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Showing 101 through 125 of 79,566 results

Secret Of Man In Black: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Pi Ziwei

Cloud one day accidentally got six points yuan god cloud muzi left behind the yin-yang dan and scrolls secret under the coincidence of chance the seventh tibet in the field of open air hole cloud one day will be successful in the five department of technical warfare training to the point of perfection in the hongwei college admission tournament a blockbuster and to succeed in admission in hongwei college cloud one day by virtue of sky eye art and ling ear art vaguely aware of the murder of chongshan college president kuilong black man murderer in order to unlock the secret of the murderer in black cloud one day into the highest institution of bald country - zixiao college before long the cloud one day finally discovered the identity of the man in black he is zixiao college qiu qiankun elder and the other identity of qiu elder is real hold the power of hu you country the head of sorcerer school he is bent on annexing the bald forest country but the plot is shattered by the cloud one day

Corazones de sangre y ceniza (Magia #Volumen 2)

by Matías Zitterkopf

«Un búho muerto y una rama quebrada, allí va la loca riendo a carcajadas.» Algunas tormentas parecen calmarse solo para volver con más intensidad y azotarlo todo a su paso. Lo mismo sucede con los secretos oscuros de las familias, esos en los que hay lágrimas derramadas y sangre oculta en los retratos. Un corazón marchito como rosa fuera de estación encontró un libro que estaba escondido. Y el mal volvió a despertarse para ser magia con Verena. Ari y Noah, junto a los nuevos lazos que se han atado a sus vidas, una vez más deberán reforzar hechizos, conjurar amuletos y ser fuertes para intentar desterrar así tanto mal causado de una vez por todas.

Corazones oscuros

by Matías Zitterkopf

Esta es una historia de magia tejida por amores, conjuros y traiciones del pasado que vuelven en forma de tormenta oscura. <P><P>Ari Locket y Noah Phoenix se conocen de una manera peculiar y se vuelven cercanos. Se dejan envolver por lo que sienten para convertirse en elementos que producen una magia capaz de iluminar a los corazones más oscuros y hacerle frente a las venganzas. <P><P>Es un cuento lleno de hechizos y palabras poderosas que flotan en la brisa. Es un relato de muchas voces y recuerdos que rondan todavía por el viejo roble de la colina cerca de la casona de Gloriana Mistwood. «Con tres gotas de mi sangre te ato para siempre, te corto las alas para que ya no vueles».

Mientras camino entre las sombras (Cielo prohibido #Volumen 2)

by Matías Zitterkopf

Apasionante segunda entrega de la trilogía «Cielo prohibido». Continúa la historia de Amelie y Bastian. El cielo y la tierra vuelven a unirse con más aventuras y desafíos para los protagonistas. Amelie y Bastian creyeron en un final feliz y en tiempos alegres. Pero aquellos empezaron a verse ensombrecidos por un veneno dormido que despertó para reclamar un alma. Había una vez un muchacho de ojos verdes que se sacrificó por la chica que amaba; y su sacrificio fue tan grande que tres ángeles de Dios bajaron a la Tierra para convertir a esa chica en una guerrera. Ella transformó su sufrimiento en valentía y penetró en el infierno como un rayo de luz que se abre paso entre nubes negras. El amor de Amelie y Bastian terminó por desatar la tormenta.

Mientras contemplo la eternidad (Cielo prohibido #Volumen 3)

by Matías Zitterkopf

Última y esperada entrega de la trilogía «Cielo prohibido» de Matías Zitterkopf. La historia de amor de una chica normal que se enamoró profundamente de un ángel. Perdida en la niebla de su mente, un único recuerdo del pasado se presentará. Amelie tendrá que buscar a aquella mujer que debía revelarle el secreto de su sangre. Las espadas se forjarán y la sangre correrá como ríos. Mientras contempla la gran batalla comprenderá que al fin de cuentas el Paraíso no es tan claro y el Infierno tiene razones para ser oscuro. Había una vez una muchacha humana que se creía común y corriente y se enamoró de su ángel guardián. Ambos se sacrificaron por un amor tan inmenso que hizo temblar los mundos celestiales y demoníacos arrasando con todo a su paso. Fue el principio y también fue el fin.

