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Showing 78,551 through 78,575 of 79,261 results

The Adventures of Bubba Jones: Time Traveling Through Grand Canyon National Park (A National Park Series #4)

by Jeff Alt Hannah Tuohy

In the fourth book of this award-winning national park series, Tommy "Bubba Jones" and his sister, Jenny "Hug-a-Bug," uncover amazing facts about the Grand Canyon while on a mission to solve a park mystery. This is no ordinary brother and sister duo; they are part of a legendary time travel family with a mission to preserve and protect our national parks and have developed a reputation for solving mysteries. As they time travel back hundreds, thousands, and millions of years, they not only learn about the past, but also experience it. They encounter all sorts wild creatures and plants, meet the people involved in the establishment of the national park, learn about the Native Americans that call this land home, and unravel some of the park's secrets.

The Adventures of Bubba Jones: Time Traveling Through the Great Smoky Mountains (A National Park Series #1)

by Jeff Alt Hannah Tuohy

Tommy "Bubba Jones" and his sister Jenny "Hug-a-Bug" learn more about the Great Smoky Mountain National Park than they ever thought they would when Papa Lewis lets them in on a family secret: The family has legendary time traveling skills! With these abilities, Bubba Jones and Hug-a-Bug travel back in time and meet the park’s founders, its earliest settlers, native Cherokee Indians, wild animals, extinct creatures, and what the park was like millions of years ago. With this time traveling ability also comes a family mystery, but the only person who can help solve the mystery is a long lost relative who lives somewhere in the park. Explore the Smokies with Bubba Jones and family in a whole new way.

The Adventures of Brak the Barbarian Volume Two: Witch of the Four Winds * When the Idols Walked (Brak the Barbarian #2)

by John Jakes

Brak braves magic and malice on his way to the paradise of KhurdisanBrak the Barbarian has no time for gods. A simple warrior, he cares only for plunder and women, and sees religion as nothing but foolish superstition. But the disciples of the Dark One, Yob-Haggoth, take their god seriously—and they believe Yob-Haggoth wants Brak dead. In Witch of the Four Winds, Brak tries to pass through rocky country, but ominous things begin to happen. A shower of boulders falls without a sound. He meets an old man who seems to know his every secret. And his pony is torn to pieces by an unseen monster. A great magician is hounding Brak—a malevolent force that no broadsword can match. In When the Idols Walked, Brak arrives at the edge of the roaring sea, seeking a ship to carry him to Khurdisan. But before he can find passage, his caravan is set upon by slavers who chain the great warrior to an oar. With each stroke he plots his revenge. Brak&’s tormentors will be destroyed, but he will find that the sea holds greater horrors than a slavedriver&’s whip. This ebook bundle contains additional stories featuring Brak the Barbarian, as well as an illustrated biography of John Jakes including rare images from the author&’s personal collection.

The Adventures of Brak the Barbarian Volume One: Brak the Barbarian * Mark of the Demons (Brak the Barbarian #1)

by John Jakes

Braving the ice marshes, Brak seeks his fortune in fabled KhurdisanOf all the northern barbarians, none is more fearsome than Brak. Cast out by his tribe for daring to question their war-gods, he leaves the frozen north with plunder on his mind. Somewhere in the south, the legends say, lies Khurdisan—a golden land of sunshine, riches, and dark-skinned women. It will be a battle to get there, but battle is all Brak knows. In Brak the Barbarian, Brak seeks refuge in Kambda Kai, a once-great city brought to ruin by its worship of the demon god Yob-Haggoth. So wretched is the town that even its children know dark magic, and Brak will have to be quick with his broadsword to survive. In Mark of the Demons, Brak staggers across the desert of Logol, his pony dead, his food exhausted. There he meets a strange pair of highborn twins, whose throne has been stolen by a usurper. Can he trust them? He has no choice, if he wants to escape the wasteland alive. This ebook bundle contains additional stories featuring Brak the Barbarian, as well as an illustrated biography of John Jakes including rare images from the author&’s personal collection.

