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Showing 78,651 through 78,675 of 79,260 results


by John Glasby Paul Lorraine

To the crew of the Exploratory Ship Canopus, outward bound on the first intergalactic voyage to the flaring suns of mighty Andromeda, the evil whisperings that spilled out from the nebula into deep space came as a warning. This was something far beyond their previous experience. Nor were they the only ones to come under the malignant influence of the alien intelligence. In the empty, murmuring void, virtually half-way between the two galaxies of stars, a solitary sun streaked away from Andromeda, dragging its lonely, ammonia-laden planet with it. And it was here that the explorers first gained their glimpse of the black horror that lay straddled across the intergalactic darkness. Something that had being. Something that existed where it seemed impossible that anything could.It fell on Klau-Telph, the only non-Terran on board the Canopus, to finally track down and destroy the inhuman monster that threatened to drive the inhabitants of a trillion planets over the red edge of madness. Not until it was done did he find that the hidden reason behind the insidious whisperings was not what it seemed. In fact, it was something that even he, with his strange double mind, had never thought possible...


by John Glasby Paul Lorraine

To the crew of the Exploratory Ship Canopus, outward bound on the first intergalactic voyage to the flaring suns of mighty Andromeda, the evil whisperings that spilled out from the nebula into deep space came as a warning. This was something far beyond their previous experience. Nor were they the only ones to come under the malignant influence of the alien intelligence. In the empty, murmuring void, virtually half-way between the two galaxies of stars, a solitary sun streaked away from Andromeda, dragging its lonely, ammonia-laden planet with it. And it was here that the explorers first gained their glimpse of the black horror that lay straddled across the intergalactic darkness. Something that had being. Something that existed where it seemed impossible that anything could. It fell on Klau-Telph, the only non-Terran on board the Canopus, to finally track down and destroy the inhuman monster that threatened to drive the inhabitants of a trillion planets over the red edge of madness. Not until it was done did he find that the hidden reason behind the insidious whisperings was not what it seemed. In fact, it was something that even he, with his strange double mind, had never thought possible...

Zero Point

by John Glasby Rand Le Page

Over the long years, ships of the Interplanetary Confederation had scoured the empty wastes surrounding Sol, searching desperately for a sister planet; a companion for the isolated worlds of the Solar System. Of the ships that were sent out, many returned. But always the answer was the same.There were no planets! The worlds of Sol were alone in the Great Dark that swirled across the boundless heavens. It was not until Steve Rane and Nick Brodine, in the Exploratory Ship Vega, reached across the yawning gulf of light years to Sirius, that they found the strange planet that rotated in its complicated orbit around the twin sun. It was an event transcending all others. A discovery that plunged the planets of Sol into the greatest race of all time. For whoever controlled the alien planet, controlled the Solar System. And away from the watchful eye of the IPC it would be possible to build the greatest space armada in history and attack the Interplanetary Confederation without warning.To Steve Rane, the order came from Earth Central. Zero Point has been set for three months hence. The ship of Jupiter must not reach the new planet first.

Zero Point

by John Glasby Rand Le Page

Over the long years, ships of the Interplanetary Confederation had scoured the empty wastes surrounding Sol, searching desperately for a sister planet; a companion for the isolated worlds of the Solar System. Of the ships that were sent out, many returned. But always the answer was the same. There were no planets! The worlds of Sol were alone in the Great Dark that swirled across the boundless heavens. It was not until Steve Rane and Nick Brodine, in the Exploratory Ship Vega, reached across the yawning gulf of light years to Sirius, that they found the strange planet that rotated in its complicated orbit around the twin sun. It was an event transcending all others. A discovery that plunged the planets of Sol into the greatest race of all time. For whoever controlled the alien planet, controlled the Solar System. And away from the watchful eye of the IPC it would be possible to build the greatest space armada in history and attack the Interplanetary Confederation without warning. To Steve Rane, the order came from Earth Central. Zero Point has been set for three months hence. The ship of Jupiter must not reach the new planet first.

The Alien

by Raymond F. Jones

There lived on Mars, 500,000 years ago, a race so intelligent, so superior to ours, that they knew the secret of everlasting life. They chose instead-to have one man come back to life exactly 500,000 years after his death! His reappearance in the Galaxy World was enough to set planet against planet, ideology against ideology, man against man, and life against death.

The Astounding Science Fiction Anthology

by John W. Campbell Jr.