Mientras mi cielo se derrumba (Cielo prohibido #Volumen 1)

by Matías Zitterkopf

Primera entrega de la trilogía «Cielo prohibido» de Matías Zitterkopf. Una romántica historia entre un ángel y una hermosa mujer que irá más allá de la fina línea que separa lo humano de lo divino y desatará todas las tormentas del infierno. <P><P>Amelie Roger pronto descubrirá que la vida no es tan simple como ella cree y que a pesar de brindarle la alegría de una gran amistad, esta también puede arrebatarle lo que más quiere. Un delgado velo separa nuestros mundos; el humano y el de ellos. Seres milenarios se mueven invisibles y batallan de manera eterna entre nosotros. <P><P>Había una vez un ángel guardián que incumplió la tarea que le habían encomendado y una humana de cabellos rojos que se enamoró de él. Y su amor fue tan grande que rompió todas las reglas y enojó a los demonios. Ese fue el despertar de una tormenta que había estado dormida.

The Return Man

by V. M. Zito

The outbreak tore the US in two. The east remains a safe haven. The west has become a ravaged wilderness, known by survivors as the Evacuated States. It is here that Henry Marco makes his living. Hired by grieving relatives, he tracks down the dead and delivers peace.Now Homeland Security wants Marco for a mission unlike any other. He must return to California, where the apocalypse began. Where a secret is hidden. And where his own tragic past waits to punish him again.But in the wastelands of America, you never know who - or what - is watching you.

Out of Nihility: Volume 10 (Volume 10 #10)

by Wu ZiQi

Since the birth of the Yinyang Continent, the two races of Yin and Yang had been born and bred. The Yang Race possessed the attribute of 'goodness', and possessed all sorts of superpowers to defend their 'goodness'. The attribute of the Yin Clan was' evil '. Demons, demons, ghosts, and other creatures belonged to it. They wanted to enslave the Yang Clan and control the entire continent. A youth who had comprehended 'creating from nothing' from the 'Classic of Virtue' was not tolerated by the current Heavenly Dao and had his body destroyed. His soul, by chance and coincidence, was taken in by the Yinyang Continent and reborn into the body of an ordinary Yang Clan youth. None: "The Yang race is good, forsaken by the Evil God; the Yin race is evil, born of the Good God. Tell me what is evil and what is good? " Close]

Out of Nihility: Volume 19 (Volume 19 #19)

by Wu ZiQi

Since the birth of the Yinyang Continent, the two races of Yin and Yang had been born and bred. The Yang Race possessed the attribute of 'goodness', and possessed all sorts of superpowers to defend their 'goodness'. The attribute of the Yin Clan was' evil '. Demons, demons, ghosts, and other creatures belonged to it. They wanted to enslave the Yang Clan and control the entire continent. A youth who had comprehended 'creating from nothing' from the 'Classic of Virtue' was not tolerated by the current Heavenly Dao and had his body destroyed. His soul, by chance and coincidence, was taken in by the Yinyang Continent and reborn into the body of an ordinary Yang Clan youth. None: "The Yang race is good, forsaken by the Evil God; the Yin race is evil, born of the Good God. Tell me what is evil and what is good? " Close]

Out of Nihility: Volume 11 (Volume 11 #11)

by Wu ZiQi

Since the birth of the Yinyang Continent, the two races of Yin and Yang had been born and bred. The Yang Race possessed the attribute of 'goodness', and possessed all sorts of superpowers to defend their 'goodness'. The attribute of the Yin Clan was' evil '. Demons, demons, ghosts, and other creatures belonged to it. They wanted to enslave the Yang Clan and control the entire continent. A youth who had comprehended 'creating from nothing' from the 'Classic of Virtue' was not tolerated by the current Heavenly Dao and had his body destroyed. His soul, by chance and coincidence, was taken in by the Yinyang Continent and reborn into the body of an ordinary Yang Clan youth. None: "The Yang race is good, forsaken by the Evil God; the Yin race is evil, born of the Good God. Tell me what is evil and what is good? " Close]