The Adventures of Barry & Joe: Obama and Biden's Bromantic Battle for the Soul of America

by Adam Reid

Brothers from different mothers, bromancing history to save us from Trump. These are the continuing adventures of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, time traveling superheroes in search of a brighter future for America. Moments after the inauguration of our 45th President, best friends Barack Obama and Joe Biden were escorted to a secret lab run by the world’s greatest scientists. They were asked to take off all their clothes and hold very still in a fetal position until they felt a painful tingling sensation. Then they vanished. They would awake to find themselves apart, and inside their younger bodies—driven to find each other and change history for the better. Their faithful guide on this journey is Samuel L. Jackson, a brilliant actor from the present who appears in the form of an augmented reality that only they can see and hear. And thus, they find themselves leaping through time, striving to right injustice wherever they find it, looking for a world which they can proudly call home.A visual feast that’s both graphic and novel, this book is a love letter to cheesy science fiction and the two men who can still be counted on to inspire us. Featuring comics produced by Titmouse Inc (Big Mouth, The Venture Bros.), it’s 224 pages of adventure that will melt your snowflake brain and give you hope for humanity at the same time.

The Adventures of Arabella Ashby: Arabella of Mars, Arabella and the Battle of Venus, and Arabella the Traitor of Mars (The Adventures of Arabella Ashby)

by David D. Levine

Follow the nineteenth-century interplanetary adventures of a fearless steampunk space warrior in this full-trilogy collection. A teenage girl enters the fray of the Napoleonic Wars in space in this enthralling series &“for young and young-at-heart readers who will enjoy a retro-flavored science fiction read&” (Fantasy Literature). This complete collection includes: Arabella of Mars Forced by her mother to enter London society on Earth, sixteen-year-old Arabella must disguise herself as a boy to gain passage on an airship and foil a deadly plot against her brother back on her home planet of Mars. Arabella and the Battle of Venus When her fiancé is taken as a prisoner of war on Venus—the very planet where the exiled Napoleon has fled—Arabella embarks on a spacefaring rescue mission filled with pirates, espionage, and cosmic combat. Arabella the Traitor of Mars Arabella and her husband are lauded as heroes in England, having defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Venus. But a new mission will pit Arabella&’s love and loyalty for her home planet of Mars against the most powerful realm in the universe. Praise for the Adventures of Arabella Ashby trilogy &“If Edgar Rice Burroughs, Jules Verne, and Patrick O&’Brien had sat down together to compose a tale to amuse Jane Austen, the result might be Arabella of Mars. So. Much. Fun!&” —Madeleine E. Robins, author of the Sarah Tolerance Regency mysteries &“A fanciful romp through a cosmic 1812 . . . A treat for steampunk fantasy fans.&” —Library Journal (starred review)

The Adventures of Arab

by Louis Slobodkin

Of all Mr. Timothy's horses on the old merry-go-round in the park, Arab was the most exciting. He seemed to go more swiftly and he easily jumped twice as high as the other carousel horses. But Arab was not happy, and the only one who knew his secret was an old coach horse whose master, Mr. Bill, stopped each morning to chat with Mr. Timothy. Arab had had an adventurous life and now, though he loved the children, life was monotonous. He wanted to see new things. So, well, the coach horse made a bargain with him and one day he slipped out of his harness and took the coach horse's place. What happened after that makes one of the jolliest and most unusual of stories. The author's many illustrations in color add to the spontaneous gaiety of Arab's marvelous adventures.

