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by Dave Duncan

A Notorious Killer Stalks the King. The world's most deadly assassin has been hired to kill King Ambrose. Once again King's Daggers are plunged into danger, because only White Sister Emerald can identify the killer's magic and only Sir Stalwart knows what he looks like. The two must trap the killer before he can strike the king -- or at them. As the trial of death leads back to Ironhall, the swordsmen school Stalwart so recently left, he finds he is a boy sent to do a man's job -- and Emerald is a girl sent to do a boy's.

The Best of Robert Silverberg

by Robert Silverberg

Collection of 10 stories: "Road to Nightfall," "Warm Man," "To See the Invisible Man," "The Sixth Palace," "Flies," "Hawksbill Station" (1967 Nebula finalist, 1968 Hugo finalist, best novella), "Passengers" (1969 Nebula winner, 1970 Hugo finalist, best short story), "Nightwings" (1969 Hugo winner, 1968 Nebula finalist, best novella), "Sundance," "Good News from the Vatican" (1971 Nebula winner, best short story).

Tales From Planet Earth

by Arthur C. Clarke

Fourteen classic hard science fiction stories by a master of the genre.


by Edward Bryant

In the city at the center of time, paradox is just another urban renewal project. All time and all possibilities converge in the city of Cinnabar. to experience its magic you must: Seek entrances both near and far... Cross uncountable parsecs and millennia... Look beyond the mirror... Try that odd freeway exit you've never taken... Follow the yellow brick road... Turn left at the north star and go straight on till morning... Or... use this book as your map. Here are some of your traveling companions: Tourmaline Hayes, beautiful Network sex star, the compleat tourist. Obregon, the completely nonspecialized scientist and inventor of a time machine. Leah Sand, melancholy media artist. Jade Blue, the computer-created cat-mother. Cougar Lou Landis, once a pudgy adolescent, now the last hero. Sidhe, the great white shark that voyaged 350 million years. Harry Vincent Blake, a 20th century student who fell down the rabbit hole. Terminex, the ultimate, though only intermittently sane, computer. These and many more will accompany you on a phantasmagorical expedition through a city where the choice of alternatives, be they biological, social, or technological, is infinite. Among the Dead, Bryant's first book, was grim in tone; though at the core there were as many affirmative as negative visions. Still the book's predominant portraits were painted in shades of gray to black. Bryant was exorcising his nightmares. Cinnabar, on the other hand, is written in splashes of brighter-than-life color, supplied from the palette of Bryant's better dreams. It is the author's hope that at some point in the reading of this book, you'll wish you were in Cinnabar rather than where you are now. Because of Ed's financial needs, almost all the profits from this book go directly to Ed. Donations to help with Ed's medical and other financial needs are also most appreciated via Thank you! Critical Acclaim for Edward Bryant and Among the Dead "Not since Harlan Ellison has there been so energetic an author; when you read Bryant, you are in good hands." —Theodore Sturgeon, New York Times "These are contemporary horror stories with monsters more frightening than old-fashioned ghosts and vampires." —Kirkus Reviews. "Compelling and totally unnerving." —Chicago Tribune "Brilliant, mythopoeic science fiction stories of events leading to the Apocalypse." —E. Nelson Hayes, Boston Patriot Ledger "...a finely crafted example of justifiable paranoia in black and white; poetic, surrealistic, cynically humorous, and all too believable." —Jim Anderson, Colorado Daily "Bryant is a major talent." —Richard Lupoff, Algol. "...his first book is very good indeed. Bryant writes both black humor and weird tales with a flair." —Olga Curtis, Denver Post "...the work of a very gifted author and the most impressive science-fiction collection by a new writer in many years." —Kirby McCauley, Minneapolis Sunday Tribune

The Silver Stallion

by James Branch Cabell

Today, Cabell is recognized by some as one of the first contemporary writers from the South. He is also noted for his unique ability to blend classic myths and legends with his own imagination; and is considered a pioneer of fantasy writing. The book begins: They relate how Dom Manuel that was the high Count of Poictesme, and was everywhere esteemed the most lucky and the least scrupulous rogue of his times, had disappeared out of his castle at Storisende, without any reason or forewarning, upon the feast day of St. Michael and All the Angels. They tell of the confusion and dismay which arose in Dom Manuel's lands when it was known that Manuel the Redeemer-thus named because he had redeemed Poictesme from the Northmen, through the aid of Miramon Lluagor, with a great and sanguinary magic,- was now gone, quite inexplicably out of these lands