Out of Nihility: Volume 18 (Volume 18 #18)

by Wu ZiQi

Since the birth of the Yinyang Continent, the two races of Yin and Yang had been born and bred. The Yang Race possessed the attribute of 'goodness', and possessed all sorts of superpowers to defend their 'goodness'. The attribute of the Yin Clan was' evil '. Demons, demons, ghosts, and other creatures belonged to it. They wanted to enslave the Yang Clan and control the entire continent. A youth who had comprehended 'creating from nothing' from the 'Classic of Virtue' was not tolerated by the current Heavenly Dao and had his body destroyed. His soul, by chance and coincidence, was taken in by the Yinyang Continent and reborn into the body of an ordinary Yang Clan youth. None: "The Yang race is good, forsaken by the Evil God; the Yin race is evil, born of the Good God. Tell me what is evil and what is good? " Close]

Out of Nihility: Volume 3 (Volume 3 #3)

by Wu ZiQi

Since the birth of the Yinyang Continent, the two races of Yin and Yang had been born and bred. The Yang Race possessed the attribute of 'goodness', and possessed all sorts of superpowers to defend their 'goodness'. The attribute of the Yin Clan was' evil '. Demons, demons, ghosts, and other creatures belonged to it. They wanted to enslave the Yang Clan and control the entire continent. A youth who had comprehended 'creating from nothing' from the 'Classic of Virtue' was not tolerated by the current Heavenly Dao and had his body destroyed. His soul, by chance and coincidence, was taken in by the Yinyang Continent and reborn into the body of an ordinary Yang Clan youth. None: "The Yang race is good, forsaken by the Evil God; the Yin race is evil, born of the Good God. Tell me what is evil and what is good? " Close]

Out of Nihility: Volume 15 (Volume 15 #15)

by Wu ZiQi

Since the birth of the Yinyang Continent, the two races of Yin and Yang had been born and bred. The Yang Race possessed the attribute of 'goodness', and possessed all sorts of superpowers to defend their 'goodness'. The attribute of the Yin Clan was' evil '. Demons, demons, ghosts, and other creatures belonged to it. They wanted to enslave the Yang Clan and control the entire continent. A youth who had comprehended 'creating from nothing' from the 'Classic of Virtue' was not tolerated by the current Heavenly Dao and had his body destroyed. His soul, by chance and coincidence, was taken in by the Yinyang Continent and reborn into the body of an ordinary Yang Clan youth. None: "The Yang race is good, forsaken by the Evil God; the Yin race is evil, born of the Good God. Tell me what is evil and what is good? " Close]

Out of Nihility: Volume 9 (Volume 9 #9)

by Wu ZiQi

Since the birth of the Yinyang Continent, the two races of Yin and Yang had been born and bred. The Yang Race possessed the attribute of 'goodness', and possessed all sorts of superpowers to defend their 'goodness'. The attribute of the Yin Clan was' evil '. Demons, demons, ghosts, and other creatures belonged to it. They wanted to enslave the Yang Clan and control the entire continent. A youth who had comprehended 'creating from nothing' from the 'Classic of Virtue' was not tolerated by the current Heavenly Dao and had his body destroyed. His soul, by chance and coincidence, was taken in by the Yinyang Continent and reborn into the body of an ordinary Yang Clan youth. None: "The Yang race is good, forsaken by the Evil God; the Yin race is evil, born of the Good God. Tell me what is evil and what is good? " Close]

Out of Nihility: Volume 6 (Volume 6 #6)

by Wu ZiQi

Since the birth of the Yinyang Continent, the two races of Yin and Yang had been born and bred. The Yang Race possessed the attribute of 'goodness', and possessed all sorts of superpowers to defend their 'goodness'. The attribute of the Yin Clan was' evil '. Demons, demons, ghosts, and other creatures belonged to it. They wanted to enslave the Yang Clan and control the entire continent. A youth who had comprehended 'creating from nothing' from the 'Classic of Virtue' was not tolerated by the current Heavenly Dao and had his body destroyed. His soul, by chance and coincidence, was taken in by the Yinyang Continent and reborn into the body of an ordinary Yang Clan youth. None: "The Yang race is good, forsaken by the Evil God; the Yin race is evil, born of the Good God. Tell me what is evil and what is good? " Close]