The Adventures of Anatole: The Further Adventures Of Anatole

by Nancy Willard David McPhail

Newbery Medal-winning author Nancy Willard's trilogy of adventure tales, now in one volume. Children won't be able to put down these stories of the journeys of a boy and his orange cat, Plumpet.Anatole has a knack for seeking and finding adventure, often with Plumpet, his orange cat, who is accustomed to ghost trains, amnesiac soldiers, flying horses, and wallpaper portals, just a few of the enchantments encountered along the way. From his perilous search for wild fennel to cure his grandmother’s asthma, to his high-stakes game of checkers to save his uncle from a wizard’s evil spell, Anatole’s missions will keep young readers turning the pages of this omnibus edition of the Newbery Medal–winning author Nancy Willard’s trilogy of fantasy tales: Sailing to Cythera, The Island of the Grass King, and Uncle Terrible. David McPhail’s pen-and-ink illustrations throughout are beautifully detailed engagements with Willard’s world of make-believe. Anatole may be small but he is determined to right the wrongs he finds in each of the lands he enters. Whether kindness or evil will prevail is a matter of suspense, but Anatole is always on the side of the light.

Adventures of an Ender Dragon: An Unofficial Minecraft Diary (Unofficial Minecraft Diaries #4)

by Books Kid

Join Ember the Ender Dragon on her unexpected sightseeing adventure to the Overworld in this humorous, illustrated, chapter-book diary based on the Minecraft video game series.Ember the Ender Dragon is very bored with her life in the End and dreams of adventure. When Dirk arrives from the Overworld, instead of trying to defeat Ember like other humans have, he offers to take her sightseeing in his world. Ember can&’t resist what sounds like the trip of a lifetime! From snow-covered mountains to the steamy jungle, Dirk shows Ember everything the Overworld has to offer. But something starts to seem fishier than the meal Dirk catches for them. Was Ember too quick to trust her tour guide? With illustrations throughout and humor meant to appeal to Minecraft fans, this fourth book in the Unofficial Minecraft Diary series continues the adventure of exploration.

The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi

by Shannon Chakraborty

Shannon Chakraborty, the bestselling author of The City of Brass, spins a new trilogy of magic and mayhem on the high seas in this tale of pirates and sorcerers, forbidden artifacts and ancient mysteries, in one woman’s determined quest to seize a final chance at glory—and write her own legend. <p><p>Amina al-Sirafi should be content. After a storied and scandalous career as one of the Indian Ocean’s most notorious pirates, she’s survived backstabbing rogues, vengeful merchant princes, several husbands, and one actual demon to retire peacefully with her family to a life of piety, motherhood, and absolutely nothing that hints of the supernatural.But when she’s tracked down by the obscenely wealthy mother of a former crewman, she’s offered a job no bandit could refuse: retrieve her comrade’s kidnapped daughter for a kingly sum. The chance to have one last adventure with her crew, do right by an old friend, and win a fortune that will secure her family’s future forever? It seems like such an obvious choice that it must be God’s will. <p><p>Yet the deeper Amina dives, the more it becomes alarmingly clear there’s more to this job, and the girl’s disappearance, than she was led to believe. For there’s always risk in wanting to become a legend, to seize one last chance at glory, to savor just a bit more power…and the price might be your very soul. <p> <b>New York Times Bestseller</b>

Adventures of a Cat-Whiskered Girl

by Daniel Pinkwater

Big Audrey is a girl . . . with cat's whiskers . . . and sort of cat's eyes. But, is there an other cat-whiskered, sort of cat-eyed girl? Big Audrey waves goodbye to her friends Iggy and Neddie, Seamus, and Crazy Wig, in Los Angeles and hitches a ride with bongo-playing-while-driving Marlon Brando across the country to Poughkeepsie, New York, city of mystery. She finds she has questions needing answers--and a bit of inter-plane-of-existence traveling to do. Big Audrey and her telepathic friend Molly zigzag off on an incredibly strange and kooky adventure, and solve the mystery of the cat-whiskered doppelganger.

Adventures into the Unknown Archives Volume 4

by Various

From storm-battered castles to secret laboratories to the oceans' depths, the golden age supernatural anthology comic Adventures Into the Unknown had every spooky setting audiences could desire and Dark Horse is collecting them all into deluxe hardcover archive editions! A classic cover by Ogden Whitney sets the tone for our fourth excursion into the quirky realms found in Adventures into the Unknown! Enjoy "Beware the Jabberwock," "The Ghost that Didn't Die," and an excellent cover run by Whitney--as well as a plethora twisted tales! Classic monsters, convoluted crises, and ghosts of all sorts populate these entertaining stories from the early 1950s, with contributors including Fred Guardineer, Lin Streeter, Charles Sultan, and others. This volume features a new foreword by comic-book historian and Mr. Monster creator Michael T. Gilbert, as well as all original text pieces and letter columns!