Real Golden Age science-fiction is what you will read here. These stories were written in the forties and fifties for Astounding, now Analog Science Fiction, garnered from many authors considered to be master wordsmiths by an editor who is considered one of the most exacting editors in the field.

Between Planets

by Robert A. Heinlein

The message had seemed simple, yet it was more complex than Don could have imagined. He was being called from Earth to an alien world for reasons unknown--save only that his life depended on it. But setting out for Mars and getting there in good shape turned out to be a lot more complicated than Don ever would have guessed possible. It was trouble enough being inexplicably hounded by Earth's secret police. But when he was hijacked by Venusian rebels, Don suddenly realized that he was trapped in the center of a war between worlds that could change the fate of the Solar System forever.

The Blind Spot

by Homer Eon Flint Austin Hall

What was "The Blind Spot?" A room in San Francisco where strange things happened - or a doorway into another cosmos, a different world, or perhaps the key to the past or future? What would happen if two things occupied the same place at the same time - even such a small space as a single room in a modest house? And if those two things happened to be two worlds - this one and...another?

The Blind Spot

by Homer Eon Flint Austin Hall

What was "The Blind Spot?" A room in San Francisco where strange things happened - or a doorway into another cosmos, a different world, or perhaps the key to the past or future? What would happen if two things occupied the same place at the same time - even such a small space as a single room in a modest house? And if those two things happened to be two worlds - this one and...another?

Born of Luna

by John Russell Fearn Vargo Statten

A deadly meteor swarm approaching the Earth activates ancient Lunar technology buried beneath Earth's surface that results in the birth of Raquilo, the last Selenite, who will save some humans from the meteor storm that millions of years ago destroyed the Moon's atmosphere, oceans and inhabitants. Meanwhile, the balance of power on Earth has shifted to Vilgarth, an arms merchant who, with stolen v-ray technology and an alliance with governments in favor of his plan, wages a world war to take over the planet.

Born of Luna

by John Russell Fearn Vargo Statten

A deadly meteor swarm approaching the Earth activates ancient Lunar technology buried beneath Earth's surface that results in the birth of Raquilo, the last Selenite, who will save some humans from the meteor storm that millions of years ago destroyed the Moon's atmosphere, oceans and inhabitants. Meanwhile, the balance of power on Earth has shifted to Vilgarth, an arms merchant who, with stolen v-ray technology and an alliance with governments in favor of his plan, wages a world war to take over the planet.

The Catalyst

by John Russell Fearn Vargo Statten

The planet Mercury. Forty million miles from the Sun, following his eccentric orbit, one side of him solid with the frost of untold cycles of time, the other molten whereon metals boiled and sizzled in the incredible heat of the sun. A world utterly dead, a terror-planet, but such is the spirit of adventure in Man that even here he was exploring...

The Catalyst (Vargo Statten)

by John Russell Fearn Vargo Statten

The planet Mercury. Forty million miles from the Sun, following his eccentric orbit, one side of him solid with the frost of untold cycles of time, the other molten whereon metals boiled and sizzled in the incredible heat of the sun. A world utterly dead, a terror-planet, but such is the spirit of adventure in Man that even here he was exploring...

The Caves of Fear (Rick Brant, # #8)

by John Blaine

The eighth Rick Brant book starts with Rick Brant and Don Scott receiving a coded telegram, begging for them to go to the Far East and help a friend in danger. The pair leaves for Hong Kong and quickly becomes entangled with a dangerous spy known only as the Long Shadow. The attempt to capture the Long Shadow and rescue their kidnapped friend takes them to the dark caves of Tibet, where Rick becomes hopelessly lost. What happens to him in the caves and the finale with the Long Shadow makes for an outstanding piece of reading.

The Day of the Triffids

by John Wyndham

The influential masterpiece of one of the twentieth century&’s most brilliant—and neglected—science fiction and horror writers, whom Stephen King called &“the best writer of science fiction that England has ever produced.&” &“[Wyndham] avoids easy allegories and instead questions the relative values of the civilisation that has been lost, the literally blind terror of humanity in the face of dominant nature. . . . Frightening and powerful, Wyndham&’s vision remains an important allegory and a gripping story.&”—The Guardian What if a meteor shower left most of the world blind—and humanity at the mercy of mysterious carnivorous plants? Bill Masen undergoes eye surgery and awakes the next morning in his hospital bed to find civilization collapsing. Wandering the city, he quickly realizes that surviving in this strange new world requires evading strangers and the seven-foot-tall plants known as triffids—plants that can walk and can kill a man with one quick lash of their poisonous stingers.

