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The Primitive

by E. C. Tubb

Leon Vardis' whole life was keyed to revenge. If it couldn't be wreaked on the peasants who had burned his mother as a witch on the primitive planet of Rhome, then it could, most gloriously could, be let loose on the contemptuous sophisticates who rescued him from certain death, toyed with him for their own amusement and then, uncaring, cast him aside on the metropolitan planet of Joslen. But first his apprenticeship - as peasant farmer on Pharos, as space mercenary on more planets then you'd care to name. Then independence, as a stellar trader. And at last an opportunity to act as Fate, slowly, and with ironically sophisticated enjoyment, For in the hypnotic jewels of far Shergol lay the seeds of a truly cosmic vengeance. Leon's saga was complete. The ultimate leveller had been unleashed on the galaxy.

The Primitive

by E.C. Tubb

Leon Vardis' whole life was keyed to revenge.If it couldn't be wreaked on the peasants who had burned his mother as a witch on the primitive planet of Rhome, then it could, most gloriously could, be let loose on the contemptuous sophisticates who rescued him from certain death, toyed with him for their own amusement and then, uncaring, cast him aside on the metropolitan planet of Joslen.But first his apprenticeship - as peasant farmer on Pharos, as space mercenary on more planets then you'd care to name. Then independence, as a stellar trader. And at last an opportunity to act as Fate, slowly, and with ironically sophisticated enjoyment, For in the hypnotic jewels of far Shergol lay the seeds of a truly cosmic vengeance.Leon's saga was complete. The ultimate leveller had been unleashed on the galaxy.

Primeval: A Rip in Time

by Kay Woodward

Experience the thrill of the chase, the terror of the unknown, the brilliance of Cutter and his team in these fantastic novelisations from Puffin. Hugely collectable these books will be tracked down by Primeval fans.

Primeval: The Lost Predator

by Alicia Brodersen

experience the thrill of the chase, the terror of the unknown, the brilliance of Cutter and his team in these fantastic novelisations from Puffin. Hugely collectable these books will be tracked down by Primeval fans.

Primeval: Fight for Survival

by Alicia Brodersen

Experience the thrill of the chase, the terror of the unknown, the brilliance of Cutter and his team in these fantastic novelisations from Puffin. Hugely collectable these books will be tracked down by Primeval fans.

Primeval: Dangerous Dimension

by Puffin

Experience the thrill of the chase, the terror of the unknown, the brilliance of Cutter and his team in these fantastic novelisations from Puffin. Hugely collectable these books will be tracked down by Primeval fans.

Primeval: Extinction Event

by Dan Abnett

Strange anomalies are ripping holes in the fabric of time, allowing creatures from the distant past and far future to roam the modern world. Evolutionary zoologist Nick Cutter and his team must track down and capture these dangerous creatures and try to put them back where they belong.

Primeval: Fire and Water

by Simon Guerrier

When strange anomalies in time start to appear. Professor Cutter and his team have to help track down and capture a multitude of dangerous prehistoric creatures from Earth's distant past and terrifying future...In this brand new original never-seen-on-TV Primeval adventure, the team confront anomaly crises both in rain-swept London and on hot South African plains.At a safari park in South Africa, rangers are disappearing and strange creatures have been seen battling with lions and rhinos. As the team investigate they are drawn into a dark conspiracy, which could have terrible consequences; while back at home in England, as torrential rain pours down over the city, an enormous anomaly opens up in East London.

Primeval: The Lost Island

by Paul Kearney

Primeval sees evolutionary zoologist Nick Cutter make the terrifying discovery that prehistoric creatures are alive and well in the twenty-first century. The natural world is turned on its head and humanity faces extinction as unexplained anomalies rip holes in the fabric of time and allow creatures from the earliest stages of Earth's development to roam the modern world.Set on a mysterious island in the perilous Irish seas in this brand new Primeval adventure Cutter, Stephen, Abbie and Connor face a terrifying new challenge...A heady mixture of action and adventure, Cutter and his team are forced to confront terrifying creatures from the past and the future with gripping consequences.

