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Showing 78,751 through 78,775 of 79,260 results


by W. A. Harbinson

GENESIS is a once-in-a-lifetime novel of searing terror and explosive excitement. There is a global conspiracy of such enormity that those who encounter even its outermost fringes are inevitably contaminated. A conspiracy based on incredibly advanced technology of 'Earthly' origin. A conspiracy dedicated to the eventual enslavement and subversion of humanity as we know it. A conspiracy stretching through time - across icy polar wastes and jungle hideouts... into the cold vacuum of space itself. A conspiracy poised to turn life on Earth into a chilling nightmare of living death. Unless... GENESIS is more - much more - than a gripping, frighteningly plausible story. It is the reading experience that will alter the way you look at your world... and your universe!

The Company of Glass

by Valery Leith

To save the future of his country, a warrior must first confront his tragic past.<P> The Key of Knowledge Opens the Door to Power....<P> Everien: A high civilization, long vanished but for the enigmatic Knowledge left sleeping in its very stones.<P> The Sekk: Beautiful. Terrifying. Enemies to the Clans who settle in Everien. Only the Knowledge can defeat them.<P> The Company: Queen Ysse's elite warrior cadre, lost on a quest for Knowledge in the floating city of Jai Pendu.<P> Tarquinn the Free: Leader of the Company and its sole survivor. Once he knelt brokenhearted at the feet of Queen Ysse, vowing to leave Everien--forever. But the Queen is dead, and forever is a long time. Eighteen years later....Queen Ysse's successor cannot control the Clans or the Sekk. The Pharician Empire threatens to invade. The orphan, Istar, is grown and wields her father's sword. And soon the tide will carry Jai Pendu--and the Company--home.

The Tranquility Wars

by Gentry Lee

A novel of an interplanetary conflict in the solar system.

Star Trek 12

by James Blish J. A. Lawrence


by R. A. Lafferty

The Paradox of Reality... Or the paradox of R. A. Lafferty? There is noone quite like him. He has earned a reputation for original and imaginative writing, with a sharp -bladed humor that is unlike anything ever written -- he has a Hugo Award and the appreciation and amazement of his peers to prove it. Apocalypses, like most of Lafferty's works, is one of those rare books that is impossible to categorize -- its it science fiction, fantasy, poetry, "horror/comedy," historical fiction? You will have to judge for yourself. But one thing you can be sure of -- it is like nothing else you've ever read! Contains: Where Have You Been Sandaliotis? and The Three Armageddons of Enniscorthy Sweeney.

Elvenbane (Halfblood Chronicles, Book #1)

by Andre Norton Mercedes Lackey

1st book in the Halfblood series.

Jupiter Project (Jupiter Project #1)

by Gregory Benford

The Jovian Astronautical-Biological Orbital Laboratory circles Jupiter and its moons--a metal shell bathed in lethal radiation, held in tenuous place by the gravity of the massive gas giant like a fragile glass ornament in a monstrous fist. For seventeen-year-old Matt Bohles and his friends, "the Can" is home.<P> Life onboard the aging space station is cramped, spartan, and dangerous. Its mission--to monitor incoming signals and transmissions in search of alien life--has so far proven fruitless.<P> It is the only world Matt has ever known.<P> But now, as the threshold of adulthood--with its onset of new questions, confusions and feelings --Matt Bohles faces an impending crisis that threatens everything he knows and is. For unless he can prove himself an invaluable member of the scientific team--and quickly--he will be exiled to a filthy, perilous and unfamiliar hell called Earth.

Relics and Omens (Tales of the Fifth Age #1)

by Margaret Weis Tracy Hickman

Old companions and fresh heroes. New and ever more fantastical creatures and monsters. Banished gods and lost magic. Dragon overlords are taking over the world of Krynn. The Chaos War is ending. The Fifth Age is beginning.

Chilling Stories from Rod Serling's The Twilight Zone

by Rod Serling Walter B. Gibson

From the forward: HERE Is a parade of strange, uncanny stories, all newly written and orjginal in treatment. To give them authenticity, they have been based in varying degree upon well-recorded incidents or experiences in which many persons have sincerely and implicitly believed; particularly those who participate in weird events. As a result, these tales combine the elements of actuality and fantasy, putting them in that bourne where they so rightfully belong-The Twilight Zone.

The Water of Thought

by Fred Saberhagen

Planeteer Boris Brazil visiting backwater colony planet with intelligent natives whose rituals center around a liquid with unpredictable effects on the earth-descended. After another planeteer drinks the Water of Thought and goes berserk, Boris follows him into the wilderness, and ultimately learns what the water is and how it works on the native species.