Out of Nihility: Volume 16 (Volume 16 #16)

by Wu ZiQi

Since the birth of the Yinyang Continent, the two races of Yin and Yang had been born and bred. The Yang Race possessed the attribute of 'goodness', and possessed all sorts of superpowers to defend their 'goodness'. The attribute of the Yin Clan was' evil '. Demons, demons, ghosts, and other creatures belonged to it. They wanted to enslave the Yang Clan and control the entire continent. A youth who had comprehended 'creating from nothing' from the 'Classic of Virtue' was not tolerated by the current Heavenly Dao and had his body destroyed. His soul, by chance and coincidence, was taken in by the Yinyang Continent and reborn into the body of an ordinary Yang Clan youth. None: "The Yang race is good, forsaken by the Evil God; the Yin race is evil, born of the Good God. Tell me what is evil and what is good? " Close]

Out of Nihility: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Wu ZiQi

Since the birth of the Yinyang Continent, the two races of Yin and Yang had been born and bred. The Yang Race possessed the attribute of 'goodness', and possessed all sorts of superpowers to defend their 'goodness'. The attribute of the Yin Clan was' evil '. Demons, demons, ghosts, and other creatures belonged to it. They wanted to enslave the Yang Clan and control the entire continent. A youth who had comprehended 'creating from nothing' from the 'Classic of Virtue' was not tolerated by the current Heavenly Dao and had his body destroyed. His soul, by chance and coincidence, was taken in by the Yinyang Continent and reborn into the body of an ordinary Yang Clan youth. None: "The Yang race is good, forsaken by the Evil God; the Yin race is evil, born of the Good God. Tell me what is evil and what is good? " Close]

Out of Nihility: Volume 14 (Volume 14 #14)

by Wu ZiQi

Since the birth of the Yinyang Continent, the two races of Yin and Yang had been born and bred. The Yang Race possessed the attribute of 'goodness', and possessed all sorts of superpowers to defend their 'goodness'. The attribute of the Yin Clan was' evil '. Demons, demons, ghosts, and other creatures belonged to it. They wanted to enslave the Yang Clan and control the entire continent. A youth who had comprehended 'creating from nothing' from the 'Classic of Virtue' was not tolerated by the current Heavenly Dao and had his body destroyed. His soul, by chance and coincidence, was taken in by the Yinyang Continent and reborn into the body of an ordinary Yang Clan youth. None: "The Yang race is good, forsaken by the Evil God; the Yin race is evil, born of the Good God. Tell me what is evil and what is good? " Close]

Out of Nihility: Volume 4 (Volume 4 #4)

by Wu ZiQi

Since the birth of the Yinyang Continent, the two races of Yin and Yang had been born and bred. The Yang Race possessed the attribute of 'goodness', and possessed all sorts of superpowers to defend their 'goodness'. The attribute of the Yin Clan was' evil '. Demons, demons, ghosts, and other creatures belonged to it. They wanted to enslave the Yang Clan and control the entire continent. A youth who had comprehended 'creating from nothing' from the 'Classic of Virtue' was not tolerated by the current Heavenly Dao and had his body destroyed. His soul, by chance and coincidence, was taken in by the Yinyang Continent and reborn into the body of an ordinary Yang Clan youth. None: "The Yang race is good, forsaken by the Evil God; the Yin race is evil, born of the Good God. Tell me what is evil and what is good? " Close]

Out of Nihility: Volume 7 (Volume 7 #7)

by Wu ZiQi

Since the birth of the Yinyang Continent, the two races of Yin and Yang had been born and bred. The Yang Race possessed the attribute of 'goodness', and possessed all sorts of superpowers to defend their 'goodness'. The attribute of the Yin Clan was' evil '. Demons, demons, ghosts, and other creatures belonged to it. They wanted to enslave the Yang Clan and control the entire continent. A youth who had comprehended 'creating from nothing' from the 'Classic of Virtue' was not tolerated by the current Heavenly Dao and had his body destroyed. His soul, by chance and coincidence, was taken in by the Yinyang Continent and reborn into the body of an ordinary Yang Clan youth. None: "The Yang race is good, forsaken by the Evil God; the Yin race is evil, born of the Good God. Tell me what is evil and what is good? " Close]