The Silent Strength of Stones

by Nina Kiriki Hoffman

It is a season of many wonders, with many secrets ripe for discovering ...and some best left in shadow, unexplored. Summer has come to Sauterelle Lake. And inquisitive young Nick is discovering many things he doesn't want to know: About a pretty girl with hypnotic eyes who talks to his soul... About a wild creature--a wolf--whose features shine with an intelligent, un-lupine knowing... About a strange, inhospitable family occupying a cabin that is meant to be empty. This summer, nature's magic is not the only sorcery traveling on the wind. And the real trick will be surviving until the autumn.


by A. E. Van Vogt

The Slans are a super-race, capable of mind-reading, and equipped with bodies many times more resistant to fatigue than ordinary mortals. But they live in constant fear of discovery, for the rewards are great if anyone should capture a Slan, dead or alive. Jommy Cross was their only hope. He alone had the secret of his father's invention; he alone was capable of proving that the Slans' knowledge could benefit mankind.<P><P> Hugo Award Winner


by Charles Sheffield

Songs From the Stars

by Norman Spinrad

Centuries after the big smash, the successor civilization of Aquaria more or less flourishes on the west coast of what was once the United States, a society built on White Science, following the "law of muscle, sun, wind and water." Only the sorcerers of Space Systems, Inc., dare traffic in the "Black Sciences" of atomic, petroleum and physics which destroyed the old golden age of space, for they alone know of the higher destiny that awaits man in the abandoned Big Ear space station. For centuries, they have secretly infiltrated Aquarius through the gray town of La Mirage while crafting a spaceship capable of reaching the Big Ear and turning man's ears once more to the mysterious Songs from the Stars. Now, through the Aquarians Clear Blue Lou, perfect master of the Clear Blue Way, and Sunshine Sue, queen of the Word of Mouth communication network, they scheme to bring their ultimate scenario to fruition. Sex, love, emotion, karma, destiny, perhaps even The Way itself, all become elements in the scenario of Arnold Harker, Black Scientist, sorcerer, project manager of Operation Enterprise. But when Clear Blue Lou, Sunshine Sue and Arnold Harker finally confront the interstellar brotherhood of sentient beings, they find, each in his way, that The Galactic Way utterly transcends their hopes, wildest dreams and darkest fears. In this novel of science, mysticism and their ultimate synergistic fusion, Norman Spinrad once again demonstrates his power to create a vivid future that encompasses our dreams of space. "Songs from the Stars" is good old-fashioned science fiction set free from its old-fashioned puritan taboos... "Clear Blue Lou is a judge of the tribes in post-atomic Aquaria, an isolated national fragment in a broken world. Apparently there is no authority in Aquaria, not even a father figure, except for the circuit-riding judiciary which hears cases and speaks justice by inspiration.... We find ourselves following Lou on a traditional Quest for the secret of the Dark Power, led of course by his soul-guide anima.... Clear Blue Lou and Sunshine Sue are destined for each other...bound together by the dark power, as a god hero and his consort would be...." Walter M. Miller, Jr., author of A Canticle for Leibowitz "The blue of Clear Blue Lou and the yellow of Sunshine Sue mix to make the greening of Earth and the rest of the cosmos.... Remarkable...beautiful.... This is one of the uplifting works I've read...not a false word uttered." Philip Jose Farmer, author of the Riverworld series "Norman Spinrad is in top form for this one. A fine book, brilliantly written. I enjoyed every page of it." Roger Zelazny, author of the Amber series "Dense and meaty, if Norman considers it a sin, as I do, to bore the reader or waste his time.... Spinrad leads the reader gently toward wider and more awesome vistas, expanding his mind as he goes." Larry Niven, co-author of The Mote in God's Eye and Lucifer's Hammer "This is perhaps Spinrad's finest novel-deft, powerful, with ideas that ricochet through the story. A fascinating vision of a very different future, with hope and ambition of its own, unhobbled by the past." Gregory Benford, author of In the Ocean of Night "Spinrad's excitingly unique imagination is at its best. He thinks with great daring and there is an unusual quality of poetry in his visions." Gene Roddenberry, creator of Star Trek