Deadline to Pluto

by John Russell Fearn Vargo Statten

The remains of an exploded radio-active planet reach the outer solar system in the course of their plunge across interstellar space. A massive fragment crashes into Pluto. Earth's scientists determine that it is set to mutate into pure energy which will explode Pluto and threaten the equilibrium of the solar system. A mission is quickly mounted for a spaceship to reach Pluto and neutralise the meteorite before it can trigger a chain reaction. The problem is that the crew will have only 110 hours to reach Pluto, which means a constant acceleration and intense, prolonged physical suffering for the crew, The authoritarian Captain Rapier has his hands full to save the mission when mutiny breaks out...

Deadline to Pluto

by John Russell Fearn Vargo Statten

A classic SF title from the prolific pulp author John Russell Fearn, writing here as Vargo Statten.

The Devouring Fire

by John Russell Fearn Vargo Statten

The advent of space travel with a prototype spaceship using atomic propulsion ignites the Earth's upper atmosphere, causing hot invisible gases to sweep down and make contact with the Earth's surface. Every area touched becomes incandescent. A young scientist who foresees the catastrophe struggles to warn the authorities to take precautions to survive the coming catastrophe...

The Devouring Fire

by John Russell Fearn Vargo Statten

A classic SF title from the prolific pulp author John Russell Fearn, writing here as Vargo Statten.

Dragon's Island

by Jack Williamson

Dane Belfast is a young scientist seeking the whereabouts of a missing geneticist and family friend.A visit to the mysterious Cadman Corporation results in his being drugged and whisked off to a secret location called Dragon's Island, where "not-men" and other strange creatures - as well as human geniuses - seem to be created. Dane can't tell who to trust in this fast-paced adventure, which is the first novel to use the term "genetic engineering".

Empire: With Linked Table Of Contents

by Clifford D. Simak

Who controls power controls the Solar System, and Interplanetary Power, through its power accumulators controls power. Spencer Chambers, the president of Interplanetary Power, used that control to rule the Solar System with an iron thumb that allowed no dissent. When Russell Page and friend Harry Wilson develop an alternative source of power they find themselves drawn into a conflict that will decide the fate of the system, and whether man will live in freedom or as slaves.

Empire: With Linked Table Of Contents

by Clifford D. Simak

Who controls power controls the Solar System, and Interplanetary Power, through its power accumulators controls power. Spencer Chambers, the president of Interplanetary Power, used that control to rule the Solar System with an iron thumb that allowed no dissent. When Russell Page and friend Harry Wilson develop an alternative source of power they find themselves drawn into a conflict that will decide the fate of the system, and whether man will live in freedom or as slaves.

Fundación (Ciclo de la Fundación #Volumen 3)

by Isaac Asimov

Fundación es el tercer volumen del «Ciclo de la Fundación», pero también la primera parte de la original «Trilogía de la Fundación» o «Ciclo de Trántor», que puede leerse independientemente y que fue galardonada con el Premio Hugo a la mejor serie de ciencia ficción de todos los tiempos. Desde hace doce mil años el hombre se ha dispersado por los planetas de la galaxia, unificada alrededor de un Imperio pacífico cuya capital es la majestuosa ciudad de Trántor. El sistema funcionó y prosperó durante incontables generaciones, pero ahora se ha convertido en el centro de todas las intrigas y en símbolo de la corrupción imperial. Solamente Hari Seldon, creador de la psicohistoria -la ciencia revolucionaria que se basa en el estudio matemático de los hechos históricos-, fue capaz de prever el derrumbamiento del Imperio y el retorno a la barbarie durante varios milenios. Tratando de minimizar los efectos de esta catástrofe,Seldon reúne a las mentes más brillantes del Imperio y establece dos Fundaciones en ambos extremos de la galaxia. Fundación narra la historia de la primera.

Galactic Storm

by John Brunner

GALACTIC STORM tells the tale of a young genius who uses a supercomputer to discover an alarming trend of global warming that will see half the world's ice-caps melted within fifty years. This leads to an expedition to the South Pole to investigate the problem, and from there to the discovery of a sinister plot of extraterrestrial origin...

Galactic Storm

by John Brunner

GALACTIC STORM tells the tale of a young genius who uses a supercomputer to discover an alarming trend of global warming that will see half the world's ice-caps melted within fifty years. This leads to an expedition to the South Pole to investigate the problem, and from there to the discovery of a sinister plot of extraterrestrial origin...

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Showing 78,651 through 78,675 of 79,260 results