Out of Nihility: Volume 5 (Volume 5 #5)

by Wu ZiQi

Since the birth of the Yinyang Continent, the two races of Yin and Yang had been born and bred. The Yang Race possessed the attribute of 'goodness', and possessed all sorts of superpowers to defend their 'goodness'. The attribute of the Yin Clan was' evil '. Demons, demons, ghosts, and other creatures belonged to it. They wanted to enslave the Yang Clan and control the entire continent. A youth who had comprehended 'creating from nothing' from the 'Classic of Virtue' was not tolerated by the current Heavenly Dao and had his body destroyed. His soul, by chance and coincidence, was taken in by the Yinyang Continent and reborn into the body of an ordinary Yang Clan youth. None: "The Yang race is good, forsaken by the Evil God; the Yin race is evil, born of the Good God. Tell me what is evil and what is good? " Close]

Out of Nihility: Volume 8 (Volume 8 #8)

by Wu ZiQi

Since the birth of the Yinyang Continent, the two races of Yin and Yang had been born and bred. The Yang Race possessed the attribute of 'goodness', and possessed all sorts of superpowers to defend their 'goodness'. The attribute of the Yin Clan was' evil '. Demons, demons, ghosts, and other creatures belonged to it. They wanted to enslave the Yang Clan and control the entire continent. A youth who had comprehended 'creating from nothing' from the 'Classic of Virtue' was not tolerated by the current Heavenly Dao and had his body destroyed. His soul, by chance and coincidence, was taken in by the Yinyang Continent and reborn into the body of an ordinary Yang Clan youth. None: "The Yang race is good, forsaken by the Evil God; the Yin race is evil, born of the Good God. Tell me what is evil and what is good? " Close]

Out of Nihility: Volume 13 (Volume 13 #13)

by Wu ZiQi

Since the birth of the Yinyang Continent, the two races of Yin and Yang had been born and bred. The Yang Race possessed the attribute of 'goodness', and possessed all sorts of superpowers to defend their 'goodness'. The attribute of the Yin Clan was' evil '. Demons, demons, ghosts, and other creatures belonged to it. They wanted to enslave the Yang Clan and control the entire continent. A youth who had comprehended 'creating from nothing' from the 'Classic of Virtue' was not tolerated by the current Heavenly Dao and had his body destroyed. His soul, by chance and coincidence, was taken in by the Yinyang Continent and reborn into the body of an ordinary Yang Clan youth. None: "The Yang race is good, forsaken by the Evil God; the Yin race is evil, born of the Good God. Tell me what is evil and what is good? " Close]

Out of Nihility: Volume 2 (Volume 2 #2)

by Wu ZiQi

Since the birth of the Yinyang Continent, the two races of Yin and Yang had been born and bred. The Yang Race possessed the attribute of 'goodness', and possessed all sorts of superpowers to defend their 'goodness'. The attribute of the Yin Clan was' evil '. Demons, demons, ghosts, and other creatures belonged to it. They wanted to enslave the Yang Clan and control the entire continent. A youth who had comprehended 'creating from nothing' from the 'Classic of Virtue' was not tolerated by the current Heavenly Dao and had his body destroyed. His soul, by chance and coincidence, was taken in by the Yinyang Continent and reborn into the body of an ordinary Yang Clan youth. None: "The Yang race is good, forsaken by the Evil God; the Yin race is evil, born of the Good God. Tell me what is evil and what is good? " Close]

Out of Nihility: Volume 12 (Volume 12 #12)

by Wu ZiQi

Since the birth of the Yinyang Continent, the two races of Yin and Yang had been born and bred. The Yang Race possessed the attribute of 'goodness', and possessed all sorts of superpowers to defend their 'goodness'. The attribute of the Yin Clan was' evil '. Demons, demons, ghosts, and other creatures belonged to it. They wanted to enslave the Yang Clan and control the entire continent. A youth who had comprehended 'creating from nothing' from the 'Classic of Virtue' was not tolerated by the current Heavenly Dao and had his body destroyed. His soul, by chance and coincidence, was taken in by the Yinyang Continent and reborn into the body of an ordinary Yang Clan youth. None: "The Yang race is good, forsaken by the Evil God; the Yin race is evil, born of the Good God. Tell me what is evil and what is good? " Close]

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Showing 101 through 125 of 79,566 results