The Ring (The Sword, the Ring, and the Chalice trilogy #2)

by Deborah Chester

A long-lost talismen helps a rebel princess and a half-elvin courtier realize the destiny that they share.


by Doris Piserchia

Free Amazons Of Darkover

by Marion Zimmer Bradley

BY THE POWER OF BLADE AMD WAP1DI Spells cast... demons raised... warriors called to arms... dragons unchained... gods challenged... it all happens in the imaginative, adventure-filled realms of SWORD AND SORCERESS. And, in this third volume of stories specially selected by the Wise Woman of Darkover, Marion Zimmer Bradley, bestselling author of CITY OF SORCERY THENDARA HOUSE, and THE MISTS OFAVALOPf, you'll meet exciting new talents and be captivated by such veterans of trials by battle and enchantment as Diana Paxson, Jennifer Roberson, and Charles Saunders.


by Vivian Vande Velde

The Space Merchants

by Frederik Pohl C. M. Kornbluth

The Book of Earth (Dragon Quartet #1)

by Marjorie Bradley Kellogg

Sensing that something has gone horribly wrong, Erde, the daughter of a powerful Lord, flees her father's castle to find the dragon called Earth and its mage, the only beings that can save her world from swiftly spreading madness.

The Book of Water (Dragon Quartet #2)

by Marjorie Bradley Kellogg

The second novel in the tetralogy encompasses the years from 913 to 2013, when the shape-shifting dragon Water summons her ally Earth and his human guide, the girl Erde, on a mission to save the planet from environmental destruction.

The Chrysalids

by John Wyndham Michael Joseph


by John Barnes

In the wake of the Meme Wars that swept the world two generations before, fifty-five-year-old Currie Curran, his wife, and almost everyone on Earth have in their minds a copy of Resuna, biological ' software that grants its users limited telepathy and enforces f a kind of universal cooperativeness within the global collective of "One True." In his younger days, Currie hunted "cowboys"--people who had unplugged from the global net in order to evade One True. Now Currie is called back from retirement and charged with the task of capturing Lobo, the last cowboy still at large. Thoroughly equipped, comprehensively connected to the global net, Currie set out to bring Lobo in. Instead, Lobo captures Currie and manages to deprogram him. Thrown back on his own natural intelligence and courage for the first time in twenty-five years, Currie finds himself in a battle of minds with his captor...with results that will change the lives of everyone on Earth.

Jupiter's Daughter

by Tom Hyman

A chilling tale of genetic engineering and greed that explodes into a volitile mixture. Robin Cook and Michael Crichton fans will love this one.

Dark of the Moon (Kencyrath #2)

by P. C. Hodgell

She ventured into lands unknown to keep a date with destiny. Sequel to God Stalk.

Dark of the Gods (Talisman #1 & #2)

by P. C. Hodgell

Whether you are meeting the Kencyr Jame for the first time or reawakening an old friendship, Dark of the Gods is the place to start. This is an omnibus collection of P. C. Hodgell's first two books God Stalk and Dark of the Moon, along with her short story "Bones," which takes place between the two novels. Jame is a Kencyrath, the chosen people of the Three-Faced God, who fights the demonic entity called Perimal Darkling. At the same time she fights an internal battle for her honor, because three thousand years ago the leader of the Kencyrath betrayed his people to the Darkness for his own immortality. She also must find her ten year older twin brother Tori and return to him the sword and ring of their father. If that is not enough, she has to kill a god, resurrect a god, stand before the rathorns, wear the cloak of living snakes and visit a council room ablaze with stained glass.

Lodge of the Lynx (Adept #2)

by Katherine Kurtz Deborah Turner Harris

The sequel to The Adept finds the Adept, in his guise as psychiatrist Adam Sinclair, continuing his battle againsts the forces of Darkness, embodied in the druidic cult, the Lodge of the Lynx, which threatens all of Scotland.

Isaac's Universe Volume 1: The Diplomacy Guild

by Martin Greenberg

A collection of classic short stories by various authors with an introduction by Isaac Asimov.

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