Adventures in Time and Space with Max Merriwell: The Complete Novels Wild Angel And Adventures In Time And Space With Max Merriwell

by Pat Murphy

Susan Galina and her friend Pat have escaped their normal lives into the elegant, isolated world of the Odyssey, a luxury cruise ship heading from New York to Europe via Bermuda. Pat is working on her doctoral thesis in quantum physics, and Susan is recovering from a recent and unhappy divorce.To Susan's delight, she discovers that her favourite author, Max Merriwell, is also aboard ship, teaching a writers' workshop. Susan's life becomes even more interesting when she meets Tom Clayton, the handsome chief of security. This cruise looks very promising indeed. But the pleasant shipboard vacation turns dark as the Odyssey passes into the Bermuda Triangle. Each year, Max Merriwell writes three novels: a science fiction novel under his own name, a fantasy novel under the pseudonym Mary Maxwell, and a mystery novel under the pseudonym Weldon Merrimax. The trouble begins when Max receives a threatening note that appears to come from Weldon Merrimax, Max's own pseudonym. Susan hears wolves howling in the night, the ship's passengers are seized with a dancing mania, and monsters lurk in the ship's corridors. An eyewitness reports a murder - but the victim of the crime is not on the passenger list and the body is nowhere to be found. While others struggle to understand these strange events, Pat seeks the explanation in quantum theory.

Adventures in Time and Space

by Frederik Pohl

Collected here are five adventures from Science Fiction Writers of America Grand Master and Science Fiction Hall of Fame member, Frederik Pohl. Each of these stories will transport you to an imaginative place and time. Pohl was one of the best science fiction writers of all time and these are some of his best stories.

Adventures In Time And Space: Star Trek All Series (Star Trek)

by Mary Taylor

From The Entropy Effect to The Q Continuum, Pocket Books has published hundreds of pulse-pounding, thought-provoking Star Trek novels in the twenty years since Pocket Books US became the official Star Trek publisher. To date there have been 87 Original Series novels featuring Captain Kirk, Mr Spock and their crew; 50 Next Generation novels featuring the Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise-D and -E; 26 set on Captain Sisko's space station Deep Space Nine and 18 following the adventures of Star Trek's newest crew on the USS Voyager. Plus there've been numerous unnumbered series novels, five multi-volume crossover series and several movie tie-ins. From this abundance of riches editor Mary Taylor has compiled the ultimate anthology of gripping writing and memorable moments, guaranteed to delight all Star Trek fans.

Adventures in Time and Space

by Mary P. Taylor

Stardate 1999. To commemorate twenty years of thrilling Star Trek novels, Pocket Books is proud to present a one-of-a-kind tribute volume highlighting the most unforgettable moments from a generation of bold explorations by some of the most imaginative science fiction authors of our time! Selected by an expert Star Trek fan, Star Trek: Adventures In Time and Space contains page after page of terrific Star Trek moments. Over the course of two decades, Pocket Books has published hundreds of fantastic adventures set in the astounding universes of Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation®, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine®, and Star Trek: Voyager®. Here is the crème de la crème of Starfleet's literary voyages: the most dramatic confrontations, the strangest aliens, the most deadly perils that ever tested Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, and their valiant crews. Journey backwards through time to sample the best the future has to offer! SPECIAL BONUS FEATURE: The Star Trek Novel Chronology, showing where each book falls in the grand Star Trek saga -- because readers demanded it!

Adventures in Time

by Andre Norton

Collected in one omnibus edition are three of Andre Norton's best known works: 'The Time Traders,' 'The Defiant Agents,' and 'Key Out of Time.' Join Ross Murdock on these three fantastic adventures in time as he's called on to save Terra again and again.