Primeval: Shadow of the Jaguar

by Steven Savile

Primeval sees evolutionary zoologist Nick Cutter make the terrifying discovery that prehistoric creatures are alive and well in the twenty-first century. The natural world is turned on its head and humanity faces extinction as unexplained anomalies rip holes in the fabric of time and allow creatures from the earliest stages of Earth's development to roam the modern world.Set in the rainforests of Peru in this brand new Primeval adventure Cutter, Stephen, Abbie and Connor face a bigger challenge than they could have possibly imagined...A heady mixture of action and adventure, Cutter and his team are forced to confront terrifying creatures from the past and the future with gripping consequences.

Los primeros dirigentes de la Tierra

by José María Gutiérrez Caballero

La historia del nacimiento del primer partido de ámbito planetario.

Primera tumba a la derecha

by Darynda Jones

Charley Davidson es detective privado ocasional y ángel de la muerte a tiempo completo. Es decir, ve a los muertos. En serio. Y su trabajo es convencerlos de que vayan hacia la luz. Pero cuando estos difuntos han muerto bajo circunstancias poco ideales ?dígase asesinados?, en ocasiones quieren que Charley enchirone a los malos. Y luego están los sueños. Sí, esos sueños intensamente calientes que le han impedido dormir en semanas y que están protagonizados por una entidad que la ha acompañado durante toda su vida y que parece que no está tan muerto después de todo. De hecho parece que es algo completamente diferente a lo que está acostumbrada a ver. Pero ¿qué es lo que quiere de ella? Y ¿por qué ella es incapaz de resistirse? Y sobre todo ¿qué puede llegar a perder si se rinde a su deseo?Cargada de sensualidad y sentido del humor, Primera tumba a la derecha es una historia de suspense paranormal que te dejara? muerta.«Esta novela es sexy, divertida e inteligente. La muerte no da miedo si Charley Davidson te acompaña y mucho menos si hay muertos tan irresistibles como el Malo Malísimo... ¡No podéis perdérosla!»Lena Valenti,autora de la saga Vanir

La primera pijamada de Uni (LEYENDO A PASOS (Step into Reading))

by Amy Krouse Rosenthal

¡Presentando a Unicornio Uni EN ESPAÑOL! En esta edición en español del álbum ilustrado Paso 2, Uni y sus amigos se embarcan en una pijamada mágica y llena de diversión.¡Sigue a Uni en esta edición en español de su primera aventura de LEYENDO A PASOS! En este libro Paso 2, Uni tiene su primera pijamada. Los otros unicornios ya han ido a otras pijamadas y se saben MUCHOS juegos mágicos. Los juegos son difíciles para Uni y, al llegar la hora de irse a dormir, Uni no se está divirtiendo. ¿Podrá Uni encontrar la manera de aportar a la diversión? LEYENDO A PASOS es una línea de Step into Reading que ofrece ediciones en español de libros nivelados. Los libros Paso 2 usan vocabulario básico y enunciados cortos para contar historias sencillas. Son perfectos para pequeños que identifican algunas palabras visualmente y logran leer palabras nuevas con un poco de ayuda. Introducing Uni the Unicorn EN ESPAÑOL! In this Spanish edition of the Step 2 reader, Uni and friends go on a magical, fun-filled sleepover. Join Uni the Unicorn in this Spanish edition of Uni's Step into Reading adventure! In this Step 2 book, it's Uni's very first sleepover! The other unicorns have been to sleepovers before, and have learned LOTS of magical games. Uni struggles with game after game, and by bedtime, Uni isn't having a very good time. Will Uni find a way to contribute to the fun?LEYENDO A PASOS is a line from Step into Reading offering leveled readers in Spanish. Step 2 readers use basic vocabulary and short sentences to tell simple stories. They are perfect for children who recognize familiar words and can sound out new words with help.

