the proud and strong bear leader of his Skenandoa Clan.Will Timber take Shayne back as his human lover, coveting Shayne's heart and soul? Or will the man and bear be enemies, at each other's throats, for the rest of their lives?


by R. W. Clinger

Damn, the tool next door to Lance Baye is superiorly hot. Although the stud’s name is Mike Danning, Lance insists on calling him Tool. Probably because he looks hot, big, and dumb. Lance knows Mike is from Phoenix, and is temporarily in Pittsburgh to care for his Uncle Craig.Playing around, Lance decides to borrow tools from his neighbor. A wrench today. A screwdriver tomorrow. A handsaw the day after tomorrow. Soon, Lance has a pile of Tool’s tools. And he also has a strong desire for Tool.But just when Lance decides to put the sexual moves on Tool, another neighbor is also interested. Honey Hertzer. Lance backs off -- it seems pathetic and a waste of time to chase a straight tool.Things can change on a dime, though. Lance has a stack of tools that belong to Tool. And Tool needs them back. Will the two men share a hungry and sexual connection, crossing neighborly lines when Tool comes searching for his tools? Does a promising future exist between the pair?

Torso Tackle (Torso Tackle #1)

by R. W. Clinger

Twenty-three year old Sebastian Rook, a rookie physical therapist, finds himself lusting after two men -- his sexy roommate, Ben Hull, who is a model for local advertisers; and the Vanmer Vipers’ all-star quarterback, Jory Sole, who also happens to be one of Sebastian’s patients. As Sebastian attempts to bed the football player, his sexual interest in his roommate heightens. But Jory is very hard to land, let alone date, and Ben happens to be straight, even though he's interested in Sebastian.Confused, Sebastian decides to set his sights on not one but both men. Unfortunately, when Ben learns of Sebastian’s sexual escapade with Jory, he turns sour. What transpires among the three men is sexually complex.Ben’s girlfriend Zoe learns about the threesome and, outraged, destroys Sebastian’s relationships with both men, leaving him heartbroken. As the holidays approach, Sebastian feels lost. A decision has to be made. Who does he love more, Ben or Jory?

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