Adventures in Space (Short stories by Chinese and English Science Fiction writers)

by Patrick Parrinder Yao Haijun Leah Cypess Ronald Ferguson Russell James Alex Shvartsman Amdi Silvestri Allen Stroud Eleanor Wood Bao Shu Zhao Haihong Chen Zijun Han Song Wang Jinkang He Xi

If you love the mission of science fiction, the interchange between cultures, the hopeful and inexorable trajectory of technology and ideas, you'll love this anthology of new stories from Chinese and English language writers.An impressive joint project, this outstanding new anthology brings the best of Chinese and English science fiction in a mediation on the theme of Exploration in Space. New, emerging, established and much-lauded writers from both cultures are brought together to demonstrate that technology and humanity when they work together bring challenges, joy and benefits to all of humankind. From Bao Shu comes 'A Trip to the End', from Allen Stroud 'The First', from He Xi 'Never Meet Again in Life', from Amdi Silvestri 'A Minuet of Corpses' and under the guiding eye of Patrick Parrinder (President of the H.G. Wells society) and Yao Haijun (celebrated editor of Science Fiction World in China) thirteen authors create a series of worlds which will enthral and entertain.

Adventures in Space: There Will Be Time, The Enemy Stars, and Fire Time

by Poul Anderson

A trio of mind-blowing explorations of space and time from a multiple Hugo and Nebula Award–winning author, “one of science fiction’s most revered writers” (USA Today). For SFWA Grand Master Poul Anderson, humanity’s expansion into space exploration was the logical extension of the principle of individual liberty and a natural response to profound existential curiosity. He remained endlessly fascinated by the possibilities of limitless frontiers, penning “more milestones in contemporary science fiction and fantasy than any one man is entitled to” (Stephen Donaldson). Here are three of Anderson’s most memorable adventures of time and space travel. There Will Be Time: Born with a strange genetic mutation, Jack Havig can travel backward and forward in time at will. He’s journeyed to ancient Rome and the Wild West—and into the far future, to a world nearly obliterated by nuclear war. But after he is admitted into a secret time-traveling organization, he stumbles upon a horrific plot to irrevocably alter the destiny of humankind. The Enemy Stars: In the twenty-third century, four astronauts hailing from different worlds have been entrusted to explore a long-dead star located light-years beyond where humanity has previously traveled. But when the black sun’s magnetic field destroys their only means of returning home, these four strangers must work together to survive—or together they will perish. Fire Time: Fire Time is coming to Ishtar. This once-in-a-millennium environmental catastrophe occurs when one of the planet’s three suns encroaches on Ishtar’s surface. Indigenous nomadic tribes, desperate to escape scorched homelands that will be rendered uninhabitable, have declared war on their more civilized brethren to claim their territory. Caught in the middle are human colonists from Earth, searching for a solution to both civil war and an approaching apocalypse.

Adventures in Oz

by L. Frank Baum

Explore the wonder of Oz in this collection of books seven through nine in L. Frank Baum's classic American fairy tale series. The seventh, eighth, and ninth titles of the iconic Oz series, now in one collection! In The Patchwork Girl of Oz, the Munchkins Unc Nunkie and Ojo the Unlucky call on the Crooked Magician, who introduces them to his latest creation: a living girl made out of patchwork quilts and cotton stuffing. But when an accident leaves beloved Unc Nunkie a motionless statue, it is up to Ojo to save him. Can the mighty Wizard of Oz help? In Tik-Tok of Oz, Betsy Bobbin and her loyal mule, Hank, wash up on the shores of an unknown fairyland during a storm. There they meet the clockwork man Tik-Tok and find themselves trapped in a battle with the king of the Nomes. In The Scarecrow of Oz, Cap'n Bill and Trot journey to Oz and, with the help of the Scarecrow, overthrow the cruel King Krewl of Jinxland, who has been busy gathering an army for an invasion of Oz. Will they be able to stop the invasion?

