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Showing 78,976 through 79,000 of 79,379 results

Wheel of the Infinite

by Martha Wells

With chaos in the wind, a woman with a shadowy past has returned to Duvalpore. A murderer and traitor--an exile disgraced, hated, and feared, and haunted by her own guilty conscience--Maskelle has been summoned back to help put the world right. Once she was the most enigmatic of the Voices, until cursed by her own actions. Now, in the company of Rian--a skilled and dangerously alluring swordsman--she must confront dread enemies old and new, and a cold, stalking malevolence unlike any she has ever encountered. <P> For if Maskelle cannot unearth the cause of the Wheel of the Infinite's accelerating disintegration--if she cannot free herself from the ghosts of the past and focus on the catastrophe to come--the world will plunge headlong into the terrifying abyss toward which it is recklessly hurtling. And all that is, ever was, and will be will end.

What Ho, Magic!

by Tanya Huff

Tanya Huff, the acclaimed writer of the Blood and Kigh series, is also a fantastic short story writer. What Ho, Magic! is a collection of fifteen of Tanya's short stories: "I'll Be Home for Christmas" "Word of Honor" "Shing Li-ung", "First Love, Last Love" "The Harder They Fall" "February Thaw" "The Chase is On" "A Debt Unpaid" "Symbols are a Percussion Instrument" "Underground" "A Midsummer Night's Dream Team" Four stories featuring Vicki, Henry, and Mike from her Blood series: "This Town Ain't Big Enough" "What Manner of Man" "The Cards Also Say" "The Vengeful Spirit of Lake Nepeakea". This is also the first printing of her new novella: "The Vengeful Spirit of Lake Nepeaka". With an introduction to the book by Michelle Sagara West.

The Wings of Pegasus

by Anne Mccaffrey

From Publishers Weekly McCaffrey continues to develop her future world in which psionic Talents, once feared and despised, are by now necessary to the comfort and conduct of society. Following the events in To Ride, Pegasus and set a generation or so before The Rowan , this era finds mankind not yet having settled planets outside the solar system. Even with officially mandated birth control, the world teems with too many people. Essential to the construction of a space station being built to serve as springboard to the stars are the services of the Talents--particularly the telekinetics, who can move objects by mental power. Telepath Rhyssa Owen, a top official of the Center for Parapsychic Talents, must contend with the station's construction manager, who treats Talents brutally and otherwise discourages them from working for her. Meanwhile two youngsters are found to be unusually Talented: Peter Reidinger overcomes paralysis to develop the first gestalt with electrical generators (this becomes the basis for future space travel), while Tirlap, an illegal child from the vertical slums, facilitates communication among a wide variety of cultures. Meanwhile, kidnappers prey on children for pederastic pursuits and for spare parts. McCaffrey's world of the Talented is as vivid as that of Pern and its dragons.

The Wooden Sea

by Jonathan Carroll

From the moment a three-legged dog limps into the comfortable life of Police Chief Frannie McCabe and drops dead at his feet, McCabe finds himself thrust into a new world of unaccountable miracles and disturbing wonders. The small town of Crane's View, New York, has long been a reassuringly familiar place for Frannie, a haven full of small comforts and domestic harmony, but now he finds himself afflicted by strange and inexplicable omens, such as a mysterious, multicolored feather that keeps insinuating itself into his past, present, and future, all of which now converge to throw Frannie's once ordinary life into doubt. Like it or not, Frannie has come face-to-face with the uncanny, and what he does over the next few days may have unforeseen consequences for the entire world. A rich stew of intrigue, wonder, and redemption, The Wooden Sea is Jonathan Carroll's most aous and visiodate. Books

The Years of the City

by Frederik Pohl


The Winds of Altair

by Ben Bova

A War Of Shadows

by Jack L. Chalker

The Wicked Day (Arthurian Saga #4)

by Mary Stewart

Born of an incestuous relationship between King Arthur and his half sister, the evil sorceress Morgause, the bastard Mordred is reared in secrecy. Called to Camelot by events he cannot deny, Mordred becomes Arthur’s most trusted counselor -- a fateful act that leads to the "wicked day of destiny" when father and son must face each other in battle

The White Plague

by Frank Herbert

The Spirit of Dorsai (Childe Cycle #5)

by Gordon R. Dickson

The Dorsai are the finest soldiers ever trained to fight and win against all odds. The Spirit of Dorsai is an illumination of the heart and soul of the planet Dorsai and its people, showing with epic clarity and unforgettable vision how why the Dorsai fight and live. It tells of the beginning when the first Dorsai was former by mercenaries willing to fight other's battles to buy freedom for their own homes. It tells how even children and old men fought for the dream of Dorsai. From the mouth of Amanda Morgan, direct descendant of two illustrious women who bore her name, the full story is told in all its splendour.

The Shining Court

by Michelle Sagara

Book Three in the Sun Sword series.


by Greg Egan

Time Pressure (Lifehouse Triology #2)

by Spider Robinson

A strange blue light has brought a visitor from the future to an American commune in Nova Scotia. The visitor's name is Rachel, a beautiful woman from another civilization... and another time. Her one-way mission is simple: collect data on the past of the human race.<P> But why does she risk immortality for this mission? Why are her methods so seductive, so devastating? And will this emissary from the future destroy Earth's past?<P> Only time will tell.