La primera maldición (Oscuros #Volumen 4)

by Lauren Kate

Solo la luz de su amor podría iluminar la oscuridad de todo un mundo... La primera maldición es la cuarta entrega de la saga paranormal romántica «Oscuros», que narra la cruel historia de amor de Daniel y Luce. A Luce y a Daniel solo les queda una oportunidad para salvar su historia... y la del mundo. Y es que Lucifer ha desvelado por fin sus planes: quiere recrear la Caída de los Ángeles a la Tierra para alterar el tiempo y borrar, de un plumazo, todo lo acontecido en los últimos siete mil años. Luce y Daniel son los únicos que pueden detenerle, pero cuentan solo con nueve días. Así que, acompañados de sus amigos (e incluso de algún enemigo) iniciarán una carrera contrarreloj para evitar que el ángel traidor destruya el rumbo de la humanidad...

La primera llave (Serie Ulysses Moore #Volumen 6)

by Pierdomenico Baccalario

¿Quién es Ulysses Moore? Descúbrelo acompañando a Julia, Jason y Rick en esta sexta entrega de la serie. Mientras Julia y Jason permanecen atrapados en la Edad Media, Rick se enfrenta, por fin, a la emocionante verdad acerca de Ulysses Moore. Pero todavía queda una incógnita por resolver: ¿dónde está la llave que abre la Puerta del Tiempo?

La primera canción (Cuentos de hadas con otro enfoque #14)

by Susanne Eisele

El hijo de un molinero Un sueño de fama El primer contrato Desde su niñez quiso ser el cantante y guitarrista Florian Müller un músico de gran éxito. Cuando el famoso productor Dietmar Weiss le ofrece un trato para un disco, ve cerca el cumplimiento de sus sueños. Sin meditarlo mucho, firma el contrato. Pero le entran dudas. ¿Habrá sido inteligente ceder tan fácilmente los derechos de su canción? ¿Y si el productor de baladas echa a perder por completo su canción de rock? Febrilmente, Flo busca una salida, y luego aparece en su vida la cantante Mia... Rumpelstilzchen en otro enfoque: En "La primera canción", la escritora Susanne Eisele nos cuenta el famoso cuento de hadas de los Hermanos Grimm, pero le da un nuevo enfoque, escenificándolo en la busca de fama rápida, las trampas y mañas de la industria de la música y el apoyo y camaadería de amigos. El tomo 14 de la serie de Cuentos de hadas con otro enfoque.

El primer relámpago (Jake Djones #Volumen 1)

by Damian Dibben

Un viaje a lo largo de la Historia, una misión suicida, y el nacimiento de un nuevo héroe, Jake Djones que tratará de evitar que alguien altere el curso de la Historia. Una noche, con el estruendo del primer relámpago, un chico descubre la verdad: sus padres han desaparecido y pueden estar en cualquier parte del mundo... y en cualquier momento de la historia. Están perdidos en el tiempo. Para encontrarlos, deberá unirse a una sociedad secreta y aceptar una misión que sólo él puede cumplir: navegar por las oscuras aguas de los siglos y viajar al pasado. Ahora que él conoce su poder, toda la historia conocerá su nombre: Jake Djones. Reseñas: «Cuando empieces a leer, ya no podrás dejarlo.»The Guardian

Primer Encuentro

by K. Matthew Javier Martos

Nunca confíes en un extraño. Eso es lo que los padres de Victoria le habían enseñado. La gente intentará hacerte daño y aprovecharse de ti si lo permites. De haber hecho caso a ese consejo, no habría terminado tirada en un charco de su propia sangre, con la mirada petrificada por el terror y su color marrón oscuro apagado por la muerte. Morir una vez fue algo terrible, pero una segunda muerte, una incluso peor que la primera, parece ser inminente. Cuando aquel extraño acude en ayuda de Victoria, ella no puede dilucidar si se trata de un salvador o un diablo. Sólo el tiempo lo dirá. Sangre y Agua es una emocionante saga de corte paranormal protagonizada por un atractivo hombre lobo, una vampira con curvas y un montón de aventuras.