Adventures in Oz

by L. Frank Baum

Experience Oz like never before in this collection of books ten through twelve in L. Frank Baum's classic American fairy tale series. The tenth, eleventh, and twelfth titles of the iconic Oz series, now in one collection! In Rinkitink in Oz, Prince Inga of Pingaree must rescue his parents and all of the subjects from his kingdom who were kidnapped by marauders form Regos and Coregos. Prince Inga, along with the visiting King Rinkitink and Bilbil the goat, set off on a series of grand adventures that will lead them to the underground kingdom of the Nome King. Will Inga's bravery and courage be enough to save his parents and all of their subjects? In The Lost Princess of Oz, Ozma, the beloved ruler of Oz, has disappeared, so Dorothy, the Wizard, the Cowardly Lion, and a band of friends must search the vast land of Oz to find her. In The Tin Woodman of Oz, Tin Woodman, Woot the Wanderer, and Captain Fyter set off on a quest to find the lovely Munchkin, Nimmie Amee. Once upon a time, she and the Woodman were going to marry, but then the Wicked Witch of the West turned him to tin. Can the Tin Woodman find Nimmie Amee? And will she remember him?

Adventures in Oz

by L. Frank Baum

Revel in the magic of Oz in this collection of the final three books in L. Frank Baum's classic American fairy tale series. The three concluding titles of the iconic Oz series, now in one collection! In The Magic of Oz, the mischievous Kiki Aru has discovered a magical word that can transform him and anyone else into whatever he wants. Worse yet, Kiki has been recruited by the villainous Nome King in his latest attempt to get revenge on Princess Ozma and all her friends. Can Dorothy and the Wizard stop the evildoers before they conquer Oz? Or will Kiki's incredible powers finally give the Nome King the revenge he has craved for so long? In Glinda of Oz, Dorothy and Ozma journey to a remote part of Oz to stop a war between the Flatheads and the Skeezers. But the Flatheads and Skeezers have a different idea. Soon Ozma and Dorothy are trapped in an amazing crystal-domed city on an enchanted island. The watertight city submerges itself, and only the Wizard and Glinda can save them--but will they make it in time? In The Royal Book of Oz, the Scarecrow goes to search for his family roots. He returns to the cornfield where Dorothy first found him and discovers that he is the Long Lost Emperor of the Silver Island. Will he decide to stay there? Or will he return to Oz?

Adventures in Oz

by L. Frank Baum

For generations L. Frank Baum's Land of Oz books have captured and enthralled millions of readers. These stories are as delightful today as they were the day they were written. This omnibus edition contains the first three books: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The Marvelous Land of Oz, and Ozma of Oz! Now you can join Dorothy as an earthquake sends her to the land of Mangaboos and the vegetable people in the Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz; journey with Dorothy and Toto as they meet the Shaggy Man, Button-Bright, and Polychrome in The Road to Oz; and in The Emerald City of Oz, Dorothy brings Aunty Em and Uncle Henry along for the adventure!

Adventures in Flatfrost

by Robert Mcphillips Jordan Quinn

Prince Lucas and Clara venture to the land of the giants and train Ruskin to control his fire in this fifth chapter book in the fantastical Kingdom of Wrenly series.After a game of hide-and-seek, Prince Lucas and Ruskin are in trouble again. They have melted all the ice in the castle, and the king is not pleased. He sends Lucas and Ruskin to Flatfrost to fetch more ice from the giants who live there. High in the snowy mountains, some new larger-than-life friends lend a helping hand as Lucas, Clara, and Ruskin learn to respect the hard work of others. With easy-to-read language and illustrations on almost every page, The Kingdom of Wrenly chapter books are perfect for beginning readers.

Adventures in Fairyland

by Enid Blyton

One in a series of six classic Enid Blyton tales of goblins, imps, pixies, wizards and magic. This volume contains nine enchanting tales from the land of the weird and wonderful. This is a collection of wicked wizards, evil enchanters, clever children and lots more.

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