The Tower of Geburah (Archives of Anthropos #3)

by John S. White

One moment Wesley, Kurt and Lisa are poking around in their uncle's attic. The next moment they have stepped into the magical world of Anthropos, where their help is needed to free a king and defeat the powers of evil.

A Tremor in the Bitter Earth (Tielmaran Chronicles/Katya Reiman #2)

by Katya Reimann James Frenkel

It is a time for celebration in Tielmark, at long last free from the age-old rule of the decadent but powerful Bissanty empire. Yet as the young glamour witch Gaultry Blas travels to witness the sacred rites which will renew her prince's magical bond to the land and its twin goddesses, she has no idea of the trials that await her and all Tielmark. Foiling an attempt by Bissanty assassins to taint the prince with dark, poisonous magic, she finds herself thrown in the midst of a sinister and dangerous plot. With one of the assassins as her unlikely ally, she must journey deep into the heart of Bissanty- where it will take her skill and magic to uncover the last hidden ties that bind Tielmark's destiny to that of its depraved former masters...

Son of Darkness

by Josepha Sherman

As curator of the Mesopotamian Art at the American Museum of Art In New York City, Denise Sheridan has seen many unusual things. Ilaron Highborn, art gallery owner and Dark Elf is unusual. Now, together they will have to stop a Sumerian demon from destroying the city of Manhattan!

The Spheres of Heaven

by Charles Sheffield

Spacer Chan Dalton is torn between two masters. The pacifist aliens who hold Earth under Quarantine want him to find out why their starships have been disappearing in the Geyser Swirl, the Bermuda Triangle of the galaxy. Earth's military, which has secretly discovered a way to break the quaran tine, assumes that someone out there is making ships vanish, including Earth's, and wants Dalton to find the culprits and hopefully stop them with extreme prejudice, if necessary. The trouble is, the aliens hold the taking of intelligent life, even in self- defense, to be the greatest of sins. It was Earth's violent ways (in defense of the damned pacifist aliens!) that led to the quarantine in the first placeand if Dalton is forced to fight, it will unveil, and so destroy, Earth's final chance to reach for the stars again. So when Dalton does indeed discover the hostile invaders responsible for the lost starships, he is faced with an impossible decision: Fight and lose access to space forever; or allow a rapa cious enemy to run riot over all that he holds dear. . . .

Cowboy Feng's Space Bar and Grille

by Steven Brust

Cowboy Feng's Space Bar and Grille serves the best matzoh ball soup in the Galaxy, and hires some of the best musicians you'll ever hear. It's a great place to visit, but it tends to move around—just one step ahead of whatever mysterious conspiracy is reducing whole worlds to radioactive ash. And Cowboy Feng's may be humanity's last hope for survival.<P> Steven Brust's time-traveling, science fiction thriller is a rollicking, fun read.

Snow White and Red Rose

by Patricia C. Wrede

Snow White and Rose Red live on the edge of the forest that conceals the elusive border of Faerie. They know enough about Faerie lands and mortal magic to be concerned when they find two human sorcerers setting spells near the border. And when the kindly, intelligent black bear wanders into their cottage some months later, they realize the connection between his plight and the sorcery they saw in the forest.


by Frederik Pohl

FREDERIK POHL They were the best and the brightest. The search had been long and thorough but, at last, four couples- eight extremely intelligent, very beautiful men and women--had been chosen to crew Man's first mission to another stellar system. So what if he'd had to fudge the results a little, Dr. Dieter von Knefhausen thought. There was no reason why the glow of his scientific vision should be dimmed by the unavailability of an otherwise good subject--what's one murder, more or less, in the name of science? After all, he had a Master Plan! The Lunar Farside Observatory had reported an Earth-size planet in orbit around Alpha Centauri. This was to be their destination and the source of the fuel for their return trip. And all would have gone according to Knefhausen's plan if it hadn't been for the Russians; if it weren't for the kaons; if the damned crew Man's first mission to a stellar system.en it wasn't a


by Stanley Schmidt

Tweedlioop was on Earth as part of his training as a potential heir to the ruler of his planet, many light years away. When the ship that brought him crashed and Tweedlioop was the only survivor, he was set at the mercy of Earth and its inhabitants. Some were kind and understanding toward him. Bill Nordstrom saved him from wolves in the Alaskan wild; Danni, a smart, sympathetic lawyer, battled the authorities for Tweedlioop's custody, and her daughter Laurie became Tweedlioop's one true friend. They all wanted to help Tweedlioop return to his people. But the U.S. government didn't. They trapped Tweedlioop, to test him, and to hold him hostage. They planned to trade him for the key to his people's stardrive. If his friends were quick and sharp, Tweedlioop would not remain a pawn in a deadly game against his powerful elders. If not, when the ship came it would be too late... for all of Earth, and for Tweedlioop.

Nebula Award Winners 12

by Gordon R. Dickson

This anthology contains: A Crowd of Shadows by Charles L. Grant; Breath's a Ware That Will Not Keep by Thomas F. Monteleone; Tricentennial by Joe Haldeman; In the Bowl by John Varley; Science Fiction in the Marketplace by Algis Budrys; The Academic Viewpoint by James Gunn; The Bicentennial Man by Isaac Asimov; and Houston Houston Do You Read by James Tiptree Jr.

Helmet of Navarre

by Burke Wilkinson

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