Thorn (Dracula #4)

by Fred Saberhagen

A Love Affair for the Ages. Five hundred years ago their paths first crossed. He possessed her totally, not quite against her will. Until she fled. And was captured. And was punished. And fled. And is fleeing still…<P> Dracula tells the story of his life and his great love before he became undead. The portrait of his beloved from those precious living days is in the hands of villains. The Prince must pursue and possess this link with his breathing life. The Southerlands, particularly Judy, are ready to assist an old friend of the family.

Beowulf's Children

by Larry Niven Jerry Pournelle Steven Barnes

Sequel to The Legacy Of Heoroth.

The Shadow Matrix (Darkover #25)

by Marion Zimmer Bradley

The direct successor to "Exile's Song" finds Margaret Alton mastering a newly found gift and falling in love.


by Clive Barker

Weaveworld begins with a rug-a wondrous, magnificent rug-into which a world has been woven. It is the world of the Seerkind, a people more ancient than man, who possess raptures-the power to make magic. In the last century they were hunted down by an unspeakable horror known as the Scourge, and, threatened with annihilation, they worked their strongest raptures to weave themselves and their culture into a rug for safekeeping. Since then, the rug has been guarded by human caretakers. The last of the caretakers has just died. Vying for possession of the rug is a spectrum of unforgettable characters: Suzanna, granddaughter of the last caretaker, who feels the pull of the Weaveworld long before she knows the extent of her own powers; Calhoun Mooney, a pigeon-raising clerk who finds the world he's -always dreamed of in a fleeting glimpse of the rug; Immacolata, an exiled Seerkind witch intent on destroying her race even if it means calling back the Scourge; and her sidekick, Shadwell, the Salesman, who will sell the Weaveworld to the highest bidder. In the course of the novel the rug is unwoven, and we travel deep into the glorious raptures of the Weaveworld before we witness the final, cataclysmic struggle for its possession. Barker takes us to places where we have seldom been in fiction-places terrifying and miraculous, humorous and profound. With keen psychological insight and prodigious invention, his trademark graphic vision balanced by a spirit of transcendent promise, Barker explores the darkness and the light, the magical and the monstrous, and celebrates the triumph of the imagination.

Shadows 2

by Charles L. Grant

An anthology of short horror stories including:<P> Introduction · Charles L. Grant<P> Saturday's Shadow · William F. Nolan<P> Night Visions · Jack Dann<P> The Spring· Manly Wade Wellman<P> Valentine · Janet Fox<P> Mackintosh Willy · Ramsey Campbell<P> Dragon Sunday · Ruth Berman<P> The White King's Dream · Elizabeth A. Lynn<P> The Chair · Alan Dean Foster & Jane Cozart<P> Clocks · Barry N. Malzberg & Bill Pronzini<P> Holly, Don't Tell · Juleen Brantingham <P> The Old Man's Will · Lee Wells<P> The Closing Off of Old Doors · Peter D. Pautz<P> Dead End · Richard Christian Matheson<P> Seasons of Belief · Michael Bishop<P> Petey · T. E. D. Klein<P>

Preditor (Isaac Asimov's Robots in Time)

by Isaac Asimov

When the MC Governor breaks itself down into six component robots and launches its parts into the remote past, only an experimental robot named Hunter and a hastily assembled team of human experts have a chance to retrieve them.

Ragnarok (Star Trek: No. 3)

by Nathan Archer

Star Wars: Under a Black Sun Trilogy (Young Jedi Knights, Books 12-14)

by Kevin J. Anderson Rebecca Moesta


Changing Women (A Woman of the Iron People, #2)

by Eleanor Arnason

Earthborn Lixia, a vistor from her damaged planet, and Nia, a primitive outcast, exiled for committing a transgression unheard of in her society, unite by circumstance and travel together across a perilous continent.

Isaac Asimov's Inferno (Caliban Trilogy #2)

by Roger Macbride Allen

In a Universe protected by the Three Laws of Robotics, humans are safe... When a key politician is murdered, suspicion falls on Caliban...the only robot without guilt or conscience, with no need to obey or respect humanity...a robot without the Three Laws. But the stakes go deeper than one man's life. Caliban is challenging long-held ideas of a robot's place in society. Will he lead his New Law robots in a rebellion that threatens all of humanity?

The Price of Victory (Thieves' World Omnibus #3)

by Robert Lynn Asprin Lynn Abbey

Includes Aftermath, Uneasy Alliances, and Stealer's Sky.

Star Trek 10

by James Blish

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