Primer Contacto: CRÓNICAS DE DOS UNIVERSOS (Crónicas de dos universos #Volumen 2)

by Thomas Larmin

La humanidad se ve amenazada por un tipo de vida jamás visto hasta la fecha. Más allá de nuestra galaxia, donde todo es todavía tan grandioso como desconocido, alguien o algo ha decidido acercarse a nuestro planeta y amenazarlo, extendiendo el terror por todos sus confines. <P><P>Nuestros héroes, Alice y Adam, deberán enfrentarse a sus miedos para detener a estas fuerzas malignas sin rival y evitar esta catástrofe sin antecedentes que amenaza con destruir nuestro pequeño planeta Tierra. <P><P>Así como Alice fue la introducción a este nuevo mundo, Primer contacto, la segunda entrega de la saga «Crónicas de dos universos», representa el punto de partida de una odisea que nos llevará mucho más allá de nuestras fronteras, donde se desvelarán misterios hasta ahora completamente fuera del alcance de los seres humanos, y donde descubriremos mundos y seres desconocidos para nosotros.

Primeira Guerra Mundial

by Aline Fernandes Ken Pelham

"Primeira Guerra Mundial", por Ken Pelham. 40.000 a.C.: Enquanto as últimas espécies restantes de hominídeos, Homo sapiens e Homo neanderthalensis, travam uma batalha desesperada pela posse do futuro, os excluídos de ambos os lados se encontram presos no meio. "Primeira Guerra Mundial" é uma história d'A Saga de Prometeu, a estreia premiada do Alvarium Experiment, um consórcio de autores realizados. A Saga abrange o intervalo da existência do Homo sapiens. As histórias não precisam ser lidas em uma ordem específica, cada história é um ponto de entrada para a história geral.

A Primeira Coroa

by André Levy Alexander Copperwhite

No ano 66 d.C. Judas de Galilea liderou um rebelião contra os romanos e reclamou o reino de Judeia. Foi então que decidiu enviar o seu homem de confiança em busca da relíquia com que seria coroado rei. A primeira coroa. O jovem Daniel confrontará os seus valores e descobrirá uma verdade oculta entre os mistérios e as lendas. A verdadeira história de Cristo. Desde o mais profundo das ruelas romanas, até aos mais recônditos lugares de Judeia, a aventura para descobrir a procedência e o poder da desejada relíquia mudará a sua forma de ver as coisas e compreenderá que somos todos participantes na história… de uma forma ou outra.

A primeira balada

by Susanne Eisele

Um músico. O sonho da fama. O primeiro contrato. Desde a adolescência, o vocalista e guitarrista Florian Müller quer se tornar um músico famoso. Quando o renomado produtor Dietmar Weiss oferece a ele um contrato de gravação, Flo se sente mais próximo de seu sonho. Sem pensar muito, ele assina o contrato. Porém, dúvidas aparecem: foi mesmo inteligente ceder os direitos de sua balada tão facilmente? E se o produtor de músicas românticas de sucesso estragasse sua balada metal por completo? Desesperado, Flo procura uma saída – e então Mia surge em sua vida... Rumpelstilzchen modificado: Em “A primeira balada”, Susanne Eisele recria o famoso conto de fadas dos Irmãos Grimm e trata da sedução da rápida fama, das armadilhas da indústria musical e da união entre amigos. Livro 14 da série Märchenspinnerei. Gênero: ficção, contos de fadas, contos populares, lendas e mitologia Subgênero: ficção, fantasia, vida urbana.

Prime Target: The Prime Chronicles Series (The Prime Chronicles #4)

by Monette Michaels

“This series is a great adventure and written to be enjoyed...the male characters are hot hot hot alpha males (just say yum, you know you want to) paired with strong, driven ladies!" - Tammy, GoodreadsFormer Prime sex surrogate Susa Anghard has never been off her planet, let alone out of the Cejuru solar system. While she isn’t naive about men and what they want, she isn’t prepared for the predatory males who now have her in their sights. When she’s kidnapped on her way to a galactic rim jump station to visit her cousin Borac, she has no expectations of being rescued. She vows to free herself or die trying.When Borac Anghard asks Damon Martin to intercept his cousin Susa’s transport and escort her to their jump station, Damon agrees. When he arrives to meet Susa’s ship, he finds she’s been kidnapped by Dorian mercenaries. He goes in hot pursuit and prays he finds her before she’s delivered to the person who paid for the kidnapping.He has vowed to save her.When Damon catches up with the kidnappers, he hadn’t expected to find the resourceful Susa in the act of getting away. And he really hadn’t expected to be so attracted to her. An attraction that could go nowhere—she was his business partner’s cousin and Damon still wasn’t over losing the only woman he’d ever loved. Take one alpha-male with a slightly broken heart, add in one Prime female finding her courage and self for the first time—throw them together in close quarters in a trip across the galaxy and love will find a way.“This series just keeps getting better!” – Shaune, Goodreads“Really enjoy the fact that the women are as "alpha" as the men in this series.” – Noetical Kink EBooksThe Prime Chronicles (in order):1. Prime Obsession2. Prime Selection3. Prime Imperative3.5 Prime Claiming4. Prime Target All caught up on The Prime Chronicles? For more Monette Michaels, try her Security Specialists International Series, starting with Eye of the Storm! Fans of Linnea Sinclair, Veronica Scott, and Susan Stoker will love the alpha males and suspense of all the Monette Michaels titles.

Prime Selection (The Prime Chronicles #2)

by Monette Michaels

Take one stubborn Prime male, add a strong Terran female, mix with the right amount of compatible DNA, and the result is a volatile formula for Prime Selection.Commander Nadia Petrovich, Science Officer of the Alliance Starship Galanti, has a problem--which has nothing to do with science. Her problem is Commander Huw Caradoc, the Galanti's Chief Engineer. She and the stubborn Prime male have a growing connection he refuses to acknowledge--a bond that could drive him mad.They are connected psychically and the bond grows stronger every day. If Nadia didn't know it was impossible, she would suspect they were mating in the Prime tradition--a biological imperative that locates and marks a Prime's optimum mate. But she isn't Prime, as Huw tells her and anybody who'll listen.Nadia's emotional anguish couldn't have come at a worse time. The Prime and Galactic Alliance merger is finally under way, and the all-male Prime crews are learning how to work with female Alliance crew members. The Antareans threaten the outer arms of the Milky Way, and Prime rebels wreak havoc on the Prime home planet and elsewhere.Despite the conflict surrounding them, Nadia and Huw will not be able to avoid their fate or their growing love. Prime selection will make the decision for them whether the timing is right or not.

Prime Obsession (The Prime Chronicles #1)

by Monette Michaels

Bestselling author, Monette Michaels takes you on a fantastic journey to old worlds and old civilizations were war, survival, treachery, and duty rule. Your journey to Cejuru Prime is fraught with danger as one alpha male fights to save the women destined to be his mate. Together, Wulf and Melina help form an alliance to save The Prime, one of the oldest species in the galaxy, and along the way discover a love so hot it sets the stars ablaze.Melina Dmitros is a seasoned battleship captain for the Galactic Alliance. Calls from ships in distress are not all that uncommon in the outermost spirals of the Milky Way. Calls from the warlike Prime were. Now that they were allies, Mel figures she'd better get used to working in conjunction with the chauvinistic race. She never expected to be attracted to one of them.The Prime, one of the oldest species in the galaxy, were known for going their own way. But with problems on Cejuru Prime and increasing attacks by the Antareans, the Prime joined the Alliance to lend their expertise in battling the warlike reptilian species--and ultimately, to survive as a race.Captain Wulf Caradoc, the eldest son and heir apparent of the Prime leader, looked forward to the trip to the Alliance ambassadorial planet. His mission is ostensibly to deliver the diplomatic team to the new Prime embassy. His real mission is to meet his fated mate, his gemate, one of the Lost Ones. Wulf hadn't anticipated the diplomatic mission being attacked by pirates--and he especially hadn't anticipated his gemate, Melina Dmitros, being the one sent to rescue his ship.Two strong people pulled together by biology and fate. Their union will be forged in a crucible of survival, treachery and duty.

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